-'V v t ; !: Has Mor Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly S'euspapcrs Combine! L. XLIV NO.ll WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEUKUAUY 25, 193S )ULTRYEXPERTifrs. Joe Howell Wins Fl rst I Four Farm Meet- FLL HOLD TWO ETINGS HERE itings Scheduled For Phursday and Friday. 'Will Show How to Make Poultry Pay. V. Parrish, the Extension Spe t in Poultry, will be in Haywood y for two days this week- Two ;ngs will be held -one at the :,n Chamber of Commerce on sday night at 7:30 o'clock, and ther at the Central Elementary il building with Mr. Smith's Vo- lal Class at Waynesville on Fri ifternoon at 2:15 o'clock. . Parrish will lead a discussion oultry management a: these ngs He is acquainted with the ssful poultrymen all over the and can give what lie has learn m them as well as his own flock, poultrymen in Haywood coun- t' keeping egg cost records un- iic joint supervision of Mr. Par im! the county agent. Three 'of completed good records last their returns being abovo the average. t.-e Keeping' records hav; s'.arie.l imisually well this winter and In'"!' able to show fair returns feed cost. Those keeping poul ecurds this year are: Van C. , E. J. PinnoT, Glenn II. Smath nd R. S. Liner of Canton, Roy t'b of Clyde, and Frank L. ril of Waynesville. Visits are ed to these demonstrators while 'arrish is here- ryone interested in poultry g is invited to the meetings. Prize InMissing Word Contest T. L. Revelle, of Route 2, Is Winner of Second Place. Mrs, Sam T. Queen Is Given Third Prize. Approximately 300 Answers Are Received During Contest. ights Of Pythias Id G. Washington rogram Last Mon. W. A. Lambeth of Ashe lie, Delivers Address ft) Large Audience After three hours of checking and re-checking with approximately 300 answers to the missing word page that has been published for five weeks in The Mountaineer, the judges decided that the folowing deserved the three prizes: First, Mrs. Joe Howell. Boyd Av enue, Waynesville. Second, Mr. T. L. Revelle. Route '. Waynesville. Third, Mrs. Sam L, Queen, Route 2, Waynesville. Honorable mention. Miss Malnl Cogey, Waynesville, and Mrs. John West, Waynesville- The first prize was not only the most perfect, but was the most or iginal, Mrs. Howell sent in her an swers in the form of a small Uiok. Besides being unique it was exceed ingly neat. The second and third winners were close and the judges checked both papers again before deciding. The second check revealed that Mrs. Queen had missed 2 while Mr. Rev pile had missed one. The judges for this contest were J. P. Beam, principal of Hawlwoocl school, Miss I la Green, stenovraphei for Mizell Sales and Service, and P. B. Frye, head of the Knglish depart ment of the local high school. All answers that were received were placed in a sealed ballot box and kept there until Tuebday night. The judges opened the letters and checked them with the correct answers- More answers were received the first week, but the other four weeks were about the same. Much enthusiasm whs shown over the contest and several people mlled early Wednesday to get the names of the winners. The winner- arc nski-d to eaH ;it The Mountaineer office ami recvive their prizes, which arc, first ?7.o0, second $5.00 and third $:!.5o. The Mountaineer is ad li.nr two prizes that wore not offered i.t the beginning of the contest rind giving to the two honorable me-itioiitJ - a year's subscription each. I! v!i ) ,,:, able mentioned missed the : j'i i i... s !y three errors ings Are Held During Past Week Rural Communities are En thused Over Proposed 5-10 Year Farm Program. Rich Kaolin Mine Is Located In Jonathan's Creek Large Vein Was Once Work ed on J. F. Shelton's Farm. Is Found in Pure Form. (By J. M. Newton.) George Washington Memorial mi at the elementary school rium Monday night, sponsored aynesville and Canton lodges great Order of Knights of Py was one of the most enjoyable ns it has ever been ou privi o attend. A large picture of ngtoii hung on the wall of the m, and this added zet in the of every one to enter into the of the occasion and to do him and all seemed to appreciate lghtly courtesy of all the mem f the beloved order who were t and who had brought about ilendid exercises, in conjunction he Dokkies, who were present jr head guear. Chancellor Thos I Green pre- ft the opening and after a few Kf welcome asked the audience H and join in singing America. sented Dr. R. P. Walker, pas the Presbyterian church, for 'ocat ion. Mr Green then pre iWilliam Robertson,, Past Chan- v aston Lodge No. 149, Knights a', and Past Royal