mSPAY,JFEBRUABE ,41932 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 1 37 -lfc..AMJi:BiJBiiaBiriiiMBiiJKiiiMii'Mi-i lignum n'M- - 1 r u a. Campbell of Dellwood was j Mrs. H. G. Holtaclaw left Wednes v witor in V aynesville Monday. j day for her winter home in Richmond Mr Frl- u , Virgmia - iicuij, ui Kenwood wa L. Hill of Crabtree spent in Waynesville. Sevmore Messer ot Crabtree -f tnis wee. L the visitors here from Crab u9y was Mr. Harley Clark. M. Moody of Jonathan .spent in Waynesville. C. Forbes spent the week- is home i i Bakeravil'e, N.C. Flora Mae Fulbriplu is ill tumonia at her home at Lake 3. W. Reed of AshevilJe was it of Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson k-end- htodore Raby left Thursday fi'k's visit with relatives in South Carolina. cil A- Pless and Mrs. Tugh llle were visitors in Waynes- urday. in Waynesville Monday on business. Miss Effie Green of Crabtree spent Monday in town. Mr. Albert Howell of Jonathan wa. in town Monday. Mr Amos Moody Dellwood Monday. was here from Mr. Gaston BurneJI of Dick rrenk spent Monday in Waynesville. Mr I.. V. McElroy of Fines Creek spent Monday in Waynesville. Mr. Homer Rogers was here from t ines Creek on Mbndav Mr. T. L. Revelle of Dellwood was here on business the trt nf th.. m-.x.l- Hary Strinjffield was the guest a.aviiiia Lee in Asheville last i Mrs. Ivey Hill of Asheville ts of Mrs. Charles R. Thom- ndu'y, . d Mrs. Dave Pless and son, if Cruso, were guests last of Mr. Roy Pless. T. Henderson of Knoxville, fcueft of Mr. and Mrs. John Fi i ... i. i Mr. L E. Evans of , in Waynesville Monday- oil i ow was Mr. Dob Durnet: Wood row Monday. was here from last week-end. I id Mrs. R. E. NoIIner of Lake M spent a few days lasc week itte- Christopher Crittemlon left ;iy for her homo in I hapel a two weeks' visit to her Mrs. Charles E- Quinlii. largaret Hahn of New York fc has been at the LeFaine some time, has taken an it at the Kirkpattick Apart- Mr. O. L. . Edwards of Ashevilk spent Monday in Waynesville. lU'v, a. u. Urynian of ( lyde spent Saturday in Waynesville on business Mr. Guy Messer of Crabtree was a visitor in Waynesville last week. Mr. Will Shelton has gone to Six Mile, South Carolina, near Greenwood, on a business trip. Mrs. D. R. Shearer of Johnson City, Tennessee is the guest of her) sister, Mrs. V. C. Nobeek. Mrs. Reginald Arnold returned to her home in Bristol, Tennessee Mon day after a few days visit to rela tives in Waynesville- Miss Eleanor Garrison, who has a position with the Champion Fibre company in t anion, fpent bum1ayjlipi,n i1m, Cimrse tht is Mng M , ;lt visiting friends in Waynesville. I the Hementirv Sehool p.m.ri.,re.l hv l.u. . m ' . ... .. ' ... ii' .i- .- . , , . . ., "u 1 "'em-learners a ounen. ,ir iu is. mumm ivimueiiy 01 nsneviue COMMUNITY CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING Tne regular monthly meeting of the Community Club was held on Mon day afternoon in the club rooms on Main street, with the president, Miss Alice Quinlan, presiding. After the usual opening program, the officers and chairmen of the various commit tees gave interesting reports of their work. Among these were the fol following: Mrs. W. T. Shelton, in behalf of Mrs. R. L- Coin, gave the report of the special committee for the benefit to be sponsored by the co-operative efforts of the civic 'organizations of me iown tor tne unemployed. .Mrs. Sam Plott of the inter-racial com mittee told of the visit to the negro school and of the appreciation of the teachers for the supplies for the Home Economic Department of the sehool donated by the club. Airs. 1 nomas M. Seawell again linr.'! the attendance of the members Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cogburn of Mr. Jism ShffiM ; . Canton were here Tuesday. j f rom Pigeon Wednesday. ''! Among the visitors in town from Crabtree the first of the week were Messrs. Guy Messer, D. R. McCracken, R. R. Ferguson, and Charles Hill. Visitors from Clyde in Waynes ville Tuesday were Messrs M. A. Leatherwood, Herst Justice, and Jerry Rogers. Mrs. Low King of Cutaloochee Friday in town shopping. pint Mr. C, D. Wallace of Charlotte was in Waynesville on business last week Mr. W- T. Sorrells of Canton was here Friday. .'