V II; -I 2 1 1 fESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APRIL .1 i 'Ml f till' (. cji:i . .. afternoon ;it the ,,. darrctt. mi I'igeon s're.-t, -n-Lh 'I hoiii; s M .Si'awi-SI' .i.-i associate hos tess. The home was aeauiii'ully ('tc -orated in l.iilliant :.na;) dragons and ,-'' roses tor the occasion, vetl.cv ani ' green as a color scheme was also car v ried out in the sws'ia- unit ' ice course served. Mrs. l?.iy Campbell, president, pie ' M sided over the business session f the ', chapter. The-district meeting, which conies a: an eailv da'.e, ,as discussed by Mrs. V. A: Hyatt. All nu-inbcrs of I the local chapter were urged to make :t plans to attend this meeting. .; Mrs. R. N. .!;iri;.'r M'iiv in charge .) of the program of th-.'. after, ioor,. She ; discussed the -story '.!' i.u !ai't Texas t played in the , t'oiilVderu-y. : The nc:t meeting will be .held with Mr.-. K.'J. Hyult at her home : on I?:Usam road the lir.-t Friday in ' May. A special feature of this liiefct- ing will be a program presented by the children of AlieilV Vreek ichool whiih has i''!iined insider ibk pub licity for the acconipii.-lviiciits Of its pupils. r. i) c 1:1 xi-: fit TEA TODAY This afternoon,' April 7, the Hay wood chapter of United Daughters, of the Confederacy will sponsor a benefit tea at the homo of M rs. I.eon Killian on Koyd avenue. The Affair -will be from 4 to (V o'clock. A unique admission fee has been arranged. Each person present is expected to bring 2!" or more coat hangers as the price of admission. Those who cannot obtain the coat hangers will be allowed to make a silver offering instead. Proceeds will go to the educational and welfare, fund of the chapter. All members of the organ ization and their friends are invited. A musical program is being arranged. I). A. It. MEET IS G SEX T U l.K The April meeting of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution Avill be held next Wednesday afternoon, April '13, at :$:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Kate Morris. Mrs. W. F. Swift will U joint hostess. The dis t this mpetinir will be on "George Washington, Leader of Men," and Mrs. I!. J. Sloan will have a paper on that subject, the Magazine will he reviewed by Mrs. Oliver Shel . ton. . EASTFRX STAR MEETS TONIGHT V The regular rrieoiing of the Way nesville Chapter No. 105, Order of Eastern Star will be held tonight, March 7, at 7:30 o'clock at the Ma sonic Temple. New oflicers of this organization were installed on the night of March 10. Mrs. Mary .Oaks, retiring Worthy Matron, was installing officer -with Mrs. C.rtce Queen as Marchall and Mrs. Maude Jones as Chaplain. . . . - - JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET SATURDAY On next Saturday evening the an nual junior-senior banquet of the Waynesville Township High School will be held in the dining room of the Methodist church, at which time the junior class will have as its guests the senior class and the members of the high school faculty. This ban quet will take the form: of a Wash ington bi-centennial celebration. Sponsors are Miss Bessie Boyd and Miss Bernice McElhannon. - ."-...'.' LEGION AUXILIARY i MEETING MONDAY The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held next Monday evening, April 11, at 7:30 o'clock at the Masonic Temple. Hostesses for this meeting will be Mesdames M, C.Green, J. F. Abel, W. R. ; Philips, and Doyle Alley. . ., . ROTARY CLUB LADIES' NIGHT The Rotary Club will observe it regular monthly Ladies' Night to morrow when the members will be hosts at dinner to thsir wives at 7:30 p. m. in the dining room of the Meth odist church. The program for the evening is being arranged by Mrs. S. H. Bushnell, Mrs, L. B. Hayes, and Mrs. Hilliard Atkins. lOSt peaker .e method of ..ii ny court, hegin ....