THE WAYKESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY YL Clyde Churches To Have Special Ser vice For Peace The three principal churches in Clyde wjll co-operate in the observing- of prayer for World Peace and especially for ii;-arraamea(t next Friday at 1 'P. M. in the Baptist church. The following program ha been provided for this occasion: Leader Prof. H. C. Cannon of the Clyde High School. Meditation, heing the instrumen tal rendering of a few of the jrreat hymns sujted for the occasion. Mrs. K. M. Green, pianist at Baptist church. .Scripture By Mrs. II. P. .MK'rack n of the Baptist church. Topics 1. JustWhy lo We Pray Anyway? By J. H. Haynes of the Baptist church. 2. Are Peace and World Disarma ment Possible? By Rev. F. 0. Dry- (ESSENTIALS OF MILK SANITATION i ! (By E. L. Hinton, Haywood County Sanitary Officer) The prevention of milk infection is the nnost important feature, of mi!k sanitation, not only as a means of . FRANKENSTEIN" IS COMING MOW ARE YOUR NERVES? man of M. E. Church, South. :i. Are World Peace and Disarma ment Practicable am! Desirable'.' By Rev. A. A. Johnson of the -M. K. Church. 4. What Can Christian People Do to Brir.g About These Knd-'? By Rev. R. P. Mc('rH-kei: nf the Baptist church. Hymn "Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace." Silent Prayer closing with a short prayer led by Mrs. A. A, Johnson of the M. E. Church. The public is urged to attend this meeting and especially all those who believe in World Peace and in prayer. "LOOK OUT FOR FRANKEN STEIN, THE MAN WHO MADE A MONSTER." ereveotinif disease but also las a mess ure which inspires public confidence, thereby leading to a higher milk con sumption, a result which all health workers desire. But disease preven tion is only one aspect of the subject. Clean milk is also a necessity and clean milk is that which has a small number of bacteria present in it. Un clean utencils, the entrance of dust and manure, and storage at high tem peratures, a'd directly affect the bac terial population. Large numbers of bacteria also taue quick souring and bad-tasting milk. Milk sanitation then ha- two ob jects: tile production, of safe milk and the production ' f ciean milk. The essentials to attaining these objectives, aie given below. 1. Healthy Cows This implies freedom from tubercplo.-is and other freedom from tuberculosis and other specific diseases, also infection of the pus-forming bacteria in the milk. 2. Clean and Healthy Workmen The freedom of dairymen from com municable disease is of vital impor- 'TRANKENSTEEN" IS COMING HOW ARE YOUR NERVES? CRABTREE Mr Jack Williams and Gene Rus-( sell spent the week-end in Canton. j Mrs. Ben Walker and Miss Atari X-jland from Waynesville spent the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs.! G. W. Noland. i tance. Their personal cleanliness. j .'!. A Clean, Airy, Dustless Barn I with sanitary cow yard and .- ur round- J imgs. ! 1. A Separate Milk House well, properly screened, and supplied with pure water. i t j. Utensils and Equipment ufj I Proper Design. , i). tttective .Sterilization, arid .-crapulous cleanliness -of pails, strainer . . , ... I 1 !. ,..!.. . ciotns, cans, coolers anu iwuira. ' 7. Prompt Cooling and Proper Ti..,.,n;,r ,.r Milt- inflviHinu- thf milk- 1 1 a nullum, w. ., t. .-e ing, bottling, capping, and delivery. 8. Drink nothing but. grade "A"j ami the problem is solved. j vc. w a Vfr-Clamrock entertained a quilting party at the Methodist parsonage Friday, Fee. 5th. A very delightful day was spent. Those present were: Mrs. Robert Fergu son, Mrs. C. R. Francis, Mrs. G. W Noland, Mrs. Wilson Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Sallie Ferguson. Mrs. C- E. Wii'iams, Miss Pei'.e MeCracken. Miss Atan Noland, Mrs. Per Walker, and Mrs- Hugh Lentherworxl. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. MeCracken, Anabelle MeCracken and Mrs. R. G. McClamrock spent Sunday in W eav erville isiting Miss Edna MeCracken who is in college there. Miss- Elizabeth Ropers. Margie Pu-r.-r-.-li and Lucile Davis from this Miction, were carried to the Way. ntsvilk- Hospital all tne same week. The;.