( I ItSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1932 LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 nt jL srvpy i MEETS Le't from last week.) R'uJv Class of the Pare L' Council held its third mect o.iday night at the Central .School building. Much aid enthusiasm is being Ji these meeting and all ire urged to take advantage gree remaining lessons. ineral topic 01 siuuy on .. IT i.1 IT If lw i noriny nraie ;em- Three excellent papers id a follows:' "What is a by Prof S. E. Con-. "Changing Economic and J&nditions and Their Influ-1 pome Ute, -firs, uewey ino ld "Educating for Worthy tmbership," by Mrs. M. G. CHESTER O. BELL THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 AUXILIARY p- IS SUCCESS Seft from last week.) day evening the Woman's of the American Legion gc benefit party at the Hotel Flairs and the colors of re 1. h blue were used in decora- guests were received by Ii- Camp, president of the fcnization, and members of fcuttee in charge. Twelve tables were in play. The following business houses con tnbuted prizes for the party Al - ander. C. E Ra., Ma-o'. Dep.,,. mem Store. Martin Electric Co. Mock's Department Store, the Way neswllc Pharmacy, . the WiyneviI Book Store, ami the Havwnod P, i . Shop. . n..i:c:ig ti n r.i'.je w .mi. -.. Mrs. Jas. L. Stringfekl, Mrs. Love, Mrs. M. H. Reeves, Mr McCracken, Mrs- T. M. Sea well, Mr. Wallace.Blaekwe.il, Mr. Bonner Ray Mr. Doyle Alley, Mr. W. L. Lampkin! and Dr. N. M. Medford. WELL "FRANKENSTEIN" is MERE AND YOU'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT SO DON'T MISS IT. THURSDAY & FRIDAY. were: Hugh J. R. 1 $3 3 gram. Pinther recognition of the bi-cen-tenmal was made when a committee was named to have charge of the lub's memorial tree planting service to be held in the near future. This L-V.;K3V II p'mT 4a CUIIipOMM OI MISS no- r'jrgvf- l I be :a .Miller, Mi. V. T llatirah, Mr Ya-sS' II R. N. Barber, and Mrs. Thomas M The cunent program was present en by Mrs. .lames Harden Howell chairman of the committee on edu cation. She presented Mrs. B. D Jiann, wno read one of the most tnousm provoking papers every pre sented before the club Mrs. Bonn reviewed the history of education in North Carolina, dwelling on the pub lic M-hool system and most compre hensively presenting the develop ment and expansion of the schools. Mr. Bell, present auditor stat' I tl?' pointing to ways and means bv prison, announced yesterday that hewh,cfl clul) woml ean assist and en wojld.be a candidate for state n-1 roula'?e Iocal school officials and ditor subject to the n..m,w.ti I workers mer. Junior Orchestra, - I I inthe June primary. f A N T E D 10 BUSHELS )0D SOUND ITE EAR CORN 5c BUSHEL IVERED AT iAUNOOK .BARBER & OMPANY IT 4 RATES (Terms Cash) a vrd for this size tvne for mn; half price for subse- AMERICAX LEOIOX AUXILIARY MEETfXG (Left from last week.) Haywood Post No. -17 Auxiliary of the: American Legion held its reg. ular monthly meeting on Monday evening, February If., at the Masonic Tertple. After the usual opening evveises with the Post members, the Unit re tired to its own room. The meeting was opened with the Preamble to the Constitution. The roll was called and the min utes of the last meeting were read and approved. At this .meeting Mrs. Camp ivport- e:l on the Benefit Card Parly vliv'i was given Friday evening at the I.e Faine Hotel. She expressed'" her Ap preciation of. the co-operation 'if the Auxiliary members. The par'v was Voted a complete success. Mix. J. H Howell gave the following list of .'U.Miiess houses who very goni"'iv,isly i-uiiributed the prizes: Alexander', ( . E. RayV Sons, MassreV Depart ment Store, Martin Electric, Mock's Dep:.rtmont Store, the Wavacsville Pharmacy, the Wavnoxville Look I fto'e. and the Ha.,,ud frim Shop The muvm8 ot the par.y was due -njO io the senerosity cour- tesj of these business houses rnd Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kirkp.tr. k of the i.el'aine Hotel M-"- w- P- Swilt, chaii i.i ., , rc- mi -l. "latum, reported" having received 1,1 inaiiKs trom the p.it.euts at Oteen, to wiiom tlie Auxiliary -e"t gifts a i ( hristmas. Mis J. H. Howell reported that at the last meeiing of the C-iMt..