"I r i ' I 1 1 1 j J. Ml ? if alit tioij diV 4 I t, . , ai 1 vz. - i Has More PMuAdvanceSubscritorsIn HayuooJ County Than All Weekly euspapers Coined fOL.XLIV NO. 10 WAYNESV1LLE, NORTH CAROLINA CIAMTS READY FOR BARE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 18, 19; DAYS in iuurji l vui vvviuunu ruLL 1 IIVIC nunareas ui anoppers Are expected lo lake Advantage Of Bargain jne.of Largest In i 1 j 1 Tkl J T ausinai rianis in Haywood County Thi' Junaluska Tannery, of Hazel (!, ow ni'il by England. Walton and iip.iMy, Inc., ha:: received orders to in... fat-Ay start full-time operation. FARM MEETINGS ARE CREATING MUCH INTEREST this order, l.'.U of t.h f the tannery will 1 cork. The tannery h,- erat ini? or, u ii )uv Meetings are Hold at Hat cliffe Cove, Clyde and Maggie During Past r cw Days. David Hyatt Gets Sentence Of 10 TO 15 Years, Manslaughter o si '.H ! ul!-tl:ile r e'ive 1 by !.. M. Rio! the tannery fron :id.,uarlers in I!: 'on the ar tann I Wodncs- A hun l Hit;' and j plan. j pa r; iff Vlf nip iluska Tannery is one of 1 industries of Hazehvood, short distance west of . In addition to being a yer of labor, the tannorv Javge quantities 6". tan bark and wo, id, which contribute to the fierity of the surrounding country., lis plant, when on full production ;lule, mpi ires 100,000 hides' anmi to '"produce -1,000,000 pounds of her. hile it has practically always op cd at. full capacity, and lias vet e no reduction m wages, on the of the current year it cut produc to one-half capacity- The resump of full-time operation is quite lirally a most welcome bit of news he peonlc of Hazelwnnd nH thn muding country. i . Richeson, the manager, states s opinion that while the recovery liness might appear to be flow, It is unnucstionHhlv rm thr. lin- ... .... ...j .... ..v X rs! merchants received th. mvo joyfully and expressed and even fristic outlook for the enin- lonths than heretofore. av i; A.V.T0 HOLD ffiCIAL MEETING SRE THURSDAY fussion of Entertaining aie Convention Here i m May to be Main Topic. e. will be a .special meeting Disabled Veterans of The Uai here Thursday nierht. at lHh State Vice Comrade S:I- " of Asheville and other state making the principal nd "! the evening. 1 main topic for discussion will am! means of providing for '' A. V. Convention, which e May 27-28. s of the American Legion 'dy invited to attend this Major J. H. Howell, of nuatlon, is also scheduled i talk. . The (' oin inun i f v m.s i inn j el iff e .Cove vm the 5-1:1 I program plan was held his I day at the Method::-! , lain ! J dred people attended the ni showed mui-h' interest it) ' ti The men Reeled Mr. ( . i community chair, I". I.. Leo chairman and Rul'us Rate tary. . The women .elected Mi Francis ihaii man and Mrs. eiili secretary. The meeting was presided over by W. 1), Smith, vocational agriculture teacher at Wayn svnie. Mr. Smith has done much, work in the Ratclilfe Cove community, with the boys and has. held men's evening classes. . Others taking part on the program were Mrs. ,). II. Howell tK w n .Smith, II. A. Osborne and Ja! L Robinson, county agent The vocational boys presented the two act play, Hiram Haywood's Hired Hands. T hey also furnished string music for the occasion. A similar program was held at Clyde Thursday night in the high school auditorium. The men elected T. II Roirers. chanman, Carter Osborne vice chair man and U. P. McCracken. secretary. The women elected Mrs. T. II Rogers chairman, Mrs. Roy Ht.ynes, vice chairman, and Mrs. Helen Smath i I ers, secretary. A similar meeting was held at Mag gie last night, Wednesday. The following meetings will be held during the coming week: Craso,. Thursday, February 18 Iron Duff, Friday, February 10. ED SMITH GETS SENTENCE OF 18 MO. TO 3 YEARS Canton Youth Found Cuiltvl of Murder,' His Father, ' 1 Luke Not Cuiltv Ml. an ,li ;dge hen b, i. enc; David Hyatt, through his attornev. Felix Alley, gave notice if an appeal, which was granted Wednesday after noon, .