1 '--i i ' " W tvA l-u.spj;vi.v Combined )L. XLIV NO. 13 la rt .' ot lam c pier TING SEK VTRE I EST FIRES IN b'JNTY CAUSE s9,115 DAMAGE 1,150 Acres Are Burn- to! During: Year, Ac cording' To Report . amounting to SlSritigj ;c .-. myed by forest fires in i arohna during l'.KJl. the i si.in on mord, aceordinir t o I Thermometer Goes To New Low Heading Dur ing Cold Period Ilere nd Haywcx.nl Co touch of real win Sv t Week-end est av Tim I it issued by the division of v of tho Department of Con or, am! Development. Havwood County, tho area w;m 41") J acres, causing dain hnatcd at ?t,ll 5.00. : area covered .by the tires trie year, nccordtng to the le as almost equal to the eom- flarea or -Six counties of an nv- ize in North '"arolina or : J acres ! (.fervation ofTieiihi assert that' ists between the amount of! dp-1 n and the size of fires in i having organized warden I and those without, this form ! youon prove the value of the .anion system. : ic ' I'tal forest area of North I ;i aggregating an estimate of imu acres, t,W6,oou acres were ps having protection, and 12, I ncres us being without o I' ll protection. The protected rns m those counties which co lli with the State in tire con id in areas in which control s (Iiikh: on wnti me co-operation Inflow ners, In addnon 561.227 r. North Carolina ire included National Forests under the :i of ledcral foresters, itcctod counties suffered ap tolv eight .i.uos the amount Irom tires as those with service although their area s nr double that of those? under in. Total damages in non-tins- pontics was $4,248.086 ; i pioucted r unties. $.1R1S9. rued area in co-operating amounted to 310, X$ acres; non-co-operat incr coun- 111.778 acres. The pro of burned areas to the total mils m co-operating counties ' percent; aud 1 127 per cent toccea counties W ayiu s ili0 hud their lirst during the pa tmued cold th ' .1 -'"N' t'U I l"er reached tho lowe ; '"fc. oi uie winter mg when it fell I H, htevoi official Tho hiti-Iu'.-1 1 he lowest i tho government "as I.", and the was :!? Snow ifll m the county Sundav an -K-i.-i ruesday afternoon and night The mountains near here have boon c.odMnoe Sunday Bj noonl w csoay most of the snow had disap- Jilaces trow the su,i WAYNESVILI.E, NORTH CAROLINA Two Chicago Bankers Prominent In Drive Against Depression THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 19.12 ntv riKs. fl,t rUls,,u t sHli t am lk . r&M i b I ! Charles O 'I n.,. . ........ . " .'v" -"MniriHm riiianeo r. Milk-For-Heallli Campaign Will Be Observed In Hay wood Next WeekJ4th-20th FRUIT CHOP IS NOT HURT BY RE CENT COLD WAVE (old Will. Retard Apple1 Trees From I looming. 1 Many Insects Killed. 1 NEW BRIEFS Ma rcli ! Knglewood, N. J., was rumored to oay to be the site m Id U.I foi ukmg r i , ; Llnlb'rKli- J hi and H his kidnapers deliver him. Tho lumor lacked confirmation, but i wa- (iceined logical that the child might be surrendered there, inasmuch a that was his customary home the estate of his grandmother. Mr Dwight Morow. . Hie ooiil wav.. south during t'H. moii. (;,H)d lu Ua crop than i( did ,! ?'as. L. Uobinson, ' I'erliap.s a few Mayor J. II. Howell, Named ! Chairman of Organization At Mooting Monday. MI CH ENTHUSIASM Speakers From Hero And Canton To .Make Talks in AH Schools Next Week. hich sti uvii the weekend did vooil lounty's lnnt 101.10, according to count v agent. piain