-i U fl0M 1,,st" the principal, speak 'r was Major Howell. Commander and Mr J- C. Patrick accompanh'd Mn;or and Mrs. Howell. Hostesses for the luuvh m'v.;,nK will be Mesdames J. Patrick, II K. I 'i ) ' I' .'11 . and Hurst Burifin Homer Henry, county superintend ent of education g-uve brief but no less interesting and instructive "facts and figures on the recent 'legislative program as relattsi to -Haywood county and Waynesville township schools. Further commemorating the patri otic event was the 'declamation "Washington," given by James Harden Howell, Jr.. who won the district silver cup at Mars Hill in December. John West, Jr furnished a delightful piano number, "Minuet," bv Paderewski. At the conclusion of the meeting the hostess served an ice sourse car rjing out the red, white and blue odor scheme MRS. T. M. SEAWEIX, Publicity Chairman 'I' 1 li- is. Mi , W f Sunt, Mis J. II. Howell, ami Mrs F Sa in-du-. vimv,.,! delightful vake- ami col lee during the joint social. Major wl'-: took- this occasion to read a P'H-m, the title of which was "The Bonus.;... He also read a clipping taken from n newspaper concerning in ojii) d. hill fc t" Wn the willow; d War Vet, HAS MAN EVER CREATED A HUMAN BEING AND PUT LIFE ,INT() IT? SEE FRANKENSTEIN AT THE WAYNEWOOD, THl'RS DAY OR FRIDAY, THIS WEEK. MAM Kord for this size type insertion; half price for in insertions. a ford for this size type jinseruori; half price for in insertions. charge of 25c. --Six Angora goats 'I ii i i j . . See " -HOES as cheap as $1.9; ''(ken's ...'" VAN1I-D 100 MEN i o voe the new I line of drc;s shoes just received. Look like it'll! shoes, rubber heels, built for wear, only !.;" at Mc Cracken's Chithin Store. INSURANCE I'oi all kinds of in surance, - with tellable companies see J. Al. .Newton, your insurance man, at the Havim.sville Insurance Agency, Over J he Mountaineer . Olu e. . ( IMNt H Oi" i II Ell Wi, EEI I Mil 1 M N U TED to iall on farineri . in Haywood County Vond(.ritil opiioilumty, Make f7 to 12 daily. No. experience or capita! needed. Wnte today. McNess Com pany, Dept. P. Freeport, Illinois. Immediately following adjournment ! , '. fV ',. I . ,T. J Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Long and Mr. and Mrs. R. I, Prevost attended a i"it in ( anion Tuesday night given by Mr. Long's brother and sister, Mr. ami Mrs. ( harlie Smith The event was in celebration ot the birthday anniversaries, of Mr. Long and Mr Smith w hich tall on the same dnv Mh'S. .OHXSOX'S MUSIC r, t'll.S IX RECITAL All.-.. Joseph Johnson's piino pupH gave a recital at the home id' lr Johnson I-r i day afternoon honoring d'eorge- Washington and his L'UHh In i t htlay . The music room wis d orated in llags and numerfiu-i baskets and vases of red (lowers. Tii." ridre-di-nn-iits also earned out the re,i, white Ji'Ul blue color, :hion. The following : -ti rain was given": C herry Blos soms." Solo, "Father of the Land We !, ve," Bobby Sloan. Violin Solo. "America." ( h:,r e. Wil.is (9 years old.) Piano s.ilo. "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes' and "Sunset," Francis Willis- Reading, "The Music and Dances o( Washington's Time," Elizabeth