THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1931 fficial Names Designated For Mountains In Great Smoky Mountains National Park decision rendered Janu- 'u,o.o. hv the ,-inhiL- Board, official titles were hies United States UtH. lo" mountains wimout ht'tetofore, and peaks which borne a confused number of in the area 01 tne new ureat liV Mountains nauunai rarK. virgin and partly unexplored re- r t , j ii a- i i m,-, recent 01 me national paries, m ". lll. 1. -.1. itaineJ many hkh jjcurs wun m t.s aii.l many elevations oearing.... t:al conn, mm; oiii. lum Cave located near Mt. Le- te was omciany given mat name ;the Hoard. Ine name ot Baldi hntaiHS was given 10 tne range fidriK the bouiylary between h Carolina and lennesaeu north- . . i . ..., c l. ; ' .i - j --l VTl.'U 1... f Beyond tne iNoncnucny tne title Unaka Mountains was officially L to the continuation of these Hits." Adjoining tne ureat binok- m tnf soutnweai n me oounaary retn the two states, the name of 0i Mountains war, designated the main divide. u name Great Smoky Mountains . . . , .. i . (i . i tne miss oi jiuiiiic5 uuyoi, w . i i, t x if Love, ana t-iingsnian s ioniei rHcotrinzed as official namM Balsam Mountains werft bo des- M in the decisions. The moun forming the state boundary least of the Unaka Mountains designated the Stone Muuh- Augarland Mountain was So de-i--. nated because of the number of hard STJIUSl Sles " the slP of the "'. mc jumpotr was the name a lied tQ te hc White Rock Peak, Tricorner Knob at '" ,"""n oi. tne Ureat Smoky and o... i aiuuiuains, itounil Top, New. Brushy Mount, were ns-nes officially recognized as nnni;,, :.. ,,;, , j-r..-u iu Julius in me national park. A nameless Deak w. titled Mount Sequoyah in honor of the tanious I ' : the alphabet used bv that trih.. Chlupp 1 thought you wee a fntnd of Gadabout; he just passed and "u never spoke to him. QuiggleNo more. The last time i.c u aoroaa ne sent roe a posta reading: "Wish you were here. CblUDD Kilt I Jnn't Quieele No? wn ih ..... . pwini imiuie oi a cemetery. Use L-xt;i ridire. an unnamed height kiven this title from an Indian r u.v. x- i meamiifr xiie 'iJiaee oai froni thfi timber on the ridge. t Unmesoka formerly without ie was so-called from the Cher word meaning "grapes" from :apes growing on the mountain. Get Up Nights? Make litis 25c Test th's easv bladiW nKvoi.. drive out impurities and excess acids Which cause irritatinn that -,.,.. i. . ) 1,ML Aauib III leg pains, backache, burning and rettin up niRhts. BU-KETS, the bladder ohvsic. containing Kiw.h,. ;., njper oil, etc., works on the bla'dde' - , . - -. .. mv. vmuue. pleasantly and effectively as castor oil on the bowels. Get a 25c box (5 grain sizeV from vour Hnnro-ict a. ter four days, if not relieved of get ting up nights go back and get vour money. You nrn bound rn fl hnt ter after this cleansing and you get you reguiari sleep. Locally at The Waynesville Pharmacy. ..?rfen?b?ro' Ga. Here in Greene wuUly interest is centered in the race for eornnpi- Tk... .i... j. . - 'niu a i c v n ret candidates for the office and they r fc . e spaper advertising re cord that is unique. Editor Jim Willio,,. . r v- r boro Herald-Journal in inserting the 7C , . 13 laKes occasion to make w- ioiming comment- "Felix S. Patrick of the Shiloh community has announced his. candi dacy for coroner of Gret-ne county Coroner J. M. Saggus announced for re-election last week in the short est political card in the history of Green county politics. But Felix Patrick's announcement is one word shorter. "R. R. Palmer enters the race nt the eleventh hour in the shortest an nouncement of all. FOR CORONKR '"To Green county voters: "I want the job again. I J. M. SAGGUS "Greene county voters: "I want it also FELIX S. PATRICK. "Voters: "Me, too. R. R. PALMER " Safety Work On Southern I'roducces Good Results For Employees Of System ADS r A I) RATES (Terms Cash) t word for this size type for isertron; half price for subse-irisertions. FOR SALE 1928 Ford Touring ear, good condition, price right. .Phone 132-J, II. C. Wilburn. 