troos wr'v A nt vhol " " a. Jrayio;, fhlwigo Bunker. i no , o t he apple angc- of I will tie,.s I rost II... w .11 X r T ir iUvwi'ii, j. nope was revive I for the return ot Charles Lindbergh, Jr. with official reports of "progress," identification of lumber used in th" kidnapers' ladder, and a mysterious motor trip by a personal represen tative of Colonel Lindbergh J Convicts Escape ile Working The ids In 1 his County a 4 Atheville, N. ('. Governor Frank-j lm I). Roosevelt lavored tandulat o t'of votere of V sit' I'll V ni'tli ( ii, .! i c ' " " v.'H i'il lHl, although the latest tiibnlnt inn tif hnl- lots Cast 111 the SI ilW vote mnlntl The Tini"s and The Citizen reveals f he b;st ground to President Hoover ! a..d two Democratic-opponents, mco ; the previous count. IIIfAGO and the. Middle West lu o a doixilo interest in tho Kn,.. toss of the gigantic noeoiistriic- Won Finance Corporation which is now bvlng organised in AVashinton follow. lu speedy action by Congress. Chailes G. Dawos, whoso ,lani'o i al most eynonyiuous for the business eomnumty of Chicago ii 11 mi in t' driver's seat as the active heal of tho ;.Ca, f.,eoe,uu,0oo Fed-ral corpora-'-n just authorized by Congress. Another Chicago banker, a Democrat n is boms repeatedly mentioned aa man of presidential timber, has tho d.stlnctioa of making a vital contribu Lou to tho initial Hren rth and success or the Reconstruction Corporation. That man Is Mclv.n A. Traylor, preal dent of Hi a First National Bank of Uiloaeo, who was tho first to visually and propose that ho KecoiiMnictloB ('oiIKiiawon render somo service to thoiijunds of doposllors of small bankt hu ll had failed during tho past two 3 ears. Uio tibt or Mr. Tiajlors pr posal boloro a Soiiato Sub-Con.minn- ,us "'iU the Reconstruction Financ I Corpo-ation bo authorized to mak I 1. H iJ t ,v - . ' . . . J I. . 1 ' " nanus as well as to fmaiicial institutiona Iiih: its aid. Such a sum wmiM vni- .uusun.uai amounts of money to d posjtors -wliose; funds had boon "frot en" by tho failure of such banks. Mr. Tiaylor's siifu;estion made, auch an impression that it was embodied In tho Hill as iinally passed by Congress lie, inoro than anv otli eponslbla for tho tlmelv nsi.i9tn that will now Iia tin:iM . -w 4UI ujuuy aa Posltors of auiall banka ihr,u, ... it.. country. thought to am- i iiuiiingeu, out as a vv i ' eta id the blooming , and save tliem from "uc. on, no said A low tobacco beds were to. Ii.n(, been hurt, but not great extent. Ilio cold weather will aU tend n lesson the nKseots that up t the pros V't lnno haV ol been killed bv cold weather. i .. . icp.ois troni ;he weatlioi V.',1"1 "U1 ,lu '"' is general tlirtij;-ht the eoimtM an I wdl oontmue edd uniil probablv Sun I on I) ot imu mi.,,',.1 ; . . ;i ;, . which were appointed by the count sauna : omcer 1: l H mtou, ,,H't Mile court house Mondav niht and loinn-d an organi.a! iom i,, - carrvinu' out t:io Milk-For- Health Campaign i as su,i;.s,ted bv (lovcrnor liardner and imo r-iaie liui r, n h . . ...:n ! in- ouson ei dm mg t ho wi el, I I t to LU , J- Hardin Howell, mayor i nesville. was elected Kon ial ot the campaign, but asked Million cont inue to preside meeting. 1 be purpose of r paign, it was explained, w-i. of March uf .tJ chai'-mnn that M ' . ove-' the his cam- to edu Survey Being Made Of Local Products Beiiiff Sold Here iaie tlie iitr.ens of the state to the importance el milk and the food value It contained im ru nn.e ' : v t);,,,. I oods. it was decided to mve .