O HAZELWOOD NEWS Edwin" Pote'fit' is spending the week in Swannanoa with relatives. Mrs- M. B. Rhodes of Jackson ville, Fla. has returned to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gaddy. Mr.-Homer Scruggs of Lenoir spent the holidays with relatives and friends. Messrs. Oscar Knight and Dewey Brendle returned Monday to New- port News, Va. after spending the holidays with their families. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt and sons of Lenoir spent the holidays with relatives and friends. Miss Barnard left Thursday for Beach N. C, where she will spend the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waflls return ed to their home in Newport News, Va. Monday after spending the holi days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Benfield of Le noir spent the holidays with the let ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McElroy, on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Grover C-awford and daughter, Lucile. of Hieh Point, spent the holidays with relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Whitener of Gastonia spent the holidays with the tatter's sister, Mrs. M. P Blanton, on Church street. They returned -Monday afid were accompanied by Mrs. Blanton who will spend some time visiting in Gastonia. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt was called 4c Brevard on Chrstmas day by the ill ness of her uncle, Mr. J. B. S- Mc Intosh, who formerly lived in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hoyle of Hopewell, Va. spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J B. Hoyle- They were accompanied by Miss veirr.a Hoyle who has spent .-urrv time in Hopewell. Mr. Donald M. Hyatt spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. A. Hyatt, during the holidays. He returned the day after Christ mas to Durham where he will resume his studies at Duke .University. Of much interest to the host of their friends is the following an nouncement: Mr. Jack Cambridge Fisher announces the marriage of his daugh ter Clara Marie to Mr. Claud Newton Allen on Friday the twenty-fifth of De cember, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, Asheville, North Carolina. Caught. Jerry: You used to boast that your love for pretty girls was just a pass ing fancy, And yet you got married. Jim: Yes, I lingered too long in passing the last one. 1 SCHEDULE CHANGES ANNOUNCED by the SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Effective Sunday, January 3rd, 3932 Lv. No. 17 7:30 AM 8:08 AM 8:32 AM 9:33 AM 10:15 AM 12:01 PM 12:30 PM Ar Central Time No. 18 Asheville Ar. 2.10 PM Canton 1:24 PM Waynesville 1:00 PM Sylva 12:00 PM Bryson 11:15 AM Andrews 9:30 AM Murphy Lv. 9:00 AM Effective this same date, trains numbers 19 and and 20, now operating between Asheville and Bry son City will be discontinued, except that on Jan uary 3rd, Train No. 19 will be operated between Asheville and Bryson for the accommodation of teachers and students returning to schools for re opening January 4th. No. 5 12:30 PM Lv. 1:40 PM 2:50 PM Ar Eastern Time Hendersonville Brevard Lake Toxaway J. H. WOOD, Div. Pass. Southern Railway System, Asheville, N. C. No. 6 Ar. 10:00 AM 8:25 AM Lv. 7:00AM That's Differ eat Freddie and hk beloved came to a field, where stood, a ferocious 1 look ing . bull. "Are we going across?" asked the young lady.. Freddie looked at the angry ani mal and shook his head. "But, darling," she exclaimed, "you said you'd face death gladly for me." "I know," he assured her: "but that bull's very much alive." Terrible Happening Miss Buggs: My, how I dread to think of ray 30th birthday. Mrs. Webb: Something terrible must have happened on that day that you remember it after all these years! WANTED to exchange two dry cows for a good work horse or one fresh cow. Apply to Lee V. Rogers, Clyde, N. C. Jan-17pd FOUNTAIN PENS REPAIRED at THE WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY by I. H. Tfaackston LEGAL NOTICES TAXI Service Day and Night Herman Martin Call .70-J Renew Your Health ; 1 by Purification W. 198 feet to a Spanish oak; thence IS- 25 W. 2391 feet to a hickory; ! thence S. 38 W. 363 feet to a black j gum at the branch; thence S. 52 W. ' 66&-i feet to a dogwood; thence 'N. 69 W. 288 feet to a maple on the ! bank of the river; thence to the cen ; ter of the river; thence dawn the I river to the Beginning, containing I 131.85 acres more or less. Together , with a right of way for a road or 1 the use of the lands of the aid Mattie Turner and Mollie Allison from a point in the