2t pd. a word for this size type st insertion ; half price for Hi "it insertions. a word for this size type st insertion; half price for ! luent insertions. I MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE make money by taking advantage of this- paper's great magazine offer. Six national magazines and this paper for one year, all for $1'. INSURANCE For all kinds of in surance, with reliable companies see J. M. Newton, your insurance man, at the Waynesville Insurance Agency, Over The Mountaineer Oflice. --Decrease .of iiieiili'nt talities and personal injuries, among employees of the Southern I? System so a-s to show a reduction of more than 7f ner ,on ; ,.oo,. alty rate, during the six-year period, H2G-198l. is dise!nP.I in ,, 1, just issued by the Southern Safety uuieau. In I92(i here were 20.11 casualties ior each million hui-s worked by Southern Railway cmplovees. As the result of viirerous (rr,ni r,. v, motion of safety, this ratt. was reduc- H.nt0 l- ;!r' in U):i0 a!ui 10 'u'7 in IJ'il. A lair comparison of results m dilleiem years Under changing conditions of employment is given by use ot the iiian-lrou linsis 'atalitit- in I 'J U were less than halt than in HVM and n..Vni i.,. juries, loss than one-Kivth' h.nn. l3:'t ' t,u'rt a reduction i'i .vi..,u per cent in tlie total numbe K.Miauies ami of 20.17 per cent 111 ie. car uaity rate. ,T V10 , i'1u'1'l'av,'d measure of safety attained by i,H. ene,aged i what is l eill'lll V enno , I .. 1 , . . !-ira'ii nazaraous ac- cupa ion, a- shown by these fig uies, says the Dullelin. "is j ma oil contrast to the alarming increase of deaths nrirf. ;.,;,.:... ?. : f .,, , - -. . -"j untM us me result l Of au to mo 11 e nr-ni. ,v. "rlJl 1'V highwavs." 1 " lm UD- Noon Day Services Will Be Held At Theatre Next Week Short Sernce of 30 Minutes Will be Conducted By Pastors of City. "Palm Sunday," Mtrch 20th, is .i:rrsi aay or Holy Week. In Grace r.oiscopal church the solemn services t this week will begin at 8 A. M on , i unaay with a celebration cf i-ii- uoiy i ommunion. i .. .i . ... v.-iior, ev. Albert New, will pr acn at tne eleven o'clock service. in tne wavnewood Theatre, by the! dimness or Mr. J v. Hfoa,: day services will be held every day '"" i" rnuay. aacred nongs and I solos wiil be iriven at 11 -is oj m. I preaching service at 12 noon, closing i ii..ti. me preachers will bo: nonnv. Kev. It W. Baucom Tue. -, lay. RPV. W. O. Goodf. Wednesdsv Rev. L.P., Hayea. Thursday Rev.,R, Walker Saturday- Rpv. 'Albert New r.. r . i "ii Mima rruiav commeiulng at noon in Grace Church, the "Thrre Hours .service will be held with ad dresses on the "Seven Last Words I frnm tht. fA,, V... . . ! - -- uuiiicui, cr minivers oi waynesville and vicinity. We need more spiritual io-r Every one is most cord ally invited W Jin t ' po,sr; to attend each and all f thZl Ji Ze do "ot need. mo" knowledge; tional meetings during Holy Week. We need nioro rhnrartar We do not need more government; We need more culture ,1, 1 5 e ao not need more :avv. WHAT WK frrn c, ,. . -. - i " u"i iiccu more .aw, Mandine beside th vnri. f v.. w Unknown Soldier, President Cooledgel l said: : I "We do not need more national devel-1 "D you We MaiT fti!l has her men; (little Iamb?" I We need more spiritual development. "0f course not; r.u lamb could keep I e do not need more intellectual pow- pace with Mary these days." v-vv WW , i 51.00 WITH THIS COUPON SAVES $4 50 5 . feeding land ipoen fed Automatic? Pnc!i. Propel, Unbrt.Ubl.