t 1 J Y ?Page 4 mmmsmmsm wmmwmmmmm -TUB WAYNESV1LLE mattntaim!, PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 137 Wins Prize At Bicentennial Ball - ' aranunN kai if. iIib-JuBlib.jiR-iB.i.J - Mi;. T. Ienoir Gwyn spent last week in Italeiph on business. ' Mrs. J. W. Reed of Asheville vis ited friends in Waynesville last week. Dr. arid Mis. J. R- McCracken spent Saturday in Asheville. Mr. Johnny Johnson of Hickory pent the week-end with his parents, Mr and Mis. Joe Johnson. Misses Mildred and YV'ilcla Craw I ford and Virginia Welch were Ashc- - ville visitors Saturday. Mr. Francis M.-issi spt " t several days this week in At!ant. Georgia , in business. Mr. and -Mrs. 15. c' liol.e--u ani Miss Frances Robeson wen- Ahe- viile visitors .Saturda;,. I Mr. Marion Bribes and Mr. Frank Martin attended the trisn ' . 1 1 game between Weaver ColleRC .i'1 W. C. T. ('. in Culkwhee Saturday nielli r c P.Wtt . who has been jendinK some time at the LeFaine Hotel, left Thursday for her home in Kichwood, West Virginia. Mir. John ' UeniH'U and won, John Bennett, and daughter, Mis. Robert Barnes, of Candler visitel friends in Waynesville Saturday. Mrs. 0. A. Hayn-, Mrs. W. L. McCracken, Misss Annie Dee Kirk patrick, Miss Winnie Kirkpntrick, Mi-, Avie Noland, and Mr. Cleveland Kirkpatrick motored to Charlotte Sunday to sec Dr. W. 1.. Kirkpatrick. o Misses Sarah Long and Kli.abeth MeC'racken attended the basketball e-ame in iCullowhee Saturday night lu tween Weaver College and W. C. T. C. ' t Mr. Anion Provost , i.itu-micil the ;i-('eiitennial liall at the (SeurBo Van d.rbilt Hotel in Asheville Saturday mt-'ht. He escorted Mis Mary StrinK lield, sponsor from Wayiiwsvill'!. Miss Nancy Crockett and Miss ( H ilfhci1 sni'iit the v,.'i'k-end r Mis.' Crockett's parents, Mr Q P ( I'Ol'kl'l 1 . HI tj V . (Ill'' ' -' - - Franklin. ft ckj! i : - " I ... . - Through Courtesy Asheville Citizen. Strinnrfield, iviiss i?iaiy otj inKiit-io, vi . - , . who was the sponsor from Waynesville presented at the Bicentennial Ball ffiven Dy me Asnevine viuo or women at j.3 ucuigc onu.. ...w - Saturday nik'ht, won the prize for the best Colonial attire among the girls. Miss String-held woie a own wnu.se Douic-e, over?Kiri aira puNre;iw of pale blue satin. The underskirt! belonged to her great great grandmother, Mrs. James Robert-Love, and was of tea rose brocaded satin, ine trimmings- were of gold and a "stand-up" collar gave distinction to her gown. She wore a locket ncclaee belonging to her grandmother. Mrs. Rose Hilderbrand Brown, Asheville artist, will make a crayon poi trait of Miss String-field for her prize. - Mr. Robert Russell of Asheville was in town on inursuay- Mist; Belle McCracken ot Crabtree was shopping in Waynesville Thuis- lay, Mrs. Clarence I'ickens and Mrs. Joe Thompson of Canton were among the visitors m Waynesville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Nobc'ck have us their guest Mr. Nobeck's sister- Mrs. A. J. Nelson of Huhbell. Michigan. Mr. R. N. Barber returned Sunday from a business trip to Virginia, West Virginia, and. Tennessee. Mrs. Charles R. Thomas and grand daughter, Miss Katheriiie Hill, left last week for a several week.' i-.ay ,n Southern I'mes PRIZE OFFERED STUDENTS l DISTRICT SCHOOLS Mr W J. Noland oi rm v was a visitor here last week. Mrs R. H. Plott of Dellwood spent Saturday in' Waynesville shopping. Mr. D. O. Plott of Dellwood spent Saturday in town