. Mr. Glenn A. Boyd of Jonathan was in Waynesville on business Thursday Mr. T. A. Clark of Canton spent Thursday in town. J. Rcece attended a meeting iffe rson Standard Life Insu- tnpany Underwriters held at anderbilt Hotel in Asheville T. Neal, Miss Jewel Hipps, Mary Adams Ward motored n-Salem last week-end to jtha Neal, who is a student College. lild de Neergaard, who has j big his mother, Mrs- Caroline -rd. for the past week, left r his home in New York icile Plott. daughter of Mr. fj. R. Plott of Maggie, left fmorninc for Miworlr Now ere she will enter the New tal for triining:. ' .'..' G. Cookingham and daugh- Coris Cookingham, who have Ae Kirkpatrick Ayartmeitts t few months, left Monday ome in New Jersey. from Thickcty Cr.ibtvci was f roline de Neergaard left h her niece, Mrs- William Mrs. de Neergaard will Newcomb at her home in nnesota for some time. Mrs. J. Rufu& MnCraeken riday f rom a ten nay?' tour f stern part of the state. visited Mrs. McCracken's Charloston,. South Care- Mrs. John N- Shoolbred nd Mrs. D. D. Perry left fining for Elizabethton, where thev will visit Mr. hoolbred's son and daugh- a. iv. iv w ooa. .- Mrs, Ernest Withers and ! Jr., spent last week-end Georgia, visiting their iss. Hester Ann Withers. udent at Agnes Scott Coi rs. Withers' parents. Mr. Mr. H- C. McCracken of ('nibtree spent Friday in Waynesville Mr. Blake McCracken, of Crabtres was a visitor here Friday. " Mr. J. F. Justice was here West Asheville Friday. Mr. W. A- Moore of Pigeon was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr, J. W. Robinson cf spent Saturday in town. " Mr- R. L. Messer of here Monday. Mr. W. H. .'lenderso i of Reaver,!:, m was among the visitors her--Monday. " ' Mr- Marshall Messer of Cove Creek wa; among the visitors here the first I of the week. Mr. C.C.Henson and Mr. J. A. Sing leon were among the visitors from Bethel Monday. - Mr- Hoyle C:!l of Knoxville, Tenn- ?s-,ee wa.i in T.V. ynesville on business last week. Mr. Edison E- Colleins of Canton anion" the visitors in town on Thurs- arrived Monday and is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rotha, at their home on Pigeon St. Mrs. Kenneth Brimmer spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Howell. Mrs. Brim mer is the former Miss Thomasine Howell. Mrs. Adora Reym ii Richmond Virginia and Mrs. Joe Rose of Miami Florida arrived Wednesday and have opened Mrs. Reyne's home on Siiiath ers street. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. T. Bridges and Mr. Marion Budges, spent last week-end with relatives in Greenville, South Carolina. Misses -Gertrude and Vir ginia Bridges, cousins of Mr. Bridges, returned to Waynesville with them for a wet-k s visit. Mrs. Grady Boyd and young daugn- ter, Barbara Ann, and Miss Dorothy Lane returned last Wednesday from a two weeks' visit to Mrs. Boyd's .sis ter, Mrs. Edwin Davis, in Atlanta, Georgia. Mrs. J.M. Bell, who accom panied tihem to Atlanta, -remained there with her daughter, Mrs. Davis, for a longer stay. " FEBRUARY U. p. C. MEETING FRIDAY The February meeting of the Unit ed Daughters of the Confederacy will be held Friday afternoon February at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs, R. H. Blackwell. Mrs. John M. Queen will be joint hostess. Mrs- Will Hyatt will have the papev of the month on Georgia and Alabama in tb Confed eracy. las: i fa C- Sattorthwr it. Prevost and Mr Wlilun , ... ... f Jast r nday for a busi- Philadelphia- They re ?day accompained by Mr. fst, who has spent the i-in Chicago and New York je furniture market. I Mr. D. H. Harris mvd Mrs. H. A. Osborne were. in Waynesville on bus :r :'-- Friday. -.- Mrs, Herman Green of Fin' s r:rcc-k was in Waynesville shopniitj -S'afar- day. '. Misses Helen Green and Rovii No land of Finer Creek . wery visitor in tmn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ward have al their gust Mrs. Ward's sister, Mrs. A. T. Lucas, of Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. J. F. Shelton, Mr. Jesse Craw ford, Mr. Mark Howell, asd Mr. Jec Jaynes were visitors from Dellwood in town Monday. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT and Mrs Roy Pless announce the birth of a son, Francia Lamar, on ' Thursday, January 28. Mrs. Pless is the former Miss Helen1 Pugh of Asheville, noted pianist. Mrs- C.E. Ray returned to her home Sunday night from Greensboro, wliere she went to be with her son, Mr. Wil ford Ray, who was ill in the hospital in that city. Mr. Ray has re -"vc red from his illness and has gone with Hs 1 ride, the former Miss Edna Al 'ey, on a trip to Northern points. MRS. SHOOU1RE1) HOSTESS AT -BRIDGE Mr.-;. William Shoolbre.i was hos ss at a charming bridge party last Thursday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Black, in Sunny Cove Orchards on the igeon Road. A color note of red and white car- ying out the Valentine motif pre dominated in the decorations. At the conclusion of the bridge Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell held high score and Mrs. Hugh Massie held low Each was presented an attractive prize. Those playing were: Mrs. M. H. j Reeves, Mrs. Roy Francis, u'rs. luy Massie, Mrs. S. P, Gay, Mrs. Robert Stretcher, Mrs Ben Colkitt, Mrs. Hugh Massie. Mrs. J. C, Reece, Mrs. Grsyden Ferguson, Mrs, Roy Camp bell, Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Mrs. John N. Shoolbre.i, Mrs. J. P. Dieur,, Mrs D. D. Perry, Mrs. C: F. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. C. M.Dicus, Mrs. Thomas M Seaweli, Mrs. J. W. Seaver, and Mi.- Rohenrt Miller. Our Vynical Officials An immigrant being examined at Ellis Island was asked why he desir ed to enter the United States. He replied that he simply wanted to earn an honest living. "Oh, that's all right then," said the official, "I guess that's not one of the over-crowded occupa tions." INSURANCE For all kinds of in surance, with reliable companies see J. M. Newton, your insurance man, at the Waynesville Insurance Agency, Over The Mountaineer Office. "OR SALE Two fresh cows, pood breeds, good milk producers, apply to Ed Swayngim, Route a, Francis Cove, Waynesville. 2t2S-5p B. D- Bunn announced the meeting -to In held on February S in the interest of the township schools' and asked that every one present come and give publicity to the meeting. Announce ment was also made of the Art Ex hibit to be held at the high school from the Sth to the 12th of February. An admission fee of 2.i cents will be charged to view these copies of the world's famous paintings ami the pro ceeds will be Used to buy pictures for the township schools, sponsors of the movement; Mrs. Ben Colkitt, chairman of the Dramatic Department, and Mrs. Thomas M. Seaweli, chairman f Ed ucation, gave reports of the benefit bridge party and a discussion of the prizes to be awarded lit the Minna reading and sewing contest to :-e held in the ruring at the high sen nil fol lowed. Motion was made to have the usual prizes. Motion was made and carried 1o accept the invitation f the Civie League to give a large tea in cele bration of Washington's birthday anniversary. The work of the Allen's Creek school was presented bv Mrs. W T. Shelton and Mrs, James M. Long Motion was made ami carried to buy some supplies for the cafeteria of the wchool. The following were ap pointed by the president to serve ns the nominating commitrce to bring in a report for the next spring meet ing: Mrs. R. R.Ca-mpboIl, Mrs. James M. Long, and Mrs- James Atkins. Mr, James L. Robinson, County Agent, was presented to the club. Mr. Robinsin made a splendid talk on the 5-10 Year Farm Plan He enumerated the resources of this sec tion and discussed in turn the re actional, industrial, and agricultural nctivijfifcs. On the latter h j .ela'nor- rI 't l-'vrth. explaining in d"t;til he meaning of 'he T-10 V-.' ' move- the menning of the .ri-10 Yenr move- i which the women w ui1 1 -ud in ;he of the impo-'ai.t phase "f ' "---nnrces and., the-' namep us possibilities offered in buyt-ig that could, capitalize on the quality of 'he local products in competition with outside productions. At this juncture, Mrs Joseph E. i -I -V 71 -. t ' n ! (rV)trt itio Mliimluit-o ii-ilti i id".no solo. "Trio Kontameron," by Leopold Godowsky. She was follow.