--A 5-Y..r iv.. Writ, Thti. Sth irt h .irtlful Orty Color 6f Sr..n Q Bl, Q (r,., rj L.rfy er Sfyl Plttjw U,r X for Color i Styl Wtnttd Only Ont (I) t.i Dtlivtrod fe, ,ck Cout 4 Stacl no Cadi Pay Mailman, Pku i . Addrtn ....t County SltW j ' r ! ,. J ' m j Swd U LINNIMSTON DISTRIBUTORS " kj". p. S'' NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE '1931 h.w e,n,r0da US;.that h the VVe ve been libera! with I -W.JL II M In A TV4 0si W . af at. . a. . i . . . - v....; v - hiivjr nmirvcivir cm jtka At aL u ! a ' 1 a a On Mandav. Anril 11 i:f? (MaSonic Temp.ef in th,' t ";, Z " "" !.,tV.bmJ2e f'a "i1 cca-e of their Waynesville, Haywood Count v Nortli nlr i or i i V ' ? TO . ' ,ower our cnarges for the per- Ca.olina. I will s4tl , , ' . , .i F. 1 2' ,I" February we will supply FUX-VTJE frames and Krvntok- . ... ...... i-"'v " v . i i.-uuie mioi'ai lenmw nf sir m n. a. -r ci ... n.gncst bidder for cash, the moans riVMPB Lf '"I 'r,i-M.V "'SL"4"- lft.r " j .-, " ,.:. r uraiHinK, viuNr.jt adjusting. AIM. until cnnnitinn imnrnw in Aul...ll. .. .m . . T and frames at OSLir r renllnue l0wu . W 'ii i, , . uinHimviw iihu. inis means: KrvrHofc-in- visible Pifocal lenses of 1A vale for $7.60 or $3.75 for one. OthVJlen !i' and frames for nr mf.M,ji.i.. i-... i .r. r... M .;..,: t in " ' ,. " i-"..."Kuy iuvv. nna mis means: we will con iinue 10 nil vour rirulist nnwAni it. a it , , t. t,. , . . . . .vwiiwiMu vu nit; uiirMiA .r.i'H .k-hak w wriginator of the Ultex I)r. Charl W rmn.r rwili . Krvntok nnrl Tnti,. I x, -" '. iw...i. . , - . .,v ,xo , vy j.,1 -Mi-fet AKhnir In V r- mum cl 25c. KD to rent a tppewriter for I'lths. ilust be in trnnr fnni. isnd reasonable. Phone 29Q-W. U 100 FARMERS to investi- n wonderful offer now being by this paper for magizines. aimzmes anil this nano r, or only $2. : IE Armstrong Sorav Pumn ping condition. See me and I ve ytiu money. M. F. Albrio-ht. Nville, N. C. n,i IJA B Y CHICKS : Each Tuesday :lt Friday. Just the beat St: te B.u..a tested Chicks you ever saw. White and Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandottes, ButF Or pingtons, White Leghorns. Bunch Poultry Farm and Hatchery, States ville, N. C. May 12 0 0- milTE OAK following desiiibed lands and nreims- i-, i.ving ano oeing in 1'igeon Town ship, Haywood' County, Xo-th Camli- oa. more narticu ar v . Lm.-riim,! oiiows : lL'I ' I T" T't , . . 'I.JM I i, .1 1 .l , IT 1 TllL.l it, t ... v .. ........ , l,,,. t Tltl- l,f ,1,.. l.'....U I , i v i i Mi- t' tun ro:ii . mi m ( hambeis comer, and in the line, ami runs thence with th., Chimi. oeis line in a .Southerly direct um to " ""'. ' n. l.onu and Marlev v nam tiers corner; thence in a W u.n-eiKiii wan tile a-d Ij.i)..- im, t, a suiKe m the .Sunburst ol, mud t hi)M..t i . 1. 1. : " """ eeiuer ot saul Sun burst, old road t tht. liKt II N N ; .;,,o ..... r.. .i . . ..... ...... inn i iMcve i ii, j .oi ass ami heiri;- a pan of the Ian "ie- ,-md Jessie G.u.d-on Justice in the of T. II. Ivin.-.nd-siiii, deceased, Sale in; h. tit,..,...... , . .i. ....... i'"'"""!!! ui me poUi'r conHired upon me hv a deed of trust excuted by K. L. liuniett and wile, 1) l. nurnett. dated .I.-imiri..,. omk i,i.i and nviiri l n i',,,,!. m ....... Ktco,d ot !e,..l, . Tru,t of llavw,,,,, Count , . This 1 i'th diiy ..'March, l;3'' J- It. .1 ()l(i AN, -M.'l. 17-24,;i-Apr 7 iT Look Around In The Closets and Find That Pair of Shoes That Need Repairs and Bring: Them to us. We Will Make Them Good as New at a Small Cost Moncv Saved Is Money Made, THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN ST. NKXT-WESTERN UNION MONEY TODAY by taking iage of the maeazine offer mode by this paper. Six t , fapci- ior one fw, only $2. DON'T TAKE CHANCES and miss the great offer on magazines offer ed by this paper. Six great maga zines and this -paper all for one year for $2. NOT I C E Vour nearest Chiropractor is Drs. Limbaugh, 301 Wachovia Bank Bldg , Asheville. N. C., nho invite you into confidential consultation. Their Phone is Ashevil.'e 5614. PROGRAM FOR WAYNEW00D THEATRE : WAYNESVILLE, N. C. PURSDA Y AND FRIDAY, MARCH 17-18 rVpN GILBERT, RENE E ADOREE AND IVAKL DAJNE ill .!OTE.':BIC 'PARADE-:.