n e4 THE WAYNE,w"T.R MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MARCH 17. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL f PHONE 137 I .1 - mm MEm3mi rniMWilu.'-iaf I , . Mr. Joe Johnson speni mommy i Bryson City on Jbuainess. Mr. Lyda W. Hall of Spring Hill v.. i w forciiKini oi i-raDiree spent 'Saturday shopping in Waynes- nf Mrs. Prank Coarburn of on were visitors here last week. .-. S. M. -Robinson -of Canton was ,wn on business Thursday. r. C. E. Brown of Clyde spent rsday in town. r. J. H. Keener ton last week. was here from v. 1). C. McRea of High Point in Wnvnewille on business last k. r. Charles '. Smathei.; and Mr. J.Medford were vistors here from ton last weelc. Irs. Jeannettc R. Murphy of Cruso - it Friday shopping in Waynesville. . ;' liss Mabel Moflitt of Canton wax a ( tor here Eriday. ' lr. V. M. Hill of Fines . Creek ek spent Saturday in Waynesville. f t .trA,n T. Wilkins. former mayor of Hendersonville, was a visitor in, Waynesville Tuesday. lr--. Carl Medford of Lake Juiia ka was a v isitor -here .Saturday. drs. Sallic Creen 'v Saturday. f Crabtree was VI r. U. li 'lit S.'ltUK Mr. C. I. pk.'i was a Miss Jiinie Charlotte Mr. II. b. Wavnesvi! Howell v iii town. Jonathan Med lord.. or. Lake Junu visitor liere last week. Reeves visited last, week-end. friends Young f on busme: .Mi. rabt ri lie. Mi and Mis. C'ti t r u Fridrti .S,-eluy was ;s last week. 1-Vj-gllSOM of in VVayncs- V Koeeis and Air. (!. F. m-t- t.f Giablree were among the vilors here Sat unlay. ii .lark-on county on business last Air. II. I.. Wood 'as in WayiiPsvilU etk. . .Mrs. Emma . Urowii ol Iron Duff petit Saturday .KtiopiNint;- in Way esville. Mrs. Jobe Rednvond oi 1' Hies Creek as anione- the visitors here lns't ville. & -r Mrs. Ciuey T. Wells and small son, Carey. Jr., of Canton were visitors here Saturday. ? Mr Ri N. Barber left last week for a month's business trip through the Southwest , Mr. and Mrs. R. L. I'revost had as their guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Abeinathy of Hickory. Mr and Mrs. Francis Massie have moved from their home on Branner avenue and will spend some time at the Le Faine Hotel. Mrs Sara K. Haynes, who is on the faculty of the Canton Graded Schools, was a visitor in Waynesville Thurs day. Mr. Sam Welch, who has a position with the State Hanking Department, and Mr. Jack Sullivan spent the vp.L'-pod as e-uests of Mr. Welch's aunt, Mrs. J. II. Way. t m Mr. Harry MeCrackoii, who is a student at the University of North Carolina, firmed Friday to spend the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Airs. W. I.. MeCracken. Dr. I., li. Hayes and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alas-do motored to Statesville last Thursday to see Mrs. W. () Goode who is -erioii dy ill in the hospital there. M . Sam llushnell arrived Friday night from the University of North Carolina to spend the -spring vacation with his paients, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. l.unshell. Among the visitors here on busi ness Saturday were Messrs. Reuben Robertson, H. Arthur Osborne, J.II. Kirkpatriek, and Charlie Smith of Canton. Mr. A. ('. Craft .'of Kingsport, Tennessee, former manager of the Tci-ace Hotel at Lake Junaluska, is a guest at the LeFaino Hotel Mr. Craft, will be manager of the Gordon Hotel next summer, Use More Milk for Health 3 Grandmother's BREAD 20-oz. Wrapped Loaf 7c PARKLiE SSS'te- 5c IB Knjali . C. Assorted Fluffs lb. 3.5c GARDEN RELISH 2 10 oz. jars 25c COFFEE SPECIAL is,, ib.23cB0KAR lb. Tin OOFFE1! SUPHUMl 27c 8 O'CLOCK 3 lbs 50c Mild unil Mellow Pet or Carnation MILK 4 tall cans 29c Quaker Maid BAKED BEANS 5c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 cans 13c LIFE BUOY SOAP 3 cakes 19c 2-IN-l POUSH can 10c LUX FLAKES 2 pkgs. 19c GOLD DUST 8sm. pkg. 2Sc 1 1 fins 10 lb. Bag 47c OUUHII 25 lb. Bag $1.15 2 lbs. 9c CHEESE fine flavor lb 15c Swift's Jewel SHORTENING 8 lb. Bucke C P. & G. SOAP 7 cakes 19c . . ": ' '.' rVr Atlantic & Pacific was in Waynesville on Monday Mr. E. L. Hinton spent last week end in Hendersonville on Business. xt.. oni Mn .T. H Rash of Mas .11. HUU - .Att TannnlUO WPTP ITUeST i Of lUT. Raul Deaton on Tuesday. . Owpn of Jonathan's Creek spent Wednesday shopping in Waynesville. Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, Mrs- Felix StovalUnd Miss Upal rerguson woe Asheville visitors Saturday. Mr PhnrlPH B. Warren of the Rehabitation Department spent Tueslay in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.White have as their guest Mrs. White's sister, Mrs. Rolph Bell. Miss Belle Bright had as her guest lust week-end Miss Edith Sellers of Asheville. Mi. I r mtuni" ivlin is stodvinir at the University of North 'Carolina this winter, i;v spending th spring vacation at his home hero. : Mr. Tom Talial'ei 10 of Ualeiuh is spending a few days with Mrs. Taliaferro who is visiting her mother. Mrs. It. II. Mitchell. Friends of Rev- R.A.Seutel'.o of Pigeon were plea.-'ed to see him in town last week after .in illne.-s of several woks. Mr. Albert New, sophomore at the University of North Carolina, is spending the spring holidays with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. -Albert New Mrs. Paul Deaton left Saturday afternoon to visit her father, Mr. N. J. Rush, who is seriously ill at his home near Franklin. :': Mr. David Felmot, who is attend ing the University of North Caro lina, came Sunday night to spend a week'.; vacation at his home here. MAZ. John N. oolbred was the gracious hostess for the regular SEthly meeting of the Docm , Bell Love Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held at her home on Branner avenue last Wed nesday afternoon. As the regent Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, was attending the State Conference in Durham, Mrs. J H Howell, vice regent, presided and opened the meeting vith the sing ing of America, Flag Salute, and Ritual- , , After the disposal of business a most interesting program was car ried out Mrs. H. D. Secrest had the paper for the afterncon and it was a continuation tf the Bi-Centennial Celebration of George VSashmgt.n. Her subject wa, " George Washing ton, The Christian. ' The paper was splendidly written a u was read by Mrs. Secrest in a most impressive manner. , ,. . Following this Mrs FreJ Marin., whose lovely voice g;ve3 pleasure to all who hear her, sang, "The Father ,.e v, t on,l Wo I.ovp." a sone written by her granddaughter, Mary Wood, at the age of eleven years: Mrs. Howell then gave Flag instruc tions which are tc be presented at each meeting of the chapter At this point Mrs. Shoolbred read ihe follow ing poem which was written by her granddaughter, Inrv Wood, at the age of leven y :-ai : Reverence To Our Fin,; Hats off, ve !e);i!e! Hci co:ne our Flag! The Flag we love so tiu, .', other color- i.o we love m :t Thtn the Red, Wh't" an-' P-lue. Up to your forehead, your Minis to raise In salute to the Red, White and Blue, For not only our country doe it stand. But for Liberty too. Hold this position until it has passed. Then lower with a reverent grace, For holy indeed is this wonderful Flag That stands for the American Race. Mrs. Francis Massie, Miss Wilda Crawford, Miss Mary Stringfield, and Miss Mary Barber were Asheville visitors Thursday. : Mr. N. A. Ferguson has returned to his home in Newport News, Vir ginia after attending the funeral of his father, Mr. T M. Ferguson, of Pral'treo. .. Mr- and Mrs. George Few of Greer, South Carolina have returned to their home after attending the funeral of Mrs- Few's father, Mr, Thomas M. Ferguson. ". r "'. Mrs. W. I.. Kiritnatrick and dauch- ter, Miss Mary Kirkpiitrick, went to Charlotte Saturday to spend a tew days with Dr. Kirkpatriek, who is in the hospital there. Mrs. W. J. Cmnibell returned to her home Thursday from Crabtroc where she went to attend the funeral of her father. Mr. Thorna . Fer guson-.. M.v und Mrs. Carter Russell, who were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Russell's father, Mr. Thomas M. Ferguson of Crabtree, have r turned to their home in