' I C it mam. . 1 1 mmm Has More Paid-in-Adt anie Subscribers- In Haywood County Than All Weekly Xeuspapeii. Combined fOL. XL1V NO. 5 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1932 mm wm jMMljBliliWPlglliM mum m m m knsj -j i - .a&xi i 'v i if in ii i i uni ir i i 1 ri n iti m. SUNDAY, JAN. 10 ras Member of Prominent Family in County. Had Been 111 For Several Months. Funeral services for Mis. Alice Imet, 77, widow 'f Ben Felmet were Id ''Sunday at'tcrnc:! at the Fi.-t thodist chinch, with Rev. W. ('. ode, pastor, officiating. Other minis-' 8 assisting Rev. Y O, Goodc in the vice were, Rev. A. V. Joyner, from pastor of the Baptist church here,. w'ot Canton, Kev. H. V. F.aucom. stor of the Baptist church here. 1 Rev, A. O.. Dryman of Clyde anil! ke Junaluska. j e Methodist church was tillel tt lacity, chairs had to be put in the les . to accommodate the many ends and relatives. j Green Hill cemetery, where in j ment was made, the Kastern Stan 1 charge of the services. 4w.. Felmet .'died earlv Saturday I v o;us ,'ri'!" 'hi idhv ' tif ,,mr.i fnllnm'mr labor Oil hi farm ail( iess of several months. She was a member of the one of ywood county's oldest families, ifrs. Felmet was a daughter of the 9 Wayne and Caroline Battle, who ned and operated the Battle House many years agx. hirviving are two sons, S. R. Fel t, of Canton, and John A. Felmet, oldier in the U, S, Army, stationed San 'Antonio. Tx., and two daugh b, Mrs. Grover Leatherwood, of ke Junaluska, and Mrs. Zeb Cor e, of Waynesville. Also survivii.g i two sisters, Mrs. Turette Me tcken, and Mrs. M. A. Crymes, both Waynesville. Ictive Paul bearers were: John rley, Alfred Arlington, Sam Gallo. IT, Robert Francis, Raymond Me- fey, and Charles Liner. , lonorary pall bearers were: Cap 1 W. J. Hannah, James- R. Boyd, aes M. Mock, Oliver Shelton, W. A. dley, W. L, Lamkin, Clarence Hips, Ernest L. Withers, W. T. itan, Pink Leatherwood, Joe Leath wod, Robert Leatherwood, Bonner T, S. H. Bushnell Grover C. Davis, se Crowder, R. H. Blackwell, John Queen, Dr. Thomas StringliaTd, Sam Stringfield, Dr. J. F. Abel, J. R. McCracken, Dr. W. L. Kirk rick, J, R. Love, FVank W. Miller, Sod ore McCracken, James Atkins, ! H. B. Atkins. OUR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Ve have a limited number of M year subscriptions to the .South Agriculturalist to offer to our scribers for the small sum of nty-five cents with a year's sub ptkn to the Mountaineer at the al price, good for either new or subscribers. .3 the number is limited, it is th while for anyone who wants I farm and family magazine to our circulation manager, W. C. m, at the earliest opportunity, his is important. W" mean to 5 these subscriptions to the South - Agriculturist for the sum of nty cents each as long as our limit lumber will last. t are being circulated over the trtry about President Hoover, one i originated here Christmas week. Mountaineer merely made mentkm :he fact, but made no comment or sonal remarks about the prank, eral subscribers from put of town, lently failed to see that it was a '3 item and not an edftorial and that their paper be discontinued. regret that these subscribers tt to miss their paper when the I fighting between the parties is a short while off. hia paper is Pemocratic, b it even t were a strong Repubucaii pascr : SAME article, Word for word, IRS. FELMET, 77 Hard Boiled Banker Fails 'ISUN inio Discourage Local Farmer Tool to borrow ,70fl ws," :.- tin reply vtu- n-ceived from to H. j i uy ju.-t :w o i Arthur tViir batikei in lt'l-l hew w monev when he .ittcmpteti from tno banker I uy two puvo-brt d co in Wisconsin. i r.e snarp lii.-vour.igmg i o: tlamptii Mr Osir:!(',-II- in turn i.ivwd :.s rep. ami v r.i : t i ' was a goo. i - .'.v.e th, .Tpl. two tows iv. 1 1 nur. i'.ai Th. en Toe farm, and n; a -ii ' tvv , : in !:i '..W! t' : n : : t y wa '-Vt'.. ' m-s. All . i N" oi no nt.ui,. tin- ordinal in-vo.--lt!:i:f !i!tn--v him ii; Knyittu- in !uu-'' vei: - IlO', an.l iva he ha- a l.ei'.i of 100. fret t'rom indel'terine-.- am! !'v naans of add-iitr s"J,ei'ni worth :' ea' tie to tht' herd he has in'cn able dtir iiiK the IT years to sell ,20.'