J CLYDE ITHUBSDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1931. Region to otvf BENEFIT DANCE NEW YEAR'S EVE r.in inursuay. 1 neir many friends are Sinds Raised From Dance; wishing them happness, health and vW;il K Ai:J Prosperity. J. 1JU.U IU X 1 dill" ing Boys in Band Here. Mr. Carl Snyder and Miss Lillie Haney were married in Asheville last Tl . m. . inursuay. lheir many friends are THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER C LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS ;' PHONE 137 i h a.v.-. e-'The American Legion Post here erive a benefit dunce on T")ivwn- oi. in me armory on uepot street ' r th benefit of the Drum and Bugle rs C. Belt's string bAid will furnish tai:e music for the dance. At midnight dancers will celebrate the C: V!..!. . ! mag in ui me new year. 11 A small admission will be charged r: the men, but all ladies will be cjmitted free of charge. ;3t.The officials pointed out that this ice is being given for a worthy j e is and the public is cordiallv in- I 8 'v , , " ' i , w jHi vivtu in tile descrry occasion. ,1.11. Gibson has f of the past sev- Mr. Glenn Trull and Miss Myrtle McGee, bo:h of Canton, were united in holy wedlock in Clyde last Thurs day afternoon. Dr. S. B. Medford of ficiating. They are highly esteemed y all who know them. '' Mr. Grover C. Haynes, his son, Sidney, and daughter, Bobbie, are visiting relatives in Memphis, Tenn. Mr, Sam Snyder, who was in an automobile wreck a few davs rn ! is slowly improving and wilf soon be on our streets a?ain if complications do not develop. Misses Lois Haynes. I.i - - J , Bonnie Francis and Louise McCrack- en, Mars Hill Collea-e student a.-,. pending the holidays with their' par- MfSlC ClA B HAS i'ECEM HER MEETIXG The Waynesville .Music Club met for the IW-ember meeting in the Ccm munity Club rooms, with Mrs. L. M. Rieheson as hostess. The looms were unusuallv attr.iptiv ;.i, u: , nun v Jli:M- mas decorations. The meeting was opened by ;ii,g ing "America The lieantif,,! t.,i : imv.j ., (l , . ,, ' "t-orgia. sne is now a teacher of A . hviiiuw ot ed a supper. A dinner was given in nonor of the couple Christmas Day by th groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morrow. Mrs Morrow is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fineher of Lake Junaluska. She received her educa tion at Clyde High School, Mars Hill College and Weslevnn C.ilW.. v i lol- ; con, Georgia. She is now a teacher of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brown had as their guests during the holidays Mrs. Browns sister, Mrs. Hugh Sloan, end her son, Mr. Graham ; Black Mountain. ! - ! Mr. R. K. Sentelle of Canton spent i , Tuesday in Waynesville. Mr. C. I!. ..Tonos of Clyde was here Tuesday. ! j Mr- S' M- Vinson was a visitor I from Canton on Tuesday. rate 1 years directed and trninaA oK,,f ;boys in the bugle and drum corps. iihb qevotea nis time and talent ! Rev. J. R. Williams. children of Atlanta. Ga., are spending a few days with Mrs. Williams' par ents. Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Medford. Mr. Williams is an evangelistic Presby- -viiBii minister. J- , .p."6 the musical talents of The Baptist Sunday School ha, so ay , local boys. Mr. Gibson now feel. ! iected the following Lte n e mir t the boys need an instructor who for the ensuing year: J. H Hvacs ' develop their mus.al abilities j T. H. Rogen,. Glenn Br wn Wayne w. ' ww .... .v i it :x ii t-i I i.i r , I'll 1 . ...... I. it ,t ' " ' - 1 U II r H I II... . . Mr MJ. vl- iii oOKS. Hi rs S by L nf 'ialrnv . ... . .. , -. w vuuie over ana is. Medford Mrs T ii i r;;ct th boys n th iH the pui. JMrs Mattjt, iZX7n OX- muinc fh funla l, - ' ' 1 1 1,1 '' w the extra expense of training a: it 35 boys here in