r VOL. XLIV N0.14 JLTVliI: iviu ill XllC Presbyterian Church Rpvivfll Servirps Xral 1 Mm v w ' a i wr a m m mi m-mm-m m m , . m . . ... . Being Held At The Z"')u Fairn Loans Are I Three Caught, One pl i tn J1-2R Banquet Will Be Held Monday for handling amilieaSfn I A" """ pk.ej lu.forJ l" UH Wing Mizcll's. HP 1. r. M W I federal crop loans in VwL ' ru,'on w each Saturday will be review! l WO ComDaninn : !.. . . vvuu- w oM.i .,, ... if. ... M V W mjr - W M All Civic Clubs Arc" Taking Part In Gei WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 17, If Different Preacher Speaks Each Wight. Inspiring Messages Being Given. tl... V 1,1 "aywood coun- TKii Clival SPrvi whil, i...:i a err,,, 08,18 W1" be ""ade With Ja W fhA Pr,hvAH ;k,-X T" . "Wl lpae as security. will be continued through the rest of tai f. f;"1?""1 "e farmer can ob 4he week - with, a - different nm. .'.'V8 lmt to $400.00. Th., or each service. ,IID"J V 6 P''r acre on m"ra! f For Thursday night Rev. Geore wn!Crops' ?1 P acre on tobacco Hammond, of Canton, will preach. For I. t 011 ti uck and $25 ner Mbe same service the colored choir of 1 nards. These are maxi- MvuillA has nmmfauJ :.T- l"lUms and Usuallv i. . . r--"v iv Kive 11u.wi y -"v "mount al- weral musical selections. P L acie ls lss than the ess than these n 1. ... 1 l t kest AsheviHe, will brinK a message Just whl,t h will use the money fo I onp evanjreiiauc lines. An onp u l, ,i; i The meeting began last Sunday L ' u '. "0t. ,ar,n iu 1931 pight. witn tne itev. U. K. McCarty, . . nmncr restriction if Highlands delivering a splendid lnat 110 onv L'aii inciens.. tb, t,,. Message. The Girl Scouts and Boy ?o acreage. No one who lin ,v Scouts were present in a body, there jncomo from other source, than f,?m beiBK over 100 of them present. The "ff can get a loan. Imttrr was A insfni-rincr -lia T.. . dlcCarty has been asked to prepare lonn tju1' 2'ishi" lu secure a ft for this paper. It is expected to be ' nf1 , I out an application blank ady to puonsn in next week's paper i notary. ne must Dr. R. P. Walker," pastor of the f1?? a "ote- voucher and a crop resbytenan church, is in charge of As tll0le ai'1' numerous nues- 1 votimwjo Tions to anxwni nil nf . . . 'resbyterian M the sen-ices. Milk-For-Health CamDaiffnIsBeiiiP- Observed In County ! i., V i k-.hnr.Ha fh .. w i l l wdft lfiuiiriitwi in tiaru-nni - - - ' J " vuuii- last Mondav was uoll nno.. Wednesday. 'Posters- have been distri- jieo.in tne city and much publicity t Kien w me campaign by the stors of the local ohnrvhnc J,.,i.,,r I rof. W. 1). Smith nrm.-n, l,t ie iwiowing speakers have been ap jinted foi the different schools on ie project. Severn have nl.,!,. m-.u uicu appoinimenis, Tuesdav. 'ITaxnlwhnH W li ojiu Wednesday, Hiffh School, Dr. S. P. y ana miss inwards. Thuriiky, J). Medford at East Way- 'liursdav. W: II Smift, mentary School. rhursdav. J. I.. i?n!'.in .... i n.. Tlm.Stnnjeld at Crabtree and Fines -i'riday, Dr. S. 1Y Gay at Lake Juna lufka. friday, Dr. McDowell, at Saunook. .prizes totaling $30 have been oifei M.Dy the different civic organizations .ic county to. the. school. children. ! 0? ichmust be f,. . V " "ent ,ior most rr. .fe,lc,U'fiinK their i r-i"-" 'u.