- IN SOUND SATURDAY, MARCH 19 BOB CUSTER in QUICK TRIGGER LEE" te?AY AND Tuesday; march 21-22 pBERT MONTGOMERY AND MADGE - EVANS in ' ' LOVERS C0MRAGE0US" WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 LUNT AND FONTANNE in THE GUARDSMAN" ) NEWS REELS, COMEDIES AND Ihu larmer, as well a other bus iness mon of.tho count j dered somewhat in their wirlc by the sudden cold spell. It came as a sur! fi 'veryn- After the beau tifu I weither we have been having. I he peach crops of this section are k- led, but the apples and other iuit ore an almost guaranteed crop. 'ftli- I?nvis i'r"" Riverside ff,h" J Wilar appointnient at the VJh.te Oak Baptist church Saturday. Ho preached a very interesting ser mon. - Hi text was: John 1:9 "That was the truelight that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" iv .',Pa M Saturday night mm -ii i. ,i.n.niii, .Mr. Jatk PrmrM,! i,.,,i i , , , . ' Li ;ui ma lime gi'uhbinguesday. There wore sixteen there. They did lots 1' work because Jt was :;o cold they had t work to keep warm. The all retwrted a real genuine iea;;t. Mrs'. Sallie Sutton helped to prepare the dinner t Roscoe and Ed Earley and 'Violet Jenkins went out on a hunting expe- uHHiji i iiu av rm r thm. .i;.i.... .mi much game. Herbert Hunter of White Oak made a business trip to Waynes-ville T i day. : Mr. n:id Mrs. ,J)(. Teagtie and fam i.y Iron! Cataloochee Dam were vis itors at the Pigeon Baptist church Saturday. Mrs. TePgue and children took dinner with her grandfather, M'. Jo, Hunter. Mr. Rufus tt and Mr. Floyd Oonr.-id mnde u hnsin.-'t.'a. trip, to Cat aloochfro Satuidav: Mrs. Mary Hunter ''frojjv White Oak was visiting with her daughter near Waynesville,- Mrs. Charlie Caldwell, the nast week-pnd. Mr. Joe Hunter has lTn staying with Mr. J. D. Duckett the pant week at white van. Thorn VlQOT1! K,OTl ort, Cm.-lai- school on Whito Oak for two weeks on account or tne naa weatner. : Wade Davis from White Oak went to Cove Creek Saturday evening, March 5th to see his parents who are lAiirli, . wiimviil'iho' - Herbert Hunter of White Oak went horseback riding Thursday. On account of the bad Weather Thursday there wasn t any achoo' at White Oak, and for that reason there was school Saturday. The chil dren of White Oak are very glad their teacher, Mrs. Steve rerguson. is go- : . . , . i , j, .1.- ing to teacn tne last montn oi tneir school, they are all delighted to see ner again. ed to her home here after having .. ' J:.::.. an operation ior apjwnuicuB. Slightly Monotonowt "I BUODOse you are happy bow," said the slightly envious friend. "You have everything absolutely your owr way." . .. "Yea." renlied the successful man "but . having everything absolutely - i . . ' i o jjHHiHaiHIIBIIMiaiHaiBBMlllBHI1 ..n We Are Making Very LOW PRICES On All Spring Goods-Suchas- SEEDS Seed Oats (popular kinds) Seed Potatoes (Maine and Native Crown) Field Seeds (all kinds) Bulk Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Onion Sets Cabbage Plants Onion Plants FERTILIZERS A A and Southern Fish Brands (for Crops and gardens) Swift's Vifforo (for lawns and flowers) Spraying Material Dry lime and sulphur for your orchard. All kinds of insecticides for shrubs and gardens. FEEDS Union Grain Dairy Feeds Ubiko Poultry Feeds (the best by test) Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed Hulls. Timothy Hay Clover Hay ! Alfalfa nay FARM EQUIPMENT" Oliver Plows Oliver Disk Harrows Oliver Drag Harrows Superior Corn Planters Complete line of repairs for above. Garden and Farm Tools. A FULL LINE OF PAINTS AND OILS If you expect to purchase any of the above and will write or see us before you buy we feel sure we can save you money. We carry a full line of Building Hardware, Field Fence, Poultry Wire, Hard ware Cloth, Screen Wire, Bar and Rod Iron, Wagon Tires, Horse and Mule bnoes..'' I FULL LINE OF GROCERIES We are seUing strictly for cash and onr prices are so low they will suprise yon WRITE, PHONE OR SEE US Peoples Supply Store FORMERLY HYATT & COMPANY PHONE 43 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. "uvnuiLES EVERY DAY v your own way is sometnmjr like turn incr th mmm of lif. intn oalitaraj nJ stacking tba deck."