Waynesville to ; nusicians- The American Legion .' ..lished all the instruments with i cost to the bo vs. t. T Dark brown soft suede slip i dress glove for left hand. k hite stitching. Lost in residen il or shopping district, reward, found call itp' .. fin Pnirm, " 1 i. ii. WG--- " ""oh oeionjiing to 0sville .vaynesvtlie Library, h,s been l)irtcto; iuc mr soinetiiTH', (th . Houston,) "e,s, i,rs. .j. ii. iiavm,S iaulllK, feentelle, U,s McCracken, Ruth Gos uu, and Louise McCracken. This Sumiay School is doing a great work with this splendid selection of teach ers and offirionf At u. meeting 0f the four Masonic Lodges of Haywood County here a - ..iKnLti ago, a county organisation t be known as the "West Gate Club" was pergfected with the following 'cers; D. K. Medford, of Clyde. 1 rtsident: Ralnh fn.,rn ., . ; - t "uourow, I '-c i iesinent; u K. Green, of Way. Inesville. K,.r..i t ... was given over to Mrs. R. Ji. Stretch er, leader for the afternoon. She had prepared a delightful program ot Christmas music, which was given ' me following order: 1. Christmas Hymn "It Cam - Up on The Midnight Clear," by Club. 2. Vocal Sol-"0, Holy Night." .oy Mrs. Fred Martin. ;. Tapei "Christmas Frances Robeson 1- Vocal Trio "We Thr,.. of the Orient Are," bv Mrs. MI, Af l.-i .. I . . ' red .Vl a if in h.j vaiicy Killian. Christ Tiuie '.i..! i . - ...i.i nun tve. t l e Merry Gentlemen," by CI,,!, i- Piano Solo--"Th T,,., i... m.. . I , . ! L,. nugn i.ove. ' Christmas Hymn- "Sik'.-i: Niirhr " by Club. At the eonclusiot; of the program the meeting was adjourned r,,,- , Clill half llin.r A I.i: . . ' iieiu-.oi.is sj;:k1 course was served. MISS FRANCKS ROliKSOX, Publicity Chairman. Miss Kings R'Vhe- Miss i.aKe Junaluska. He received his education at Clyde High School ;.nd Duke Summer School. He is u teach i r of Haywood county Mr. and Mrs. Morrow will make then home at Lake Junaluska. ySS THACKSTOX Hh'UWE HOSTESS ! Outstanding in the social affairs oi me Christmas season was the bridge Pi-rty given Tuesday afternoon by Miss Ix.uisa Thackston at her home on Pigeon street. Christmas decorations were ef fectivelv ii mi n.r.,.i ii... i . . . t mii oiig nout tne rooms where th guests were assem-bled. Among the visitor, from Canton Tuesday was Mr. Claude Shook. Mr. L. L. Kvar.s of Uni,',,,, South v aiouna was here Tuesday. Business Twice As Good As Expected, Reports W. T. Denton V. T. Denton, owner of Denton's -Hardware company here reported .Christmas business to be just twice as good as he expected. Mr. Ienton ..opened his new store here a few weeks ago, with new merchandise and has :been selling for cash. He report that out of the many customers he has served only one has ask for credit, which to him proves that the people are paying cash more than ever before. Mr. i.ep N0iand of Iron Duff was "i town on business Tuesday- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tate of Jron mm spent Tuesday in Waynesville a larire honl- in,i i in red. Will the person ha.v this book please return irnnu- ltc owretary, treasurer. and u ' I lemmons, of Canton, Inner Guard ook am i If r ? , . .. vmaiu, - i.. iuKi., ot Canton, Outer Guard; Jrvis Campbell, of Waynesville. ustodian of properties and Rev. Albert New, of Waynesville, Director CARD OF THANKS ! V 'C'- i. A A, ! .. - ""Hive tor the organi- u -"" lu umriK the many friends iuu" OI thls cl"l is the sponsoring orge D. Sherrill for the kindness of il dree u'am to present the work interest shown Ai u:. in. I in full riliinJii.H j j.. . -- -win5 ins niness. I f ""'"- uramatic form. " - - Masonic leailm- , ., muuKiwui ine coun- y nave stated that the movement is receiving whole-hearted support irom the lodges and there is no doubt that great gool will result therefrom " vi ly