-. i. Kooinson, countv farm agent said. Frank 1 in the Masonic Tmni.. i JJeJl at the Chamber of Commerce in Canton, have all tin. .,..,.. pcrs and will be Klad ,o help lm'them out tor those who will come to their oil ices. All applications completed before noon each Saturday will be review ed and sent to Washington by the county Loan Committee on that Sat urday evenine As thoso annl It,1 shinKton. and are con- ...... v u.e oruer in which they are received, it is suggested that farmers ""; -o kci mis loan make their ri'iioii as soon as possible-The ?: apPPnated for this use "Ul u sumcient also makes it necessary to make applications at once. According to oflleials, there ooes not seem t.i hr, ,..-, ... county quota, it is a matter of "fi-st -uine, ursi served " The purpose of 'this loan is only to finance farmers who cannot secure Capita tor their noaA 4 T. r vv" iis year. I hose who can get money elsewhere I 111., .V .1 A. 1 ... , . - - c... i nuac wno have poor reputation on paying debts are not eligible for the loan under the instructions furnished from Wash ington. Before applying for a loan a farm er should estimate carefully how much it will enable him to increase his nni- duet ion on a conservative estimate. men count whether this increase at present prices will pay the debt next lull, and leave an,' surplus for the farmer. If there are any fanners in doubt as to this estimate county njronl Robinson-will he jzlail in ;iid in anv way. ' ed With Entering Mizell's. i wo companions Are Freed. vainey Laldwe . a ft i i - J "o UUUIUI f'u' ,a h"n8 b"fore '.V"- "wwe."' V'na.rM with , L ... l0cal 'ord .dealers. UUUWVUX ru-rt n - "b"i -"iiipan- ions, Ilayden Caldwell and Monroe v-"ikj were iound not guilty at the The three wera ..nurri. i.i. . , ..um.us oi-ionging to J. Carter Rob CrtS. Of Asl.nvill.. JI..J bers. The dogs went straight to the .....v- .uuiiif men. airn,nifyi, th.... .i Ilieit thev hml ii r..- .i. . bery. George Clayton, of Ashevill.. r.. Kor print expert, took the linger prints on the safe. Ca print, were identical with those on the safe. This is thud time Mizell's has been ri bbed and Chief of Police .1 I.. .-mnKiioi.i said yesterday that be oeneved lie now has the bovs that made all three vobberies. ' Chief aii.iiiK-.neia directed the search for i lie inree thieves and made the arrest i I NEWS BRIEFS M AKCII 16 Siiiokemont-Newfound Gap section of " f, v. "wm Caro lina s thoroiu'lir.-iin int.. n. . . Smoky Mountains National Park! will "f,... ...nun u lew oays. Alrtadv Nell tractor, has bis lull,- i n.. -.. .led and i wiiii me "in. .i.i so-mi as imai details have "I All 1 I I IV I'll till? f ,v "yes, presiding elder in.- ...lynesviiie District, will hold sei vues at the Methodist church here each evening next week. The public is cordially invited to attend these Mcly Week services. B1?ffir tqFaS About Under Way Here smoky National Park . . . . .... . ' . ; 1; A l .' if : ii a .i r.. ii .V ' ":ee-corneicl race loi the Democratic nomination for governor of North Carolina was vir tually assured today with announce ment u( Solicitor Thomas A. Mac of Luniborton, that he will not oe a candidate. BANQUET BEGINS, Interesting Program Is ranged For TonightV Meeting A MOPKWKLL, N. .I, ..s,.;,r. 1 j - i; Ii Tor the tb C. A. George, Professional Boxer-Wrestler, To Give Services Free To Boys Here. ! W'l- -N'ot'' This is the lirst of a se ines of articles ,,n the Great Smoky , -Mountains National Park that will appear in t his paper. This week's ,article was written by 11. C. Wilbuin . i cngmeer for (lie park commission i' v ... . ,. i .... -' -- :.. . i10'"'11- P'-oicssional; ll.eie iN according to the survev , wrestler, nas .found that and maps of the North Cniv,i;. the VOllllir ninn ,.n.l I .. iir D....1. s' . . 