Wilburn- Piano Solo. "The Drums of alb v I Forge," Katherine Martin. Violin Solo, "Merry Fye Crittenden. Duet, "Minuet," Katherine Elizibeth Wilburn. Violin Duet, "Auld Lang Anna Bell and Edith Crittenden Piano Solo, "Meditation." Bobby Sloan. Aftvr the program, delightful re freshments were served by the host ess, The mothers of the club mem ber were special guests for the oc casion. Each jruest received a small hatch et as ' a souvenir. These hatchets were made by the" pupils of Miss Mary Stringfield from the Hazelwood School. (Contributed.) tion, would give an illustrated leetura tin next Saturday night, February 27, at 7 o'clock at the White Oak church. The topic of the lecture is "The Loid's Acre Plan for the Country Church." The public is cordially invited tn attend this special lecture ' Edith Queen, Syne," DON'T (JET I P NIGHTS Make This 25c Test ou need this easy bladder physic to drive out impurities ami excess acids which cause irritation that re sults in leg pains, backache, u-ning and getting up night. BU-KETS, the bladder physic, containing buchu, ju niper oil, etc., works on the bladder pleasuntly and effectively as castor oil on the bowels. Cet a 25c box (H grain snze) from your druggist. Af ter four days, if not relieved of let ting up night go back und get your money. Y'ou are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get your regular sleep. Locally at The Way nesville Pharmacy. DR. RRYON LaRUK Physician and Surgeon Successor -to Dr. Kufua L. Allen Waynesville, N. C. Phone 444 Illustrated Lecture To Be Given At White Oak Church Saturday Rev 0. C. I.andrum, pastor of the White Oak Presbyterian Church an nounced yesterday thut Rev Dumant Clark, representative of the reliirious department of the Farmer's Federa- PICTURK "FRANKENSTEIN" NOW SEE IT AT THE WAYNEWOOD THEATRE. THURSDAY OR FRIDAY. APPLICATION FOR PARDOX OF MELVIX MESSER II Hi ran- 1 1 ur mi- a:isl;.iclery. 1 1 ' J 1 1 Plllilie: , IS now X, y Chairman, l: . .. MEETIXC, MOXD AY EVEXIXC Hie legular meeting of the Par n; l-'.-i, inn s' Council will be held next Monday, evening,. " Ft-liruary 29, fit 7;:i0 oV ook m .Central Elementary S;'ii . o! l,iuldinU. "Ethical (vharacn-r" will lie the subiect in i.hn stn.li ,.,.n,-I, whieli will be taken ud at ..-that time. r IV T 1EX id Application will be .made to the Commissioner of Pardons and the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon "of Melvm Messer, convicted at the February term of the Superior Court of Haywood County, 1926, for the crime of manslaughter and sen tenced to state prison for a term of 18 years. All Persons who onnnse th nrrnnt- ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests to the Commis sioner of Pardons without delay. This the lHth day of .February, 1932- MELVIN M ESSE It. Feb. 18-2."i pd NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE l)r I Lis ing," ;ie i:. ter." I!.:,- n'st tu ly i a lu ll n. ' a nd on II IM Spii il l W r. 'CiC:: esting - and ed to - will al ami V. C hii m as Me i . A I and ' an ad l I' ram en will ( harac- 'ost," Dilet Joh'nr.on, ( '-Uiiing." 10" ne c !K- meeting.-.. til.' itlb!k attend. the the cor- " I' a -liington Me, - r an I Mr "The Band i lloineaii. "Learning to Waltz," Met.i Incus "Am. rn a I ir:-t." James W hi "Tlii- ;nmdf'ai .her Chirk, Cr.lhl. Star Spangl Dood'e." "An I I: Mildred I lol-i 1 time VOU nr nnf of fix as the result of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, trv Thrnio Black-Draught for tho re- iresnmg relief it gives thousands of people who take it. ivir.u. w.U)cU,a construction supcr- .ouriiijunc in niliiHki, Va., Bays W hen I (tot con Vriierira. ." "Yanli Ii-- ti i ii -nr 1 REASON