(ili worth i f eat ' it ' ro:n 1 is held, Not only has the s;ih i f s'l'O.t'Ob wortii of eatle been .m a,' hievemt nt within itself, but he has maile 'the herd p,r- for ail irv. u hieh hi pointed out was a rather epen-ive item. Mr. Osborne told the above incident Large Crowd Hear Major Howell On Bonus Question The local Post o The American I.epion held its.rejrular monthly meet, inp la,-t Monday niprht. This was a special meeting in that the public was invited to attend to hear Major Howell speak on the bonus, question.' A large number of visitrirs from out of town attended, among them was a delegation from Canton. So inspiring was the talk that Major Howell made, that he was invited to give the same talk at Canton in the near future. The only business transacted 'at the meeting was adopting the resolution to be sent to Congressman .Weaver and Senators Bailey and Morrison, asking for the full payment of the balance of the bonus money , and if not all at least $50 per month to each member until each membe receives the balance due him, If neither of these requests are granted the Legion ask that the interest on what they have already drawn be eliminated. Civic League Holds Services At County Home Sunday, Jan. 10 Members of the local Civic Ix-ague made a visit to the county home Sun day afternoon in an effort to carry a message of cheer to the inmates there. To each of the 3(5 inmates a bag of fruit, nut and candy were dis tributed. Of the 36 there are 14 of these children. After a rong service, in which all the members of the home part icipated, Rev. H. W. Baucom, pastor of the First Baptist church here, delivered an inspiring message. This was the trip that the league intended to make Christmas. Mem bers of the league who made the trip were. Mesdames Luther, president, Lucy White Hyatt, Lowe and Garrett. ere's Reply To The Few Subscribers That Are "Peeved" At This Newspaper long with the hundreds of jokes wouldv have been published. It was news.-. . The subscribers that took exception to the prank are the losers. The Moun taineer is the richer by th 2 article, in that it proves more than ever that this papnr is read far and wide and that practically every word i s read. If these "peeved" subscribers, just a few in aumber, are trying to prove their loyalty to their party they are going at it in the wrong way a true politician is one that can take a joke, especially like the one referred to, make the most of it, and m return, get one 'just t a little better on hw opponent. When Business Is Dull The Surest Way To Get Action Is Advertise-Use The IV', ()' l!(l!;M- m w -I'-alH i1 -. r ru.av ni .'tit. nioveil that ' iol tavni fa nnane- w.i- tar out !Hi tic. Mr. (l 1 1 trior: a I , "-III Yea launched borne a- rtniUly eleeteu o.nmitte'e cnairnl.iii for ;tie rrogram wr.iih lias been n .Western North 'a;vlina. Among Our Advertisers Tlii j a new feature-of. -The Moun taineer in helping it's readers to find just what messages are in the i.dver tising columns of this paper. MassieV- Id-part ii.ie.nt Store is . put ting on a large clearance sale. The prices are lower than usual. Also some extra bargains are to he given away at the store. McCfavken's Clothing Company is having a clearance of suits and over eats. Some of these prices are act ually far below cost, New merchan dise is featured. C- K. Ray's Sons are having many extra specials in their grocery de partment along with their annual .Jan uary clearance which started last week in the ready-to-wear department. Mizell Sales and Service Company, Foid dealers here calling attention to the fact that their service is bet ter than the average. .Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company are having quite a number of specials for the. week-end this week. Soma of these prices are every day prices. : The First Natrona! Bank is pui. lishing its financial statement this week. The Citizen. Bank .and Trust Com pany as publishing its. financial statement this weeTC also. The Waynewood Theatre has its program for the week. It looks like every show is one worm seeing. Auxiliary Of Demo cratic Party Plan ning Mass Meeting S. M. Robinson is Named Chairman of New Branch Of the Party S. M. Robinson, atktrney of (. antoh, has been named chairman of an auxil iary of the Democratic party of Hay wood county, it was announced here last week. The purpose of this auxil iary, according to some of the leaders of the new branch is to raise funds to hc-ip defray the expensies of the last presidential election. In an effort to bring the Demo crats of the county together, this group has issued notice of a mass meeting to he held Thursday, January 28, at the court house