present road way I at said branch near the Beginning I corner along said road way down the I river to the present ford of the riv er, which said road snail De 14 leet in width and across which no fence shall be built nor gates nor bars constructed eyeept by consent." This the 29th day of December, 931 JNO. M. QUEEN, Trustee Dec. 31-Jan 14 111 A iron t. I Dance The Old Year Out and Dance The New Year In TTEND THE BENEFIT DANCE SPONSOR ED BY THE AMERICAN LEGION at The Armory Depot Street Music Furnished by C. Belt's String Band All funds will be used for the drum and bugle corps of the American Legion At The Change Critical Time la Every Woman's Life. "During a critical time In my life I took Cardui for several months. I had hot flashes. I would sud denly get dizzy and seem blind. I would get faint and have no strength. My nerves were on edge. I would not sleep at night. "Cardui did won ders for me. I rec ommend It to all women who are pass ing through the criti cal period of change. Z have found it a fine medicine." ifrf. Bettit Murphy, Poplar Buft. Ho. Csrrliil ia a ruitt.lv vxra- 3 table medicine and con tains no dangerous drug. t-i m is M ta NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE A rT7 nY T7C ici'iiri will foil vrAti f 1 y -- j -'' tf ru vuav i "Perfect Purification of the SvBtem $ 1ilttII.re',',.-vFoHn1ati?? 0f F.e?.ie ! On Monday, the 11th day of Jan UeaKX Why not rid yourself of iono n.na t, a j chror.ic ailments that are undermin- ,- k rnu,.. Anr i tv,. Ta4 ,.f ins your vitality? Purify your en ure system Dy taiung a thorough ceurse of Calotabs, once or twice a week for several weeks and see how Nature, reward-, you with health. .GJ-vtabs- purify tho blood by acti vating the liver, kidr.eys, stomach and bowels. Triul package, 10 cts. Fami ly package, cts. All dealers. (Adv.) I -J Take TfidfOrd' Black-Draagkt (01 Constipation. IodJgasU(Ul apJ BlHounCT. BABY FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fusses, tosses and seems unable to sleep restfully, look for one common cause, doctors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wastes which cause restlessness and discomfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria. you know, is made specially for children's delicate needs. It is a pure vegetable preparation; contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. It is so mild and gentle you can give it to a young infant to relieve colic. Yet it is as effective for older children. Cas toria's regulative help will bring re laxed comfort and restful sleep to your baby. Keen bottle on hand. Genuine Castoria" always has the name: CASTORIA SOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S RESALE OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. UNDER ANI) BY VIRTUE of the power contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by MATTIE TURN ER and Husband, P. D. TURNER, to JNO M. QUEEN, Trustee, dated the 30th day of December, 1926, and re corded in Record of Deeds of Trust in Book l'j, Page 152, office of Reg ister of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, and default having been made in - payment of notes and indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder thereof having requested and applied to said Trustee that said Deed of Trust be foreclosed for the purpose of satisfying said debt, and the Trustee, after due advertise ment, sold the said property as de scribed in the said Deed of trust, at public auction at the Court House door in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, on the 18th day of December, 1931, and filed the report of said sale in the Clerk's office in the Book of Sales; and whereas, on the 28th day of December, 1931, the saiu did as nieo, was raiised b per cent in accordance with the Statute and the Clerk of the Superior Court made an Order that the Trustee re advertise in accordance with the law and re-sell said property as describ ed in said Deed of Trust. In com pliance with said Order, the under signed Trustee will offer for1 sale and sell at the front, door of the Court House, in the lown of Waynesville, N. C-, (being at the Masonic Temple now occurpied as the Court House for Haywood County), at 12:00 noon Saturday, 16th day of January, 1932, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: "BEING IN CRABTREE TOWNSHIP:" BEGINNING at a stake in Pigeon mver opposite the mouth of a small branch; thence up said branch N. 64s jy teet to a stake: then xn h. 9o feet to a stake near the head oi said branch; thence N. 57 30 mins, h. 200 feet to