THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 1 , . L.oiom satisfied had but Page 2 -1 !; ould have been mo a aKcn an Vlv; The bbath was made rich in ard ar J . -a-r ' tL sabbath is as old aa-tej all vr-o m-, " TV'r one' day. The next, W ver, tr,. v :atf..i-B "'. .. t r. tree ttum .. mvpr oeen auv uuc.... 7- in tha wav will bring back prosperity Quicker. It is officially reported that fjr the first, five weeks of this year or 60 million dollars was being withdrawn from circulation each week in the United States. To the average 20 Years Ago ahr fHiuuttainrrr Published By THE WVVNESVILLE PRINTING CO. made after creating: U-t tree tra jie ' Aosolutely free tn :uh lo J' men. .....iV. V'av from all all the bevond conception. . maie an J God tai !- i person th; lo t;ing figure Howc-l mc .v. t.. th. li a msatear. horc i,u it un- rt; ( M1) -I 1 1 pei 1 da fr .. i.. !;i !' j ION UA I E Sub- ; I:)-io.'i.- payab.e in Ln' at tit p. t dice i' War- , r. sL o- 1 C'a - Ma . Ma-L , a- p-o. lei jer t'-e AC of Maich 0.1879. November 2U, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1932 iuncht Cili ,11. ii 1 j.'.l u!i: s been retur: v-ii nno mm v -- -' , ' vabi 1 1 rive t f v a dav BIBLE THOUGHT Every one of us shall give an account of himself unto (lod. Romans 14:12. We imagine the snow Tuesday was an amwer to t!ie prayers of many coal dealer.-. Ic c-i-m- bv lio.-e figures mat IIoAti s anti-hoarding suggestion has' been taken to hea.t and that the citizen.-, of the United State; are taking idle money out ol its niding place. We feel that at this time, we should not put politics first, but the welfare of our counti , iust as we would do in time of war. To do this we earnestly believe every Democrat, Re publican, Independent and all other politicians will materially be benefited, and that right early. At least, it's worth a trial. the a: iK-svillc- can r. vv be the time he 'needs.- The ty commissioner.-, dei-en t for at last having this even if it wa 1 ' ''' t are ever a year it ,(,. . i .; i- w'ha W( ntb Ho grtate- asL A' can party was comm: and to carry or.. Now, afui 7 J i hampeii i i -it bt It found us ricn m r almo-t bCj o id "uniai mg it steward hip I Wee ::ers. ( -t dav of hii first Sabbath v.a.- made native il: Ho i ?akv. We do nor :. , r.or can we under ection his devotions believe that he does ha- -'ime means te TV... ...(...Wl' , ,i,4V rooted in the iuptl, ' Has given av, f man for Sabrath'.our coal, our mm, o: .t God's own nature. . -i :aiw " - - harrvvl'q And. PVPT1 nt.-v :, ... n ij Muallv a part oi mans naiu:c. - - Scrf s'lfoi r' throughout th,. wholt 1 1 uja fn demand ior iacu 10 WUlf u 1 enn ifl rT 1 1 T IP SI I i n T i. i"1' ' A r yy anH hoo trnt fw lU: a part QUIET, PLEASE, WORK AHEAD As tin- old adage says, "It's an ill wind that blows nubodv any good." might be well applied m th. Lihdbugli k dn.ipmg ca-( 1' at hX pushed th Chint-.-.c-JapanesC' conllict out of the iim elight. THE W AV WE SKI. II ;; :v r iiMiilfi 1"- dealt with lli' .-anu-... ;. Irir-v !:.uiMe: Tin-y !!:;(. .-. hu man 'I- 1 '-M a:, e'ilial with tivif (I'lllar. - W 0 .'KJ" iiev.r tj.:i'. in the lu'u. " kidnapers, will ' dealt with --m i. ty than in the pas. (J; tii- 17.7tl.ft(H) bushels exported from the ' United 'States last year, how many, were ;n-rn H, ' ( nut' Ctitainl theie wue no finer apples in the Tot than those grown in this county. Hcporl l n;in Raleigh shows 4 152 -actus were, burned in Havwood county last year, causing a damage ol oer SunK, this tiemen- dous loss should cause every citizen- of -the county to be more careful and try to eliminate loret fnes At Ibis late it will only be a mat ter of a few years until the forests of Haywood will be a bed of ashes. The forests are one of our most valuable resources. The foie.