( of the simplest form ai:-ii u'.h lining it.- growth up to the present- elaborate system. He ex pl.t : t i il in a ;tiost interesting way the various iuiirts and how they func tion. He closed his talk with a refer ence to the laws and bow they arc made. Mr, Stanley was given a ris ing vote of thanks by the club mem-he'-.; for his -splendid address. Mrs. Ben C-olkitt gave the outstand ing items in rui rent events for the past month, with particular reference' !o some of the important' pieces of legislation before Congress,. Miss Quinlan reminded the 'members that the next meeting was the annual meeting, for the presentation of the yearly reports by all ollicers and chairmen. During the social hour that fol lowed adjournment, the hostesses, Mrs. James Atkins and Mrs. Jack Way, served tea, .-sandwiches and cakes. The next meeting will be held on May the 1!, with Mrs. 11. I.. Provost, Mrs. Li'nwood 1! raid, and Mrs. Zeh Curtis as isti:.u . 'MRS. J). M. KILLIAN IIONOllEE On Tuesday, April 5, Miss Nancy Killian and Mrs. W. .'-'.Swift enter tained most delightfull in honor of 'he seventy-ninth birthday anniver arv of their mother, Mrs. D. M. Xillian. The guests were invited to a "sur prise dinner" which was served in the dining room with an even dozen seated at the table. Spring Cowers formed a Ik lUtiful center-piece of yellow and green. This color scheme was also carried out in the courses of the dinner and the favors. Those invited were: Mrs. E. J, Robeson, Mrs. W. T. Lee, Mrs. J. H. Howell, Mrs. R. Q. McCracken, Mrs. H. G. West, Mrs. J. K. Boone, Mrs. B. F. Smathers, Mrs. Scott Brown, Mrs. I. J. Brown, Mrs. E. Wesley Brown. Mrs. Mel). Adams of Asheville, and Mrs. Tim Weaver. Lovely gifts showered upon the honoree attested in a small measure to the love the guests felt for their life long friend. One most appro- j priate gift was a beautiful ever I green tree, ready for planting, and the thought of this happy day will indeed be evergreen in: the nieniory of all who participated in this happy occasion, During the afternoon and evening numerous other friends called " on Mrs. Killian to extend their best wishes and hopes for very many ha ppy returns of the day. Flowers, letters, and gifts from relatives and friends of several generations from various states proved how far reach ing has been the influence of Mrs. Killian, and how- deeply she has in twined herself in the hearts of all who: know her. Contributed. . CENTRAL P. T, A. MEETS The regular April meeting of the Central Parent-Teachers Association was held on Tuesday evening in the school auditorium with less than the average attendance present. , After the singing of "America," Mr. M. H. Bowles made the invoca tion. Mrs. Grover Davis presided over the business session, giving her annual report as president which was most interesting and gratifying. Mr. Bowles reported on the recent physical examinations held in this school and it wis voted to assist with a clinic to be held after commence ment. The treasurer, Mrs, Jim Mas sie, reported alb bills p iH and about ?35.0O balance, to be- used toward the clinic A splendid report was. made from the cafeteria. Mrs. Paul Walker was appointed chairman of the commit tee to sponsor the pre-school and physical clinic. Other member.? of the committee are: Mrs. Fred Mar tin, Mrs. Jim Massie, Miss Lois Har rold, Miss Frances Robeson and Mrs, N. C. Green. - Miss Osborne of Canton presented the matter of organizing a Junior Shakespearean Club for vacation. This work was recommended and en couraged by the association, how ever, no official action was