jmUKSDAY, MA J Page 6 Pftppstprs Canture A V. ww w i Deer In Pisgah Nat ional Forest Reserve Forty red or Virginia deer, now roaming the forest within the pro tected boundaries of the 90,000 acre Pisgah National Game Preserve, will bo given an opportunity to travel, if they are unwary. The foresters in charge of the Pigah Preserve have set 40 as the number to be trapped no onH trnriKnortated for IU19 " " 1 stocking purposes to other game pre serves, lne process ""W's adult deer is already under way and will be continued until about May 1, according to M. A. Mattoon, super visor of the Pisgah National Forest- The trapping of the adult iieer is no child's play, if the experience of the wardens engaged in ihe work may be taken a an example. The .Li ma's are rvtoretne-y tx. very wary , ml r.- v Me t r ; n-t vc as well as the men workir.z with them, when frightc-ned.- The .Pisgah Na:,i.r c,..-e .- , the few areas fro ;xk:o. t.r have ie-m-taken nuvo.:u,-?; , Te a are tra??e in saige i by local dealer should always be voideL These seed are often sub ject to disease which wipes out the Un oil nther ran dlti fins are wvi favorable. Foreign seed may be identified by the bright green stain which the Government insepctors in ject into each sack when such feed enters this country. Third, always drill clover seed on small grain with fertilizer. Th-J grain drill distributes the seed mucn tetter than by hand sowing and enly 5 to 6 pounds an acre are needed for a stand when this method cf planting is used. Putting in 100 pounds of superphosphate or basic slag with the seed neips tnein 10 sun muiij. Fourth, sow the clover about March nw tv-c it.itp ther is little uiiiViwvl nf frer-zin? weTih'ir, Such freezes as that of the past week will kill clover. The date iv?n is also early enough to give fhe clover a start in growing before hot, tiry weatner. , Firth, do not depend on a vjlun teer stand of clover. Seed is too cheap nv to risk failure fr-vn such a course. son and Mm. Bertha Williams f Canton, Mr. Abraham Keener of Wd lets, Mrs. Sarah Smathars of Bal sam, Mrs. Frances McElroy of Dell- wood, Miss may uryson ox jwv, Mr. and Mrs it. u. aubii nu Ruth Allen of Allen's Creek. WHITE OAK r,,,ol Porm nnthpri'rur .lllllUUI X Ul I" V . " v . . Planned For Late Summer J enclosure? n forest. The with fruit live ti (ieei: t h e n n ' m a : s in- " ':' ai'i a tt'f. rped iJov! r n-T l-tin" the oi 1 N iniH'l'; .1 The people of White Oak are planninf to plant their vegetable an dahlia gardens during this pretty weather. After all of the bad weather, the farmers are very pleased to see it so pretty again. Mr Ott Ledbetter from Waynes ville 'brought a load of furniture to White Oak for Mr. Lloyd Conard Friday. , .... Mrs. Walter Wrignt and little daughter, Ruth Mae. from Liberty ne" the past week-end with their o'rent. Mr. and Mr- J I'. Ducket, of White Oak. . Mr. Ed Farley's little son. Archie Lee his been very sick, bj'. is -cverme very fast. Mrs. Delia Worley from A.hev'i':le pen- Saturday night with fcrr moth ,'Mr P. W.Gi-ecne. of Wi.ite Oak lr a'r.d Mrs. Joe Earky from the :;vu: l- ,! ar ve an:! an deer ar, rr.Te'.y. H ev, . uure 1 n, the trarror.t: an : h;ipr v,rc The !':. NT.i at! C.a-r:- I've-.; serve with its .v has become ; a reserv,ir fr ill 'if-, f rora . "lanv preserve have e?rj sU-cke,! i.. ; r'ecen- vars. Over 2f0 laer have been ; taken from this refuge dumg ne past few vears. ihe animals being sent to refill v, nrW fu i ri , t o-in-ia-, Tennessee, Georgia Arkansas, and other points in the southern states. Five fame preserve, are lo cated in W N. C- "ear Ashewlle, and a Ktn refuge wiU be added when tnc j Great Smoky i'Juniaiii- Park is stocked wi'h gune an.n.als and birds. GivesFivelluks For Red Clover he week ,.f'Au?U-t to Stp- em'-r :! fio-u- "ne nwnta 1 r than . '- a..:. rw-.