$,10 in prices in the eoiinlv to i he K,.lmi ,.i,.i;i Camden . J, Sixteen workmen I Bv M were killed and at. least TO mn .ir,, , believed to be dead follow Hie- an iv. i plosion in a "as nunf vini' taut ,iC ' the Public Serv ion Fleet rie :uwl j Co- todav Residences the explosion, the scene of a mile from the central citv which a rea. ate prisoners escaped last nis county while working on near Mount Pisgah. Doth "ere trusties, having been d to the Hazel wood rnmn ngy camp as worthy of be-! j , . I " ti'-,n-.v. uiJiiiitl V aU" 1 tlie prisoners. Steven Lunds. i thoi ities . t - " " VV i t 1 1 1 1 It I tf - ( w.n. en incr a six .months 1 mpnts nnrl hmw iiiQnti'r;.!.. : i - "jv ii"hiuiui,i in fimiiiuiji-! 10- assault Wit h n dnnrUv I t Will '1111 iMinnii.... int.. i U..;.. I. I u . : . : j I . uiipicn tiiui wu-ir lines on tie was sentenced from Bun j the western Shanchia front todav ' J'ltV. I hn other wna T i Vn,,-- i- . ... i , ' "in 1 1 ciimiiiii is arrived jii woosimgj S; ,Was al serv1K a during the. day with ai, undeterm- i ,,; j . ,1 k'4 -l,,M) "t those ,. 4 icen notified -Mi 'r' l";iiU01. .P an.l thev immc at for thP wo ""j (irately sloshed oil through pouring J I rain and thick mud toward K i angwan i WMEN OF HAYWOOD COUNTY ARE ORGANIZED FOR 5-10 YEAR FARM BETTERMENT PROGRAM OK V Sam M. Robinson Will Be In Race For Stale Senate KosllUs Will Slim, IVI..I I ' ' f lllll rodiicts Farmers Must IVoduce For Local Use net ive prizes part will H to exi nnan of 1. 11, Howell ( (.., H oinen's WnVl A great deal of interest bein,, ,1 shown by , the women of Havwood ( ounty in the 5-10 xv;n- wnrm I sale. I in this -11 i-rti d I a rm Mavw ood week bv cluli boy .Vear farm . uu. ,eu -re injured, j Krei. i ney are not only ro-operatiiur for blocks were shaken bv I with, th.r nu.n in i. -.... 1 ng Convention li r is Sunday, Here .ew iork A oO-mile gale, raging in its lourtn (lav over the Morth At lantic, held the fate of at least 25 men reported missing and prevented immediate rescue of 31 others from Wood fniirif,, I the freiirbtni1 lie T!:ivlebhen A mini. i "-.."j. '""K'"g oil- ' , , " i .... .... ..... .. I1' meet at the Waynesville ' of vessels, were reported helpless. ' .'(Hiouiway morning, ; I0r their mrTilnM f ....I, 1! li-L.-i. r r Vii "' .wugiimi- .inimiMii. mie nremen strug- LJ allien. nrrtf nr.. ...I .L..nn.nl.l.. r.. . . , .., ..vv.wiv v. - uiv ,n:i ii n'i y w in i (izen waier piper, tire which broke out at' 1 0:43 o'clock todav virtually, destrovnd thn home of Mr- and Mrs. J. V West on ( -a.ion, has urged that every e county be present end be taiip part. 0Mtl.ni is scheduled tn moo ! HOCK. llllf if nr.. .1 r:, lTT VUJHtUU inc' ln immediate- 'Vtntion always attracts the hill above Marshall. Black Mountain.-Sixteei inches of snow blanketed the crest of Mount U flnrl il : - ' . , Mitchell n-bilr. itio merenri- ai;n,-.n,l !iV ini-ffrt n. ... . l Mnu-n m iorhr r dirviinc hnlmi- inrn 4, auuience will De " f "Car the tiiTio-irio. e t-u i.j I the highest noak east of the Missis- "ngs. I sinni this niorninir. acenrdme fo a i message telephoned from the ranger's siauon lo Diaen .viouiiiaiii. fubs Have Two faffS In rnnnfv R0BBERS BREAK INTO hin county, mizell's, only get .?5 but endorsed the foil (m ini ..l.i..,.: - 1 1 ik I'l' jn Li v es : tl) drow .sufficient products for mil home needs and a supply for our local market Vi) -.Standardization: - and quality in vegetable.