-d pre vents floods and to a certain extent help regu late the temperature in summer. MILK FOR HEALTH The State Hoard of Health is -sponsoring a Milk-For-Health Campaign winch begins on March 14 and will continue lor one week. The campaign is endorsed by Governor Gardner and was most enthusiastically endorsed in Haywood Count v Monday night by a group of citi.ens that met at the courthouse and perfected an organization- for putting on the campaign in the county. For years, it has been a known tact, that milk contains certain food values that few othei toods h-iw 'I heie is at lea-d one or moie substitute-for every food except milk. The State Board of Health suggests that every person drink at least a quart.-. of milk daily. The average for Waynesville and vicinity is les- than a halt pint a day, al ugh this is the same as the state average. 1h' pi.ut.o-e (" this tampaign i to incieaso this average to at least a pint daily. Similar .ampaign- ha - been 'md m other States and m eei instance the average has been increas ed and where more milk is used, it has been lound ill it 'he h alth of tK (itiztns has bitn improved. , . n In state wheie thtie is a hign rale oA pell-,-.-, citirm. tnlierculosis. bad teeth and trene'tal bad health, it will be found that the number of cows in the tate l- far below the general American average, m uuiw ' ' health du,cnds laigdy on 'he lood which is u-ed and'wlie'i milk gmn its place on the daily menu, mtdicin" and docta lulls dercease Theie is no section in the United StaKs th"t , more faorahl. suited to raisirg con - tt a small co-t. than heie in Western Noith ( ai lina It seems since we hae this distinctne id vantage that more thought should be gncn to seeing that the citi'ens, e-pecKt'1 the childun. .drink more milk, , , . . . , During' the next week, think more about the health of vour family and the importance oi furnishing' them with more and better milk. For the sake of your children's health in the future, see that they drink milk daily. Money nneted in good milk i money pent for good health. HOOVER'S ANTI-HOARDING CAMPAIGN IS GOOD BUSINESS STIMULATOR The' Mountaineer just received a letter from Frank Knox, member of the Citizens Reconstruction Finance Committee, recently aDDoirrted by President Hoover, to wage a cam paign against hoarding and get idle money again into circulation. Some startling results have been revealed since this campaign was launched, although CrS few Democrats have taken the attitude that anything Hoover suggests is not worth their time and consideration. The Moun SSSeer is of the opinion that this anti-hoarding SSS will aid in bringing back the credit of XrSation sooner than anything else and Calvin. Coolidge had just returned from church. For some reason Mrs. Coolidge had not been able to attend the services vlth Mr. Coolidge and she was anxious to learn what the minister had to say. "Mr, Coolidge," she asked, "what did the minister talk about today?" Mr Coolidge thought a moment and said: "Sin." "But whiit did he have to say on the subject .' ' persisted Mrs. Coolidge. Cal thought for a full minute before he would l vouch safe his famous answer: j ' He's agin it 1 ' The story above has In en told some thous ands of times, perhaps, but it has so powerful a lesson anon saying little and meaning much that it is again repeated. It would have been possible lor Mr. Cool idge to go into detail as to what the minister had to say. He could have told of Cain and ; Abrf, the first transgression, the fall of Ninevah, , of Sodom or a score of other famous references i on which sin played a salient part, but he was content to merely say: "He's agin it!" I'eonle are prono to talk too much. This has been particularly true of the past few years when the depression was uppermost in our minds. We have talked, talked, talked. And our talk has resulted in more misery, more unfortunate happenings than in almost any other time of our national history. A well known banker said several months ago that, in his estimation, more banks were forced to the wall through loose and llltimed conversation than an actual need of liquid resources. There'.v an old story of the garrulous per son who, "Everytime he opened his mouth he put his foot in