here. This branch of the Democratic party was organized here last Thursday night, and is affiliated with the Na tional board of the Democratic party of Washington. Members of the program committee are: n. A. ustwroe, of Canton; Ciii- ford Brown, of Clyde, and W. R. Francis, of Waynesville. It is the duty of this committee to plan the program for fehe mass meeting. T. M. Seawell was named temporary secretary. DEMOCRATS ARE:n DDCUCC Aim MAKING PLANS FOR CAMPAIGN Nature of Preparations! Are Not Disclosed by Chair man J. K. Ilipps i .1. R Ilipps, A-hairman of the execu tive iVJiimittee of the Deuuuruti , via 1 1 v M an nntfet in Haywood county told aineer ye-tertiiiy that bis was making plans for the The mn-om- ection, for the and petti. iO- ihinj;- ui I'iir ilrivc. s- at tier .-ai.y i:t di.-eus-lion even the primary, but we Hi' quite a In! of woik aloiij; ! in.i ; ilia 1 haw ; win .ned for ii. i', he dint lrueo. j liipps v m had would no; nivi' the i.aiuc-j -pecttve candidate-, but menlieni.i -o linn their i. lo run. but as ye: .most m)' id not fully i ','ided upon e .itei : i ace. i hem h the l a : idection Haywood eouniy piled up the hiftcjeM Democratic niajority in tlie hist ry of l Ik county, and seve tal leading Democrat.- think that the same feat will he repeated this elec tion. JIawyood Was Home Of Many Methodist Preachers, Reported Haywood county has furnished her quota t-v.tho ranks of tho traveling preachers of the Western North Car olina Conference. The members have organized and have dinners togeth er at the sessions of the annual oifeiunce. Rev. C. S. Kirkpati ck, director, sad recently, naturally our thoughts turned homeward at the recent annual conference at Asheville.'i The organization now includes: J. W. Campbell, J. .1. Kdwards, J. I Hipps, P. V. Howell, C. S Kirkpatriek, W. N. Rathbu.ii, F. H. 'ftetzer, .M. T. Smathers, and T. C. Smathers. Rev. J, M. Terrell has given . hit-life- to ' the - work in Brazil. P. L Terrell died at-Granite Falls in 192ti. C. M. Crpenter who died in Candler in 1!I27 was Iwin in Catawba county, but livel many years in Jlaywoml. T.. V. Ndand is an honored mem Iter Of the Tennessee Conferen.ee. Other prominent preachers frim HaywoiMl, now deceased. R. I!. Shel ton, C. .1. Owen. W. '. McGee. Dewey Mull Paroled Dewey Mull, sentenced to -l! montlis for assault, was granted a parole by Gov.'- O.-Max. Gardner. Mull's parole was one of nine granted by the gover nor. , A S. SHELTON IS BURIED ON LAST FRIDAY, WAS 69 Was Much Ixved and Re spected Citizen of Dell wood Community. Funeral service!- were held Friday afternoon for. A. S. Shclten, , at the Dell wood. Methodist church, with Rev! Rolen officiating,- Mr. S'nelV.n had !.;. ir. ); nealth for several months but not sick enough tx he in bed until .Christmas eve. He had lived in the Dellwood section for many years and was one of the most, respected and best liked citre.-t, of that community . as well as the' county. He . was ,ar, activt' church member, and. !;ved a clean Christian life. .-'.'V,'""'. .-j; .';--- : He i- survived by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. Walter Ketner, also if the Dellwood community. REV. FOWLER TO PREACH AT CLYDE Rev Jim Fowler will fill the pulpit of the First Methodist Church Of Clyde on next Sunday morning. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend this worship, LICJ IWLaiW ELLt 1 LU inrr DDCCinrMT nr nncT till nLjii;Lni ur rinoi NATIONAL BANK AT MEETING F ;4ttv 1 ' JiikiJ iii:i:vi:s xoi.ani CIVIL COURT IS IN SESSION. DOCKET BEING CLEARED Many Cases of Minor Im portance Are Disposed Of in First Few Days The ' regular, civil term of Superior Court w s in .session here this week with Hon. ludge A. M. Stuck pre siding pudge. Practically all 'cases- on the dock et were disposed of according to f,ch .lule- Most of the eases were of minor importance ''and little time was consumed in 'trying them, W. F. Hipps sued Vard (ireen for $1(55.08, which court' granted and ordered paid. The case, of Nettie Smith vs. V. K. Alley, Jr., .'idniiniserlor of J- (). Smith was also .granted the decision and the defendant ordered' to pay ''.. ' The -asi- of R, Al, , Criiwforii vs. Sluder-tJarrett Furniture Company was continued until next court. James 1. Alaokey was granterl nn absolute divorce from Lalla Alackey. The largest Mini involved up to Wednesday morning -was the ease of J. R. Alorgan, adnlinistr;itor of J. W Morgiih. deceased, vs. IMna .Mciiee, W, O. Phillips, (). T. Alexander and S. H. Jones. The coui t order' d the . e i . . . . I oeienoams pay tne piainnils the sum of $,l,Cf)8 00. Three thoutand of this was principal and the balance interest. . The-' attendance ' at this ter:n of court -was not near as large as at the criminal court held, a few weeks arc James psnonsK ei.ectkd vk ; j'i:t:sir-:.r of ha y noon .. : CLi n - ,'Spi cial to The Mountaineer.) James Osborne it!'