-, lruits, butter, cream chickens, and eggs (i) Standarize poulti'v to two hree(s, Unrred Rocks and White Leghorns. (i) Grade all nrmiii.lc ,.,..( 41. .. .. "... l-.-.i,-, lllll I III landed soon requirements of our nearby towns '") I'se good seed. Certified where possible-. t6) Produce cheaper by usidk mod ern methods so the surplus can be sold at a profit. (7) trrj;e better home conveniences and improvements of the hmm gniunds by plantine- flowrrs. shrubs I and trees. ! The county posed of Mrs. J. Harden 'I Towel I I lv -chairman. wavnoa'vittn . ai,.. Ilariev G. Keno. countv vim clmirmnn V anton. .virs. James Plott, county sec retary, Maggie. Muring the month of February or ganization meetings were held at the various-schools of the county in con nection with the men's farm program Talks were iriven bv Mrs. .T. At a v, inn Howell, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. h W". Raucom, Miss Louise Kdwards' and Miss Hernice McElhannon. The following ladies wore elected at these nicotines: . Eeaverdam: Mrs. Harley G. Reno, (hainnan; JTrs. Pat Holland, Vice' Chairman : Mrs. Bert Robeson Prominent -.Attorney of Can ton Makes Formal An nouncement Here j In nday s issue of The .Mountaineer .ham M. Robinson loiniHlly announces 'that he will be -a . .candidate for the j state senate in the coming primary 'II MUIM', Sl(l : Mr. Robinson is a ncomineni inu,.-..r .. f .. . . . . . 1. 1 ' " "ion ami nan been in constant touch with politics fo, thp last 15 eors He was born i this county ami' has lived here continuously, ex cept for the time he spent in school n lH.'U (iovornor Gaidner appointed him on the iucl - v. 1 iv. v; aim advisory committee to the state legislature. He has sc (anion- and ived as police judge served- as nresiderit A survev of retni'l Products thai an , County is being -made vocational students, 1 and others, to aid the r program. "i. . . '" I'm p. s.. j tl .let.nnine what agiieuiuiral products are bought from VVW ' ' ""on. -a ami other stales. Roim CH lllese Droi nets run I. , :.. . i , , . - hi' w'v 11 co cms Y'.ciiic..v, ii an idea of the volume of cm s pro.un, is Miown, ,t nu., ,ieb- nice i.iaiKe! lor Haywood fanners to worn i or, I.-....1 ..v.. ..t..nei 01 pniiiuce is heiiiir lis Ln.l I .. 0 I I . ... . . . . h "" c'ul a cpiesi loiiaire, p-jy- uir inionnalion desired Thi Will lie lie c as confiilenl ii.l iC, . , uu ii in,; f i,i,l .... C. i 1. ...... I , , . ' '" cue iniiiviiiuai dealer js concerned, (inly the aniounts will be till). 11. 1,,. I .. ...J 1 -ii ... . ,.u.i,.-u ami nlll me nrnis doinL till1 ..usiness. 'in :.. i. . .. ... . ..... ni'sc in riiarge ot viu o 10 yea lu Mi pMiraiii a -Kerf the hearty lo-DIM'iauon r. i in,.' business men in tins sin vev 20 Hoys Out For High School Haseball Team in the cam- be awarded .1 ;!00 wo"ds given gram other. will place He -late, tion. in lO.'il. is also a member of the and international bar county, a ss oe lu ll ii I, !... .. I ...1 .. ii ... ...1.. "hhi:iii;iii out ol tlie way, n iioiini my i, sued the lust call K'r naMbalt Monday afUinoon. yinou! 