1L . .V(lr'n 1 "llll.'l ..:,i , ".v vi uayne.s- miu. cominissioi' 228 fife? J .;....... C. Welch Announc es Hmispf Asrmirli- lite . Tav CnMorinr In this ia'ftiia If Wilii. '. jL wen is .. inati- an announcement of his "candida- vu .lucceea himself as Tax Colelc- W tor Havwnod 7i.ir,f., eu-:r tf ... , --... . wu,j. kJllVilll r, ' " i lumuiany called, is WB1 known m Haywood County af irs He has served the party and the JJP'C well for a long time- In his ial life as sheriff for four years ja.his present office as tax collector -2a-UJ two years' he has been en"1" -a awenarge of his duties and vue taxpayers in en- t s, couecuon. as Well as deli Py taking care of the interests of wuuty, . viT t i . irienas oi onerin sure mat the duties of the e will be faithfully aerved. vine need something in u... minds, and bodies active during hours when they are tempted to get. into mischief, so he taken it upon himself to give instructions in boxing and wrestling and other forms of exer cise to the young men of Wavnesville. The first, of - 1hr.. ,.la s .,. u.,i.i -.,.-..,.:i t v. v. ...... t1 ,tl IH.-1H .luiin- nun I lllioilii.. l.i.vl.f 1- It.. IT :. r , . . jiifij.ii, ut.me i.jiisonic i em pie The tot a ot land i!!m.1.1 n... t.... ,. ' V : " 1111 aiK on the . 1)1 1 " 1 arolina side. This, expressed . ..... -.i, lh ,1.x. io square miles K'ciiiiui... I, j i i . .o.-.u..,,.,M "i. mere. . is . about an Moai amount, .say. :m-'2!i square miles on the Tennessee side, the total iirea in the l'ai-K- .,,i,i i. n ai fer 600 Children Are iwven Oiptheria Treat ment In Schools Here he roiiriftr t,lj.i- v. . . . 4., i;"" i, "wwi omcer and three i '-""uxe ai me iMemen I0iLthe diptheria toxoid last lid tA i were about 200 sche- cL a this treatment but the t cau-ed many to be absent that .8 treatmjiMj. a ; i . . of lu ' v -"-ior two inject-1 iill LSeim' the sew"d treat-1 ufiV be. erivn April 4. M. H. it if .1.. . r. l" scnooi stated first trt atj.dld "ot get in for iH nt tment would see him or jainton, countv m- In at w treatment could be mpmlinrc iha ploca Mr, George has several medals he has received for wrestling and box ing while in New York and during the World War he was athletic instruc tor of the 12th Divison. Several people have expressed themselves that they believe this class will probably lead to tlie build ing of a modern Y. M. C. A. where the young men can spend their evenings in a desirable environment. Those joining the class Tuesday night were: Porter Greenwood, James Gaddis, David Hyatt, Ben Atkins, Robt Lowe, Tlm.r.r Pfltlrtn Trfilmpilf Pmil ' v J Mvw,., v., - V.,aillf LA.11 JJCUl J VllUOVtl, W.llJ T. L. Bramlett, Tom Reeves, Lonnie Boone, Arthur Boone Algie Ratcliff, Don Hyatt, Joe Tate, James Thomas, Donald Lowe. Lonie Yount. Frank- Battles, Paul Blackwell. CHARLES TEAGUE KILLED IN WRECK with over 75 present. Much interest " 'Ijstance from was displayed by the boys and Mr t f ' 1 ' , uu' l10'"1, ' "UerseHion ! George expressed him, - f i s being If r bl"ld "f P".-k well pleased with the response -n ' 1 1!'' r Grfat Sm,,ki('s There is no charge for these ins? rut f'v ,c- t of the ridge tions. Mr. George is giving I s tin e ,. f ,with the Cata- l-ecause he has felt for a MJ imc tunZy Y -T?0? that the youth of Wavnesville needed 1 1" , ' T T.ho rlght 1,no a little more attention- lisy,nce betn-.