- un!ei went operations for ap pendicitis. Th:-' are yetting along fine. Mrs. G. W- Noland and Mrs. C. E. Williams have purchaser! a pair each of white New Zealand rabbits. FINES CREfl "LOOK OUT FOR FRANK EN- j STEIN, THE MAN WHO MADE A! MONSTHR." Messrs. Roy Rogers, J. M. Noland and Forman Noland of Fines Creek spent Monday in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. r;4, Oak were visitors .;f tj, Baptist church Sunday, Mr. Charlie McCrarv loss of ten lambs Morjj Hubert Fergus,r ha ! sheep. ; Mrs. C- R. Ra:n our, . day night with hv I Rathbone, ot lower 1 ! Misses DolHe RathboiJ Justice spent Th ursria; I Miss Ruth West. Mrs. J. D. West was, ' hv father. Z. R. ; 'ml . Mr. and Mrs Kuh f;.., guests of Mrs. Fisher's -. and Mrs. Jesse I.. Moos. Mr. Burnett Ducket; county visited hi s sis' Greene, one day last Mr- Charlie McCrary; nesville visitor last weei Mr. Roy Greene visiter Mr- and Mr6. Sam Gi land. Business Review of Canton's Leading Fir Edited by C. H. Matthews HUDSON'S DEPARTMENT STORE G. S. HUDSON, Manager FREEL FURNITURE COMPANY Located in Canton, N. C Phone 1G2. Visit ifcte' store as this is a mer chandising center offering the high est quality in men's and women's wearing apparel. Dry goods and no tions at most reasonable prices and tfcus aiding all in this community by enabling them to keep well and fash ionably attired in distinctive clothes at prices they can afford to pay. Truly a valued and reliable store. When a store is able to satisfy the most exacting demands of all classes of people, then it must be acknow ledged that it has reached an enviable positron in its trade. Such is the case with this store, operated by one of the prominent firms of this section of the state. People of every class have found that tlothas from this store are sat isfactory in every particular, and made of the best materials. The most ex clusive patterns and mixtures can be found in the complete lines, and pick ed of the tasteful and approved de signs of the season they can be had at very reasonable prices. In ladies' ready-to-wear you will find coats, dresses and other apparel which reflects the very latest of the approved fashions, at prices you can afford to pay. The same is true of the men's de partment where there is made a spec ialty of catering to those of moder ate means and distinctive manner that present-day business and social ac tivities demand. The boys will find that they have not been overlooked at this store as they specialize in boys' clothing and have a most complete stock which is snappy and reasonable in price. The fact that they buy their stock in large quantities and are discrimi nating buyers enables them to offer these wonderful values to the peo ple. "Siis gives them a large trade and they do not try to make all the protfit on one sale, but count on small profits and a large volume of business. We are glad to compliment Had son'sDepartment Store, upon the high standing in the business world of this section and upon the efficiency of the eonoern which they so ably direct. Located in Canton, N. C. Phone 22. This firm merits the position it has attained as one of the foremost home outfitting fi-ms in this section. Its uneyualed quality and metro politan service during the time it has served the public in this community has merited the large patronage it receives. It may well be said that no busi ness in this secfron has maintained better heritage or has higher stand ing as a leading home outfiting es tablishment than this well known firm. The Free! Furniture Company is a C. S. FREEL', Manager store "of the people and for the peo ple 'a store built on the pltni that aims to give mutual pleasure, satis faction and benefit, for it is the aim of this establishment to make the life of the people worth while by supply ing at reasonable ppices the necessi ties, comforts, conveniences and luxu ries. Their stocks have been selected by the management with a view to perfection in three things: comfort, beauty and durability, and embraces as a whole the most beautiful and durable productions of the American furniture makers' art. It makes no difference whether it is a room you desire to furnish, the whole house or just a piece or two :i you can secure it here favorable price that 6 fords. They are artistic and and effects charm and The proprietor is a ; zen who is thoroughly t& the business and has if booster for all thinp public improvement, The Freel Furniturt one of the most valttt assets in this -sectiori complete and up-to-da public in a very satisfi SMATHER'S DAIRY J. W. SMATHERS, Prop.. Located in Canton, N. C Phone 40. Conducts one of the most modern and sanitary dairies in the state and earnestly invites you to visit their dairv and see why their milk is so well liked by the grownups as well. asJ the kiddies. The present manager has the most prominent dairy in this part of the state. Its 'place is modern and up-to-date in every particular, clean and wiaitary throughout. The business is coaducted along progressive lines and we are glad to say that this dairy is a credit to the community . This is a local dairy with the in terest of the home and country at heart and it should receive the con sideration of all the people in this section. Fair and straightforward in their dealings, it is not Strange that so many people are complimenting this dairy. ';.:' A visit to the dairy is very interest ing to the uninitiated. Their business has increased bo rapidly that im provements have been made from time to time until today they have a modern dairy. Everything in the dairy is kept scrupulously clean, as it is the policy of the institution not only to produce milk and cream that will pass inspec tion but to turn out products that are as near an approach to the acme of perfection as modern machinery and up-to-date methods will permit. Many mothers of so-called bottle-fed babies highly praise the energizing contents of this dairy's milk. Smathers Dairy .has -Seen' .