41) hoys resnondeil in rim ,...11 Auct weatliertiy reports that th piospeets lor a winninir team thin year ar,. favniable. He lias many oul- .iLanuoiK jnayers out: lor ti,e team this year and has several new rt (Miits mi the pitching staff Due to cold weather the boys hav ....t i i.i... .. . ..... im'u nan oic ojjpori unit v to Degin ai live praci-ce. . .jvwu iu, ju i ijiUYl ' " ' ; : SHRUHS AT II. SCHOOI J AMERICAN LEfilON TO MEET MONDAY NIfJHT mat took an paign. Ihe as follows Host essay. 7..r)0. Host Poster, Itio.Oll Best Klrynie, .fj.bti One irroui) of nmn n iii i.. to high school students arid (lie incr schools w ill he e i.,,.,, I I,.. i no winners of these m ii-os s.t 1... ....1 ...... I : .. , i . . '' " iiui-ieii ii tie sr:iTit: vci. .. lest tun- tlie two silver loving cups donated by Governor (.'ardnei- an.' ! Paii-ott, slate health ollicer I he cash prizes lor t ins count v VM-le donate d bv t lie Wavnesvill,. !., tai.v hib, t anion ( ivitan fhib Haze ' wood booster's Club and h: Hintv,,, each L'j vini' .i no i I. ,.k.i. . ..... . , ,,,, , iyi.1- 1 iOIIS OI t anion and Wavnesvill.. i,.., .. i ............ , , i, i.,n.. IM-Cl asked iir I lie ..I I,.,. .Sni. I i' 1 ' 1 . I In- school ac tivity committee, un- W hose . Ullervismi, M. , .. .. . Will be held ne IW 1 i I. . . ,'1U,1', 11 C- r'"'"'"', J 1 hat- lord and Mr I niivi W. I). Smith and Dr. Wells. (- ,, were named as chairman of the ...,,. t ' mn- c onmntlc.es. Mr. Smith is ., cut,, speakers for Wuviiiwvill.. i loiiathan. I- oies i.. ... and I. ).,n- . , , ', ""'.. ; l"u '' , KII.1 win 1)1 imiii. (i i fii- L-...... :.. i , nue n,, ,. -,,, ,,-0)k ;u,() townslnjis Special Hosiers In,,-.. i.... win oe distrilmted during the o i.. i nose in chare-e f disi ..... i... "'K '"esc posters ! i hitnon, Mrs !' U' ',.' . . I , , . " . I'M-, .I J ,S. I m'i'V"..'.1 ' liol'in i i s . ll I 1 1 n i ,n i 1 r v .. ,. N ola nd ft was. pointed our In, ii,.... '""'f" i'"' campaign (hat v ...l-iiusis would lie made ..i .1. 1.1 i '. . . iiii.iien in i r m t iiinri. ... ii. c... . , , , ....... ,inm, ,-vevera (loc'ors- 111 (.sunt . I.: i 1. . . . ' ' "": cue. siatement "no ( nar ot ni Mr i.-., i 'ii ...t.. . : . "iu;i " "' t'oiatoes. :j ,,.,,,.,) , pmach. or is , . 1 . II. ilslw.i.,,.. ' ... . .. , , . -. ' . K'VJonai c-nan in H l.ui.i pr.giam stated mectine' that fill.- ..... was wo.k.r.ir , .......lt 7' - " fWU! i in-i n i I'M in. 4 I. ... .. . ("onlmei in U-,.s,..,. v... .i. .'. ii , . iin nr in- iil.so sI.'lTeil " ;.. IV. .., , v. , 'OH; on Ik. from fiw. re am. Veil and eo mi ni' ibiit M. 'ar ion. we I Ire the in special th,' to lair farm pi ojri win,. is I Sometime after -S:30 Tuesday night someone broke out a back window in Mizell Sales and Service, local Ford dealers, and robbed the cash regis ter of $5. The register was broken into and slightly damaged. A check up showed that the prowlers took nothing except the cash. Blood hounds from Asheviile ar (,,. ii.no nV.is..k Wo- HIUU licit; OUUUI. Ai.vw uvivli. nesdav morning and were on the trail , .1 i.i snoriiy aner arriving on ine scene. Katherine Abel Is Much Better After Operation ''J,b"eeting8 were held .'-cw.uay, Wednesday. W' ofVnLthe 0ther a N , older members - r,1?h school. scheduled for ;ne nut the cold weath- I an l rr"l '0StPned and j ' 1 refreshments were had J ireJalatV"H CIub leader frlicuVJctory Meeting jReM Wednesday, 23 f -C if r Kntfiprinn Ahpl. three xe.ni - ,iioi v i o tvi : , , . - racslle 3 'sn mec daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abel, t?eay, M,i?ooP vl?11 be was reported to be very much im "J ;e courtho,ii: i i 7:30 Proved Wednesday noon, after suf- rak rar.ri3 n" ."'"ynes-ifenng from a ruptured appendix. She nn8 to thp Z?a?