-en these, two points is Exhibitions. .will with Weaver College and the Ashe-, abotiT lsS tt fjtf" vine i. Al. C. A. as well as among k ... . , ,w,in ; . i.ii.i. .i.iii' .1... nufif rir ..... i- : " uu .iJ.:a 1.1 111 the northeastern part. Nearly one half of the southwestern portion on this side being only about 3 miles wide, the remaining one-half norcn eastern portion averages about nine miles wide. The greatest width on the North Carolina side is about 13 miles. On the Tennessee side, however, ' me wider area is in th. sniith....ci- em and middle portion, narrowing from the LeConte region towards the northeast to about 3 miles. The average elevation of the en tire Great Smoky Ridge included in the park is something over 5,200 feet- From a point oneand one-fourth miles West Of Silvprci R.llil in a ni-.int (in this, ridirp 3 miloa oacf nf Tift Guyot, a distance of 2G', milep, the elevation does not drop below b,UU0 feci; the lowest point in this sector being Newfound Gap which is .'5,040 feet. This Gap is somewhere near midway hetween Heals (jap and the CLEAR AS MUD Iv'.-, XKIj, Hi, ION, I.i W me aOov,. letters and . tigures iiceuiateiy descrihe and locate SO acres of land in Oklahoma, lit iow is given the location of ".in n naywood county, N. C uiiiiii may sotiixi n little strangi i" I..I.11M1S wno nave always live. in I ni.s Mate: n . .. n e east nan : l ,r ,.; .. .... , , , "h"-".. - 1 V VI , mil Me three populars on the West roi-K, Deillw- ,i. . mnv ....,.. run with his line N." 2H noles t ; take on t. ien s cormr; thence with (.Jeo .-Aliens lin,. as follows- . it., u. 11 K. '2 noles S. HO V c S. o; K. 12 poles: S. K .-. i,-i,, iS. So K. 7 linles- ' . 71 I." f l ooies to a Hack ,.t , i,.,. .. ..:.i....... ... " ' "ige; u. 1 1 . VV al i en's ,-,,rt... - iience with his in.. s aa v m poles to stake in I! II n,,.'.,,.,'., line; thenc. with bis Im.. v uu W. ,'iU Doles to n nmi ,in ci.l., c ridge: thence X :i.l W . r,o ...,.. u.1- . I'""'" i ne lino rasr, rork oi 1'igeon river; vneiiee oown with the line of East Fork . and West Fork nf Pi river to the becinninir. co.itiiiniiin- J 45.- acres, more or less. A clipping from an Oklahoma pa per sent to The Mountaineer by v.. noweil. or Ashpv i . . , , . - ' i i'u lori ie kidnapei land beii.l, i.i, i enls sti I be H.i-.. ..c .. . . .. i i , , , . " ie uiiii wen. doubled back today on an old trail the trail of i nn ( . vanished the day after the crime, two weeks ago. Th,. ui.fvnntd ..,..c., i.. ....... n . i ...ii... . - . iy ...... .,m., weni. to work lor Mr v;. ... i.ightfoot of Franklin l'ark neai .:w nrunswick about a month befo-, the crime. They left suddenly ftei repor ine twv ii,..i -n.. . -i in iniess abroad. WAKHKN.O. -.D,.clarine 1 i,l,,.,;,, j one of the most cruel and heart less crimes and is becominif "all t,,,, P'cWjent -Common Plets Judge J,v J. Gnllith today sentenced Dowell llarirrnves. :!i i,, nr.. : fn.. iu . I . -' im ii isonmeui lor the ii In ne 1 1.,,. ,. ii , , . , , " . ' m i-iii -hi, i .Minins DeJute, ,lr. A 1 I . - I i i . . . - i .l.-ilii j it i . . in,,. ,;.,!. ... , students we-i' si.v.,.-., .. i i ... , ., , ... ... .,u,inii aim ii othen were cut, burned and bruised in escaping when a .school ,s t.au j,. ire as it uas boin fi(,( wi line at Dukeville school SAO officials for .Col iti axil's ago -ee was PAL'Ml. IMU1L. i;un,, aie coiisKlering a new search lor the 250 citizens of Waynesville t nearbv eomm to attend the banquet at the Mot' I 7o Th ' roonl tonight ! . the auspices if ii,.. i.,..i . t, -iV ,.. i iiuiiiDern it v ominerce ami w and Wl.llUMl i.i ,.M lir J ,l,t . v i'i.iu- wiiynesv ! mat is intere.st.,,1 i.. .....i;.... r i villi' a bigjfor and better city. ' les.tient J V jMastde said yesf! lay, "one of i .i..