-'r.-.z v.aii n ''.r.iliet w'.tli thc.t '' aoco hai'e-t wliirn i-"in full s-wifcg in eastern Carolina during the last wtok in July. Decision to change tne date oi thi? meeting was nta !, !,y State College .i,.;.,'.. f!i(-w;wf i-.mtt'ivnces v.itn (':m'nti,:n "id-'-s :-nd berau-e of the discus la-t ynr about t,ie ne - in,- date. Hoys' and Gir.s Ciub week will K- he! 1 during the week ot duly 25 to ::o when -l-II di'egates in.-v. the. various cc unties will gather for their annual short course. Moving u; the date oC the CiU.) hri course 'will permit a larger at tendance than usual since many rural schools begin their summer term on Vugust 1 .n.l parties live been loath to let their children lose a wcck at th" opening of the tevm. IK-1) ; W in 1 1. 11,. V had -jient bundav w;-.a r , ;.-r Ka ' HuckeJt of White Oak w.rkinir Friday. WtMrs. Crawford Jenkina, who ha been very ill. U some better. Miss Jessie Boyd and Mr. A"f Caldwell of Jonathan's Creek were visitors here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow of Enka and Mr- and Mrs. F'ank Brad shaw of Iron Duff spent week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. C. Morrow. Little Misses Janice and Vein Jen Messer of East WeynesviLe are visiting their grandparents, Mr. ano Mrs A K. Messer. , Mr and Mrs. Finley Smith and children of New Jersey are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. v. i. Tifliio-ritpr Of Col. Jones n- , i Writing For .Magazines j .. ,, , i Mrs H.C. Eldridge. eldest daugh-1 ter of Co! and Mrs ? A J--'-. Waynesville. has been meeting witr. considerable success in writing s.o ries and articles for girl's magazine, recently, according t a !-ngtr.y tide published in the t :tr, .-f Franklin. Oaf. Iiurtng tnc jia.-t .lev.' v.t'.-.-F. Id ridge has had maivus.-ri;.t a ted 1 v the Camp Fire ." - 'e anl the l'aptist Jt'.mi- V.-.y. . a M'ethodist mav'. r.i:'.-- for ; -fkJ i u m u w u " fa M u M irrv' . DRAKE V ce S Commandments Fcr Parking Mi. :e dinner- Afr- iiila IHick Jenkins helped t. ri'f p:"'c Mi - Kllie Lee -Giv.m ,.i,v r. ! James Chanel tr-.e ? Anion- tho-e from. Whit.; 0:tk at he i-i'ii'iii'ni'"ir.!'ii: were; Mrs. R. V r:,. ..,. Mr T.-Uer Green-. Mr-. Mriv ek. ne ban .) :"stn :;:afnp. : Fj Note This is the first of a series of articles which will appear each week in The Mountaineer writ ten by Mr. Drake, professional golf er and instructor at the country club here In a few weeks a series . of helps and suggestions . for improving "our golf will appear in this column. Look for it each week and note con tents closely. I am more than glad to announce . ... nf hn Wavnesville ha" l am iu ou " , ( ,.-,vC'ub for another season, and uWthe local people to give the club .;Hir bet support, which a golf corrse ;,f this ki.ul really deserves. I know we aie all having a hard time, ! - ' v u will take ti ne enough -to .. ;.'.r what we would have tooffier - .;."m.-r visitors wunuui. um "'.".,-' '." I know what the answer will ' ' ':-'. v..' h::d to ott-r liC!crf- . . cuurse, scenery, fresh air J " .'"','-;.- v ifr. Kut ta' e fme t-' ';.i'-h; dav of good highways 7 ..;,',,;-at: "n. h -w many places van :ind with the same thing tej i,'" very few towns of this size " -: -olf course one-tidrd as fne , ',!,-. nn-ssi.