Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, 3 Ford Is Confident of Automobile Market Says Civilization Depends Upon Exchange of Hoods When the price on the new. Fords was given out 1 1 11 ry Ford said: "Tht.iL' ari' the cars and the prices. 1 think it will he grantci that when an eight t Vj iin k-r c ir can he bought for the price ot a I'our and in tome eases jes..-, i am ju.-uiicil in saying that the.-e are low j . r i ee .-. .so profit can b( expected from them nnle.-.; vc attain a certain volume of produc- !v we hone to attain ie lo Keep the? prices iujw are. A asked git 1 thought th(. jres- mtig liu.-'iness was g0' Rotary Club Observes Farmers' Day Friday Ml! tion. sufficient vokt as low as they me this, iiiurni est system of ing to last. , "I told him that since commerce and civilization depended on the manu facture and exchange of poods I was willing to manufacture and exchange under any system. Tho only had system I know is one that interferes with men working and exchanging what they make. W'a are iust one con cern doing our hest to start business under present conditions. Other manufacturers are directing their efforts, to the same public good. I think there is field enough for any article worth the money. "There are just two permanent satisfactions: in business for me one is designing and making a useful commodity and the other is the jobs thus created. Jf you do one, the oth er naturally follows. I don't think it possible to separate them. It seems to me a waste of time to have to urge people to buy in this country. That is not the manufacturer's business anyway. His business is to make something good at a price so low they cannot help buying." i'rices and description of the. new cars are on display at Mizell Sales and Service on Main street. Mid . i Wall M r. BENEFIT SHOW GIVEN FOR UNEMPLOYED A benefit show given last night for the unemployed in Waynes ville, was said to be success ful, with a large crowd attending. The picture for the occasion was do nated by J. N. Massie, and the. em ployees of the local theatre donated their time. The city furnished the lights, II. B. Atkins, owner of the building gave the rent, and the mer chants, business men and firemen sold the tickets for the show. Everything was donated, and all money taken in last night will go directly to help the unemployed. This paper gave the hand bills. (By Jas. L. Robinson.) The Rotary ciub of Waynesville held its annual Farmers Day luncheon n last Friday. The guests of the club were members of the central county committee, for the .0-10 year program, and other leading farmers particularly interested in livestock development. Farmers present were Glenn A. Boyd, J. K. Ferguson, C. Francis, W. A. Moore, T. Lenoir Gwyn, J. K. Mann, T. 11. Roger;;, F. A. Justice, ( has, 15. McCrary, L. Reeve ..;'a!:,, !.( ' lark, II. A. Osborne. . J . M.eiton. ; address was made by Geo. is, m..nager of Biltmore Farm, slres.-.ed value of purebred sires, (iwvn discussed the present cat tle situation in Haywood, and Mr. Reeves Xoland commended the Ro tary club and the Waynesville Moun taineer for their support and intcr-e.-'t in the farm problems. Air. F. L. Withers presi'iitt'd the status of the vocational ed'U.'ition department, ami the Rotary club went on record as asking the county to make .provisions for permanent quarters for the work. After the luncheon 'he farmers met as a committee to plan out a purebred beef sire campaign to cul minate in the bull sale at Clyde Saturday afternoon, April - i. The county was divided into sections to be canvassed by committees io place as many purebred Duns as possioie. Some townships expect to get rid ot all grade or scrub sires at least for cattle within the next few months. Candidate Cards For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters o'f the Democratic I'arty in the June Primary. Your support will be appreciated. Bryan Medford Waynesville Route 2. For State Senate I am a candidate for the State Senate for this District, subject to the Democratic Primary- I will appreciate the support of all Democrats. Sam. in. Robinson State Dairymen Get Over 17 Millions In spite of prices running f rom L'U to 2o per cent below those of the previous year, North Carolina dairy men sold nearly 17 million dollars worth of milk and crean to creamer ies, cheese factories, ice cream plants, milk receiving plants and city con sumers during the year lii.'il, accord ing to a statement by Vr. L. Clcven ger, dairy manufacturing specialist at the North Carolina State College. Mr. Clevenger figures it this way. This production of creamery butter in North Carolina b 21 creameriss and milk plants approximated 2, 21(1.000 pounds which was an increase 7:5,000 pounds over i ;"!