-closely allied with the business interests of this section of the state for some time and has been instrumental in the up building of this section of the county, and the institution should receive the patronage of the entire people. CHAMPION BANK J. H. KIRKPARTICK, President, CHARLES S. BRYANT, Sec. and Tres. Located in Canton, N- C, Phone 201. Tkis bank is a financial pillar of unsurpassed.--strength in this section of the country. Jts methods are up to date and efficient. Ite manage ment is able and fully competent to cope with every financial problem that may come to it for solution. An important factor in the development of this section. As a factor in the upbuilding of Canton thiB bank has playei a prom inent and honorable part. It is known as the bank of superlative integrity and one that can be counted on al ways H carry its share of the load in the forward looking and progressive movements. Its influence on the home life of the county has been marked indeed. The Champion Rank conducts a general banking business. Its service and advice are sought by the largest corporations as well as by the hum blest individual, and in every instance the same courteous treatment is ex tended and the same problems pre sented. Open or checking accounts are carried as part of the bank's regular business. Certificates of de posit are issued, as well as drafts on domestic and all foreign points Collections are promptly made nnd every assistance in the way of loans to deserving enterprises is endered. Its soundness has never been ques tioned. Its officers are men of high standing in their community, and are of sterling character and unassailed repute. They have always adhered to the soundest principles of banking and are well deserving of the magnifi cent patronage that has been extend ed to their ably imawaged institution. The Champion Bank is one of the most valued of the community's many valuable assets. GEORGE A. WILSON, JEWE1I GEO. A. WILSON, Prop. Located in Canton, N C, Phone 245. Has merited the position ttiis es tablishment has attained as one of the leading jewelry store in this sec tion of the state, and because of its unequalled quality and metropolitan service during the time it has sewed the public, haB merited the laree pat ronage it receives. The gift season is always -n and the jeweler receives his share in making possible the wisest selection of pres ents for all occasions. An up-to-date jeweler is indispensable to every com munity of taste and refinement and where he whose works shows marked skill is sure of liberal patronage. The people of this community are in no way behind in this respect and the generous patronage extended this popular firm shows how this commu- i nity appreciates their efforts. The stock has been selected with rare judgment and includes every thing necessary to it ! , and up-to-date store found the leading m diamond rings, pins, ments, novelties in of handsome design af variety of jewelry. Particular attention watch repairing and : too complicated for ttj repair, and if you hai jewelry that you thcC cause a clasp was b missing, take it to tra repaired to your env We take particular! recting our readers to i Jeweler, and point tol the best enterprises which is aiding in tm4 progressive place to great pleasure in com;! upon the character l ment and the quality they have chosen to NANTAHALA HARDWARE CO., INC. G. W. KNABB, Mgr. Located in Canton, N. C, Phone 104. They feature farming Implements of all kinds. Xantahala Hardware Co , Inc., is one of the most prominent hard warj stores of this part of the state. Car ries a complete line of high grade hardware, and is paint headquarters and carries all that pertains to an up-to-date store. It is without doubt necessary that an immense stock of goods be carried by the hardware dealer who wishes to be successful and keep pace with the demand of his customers. In this present day hurry and rush the pa tron demands that his call for a nail or a screw be given the same careful attention as