3 a PERSONAL AND SOCIAL H JE 137 H - a i a j i i a . . .s . . a .a a a a s a ; a a a. a h .u . a s a.R a h s a n 1 1 m G-.cr- .! - J. h W. Mr. W. T. - last, wetn V. K Kiri ii.. ' kiri. I . ( -.'" I.' I I 1 , r" Hs'l' I'll II Ii M i UIK.I M av 7.7 I, Ui.i ' ' tiFETiX' ft 1. V.'ayi, Mi . M t !...'. 1 'jian. !-r. !! Sat ii i.'i'' id Way. .4 t 4, - !'; ,;.a I'.." . v.'!' . -H Ul'liiV 'I. Mi (. Hi :iipiiiL' ii! ' v..,. Ii I I. ,.-.i).iinj; in U'a vi.''-'. il ic t i Mi Nell ( ai.ip!l .ii ..vi -it'ij (ii'. .: Monday. V M I I I. ;. was. ir !:ivn Monday. Ki'Y i last uT Ii. iL I 1 I S'it i nl mv Ms. h . W.'t-5 ' I)'' Kill' Mai Iiit l.i-1 midair of Will l t Mi ,i i Mi .Vl'l'k -(-11(1. I' -Mr, I S. li.adgeU ol Kiri.v.o,.,,. Wi'-i. Virginia was in. Wa rie.-vilk' on Mi-. .1 .1. St-,.'.. an, u in Ian j-ptir lat Thui lotte. M i', and M i- K. F. Uu'.it- n. Tr. an ! I'.vo , FilMiv: , Ruth ' in : and I'Jd' ward. III. ol Newport Nff. Virginia were truest' 'i'f Mr. Robei.ii'.- parents. Mr and Mrs,-, F,.' J, Jldbt.'.T.qii, Si-. fn.rn . Thursday until Mojula-,. . . Mr: ;;nd Mrs valjth V,. Xo'lW-r had a- their uuc'ts it'. 'lmir bunu- at Lake .ItinalusW th first of .tin- wc.ok Dr.' . V, Few, pi'i'sidun't. il' lui. , r,iivi'i-.-ilv; .M r and Mrs. K. A- Pol 'of PharlntUs.M'r. and Mrs. J. A. Bay lor -.jf rhaUatiooga; Mr. ;.ml Mrs, L. U. Herguard. jif. M ai on, ( Jeorpia ; and Mi'. .J. -. Harmon, who -iv laic to at tend ..ti'ii'-' meeting of the t ra.-ti'i" of tlvi' Jimaluska Southern .se,niily. if Mat.' "'i Hi' ' this .L'l'.c-; (if lie)' Mis 1 i-l Maty Kathhonr i;f Lake. -fn-v.a.. a visitor here Friday.. s-e .la me Friday ii Mis -c l-'rye .- wei'l; m Aslieville as the sister, Miss Kitty Fry. r Me - .i', ( ), ( : JanK'S and of Fini's Cr.'.'k spent la. town. Mi ;s liosa Morris of l''ine- Pre( spent Saturday shoppine; in Wavpc Mi nian.'e (iroican and Mr. l'au! Vl11'' ,'' ifdjran weiv visitor t ! rus-i .-u Willarl i imei i-i-i-it Mi.-- FFeleii Preen -d l ine a .' visit'il' here Saturday P i-v en's ;:s f,.i d n-.-r J ikii'ili Mr. .-in J Mrs. Ralph W. Howell i,f v,,1 Ahseviilo were quests of .Mr. and .Mrs y. . P. Allen on feundny. N. P: Pine- an 1 Stevi Mi l'fru re i Mr Hie truest s ill. last v.' .iiminn t i h i"- is Plott ( of relati ; an I tlie a Satur.l f H in I. ('. TO HOLD MKKTI.Xa TOMOIiliO 11" 1 lie I'l'hruarv met'tiiitf ol the Lnit-i-il Daiurhters id the ( onfederacy will he held tomorrow afternoon, March t. at ..mO o ( lock at the home of Mrs. I). M. Killian with .Miss Xancy Killian as associate hostess. Mrs. Uoy C.amp- lir.l will Voivo tho iijiniii' nf lllit nffei'- " ...v I'"' ........ iiniiti nn " A rlr ntKii mid T ,rn n si n :m n n .Will siit.l Mrs... John famphell of Matreie MISS MAHY QUIXLA.X ! N 'W h. h 7v .' , pen! Saturday slioppintr in Wavnes- Miss Marv Quinlan left' Sunday; T- l;' ''" 'lK-fcU." Va' for St- Louis, Missouri to enter The ! l.'uuIU .'V , ,m v,,"u" Mr. Dan Lawrence. Jr.. of Sandford ' ntque for a course m laboratory 1 ;1"un J ?l who spent last summer at Lake Ju- technupie and ex-ra naluska, w.is a cues! of the L Faine to he there ihout s-cven 111 o LiOia:- .i - i.-i-.t.' -(-'.'' ' u :;i . IT War'hillUloll, "T h t he .' iiiKilitf of " Followint; ilu llatrli Love jni in -t ' IV.. ii.V-r . -I! The Sioi V 'wt'i-P toroiit'ni lowinir inu.-"i''.il F'iaii . !;: ' K. l: ('; mo Si ri ii ytii-l . 1 . Vocal S',! i ' i K Pian.i Solo lo.-epn .lohii-' iii Vocal 'Duet tains"- .Miss Sue an Mk l.u .-ill- I' o Th,' . usi- al en in 'liii'at'o'ii'.l and ur. at'.y ; j, The . in, vli'it; e'"; i . ii ' half lu.ur with liie has'cs t which finv.' .leliirhtfiil tvfi t Pontrihii ,'d y cni .yj nui'.'