. Waynesvibr '. has tieon elected viee-pre.-ident of the Hay wood County Club at WettTn Caro lina Teachers: College of ''ullowh c. Mr. ()sborne is the. retiring president of the club of which Charles Morgan of .'f'antorv. h';1 .ln-en eleet.("i president. n Spotted Poland China Pig Is Offered As A Prize In Farm Slogan Contest Interest in the a slogan for the .V gram should -.' ris torites- Ut choose 10 Year Farm Pro to hig-; fervor over the announcement made over sta tion WWNC Friday ''night during that rgular weekly farm program that the second prize was to be a spotted Poland China sow pig of . champion ship breeding. The pig which will be from three to four months old wiil. bo donated by Mr. John Wilt, of the "vVilt Farms, Hillszoixt, Indiana. Mr. Wilt had sold E. A, Fonda whose farm is at Weaverville a very fine boar and in the oorrespondence had learned of the cn.teat being held AMn n rrTrn j Cashier's Keport Showed I Hank in dood Financial Condition jNKW OFFICKKS NAMED. 10 Percent Dividend is De clared Hy Directors ' of Institution At at meeting of the hoard of dir ectors of the First National Hank Tuesday, 1. Keeves Xoland, promin ent farmer ami business man of this county was elected vice president of the l'irst. National Hank to fill the vacancy made last fall by the death of his father. Air. It. R. Noland, who for many years held thai position. There was a large majority of the stockholders present at. the meeting and the report of the cashier, J. If. Way, Jr., was most gratifying. The bank this- year paid '.'-.eii usu al dividend of 10 per cent and has carried nearly S percent to the un divided profits. The fact was also made public that the First National Hank was thirty years ld last month. It hus always been directed along lines' of safe and prudent banking principals. Thi bank elijVtys the distinction of being tho only national bank and only member of the Federal Reserve system in west, ern North Carolina ousido of Ashe ville. Anoher distinction that has been awarded to the First National Bank is that it is .the. only honor roll bank in western North Carolina. To attain this honor roll n bank must earn a surplus of more than their surplus stock. . . The following were elected direct ors fmr the ensuing year: J. J. Boyd, T. L. Cwyn, J. U. Hipps, '. E. Ray, M M. Noland, 1). Reeves Noland, M. J. McCrpcken, J. 11. Kirkpatriek and J. If. Way, Jr. Following the meeting the newly; lected directors met in regular month, ly session to complete their organiza tion fr the year. J R. Boyd was elect ed chairman of the board and J. H, Way was elected secretary. Officers of the bank for the ensu ing year were 'elected as follows: J. R. Boyd, president. T. L. . Uwyn, vice president - I). Reeves Noland, vice president. J. II. Way, Jr. cashier J. I.. Palmer, assistant cashier Burns Husband's Auto, Is Held Under $300 Bond ! iarii.e A!:-.' , negress was. bound i over to the February term of court : aft r a hearing i-n... the Mayor's court; . .here Monday, charged with burning i her husliand's car Sunday night, j. It is understood that the couple j have been separated, for a. few weeks and during a fit of Vfeasously she pouml g;i.-o!:n" on the car and set it or. fire. '. She is out jail, t .n a $.'l't(t ttond. . for members of the -J-H Clubs, voca tional a'gricutu.r'al at .1 hnmu econom ics classes, I. His offer , wa-, e-tti ;-e!y voluntary ar,I .is' a wonderful i; ;ht tunity : for some, boy; to start a herd of foundation K.tock from the World's champion herd of spotted Poland China. The gilt is sired I y a world's champion boar, and will bo register ed, the papers being delivered direct to the winner. Such interest is being created in ttf-.c 5-10 Year Program that pigs from such breeding should bring a premium next year. The 'first prize is to be the choice of a Jersey or Guernsey purebred (Continued on page M Mountaineer I

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