II k !' it THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1932 Haywood War Vets. FIXES CREEK ! Would Get $346,061.52 r STER SERVICES Kcv. Thomas A. Irwin, pastor of Cash Balance Due Vets On :nl F :T "WSS?: v - : .r. j". Sunday r a zv c.nrejra- Adjusted Insurance Polices If Bill Passed. ;,. J--. :hf : .""",'"' ' ere w re a rurr.ler of outside church !'- M r. as f Mr.-. Haruy Hay.v,,: ..- uotv rani would recti ra-:. - a oaia'.c-- coir.r -:. -a: i-. :i 11:' if the ! :11 r pay the ': a: ar.ee is 'o t.-tjres c :!. tive Wris-h: !'..-:. insert- i :r: the 1 for .r, States. Not: W r! a.-,. I Mr. and Mr-, n. !'. : s; L-.wer - ' -.':: ur.-t Mrs. Fred L. S-vf. rd. .c- N sr. '.v . -a ... .. 000, J t'j c I ace value ..f the all World War vtatis States., Congressman Pa'.man ai 1 tha !y l,wO."00 veterar.s r.f War need their money at tnis time ' their a Hastr-tr.: Miss .Mabel Clark; .J ta-har.: Mo- .:-.ir.i e -vl:?:i'- ' hi :r.a rVnru and NV.'Dvrt: Miss -i in i r.srre$.4 tj Asrr.e- Su.nvr. Miss Hvpe i'nd June ?::a.:t j !, accord;::,; Porter. p- ;'ta- si-em east::.: l ASHEVILIE n. . f Te.vi-, ar. i M Hattie and Ma');l Murrey srrcs :.!. a! Ke:ord .-;. Martyr ia Ash,vi. in I'ntteJ i.-!T L S EV i'jf.i i'EW. M.S.- M'a'-t-l Ciark ...- a NV.vp..rt , - i ,. , vs-'.ttr the J ait week-end. '"rrl-l-X X" KlX- Nolaad, Ml-- ,i-.-.: ''"'U'l Grec;.-. M---- i- rancis Ju :;..-s, and ' ...l! V". ' Vi-'J Mr. Len Greer, attende i tr. --euor THE wAVvrsVTILE MOUNTAINEER Com Planting Test Aviator Relatives Completed By W. D. : - Ei; Smith At School feheS: H h.-.-e . in Frank!;.-. ar.-J I'ayton. Valuable Information Re- .' ; , Jr. ec ' 'r " t . i ti. r;r -..r. . -e i ;.v.vrmer.t as a veaieu i juiuereui Local Baseball Team! candidate f Wins First Game Of Season From S. C. I. General St,J Different U Spec-ii. Piantinj' Methods H. ;.-....! Pr-:if:, Corn wa jrrcw. :r. - . - r l- :- 1 en L ' ..- ..r ic - : I1. . . tva.hc of vocational ayr: rulture. , Vc.i tne U'-'Vernn telezrarhy :nspe.-t hav; bu-.lt Bridges Pitches Nice Game, w Backed by Fielding and Hitting of Wyatt Brothers. - Jin. ' :'" 'r I'. Plots and Fertilizers Plot No. 1. 4-o !',.-. 10-4-1 at plar.t- 1'i-r Acre 11 ta. .1; . . . '.. S ilea.- u :vc.r.n:tp.t'; ' United .leraphy . i time. Per Acre r'"j; .; ' i'-ay ui . iyde High ikhjjl f riday Mr. and Mrs. Faraday Gat: -. hn'- Wvne-vllle .as: Saturday ; PI ,: Xo. 2. lbs. Chllea-: Xi-ra" f S'.di, wh-". kre- . wal-t high. Per a'ie. rid P.,-:l evening. Miss Helen Greene and Ml-- Dt.ilie S'la-ks -.ve;-e i.lyde -:si-..;-; Sundav ::w witnout err.plcyrant, . ...uo) ois-; ,)Ir an,j jr c;ia.id Williams tl abled veterans who are a: wcr'v only a , i-i'abtree -vent Faster with Mr. and nart et tne time in a at proat.y -! jirs. j;m L,avis of Low.t Fine Creek, Amor.jf tne relatives wno vi.eu Mr-. Ester Benne-.l Sunday were: Mrl and Mrs. Faraday Green. -Mrs Plot Xo, 3. 200 lbs. Acid Pho-phate 2') lbs. Muriate Potash per a -re a: ;an:irg time. -10 ha. duced WEres or salar!"?. The aver- ape policies are nr S 1,000, lie ta:d, statins that iill ' f the S.OoO.COO ter 'irioates now i.vl ! :y veterans could re l without a 1 ' ' 1 issue. MEMBER "E II""R SOCIETY .... ; i x- i r . lt:.a AlocracrvPIl, -urs. .s. l. d antes, ard Mr. and Mrs. Hub Greene. I iss Edna Fer?u-on and Mr. Claud j Ro&ers took dinner with Mrs. Hubert Ferguson Sunday. Mr. and Mr, liob James spent tne n-..- -'e thirtv srudents .i the r-t week-end at Mars Hill, .orth Carolina Coiled for Women, Miss Ases Susong, Miss t Greensb.ro. that have just had; l': t;.-- heir nakes added to the roil of honor M MaUd lark tne past - r.p -eiety, wa- Mis-i Evelyn IVi-rw of- this ciiy. A vreat Cle-k Hi Hope and visitors of week-end. improvement ot r ines S 1 is a new curtain. Plot Xo. 4. 200 lbs. Acid Phosphate 2" lbs. Mur ate iNitash. 200 !o-. Chilean Nitrate of Soda, per acre. 7. 