it." That is exactly true. How many people do we know who talk themselves into more trouble than they are able to talk out of? The chances are that all of us have friends cursed with a too ready tongue. All of us, you know, like to appear autho ritative. If a subject is brought up we like to have others believe we know it from first to last. These same people are the ones spreading rumors that start first as idle table t'hat into the serious menace of calamity. We all re member the dog that vas-given a bad name. The poor dog was finally shot as a menance to society and it all happened because he bark ed al - the' wrong time. It is an easy matter to bark at the wrong time And with most disconcerting and, oft times, calamitous eflect. There are business experts who say we are now out of the woods so far as our economic condition is concerned. Let us hope this is true in everv sense oi the word. We have had perfect orgy of talking the past several years and it has become a habit rather than an idle pastime. NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP TALKING AND BEGIN WORKING ! That seems a trite thing to say m cold tvpe, but it is the truest saying of our present times It 'cems rather Polly Annish to make these subjects the theme ot an editorial but thev are the real cause of most oi our unhap-pine-s of the past years. If we had had sense enough to work--harder and talk less we would have been far happier today. Yes, talking can get us into more trouble in a minute than we can get out of m a week of explaining. Change that talk, talk, talk into uyh'U WORK. WORK and you'll not only be happier but will find time to think of others becides yourself. , , Work is the one panacea for trouble. It is one human function designed by the Almighty to make us forget self. No man is happier than he who realy works. It is the thing the world needs most the one thing now most necessary for the good of all those who have wasted the past two years away in care less talk rather than work. , , . It's rather peculiar, but those who begin by talking about the troubles of business finally get around to talking of their own troubles. It is inevitable. , ' , So forget self, forget, worry, forget de pressions and start to WORK! No better epitaph could ever be put on the life story of a man than this: "HE HAD SENS0S ENOUGH TO KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT!" Ushers for the closii. v.a-c the Graded School were ek-ca oftfarnnnn hv the fllll iica'-.uj . . . ' " . - j ---- the tenth grade as follow.'.: M .-: i - - . - t i 4 1.1 I tA..n. ' Henry Met adyen The demand fo, one u ... seven . Let ul continue to u h Uaw.c- on th, -oul of man may express ..:ii k. -y,nii not berome its devotion m worship to uo-i is a ; star gazers i within I is at ; time tor w.-.h 'Per. anj J It found American snips ing American products througkf civilized world, our foreign and . r n n ' . .- nt PIT II 1 1 I M 1 III... I II L ... u .. . . a y.a ,1 ,J ,..,..... . . The '-est prowtn is irom jaw oi mans .-i" - -. uuuicsm uw cciupnnt viitor h t r ..... . : ..rivo ii the iUmand for-. ,.:, w eito a oh .r. i.. when every orsrai a;' i i actor us -.. -": T, 9 , j y' . "'M":. work This i r.o place nor water to quench his thust. lhe sao- jt a(j0pted on asinine tariff p, worn. iiiis i- . i .... . .u..,.vn l- a 01 nrhitrnrv I, n:utj . idlers who ':nock; no. Knotk- f'aui u.c.c.v... as uK"i - u,t'K" cm frtv,,.., i.rir.n tre worm uv a iiaisiu wintpn frrent- sn in..,:i i , I uic i'-'.cu - -" r-- r i l I ! ' V I III I. II I . - ' W : T r V M Illl I L1 ll.T LI. ers who idle. Editorial Mr. Ray Morgan sp"nt Mon.l.i his home in Clyde Mrs. I' L. Turhvf.ll visaed Mr.i N. Henson in Canto i this we"k. Miss Sarah StriiigtH'i.l is penning a few days wit i.frionds in Asheville. Waynesville .-)n:inn-1s to slow. Mr. ' . t'.- Mi'lei ; o .'-I' i;.-i- i' Branncr avenue Mr. I) M. Ca.'i -. ' 'i - n:' ' v.i. i i"'. .n incut t j i-ir i- - - !.:.:., vu.