-n.' but iigurj ' xu( .;.," Uke ' I -an-.; lot it goa' I ti-nre ihat the deprcsiot ones, smaller ones ,jf p large a roll in our pn,- fore, the DEPRESSION" Dr. R. H. Strecher, , doctor, is giving warning be to reckon with vrhr awarded the winner e' Haywood County rv Tournament, to be he'd s- May. Overheard (it the ( m- Visiting golfer 3c any water hazards ot Caddy Yes sir t, back of the bain. The women mmtbc ntsville Country iTt get busy and po'i?h , lso their go'f gamo intercity match with ville clubs, at n:i car'. f f. The lie: ye-yi', am not end i Mr. an !r . i M.- 0- -0 SAUNOOK ITEMS There are five dlefinite rules, which if followed strictly, will nearly al wavs bring success with red clover, These five rules as outlined by tnos S. Rlir e"te"sion agronomist at State College, are: . Blrt- be cer'nin that the soil is swreet enough for the crop. This means liming at tne rate oi - i to the acre for tfhe average soil. , but, soils which have been well limed , may be kept seot by much -mailer , applications, applied every -four or five years. I Second, use the right kind of see I. , The germination of these seed should be at least 85 per cent and the puruy at least 98 per cent There should, be no obnoxious weed seeds such as plantain and dodder. It is prefera-, ble that the send ' e rw l" tor ort-r- em part of the United Sates. Home grown -er-d a'! ri-nt if c ran T ! fore;gn-grown seed son mo, Many apples are still being sold from the numerous apple houses. Some are taken to the nearby towns by truck while many are sold in small lots to motorists. . Mr. Ray Cogdill and Mr. Hartsel Hawkins went to Knoxville Monday to sell a truck load of apples. Also last Thursday Mr. John Sparks and Mr Walter Hawkins went to Mor ristown for the same purpose. I ,r ,- frinndq ill thlS SCC- tion was the recent marriage of Miss Gertdude Plemmons to Mr. Norman Burgess. Mrs ' Tilda 'Hambey has moved to her new home here. Rev, Thomas Frwin preached at tne church here Sunday. . . . , Mr O T. Arrington visited friends in 'Waynesville during the past week end Mr Edgar Rhinehart recently vis ited friends in Gay N.C. , i0 ..r av ' ciT- has return ed t- he' home in S'okmont .: . tn. t-Kio Rortion m- r'udcl: Mis, Arhe Lindsay and M Blanche Arrington of I nkn and Mrs Hub Liurneu aim G.bson of Wayneslle, Mr. Ton Ma- Mr. '"Knst l'artn and s n. .oa. "Mi- Greene came hdme Friday! ni.'h and started early Saturday morni"" to Cullowhee school, which , will not close till her school begins m September. There was a real good Sunday school on White Oak Sund n;- There was a very large crowd. They have new song books, and Mr. 1. i Messer is song leader. The children of White Oak are delighted to have their teacher, Mrs. stove Fertruson back, after being in the hospiital. r- tik0 nnMfPtt. Mr- Herbert Hunter- and Arlo Hunter from Vhite Oak were at Kiversiae m uie iiu mencement of the school Friday night 1 crnnH time. Mr. Wayne Bramlett was a visitor with Mr. Hobert Uuckcu aunuay. 0 r c COVE CREEK an :r ivu r-.a ersectio maximum U.. Kv,I ..Vl r Sf w -hi sight nermitt Mtl in double it an an- not as b ne of ructi 2. Thou shalt not park line at any time or place. irilt not nark r!e except on streets n suuieien width to permit two channels in eaov tirection and only where stalls have et,f, marked oT bv lanes 4 Thou shalt not park where it restr-rts snace avail"ble for movinc traffic below that necessary way for two-wav simultaneous movament, usu ally 20'feet. f.