-honly after he hail reeeivtMl a -entenee of nol les tiian 0 years nun'e than l." vears on a ; ch.nge maiislaughlel. Hyatt was leleased umier a JfL'.UOO n.i jusr alter tlie apiieal v, l'i lo the time of the ti mi If.- n 7,;,iii ' jury ivtunirif t i , in , ,. laughter with rv( , ., ;1 . , i j, ,a "e:e. eariy i- lnesd.H lieu :; 'u,; 1 .'' ( I ia id ilj.Mi, ,-h.tl ...t , K'Uuim his l,hi:i;,.- Ruel! Ilvat: 1 cfe owned and the ilel'etiJa ol '' '! fa v, which 'v.-a heard In for.' 11 '.1 A- - -lack, lias created mueli re -t .since its beginning Monday 'iMiitie.. The court, room has been u,i ...:.., . , t . (tin ii j aoo. at times luiirli erowils tlnonged in the halis waiting ail op))ni'tunity to get into the room to hear the case. The ' defense jirodueed evidence in an cllorl to prove thai Itavid Hyatt had suffered attacks of amnesia and tended to prove- that it was while he I r inrnn TT7Z h,,,i onQ nf ,n("- ''tt'I that be soi uvjVstXLj IU lItr.lt HAS and killed his brother RADIO THAT CATCHES At firs, Judge Stack ,1,(1 not pe, mi, RATS AND KILLS 'EM jury to hear this evidence and they were sent out of the room kov- Mayor's Invitation Bargains Pientifu To i Creet he ('its if II: 1 Hyatt i I'loiu p.: c: wh i . n dev - to nm.rti u H.11.H k tall it trieti.! A. M Than LML.n. p.'e:; charge -of with the who was a (Hllicul and his .ludge vire. the lather. I.iiKe Stack took attorneys iir N. to their m.it h taeK, in Suneriii: i' moi niug, j)j..'sc .months lo t.hriM :. ;iiii:in y. .it). of l!,i!;l riiMteM- iii:iu--.:iugii:i r m slaying of Ilr-i-.iMe.l in Cant ui y with Kd Hni it h l:ot Am. pei-atei liy a n lialile '-haul- nesville .-n, tin' next oin I. me li otVeri hree 1 Oll-il the than ,1 Co tnat the : ne on OS f V;m the public l liarg'aiiis tin: .a and wha; A.ipp.irfiniit' l :.i( an crythi la ii I'e; t lV IV II stock- Ml hi pal eai; to V lav: . il'e lor : hi ,' I : v( cordial welconii lo ),r s! aiici. ,i i ham! v nl. days 11-1 1 - ..;,(, and n.aiL Ibreo -da ol' I he pri on the i:.'.i V, ar pi ic.e: thov are larg.vi whi, i lie .pp Smith. : occasion to ad the Smith buy that they might write to the prison i superintendent and renuest that i Continued on back page) w ill jhii an I inre in Coin,. ; !ir:ai' awaits von. j ; The niercliant and eit ,,l do. vvciythitnf possible I, i make voiii visit an I table' : . . . , i I lie-niercliant s haiid lr tile I'Apecting to see you all three davs,, ,,.,, ., . , .. . . 1 . F,-i,)v v;. i ..', --''" weeks lii cn talking ; ot tin " ' :"""j .inn Jiiiiiu.iy, r en- , .,.. , ... , . i! "mi aiio "iii-itKiiig ineir pians l() ac-i! commodate (he largest, trading -crowds shopping ple;(-ent anil piidi !i.i id will spin nu the sh I he l ee'ii I :i r i . ind on liispla niercltandis ants hav ' nan gin ho price ovenl lav.' bee di-e ale eljuil : n ev'i ral in lower. Ilun ,i .. iiiei iiglrt lor til n ill nor on!. ;! slocks;- bu van it 't : hs L;. ? t 3,i riiiirv 1!), -0 and 22. Very truly yours, I. 11. IIOWKLI,, Mayor ol Wavtiesville 3IISS HAYNES IS ON HONOR ROLL AT MARS HILL Some radio fans like to brag about how many distant stations they can get over their sets and how they were brought in with little or no static R. M. Fie, local meat cutter, can tell a different yarn on his radio, which '"is perhaps the onlv like story yet to I enter radio history. His radio not only gets distant stations, but catch es peaty rats at the same tunc A few days ago, Mr. Fie's radio acted queer and upon investigating he found that a large rat had gotten into the mechanism and had come in contact with a live wire, which re sulted in his (loath and also imMinir the radio out ol working order eral times during the first day of the trial. Huell Hyatt had lived here prac tically all his life and was considered a brilliant student in high school He was connected with the postoflice here for several years. Other cases that were tried last week were of minor importance, the greater part consisting of divorce. Violation of the prohibition law other similar cases. Chamber Of Commerce To Elect New Officers At Mectiiiff Toniffht IV ' hat have on vailed Wnvnosviloo sinccU the davs of '21. Mayor Howell has issued an mvita tion to the citizens of the couhtvl iH'OMtur 4 1, r,t 4,. l.tl.