though he vere buying a bill of hardware. At this popular establishment par ticular attention is given this feature. They will be pleased to welcome all patrons. As the store has a stock that comprises thousands of every neces sary article it can readily be seen that hundreds of people are continually -visiting this store. One of the features of this service is tbe fact that the salesman are au thorities on paints. They will be able to tell you just how much paint, oil, etc., you will need to paint the house, barn or interior and will assist you in picking out the 'colors that will make it a place of beauty and charm. The Nantahala Hardware Co., Inc., has always prided itself upon furnish ing the people of all the surrounding territory with the very highest in quality. Their experience in the buy ing world and their familiarity with the manufacturing, wholesale and re tail conditions in the paint trade has placed them in a position to be able to secure the highest quality in this line. They have built up their business upon the policy of furnishing the very highest quality at reasonable prices. They have been responsible for much of the improvement in the appearance of real estate in this part of the coun try. They have furnished the contrac tors and people with their products for many of the fine esidences and large buildings for exterior and interior work and thus their business activities have added in the progress of the commanity. CITY MARKET H. t. MORGAN, Prop. Located in Canton, N. C.. Phone 252. This market is a place where qual ity, service and satisfaction meet and where people from the surrounding territory go to find the perfect provi sion center. It is excellently locat ed and is a place where one can park, have the car loaded and drive away, not being inconvenienced by traffic jams. This up to date market, seeing the drift of trade from the congested area, has established a market that is gaining in patronage every day and now is so busy that all goods arc turned quickly, which means for both lower price and newer and fresher stock. This vast volume of business en ;ables them to better deal with the wholesale firms and accrues to the benefit of the public. Thus market strikes the keynote in modern life as people do not want to spen'd all their money they take in for meals and provisions, but want to have money left for other pleasures of life. ;"''' Those who trade here have found that they are able to save much on their market bills and if properly put away it will, by being saved net them a handsome sum over a length of time- The prices are a result of lower overhead, closer buying, doing a large business, and making -email profits on each sale. The service at this popular- mark et is very pleasant and efficient. In this review we are glad to com pliment them as people who make a continued study of the food problems of the day and on conducting a mark et that is in advance of the times. We would advise anyone having trouble w ith the food problem in any way to visit the City Market and make the family happy by furnish- -ing them with pure food and well balanced meals. ECKENROD'S STUDIO MRS. A. M. ECKENROD, Prop Located in Canton, N. C, Phone 183. It is a popular center of the commu nity and the place where people of this section know they will lind ex pert professional work in all that pertains to modern photography, lor the proprietress is of wide experience in the work. She has won wide re nown a an artist of the first rank and a maker of photographs that please. Truly has it been said ' your friends can buy anything you can give them except your photograph.'! 'And photographs are not expensive either, because the proprietress of this studio is prepared to serve you in the most efficient manner at small cost- You can secure here most excellent photographs at most moderate prices. Of course they are prepared also for the rarest and most costly work of this line and there are examples cf the artistic ability today in the homes of many of the families in the im munity. But they are also the pop ular priced photographers and special- such artistic Rb',ltr d T ize in proving to you T work can today be " small cost. This studio has ' tion of many parent cellent work they dc tures and pertrafc Whether it be an a child in school the' in the most r.atura. This studio .has a reputation, both this Kwtinn. on aftfn and efficient servi ways render in of wedding par: ': The work in thi-c ; always prompt a?3 tory. Eckenrod's Stu-:' leaders in this.!"-1' has elicited prais munity, and the -s: vice of clients Taken in sil, they bers of the proit zens of this -sect! gratulatedTt!"

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