Vizier of 1 empe No. 213, Knights of on, also District Deputy Grand !r of District No. 2. who read f limation of Supreme Chancel- ;e l- Crouch, of Portland. illing upon all lodges every Join in celcbrnf ine fhc fwo h anniversary of the birth fnmortal Father of his country. '.ten then presented Maior 'ouei, Mayor of Wavnesville sided during the remainder ;"mng and after a few words lriT tlrPKpntinn If ' TJ- T ' - ""B miss iua jean ho Sang. a beautiful sold K and Your Flag," after whi h on Rev. Dr w n r.Ja ff the Methodist church, whf gracious wnrHa ler of th Lambeth, of Asheville, who Rn address which held th I of the large audience from sentence to the end, and pro most favorable impression. "Rented the BTef nrriar Pupation in commemorating wn,Cn IS beinc- mmfreA in Pntinued on page 8) J After reading in The MounUineer about feldspar being found in the county J. F. Shelton, of Jonathan's Creiek became interested in some mysterious minerals that he had pre viouslly found on his farm, and brought them in to compare with the feldspar. In addition to the minerals which resembled iron ore, copper and one lhat was said to show signs of gold, Mr. Shelton brought in a large sam ple of kaolin which is plentiful on his farm. This mineral, which is used in mak ing Chinaware, was once mined on his farm about 35 years ago, but the man who was in charge of the min ing operations left the county hur riedly and the mining ceased. Since that time Mr. Shelton has not taken up the propject. He said, "this kao lin is about as pure as is found in the country. I am well located near a good road and since the vein is so near the surface the mining cost would be small." Mr. Shelton is interested in get ting someone that is familiar with kaolin mining to take an interest in the mine and begin operations again. The other minerals were left at this office for public inspection. They are creating much interest. Anyone fa miliar with minerals is invited to come and name them for us and Mr. Shelton. Diphtheria Clinic HeldAtJunaluska School Last Week A diphtheria' clinic was held at the Tunaluska school last week at which 'me 112 children were given toxoid The ountv hea th officer arsislcl by wo nurses from the Haywood County 'loSDitll were in charge of the clinic. The clinic was held under the nus--ices of the Jnnaluska Parent-Teaches' Association. They also brought he toxoid which was ur-ed, , Other clinics are being planned by he health officers of the county an 1 ?n effort is being made to get tho "'-irent-Teachers' Associations of the Mereit schools to co-o'ierte and ny the toxoid for thr children al--pady in school, as the s'ate furnish- s the toxoid free to pre-vhnol chil iren. -' This new to -oid req-i'r - o-.e "shot" and does not interfere w: 1 school work. William Prevost Is Winner In Declama tion Contest Here Arthur Francis Receives Honorable Mention in Contest Sponsored By D. A. R. The annual declamation contest was held at the high school auditorium last Monday morning, under the aus pices of the Dorcas Bell Love chapter of the D. A. R. with Mr T. Lenoir Gwyn, regent, presiding. Eleven students took part in the contest. The judges declared William Prevost, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost, winner of the contest and gave Arthur Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Francis, honorable mention. The following1 program was carried out: Song, America. Salute to the flag. Invocation, Dr. R. P. Walker, Pas tor Presbyterian church. Contest: 1. Lafayette We Come, Gerald Rathbone. 2 The Death of Hamilton, by Eli- phalet Nott, Bobby Sloan. 3. Patriotism or "Lest We For get" by David Gordon, James Palmer 4. A Soldier in the South, by Henry Grady, Mack Davis. 5. Home, by Pane, Arthur Francis. 6. The Unknown Speaker, by Lip- pard, Richard Green. 7. The New South, by Henry Grady, William Prevost. 8. The Perpetuation of our Politi- al Institutions, by Abraham Lincoln, Joe Jack Atkins. 9. Democracy, By Charles Dana. Rus-ell Andrews. The Community meetings in the in terest of the 5-10 Year Farm Pro gram and better agriculture were continued last week with meetings at Maggie on Wednesday nij;ht, Cruso on Thursday night, and Iron Duff on Friday night. The 'peckers and program at these meetings were the same as at the previous meetings, except that the agriculurul pluy was only given at Maggie. The string land took p: i t in ull the meetings. At Maggie the men selected Mr Robert Campbell, chairman; Mr. Rogers, vice chairman. The women selected Mrs. Jim Plott, chairman; Mrs. ('. 