-.. i . , ....... i llllllifH i want to gel. ,wi i- i.;.. .....-.. ! I lie j-eii .in. i,i .I... . . . " " ...ii :imber ot i ',.i,., ., " .-t ,1 V of cridcisins which we receive , -n V :,j::..! ,,"ri!,ii.fo''n,ei. v' .... v VVl.,-y0no wn,U J lo;; to !.. and solicit their co-opi' f ne of lie main things Mr Mas-' pointed out. wnu n l: s'i I . 'y.'in.oii.s would .. aH ,( this meeting. An invitation -. 4 i. n. .. .!"!'. y of the ciizens here Monday ai III nil iiii.il ..1 .' j i V ....... oiviuiiiDii tne purpose of t meeting was made as follows;. "Your Chanil iti' ,,i i i , ..,iii,n-i ji.il '''en .exerting .-voi-v ..ir,.ri ,..;n,:.. . I'"ver to make Waynesville, what nl ; .ins provided it, should be; tS Gateway (0 (l, l..i, . enter nf (he Mountain i.,,,! i 4i ''.'"'"'"e ,','VvHop its indiislrial po . l,, r; . "ine ha;, (,.., whei undivided united co-.,p,., .,( ,. 'very cm;.,.,, js ab.iolutelv e;seniii' ?" e are asking every nan a,. te.; man md reMed to come out and ha i alii these matters over freelv . f , , t l.v and candidly." ' ' ;; - shoi-t, intorestilii!- ,. - I,.'. Men arrangei II I' i.'.i,,...;.7( .. . "" "M.uute.i lor Mie meeiiinr ill - - - ..i "no i-iiteieii according to those- n ) , -r,, n ...st ost to nnl,,,,; ' """I """ " t "'ad,ngl,uii,is .,,e- 1 i .. . - 1..HIS1.-II, .swair nave in en ( i,,.,.n .v,.,i,. Kiwe, iv (in,.. hi. il,.,. ii "imi.i. jsew nope tla the explorer n alive was in-o',. ed bv a jungle trapper who ,-avs tint lie has seen n n-i,!i., 1. ' i . , ,, ....... ,,,,, yiio claim-: to hi- awcelf A.s li icvi 1, i.i-: - a7i."....;i...i tion and analysis -f the Western Noith Can.lina votes cast in the presidential DOM are now l,,.;,,,r ,,. 1 .... , ,, i , .. , , ".'"icn ami will be published next .Sunday in The Abbe ville Citizen-Times. The lime limit 011 the receipt of ball-.l . was Mond-.v! at. midnight. ' i Thos. M. Ferguson 80, Dies At Crabtree Was A Prominent Citizen of County, Active In Church Work For 70 Years. 111.111.1; regarding the different .l,a-t( f the Chamber of Coiiimer,v , t : Musi.- by (he Hazelwood .dring ban will Ie vi-en a! i' t.-rvab. Major ff, Howell has beep i bos, ,, ii- !, master of the evening. -Th-.' ..bainpiet. will iieKin as pi iunptl! "I- :,.' as pussible. 'n,,,' individual? have hi en asked to par lor i'lei , Plate.., which is only oOe, ' The ladie1 f the Methodist church are in , l.arg' of preparing the food for th.' b.i.n,uei I he following program has beer arranged by the committee i-i charge' Mtiric by Orchestra. 1. The Chanili,, .,f r',. ,.,.. ... ... :..., i.i . . .. -.,., vn,-, a, l President-. ,,ilr- BJL :?Wo. a promi- , wi.uiy eu.zen ot Crabtree, a" cal'ed "is finj.I rest March 8 l Jdi-. Mr. Ferguson had reached the " " i auu me i oi eigniy years ,, u,i .i,. rf Ai.n T,.-a, t.,.: a.. i, :ii- r - .y'-'--. "ad (inly "i.wuuvinx i u, ..jjint-, ui-iiii: tne. uouit. f .:ii in a lew oavs ...1, IL. J-. . .,,. , ! J ' TOKYO - A , .-- '""".i' unieeinent Tor ieiip, I VI,. t... : , , ""--,uii.iiKjii, rcai-ncd Monday nainoer ol l oinnierce A at a conference between representa-i " Objects, J. K. Massie, Presid. lives ot th,,-two nations in the -nroc. ! 