ft, Has More Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly euspapers Combined OL.XLIV. NO. 19 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932 1 Candidates Seeking Nomination For County Offices In June Primary ; Ehringhaus Heard , Tom Justice, Com ! By Large Audience ! mits Suicide Be- Here Last Thursdayi fore Surrendering Wn Out tor commis sioner, Nine beek Uliice Of Tax Collector. 'ONLY 2 FOR SENATE The uolitieal pot started to boil a e harder this week after seven Iot, threw their hats into the Inarv fire for county offices along h the twenty-iive inat jiave ai ,lv announced themselves as can- t! Many new developments w i mi 1 political circles. . inree nave an inced for chairman of the board commissioners, those being: R. T. I present chairman, Geo. C. nes also member of the present 'nl, ami Jarivs T. Coman, of Lake laluska. The first announcement coroner was made this week, Luth R. McAbee, of Canton, and the ft candidate to announce for mein- boanl ol education. Homer V . r!e, of Canton, also made his an leaders in the Democratic party are ;ed over the fact that so many can- Ltes are entering the race this r. They look upon this an mdica i that this will be a banner year the Haywood Democratic party. ing the position that the more iiriates in the held, the more work will do and will tend to create e interest among the Democrats in county. Heretofore the Demo . have led the county ticket by it 2500 majority, but this year lead is expected to exceed that Ire by hundreds. he maiii fight seems to have set- down to that of tax collector and board of commissioners. To date Indidates are seeking the office of imissioner and thve our for chair- .' According to the law made at last legislature, Haywood county have only two commissioners and liaifirrtffi this next year. the office of tax collector has at- led the highest number of fidates with 9 in the race, .its a bit of interest is beinp jni,3n the race for senate. Two iidttes have announced for that f, J. R. Boyd and W. R. Francis. M. Robinson, attorney, of Can- has withdrawn from the race, h yesterday. His reason was a fonal one, he said. Biree candidates have announced to for representative, with the pos- ity. of another enterine in a few . Much interest is being taken in rate for register of deeds. Four f idates have . announced for that with the possibility of the fifth re the date closes for candidates le. Jhose announced in The Mountain- I to date are: (hsteu in order of wr) Tax Collector, Bryan Medford, je B. Howell, J. C.Welch, present I collector, Lee V. Rogers, Hugh fers, W. A. Moore, R. S. Coman, i B. Best, and Lucius Liner, Com- loner. i'. y. Massey, present mem- E. B. Rickman. T.pa Fprt-nson. w. Rogers, Frank Davis Jarvis Allison, and W. B. Henderson, sent members of the board, and ury Howell. hairman of board of commission 's. T. Bovd. nresenf. ihai"rmn. F?e. C. Haynes, member of pres- TOaro, and Jarvis T. Coman. (gister of deeds, Robert E. Owen, "er H. McCracken, present hold 'f that office, Edwin Haynes, and B. McCrary.. fnate, J.R.Boyd and W.R. Francis. rpsentative, 11. M. Leatherwood, F' Hipt5 and J H TTnwf.ll rroner. T.nthvn P fard of Education, Homer V. ; If Wd of elections for Haywood I'1. JTank W. Miller, of Waynes- iu. ixmg, of Hazelwood, and ! Hamnton. of Canfrm mn Sat- fy and named the registrars and res tor the primary in June. a ...uii umtiais are as loiiowo. f nrst name after precinct is reg- J ' uier tnree names are judges.) n Byer s, Gordon Clark, J. B. kv-erdam No. 2. Walker Brown, continued on back page) PRIMARY ELECTION CALANDER Complied By The State Board of Elections Candidate For Governor Made Convincing Speech. Made Impression Here. April 22nd Last day for candidates for seltc non as the nominees ot any political party for State. District and ( 'onirvfs. Monal orhces, (except for the office of State Senator) to lie Notice ol Candidacy with the State Board of Elections, C. S. (i022, Sec. VJ and P. L. 1929, Chapter 2C. April 30th Date of opening of the registration books by the registration at the polling place at 9:00 a. in., for registration of new voters. Registration books are to remain open for registra ".on until sunset on every Saturday through Saturday, May 21st for registraik n. CS. 5947, and C. S. 0027, Sec?. ! and 95. of Election Laws pamphlet. May 20th Last day for candidates for selec tion as the nominees of any political party for the office cr' State Senator, member of House of Representatives and county and township offices to tile notice of candidacy with the County. Board of Elections, C. S. U2;, Sec. 90 of the Election Law pamphlet as amended by laws 1927, Chap. -(') Sec. 19 and F. L. 1929, Chap. 26. : May 2;irJ Last day for the cnairr.in.i of the1 County Board of Elecno-is in the Sen atorial district composed of more than one county where there '.s no agree ment as provide:! '')r in iCv'tion 1 014 of the C. S. to certify t every ether chairman of the Count Bo.ird of Elections in such Senatorial district the names