1. Ketner, vice chairman; iiiul Miss Helen Ci'.mpbell, secretary.. At Cruso the men selected Hev. Hum liurnctt, .chairman; Pawl tJiv giin, vice chairman, and Willie Par ton, s'i-ietarv The women selected Mrs, I'arton, chairman ; Mrs. Luther Pies.-', vice chairman, mid Mrs. Od,i Pumct t, secretary. At lion I)u!V the. men tcWvlc,! Mr. (nr. in Tnte, chairman; Mr. linuly Davis,., vice chairman, ami Mr Law son McElroy, secretary. The women named Mrs. Roy Medford, chairman; Miss Maggie Chambers, vice chair man, and Mrs. Grady Davis, secretary. At Cruso a boys 4-H club was or ganized with sixteen members, as a squad vof the Pigeon Club. 'Burnett was made leader. At Iron Duff twenty-four boys or-gsnuttd.fljl-H Club. Harry Hoglen was elected president; Howell Craw ford, vice president; Ralph Dotson, secretary, and Roy Medford, adult leader. All the community meetings were well attended and much interest shown, The mee.tng at Dcllwood on Tues day night of this week was well at tended. The vocational class iifruin (Continued on page 81 J. E. Massie Is President Of Commerce Elected Chamber For 1932 Niswonger Makes Talk In County On Seed Potatoes Outlines Best Methods To Produce Better Pota toes, and Care of Them. Mr. II. R. Niswonifcr of the State Agricultural Extension Servjce spent Monday and Tuesday morning with Mr. Robinson, the county ugeiit. Mr. Niswonger gave a talk on Monday morning to the vocational class at Waynesville, at the invitation of Mr. W. D. Smith, on production of Irish potatoes. On Tuesday morning he discussed orchard management to a gioup ot farmers and older stu dents at the Cruso school. The .remainder of the time was de voted to work in tin. inu-rest ol In ter itnsli potato soo . lm :i vis t ist summer to the county Mr, Nis wonger louiul virtually all vim- po ....... 4'. 1 1 I l . , uuue ileitis iiamageii Willi seetl car- ryingiiseascs- He advocates the planting of a special secsl patch at a distance of 500 yards from other po tatoes. This patch should be planted with certified seed anil careful atten lion given it to keep it free from disease. Mr. Niswonger made arrangements lust summer for a limited supply of certified BCed from a Canadian source that his experience and that of the State Test Farm has Known superior to others. -. Co-operative orders for these potatoes have been made up in Jackson, Haywood, Henderson, ami Mitchell counties. These rder aie being pooltd through the county agents. These orders must be turned in with full advance payment by Sat urday night to obtain this seetl. Other Officers Are jf Reelected. Much jy Enthusiasm Shown y it 1! ik D. A. V. Plan For State Convention, American Legion and City, Through Mayor Howell, Offer Cooperation. The local organization of the Dis abled Veterans held a special meet ing here last Thursday night and made plans for the coming state con vention which will be held in Waynes ville in May. The meeting was at tended by a large number of veterans and visitors. , L. L. Rishol of Asheville and Mayor J. II. Howell, of Waynesville, were the principal speakers of the evening. I). D. Silverman, State vice commander of the D. A. V. made a short talk. J. C. Patrick, commanuer of the local post of the American Legion, spoke briefly and assured the D. A. V. organization that the Legion would Mrs.P.V.Massey,53, Burried Sunday. Ill Meets Here In May i For Many Months Lived Here For Over Twenty Years. Wife of County Commissioner. I. 0 Our Iferi-tiage and its Keeqing,!lv'u,'L:iUU very. wav lo maKe lncir Kiffin Hayes lstate 'anv,'nl"n here a success. ' . T " , . ,. , I Mayor ItoAeil, .also offered his scr- II. Peace Against War, Gordon I ,. ;,.. , . , - , .. ' I vices an,. .roiTH.-cd that the city V .vatt. ....,, . ., , - , ' . t'.t: u,.erans in planning New President Urges Co operation From Every Citizen in Waynesville CIVIC BANQUET TO BE GIVEN ON MARCH 17 At the annual meeting of the di- rectors of the Chamber of Commerce j here Tuesday night, James. K. Massioj was elected president of the organ-1 i 7.11 1 i (i 11 fur the inminir vmii lit stir-! - - - - o j 1 L4 ceed Hugh Massie, brother of thj ncwit; president. J jji The meeting was a most enthusias-1 Ir!; tic one and those attending wcro ev- jr ceeding optimistic over til- possibil-j itios of the coming yeur. h l With the exception of t ho president the saim' ti.Tu ci h.:i . r r .'