2. The Relation of ih.. t ii.,..,iw, ence of pn vnva . it.,:..... ... . ' I i .... ...... .4 .. u.. ...... . v"im-h ntates, I -"""- u ui ou.suiess, jionivr Ka reat Hritmn Ki-u.i, ,.1 '1 M, 1... . ... . ' , . .,,.1, luiiv, was 1 ........ii. uy vjiciiestra. anDroved Uv 1 h i... . i -i ti... 1 . ; . . v.. wlaiiv.it? Kuvvrnmcni " 1 - v nanineroi i;oinmtrce am ,,, ,,1 mi.,;,!!... Ille govern ment instriwtnil f c.,:7:. . -i - ..,, u .jiiiKeiruisu, Japanese minister to Ghina and its representative in the parleys to con fer, again with cTiitw.Gi. ..1, ,, -, ., ----- .vii-.-,ii,eii "11 the details of the plan, .which w.-, taken to be an agreement concerning withdrawal of troops from th,. Shang hai zone. to? 7-an conlt " 4n "i I was '7n -1VC in second. ; faent ' h. I I 0111 that the first teMve ii?, alut 70 Percent pre- 28 r,pv7."f W1C second has the I S that abut 275 annro"4 ?t Hazelwood, eslle ciT ,y, at the East "f.,....."e SClrool hatr. vaoi. 7 ' t: cii iveii A&T ?nly cost the child- rarses are Cea the Physician 0 are given nnthn..- A '1RS- MODE BETTER - mm rat!vin" p?00, ls been Ne for ng s Sanltorium in ecideA v the P84 ek, has ftor betted Al- e i ; :u quite Sick-. Mrs. --proving 8teadUy. ' Former Haywood County Resident Killed in Jack son County Monday. lunacies xtafiuu, u,, uio.-, v- r. -r .... J--. .1 H.nv.Hn.M t Vi n OI iViacoil county aim iiiaiiBKci vj cannery ai rraniui", uit-u in mc n..f;c. Brothers hospital at Franklin shortly before noon Tuesday from Injuries sustained when a truck in which he was riding with his son. Elmer, was overturned on Highway ,o. near Gav. in the Savannah section of Jack son county, Monday. Mr. Teague suffered a fracture dis location in the vertebrae with com. nnuiinn nf the eniniil cord which nara- lyzed him from the shoulders down. He was taken to a hospital in Sylva, but was removed here later in the day. rt... - x . 1 . 1 J". L-'r-ViTTn T. vlldll ine irucK jeii. mo uis.."j n.j.. the wheels slipped on a patch of ice, the son said. The truck turned over twice and went down an embankment j- n . 1 ; r (V.nunueu uir pgo where the road from Gatlinburg crosses into the Ocona Lufty section of North Carolina. ClingmanV Dome and .Mt: Guyot, both above 6 C00 feet, constitute a part of the 261. 4 111 ties sector rpfprred to ai-kivp AltonrpthPT there are eleven peaks on th main Mr. FpririisriTi -ni,.,, ., ni,... ... f Li --r ,. ,.j.i a native OI tfle Crabtree section of Haywood County, having been born and reared ther. He Was the VOllncpat onn .-.f !. r ly, the older brothers, Robert, Nathan A S' ""ruer, jonn 1,., and Judge uarland S. all nreceflPfl him-.-. ... ... 1 . . ,.. . . . i" o.vioe mat are o,uu leet high, or grave by some years. Two sisters over, not including Clinrrm.'in s rinni . inrviiu.. f it . . ,n,i ff r.,w - 1 ".;ii Vt" ..." 11 (?, jiaycs- Of the 356.25 square miles on the Tennpusp side r,f tlln nnrlr 917 Qll II. hplow thp 3.000 fnnf IjivpI TpiiTrin o balance ot lJe.4o square miles above foot level, leaving the remainder of zo.i.iw square nines anove that level. Thprp io in i.htx TVr.np:ci3t c.ta 67.7G square miles that to 4,000 Itet, ana aDove, in elevation, un the (Continued on page 5) ' -l. J j j l v., iiajrta- Ville, N. C and Mrs. Leyellen Reeves, ,.He was a very active member of the church for 70 years, being Sunday Schoifl Superintendent and teacher for man w years, lie lived a con- that, elevation. Of th R57ir niinr mor than 40 years. D miles on the North Carolina, side. I secrated Christian life in its truest 93.46 square miles lie bebw the 3,000 l?n se' KeePlng,his eyes always toward ..,;. .u- - .i. -j? vicinal neiirnis lrnm whsnra MR. J. J. FEGUSON ILL iime ms strength and his salvation. On March 11 187 V,. j . t 3 inaii ieu to Miss Barbara West, a native of vijjpouiia, a. u. to which union was uurn ien children. . .ITll la anti7iv.a1 h.r Ut .na1. J ? .... r J1 " iiu nine children. W. Fircu- r. Vt,ri. j TT n J i-.