- h:,h-;,r t, ii Ait'l '-' !. . .V V;V. piovision of a' beneficial friend. American v;.Vir.r rtic Sabbath dav the world woul keet 1 be greati. 1 ejects or will suffer the Sabbat be.-a-is.-.- i' ,; li-,r impoverished.- W ho-. jejt;e3 -which America u etrlects to keep '-t I n.l worshia or be de?t: got by with it. I- found our indust: free from unjust taxe-. r.lit at minimum nrice-" ing markets. Again': inie-i'est, it has made u tax-exempt and has im; t.y v'ltually all of o.i: pt-iisv. Six billions a ;. from our mines and toi it's and store-. I. u ofie-half ...f the retail ; wlied leading 'articles . 'a,r-v I t.tx and monoply ret-, who 1 , . ' ,1,.. ,,, get oui luiii v.j. v.. they pay. Producers the selling pi ice of tlui: their effcetive demand Under this tax system times',' our industrial .-taggers and function every few years it brea the Republican pany vahant champion of Ai try, the tireless protect laiMjnng man, and has ; It found agiKultun spite of heavy labor co- to harvest a crop no.v i..u.i. two. et, in spite of an it methods, agriculture no i trate and bankrupt. Thou.anu iVinnsnndo have lost their fa" we :ir developing a loatlboir, . Jdangerous farm tenai:.., .STORY Ol' THK I'KOIC AI. PARTY I Ruronean peasantry at wo ... .Uin... tr. M. I hi' P friend, aid and defendev ol ti and 1 a- ed it? hiDDing. f destructive tanf!.- Hr.g uprtrr has as bea 11 fail L'lV, 11. - The duty to ; binding not 1 in the word it is in.-.tpo-lan's nature, day ti keep Remember ani do not violate iv Alal of Mr. he fall ; th bctl shor b. LETTERS TO EDITOR ti. t n:mse! I citizen ie .bat: ,d Chri 11 r.ece He 'an ui make? 'u able FROM ,1 FORMER MAX I H s' 1' A- Tetm. 10 12 ('a M iton. H Yrs N. (".. Rout ft:.-!i'..r of '1 , I am end ' ()i:io "paper, I is puiilisht ;: most patrio an he'. Mountaineer: osint: a clipping from The Dayton News, which I by one x.f the nation's tie men, oiire a tanituiatt tin. 1 iciiiocriitic nresidentv. and as I see it. he has. a fair showing to trv again Patriotic- citizens that read it should contribute to the paper that publishes it, and laise club funds to put "it into circulation to reach every home in the south. S. A. JUNKS of The News, Day- Pure! for cut 1 the W eivan .bail ; dow anJs' ericar. -evf Old Mickorv. February 2S The Mountaineer. S avnesville, .. f . Dear Hoys: I am not attempting to cast Mowers in your direction ('cause they're so plentiful now) neither am I attempt- ing to - snow you a goon time, nut i really that paper of yours is an ex ceptional fine "sheet" taking into ! consideration the present nation-wide ! business depression 1 (To lhe K lit Ynnr mfikd im is rh ni vnnr . .i- . " v ; -- ' . ton, vniio.; interest news coverage is way above par and icri.ius- ,uv the fruits of adversity. ' Ip "'lt-rlsl generHiappeiiiuiivfv.iuieiJ.ipei uot.itTh 1) depression promises to lf .. niiiiin; of acres o: lnnfl nnnp-i for 11(0 11 nrnud of the Duplication, and in my estimation it is a credit to any town much larger even than Waynesville. T Riirtdv do eniov readintr the Moun- taineer and get a genuine "kick" from ' reading North Carolina items occa I Rionally, and I wish you all success in abundance with it and I plead .with ! vou to continue the good work, i Luck to vou both, i J. M. general appearance of the paper both T(u, ,),nt depression promises to.1 , in news, editorials and ads is good I vit,i(( Krcatei benefits to America than! ; . and 1 am sure waynesville is nuieeu any moasure favored by the Kepublt-j ;yf ' :; i ' i free mater, -ua ,,to;,.nf i o,l : ,. ....... i u 'all oui people aim ! can party iiumiik us i i m v"-ou- factories for generations J (ic :ing misrule, Even ih our eastern -cities, hoi 11,, r.,,1 r.ll'J.i.. n.inv Honvpv with . ' ..... . .! Do not poor Hoover with I wia. f a-i. ,. .nv.ei tins lattit oieakdown. He is no more .. nj titv , ii. oiaine man v,-uutiuK iiaivunn, iiaugherty, Quav, Roosevelt, Penrose, slums. Landlordism si rt with more evictions annuai. , , if . ,V i .u vvitn more evicciuiis an Mdnch, Maik Hanra and the othei f , U1, tl btders who lor sewn decade- nae , K, )n lormulated our policies and enacted Yf t thig f tes ( ovr laws. Indeed, is not Hoover the (l.s(. , of -u fn!U,L),, ., ly recent presidei t who Kt not , a.s.