Candler. Mr. W. C.Russ spent the week-end in Hendersonville with Mrs Russ at hor parent's home. Mrs. Russ is re covering alter having her tonsils rev moved in the hospital there. t. Miss Mary Stringfield and Mr. . T ,1.. .....Vil in Greensboro as guests of Mr. and r . T . T. Tl-T C...lnrv lMrS. J. 1. iiaiHVOMl.. H11S.1 OUINU. field was maid of honor in the wed ding of Miss . Fldith Man gum which 1 1 C.J.. nflm.nnnn took piace n ijumuj lutciuuvii, ' ;-.... it .;. .. Mrs. T. I'noir Gwyn returned Sun day night from Durham where she went to attend the State D. A.R. Con vention. Mrs. Gwyn also -visited Mr. aid Mrs; Louis Graves in Chanel Hill and Miss Babble Way in Winston-Salem. -? Mr. John Queen is here from Chapel Will in snend hi spring vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John M. Queen. Mr. James wueen, wno is also a student ftt the University, is spending the time with hi3 room mate in Philadelphia and New York City. .''.: Dr. and Mrs. O. T. Alexander had as the guests 'last week-end Mrs. Alexander's nephew and niece, Mr. And Mrs. Albert Moffott, and Dr. Alexander's nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Alexander, of Charlotte.- . '; . '..'.' MR. AND MRS. SHOOLBRED CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mi. and Mrs. John N. Shoolbred were hosts at dinner on last Sunday at their home on Bounarv street in celebration of their forty-second wedding anniversary. Covers were laid for the following guests: Bishop Jurius Moore Horner and son Jun inf Horner, Jr., of Asheville, Rev. Albert New and son Albert New, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Camp and son, Everett Camp. This, ended the program very ap propriately and a delicious, ice cours' ciirried out in Red, While and Blue was served by the hostess. The guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Harrv Rotha. Mrs. S.P. Gay, and Mrs. Fred Martin By .Mrs. F. B. Cain, Publicity Chairman. Deivoi Fi:-i.x;t'M Of interest to ix host of frie'i.ls in Waynesville is the followiiig an nouncement which was received toe first of the week: The Reverend and Mrs. -losiah Thomas Mangum annoiiiu'e Ihe rt-uii1-rijii'c of their dauellter, Kdiih Hiop- cr, to Mr. Daniel Charles D'j Wolfe, .!r , on Sunday, March 1.!, VJ-i'S, Greens boro, North Carolina. The marriage took place at Park pJSe Methodist church, of which the bride's father is pastor, in a simple sen-ice It 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. R H Mangum of Birmingham, Ala bama, uncle of the bnd. gave his Se in marriage. Attendants were of Waynesviue, 0I1""'U 171. Cleland of New York Cit, claiE Sato and fraternity of the groom, best man, and Robert Mangnnj Laugh Un cousn of the bride and. Junius ' b. of Atlanta, G.a and the University, ushe,?. Rev. Man gum officiated at his daughter, nup- U Wedding maiic icndered by Mrs W P- Christian, pianist, wno Saved the Wagner and Mendelssohn wedding marches for processiona and recessional and Lier-traum. during the ceremony. After a southern trip Mr. and Mib. Do Wolfe will be at home at 12 Cobb Terrace Chapel Hill, until June, IZn tiie brilK ,oP.i will be gradu ....! ..., tb Universit-; of Noitn Carolina. They will tnon go io u.m(v port, Connecticut to live. Ir re Wolfe is 'he only daugh ter of the Mangums, who live.: in Waynesville for several years while Mr Mangum was pastor of the Meth- dnc';m'ivinK they have spent the summer vacations at their home here. Mrs. De Wolfe is a popular menu be;- of younger set of this city and the announceent of her marriage was re ceived with unusual interest. M was graduated from the i. inverse of North Carolina in 19:51 and is a nu.niber of the Pi Beta Phi fraternity The bridegroom' is a native o. Con necticut, son of Mrs. Harriett Howes De Wolfe and the Dr. Daniel Charles De Wolfe, specialist, 'le U a meii.