-d bv a TPsnme of -purren. "vents by Mr3. Ira Thack.'ton. Mrs. Paul Walker, who had the paper of the after-noon; introduced Mayor J. Harden Howell; who made nn ill'-minatintr flk on the rx-rti-nent subjeft. of taxation, v He. con fined his subject tc niunicijal ta a tion. He explained in a definite rind practical manner the revenues t a '. "A- the ririce f.. various .kind I -f !;;i"r-;v;rn(int.s and . certain privi- '(; p-. xini-i ! f;,r the public. He j ?poke . . "f . thV responsibility in -t.Ve' present. pr's of working out the af fairs of anv town or city. He touched upon the neeesrary curtailment of expenses thf$t aenU-d each phase of the town gnvornr-ent. He closed hi" rmarkr. with hirt praise of his col leagues in the vjuious department of "1 government and t) co-operation in ,riditirn.;. ;. 1 hour to bnvinp ' : --' Alice Quinla-i. "Tr3. Homer Henry, :"obell. hortesses of 'd tea and sand- I am running a NEW HARDWARE STORE at num ber 76 Main Street right by Reeves Drug Store I have two eighty foot floors loaded with New Hardware bought low for cash and sold at fair prices. If you want anything I do not have in stock see me and I will get it for you quickly. I aim to have the best selected stock of Fishing Tackle ever in Waynesville, fifty years experience using it will go into the buying. My Fishing Tackle wrll be strictly high grade and prices tire going to be lower than any time since the big war. Wanted more customers, and if New Goods. Fair Prices and good service count, I expect them. New Spring plow goods all here and everything getting down to before the war prices. I have new clean goods at from ten to fifty pet cent lower than a few years ago, except Horse Shoes! you are going to get the saving if you buy from me. W. T. DENTON'S HARDWARE iMok for the big yellow sign "Dentons Hardware", at 76 Main Street and don't miss the place for new clean Hard ware at fair prices. Here are a few Good Prices for you. Can you beat them? Cotton Seed Meal $1.00 per bag .$19.50 per Ton Cotton Seed Hulls 10c per bag. $7.75 per Ton. No.l Timothy Hay 95cpercwt. . $18.50perTon I ancy green alfalfa hay $1.25 per cwt. $24.50 per T No. 2 White Corn 50c per Bu. Salt-100 lb Rag 95 c 21 per cent Union Grain Dairy Feed $1.90 per Bag. Ubiko AH Starting Mash $2.85 per Bag. Ubiko All Laying Mash $2.40 per Bag. Galvanized 29 Gage 5 V. Roofing: 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 foot lengths 11 and 12 foot lengths All the above prices are at our store. $4.15 per Sq. $4.25 per Sq. Extra charge v, nj-r., -Mr-. M ( r -fint Mr. P the afternoon, wiches. i t i i ! i i. FO(rTAL PENS REPAIRED at TPK "' WNESVILLE PHARMACY by , I. H. Thackston Mr. R O. r-iT spent several dai's In PTson City on business last week. Mr C Monday ir Mis. F day- of Clyiie spent it. 5 for delivery. COAL Everglow Egg ( Quality guaranteed) $5.35 per Ton Virglow Egg and Blockr-the Best Coal money ca" buy . . . $5.75 per Ton. The above delivered within specified limits. We are giving only a few of the many articles we carry, all of which are at.. Rock Bottom Prices. Come and see what we can do for you. PEOPLES SUPPLY STORE Opposite Depot Formerly Hyatt & Co. PROGRAM FOR WAYNEW00D THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, FEB. 4-5. ffIIE YEAR'S FIRST BIG MUSICAL COMEDY. "FLYING HIGH" SATURDAY, FEB. 6. HOOT GIBSON in "CLEARING THE RANGE" MONDAY AND TUESDAY, FEB. 8-9. CHARLES FARRELL AND MADGE EVANS in "HEARTBREAK" WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10. THOMAS MEIGHAN AND HARDIE ALLBRIGHT in "SKYLINE" Also Selected Short Subjects Every Day t of Lake Juna hoppinr Wednc-3- REMEMBER WE ARE GIVING AWAY TWO BOXES OF GROCERIES EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT. I

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