-hei it.d - followed the hush-cover-it-up atituoe , . sdlOl I D OHSKKVE THE SABBATH To The Editor ot The Mountaineer, Dear Sir: T n v i o vv o t the fact that so manv : of the citizens of this county have no regard lor Sunday; I am sending you j my views on thi- matter. .You may use this letter as you see fit in you I paper. I The Saltbath Dav is not a man oi- Ide'.ed institution. (!od instituted it. T; is a for man ordered institution, 'i no Sabbath was niade for all men. (Mark 2-127).' But it is neither national nor sec-. i tartan in scope. Neither liistmctly Jewish, nor. distinctly- Christien, it applies to every human 1)1 o.- rheie was a Sab tint h dav long before I hnst lanitv or even Judaism was organized. iwnrd tho shameless corruption of im party? For that he deserves our : eise. If ever in history a polnical gioup in the chosen pet ot the gods, that :oup was the G. O. P. Porn of high ::e.ils, it came into n.iwei in im vi.go-oii-i youth., supported by a g.'eat mora1 s-ue and confronted ! v on opposition cut was to be discredited lor a gene ::: on by the stigma ot slavery a wav with it. I: found us boastin ( ( ontinued on p nd, it came with ; ne west. Land was -1 v ;:i: . Wages and ml industry was thriving. v.l htul! i .'i I''-- C! UOtl ' nm..ted. but producers i ii-i'i'duct of their efforts; .and, monopoly could not tr.i' extreme east ha I cut i(, -of dear land. Foi i-i ih .- .-.hole V' it h- cheap exoloit Even i, at :el: the ,. .in; .;.. .:.- 13-Year Old Girl Shows Imorou: t ineinnat!, 0.l . Cireinnati, Ohio, i-ect r little. 13-year-old gran nothing but skin art v.oalrl go to the tab!, a mouthful. We situ, make her eat I star.' ; tv:: ' t-'oenfu! of Sargor, .tav bc-foie meals. N eating her head off p.: Tike the same child.' VI R1IS CI 1 'iUE 1 1 I m ol. 1 4 1j toe In Steele County, Minnesota, the cow pop ulation is greater than the human population. Most counties have more bull than anything else. PUBLISHED WEEKLY RY MIZELL SALES AND SERVICE, INC. NO 3 ft as UAYNESMILE. . C. 'THURSDAY. MA fi. M V.o are her, to serve you: in anv wav we can, see us. i THE FORD EXHAUST . Nit "How do you classify Published Eorv Thursday 1 you.'1 e:penses"?" j, ' i 'W it 'T spend .Id'.f of my Ml.LIL SIEs VM) f0. (lthrg, 40'V fw K!UP ?rai9 and the SER ICE, IM . , food, and 20', for amuse-' Steer that ha made this, Phone 380 N'-iA'.'I'j3116012'' tCJ,trv hat !S 15 toJa'' ANaynesyiHe. N. C. "P t0 ' 1 it xca.i, cilULSi Ilglll,. It is a pleasure to serve you in any capac automobile 'field. Oil- 1'tiT.Qlf . Irni vt v.wvv, I ' - r-- ' uv Ullt'lil juu in any voHoui) m me ; prices are in inic with n iitvt num ' ... - - r J J - - look around at some places i aon t nave tnem. economic conditions, you ("Are you M Bitting?' ; .. i.a'i : vi)ci i repairing .Miss Bitting. we don t Deiieve you can done neie at lower prices "Oh. paidcn me. My m: "J'".k jvui ; jvm iviuiviij . jmia i lault. mnnpv than vnn can i for the Kit on,l v.m,. lri.i "Nothing of the sort. I ! j want you to know it's no- money than you can get ' for tne hit and miss kind here. 5 , v.- . want yuu to Know lis ihj ; r-. t .Mase a habit of uine-1 imJ..'. k Glad to have you call on 1 ('0('I GULF GAS from! . . t us; we will do our best to i 1UI rumps. We are glad! i serve you, you must be 1 10 keeP '(ur tires properly i Nut "Well, one thing this! pleased. , inflated and your Ra-! country has learned in the ! MIZELl SALES AND SERVIC Al Wo ran uap Pnr r... 1 1 L.ii j ijuiis ui a uevver navaniage than we can Political bull. " j . iv.a- diator filled, our air lines are at the ens tanVa Vmi Bred i don't have to mnr. -mil twist around a corner for this service lnsf t.wn vm nnvhow." Bolt "And what's that?" Nut '1WP know how that a depression can't be talk ed to death." DEALER Phone 3$

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