.n r 'Anvil ' an-. Mi 'A',,. I H I "Tl'.e Mi "Home i civ .Ul Wav- ffotel Sunday. Mi's, (ieortre .War-I and Mis Alary Aiianis unci ( .r. ,.Mi)e Ward A.-'heville visited friends in Wavni Ville last 'riiursdav iO aeloik witn -Ui She f-vpeets Shoolbreil. 1 he paper o: nuu -"Georg-e Washincton. the 'Phr.isrian.' will 1 e read h Pan ton. Mi H. D. Secrest oi Alessi's. Theo. Mr( racken, GeoiMe lay in ('L'(,I'K'e Mcf'tackeii and Kdwiii Ihiynes motored to Charlotte Sur.dav to visit Dr. W. L. Kirknatrirk. Mrs. P. F". lit it v of Dul "Kp!''. jvva is the KUest of her parents, Mr. I .Minthe Ann. Weld of Roanoke. ti, Mr-'. W L Matnev. . rtjinia, who is a student at Ponvei so . ri'se, was i ne truest oi .hiss .Marv .nr. and Mm: it. Asnton. wno : Mr.-. William Shoollne.) lef,. Men-, -Strinprrield last week-end. 'is a studnent at Western '.(.'liiolin av for a vis.il to fvien Is ':: I exinir-v . - .. . Teachers Pollege, has the distinetio on. Kentu'-l-.v. ..Mrs. rrai.cis Mrssie returned of beuiK one of the four studei . vor.tr ib vis 'oi ? Mr ITui I , ' ( Mr. . D 'i Im.iuIh and .Mr-. Pcurn '"Knifcht cf li.-'.'-M'.n spent $i. Va vnesvillc. h TF U ST 1. MEETS TO.X1GUT The regular meeting of the Order Visit To " NCW State PHsOIi of Kastern Star will he held tonight at 7 :.'!(). o'clock at the Masohte Teniple. This is an important Pieet iiiK in that there will he election of officers, initiation,' and balloting and ('amp fJivcs Insight Into Tho Lives Of Prisoners are asked to be 'present. . 9 -f MISSMAh'OMUJT ASHTOX HV.V.S' IIOXOR A T II' C. T. i ' Miss Margaret Ash ton. daUKliler in' '( 1 'Mi H.'.m i from pa.'..- o i before they enter the ha". Not one word is : ;.'::. '. voir time they enter until they ha.v.' . mess hall. h. n move ti.o.i : sired, their wants are iiiiine;iia: -attendfii to bv the waitev..--'. .'! . Ii,..".-, Salt! i t 'hi' raising of the hand hrii Monday front a two weeks' visit to out of the entire school to make the r -u t"' . oreaklast they a'e taKen her uncle. Mr. Bufor, Smith, and Alpha Honor Roll for the .Mis. Smith j n. Savannah; Georgia. , ester. si si'in- M -- 's'liey (reeket -pent til,- Ml':'. . H Noiand iimi ilauirhter. ! ( Vv. A'.-l, ' . .1 seek c I ' t her hon'e in Franklin. Miss Frangie Vdand. were guests ELECTS OFFICERS ' of . Mrs. Leonald. .Dotson of Plvde The regular meeting of the Par: Yn rnn't afford to miss Uallace.t Sunday.. ent-Teachers' Association ol the (en iho niai;ici?n al the l.igh scluiol Hi day, Manh 1. Proceeds go to libra rv fund.. Come. tral Klementarv School was h Mr. and Mrs. V (). Lathail and Tuesday night. lilTe rent sections if ,t)i. to work on . the r.-.V's. I noon meal is r-erved on . fie r They work on the roa, about .":.!0 in the afternoon, they are . brought; back and.. i'J;; few Viiiiuites to get .-oirl' of th, u dust off before, the evening :n 'a1 tter supper ur'v mv ustuo,. try .( ir family of Greenville. South Carolina i A delightful program was present- the ban acks, and .a "CACKLES" I-'rom . Hyatt Poultry Ranch were guests of Mr. and Mrs Latham on Siinda 1. oil by the third and touth grades im ! der the direction of Mrs. diviv.H".! ! Fergu.-on i.nd Miss Marv Rubv Da'.e' Mr. and Mrs. M. II Bowles have After the usual .business session the moved I mm their home on lirown ; following officers were elected 1 n- lh,' Avenue to The Georgian on A. alnut i next vear: streeet. ' Mrs G rover Davis, presiiient. r Mrs. M. C. Green, vice nresuient. Mi. ami Mrs- J. II Matnev have : Mrs. Homer Henry, secretary.