Page 7 ind Economy a Remodeled Clothes Dperly remodeled, hand-me-suit or dress no longer has r for the small boy or fill home demon t. ratio:: club get through making new front old. no; evea r sister wLI recognize the nt any more. formed with a little effort that they i end as the guest of Mrs. Henry Davis 1 look like news. FINES CREEK -o Of interest to friends was the wedding of France Rogers and Millie Crawt'crd. Mrs. Rogers is the uaughter of "it's. Jonn Crawlorit of Iron Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers wiil make their home at the old Rogers the opinion of Miss Willie I homestead here. ' r, clothing specialist a; i Mr. Hugh McCracken has returned ege, who has been working j to the New England States whore demonstration club women j he will resume work. He is connect- inU parts of North Car fall to aid them in remod clothes into stylish new nnents. ing old .-; I rocks into new tag grown-up clothes and kern into school togs for L la the vogue now among U and, giris," sayi Miss 'Old packing trucks and st ring searched for out-of-date of good material which can r' fain. Discarded garments re-examined for future 'nalte good looking 'rp-to-lent from an old one, the it be thoroughly familiar Is new in the fashion cm: J5. would never do to make a hat could be spotted as a A study of the fashion R? in fashions and will offer as to what might b' done Ci 'given garment." ""inter finds also that the .y lend themselves admira TAing over. The two-piece V 1 so much is a splendid idea ,'rv ing two old dresses. Last , ,ight line coat may be J to the minute by taking erarm seams a bit deeper line and taking several he back at the waist line. discarded suit will give v. r the small boy's suit and i's hats may be so traos- ed with the United States Forestry service. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. James an nounce the birth of a son, Ted James. Mrs. Gilbert Smith has returned home after an operation at the Hay wood County Hospital. Friends are glad to know that .she is improving so rapidly. Miss Rose Morris spent the past week-end with her parents in West Asheville. Miss Mable Murry has returned home after an extended visit with relatives at Candler. Mrs. Henry Davis and Miss Harriet Boyd spent the past week-end at their homes in Waynesville. ( Left out last week. ) Mr. Hugh McCracken has returned to Hartford, Conn., after having spent a brief vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McCracken. Mr. McCracken has been connected with the United States Forestry service in the New England States for the past three years. Pearle and Robert VV. Jones have returned to Mars Hill College where they will resume work. Rev. John Carper, a former pastor of the Methodist church here, visited friends in this section during the past week. Rev. Carper is now located at Murphy. Ruby Noland spent the past week of Waynesville. Miss Rosa Norris spent the past week-end with her parents of West Asheville. Miss Edna Ferguson a Fines Creek visitor Sunday. Miss Mable Murray is the guest of relative at Candler. Miss Lucy Fisher is the guest of Mrs. John Burnett of Candler. Wilson Fisher and Mark Ferguson have returned to Cullowhee where they will resume work with Western Carolina Teachers College. Robeson County farmers are bo ginning to recleun and treat tobacco seed for planting next season. Th farm, agent has already cleaned 195 pounds of seed. Avery County farmers recently sold 4,000 pounds of onions and 5,000 bushels of Irish potatoes to the Sol diers Home in Johnson City, Tenn. FtrlTNTAIN PENS REPAIRED at THE WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY br I. H. Thackston NOTICE As: e. .V id You Know- to neglect your automobile it to squander savings? IT'S JUST THAT! You save to at. BE PRUDENT and protect that which you , dy have by bringing it to us for one of our : i: a jobs, at the lowest price you have ever been wA.ed for such High Class Work. Your dollar Ha farther here, and you may keep the differ- nurf . . : ; jzell Sales & Service RE out: ;i.o? . INC Rf Authorized Ford Dealers N STREET PHONE 380 Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, VV. C. Ross and P, D. Deaton and E. M. Hale has been dissolved and the business here tofore conducted under the name of the Waynesville Printing Company will hereafter be conducted under the present firm name and stile with the undersigned, W . C. Russ and P. D. Datgn as parlours; and notice is hereby given that E. M. Hale and J. S. Goode have no connection with said partnership business operating unde the name of Waynesville Printing Campaay. This the 21 day of December, 1931 WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. P. I). BEATON W. C. RUSS ORDERED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HAYWOOD COUNTY WHEREAS, the order of this Board introduced December 7th. 1931, authorizing an iue of $35,000 Courthouse and Jail Bonds has been duly published and the time for hearing protects thereon has arrived and an opportunity has been given for protests to be presented, NOW THEREFORE, ordered that the said Order is hereby adopted in the form in which it was introduced to-wit: ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HAYWOOD LEGAL NOTICES COUNTY 1. That bonds of the county shall be issued for the purpose of purchas ing, constructing, erecting and equip ping a new Courthouse and Jail, and for the purpose of acquiring, either by purchase or condemnation any lands needed therefor, in a sum not to exceed thirty five thousand dollars. 2. That a tax, sufficient to pay the principal interest of the bonds, when due, shall be annually levied and col ceoted, that a statement of the County debt, for other than school purposes, has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspection. 3. That this order shall take effect thirty days after the first publication thereof, after - .final passage, unless in the meantime a "'petition for its submission to the voters is tiled, under the County Finance Act, and that in such event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at an election, as provided in the County Finance Act. Persuant to Chapter 214, Public Local Laws 1925, an unforeseen emergency here by declared tt exist, CERTIFICATE I, hereby, certify that th foil-going is a true and correct copy from the minutes of a meeting as indicated of the Board of County Commission ers of Haywood County, North Caro lina, held the 4th day of January, 1932. (OFFICIAL SEAL) W. H. MeCRACKEN, Clerk J 7 14 21 2S co. ning. containing 1 IS acres, morel 1-13 chains to a stake in cent?r of old or less. I road; thence N. 66 deg. W. ;.50 chaum Excepting and reserving however, i t a stake. Highway No. 10; ther.ce from the foregoing and above describ-j with said Highway No. 10 $.03 chains ed lands andpremises, the house and to the BEGINNING, containing 19.95 lot, known as the U. H. Ferguson acres, more or less, together with full residence, awarded to the said U. H. free and unobstructed right to use Ferguson as his homestead, by a Jury the spring located south of the branch on June 6, 1931, described as follows: in common with the owners of lot No. BBGINMNG at a stake. 10 feet on which said spring is located, I TRAVEL BY TRAIN v Southern Railway System iderable savings offered in Round-Trip fares. 2K-END Tickets on sale Friday, Saturday and SundaV. final rpfurn limif TiiQcr?r,-ir I VF w m a AlilllV a utcua v 11 1 Cot mediately following date of sale (Example) FROM ASHEVILLE ita, Ga, ingham, Ala. . tanooga, Tenn. Jlllotte, N. C. ... nnati, Ohio. . . l-!iam, N. C ;itosboro, N. C. . sonville, Fla. . . jville, Ky. phis, Tenn. . . Orleans, La. . . jtgh, N. C ungton, D. C. . Regular R. T. Oneway Fare Week-End .$ 9.17 . 13.81 . 8.66 . 5.21 . 15.42 . 8.&5 . 6.87 . 17.16 , 14.66 . 19.96 . 26.59 . 