-he,- of the Phi Delta Theta tratermty. i V -U-: i. aw A LA" is iti:ri:ii;i WITH KXTHVSIASM The Indian operett.i, "l.elaw.Ua, which has been antbipated with n great deal of interest for the past several weeks by patrons ol the high school, was pivse-ited in the. nigh -,,-hor 1 aiie'itrro-.:,: i.i-t FriJiiy mgbt. Ihe operetta was an unusually color ful production; iru- litrhting, the .cs tuniins, and the setting blended txigeth er -made a most appi-ipnai e ysk groun 1 for the piv.-eii'.AMo,! o! the Indian drama. James Davis, Indian chief, was diessed in feathered headdress of ,..w,l,i f,.il hnr U'ovn W n chief of the eii'. ei!"'-'i " , ... 1 1931 invaluable Mexican Indian bhi. used by the courtesy of v, the wigwams and on the hai c- tiered were played on the stagt, euh4 the scenes. K1tt The operetta, in the cyts 0f a witnessed the production, as while. The music was lovely rV temed by the cadences and'br vals of Indian tribal iusic It' though very difficult, it was Bun ' very good effect and interpretaS. by the high school east, fhe school students are to be coratneX for the really excellent performs The cast included about sixty bers of the student body and as teurs displayed unusual poi number of the leading charaB showed marked talent and should b encouraged to continue their stud of music. fl Rockies. He wore iacket and beaded belt. The heroine, Miss Belle Blight, ap peared in an ancestral .princess rube of beads and fringed doe skin the dress of an Indian princess. The scout, "Eagle Eye," Willard Moody, appeared in the costume of an out lawed New Mexico Indian- The set ting was enhanced by a number of WOMAN'S CLUE TO MEET TODAY The regular meeting of the man's Club will be held this after, noon at the LeFaine Hotel, at 3:fc o'clock with Mrs. Cleveland Kirkpat riek and Miss Robena Milkr as ho, esses. Mrs- Grover Davie will be ii charge of the program on "America1. Contribution to Litera(tuivV' Spe-" eial guesls on the program will Miss Louise Beville an,1. Mr patf Frye, who will read papers on tbj above subject. As this is the tin for the annual election of officers a!' members are requested ;o no present t LEGION AUXILIARY 11 4 v' INTERESTING MEET IS'- An interesting meeting if American Legion Auxiliary hdi Monday evening at 7::0 o'clock i the Masonic Temple with a splaidi attendance. The usual opeirr. 'with '.'): Pas; was followed by the busier t5 in the Auxiliary rooms. The president, Mrs. 1.. ii- Cm called the meeting to order ami afa: the regular routine a lm s': interest ing letter was read from Mr. I ! are': B. Whitmire ot Uteen, than.iuis tt. thrif, "A .Ml- in in triiav. trua .m, uum " Auxiliary Magazine by the president The following ladies were asked, serve as hostesses for the Apri meeting: Mrs. Doyle Alley, Ms M. C. Green, Mrs. .J. 1'. Able, as Mrs. Roy Phillips. After adjournment the ladies jo;: ed the Post members for a social hoi when the hostesses for the eveniif Mrs. Hurst Burgin, Mrs. E. B. Car Mrs. George Coble, Mrs- J. C. Patne. and Mrs. R. H. Campbell served 4 lightful refreshments. ladies for the gift sent .bin: mas. iA uiilendid aiticle entitled, 'em Mm. W T ' WJ DRESSES Dresses are much bet ter and cheeper. This season we are showing the former $16.75 at $9.75. The $10.50 lines are now $5.95 and up. We have plenty of new spring numbers in dress and sport styles All Late New York Fashions. ID1 ' : -2. -; TASTE suits Spring suits and coats are in Tleauclaie, Bed ford cord -md Polo cloth. Colors are Spanish Tile, Nile. Dresden and Navy. They are extra values at $10 to $19.75. Just Received New Shipment of New Spring Hats, Latest Styles. Made by , M Rhodes rnceu fli ftp iu & m ffir From Ml mm 8 Our piece goods department has never had better showings. Guaran- 8 teed fast colored fabrics in Peter fi Pan, Veeda Repp, Eden Crepe, Yama Prints in all the conservative :r',shad'si0cto39c Father George and Pickens Sheeting - - 36 inch Broadcloth at;.. . 36 inch window curtain scrim Romper Cloth Two 25c Bath Towels for ..:.;.;.;:.'.'. We have the prices and new goods for you . We sell as cheap as you have to sell your goods. DEPARTMENT STORE "THE STORE OF QUALITY" 'A Hne Thaj ww. The fit Snu around ank' les-onlyj

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