Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JANUA1 Methodist To Meet In Sylva On Friday Rev. L. B, Hayes will be in charge of a meeting of the Kingdom Ex tension .Institute for the, Waynes ville District in Sylva on Friday, January 1", at 2 p. m- All pastors, charge lay leaders, presidents of Woman's Missionary Societies-, chairmen of Boards of Stew ards, and superintendents of Sunday Schools are expected to attend. Ministers attending this meeting from Haywood county will be: Re-v. G. N. Dulin, Rev. R. G. McClamrork, Kev. G. A. Stamper of Canton, Rev A. B. Bruton, Rev. C. V. Masters, and Rev. Byron Shankle of Fines Creek. Guest speakers for the occasion will included Dr. J- V. Perry from Nashville, Tenn., who will represent the General Commision on Benevo lences. Kev. V. L West from Albermarle, who will represent the Board of Mis sions; Rev. K. J. Harbison from Statesville, who . will speak for the hospital Board; Mr. H. A- Dunham from Asheville, who will represent the Board of Christian Education; and Mr. J. R. Porter of Franklin, who will spe:;k fur the Board of Church Extension. Rev. I). H. Reinhardt, of Sylva, will be host to the meeting and .will lead the devoticns. This is one of a series of 'confer ences being held throughout the South. FAMOUS MUSICIAN IS VISITING FRIENDS Spotted Poland Pig To Be Slogan Prize (Continued from. page 1) heifer and the third prize, 100 baby chicks, donated by the Farmer's Fed eration. Hatcheries at Acton. The content is a very simple one and every boy and girl eligible in Western North Carolina should en. ter. More than one slogan can be en tered by one person. The slogan must not have more'han three words in it, but the use of the letters W. N. C. would not count as a word. To il lustrate, "W. N. C. Organized Farm Movement," "W. N. C. Farm Pros perity Program," or "Diversified W. N. C. Farming." I Carl Behr. charter member of the famous Boston Symphony Orchestra, who is in town for a few days, is a guest of S. H. Keller. He entertained a number of local people with a Zither recital Sunday evening at the Keller home, playing among the numbers, several of his own compositions. Among thise was the well known one dedicated to his wife, who recently passed away. The composition is call ed "My Wild Rose." Mr. Behr has an international rep utation on his romantic instrument and is one of a very few concert per formers in America. He is a cellist, well known in the North and South, and has been a res ident of Asheville for the past ten years where he organized the first j young peopJUi' orchestra, also the Schubert String Orchestra and Schu bert Philharmonic Society composed of singers and players. He is giving a concert on the 17th of January at the Battery Park Ho tel, with the above aggregation in cluding an orchestra of 15 players who will give the initial performance on the above (late. He is coming to Waynesvoille in the near future to give a concert in con nection with a worthy fraternity of which he is a member. Ho belongs to the Commandry and took all his degrees here. Mr. Behr invites the music loving people of Waynesville to attend this initial concert at the Battery Park Hotel of the Carl Behr Shubcrt Quar tet and iSmubert Fhilhaanonic Or chestra in which prominent singers and musicians of Asheville will take part. Music lovers wishing to attend this concert, may apply at The Moun taineer office for tickets and Mr. Behr will reserve seats for them on Sunday evening. .0- Waynesville Divides Double Header Game With Hendersonville Waynesville high school basketball teams divided a double header with Hendersonville Tuesday night. The local girls5 ran away with the Hender sonville lassies in the opening game to win by a score of 43 to 25. The leal boys failed to click and took the small end of a 26 to 10 score. In the girls' game Edwards and A. Phillips found the basket for 10 and 16 points respectively. Ratclift for the local boys led with four points. Three pure bred Jersey bull calves were purchased by Wake County farmers .from the Coastal Plain Branch Station herd in December. KN HEADACHES NEURITIS NEURALGIA, COLDS Whenever you have some nagging ache or pain, take some tablets of Bayer yispinn, nenei is immediate! There's scarcely ever an ache or pain that Bayer Aspirin won't relieve and never a time when you can't take it. The tablets with the Bayer cross are aiways saie. iney will not depress the neart, or otnerwise narm you. Use them as often as thpv ran Rmrt vmi anr nain - j - Ml. uitj Ullt or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. Examine the box. Beware of imitations. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manuiacture oi monoaceticaaaester oi salicylicacJd. WHITE OAK The Sunday School at White Oak is still increasing. They have elected new officers and teachers. They elect ed Mr. R. V. Fisher as Supt., Secretary Mr. Wade Davis, teacher of the Bible Class, Mr. J. B, Hill, Teacher of the advanced class, Mrs. Mary Francis Teacher of the Juniors, Miss Bessie Messer. Teacher of the Card Class, Miss Neta Mae Ducket, Everyone seem to be greatly in terested in it. Rev. J.tY. Davis, pastor, preached a very interesting sermon Sunday. Miss Rose Mae Fisher, daughter of Cleveland Fisher, of White Oak, was married to Mr. Weaver Parkins, son of Mr. Billy Parkins of Panthers Creek. Bennie Wright drove the White Oak school bus Friday. There have been several people from White Oak marketing their tobacco among them were as follows: Rufus Duckett, Lloyd Conrad, 0. P. Jenkins, Ed Earley, Tom Conrad, Jack Conrad, J. D. Ducket, Brady Greene, Z. V. McElroy, Clark Messer, Teller Greene, J. B. Hill and R. V. Fisher. They were all satisfied with the price of their tobacco, they all averaged about ten cents a pound. Mr. Albert Hunter and family have moved from White Oak to Riverside Jack Conrad was in Waynesville on business Monday. Tom Conrad was in town on busi ness Monday. Wade Davis was a visitor on Cove Creek Monday. Miss Mary Francis was in Asheville on business last week. Miss Ester Conrad was a visitor from White Oak at Mrs. Steve Fergu son's Monday night. Miss Pearl Conrad was a visitor from White Oak at Mrs. Freguson's on Fines Creek Thursday night. Miss Edna Rose McElroy was a visitor of Misses Alice and Dora Hunter Sunday of White Oak. Wayne Bramlett was a visitor at J. I). Duckets Saturday night. R. V. Fisher was a visitor at Mrs. Eugene Sutton's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Conrad were visi tors at Mr. Joe Hunter's Sunday. J. B. Hill was a visitor of Tom Con. rad's last week. Miss. Annie Mat Conrad and Mrs Mary Francis visited Mrs. Annie Mae Messer Sunday. Rev. R. P. McCracken Is Made Pastor Of Clyde Baptist Church (Contributed by Member of Clyde Baptist Church.) Rev. R. P. McCracken has accept ed the'cnll as pastor of Clyde Baptist church. At the eleven o'clock hour Brother McCracken preached his first sermon of the year, using a most ap propriate text, "Go Forward." We feel that we are very fortunate to have Biother McCracken back with us. This is the third time in seven and one-half years that the church has called him. During the term oi his service the growth -jf the church has been remarkable in all its depart ments by ?. steady onward muve-nent-Our new $15,000.00 brick structure of which we are all duly proud, has been one of the visible results of the labors of our church under his ministry. In his discourse referred to above, our pastor gave us a challenging outline for the work of 1932. A tender tribute of respect was paid-to those who have gone forward to the eternal goal and those still in the march exhorted to make this our most fruitful year. The model set before us for this year is: Our Church, a going church, a growing church, a glowing church, Our Sunday School and B. Y. P. LT. of which we have four, were never more flourishing. RELATES BEAR FIGHT FIFTY YEARS AGO Mi . George Palmer, of Ratcliff Cove, was here Saturday and called to mind a news item in the Asheville Citizen some weeks ago about jorae copies of the Citizen printed more than fifty years being found among some rub bish in an old abandoned house. Mr- Palmer said the old paper car ried a story of a bear fight that oc curred when he was a boy at Hell's Half Acie on Big Cataloochee. It was a fight between Ben Hannah, a dog, and a bear. The dog and the bear became engaged first, and Hannah ran to the aid of under dog killing bear by a blow with an axe. Hannah, ,it seems, was a fierce, brave man, and feared neither man nor beast. He was later killed by a mattock in the hands of John 'Warden. Johnston County farmers are in ci easing their acreage to wheat this season with the expectation of rais ing a home supply of bread- ASSETS OF NEW HANK Report of the condition of the Ci iztn Bank ic Trust Co., at Waynes ville, North Carolina, to the Corpor