9.80 17.11 $11.65 16.60 10.40 6.25 18.55 10.65 8.15 20.60 17.60 23.95 31.95 11.80 20.55 illy Low Round-Trip Fairs From All Stations Weste n North Carolina to All Distina tions in the Southeast 1 J . CONSULT TICKET AGENTS or address J.H.Wood, D.A.P., Southern Railway System, Asheville, N. C. PAINS QUIT COMING "When I was a glrL I suf fered periodically with ter rible palna in my back and sides. Often I would bend almost double with the In tense pain. This would last for hours and I could get no relief. "I tried almost every thing that was recom mended to me, but found nothing that would help until I began taking CarduL My mother thought it would bo good for me, so she got a bottle of Oardul and started me taking It. I soon Improved. The bad spella quit coming. . Z was soon In normal health." lira. Jewel Harris, Wumsboro, Texas. Sold At AU Drug otore. (.in Take Theaford's Black-Draught I for CaniHpmtlon, Indlgesuon, ana uniouiness. NOTICE OK SALE UNDER EXE CUTION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY, J. R. Hipps vs. U. H. Ferguson: UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN EXBOUTION directed to the under. signed Sheriff of Haywood County, from the Superior Court of said Coun ty in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, February 8, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door of aid County, (now Masonic Temple being used aa County Courthouse), sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said U. H. Ferguson, the defendant, ha a in the following described real estate, to wit: FIRST TRACT: Lying and being on the waters of Jonathan Creek, ad joining the land of C. A. Campbell, J. R. Boyd, Jr., ct al: BEGINNING on a poplar on the W. bank of Jonathans Creek and iuk.9 N. 50 W, 90 poles to a stake on the W. bank of the road; thence down the road, N. 57 E. 11 poles to a small sycamore on the bank of the road; thence N. 17-30 W. 20 poles to a white oak; on the top of the ridge; thence N. 27-15 W. 21 poles to a large branch;' thence up said branch with its va rious meanderingH as follows: .S. 74 W. 170 feet; S. 73-0:5 W. 7.V feet; S. 78 W. 200 feet; S. 59-15 VV. 1:50 feet; S. , 50 W; ' 100 -feet; S'.- 2 hi (i0. feet: S. 21-30 W. 1CJ fet!t: S. 60-30 VV. 100 feet; S. 35 10 VV. 100 .feet; .S, 35 VV ! 100 feet; S. 32 VV. 100 fm;'.fS. 4i 3o! V. jiw ieet; i, w, luei; .1. 52 VV. 3H feet; N., 88, 30 W". !5 ,; N. 57. 30 W. 80 feet; S. 33. 30 W. 10 feot North 85. 30 W. 8ti feet to a stake' Maple gone); them e S. 51, ' -30.f E. 3H poles to; a White Oak in tne ga-p .of - a .' ridge.; thent-e S. 2i'. VV, 72 r -!es to a stake in I').. A, Owens line; hence down the ridce S. 54, 30 F;. 8 poles; S. 71 K. 30 p ;..:-; S..7, 30 E. 10 poles; S. 15 K. 9 poles to a t white thorn at a cliff ; thence S. 15, 30 E. 3 poles to a stake in the road; thence S. 30 VV. with the road and I). A, Owens line, 20 poles to a stake; thence S. "1 .30' E. 30 po!e. to a .stakes at the Cruek; thencti down ti.e CreeK S. 76 E. 13 poles; S. 79 E. 11 poles; South, 71, 15 E. 10 poles; South 43 E. 6 poles; N. 16 E. 10 poles; N. 62, 30 E. 24 poles; N. 73 E.. 6 poles; N. 61 E. 6 poles; K. '34 E. 6 poles; N. 79 E. 10 poles;, N. 20 E. 4 poles; N. 28, 30 VV. 6 poles; N. 49 VV. 6 jxw s; N. 76, 30 VV. 14 poles; N. 45 E. 12 poles; N. 70 E. 12 poles; N 86 E. 4 poles; N. 54 30 K.: 4 poles; N. 78 E. 13 poles; N. 50 30 E. 18 poles; N. 2. W. 19'ii .poles; N. 19 30 W. 4 poi&s; N. 30 VV. "22 poles? N. 19 VV., 5 poles; crossing the main fork of the creek; thence up the west fork of the creek S. 64 W. 23 poles to a .small white thorn on the bank of the creek; thence N. 58 15 VV. 14 poles to the Beg n- E. of the N. E. comer of the U. H. Ferguson dwelling house, and runs thence N. 10 feet to a stake; thence W. 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 100 feet to a stake; theuce E. 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 90 feet to the point of Beginning. SECOND TRACT: IN HAYWOOD OOUNTY. adjoin ing th,e landa of Aneline Haynes et ala: BEGINNING on a stone standing by a targe che-stnut stump with point ers on top of Rich Mtn., the same being th,e corner of the 76A. tract of land conveyed by the parties of the first part to the heirs at law of Joseph P. Ford, and runs as follows: N 20' 10' W. 9 poles; N. 35 E. 15 poles, 8 links to a wnite oak; ,N. 29 45 VV. 20 poles; N. 4" 45' W. 12 poles; N. 62 30' E. 9 poles; N. 29' E. 12 poles; N. 21' 30' E. 14 polea; N. 34 15' E. 12 poles to a stake; thence N. (Var. Vfc) 28 ia poles to a chestnut; thence VV. (Var. 2 45 ) 321 poles to a stone in the boundary line of