taken. MRS. THOMAS SEAWELL, Publicity Chairman. sr .v f the Wayne s leld with Mrs. her home on .Saturday after- ipeied by feing .utif ul," followed t. Miss Nancy er the regular Mrs. E. B. Camp r the afternoon, armen, ' wi.s the m and was present ting manner by the d the stoiy of the arranged the foiiow om th ; music of the -Rscord Number. Solo Selections from Mrs. R. II. Stretcher. Solo "Love is Like a Mrs. Fred Martin, tdor Song Record by .10 Duet Overture from G'ar irs. Camp and Mrs. Hugh the conclusion of tne program hostess served delightf j! letrtsh nts. Guests at the meeting were irs. Harry Hall and Mrs. M. G. .Uaniey. MISS FRANCES ROBESON', Publicity C hairman. MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF LAKE JUNALCSKA On the first Tuesday in February the Woman's Missionary Society of Long's Chapel Auxiliary, Lake .lunalusKa, began their Mission SUidy Course, meeting each Tuesday for a pci.od of six weeKs and using as invir hook "Challenge of 'h.uige.' . Miss Hoops directed the study. The meetings-were so well at' "i. iled and the interest so great that at the c. illu sion of the course it was decided to have a social mooting., or party, I'm: the members. .This was held on March 22nd at the beaaul'al homo ot" our efficient president, Mm;. K. E. Nollner on the Assembly (hounds of Lake .lunaluska. It v is ..n ad day meeting with a houfeous luiu'lnon serv.d in the (lining room of H"; home. We welcomed t he i) re.se. ice of a number of ministers Wlur iiccom panied their wives to tiiis social mi et, among whom was our presidi-i? elder, Rev. L. B Hayes. Every one pres ent scorned to enjoy the. social fellow ship and the kind hospit.tli! y if the Nollner home. . MRS. T.J. FIN-CHER,-'-Ptiblit'ity Chairman. I AX 'A I. O IKE WINS HONOR AT N. C. C. 11'. Miss Evelyn Underwood, who is a student at the Js'orth Carolina College for Women, is spending the spring va cation with her mother, Mrs. R. L. Underwood. Miss Underwood has the distinction of recently being elected vice-president of the Honor Society, on the merits of having made the second highest record of any girl in the col lege. This society is made up of twenty nine girls who have made an average of 90 and above for their our. years in college, and who have proved to be good campus citizens and leaders ..'.. SCHOOLMASTERS MEET IN I) ILLS 110 RO Prof. E. J. Robeson, Supt. B. D. Bunn and Mr. C E. Weatherby will go to DMlsboro tonight to attend the dinner for the Schoolmasters organization. Miss Charlotte Hatch er and Mr. Paul Frye will also attend with the High School orchestra which vil 1 take part on the program for the evening. ATTENDS FATHER AND SON BANQUET Mr. W. D. Smith went to Robins ville Thursday night to make a talk at the Father and Son Banquet given by the Vocational Department of the High School of that place. He also attended a banquet of the same or ganization in Franklin Friday night. He was accompained on both trips by Mrs. Smith, Miss Bernice McElhannon, ! Miss Charlotte Hatcher and Miss Nancy Crockett. ' CIRCLE MEETINGS OF I'ltESB YTERIAN CHURCH Circle No. 1 will meet with Mrs. R. L. PrevosX Tfuesday afternoon, April 12, at 3:30 o'clock. Circle No. 2 will meet with Mrs. Sam I'lott, Tuesday, April 12, at 3:30 o'clock. Circle No. 3 will meet with Miss Grace Bowles. Tuesday afternoon April 12, at 3:30 o'clock. Circle No. 5 will meet with Miss Alice Quinlan. Circle No. 6 will meet with Misa Ida Jean Brown at 6:30 o'clock. : ...--...- ' QUILT SHOW A quilt show, sponsored by the Woman's Club of Waynesville will be held in the near future in the Swift building opposite the Post Office! An cient and modern quilts will be on display. Anyone wishing further in formation will please see Mrs. E. S HarroUl or Mrs, Clevieland Kirk patrick. A full announcement as to the time and prizes will be given in next weeks paper. . --...,..,.