.! .."art y:;i' were eiccetl. Tlty were: Vice President, K. J. Hyatt. Secretary, 10. L. Withers. Treasurer, Thos, M. Seawell. The committees of the organisa tion were not appointed Tuesday night by the new president, but ho said he would name them this week. A committee, compsoed of R. K. Nollner, CM. Dicus, Hugh Massie, Bonner Ray, R- T. Mesner, and J. Harden Howell, was appointed to confer with the various civic clubs of the city and arrange for a banquet to be held on March 17. In Betting forth the purpose of this banquet, Mr. Massie said, "it is es sential that we have the undivided co-operation of every merchant, bus iness and profesional man ami citi zen in Waynesville to accomplish the projects that are before us for the coming year.- At this meeting the plans and programs for the year will be presented. We will have a definite outline by that time to pre sent as well as our budget ready." We have a good foundation to be gin with and with this co-operation which we expect, we expect to work out some things that will be beneficial to Haywood county." "Wo have a lot of hard work ahead of us and it means every citizen must help carry part of the load." "I believe we have reached the hot- ifii if I 13' lit I n u 3 torn of this economic situation, and funeral services were held Sunday I now as ncVer before, we must begin afternoon for Mrs. P. V. Massey, M, to build get relurna ,ttter... Song, America The Beautiful. Mrs. J. M. Kellet, coach of the de clamers, was presented with a beauti ful corsage of roses, in appreciation of the splendid showing of the stu. dents. Prencntation of pictures was made by Mrs, J. Hardin Howell and Mrs. W. B. Matthews. The picture were accepted by B. D. Bunn and FJ. J Robeson. A selection by the high school oches tra followed. Presentation of medal was made by Mrs. W- F. Swift, chairman of patri otic education. , The judges for the contest we-. Dr. Ralph E, Nollner. P:of. W. ( Allen and Mr. Hamilton, of Canto A dinner was given for. ril the vjr testants in the high scho! lunch ; r immediately after the tab'e was decorated h dr. Washington color- -r ve ca;d.-i the .shape of hatche" ; - ure V would aid for their, c The .-t.- . re -l i t. . : s .ist.c ;he :;a we a vp plans t; :. o al I: Operr Or.,, t on-- ' v M ' i ichp- r t nt' here. t-cal oilicers. who were d'n were cnthu ;niiiiK convention. : -orted that they ;'i-tyt with the I rna;.'t- by the who passed away at her home here Saturday afternoon after a prolong ed illness. The services were in charge of Rev. B. R. Caldwell, as sistel by Rev. II. W. liaucom, pastor of the Baptist church here. Burial was made at the Cove Creek ceme tery. Mrs- Massey had lived in Waynes vile for the last 20 years and h-i-i Keen a member of the Clove Creek Baptist church continually durmK that time. The deceased is survived.' by hi". husband, P. V- Massey, county com missioner and owner of the Ci'v H ir-i.-cr Shoii. One son. Dennis. ii.ir:nr with his father in the bar er buslr.esii. fin,., half brother.-. Jitmes- Owi'in, ' this city and four sisters, all of Way nesville,' Mrs. Minnie: Liner .M r . Mary Morrow, .Mrs. IV ; Mit hv ;,: Mrs. - Metlford. The active pallbearers were: V a er McCracken, W. C. By rs, i' illenry, W. II. Not-rid- "V.-.. : : patlbearers were: ('.. V. f';'n ... . . II. Allison, Georpe i! ;v-p nn ' Boyd. Mr. Massie believes that now is the time to go after the prospetivc tour ists and industries. He also has in mind several plans that will be made public at a later date, which will with out a doubt, put Waynesville before thousands of prospective tourists. The following are the directors: Hugh Massie. James K. Massie. .Ralph K- Nollner. John N. Shoolbred. R- T. Messer. Bonner Ray, Frank W. Miller. Thomas M. Seawell. : C. M. Dicus. K. J. Hyatt. I. M... Killinn. .1, .Harden Howell. U. II. Mlackwell. Thos. L. fjreen. a' Is ire Department StiM On Honor Roll '''s'y.Local Girls On Honor : attrac- ! Roll At N. C. C. W. ire ented j y. voice! Dr. and Mrs- C. II. .'McDowell h' Teaeh-i -jast received an invi'nfon roriuestino- them to be pr'jpnt -i" retention g'e 'ursday 'ii; high en in honor of ?' of an ! .at North Car !' r m;c : ' eire ixty :t Green an-:: r-c mr ro!l student '"'-"e for W m T'-irs Edwin "n nu 1 f,"iau1 fr- ,v?r fire -department r. still 't -i'ir r ill of . the -tat-. ac fir:'vs given out ye-terday )'? S. II. Stevop-in. For ' -f ur "oriths t'-e I val fii'f "lvt not recivo 1 a call " o ritv -limits th' t resuled in - (TP "i-nh -durinp list year or-prit wa; on th honor roll. """A tb"r? were 1 1 nlarms h total amount of damage --" wis onlv which 1-i-"i' t"s tiHn the average 'Vn e:Ta nf ri n -ri :" nit the record without an Mr. Stevenson ssid. "in 1929 ror 9 months wihout a call." II . f . i. i n - f ! 1

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