(). T!i. aver age price ;.paid'. to dairymen for the butterfat delivered was 2'i.t cents a pound. The crcamnri.;s, therefore, purchased. $475,000 worth of butter fat secured from 11,000 North Caro lina farms. The three cheese factories in the State produced 423,000 pounds of cheese to make which they bought $!i(),760 worth of milk from about 1, (ioo farmers located in the mountain area. For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of TAX OOP- LECTOU of Haywood County, s-ubject to the Democratic primary to be held in June. Your support will be ap preciated. RoweB. Howell For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters of the Democratic Party in the June Primary. Your support will be appreciated. W. A. Moore Pigeon Township FOR Register of Deeds I hereby Jtciountv tlu.t i a can didate for re -election '.. tl e Jlice .i Register of Deeds ,f Haywood Coun ty, subject to the rules ,m re'ru'a tioas of the Democratic ;.ri.nar,' u; be held o.n June '1. Your support will be ivp'vciuled. Weaver H. McCracken For Representative I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination on the Dem ocratic ticket for the office of Repre. sentative of Haywood county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party in the June primary. Any sup port given me will be appreciated. R. M. Leatherwood For State Senate I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination to the State Senate from the Thirty-second Senatorial District. W.R.Francis Directors of Library Held Annual Meet ing Tuesay Morning The annual meeting of the direc tors and stockholders of the Waynes ville Library was held Tuesday morning here and reports from the various committees given. The re ports showed that the library was up Jto the .-:tai.,.aid that there were 7d0 . MTi.ivcr-; from the library last year. Ti M i; r also showed that a total of lis,' volumes were now in posses ion of the local library. 'i h- treasurer's report 'showed that the directors had been able to stay , ... ! ,:' .ii it during the .past 12 ii, on i s and still were able, to carry ii she .")'k in an uninterrupted manner. Only 171 people subscribed the library last year, which meant '!.7i received lor carrying on the work, $12'.;. 00 was collected from :e- and hues during trie year, while 7: was raise! during the picture 'he librarian's report meeting Tuesday is as MARCH 21, .-h:.w fund, a.- read at tl follows: Classification Fiction , J uvi nil" .Magazines Roe try : Biography ... Scii uco r.ssays History ( ienera! Literature Total number volumes Circulation 4763 ...... C81 226 52 .. 158 52 ....... 40 pers gives ris tn ti the town compares fai.'5 rest of the country i ' svs 1f9 inn m i ' . rt 0. V" libraries of the ": good to realize are shelved in th.. ing on Main street of any who cares v low rental of 5 w '. two weeks if 0I(. I'.. tion at ?1 per y. ; to get a book a'da- ArtTs-! 2m o. Vulumes rn i . N'i v. yum, No .volumes Cur.u'. ; No. volumes wort; . v No. volumes lost No. volumes wits r . Total number nr. 1st, R.i.12 . . . CLASSIKICATi Fiction ... Juvenile .. Reference. Sit.' s taken out 0056 FOR COUNTY Commissioner I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election for County Commissioner in the June primary, of the Democratic party. I will appreciate any support given me . A co-operative order fop- 5,000 pounds of lespedeza was delivered to Vraston county growers last week. T catawoa L-ounty larmers are The crop will be grown largely fori planting pine trees this winter in re- sou improvement. 'westing certain waste areas about . . " . ' ' ' over the county. For Tax Collector I hereby announce mvself a. enndi date for TAX COLLECTOR for Hay wood County subject to the voters in the Democratic primary in June. Any support given me will be appreciated. J. C. Welch For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a can didate for. Tax Cnl Wtnr nf TT County, subject to the wishes of the voters i tne democratic I'arty in the June Primary. Your support will be appreciated. Lee V. Rogers Clyde. N. C. Rt. No. 1 BATH TUBS AND GALVENIZED GUTTERING Cast Iron white Enameled bath tubs with com plete trime to floor, going at $15.00 while they last. 5 inch Galvenized Gutter put up complete for 16c per foot LA. MILLER WAYNESVILLE, N. C. For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as candi date for Tax Collector of Havwood County, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June primary of the Democratic party. Any support given me will be appreciated. Hugh Rogers Crabtree, N. C. For State Senate I hereby announce myself a can didate for the State Senate for this disrict, subject to the Democratic primary in June. Any support given me will be appreciated. P. V. Massey FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a can didate for County Commissioner in the June Primary, subject to the Demo cratic I'arty. I will appreciate any support given me. E.B. Rickman PIGEON TOWNSHII' Total number subscribers .. Total number borrowers . . Signed, The report is as follows: REPORT OF LOUISK BKVILLK, Librarian. of the Book 'Committee Total accessions As no funds f,,r . magazines were ava:U ing periodicals ueiv r on the table by ,i Tiivir. T it.t'.i.,. 