-.. ...1 4 .. ..r il. . t:U "h". iiiv.ii in nri- tn vantage oi I'le:.;, Tt lends of .Miss Carolyn Haylies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A C. A. Haynes, fctudent at Mars Hill College, will be intt rested to know that she was one of the 20 students to make the honor roll of that institution for the first semester. American Legion Met Last Monday wne person expressed Die opinion j tu l, ..l i n r .1 a . , l"c lo,al "ost of the Ainencun that perhaps the rat read in The t irinn i1( i,, , n n"u" ,,,,, , , i-gion held its regular monthly Moun.ameu whu a lampaign was mt be-ng waged against iats bv l'.of. S Ik,,.,,,,.., . , k Commander...!. C. Patrick apiwinted a committee to work with the local l. A. . organization in nrrnntrinir nis lor the Stale convention u-lviMi i.im.. Hugh Msssie, president of the Chamber ol Commeri.e, Hiiiiouiieed .yesterday that the uiihual meeting of the organization will be held to night, Thursday, at the Chamber of Commerce offices here This is an important meeting, he said, and urges every man in Way nesville to attend lf.imi-,ll,u., ,,r ui.i wlieUier he is a member or nol, M r i Massie said it. is impoi t.Hil iind that I civic iiiid.. should bring everv citi j nen out. viui-eis lor th,. ..coming vear will be elected and other 'important mat ters will be brought up at that tune D. Smith's vocational class of boys and that the rat sought reluge in the bach of the radio. Anyway, the rat never lived to tell just what motive was. specials oflered bv here. No matter what viiiir needs mi they van be promptly Idled m Way- ?" nesville the next three days. Ii3 .Specials advertised in this issue of ii'". The Mountaineer nu lude food, meats, jij 1 ((resses, coats, shiK's, drugs, liardware, and wearing apparel for every mom her of the. family ftiiniltire, garages, h'' laundrv, dairies, et'. sl ratronize the lirms that are offer- ing you iiargains. Koad their . ads in The .Mountaineer. The following i'e merchants: j. firms and business houses are CO-Oj)-: 1 here in May. ASK IHAI I I.A(;S mo HISIM, AVKI) 'I he American Legion Au'iliarv is a-king I ha! all the busmiss )mis(.s heie display Mags nn Monday, Feb ruary 22 in honor .ol Washington' birthday. This date also markes the hcirin- I ning of the Washington Hi Centennial. "HAYWOOD IS DRYING UP, SLOWLY BUT SURELY," SAYS LOCAL FFDFRA! I x liinnjixiim urritLii, iv. iirjrj. in a j i VIULAIQKIS CAUGHT LATELY VccorHinp' in Federnl Prohibition in ri ni- . " " . ( 'f the I. A li bers of Vi;,. i.- vijiaiHAaouil OU and bring some other member. ICE TO SING WORD GE CONTESTANTS f have previously announced I'-he Missing Word Page will fm "'ve weeks. This is the Lvek it will be published, j contestants are urged to'get "answers in as quickly as pos J Th,s week The judges win ne fetters for the entire con fuesday night. . Winners will founced next week. According to Federal Prohibition in the Camn Rranch -t!nn 'fficer, R. C. Reese Haywood Coun-I IVacticnllv nil 'i l,.. !,.. : - I -74 WiVJ "VjUll LJ.lM L in is drying up, as far as whiskey is brought into Haywood county now is concerned- The special federal offi- from Georgia and Tennessee The cei. heie hae caught Hi men and ' a)n route flom Tonnccc tho ,h ilestioved about 100 gallons of wins- thp Catn,00chce PCtlon Vn hup key and many hund.eds of iralhm, ofjwhlbke ,hat hcre m ifJe masn- in Haywood county Mr. Reese said vesterdav that, there : htu,...,. .; :.. . . .. . t - , 1 ' uti e- -iK coiisiaeraoiv less v, ;-k'.v was less violation of the piohibition bplnfir nlafle an,, to(, U)(iii tQ. law ,n Hayuood than in any other (ay than there WJ, twQ nion-ths ., county he knew of. The big boot-: he ...ortiniI.,.i ' , N'o matter what 10 isneviue Horn Georgia and Ten- that aie helping notion 1 !.. iliw.iw,!, nr...; ;..:n.. ..'