a walnut; thence iv. 40 4.) mins. K. 493 -feet to an apple tree; thence N. 38 E. 2G8 feet to a stake; thence N- 37 E. 221 teet 'to -.a stake; thence N. 33 45 mins. E. 275 feet to a stake 'on top of a ridge; thence N. 21 W. 625 feet to a stake on said rid e-e in J. Kina. land's line, said stake being 205 feet irom ivinsiana oia corner; thence with said line S. 89 E. 205 feet to said Kinsland old corner; thence N. 3 30 mins. E. 858 feet to a stake in Long Branch; thence with said Long Branch 3 calls: S. 63 15 mini v. 231 feet, S. 69 30 mins. E. 264 feet, N. 86 E- 165 feet, to a stake at the mouth of a small branch or ditch; thence with the same S. 26 E 280 feet; thence S. 18 15 mins. E. 132 feet; thence S. 7" 30 mins. W. 271A feet; thence S. 18 30 mins. E. 148 feet, to maple; thence N. 64 30 mins. E; 123 feet to a White oak, Dotson corner; thence S. 1 30 mins. E. 478 feet; thence S. 9 30 mins. VV. 404Vt feet to a stake in the edge offield; thence S. 5 30 mins. W 1072 feet to a stake on side of the ridge; then S. 21 E. 1039 feet to a oiacK oaK (down), Terrell's corner; thence S. 53 W. 222 fa t I hickory; thence S. 65 W. 140i feet to a Spanish oak; thence S. 74 W. 231 feet to a whte oak; thence S. 51 Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned, Trustee, will sell at public out-cry to the high est bidder for cash the following described lands and premises: Lying and being in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, and fully described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a stake standing in the intersection of the Northwest margin of side walk of Love Lane with the Southwest marign of Ray Avenue, and runs thence with the Southwestern margin of Ray Avenue North 52 W. 234 feet to a stake in said margin ; thence S. 10 W. 120.5 feet to a stake in a branch; thence S. 66 E. 226 leet to a stake standing at the end of a rock wall in front of the home of Mrs. J. F. Abel, said stake being in the Northwest margin of Love Lane side walk; thence with the North west margin of Love Lane side walk N. 10 E. 60.5 feet to the point of BEGINNING. As pet survey and plat of John N. Shoolbred, C. E February 21st, 1923. BEING the same property convey ed to the said Hugh Abel and wife, Elizabeth Fudge Abel by Bessie Love Abel, and husband, Dr- J. F. Abel, by deed dated March 7lh 192;J, and recorded in Book 59, page 600, Re cord of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. Sale made pursuant to. under and by virtue of the power of .-hls con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Hugh Abel and wife, Elizabeth Fudge Abel, to the Com mercial National Bank of High Point, iNorth Carolina, local Irustse, bear ing date of February 15th, 1928, and recorded in Book of Dee Is of Trut No. 21, page 440, to which sain deed of trust and record reference is here by made for all the terms and condi tions of the same. Sale made because of default in payment of the indebt edness secured by haid deed of. trust This the 9th day of Decebmer, 1931. Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, local Trustee. Dec.l7-Jan. 8. Stamey road (known as Howell 11-' 251 feet North 57 degrees, o j with the Eastern margin of county road, and runs ther.ee margin of said road ( H-jw Road) N. 57 degs., 30 mm, feet to a stake in said marvi". North 32 degrees 30 mir'u 150 feet to a stake; thence S degrees, 30 minutes West l iQ a stake; thence South 32 d.-r minutes East 150 feet to a"s the Northwestern margin of Road (known as Howell Mil! the BEGINNING. Being a part of Lots Noi. 12 of the Marshall-Miller p in East Waynesville, as per and plat recorded in the back Book No. 18, Office- of Reg: Deeds of Haywood County, Carolina, to which plat and reference' i made for a mo and complete description of th Being a part of the property ed in a deed from W. P. Fine wife, Cordelia Fincher, to G Galloway, dated December 2 and recorded in Book 49, pa Record 6f Deeds of Haywood North Carolina, This sale is, made by rea-ior failure of Grace D. Gallo-.v husband, M. O. Galloway to and discharge the indebted cured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent .vil quired from the purchaser sale. The above land was sold on day the 21st day of Novembe at which sale the North C Mortgage Corporation becar the last and highest bidder price of $1000.00; within tei from said date the above b raised by a deposit of 5 per cer. price with the Clerk of the whereupon the said land was resold. This the loth day of Dn 1931. FIRST NATIONAL KA DURHAM, N. C, Tru Dec. 24-31. J. S. Patterson. XOTICE