3 bu. -2.5 b. WANT AD RATES (Terms Cash) lc a word for this size type for fcnt insertion; half price for aubse qment insertisBS. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE make money by taking advantage of this paper's great magazine offer. Six national magazines and this paper for one year, all for $2. 2c a word for thia size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. 3c a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. Minimum charge of 25c WANTED to rent a tppewriter for 4 months. Must be in good condi tion and reasonable. Phone 290-W INSURANCE For all kinds of in surance, with reliable aompanies see J. M. Newton, your insurance man, at the WaynesviHe Insurance Agency, Over The Mountaineer Office. Pbt No. o. 200 lbs. Acid Pho-phate, 25 lbs. Muriate Potash, f0 lbs. Chillean Nitrate of Soda, per acre. In each case above when nitrate of soda was used it was applied to the corn when from knee to wai.-t huh. Most farmers of Haywood County u-e the fertilizer and methods of plots No. 1 and When cost per unit is considered plots No. 2 and 4 are best. No. 1 is good if lo0 lbs of nitrate of soda is used to side-dress. On the fertilizer test all the mineral was furnished by the Chilean Nitrate of Soda people through Mr. James Gray of Raleigh. More than 75 boys and farmers esti mated the yield on these plots just before harvesting. The boys proved to be the winners. It has been decided to feed the above corn to hogs. This is being done under the supervision of VV. D. Smith, teach er of vocational agriculture. Two boys are taking the pigs for projects using self feeds. At the end of the i .:H p.ar. in;r was Varietv Holcomb- 1 X. J. Veil, t la: a .re Y i: ;. : Hcri- O ai St: U'A be: :". i:t i.r.:.f.ir : r:,r. cuitiv the sa:i:e. partntv::: V-. . at.' '.ai Agricu:t e tne h:h school pi-..'. This s was fertilized with 20v lbs. of lo-J-4 be- X :trate ctl So . .. :.. and harvc.-:- Per acre yield T-'I.mo uii. t'J.I.'O bu. ."5.00 bu. t 5 . 0 ' tiu. 1 70.00 bu. "0.OO bu. 10.00 bu. .V 1- A poor sta -t:e? cut ' wo ar BABY CHICKS: Each Tuesday and Friday. Just the best State Blood tested Chicks you ever saw. White and Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds. White Wyandottes, Buff Or pingtons, White Leghorns. Bunch Poultry Farm and Hatchery, States ville, N. C. May 12 WANTED 100 FARMERS to investi gate the wonderful offer now being made by this paper for magizines. Six Magazines and this paper one year for only $2. ENGLISH -WHITE LEGHORN EGGS 75c setting of 15. By Mail 90c. P. D. Deaton, Waynes vUle, N. C. SAVE MONEY TODAY by taking advantage of the magazine offer being made by this paper. Six magazines and this paper for one year for only 2. CHANCE OF LIFETIME RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in Haywood County. Wonderful opportunity- Make $7 to $12 daily. No experience or cap ital needed. Write today. McNESS COMPANY, Dept. P , Freeport, Illinois. NOTICE Yoor nearest Chiropractor is Drs. Limhaugh, 301 Wacbovia Bank Bldg, Asherille, N. C, who invite yoa into confidential consultation. Their Phone is Aaherilie 5614. This curtain is a donation of the most successful business firms of the county. We appreciate the help of these business firms and feel sure the people of this community will give inem tneir Dess co-operation in bus iness. 1 1 down. What in Haywood , -i:n if all farn:. r.- ot the better : h: time when .via) trrow crops i seed. Good seed an 1 Boone County ::; Haywood Coqn- a ye,.ow variety tor feed: r'er bu-hei yelh'w corn is morp valualde for feed than white corn. Our purpose in giving you these two tests is better fertilizer practice and wishing you to prow the variety that will -.give you the greatest pro duction per acre. 1 l : . ;. or- .w a r:..t 1 t'anr.e' -r.oa.,i rr. of li : -..:;- I corn car. be so ty. Who r. -t -to ar piant 1 ia- H-.iderson ville Biar Cats are ooteiuled to play the high school. ase-bad team hero Friday afternoon i oi the local diamond at .i:du p. m.i L:tt e is kn'.wn of h.' Henflersonville earn, but it is und;rs'ood that the; ... ;.