shopping. Mr. S. H. Justice and Mr. T A. Clark of Canton were here Thursday. Mr. C. B. Panland of Clyde spent some time here this week. Miss Ruth Ray attended a demon stration of Eugene Waves in Ashe ville Wednesday. Mr. Thomas Tuipin of lylv w.i a visitor in Waynesville this week. . Mr. Dewey Green ol ceaveumn visited Waynesville last week. Miss Pearl Moody of Canton was the guest of friends and relatives in Waynesville last week. Messrs. C. M. Rogers and Crawley Ferguson of Fines Creek were here on business last week. ; Ti k o xt a v wv.Xt CREATED A I nAO- .'in.' . - hitmav RF.INC AND PUT LIFE INTO IT? SEE FRANKENSTEIN AT THE WAYNEWOUU, intns DAY OR FRIDAY, THIS WEEK. Miss Mary Ray returned last week from a several weeks' visit to her brother ; arid sister, Mr- and Mis. Robert Breece, in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Roy l'to.t h.'.ve re turned to their home in 'itesv ille after spending the week-end at their ,r cabin. They were acc.iripar.io l by Miss Minnie Plott who will visit them for some time in Statesville. iis Flora Mae FulbrighC who" has been ill with pneumonia for several weeks, has recovered and has re sumed her duties as teacher at the Shady Grove school. BANQUET FOR MEN AND BOYS On Thursday evening of next week, March 3, at 1 o'clock, there will be a supper for men and boys at the Pres byterian church. The program will consist of music and addresses together with a good supper. Every man and boy of the congregation is expected to attend. Rev. R. L. Alexander of Brevard; who it will be remembered, held a series of meetings here some few months ago, will deliver the address- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25."iJ- t titk charge of Miss MiUlro.i n r li . . - I. i . . . musical number and the pi by the pupils of this cia?s enjoyed and appreciatfd Ta grade won the half holiday ' ' It was mentioned that books have been received C scuiooi iiurary ana maiu Any su.tbU br,v ..1 . .L . ' 1 scnooi norary win be U ciated-. The I. T. A Council is "offering a prize to the child or group of children in any school in the Waynesville dis trict who presents the best poster on any of the seven objectives of educa tion which are being discussed by the study class. -All parents are ask ed to encourage their children to take advantage of this offer. AH" posters must be submitted at the nieetingvof the Council the first week in April. The seven objectives referred to are: Health, Home, Character, Citizenship. Use of Leis ure, Learning, and Vocation. TO HOLD JUNIOR ORDER MEETING The Junior Order United American j Mechanics will hold its regular meet ing next Tuesday night, March 1, in the h i! over the First National Bank. Mi. lames L. Robinson will b- the speaker oi the evening and special music will' be furnished by Rev. C. L. Alln and his choir from Allen's Creek. AIT members, former members and prospective membeis of this order and their wives are invRed to be present for this, meeting- . ANNOUNCEMENT The following announcement has been received with interest by friends in Waynesville: Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Therrcl an nounce the birth of a son, Frunk Buchanan, Jr.; on Sunday, February 7. Mrs.Thenel is the' former. Miss Nora Ashtoii, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. II. S. Ashton of Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs- Therrel are mak'ng their home in Nashville, Tennessee. FOUNDERS DA Y PROGRAM EAST WAYNESVILLE SCHOOL (Contributed.) (Left from last week,) One of the most' enthusiastic meet ing of the year was held by the Ea.