OF NOW is the time of year that you must keep your feet dry. Let us repair those old shoes and make them as good as new, at a small cost. THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MA1N ST NEXT WESTERN UNION TRUSTEE'S SALE On Tuesday, he 5th day of January, 1932, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., at the Court Utilise door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, he undersigned, trustees, will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, the following described lands and premises, lying and being in the Town of Waynes ville .Haywood County, North Car olina, and fully described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the Southwest side line of Daisy Avenue 229.5 feet from the corner of Oak Street in the Oak Forest Addition to Waynesville, thence South 31 08 West feet to a stake; thence N s sti W. ia feet to a stake; thence N . o 1 08' K. 192 feet to a stake in the side line of Daisy Avertue; thence aiong the bouthwest side line of Daisy Avenue 75 feet to the RE. Ul.N.Nl.NU. Sale made pursuant to. unHpr and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Lucy A. White, widow. n insureu iuortgage Bond nrnnr. ation af Winston-Salem, North Caro lina, and Union Trust Company of .Mdijianu, .trustee, dated August 15th, 1926, and recorded in Office of. uie register ot Deeds for Haywood County. North Carolina in Rml- Deeds of Trust No. 21. n. a n which said deed of trust and Record reference is hereby made for all the ierms ana conditions of the same bale made because of default in the payment of the indebtedness securd thereby. This the 1st day of Decf r"bor, 1931 Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation of Winston-Salpm, North Carolina, and Union Trust Com pany of Maryland, Trustees. RESALE OF VAULABLE PROP ERTY I Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed h-v Crura n n.n . and husband, M. O. Galloway, on the 1st day of March, 1929. an 1 recorded in Book 22, page 438, we will on 1932 T? n T v day Janry, 12 o clock noon at the Court house door in Haywood County, Waynesville N. C., sell at public au tion for cash to the highest Sidder the following land, to-wit- ,? k51'0 at 3 "Ending in the Northwestern margin of a county! ORDERED BY THE BOAR COMMISSIONERS OF HAY COUNTY. 1. Tha bonds of the count be issued for the purpose oi chasing, constructing, erectni; equiping a new courthouse ai and for the purpose of acc either by purchase or condrn any lands needed therefer, in not to exceed thirty five th dollars. 2. That a tax, sufficient 1 the principal and interest r: bonds, when due shall be ar levied and collected, that a .sia of the County debt, for othoi school purposes has been file the clerk and is open to publi spection. 3. That this order shall tai feet thirty days after the firs lioation thereof, after final pi unless in the meantime a petit its submission to the voters i; under the County Finance Ac: that in such event it shall take when approved by the voters County at an election, as nr in the County Finance Act, pu to Chapter 214. Public Local 1921, an unforeseen emergcr. hereby declared to exist. On motion of Mr. Ilenderso seconded by Mr. AJlisoiv the i ing order was. unanimously at by roll-call vote. The following resolution wa troduced and read to the Boah: RESOLVE that the 4th day 61 uary, 1932, at ten o'crock, A. 1 hereby fixed as the day and hM hearing protests against thii iss of bonds pursuant to the bond introduced December 7th, 1931. On motion of Mr. Massey am! onded by Mr. Haynes, the fore, resolution was unanimously p by roll call vote. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the f-rej is a true and correct copy frorr minutes, of a meeting, as iniicat the Board of Couhty Comyn ;.-sic of Haywood County, North Cv held December 7, 1931. W. H. McCRACKEN. f The foregoing order has Ic--"- troduced and a sworn statement been filed under County Fir.nnw. showing the assessed valuation c: County to be $25,954,209, and debt for other than school including the proposed bor.iis, .V $1,431,000. A tax will be iev.ei th. and interest, if the same shaii .be sued. Any citizen or taxpayer 5 protest against the issuance of : bonds, at a meeting of the Bosri County Commissioners, to be their office, at the Courthouse Waynesville, North Carolina, at ' o'clock A. M. on the 4th day of ' uary, 1932, or an adjournment t. of. This the 7th day of December, W. H. McCRACKEN. Clerk to Board of Commissi Dec. 17, 24 31 St. Oo.

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