- are preparing lor a hard game. 1 The WaynesviHe lads opened the. ... la.-t Friday nith Sylva Col- ...at,. Institute and r.r'tcr a hard fjuirht game took i on-) run lead that i - .. , . . .an.s were neve- aide to over-1 come.' The score was 6 to 5. The game was a pitchers duel be tween Bridges of Wayiiosvill-i and Watson for the visitors. Bridges let 0 rots get by while Watson gave one r.- The hitting aril fielding of Wvatt local short stop was one of the outstanding features of the game. He handled several chsacej like a veteran. Gordon Wyvtt, brother to the short stop, an 1 catcher for "the Mountaineers, gota t ripple for the man on base, to send his team in the lead that won the game. Score by innings: n. h. e. c , j 00202013 0 5 , WaynesviHe Jl 203 X 6 7 2 ! Batteries : Bridges, Wyatt; Watson, ! Brvson. tir.Ue sam-!-,.. . for !.o Ca; state in r..r ;-i NOTICE To The Stockholders WaynesviHe Library Association, Inc. You will take notice that the regular annual meeting of the stock-holders of the WaynesviHe Library Associa tion will be held at the Library build ing in-WaynesviHe,. N. C, at eleven o'clock, on Tuesday, April 5, 1932, when and where officers and directors of said association will be elected and other business transacted, as may come Derore saw body. Alice Crosby Quinlan, Secretary 2t 324-31 Mother of Thirteen Gives Her Experience likely - at h';V"r,.: popular ,.., .-; state Ti. r.oip.l. selected ' . rather to:,: 'r';:,.'( be succts.-tul:-- time ther - 1.:'; -t mcnt in ti.-.- , in office. In a M-i-.o for the 'diced-; . experier.o.- as ay an excel'. . seas w.t . ::o- VL. for the i a--. tt ". officer in the Vm Guard, lb- is i; ; C'omma!: :t v; J at Sheil y. i Comman.;. r. aa.iio j the (:-.'.-!', oa- a. state. Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. T. B, Reed, mother of 13 children and widely known resident of this city, said: "Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills have brought me health, strength and happiness, and I am onlv too glad to toll tViora nf mv pxiterience. After taking two bottles of Sargon and one bottle of the mils 1 am use a anrereni woman. They have done me far more good than everything else put to gether." CURTIS CUT-RATE SLUDER-GARRETT FUNERAL SERVICE Reasonable Prices on both merchan dise and services Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant - Ambulance Service Day Phones 1 & 91-W Night Phones 91-W & 111 Ehringhaus Sal Is Merely J Lawyer II Raleigh, March :l a countrv- lawyer. poration lawyer, atl have had to niasrJ and am in no wjt ences other than ::l &ider to be to tfe all of the neonle c! said John C.B. EH for the Democrat;! Governor. "I own no stock: comoanies, public comrianies or other J and have no proita with such oreaniatl haus said, saying tbj ly goods consist oj rhulinr a small fl county, his home J nity enterprises. "1 la corporation lawjttl rivuijiuiiYi : .FOR J : : WAYNEW00D THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. si I THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 31. APR. 1 SALLY EILERS AND JAMES DUNN in "DANCE TEAMM SATURDAY, APRIL 2 REX BELL, SALLY BLANE AND ALL STAR cast in HE LAW OF THE SEA" MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 4-5 LIONEL BARRYMORE, NANCY CARROLL AND PHILLIPS HOLMES in "BROKEN LULLABY" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 WALTER HUSTON AND JEAN HARLOW in 'THE BEAST OF THE CITY" Advertiser Consider This Fact The Mountaineer Has More Paid-in-advanc Subscribers In Haywood County Than Weekly Newspapers Combined The Mountaineer Covers Haywood County Phone 137 for an Advertising Mai ALSO COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES EVERY 'V-V-V:-'DAYJ

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