-t Waynesville P- T. A. on Tuesday night, February 16, at 7:;!0 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting was the -observation of Founders Day, the anniversary of the organization of the first Parent-Teachers' organiza tion in this country. The program for the evening, after regular busi ness session was concluded, was in At the conclusion uf refreshments were served oi iour large uirtnuay eil candles representing, (h School, and State wafers with whipped cream. There was an atteiuiaiu at this meeting. Mrs. D. M ?, : .1 ill president- oi cms orgaruza'.iui; , very enthusiastic worker in the A. one ictcYca ui- nearly M ation of all parents and ttatfc the interest of this schoul. "CACKLES" From Hyatt Poultry Ranct Daily fresh non-fertile egp. not be content to select your rf random. Specify the kind and I as you oo on mner sianoaro of food. Eggs are very absorbent ol! . . . , A . . . r ,i f odors tnrougn ine pores oi ij Thus becoming contaminatK tiuality and richness spoiled KODAK FINISHING- Mail orders given prompt attention. Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our prices arc niodertte. our work unexcelled. ECKEN ROD'S STUDIO, . Caoton, X. . YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT THE PICTURE "FRANKENSTEIN" NOW SEE IT AT THE WAYNEWOOD THEATRE, THURSDAY OR FRIDAY.".-','. We Hope You Will Like I j Try the following receipt thin Eggs and Asparagus au Gri. 6 hard cooked eggs. Vi ts p. celery salt. lt cup grated cheese. 1 No. 2 can green aspaiag: 1 4oz. package egg noodles IVi cup white sauce. Arrange noodles in buttered dish. Arrange layers of a.-;, tips, sliced eggs, cheese and : Cover with white sauce ami; with grated . cheese. Bake it late oven (375 F) for 20 rtiir. until cheese is brown. Scnw HYATT'S POULTRY lit- Phone 266-W Prompt M th ot Jr Mr and Mrs. L'enianun Colkitt returned this week from, a two weeks' tour oi Idol ida. The iMled all mam points of interest and also pent some time in Havana, Cuba. Mr i-nrl Mrs. Joliu M. Newton.. Jr. (Ire-.-!-. - -on,. Mis T . A. .Mcl.lain, T A MeClain. III. and Lawrence K. Met lain f Oklahoma City spent it portion ot the week as guests of Mr. and Mr.-.. .1. M. Newton, . Mrs. Kenneth Bummer, who is spending some time with . her grand mother, Mrs. Minthorne Woolsey, in Asheville, was the guest ol her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Howell, Jr. last week. Mis- Mildicd Md ia.ke , who is i ftudent at Weaver College, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 M'Ci.wkcT Mis, Mc Cracken h-xd a- hei guest Mi. Adeline Teairuo of Prentiss, who also attends.' Weaver College. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Geir, -M r. and Mrs-W. I.. Batier-on, Willium Rob irtson. I U. S:a4l,ht-i ml Poitei Tleivdcrson oi Canton wore among ; hose attending the Pythian '..mooting here Monday night. iv,. .Krncsi Uya t. Mr:., 1- 1! k.-'do,i, lli.'.s Man;.Hid Hyatt, an.! rd '.'vvatt spool several (lavs la.,, : in Charlotte, is.'.cv, Mildred and Wilda Craw spent last week-end as guests o ; Nora M ood v at the Moody Earn 'Van 1.