interesting and helpful - hnstniiLs service was hekl s.t the M K. Church, South, Wednesday even ing, .Dev. 2:ird, W)u.n the pastor j;ov F. O. Dryman, delive.ed a very ;,- nv-nrifinf i . '"spiring sermon. His wienie was "J'eace. The Sherrill Family. ;' CARD OF THANKS d ' wisK to express our gratitude c e sympathy and kindness shown ring- the death of our beloved ie nd brother, Guy, and for the t f-ful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Brock vna jamily - i tneiiie was "I'.uw.o " H'OMAX'S CLUB HELD MEETlXd 1'he regular December meeting llf the Woman's Club was held at. the I-cFame Hotel on We.lnesday after noon. !),., .),,.- u: .....i. . ,v. ,, Wlt" -"is. John N. UShoolbred and Mrs. C. S. de Neergaard - ..osu-sses. .Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, President, conducU'd the business and devotional program. The Chritmas Seal Sale was urged by Mrs. Thomas M. SpmuwII chai. man and is in the capable hands Mrs. John Queen, chairman of pu,. lie Welfare. The announcement was made that the P. T. A. Council inviten and u.es every cluD woman or citizen .i...,M.i. ,n conimunitv or child welfare to attend the stu'Iy course on the "Seven-fold Gateway of Lif0." w,e piograin was directed by the chairman of music, Miss Lois Var rold, who presented a most com-,re-h.'M-sive naper on the "Orig,,, ad History of Chritmas Carols." She then accnmnanuul .. ,. 1101 us compose a numbe On counting the scores Miss Tillic Iv'ilT : 1, - .1 . i' K'uim id nohl High am Miss Kdna Garrett held low. Kacl received an attractive prize. I.1 1 t ''""owing the bridge the hostess hcrveu a delightful salad course ...iss inacKsjon-s guests were: Miss .wartlia -Neal, Miss Jeuel Mipps, Miss Ba.bb.e Wiiy, Mis Kosalyn Vi Miss ; Hester Ann Withers, Miss Klizabeth Macon, Miss Gladys Dicus, M,sM Til !'' R"tha, Miss Louise Frw, Miss J'-Hen Louise Klllian, Miss Kdna (Jar ret t. and Miss Marion McDowell .,., Mrs. Francis Massie, Holt.claw, Miss Mary' and Miss Dorothy Lam vile visitors on Tuesday lltimatuin Foreman: "Mark, there will he vacancy in this shon v,.r,. , 'eve III ask your tw R brothl.r to ii n. Mark: "My twin brother?" Foreman: "Yi fi,.. 1 4,. " saw at 'oon,au game yesterday while vou were at you aunts funeral. Bring him "'.th you in the morning or don't come back yourself." Rkhteous Reward Some years ago a moderate- drinker boasted that he wasn't a slave to liquor and could drini nx u. chose. Passing a saloon with a friend, aaiu: "Did you Siv nw noo, ..1' . ... Before long they came to another sa loon and he passed that ami .u... parsed another saloon u ' came to the fourth saloon the man turned to his friend, saying: "NOW having shown vnn 1 -o 11 . I o L temptation, come in and I will reward myself by taking a drink with you." Limestone and lesnede,, .... sponsible for corn yields averaging u on imshe s nn Person County. in I II Miss Adora Stringlield, were Ashe- Mr. and Mrs. 1. .1. Brown had as their guests for Christmas Mi Brown's brother, Mr. C. P. Brown' and his children, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- urown. Miss Annie Parker Hrown, and Mr. William Brown, of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plo.ss , ,-rilS() moved to Waynesville , b ,1 , - ...... , , n aim have taken a coLtage on Fast street Mrs. Pless is the former Miss Helen ' ugh, noted pianist. Not Mr. anu Mrs H. W. Bauen and Misses Klizabeth arul K.lith, ami Mrs Herbert Baucom left T.i..:. ' ol s,x '" Rirls who sangl,n'7 for a, visit to friends and rela i'r of these Chri.,;.nlas Carols, ,! tivt's ' Raleigh and Wilmington. 