ation Commission- At the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1931. . RESOURCES Cash in valut and amonts $33,897.14 L. E. Hambrick New Manag er of Five and Ten Cent Co. Mr. L. E. Hambrick, of Shelby, has been sent here to assume the duties of manager of the local Eagle Five and Ten Cent Store. The new manager has for the past few months been talcing a special course in merchandising and mana gerial work. He has been with the five and ten cent store organ ization for a number of years. Mr. Hambrick is elated over being sent to Waynesville. He already sees that business conditions here are better than the average city of like size. Miss Fisher was manager of the local store until Mr. Hambrick took active change. Total .. . . . . .S33.897.14 LIABILITIES Undivided pi'olts (net amount) $93 17 Other deposits subject to check .. ; . . 32,014.80 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,151.08 Time certificates of deposit (due on or after 30 days) 212.49 Savings deposits (due on or or after 30 days) ...... 425.60 : . $33,897.14 Massie Dept. Store Begins Trade Campaign Hugh Massie, propritor of Massie Department Store, is planning to give away a $35 suit of clothes or the same value outfit to some one of his custo mers, he announced in a large adver- tisment in today's Mountaineer. The postal laws don't allow print ing details of this contest in a news paper but Mr, Massie asserts that every fair way possible will be used in his contest. Further particulars may be had at the store. Rumors Say Lee V. Rogers WiU be Candidate For Tax Collector In Next Election It was rumored here this week that Lee V. Rogers of Crabtree township and formerly member of the County Board of Education, is intending to be a oididate in the June primary for tax collector. This is the first indicaiton qf any candidate intending to ran, so far as Oris paper has been STATEMENT ,OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION ETC., REQUIRED BY ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUG. BD. vtvb. Of The Waynesville Mountaineer. published weekly at Waynesville, for uetooer, laai. State of North Carolina J I ss County of Haywood Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Thomas M. Sea well, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and savs that he is the owner-manager of the W'aynesville Mountaineer, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true state ment of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, PostaJ Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse or this Jorm, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing eaitor, ana ousiness wanagersi are: Publisher, Seawel! & Betts, Wav- Ml - T J-l - . nesviue, in. kj. Jidirtor, Thos. M. N.awell, Way- uesviue, in- v. Managing Editor. Thos, M, Sea- wen, Waynesville. N. C. 2. That the owners holding one per cent or more of stock ar? Thomas M. Seawel', Waynesville, N. Lee W. Seawell, Waynesville, N. C. W. T. Betts, Washington, D. C. i. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount cf bonds, mort gages, or otner socuri'ies ate: W. A. and Mary Band, West Athe- ville, N. C. Clinton Publishing Co., Clinton, N. Mrs. T. M- Reswel), Wivne-ivill. N C I THOS. M. SEAWELL Sworn to and pub?ribed lietore me this 1st of day of October, 1931. Since the date of making the abve report there has been vo change in the ownership of th Waymvit Mountaineer nor in th ownershio of securities of samei Thre Ins been a change in publishers, th ownprs hav ing leasPd the Wavnsvr11 MmiT,t!. Total . .. ...... state of North Carolina County of Haywood Thos. Stringfield, Cashier, J- M. Long, Director, and E. L. Withers, Director of the Citizens. Bank a? Trust Co., each personally appeared be fore me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. THOS. STRINGFIELD, Cashier. I. M. LONG, Director. E. L WITHERS, Director. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 13th day of January, 1932. W. L. HARDIN, Jr., Notary Public. My commission expires Jur- 29th, 1933. BETHEL AND HIGH SCHOOL SPLIT A DOUBLE HEADER Bethel Girls win over locals by score 35 to 20. High Boys Win 25 to 14. The basketball season got under i-nv here Saturday night when the feminine and masculine teams of the high school goal tossers met the strong and Undefeated teams of Bethel in a double header at the local gymnasium. The two teams spflit the double header, the Bethel girls winning from the locals by a score of 35 to 20. The Waynesville lads were more fortun ate and succeeded in . tossing in 25 points into the nets while their op ponents were able to find the basket for 14 points. Murray, forward, for the Bethel girls was high scorer of he occasion, getting 20 points, while Reeves for Waynesville got 11 points. Both of these misaes played right forward for their teams. The score of the boys' game was somewhat closer than the girls' game, with Waynesville finally nosing the visitors out by a score of 25 to 14. Ratciliff, WaynesviUe forward, was high scorer for his team, to be fol lowed by his teammate, Captain Bramlett, wtfth 6 points. Rigdt'li, forward for Bethel, led his team in points. Girls Lineup: 1932 Christnt; Sales Lai For Yej The Christmas larger amount this The general chair Seawell, wishes t of thanking tu.h helped. The resui pointing when con few years ago v,he in, but compared 1930, which was families buying : children, the 25.32 Of this amount $6 State Society here. Already ;w,; receiving and will eggs and milk, used except or. (!0 tions and throu citizens. day, January ism courthouse. All -quested to be pre: G. T. McAnhui harvested $150 wi 20 colonies of Jtali ASSETS OF OLD BANK Report of the Condition of the Cit izens Bank and Trust Co., at Way nesville, North Carolina, to the Cor poration Commission. At the close of business on the 31st, day of 'December, 1931. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . . $243,161.36 Overdrafts . .. ........ 2,280.66 Banking house .......... .. 23,000.00 Furniture and fixtures .... 10.000.00 Cash in vault and amount due from aproved depos itory bank ............ 12,867.46 Other real estate .... . . . . 600.00 Total ,. . ;. ...$296,909.48 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in . 50,000.00 Surplus fund 7,735.14 Undivided profits (net amount) .. ? 1,638.44 Reserved for interest ..... 2,213.69 Reserved for depreciation 464.31 Other deposits subject to check .. 12i',093.29 Cashier's checks outstanding 123.97 Time certificates of depos it (due on or after 30 uays, . .. ............. O.3793.S0 havings deposits (due on or alter w days) .... 9,S4Go4 Bethel (35) Waynesville(20) Pos Murray RF Reeves Mease LF A. Phillips Henson C Plott Cathey CG Underwood Man- R G Franklin Moody LG S. Edwards Substitutes, Bethel, Taylor, CI irk and West, Waynesville, McCracken, Phillips, Myron. Boys Lineup: Bethel (14) Waynesville )25) Pos Layman KF Murray Rigdon LF Ratcliff Wells C Carver Rogers LG Bramlett Evans RG Davis Substitutes, Ross, Greenwood, Da- vis ind Bryson. Refree: Stamey, Wake Forest. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF BUILDING AND LOAN AS SOCIATION ' The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Haywood Home Building & Loan Association of Way nesville, N. C, will be held on Tues- AFTE bowel Constipation may chronic after forty, constipation at t'h bring attacks of pil unpleasant disordei Watch your bowi them with particu Whenever they nee a doctor should kr them. "Dr. Caldwell's doctor's prescription by 47 years' practii thoroughly efTcctiv pation and its ills I children of all ai perfectly safe evci from fresh laxative and other harmless gripe; will not sicke can be used witho your breath is bad, is coated; whenevei gassy condition Wi Dr. W. B SYRUP A Doctor's Fa Swift's Jew SHORTEF Q lb. CAa A It Lo Total .. . State of North Carolina ... $296,909.48 County of Haywood J Thos. Stringfield, Cashier. J. M Long, Director, and E. L. Withers, I'uccuir or the Citizens Bank & Trust Co., each personally appeared be fore me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the forgoing report is true to the oest oi nis Knowledge and belief THOS. STRINGFIELD, Cashier. I. M. LONG, Director. E. L. WITHERS, c Director. iworn o and subscribed before me this the 13th day of January, 1932. W. L- Hardin, Jr., Notary Public. y oommission expires Juno 9Qt, IONA BRAXD FLOUR 98 lb. Bag COCOA Hersheys 1-2 lb lONCORE-READT-TO-SERVE SPAGHETTI 4 cans Full Pound rapped Ixaf 5c Grandmother's BREAD Large Pan Loaf 20-oz. Wrapped 7c Large 24-ci. 1 CORN lona m No. 2 A Extra Standard H" Cans TOMATOES 4 No. 2 Cans B Rio COFFEE 2 ite h& P flftTC Regular or rt a WIT UH I O Quidl Cooking ok MEAL or GRITS loose 5 BELLIES 'ctr 3 i" GKEAT Atlantbc & Pao eer to W. C. Russ, P. D. Deafen and atte to fiad ovt. 1931. " e. m- itaie.

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