-.-, 1 :-. Mrs. W. C. Garrison returned last week from Waldron, Arkansas where she has spent the winter as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Ander son, the former Miss Virginia Gar rison, and Mr, Anderson. Mrs. Garri son is now visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Starkey, and Mr. Starkey in Canton. Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick and Miss Mary Kirkpatrick were Asheville visitors this week. Mr. K. E. Nollner is spending this week in Macon, Georgia on business. Prof. Hickerson of Mt. Sterling was a vistor in town last week. Messrs. C. S.Freel and C. B. Tru luck of Canton were here last week. Mr. C. E. Brown of Clyde spent Thursday in Waynesville. Mr. J. L. Walker of Lake Juna- lus;ka was here last Friday. ' Mr. W. F. Hipps was a visitor from Sunburst Friday. Dr. R. L. Walker of Crabtree spent Friday in Waynesville. Mr. W.P. Leatherwood of Lake Ju- naluska was here last week. Mr. Frank Davis of Iron Duff spent Friday in Waynesville. Mr. Thomas Justice of Clyde was among the visitors here Friday. Mr. Eldridge Caldwell of Cata- . .. I. O... loocnee was a visitor neie aaiuuwj. Mr. Lee Williamson of Crabtree was here on business Saturday. Mr. A. G, Baldwin of White Oak spent Saturday in town. Mr: M. B. Rogers was a visitor here from Clyde Saturday. Mr. C. B, Jones of Clyde spent Mon day in town. Mr. Dock Bingham was here from Sunburst Monday. Mr. Lee Noland of Iron Duff spent Monday in Wavnesville on business. Mr. J. R. Terrell of Canton spent Monay in town. Mr. Dee (dark of White Oak was lure on business -Moiulay. Mr. W. A. Moore, of J'ige-m spent Monday in Waynesville. Mr. i. 'har'es I!. . .Met ' i.'.ry oi fines Creel; spent Monday in town. Miss 'Charlotte' Hatcher spent the week-end with friends in Bryson City. Mrs. Hilliard Atkins and Mrs. J. J. Stone were1 Asheville visitors Friday. Mr. Ha,ry McCracken spent Sat urday as the guest of friends in Ashevilie, t "Miss Katherim .Budget! of Uicli wo i, West Virginia ' was the gae;st of Miss ; Elizabeth liav last week-end. Mrs. Mel). Adams and Miss Maiy Ward of AshevtUe visited friends in Waynesville Sunday. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Badgett and Miss Dorothy Lane were Ashe ville visitors . Saturday. Mrs. R. P. '.Walker- is visiting her father, Rev. M. G. Ballenger, in Wal- halle, South Carolina. .-;.. Mrs. J. R. Latham and children, James and Betty,-.-'spent Sunday in Bryson City Mr. J. R, Ijatham left Sunday morn ing for" a business trip to Camden, South Carolina. Mr. J. J Stone arrived Saturday from the University of North Caro lina where he has been since Septem ber. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Bradshaw of Crabtree. spent .'.Saturday in Waynes ville. Mr, Lee Ferguson of Jonathan has recovered from his recent illness and was in Waynesville Monday. Among Monday's visitors were Messrs J, P. Hawkins and John W. Shook of Clyde. -;'. .Mr, D. J. Noland, Superintendent of the County Home made a business trip to Waynesville Monday. ..- ; ".- - '-- Mr. R. E. Hipps, .candidate for the Legislature, was among the visitors in town Monday. .": . . .- '.:'-. ' f Mr. Grover Rogers was among' the visitors in town from Clyde Monday. -.': . - Mrs. George Ward and Mrs. G. Lyle Jones of Asheville wvr giifst:3-qf Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Camp and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Joyce of Asheville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Thomas M. Seawell. Hi :e Mr. Joseph T. Marorii, who has spent the past several weeks at the LeFaine Hotel, left Tuesday for his home in Mt. Vernon. New York. - ' - Mr. Tehorry Lyles of Rockingham and Mr. Mack Lane of Ralaigh v.