- n... . . - ' --""- " viaubiet;, iurs, I. Jj. Kirlrnnf.Wi.Ir PlaL- ni-:- xr T 7 - , ,.i vjuntaiii, ix. xt: iS1;; J Campbell, Waynesville, Rowe B. Howell An nounces Candidacy For Tax Collector Th.. sor-on.i ,.Qn,ll,l,fl ... ... i , . WUVIWIC. iu iiiuko a lormal annoiin'i.ini.ni r.... ....n....... was Howe R Ilnv...,ll .,e r n..., , -i uuimLiiaii s vreCK cnmmiinili. ir n -, ... . ..... nvwuii saiu he decided to make the race after -.uw yi i is inenas visited him and insisted. He is a farmer in his Com munity, altho h he has had over two years servinn- thni.hi; .u. t .. . --- i"ui,v. in tue wpacay oi ooputy clerk of superior court under P A IIn.. xi.. . clerk of conv . Mr. Howell did not state his plat form along with his formal announce ment, but stated it would be along thi. llflMAn..i... . ... o ...v iciinAiiiL.c policies. Tourist Trade. E. L. Withers 1. What the Park Means to Wav nesville, and the necessit v t.i ai ; r.nt ranee, W, T. Sbelton. I ), 1 he Value of a Golf ('(.ur, , Waynesville. Tom Strinplield i . Lake Junaluskn and the--Chamber of Commerce, H. K. Nollnei'. f Orchestra. 7. Hazelwood and the Chambe'r of flommerce. L-M. Richeson. . The relation of the Chamber of,1 Commerce to the Rural Section, W, D. Smith. Speeches will not average over five minutes, i The committee in charge is, R. E. Nollner, Bonm r Ray, C.M. Dicus. j Thomas Seawell and R. T. Messer. i I R. M. Leatherwood Is - Candidate For Renre- sentative From Here ir t T r. . i.- .: . . ... mi. m. .f. x-eruttdu, wno nas oeen luru. w. j. Campbell, Waynesville seriously ill with pneumonia for the.N. C; Nathan A. of Newport Newsl past two weeks, wag reported latelVa.; Mrs. George Few, Greer, S. C; Wednesday to be holding his own. I (Continued on page 5) TWO INCH SNOW HERE The first rpfll enn. IL . .. . -,.ii . TiT" v l"e winter ji. i.i waynesville and vicinity on last 1 nnWa .. . .11 . viuijua, ii, nwiMi. a mnnir c - :c 15 . "j- severe cold weather. Citizens awakened in mc iuiiuiig to niw a two inch blanket COVerin thn crrnnnA p ---- r,-- v. ."u onuw CUD. tinued to fall at intervals during the day. However, by noon Wednesday no trneo nf .nnn. .u u . , . "'"-' " vuuiu ue neen ikj a Dalmv nrAUTA rratrA r. . : j .' n n... ww o " iiiuivawuil LliaL i xi e 1 more spring weather was on the way I Order. R, M. Leatherworid, life-long res i-i dent of Haywood County made his -! formal announcement Tuesday that he ' was a candidate., for Representative in the June primary, Mr. Iveather- w-ood announced at the c amrt tinti 4Vio- t he v-nnhl make public his platform uu xuuuuay aitemoon at the Masonic Temuie at 2 n. m . TTn that hour and cordially invites all citizens to hp nwecnf . hi.,, t,:,,. explain his platform. Mr. iJeatherwood has held three officer ir, the county, the total being abOUt twentv VPara nf nnKli. He served ten vears as deouty sheriff; i and tax collector and eight as mao-- istrate. He is a member of the) Masonic ' t - : ! I i ir ' i f. ,1 i f'-f-t "I V! J '' j if