- them.elvc write, oliio: ether gioun 1 1 :Hiani'.'d ! is they "re. s spin van .deliir'u"' ir., v a bnn:.-) j m nj. the u.iuiied food-, qu iht, .U;'' ui tht." home " I'enn'anu Mrn J F Ma-si. t easiiei ifter a ten day visit to Mr. Matr ':id lei. .!(. rcjaif?.: :' the night: .-. ii-' i.'u- iii,u most in their mindst "ano mv sentence. To a I'onvici .: he i:r conversatkm is the -length 'once. Without cues : '.J. to asiuise fit. Sniiej singi-V -i i i Vi re'irc i-f u;rht;. ui'Oi r ithi r dav 'off : .in : : n Thi are the onU food' except M, and U , M-i, TH'-- - - V'l ZrXnt Wi.lu . K,M,lHrh'FEK J NRT fiUNO.i AND mo i't w huh 11 "nan thn tu" !n Thit othc. Tod do miu get n ",ved Saturday to m, nl , ,(kCHA.S I VRRFLL m "DEI ICIOl !. , dom On vouth ,'iut 1-) jca , ill oound and a half and otr of thi, with Mr.- KimlKih's , r - u aaaajMawKatttiJtt-tf'k'1 Jmt'ai A 1 "U' ,'L V10, ' 1 leii,0l n onth ' special food for the small amonut you am' JIrs' Harry Rotha. i iw iiiibim ii l'you'" m-ly .litirry and come, I'd he tY,, pay for a dozen of high quality effgs I I wniiiim iLKkKJU t again, He was set oiiij. time lor u.t when buving from us? I Mrs, Kenneth Rnmnn'r ielt last 1 j -,. . I s ! weeK to join la tirinv;ier in .van An ideal main dh lor luncluon u Pedioi Cahfotrn h tl i v ill SEE j ting drunk and swpr?. th? la st liror ot liquour had passjd down his 'hiv; ;i Souffle': made with cheese, veye i ma.'kC tnon' bome ables, fish, or a left-over mea: Following receipt is for Corn Souffle 2 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. flour 1 tap salt Dash of pepper and .paprika 1 cup milk cups corn 3 egg yolks beaten well 3 eetr whites. Make white sauce; add beaten yolkb Friends of Mr. Taft Matnev will be glad to learn t'vit he is doing nicely after undergoing an operation in an Asheville bospial II T ITT . 4 v Afl,... . o- ... , Jt f I I ' f 1 ' -iivuri j-'iisuuer, ii years Old. siir YV Li l--f ' l! this term was his fifteenth He ha Miss Maiy Davis, who is on the faculty ot the Cataloochee school, snent the week-end with relatives in Waviesville. Mips Fannie Pearl frelmet, who : And corn. Mix well. Cool slightly : attending W. C. T. C. at Cullowhe and fold in stiffly beaten egg whites, i spent the week-end with her grand Turn mto greased baking disn. Bake mother, Mrs. Annie Francis, who is ill -lowly in moderate oven j(350 F);at her home in East aynesville. ibout bu minutes. ' - Mrs. J. R Morgan, divisional su perintendent, left Monday to attend tb Baptist Woman's Missionary Prompt Delirerjr Union State Convention held in I Greensboro this week. HYATT'S POULTRY RANCH Pfone 266-W The Celebrated MAGICIAN At The High School Auditorium FRIDAY NIGHT, MARCH 4, 8 P. 31. Admission 10c and 25 Proceeds go to the library fund. Come and enjoy yourself. been sentenced tor ,-everyt nrg" he saiq. tie nas; a reputation of betnp one the hardest workers am intr tw rsr... 'I"-' nu men. It was a depressing thing to s that the majority of those SO ccv victs were just out of their Uviis About 65 were less than 2.v ve'rs o' age. I hey had a forlorn expressior upon their faces and did not seem V cnv if the sun never rose over the" acrHtn,.. H was pitiful to see so man youths deprived of their liberty. A rebeious rerviee is held ever Sunday by the preachers of the cam munity. The convicts show much en thusiasm and cniov these service They talk of these services and wa" anxiously for the coming Sundav mm imj rtiiKious messaee I After assembhrig into the bar racks for the night the rumor was

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