the old Osborne tract; thence .S. (Var. 2" 45') 120 poles to a stake corner of the 76 A. tract; thence E. with the Northern boundary line of said 76 A. tract (Var. - 4o ) oOij'ii poles to the plae of Beginning, containing 231 A. more or less. THIRD TRACT: AUo a certain tract, lot or parcel of land owned by U. H. Ferguson on the head waters ot lines Creek: bound on t.he W.wt by Glen Palmer and Lawrence Rus sell, on the North by the lands of Boyce and Madison Countv line, on the East by the Madison County line n - 1 It , . , nu ii. v . rerpuon ana on too isoutn by Jf, M. Noland. beinar all ami of the lands owned by U. H. Ferguson on the waters of Fine Creok, con taining 120 acras more or los Ihrs the 6th day of January, 1932. . J. A. LOVVF. Sheriff of iHaywood County, North Carolina. with the right of ingresa egress and regress to and from said spring over the lands of lot No. 2. Being lot No 1. of itha Second Division of the VV. H. Leatherwood lands. This the 15th day of December, 1921. J. A. LOWE, Sheriff, Haywood County, N. C. Jan. 7-28. (S1GS) EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Root. L. Underwood, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before December 31st, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will pleas make immediate payment. This the 29th day of December, 1931. MARY L. UNDERWOOD, Executrix, of Robt. L. Underwood, Dec. 31-Feb 4 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY, IN THE BUPERTOtt COURT R. L. Lee, Executor of Mary A. Rhinehart, Deceased rs. - J. W. Rhinehart, ot al , devwew and heirs at law. The defendant. Alva Hunter. W .1 Rhinehart, Mrs VV J Rhinehart, Pau! Rhiiehart and Mrs Paul Rhinehart, H. G. Rhinehart, and wife, Mrs. H. G. Rhinehart, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced io the Superior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, to k-1I lands t create assets; and the said defenAtuts will further take notice that thev are re quired to appear ut the office of Clerk of the Superior ( ourt of said County in the court in W'aynenville. N. (Von the 9th day of -February, 1932, and answer or demur to the petition in i said action, or (he plmntitV will Up-' piy to the Court lor fh r-ii manded in said pemtior..'- Thi Dec. 31, 1931 W. C Clerk Sueri')i' ( 'our Countv, N.C (HS&W, Atty.s.r .JJYKRS if -iy.t or.i! JaM 7-28 SOT ICE OF KSKCUTIOS NOW is the time of year that you must keep your feet dry. Let us repair those old shoes and make them as good as new, at a small cost. i THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN UNION STATE OF NORTH ('AiiO'.INA COUNTY OF -HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT: MATTIE LEATHERWOOD. (Wid ow), EVELYN LEATHERWOOD, J. THUS. LEATHERWOOD, EARLE LEATHERWOOD, FRAN CIS LEATHERWOOD, Minor heirs of J. Thos. Leatherwood, de ceased, by their next friend, W, O. Byers. " " - MOLL IE BRADLEY, .1. P. LEATH ER WOO!), and J. M. LEATHER WOOD. By virtue 'of an execution directed to the undersign from tlie Superior t ourt ot Haywood Mmr.ty, in the above entitled action, I will, or: Mon day, the 1st day of February, 1932', at the court ho-u.-e door m tne town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Caroh'na, at 11 : 00 A. "AT., -sell to the highest bidder for eash, to satisfy said execution, II the right,- title and interest which the said Mollie l-rad-ley, J. B. Leatherwood and J, M. Leatherwood, the defendants have, in the following described real estate, to-wit; . - Lying and being in VVayiiesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, and fully described as fol lows: BEGINNING in Highway No- 10, G rover Leatherwood corner, and runs thence S. 75 dot;. E, 5.42 chains to a chestnut on too of ridge; thence up said ridge, S. 60 deg. E. 2.57 chains to a white oak; thenco S. 81 deg. 30 min. E- 4 chaliss to a stake; thence N. G4 deg. 48 min. E. 7.6 chains to a stake; thence S. 6 deg. 18 min. E. 1-27 chains to a stake; thence S. 17 deg. 30 min. E. 7.24 chains to a pino stump;- '.hence S. 24 deg. E. 3.45 chains to a white oak; thence N. 79 45 min. W. 4 43 chains to a white oak at head of a small branch; (fhence