- Thou shalt not park on the im proved travelable portion uf the high wav in rural districts. 6. Thou shalt not park opposite street car tracks unless a full ten ;o ovaildhli fir moving IUUo IrtllC ......... traffic between the rail and the parked cars. , 7 Thou shalt not park on the school side of the street adjacent to the r-rtViAi-vl Vitt i t r? l Tier c -Thnn chi Tint narK aa ui't'iu l- viiir. pnrvpo. whonover it reduces 11111,3 ' L ;..-.! mum visnaij Ked obstructions. l:e.-'c commnndents are i. be safetv and usefuines: swill be 'vastly ir.-reased of our Old Maid-Ssh!I hear burg-i iar: t .., ,, one vutci., ikv ," First one No. The row fill; bath robe. Neuritis Misery ! Quickly Stopped Doctor's Prescription Enables Her to Run Upstairs Magic-like relit! irom h torturm calns of neurltli. rheumatism nd lumBago h oeen ven thousands who Dii.dn.MR a doc- ir' prescription Bo i-rtaln are- the results l.h.r if first 3 dnses 1on't drive out pains, money 111 be refund rd Works differently I df 'sfrimlL. from other medicines l6P: SSksf WEatwliwause It eontnlns no ;. .,-c or opiates Why underKo neea less pain another hour? Your drusirUt lill gladlv tell you about this amauni" prescription that stop Pln so quickly. ft SS W VfeV THE'.V', -' : Abducted from .his fa:':: And a loving inutltcr's c : A little child of tender ' Was snatched forth t: : lair. Jn humble grief, an in V."j br-arcl o'er ah the .1 And in other countries!; Throughout the wide ea: Oh little babe, the nati Whose f-tver br;(ved A And Mifelv reached the Then all proclaimed the Oh little lamb, first of tlx m iiiominh. snot or sinfu! Are you a precious sacnSe The march oi crime, shame? Your little curly head m Our eyes are iuiea tears; r Wn' sun. are vou A child of destiny, quell Of n-wful crime's Het Which brings to us a fes May God this hideous sin To break its power in e ; wmmmmmmmmmamm HsaiMBtMiiiiiiiii tm,m TL7DCL : $2.50 SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN Men, Women, Boys an Girls -READ OUR BIG FREE OFFER FOR 30 DAYS ONLY Fully guaranteed elf-fUhng, unbreakable Fourta-n Pens :n stjlea for lS Woiren, Bovs and G-rls. and in a-o-ed "'- "ere our ofr for 30 days only wtll B- one fountain pen FREE nith eah dollar or over pvd on a-o.ii.. or for .epa.r work. If you want a real good fountain pen br ns' yr hoes he e and have them repaired. REASONABLE PRICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED We guarantee our work and w'e -.Assure you our pr ces are as low as you will find anywhere. We are giving these premiums as an advertising feature and to create new friends and customers. th- Service shop CLIP AND SAVE THS COUPON C17 26 PIECE ROGERS V s tSL SILVER SET Adverti Your Product or Commodity so that Light May Supplant Darkness and People May. Know What You Have to Offer and At What Price Si A i V 1! On ' . - t day of our big advertising campaign we will give abso e a genuine 26 piece Pogers Silver set. Sign your name on the otted line and deposit this coupon in a do i vuc uV. , Name . , Addrs3 Sirv ce Shoe Shop Main Street Waynesville, N. C. A Man Struck A Match To See If The Gasoline Tank In His Au tomobile Was Empty. It Wasn't! A Man Patted A Strange Bulldog On The Head To See If It Was Affectionate. It Wasn't! A Man Speeded Up To See If He Could Beat A Train To A Crossing. He Couldn't! A Man Touched An Electric Wire To See If It V . Charged. It Was! A Man Cut Out His Advertising To See If II dd Save Money. He Didn't! 4: It The Waynesville Mountaineer

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