. .. . - forming is never mentioned in any leggers are the onei that were sought during tne recent campaign. Jhe re sult was that several of the largest in the county have been arrested. Ted Emmerson, of Canton, was ar rested last week, and the officers said that-he had a fleet of 4 cars in which : he delivered his "wares." It was : said that his assistants are expected I to be arrested this veek. Emmerson: was released under a $1,000 bond. -i Since coming to W aynesviHe Messrs. j Reese and Forbes have captured 43 1 men in this county and about 200 1 gallons of whiskey. An estimate was j made that 60,000 gallons of mash! have been taken into custody. I Last week six men were arrested I Mr. Ree--e .said that the main that, many net scared when passing through heie and act suspicious and usually got caught before getting to Asheville and Canton. Mr. Reese said lie believed that 7 the whiskey used in Canton and Ashe ville was brought from Georgia and Tennessee through this county. The officers were asked how thev igot their tins and infiirmoiinn 'r.,,. i "Jle any all we get is from friends way. "Many time fers. evidently not know that tioii confidential, received a lettei whose boy was buying liquor, but she failed lo Waynesyille Is Bad Place To Sell Liquor, Says Georgia Bootlegger According to one Georgia hoot Iegger. W'aynesvilIe is no place to try to dispose of a load of liquo- Sunday night the local police force captured a car with SO gal lons of Georgia whiskey and ar rested two men and a young -woman. . The driver and owner of the car - " iiuiu .uayor were released Mayor Howell, before whom the case was heard, released the second man and his friend. The two released, stated that they were invited to ride from Asheville with their friend and that knew nothing about the "wet load." I hey received a good "lecture" from Mayor Howell hpforp thpv . ----j i ; we get unsigned ct fitnii people that do we keen all liifoinin- Not long ago I from a mother. and drinking if ii her name to-even-tell where we could get in 1 1 . ... ,.i . . . , .. . I'oucii wiui ner or the bov s compan roils. 'I he result w nu inLiiiiir i to woik on. If she had signed hoi name we could have arrested, no! doubt, the bnoi'po-t'crs in lw'. -tar. I after we got the letter." Mi. Reese pointed out that several people have come to him offering in formation if he Would nromisp not to get then- names involved into the care. "This is always assured,: no matter how large or small the case may be," he said. The federal prohibition offices here i . i i . . are ncatea in the 1'ost Office tuildng crating in tlie .i-day bargain event: Alexander's Drugs. A&I' Ten Co. Hlackwell-Hushnell Co & T. Service Marioii. ( hampion Shoe Shop C 10. Ray's Sons. Denton's Hardware S'ore Kagle .r)c-10c and 2oe Stores. Ferguson's Grocery. Massie's Department Store Massif's Fuinittire f'o. Mock's Department Store. Mizcll Sales and Servic". , McCracken ( lnthing Co Peoples Supply Co. Ruth Ray's Ii(.uit Sho Southern liell Toi ph-no. Southern Railway. Wayne wood Theatre, Waynesyille Laundry. I lie follow ing firms arc taking in the nursing word page- Ahlen Howell Coal Co Taxi Stand Lunch Kn mi. LeFame Hotel. : Way nesville Book Sto,-" Henry Hardware. Inc. Haywood Garage. Iiurgin Brothers. American Shoe Repair. sl.p F li st National Bank. WiMuiille Ihni'A,.i C R. I.. Lee Coal Co. Davis-Bovd Motor Cir Alln-Mler ( d.. Hazehver .1. Robinson's Stuijio, Canton, ' .Itinaluska Supply ( o. Alexander's Drug S.c Abel's Garage, 1 Swift's Dairy. 1 Kujl.mla.l iV Qon Plj ubn g Co :l-':- pari Davis-Smith Tewel Hudsot . i yd. IV S'tOll, C.T II f SI: T..TT T? d piTihibitionO s mmmm ""i uiunii-ig, puilnhitionv-' nNow To Attend The 3 BARGAIN DAYS Here Friday, Saturday, Monday. U t 1 - i' If

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