down and with the meanders of said branchy 6.32 chain 3 to a maple at the month of a culvert under the old road; thence with the center of said bid road, N. 38 15 min. W. 1.51 chains; N. 5. deg. 30 min. E. NOTICE OF TRUSTER'S RESALE OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by MATTIE TURN ER and HuHband, P. D. TURNER, to JNO M. QUEEN, Trustee, dated the 30th day of December, 1926, and re corded in Recovd of Deeds of Trust in Book 19, Pajre 152, office of Reg ister of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, and default having been made in payment of notes and indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder thereof having requested and applied to said Trustee that said Deed of Trust be foreclosed for the purpose of satisfying said debt, and the Trustee, after due advertise ment, sold the said property as de scribed in the said Deed of Trust, at puonc auction at the Court House) door in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, on tho 18th day of December. 1931. and filed the reoort of said sale in the Clerk's office im the Book of Sales; and whereas, on the 28th day of December, 1931, the said bid as filed, was raised 6 per cent In accordance with the Statute and the Clerk of the Sunerior Court made an Unier that the Trustee re advertise in accordance with the law aid re-sell said property as describ ed in said Deed of Trust. In com pliance with said Order, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale anri sell at the front door of the Court Hotwe, in the Town of Waynesville, N. C , ( being at the Masonic Temple now oecurpied as the Court House for'. - Haywood '.County), at 12:00 noo'i Saturday, 16th day of January, 1932. to the highest bidder for cash, the following disorihed real estate, to wit: "BEING IN CRABTREE TOWNSHIP:" BEGINNING at a stake in Pisreon Rivi'r opposite the mouth of a small branch; thence up said branch N. 64" E. 397 feet to a stake; thence N. 80 K, 95 feet to a stake near the head Of said branch; thence N. 57" 30 miri.-i. E. 2K) feet to a walnut ; thence N. 45 ' 45 mins. E. 493' feet to an apple tree; thence N. 38 ' E. 268 feet to a stake; thence N 37" E. 221 feet to a stake; thence N. 33" 45 mins. E, 275 feet to a stake on top of a ridjre; thence N. 21. VV. 625 feet to a ,s take on said ridge in J. Kins land's line, said stake being 205 feet from Kinsland old corner; thence with said line S. 89 E. 205 feet to said Kinsland old corner; thence N. 3 30 mins. E. 858 feet to a stake in Long Branch; thence with said Long Branch 3 calls: S. 63" 15 mins. E. 231 feet, S. 69' 30 mins. E. 264 feet, N. XIV E- 165 fett, to a stake at the mouth of a small branch or ditch; thence with the same S. 20" E. 280 feet; thence S. 18 15 mins. E. 132 feM; thence S. 7" 30 mins. W.: 271 feet; thence S. 18" 30 mins. E. 148V4 feet, to mapie; thence N. 64 30 mins. E. 123 feet to a white oak, Dotson corner; thence S. 1 30 mins. E. 478Vz feet; thence S. 9' 30 mins. VV. 404', feet to a stake in the edge of field; thence S. 5 30 mins. W 1072 feet to a slake on sidP of the ridge; then S. 21" E. 1039 feet to a black oak (down), Terrell's corner; thenco S. 53 W. 222 feet to a hickory; thence S. 65" W. I JOH feet to a Spanish oak; thence S' 74 W. 231 feet to a white oak; thence S. 51" W. 198 feet to a Spanish oak; thence S- 25 W. 239 feet to a hickory; thence S. 38 W. 363 feet to a blwk , gum at the branch; thence S. 52 W, 668 feet to a dogwood; thence N. 69 W. 2Sri feet to a maple on the bank of th. river; thence to the cen ter of the river; thence d.)wn the river to the Beprinning, containing 131.85 acres more or less. Together with a right of way for a road for the use of the lands of the paid Mattie Turner and Mollie Allison from a point! in the present road way at said branch near the Beginning corner along said road way dowm the river to the present ford of the riv er, which said road shall bo 1 4 feet in width and across which no fence shaH be built nor gates nor baft constructed eycept by cnsent." This the 29th day of December, 1931.: JNO. M. QUEEN, 31-Jan 14

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