-lp chair" 1 wa carried to an Asheviile Hospital trn.i Lne meeting said. I lnf iir :1)is meeting f citizens ' Her physician stated Wednesday ' morning that she was out of danger. T he local (,irl Scouts will observe the birthday of their organization J-nday afternoon at l p, m. by plant- ...... .. L-. ... . L. .. .1.. . . - uiK miiuus ai ine nicn schon A short program will be given under to bec.'iii( most in T here r the cost in milk The publicity r,. ii.; ". m eainpaiKii wen M l.SS I.lil'!! U'l ii.l.l --... . . . j,, m- rani lin.-i di-h economy tainiiy menu is the world. s.op : . u,. .i:.... f . , . . ' i "'(-i-ciua in uie . eaucation com . ' . , imittee of the Community Club, of iin-ii .-, .i.i.i-i-n, .u rs. n u. Alien, wriicn mi I hairman; Mrs. John Clark. Vice I man. her ai under the W. D. Smith. Thos. M. SeawelTis chair- (Continued on page 8 The Girl Keniit. direction of .Mrs old Mis m,U1(, ,;, j,;,,,,. j The local post of the American i Legion will hold their reinibn- nw.iuhl,. imeeting next Monday night at the llaamiiii rrm,..l.. ... .-... , , . I . . " ,l'"l"i: l I -HI O CIOCk. " Several important matters are ! Clear Oliarf- I scheduled tvi be biou.rhl ,,n i WUdri. I Commander J C J'atiuk has a .ked that all members bo present oi the; expens,. j xpensiv,. food in th. more .'....'.1 aiue fo, than any , tho food ' coni.mittee antioini,.,! W C U.. 1 Y, . (.,s M s, -well. - " To Mountaineer's Col lection Of Minerals For your health 's sake Drink More Milk Milk-For-Healfh Campaign WEEK OF MARCH 14th TO 20th STATE-WIDE EVENT BACKED BY STATE BOARD OF HEALTH AND GOV. 0. MAX GARDNER Revl L. B. Havos Tn Twice At The First Moih. dist Church Next Sunday Dr. 1 f . B fla . ysltllK older Methodist chuich, wdl preach both morninp' anH iunn .... .. T mi ... . Methodist church he,'4 iSVo VcS of the pastnr. Rev v r vci found. cm; collection Another mineral' was added to n e Mountaineers eolkction h.st u,. lhu time a p,ce of cb ai ,u,rt w... broueht m hv ti.,.k,.. i , , ,. -' ""ii-i c ai lion i ' i1. . t i r rankim, route 2 i The nuait? iv k,,i -i --. . ,.j otoui cue size (I a hird cm and resembk-s a n,,,,. , ordinary glass, except o' ihe glassy construction- . T .. , r. arnenfoi- si-jtr.,1 n ... . .1. .""itj ii,i'. i;uvii:js f eral was plentiful whore was ..v.tt,u ucinn maic nv 1111' .iiuuriiaineer has create I luch com ment. Every day many of the citi zens stop in and look over the num ber of treasurers produced bv -mother earth. Dr. LaRue Accepts A Position In Georgia ritSr 'wr?n .LaRu,' Path of this city. left Inst uroni- , ... . . 1 "vxv iu aLxepu a no sition with iho'W. o. . . r ,,u - "anii oprings roun dation for the Treatment of InfantiL n-r " yra. Honner Vkv nf r v t.,.o lji . LjH. n.110 nnrno -n t . 1 v. . . a fall and had his office' TSI;lsv,ne Sunday iffht xorlnerlv occunied liw n. i t V ii 1 1 spending a weeK m Aew lork lormeny occupleU)y Dr. R. L- Allen. buying merchandise for hi firm. Bonner Ray Returns It ? I M Sons i n i , c '. i ! t ) ! 1 II i: e' .: ? !l' i ' 1 1 : ): n I ;. , r - ; 1 - 0 ' ' I f j I r i i : i I j i i T 4

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