BI E- ;ti -tii.ient and fiost.nrm.f 1 Shelto-i it could be too late to Pet dog immunized auies. Phone 17(? for Dr. show the ladies of : oi'ist lipautiful shoes 'n;. have ever looked ' i fol .vily $1 iK) I . ( hithing Store. ' N ( T 1 ( E .Chiropractor is Drs. Wachovia Bank BIdg., V C., ho invite you into ''msullatiim. r" " Ashevilc 5614. Man or Woman for -spare time work collecting .monthly " magazine ac counts and renewing. -old subscrib ers. Commision-basis. Small bond i equiicd. Ten Forsyth St., Riioi" ML Atlanta, (Ja. B VLV i HICKS Huh-Tiu-lay an I Ulldai, J J t th t, -t S'ii I' ooe. tested t hicks you ever snw. White and Barrel ?.;-.-, RlfcrJ I a,i i Reds, White W yandcrttes.Butr -Orpingtons, White Leghorns. . Bunch. Poultry Farm and Hatcherv. States ville, N. C. . Miy 12 '. AX If MRS. I.OXC ni;iiK,r iiosri s-,.s . Mr. Hi!.: Mrs. -lames M. host s a! !) chat mini; !:: i-firt las t." Thurs-'lay - v en'ui'g at thei in Kazehvuod. ases of jasmTM: an ! jot; ((,-.. IN 'wel:t att:acively a-,a:iged t Ii . .n-'glaeji.. the living rooms. The card tables, at which the dinner was serve), were UliiiCl with yellow ".candles ami the joio: motif , of .yellow and 'vnite was oted in. the plaee .-aids and salad and ice courses I. ate in tr.e evening following a fpinted -bridge game -M"iss Nancy Kil iian was tr'-.- -ni ! ibe KiiWi s so,. et. r la vi 'I' ll "W ' : T'Tare.wonwl L, ,eie ; " -1, U2 M ,- 'M i:.-.:, Mazurk-a firi-'li. v.U:" by J -'.n t 'ApHi ,om(, Me.,.rg,. l-'Kirel.nu, Moris M,,M-r. U 9 I ,-tof f to U "I.. M mil" Maud t.uhnio, r ' m " D 1 9 M Mom- V- JlaSK'i I ' Here ( oi.n -s t Parade." J.Vn- " '. , '"' " -" " " " 1 1 -l I " -'--s ' no run itown. or niif- I White and Mrs. Johnson 1 ..-viry nwm-u, should tnkp f.'ur- I "Ii.....fi,.l P..m Dan.,', W My' L- " ' ' ntipated, my head aches, and I have that dull, tired feeling-just n-)t cijuul to my work. I don't leel hungry and I know (hat I ne.id Po.tiethiiig io clentiHO my ryjtein, oo I tnke Black-Draught. Wc have found i n great help." iiohl in 2.9 -f --. packages, e On Monduv the 21st day of March- l!V12, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court house door (.Masonic Temple) the undersigned, trustees, will .sell at public out-cr.v to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises lying and beim? in citv ot W aynesville Haelwood. Ilavwimd County, North CarolinfCaiid fullv de scribed as follows: bkclnnink; oil II stllke in th.. South side line of Sycamore Lane and the Northeast corner of Lot No. f; thence South KH deg. Eat. 10 feet with the said side line of Sycamore Lane to a stake; thence South 2 deg West 170 feet to li stake in the Nlm-lli line of Lot No. ;t(); thence North 8K deg. West Kid feet to a stake in line of Lot No, fi; thence North 2 deg. East 170 feet with the line of t.nt No. T) to the UE;iNNI; Sale made mirsuant in on, I,,., un.i by virtue of the dowim' root uti..i in that certain dec. I of 1 iu s ov,-ot.,l by . P. Nicoludis, single, to Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Carolina and Union Trust Company of Maryland, I i ustees, which said deed :,''d of (imsi is duly rerorderl in Of li.e of KeKi.t,r of Deeds of Haywood County, Not th Carolina, in " Book of Deeds of ' rust Number 21, at page to which said deed -of trust and l ee(;; d reference is heri.be ni-ol,. fr.v ail-the teims and si innlai ion-. ,.,f ti,., lime Safe- made- liecause "f default in toe navnient f.f tlii. h, , l, a, t, !.,.,;... .: .'I ;l:e-e!,. 