1 W . Miss Onyx Picklesinier of Ly.ieh- -' iney ret-eived en cores and much 0;,. We are greaiful to our friends and customers :;or the business given to us during the past year. , We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous i- New Year. Plendid memory, and the poise lI l'UrK- VirK"" was the guest of Mrs. p. ...orr.soi, ami Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Alley durinir ihn Iw.li.i...... f Vaynesville Hardware Co. sweetne,s of their ensemble singing. -e gins were: Ar-ne Sea .veil, I 'homasine St rinn-iiel.il vi I Ruby Nichols,.." Margaret Morrison " K,,lh hv,'r ,)f S-vlv;' Miss Fleen Massi,., and Mariam Phillip, ' ' ()liv,"r "f l)urbnm were guwts Miss Ida Jean Brown sang "O I "f Mr- a11 Mri- All.-v on Sun- Holy Night," accompinied by' Mrs' 'iay- ' ert .ew. " ' ' The dining room was appro,, n.l(. . - A StamP'lr of .Canton was dejiorated with'-' holiv- r,r,.l .' a V!"''-or i:, town Monday. 1 v h ran- I . "'-11 ' ' 1 '&tf?--. . . .. . i 1 "i ' PROGRAM " .- ruu WAYNEWOOD THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. lumbHi SHOW Presenting WILL ROGERS ru. . "AMBASSADOR BILL" Which will also.be shown Friday night at the Regular Time. Saturday, Jan. 2, BILL CODY and ANDY SHUFIRD Tn "THE MONTANA KID" u I 1 Monday anTTuesdayTJanT4-5. TALLULAH BANKHEAD In . "THE CHEAT' Wednesday, Jan, 6. v LAUREL and HARDY v In theiv fit Feature Picture "PARDON US" I 1 1' dlOK Tl... . e i . iei resnments were ice cream, cake, cofTee, nut.s and mints, with favors of crimson baskets filled' with candies. -Mis. Millard G. IW.r (,,,.. president of the Charlotte Woman's lub and a member of the e.voou tive lard of the State Federation, who is residing in Waynesville now and is associated with the Woman's nub. gave a most inspirational talk. -Mis. Jerrv; Smmi., - r-.:.... . "i v an ..oil was a guest of the afternoon. final plans were made for the annu.il Community Christmas Tree , with an accompanying program to i be held as usual on nsvt n,i'..j -I - " . I1UI S lilj. altemoon at four o'clock. MRS. THOMAS M. SEA WELL, Publicity Chairman i Mr. Krastuw Medford was here Tuesday. Iron Duff - We wish to let the public know that the SHERRILL STUDIO Will Continue To Do Business and are in Position to do first class photography work, en larging, picture framing, Kixlak finishing, etc. We are roing to try to operate the studio as Uady would wish. The continued patronage of our friends will be greatly appreciated. CEORCE' D. SHERRILL, Jr. UOIiROV-n'xcnh:i? In a simple but imnss;,-n i 'iony, Jiiss .Vtima Fihcher and Mr. "..irrou Morrow were m;.Tri,.rI o'chx-k, Tuesday evening n,.nr.iV.- 22. The ceremony was performed at the home of th.-v brideV and Mrs. T. J. Fincher, with ' Rev Fred 0. Dryman of Clyde and Long's Chapel, officiating. - . The livinp rnnm mo decoratetl with Christmas evergreens nd candle burning jn graceful candelabra )w nn a Ided touch of eauty to the scene. The bride worP b'ue and was nf. n,ori Snelson of t P:r,tfr ., , of or. ihe pr- wn, f..n l.i i, Cxtiy Fulbric-h' ef rk, Junaluska ' as best man. Only the immediate family and fewriends were present Imrne--.- - - .,.-.. lTle cerp ceremony " - - vhor fcerv, ' fhifon velvet -ts Kvalee hon- Mr. Special Offer to Subscribers For a limited time we will give a three year subscription to the Southern Agriculturist, regular price $1.00, for 20 cents This offer is open to any subscriber, new or old, who asks for it when paying a year's subscription to The Mountaineer for 20 cents. The popularity of the Southern Agriculturist is shown by its large circulation, over 700,000. This saving of 80 cents is intended for our farm er friends, who are urged to take advantage of it at once, because we have only a certain number of subscriptions which we can offer in this way. When t hey are used, this offer will be withdrawn. Fir fVine, First Served. ','.- Ii m w.mmi

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