-ere guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Francis Mas sie a few days last week. .- Mr. Ralph Prevost returned Sun day from a two weeks' business trip to New York and other northern points. Misses Grace and , Julia Bowles re turned to their home in Waynesville last Friday after a four months' stay at Kenilworth. f - -. ; Mr.tandMrs.i Frank Albright and Bon, ouiimie, oi Charlotte spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and ,TS- ?h Albr'St and Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Bridges. '; . Mr. and Mrs. and John N. Shool bred had as their guests last week end their daughter, Mrs. R. E. Wood and Mrs. Shoolbred's eiw nr.. 'i Horace Frost, of Elizabethton.' Tw. nessee. Mr. Jarvis Palmer of Cataloochee spent Wednesday in town. Mr. Brvan Medford of Jonathan was a visitor here Wednesday. Miss Marv Martin of Canton spent Wednesday "in Waynesville. . Mr. Charles B. McCracken of Fines Creek spent Tuesday in Waynesville. Mr N N. Walker, Mr. Jerry Rogers, and Mr. A, T. Haynes of Clyde were recent Waynesville visitors. Mrs. R. M. Rhinehart is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Sutton, at Enka. Miss Rosa Morris of Asheville spent Saturday with her parents in Crabtree. Friends of Mrs. Fred L. Sheehan will be glad to know that she is im proving after an operation at the Haywood Ho-spita! recently, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Turbyfill had as their guests Sunday Misses Sally and Pollv Baker and Mr. Edgar Ray of Murphy Mr. Ray is foremrly from Waynesville. 8, lo Miss Rozie Noland, Mi T" Morris, and Mr. OrvilU i V Crabtree spent the week-tmi friends in Tuckapaw. Mrs. John Queen, Mrs tDj rison, Mrs. S.H. Keller'vt Shelton. anH C ' Asheville visitors this u-L.i""8 " Vft, Mrs. B. F. Smathers Rose and daughter. tL ;,rs- Rose, returned Sunri . to relatives in Richmond v T and New York City. Thev companieu oy Mrs. Aduia ,. 11 win ue at ner nome on Snia-h.., . tVia npvt cuviinl ... i -ir. . x. ie, chairman f State Corporation Commit Lee, and their daughter, Mr t Lee Page, arrived last ' WJ: p Kaleigti where they havt. ,Jt, winter and have open(j ;i, ," on the Fairview Road. Rev. W. O. Goode ; uul his guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Hui, 1 this wk Mre Mill... : this week. Mrs. Mille will go to the LeFair.e Hoteivl ne wm maKe nis nonu- ter being. Win 11! M THE BIG ONES WILL SOON BE BITING If You Have The Right Tackle To Get Them-I Have It- Just a few days now until the season opens. Check over your outfit and then come in and see my assortment of fishing tackle We have everything in hooks, baits, flies, nets, rods, reels, baskets in fact everything you need to make your fishing trips a picas, lire. "I WILL TRY TO SELL YOU ONLY WHAT YOU WILL NEED." Denton V Hardware 76 MAIN ST C. E. Ray's Sons You Will Want One of ese New Spring Co-ed dresses 'm mm if?: j ASfI Graduation Dresses TTM in vvnite fl A flru" $4.95' CO-ED is the Identifica tion mark of all that is smart in style at a low cost. VA) APPRECIATE the beauty and charm of our new collection of smart, CO-ED dresses is to see them in all their Spring glory. I Formal and Semi-For mal Evening Dresse White Shoes $1.95 toS6, Hats and Accesorie to Complete Your Er semble. For The Youn.c 3iV Suits doni $16.75 White Duck Shirts, Ties, Shoes Caps. All Fabrics for tumes or appall- ul re; .!! I of f: in .!,, (Li 1 to Hot i ::nl.dr 1 youi 3 or i e nf i ! Ca A J 3X2

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