'i If- tie IMi, .li.y of l-obniavv i'. : '" InsiiMs) Morffctigo" l!.,:-,d Coipor 1 it ol . i . and Union T-ust -''I ji.iMiiy- of. Maryland. Trustees. Feb. 25-Mar. .1,10-17." M(JS ' id hi 1 poducHU, "Amcriean ( ai' r ' Fn -t Wall," 1 . "Little (ico-g,. Wa 1 icus and M rs. Johm (li:, "Pl.ivmat.s "You and I, ' Jane While. Maud ' a: '-el me lot viLGct the best qual "' lowest price for your ,LV" V, S. S. Starting r'g Mash S9 Kn r tnn'v Khodarmer -SmathersJ V.DIES SEE fc i' " pjirp and tle in McCracken'-. ww l.nc of Spurjr Shoes before you buy. -Priced at Sl.f'i". An .unheard, ol. .bargain. Just received Uiem Monday. They won't l:i-t . long at that pr ice, come ai lv. M c ( r n c.k e n's -(lothmg stcie. rze: fit; ive -ladies;' ai d 4 .1 evoit ic.'c-ive.l tiV'tow: r f-r. -i.::''i!i"!i. . The. eue. ts i-H-J'iilu i M 't . Swift, M . a.'r-d.--.: Pieies-t. Mi ard so. i. M-. and Mr imi .Mrs.. C. C White, Di I. I;. Mc( racken, Dr. -and Mr. IC. I.. core spri?.( i. . Mr an M -. i' 1 M R I . I. .'! R.iie J u J ( olk.U, Mi . n ! Mi -Mrs, Rob- ' Springtime," "El ( aiutan.' !:- -I h..-oi,. : "Home, Sweet M t , In, Dili Home," Jimmie Di- ( ii eit. '.Stretcher, .Miss Nan.-v Biackell. anil Mi Mr Feb ,ll-lft-25 yHHlq. Mail ofdm :"Pt attention.- Give us 'i.tisfaction guaranteed, 'e moderite, our work K"N ROD'S STUDIO," Cintcm. N.C. rOT JUST II ATCHKUY CHICKS, but- big - husky clicks - from a real breeding farm where vigor, produc tiveness and standard .qualities are paramount. We invite you to visit this modern Poultry Farm and see our chicks before buying. Write for circular. Brightwater Farms and Hatchery, Hendersonville and Brevard Highway, Hendersonville, SC. - "' - F. Lenoir flwyn, inn, Mr. . VVallnce Ernest Hvat;. iro.v i'mvi ; ons k n i h I! -1 SHI (, TO S LIliTIJI) i Outstanding among the civic evt-n-.-- was the Wa.-.hmgtou- bi-cen- enna! -.b-e'vi at the regular Feb- :ia;v meeting of trie Woman's .CJub, heH Thui 'day. afternoon at hini of Mrs. N. M. Medford oh Love Larie. Mrs. John M. Cueen was associate hostess with Mrs. Medford. Mis C. I. --Kirknatnck. th? nresi- icr.t. -prefii'tvd. A larg? an l brauii-fully- framed .painttng-.--. of (reorgc Wasnington was exhibited to the club with the announcement that :t would b? pre.-tnted 113- the club to the Way nesville Township High School Fri day morning at a special chapel prc- VOU'VE HEARD ABOUT THE PICTURE "FRANKENSTEIN" NOW SEE IT AT THE WAYNEWOOD THEATRE, "Tin Sddiers Parade," "D.-liodil A a!'," and "Yaiihee Dorxllr," '.vr '-v t.1:" Lv'nmic In-hest r iCo'r il,. fted.l JUXIOR MUSIS CLUi: ItOXtfkSAYASrilXGTOX -A a 'musualiy delight f:i' ro ..--. -m! v. given by the M-ir-a' -M 1 " ' ) Tu"Jf t M J . ( h; , s n i s 1 .it 1. la of f,ui :-. - j , t i r i V . )-ru n. M nelav tenioon. February 22, at four .j'c'o a', the home of Miss FtrmHield 'I lAxe picture of Wa'hmgton draped "w'.'h the l'n,;. i St4k, f,'g hurgnw :h'!. maotie in the livinir room Mr K-therm'- Queen, president of th tluo. preside 1 announcing the fol lowing program: "'- Piitio S''o, "Sun'-et at --It. ee-! by Stacy Wilburn.: f'ii.: So'o "c,)u,-ni),ai xhf f,t if the Ocean," Paul Davis; Duet, "Stars and Strines Forever.' Miss Stringfield and Mary McCracken Violin Solo, "Dances of Washing ton's Time," Anna Bell Crittenden. Reading, "The Human Side ol Washington," Katherine Queen. Duet, By Mary and Katherine Pel PROGRAM FOR WAYNEWOOD THEATRE WAYNKSVILLK, N. ('. TIirRSDAY AND FRIDAY, FED. 25-2G JOHN liOLKS, MAK ( LARK RORIS KAR LOFF, in l'V 11 A N K E N S T E I N" SATURDAY, FKB. 27 TOM TYLER AND ALL STAR C AST in TWO FISTED JUSTICE" MONDAY AND TUESDAY, FER. 29, Mr. 1 WALLACE KERRY AND JACKIE COOPER In "THE CHAMP" r WEDNESDAY, March 2 SLIM SUMMER VILLE AND ZASU PITTS in "THE UNEXPECTED FATHER' ALSO COMEDIES EVERY DAY 'fit : :; I i ': W ' . : I: li S-4 ti i i i a i t n i e In H c ti

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