'lit. ter Homes and (,.;r,ii Evening Post, Mr'.y Home Companion, l'.i;h Home Journal, im;.... jy Review, Holland - has been sent free out the year. It has always I give away back ! yines found useful tra. 170 760 For Representative I am a candidate to succeed myself as Representative Irom Haywood county. I will appreciate any suport given me in the June Primary. If elected I will serve the people to the Dest ot my ability. R. E. Hipps FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce mvself as a can didate for County Commissioner, sub ject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary of the Democratic Party. I will appreciate vour SuDDort and vote. J. R. Boyd n KN H E A D AC H E S, N E URITIS NEURA LG I A, C 6 LDS . . Whenever you have some nagging ache or pain, take some tablets of Bayer Aspirin. Rebel is immediate t There's scarcely ever an ache or pain that Bayer Aspirin won't reheve--and never a time when you can't take it. The tablets with the Bayer cross are always safe. They don't depress the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just as often as they can spare you any pain or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. Examine the package. Beware of imitations. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of mono 'aceticacidester of salicylicacid. FOR Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Register of Deeds of this county, subject to the wishes of the Democratic primary in June. Any support given me will be appreciated. Robert E. Owen Route 2. Lee Ferguson For Representative I am a candidate for Representative from Haywood County. Your support will be appreciated by representing your interest to the best of my ability. J. H. Howell FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER THE BOOK COMMIT TEE Taking into consideration present economic conditions, it may be said that this year has been a successful one for the library even though it has seemed impossible to carry out some apparently well-laid plans. The thinking people, of any com munity naturally read more serious books at such times, as shown by the tabulation. The White House Con ference revealed that the leading public is only about 47 per cent of the population and that the average American buys two books and reads seven during the twelves months. Taking the population -jf Wavnes ville as 2100 (white) and this libra ry's circulation as 6056, it js readily seen that approximately 2 4-6 volumes are perused by each citizen right here in our midst, exclusive i any bought or borrowed elsewhere. This! fact; taken in addition to the large numoer or magazines and liewspap imi .11 piM. appli management methods looking to the health of the flock are followed, these proms win arop to zero." If a flock owner can raise from 95 to 100 per cent of his babychicks to three weeks of age, the birds will have an excellent start in life and the tirst danger line will have been passed, t rom this time on the iwul tryman must be on his guard against worm and coccidlosis infections Growing the chicks on clean ground is an excellent preventative against ootn ot these troubles. If it is im possible to move the chicks to clean ground, a sun porch on the south side of the house will help a lot, says maupin. After keeping the chicks in the house with the sun porch for about ten or twelve weeks, they mav be moved in a portable house to clean ground. Range shelter houses can be constructed cheaply for housing them in summer, it is then nece3sarv to push the birds with good feed: cull closely at broiler age, and look after meir neaitn. xnis done, an insu rance policy for profits in September, October and November has been' written. note books to schools ana the Ipnary' of service in this way a room for tiles. ' This 1: must always be a o;. the schools, even thueuls libraries mstahel in tntir Every courtesy is i ; i i ers ano pupns wno curi?u.