-K Mrs. Ernest A ithers- is v:'ral days visitmir lu-r lvi) an 1 Mi 1 anta . C Satterthwait, in At tl h and M r .guests ( ,mts, Mr, : uiw her siste from Henders Jit. an I com pained KODAK FINISHING- Mail orders given prompt attention. .Give u. a trial. Satisfaction euaia n1 ced. Our prices are moderate, our. work unexcelled. ECKFNROD'S SrJ UDIO. . Caiitcn, N.C; Suffered Ten Years Then Found Sargon Recommends It Because It Proved Worth in Her Case "Sarcon and Sarcon Soft Mass Pills are the most wonderful medi cines I have ever used. I say this because they have brought back my health alter I had sun erect lor wu lnn-r rs MV llTCr was torpid and my complexion snnow. oiy entire system was fill ed with poison, i was : dreaoivuiv nervous i n,ne InttlTICT mV strength md cnerpy. Sargon enaca my muu-j. m io oilier medicine has ever done. But i.he greatest blessinrj of a 1 was the Say the Sanron Kofi Mass Pills relieved me from constipation from which I had nufered for so many years." Mrs. Alix .nder Malcott. 1405 W. Sixth Street. Oklahoma City. Ok'.a. CURTIS CUT-RATE I r- rs. t!tu-.! llav ii -ve- their v. I.iii'-.r '."to and ii visiting the groom par- 1 Mix C. F. Riy. Mi' i.riror M is.--,: t'dii:; . la", . Mis M B i 1 's i. Mi-s .Mars S ,i gf,e! ami Mr, Aaron Prevost to the. H'-t vl tenn'al bill held the "5joi.' -m-derbilt Hotel in Asluvillo .S-iturdav nir t Mr and Mrs. Wilson Barron spent the1 week-end in .Rock Hilt, South Ca - dirci. Ketiirnmg with them va Mi . P. in cm' sister. Mis. C. K. Haiii- ilt m, Ji , of Phladdphi i Mr. Ham ilton' 'wilt return home-Mcmday- -: . .-.- ." .lrs'c cia r. TO MEET The regular moiUhlv meeting ot the Waynesvib? .Music ( lub wiil be held net S...diy .ifttinoon, Febru ary 27, at :l:30 o'clock at t'-in Com nitinitj Club looms. Mis Nancy Kil Baii and Miss Ida Jean Brown will be hostesses for the meeting and Mrs. Hugh Love will have charge of the program. BESEFIT SUPPER SATURDAY EVENING There will lie a benefit supper sponsored by the Order of Eastern Star, on Saturday evening, February 27, at the W. W. N. C- Cafe. A de licious home-cooked meal will be served. Oysters, ham, chicken salad pie, and cotie will De mciuciea on C1ROGERY DEPARTMENT Waynesville, N. C, What Are You Paying For Quality Groceries? We Quote A Few Prices on Guaranteed Quality, Full Weight and Pack Mock tor Your Consideration. 4 No. 2 Cans Tomatoes '25c 3No. 2 Cans Green BeailS te?" Apple Butter 15c . i. inni i " ii i i ! hiiiiiim m-iMiwwii nil i 'i-iTMHHNimJ i.rT"rriTT TT"T 50r BARTON'S DY ANSHINE S Ik Box COCOA II). Jar Peanut Butter I Be iOE POLISH 2 for SOc IffT"" WW IP llllli II I'll III rr I the menu. Price 35 cents, patronage will be appreciated. Your El-rlo, lb. 12 I, 4 Cakes Palmelive Soap and I Box Pahiiolive Beads,-'; all . for .:. Pure Fresh Grouod Coffee Santos 19c, Bogota Blend 29c MX Maxwell House Coffee Matches, 2 Boxs for House Brooms, 25c and ;44f 1 Gallon Oil Cans 25c BMM.nM lUMWiiwiMwwniiritiiiMM . .. Ml ill ilnl flHIiHf HiH ill! 'Hi UllllililH HI il HBllWmilTr Guaranteed: Hard '-Wheat! Flour lag lb. Bag $1.09, 98 U Bag S J. 4 8 lb. Pail Spoco for 59c i Monarch Oat Meal, 3 for 25c Cotton Seed Hulls Cotton Seed Meal 100 lb. Bag Salt - 40c - $1.00 - 95c 100 lb. Alfocorn Laying Mash or Growing Mash " "...-"''.: - yri 101bs.for 4SC 25Ib. Bagfor $l.i 100 lb. Bag for S4.75 We follow the maket - You can alwavs buv with confidence " - 1 IS VL pL lef Etu fa' ai n Ire. mi Iv. on d 'ml Al Ida; oi Fl I b! c t itfr ' 1 0 )0 TI jfi t ti i. . o Vnl 1 ft inn; li'tion Kord Iinsei nt i 4v

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