-' books within the room ai only the nominal chare above when such are taker, them. Transferring thoush- ot letters into the minds o' of today is a laudable ar: what this library is worltKi American Library . As. common with the Genera! of Women's Clubs, ha-fi "A County Library in Ev in the United States" anar. thing for Haywood to, str:. an exisung organizations rl ty would pull together, the soon dawn when the fc become a reality. Signed, ' GRACE S.: Chairman Book 'I Two Presents in ( Employer Late again, Olerk I'm sorry, sir, b last night my wife presentel a son. Employe? She'd hav ii to have given you an alanl Clerks Well, I believe s:l that. Lespedeza is goinfT to ; tains as indicated bv lii erative orders made by ! i Macon and Madison cently. A Bladder PhjJ I hereby announce mvself as ennAl date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the wishes of the voters in tho June Primary of the Democratic Party I will appreciate anv sunnnrt. n-vn inc. Grover Rogers TROUT SEASON TO I Health Of Pullets OPEN APRIL 15 Anyone Fishing Outside Own County Must Have State License Anyone who fishes outside the lim its of his own county must have a state fishing license, the fishermen of the state were reminded by J. S. Hargett,-assistant director of the Department of Conservation and De velopment at Raleigh. The requirement, Mr. Hargett em pnasizea, extends to commercial as well as inland waters, the only ex ception being the ocean, sounds and the wide mouths of the Cape Fear, Neuse, Palmico, Tar, and New Kivers, Wilmington, New Bern, Washington, and Jacksonville marking the inland limits of territory where no licenses are required. The State Anglers Act, Mr. Har gett explained, exempted only the ocan and sounds as watrs in which no licenses are required residenta of any other counties except those m which the waters are located. The law, however, gave authority to the Board of Conservation and Devel opment to specify additional waters in which license requirements do not apply. Under thia authority, the board excepted the mouths of livers which have been specified. Although weather handicaps prob ably resulted in one cf lighest Eas ter Monday fishing days in years, ac cording to the conservation officials, warm spring days are expected to Governs Profits Where flocks are carefully culled and hens reacting to bacillary white diarrhea are removed and then care ful sanitation is followed in the poul try yard there is a loss of only 4.8 per cent during the first twelve weeks of the chicks life; but where these three things are not considered, the loss runs to about 40 per cent. "This is the result of a careful survey made in 1930," says C. J. Maupin, poultry extension specialist at State College. ''Following out the results secured by the successful poultry growers as shown in this sur vey, we believe there has not been a time in the last 20 years when such good management methods will pay better returns than this year. The margin of profit in poultry growing m.n ue email at Dest ana unless good Is a medicine that wo:i bladder as castor oil on Drives out impurities and f that cause irritation whict I getting up nights, fre burning, leg pains and a 2&c test box of HU- Tablets) the pleasant blw from any druggist After if not relieved go back and money You will feel this cleansing and you jet j ar s Mn RriM hir 1VAI.' I PHARMACY. SHIRT HEADQUARTER! VVVVVVVVVVVVlWVVVVVWWl TO EVERY MAN WHO WEARS A SHIRT in the eastern and central parts of me suite. opening of the trout season in the mountain counties April 15, inaugu- tawrs .lunnany xne sport m that sec tion. The trout season will continue unw September 1. Small mouth bass fishing in that section will hot open unni june 1, continuing until September 1 and closing at the same ume as trout lishmg. Seasons for 'arge mouth bass and oiner species exceDt mnnnfain tr.,-, L.obo aunng tne spawning period on May 1 for one month and tn Hf. or until June 1, being broker, only in a few counties wher top,;,, j o. v , , " j a during the eeneral clnirl bring out fishermen in large numbers been exceptd. Y Y E'D like to prove to' you, at our risk, J possible to buy shirts whose cuffs never creep, f never climb, and whose collars never strangle do I how manv times thev'r. UArrA Arrow " iShmnlc" TmiAr-.. '' . e tvr ,o antee tt uc uur piuui, v c gui-' . fit you permanently orjowr money back. And they1' (well as they fit, which is saying a lot. We $J jhave your size in Arrow Trump at - C. E. RAY?S SOS h fin Ik Mer nth I". rht. a. or c unci misi far Du: 'lina litv Ws'ii didati ve r r.-Di fity,-. fens. Iron esta' Mom ft. an that tnber Iffhta , D I. died folate rushe Fnoon Rate!! he livi and 1 havii 5 F