of all candidates who have filed notice of candidacy in their re spective county for the office of State Senator. C. S. G028, Sec. 26 of Elec tion Law pamphlet as amended by I'. Laws 1927, Chapter 218. May 25th Last day for statements of expen ditures to be filed by candidates and campaign committees. All candidates for State and district offices shall file such statements with the Secretary of State. All candidates for State sen ator in districts composed by only one county, members of the House of Representatives and all county offices shall file such statements with the rMoi-lr rf tVto Sunprinr rnnrf of tlipir county. P. L. 1931, Chap. 248, Sec.1 (Continued on page 5) I Hon. J. C. 1. Ehnngiiaus, candidate for governor, spoke to a large, at tentive audience at the Masonic Tem ple last Thursday night here. He dis cussed the different issues of the cam paign and cleared himself of any point that might have been in cpjestion. He came out openly and gave his views on all important matters concerning the state. One of the outstanding parts of the speech was that he "threw little mud" at his opponents. He sHke very highly of them, although he di scuss ed their views on matters and gave his reason for seeing the matters in a different light. Political leaders here have aften said the county "leaned toward Foun tain," but after Mr. Ehringhaus spoke nere, many were inclined to believe hP would probably carry the county. The speaker was -.introduced bv Felix Alley, life-long friend and cam paign manager for Mr- Ehringhaus in Haywood county "I intend to make a clean breast of my intentions, and I also wish my opponents to do likewise," declared Mr. Ehnnghaos in presenting his plat form. "I am readv U answer anv questions regarding my platform o my plans, to the best of my ability, at any time." I Mr. Ehringhaus ' also'.' declared. "I j ( Continued on 'oa -k page ) , Charged With The Murder of Mother-In-Law, Mrs. Alice Cook, of Canton. Tom Justice, who was charged with killing his mother-in-law, Mrs. Alice Cook, at Canton last Friday afternoon, committed suicide about 4 o'clock Wed nesday morning near his home not far from Clvde. Justice had been at large siuce the shooting, and the officers of Haywood ami other nearby counties had been searching for him since the fatal shooting last Friday. According to reports here, Justice went to the home uf Mis. Cook to get his wife, with whom he had some domestic trouble. They were leaving after some few words, and Mrs. Cook appeared on the scene. Just what took place between that time and the actual shooting was not made definite ut the court lwuse late Wednesday. With Justice, ut thi time of the shooting, was John Kinsland, taxi driver of Canton. Kinsland is in the Asheville jail. Sheriff Lncve hn.l hee? in .-jifa't with Jusifce, through some of Jus- ..... ..'III Itlll.I IIIUIU k,r I suasion, the alleged murderer was to I be brought to Waynesville Into Tues day night by his relatives and turned over to the officials. Immediately after the shootnig Wednesday morning, Sheriff Jyjwe visited the Justice home. Mr. Jus ( Continued on page 8) Schools Close Next Week; Baccalaureate Sermon At High School Sunday Night TO SPEAK HERE WEDNESDAY NIGHT J. M. Long Says Now Best Time To Buy Real Estate, Sees Better Times Ahead One Of County's Leading Business Men "A Believer In Land." 'LAND VALUES ARE RETURNING R. T. Boyd Seeks Re election For Chair man Of Commissioners k it's Countv News and Fit to print It will be in te Mountaineer R f Ttivd iiresnt fVinivman of the board of county .commissioners, is announcing Mils week tnat ne i seeking the nomination for re-election to that position in the Jure pri mary. This is .lr. noyds nrst term of holding public office. When the present board of coniniission.vs first met he was el icte.l as chairman by them. Mr. Boyd is a successful farmer and cattle raiser of the Jonathan'- .Creek community. He has many friends in this county, where 'ie w.is uorii and reared, and his friends expect him to get many votes in the June '.primary.. Mr. Boyd stated tint h is ',r the people and is for anything that will benefit the taxpayers of Haywood county. He feels that when it comes to spending the taxpayers money that a board and every member of the board should handle it as if it ?;ere his own. He feels that a man that has used hia own money successfully '4a- in a Wfpr position to spend the I kl ... -' . - taxpayers money to a better advan tage. .-' Mr. Boyd is an active Democrat and has given much time to the support of the party's work and cause. : Lucious Liner Is Seeking Nomination For Tax Collector Lucious Liner, well known young 1. rn-n r? VI nTTXTftA rftnnt17 IS uusiiicoa vj. j announcing this week that he is a candidate for tax collector for this county where he was born and reared. Mr Liner has never been a candidate for office before, although he has al ways been a strong wonter m cue Democratic party, and given much j mnnAt n tViio nartv f!iirintr IIIIC aiiu oupiuit w k.... t ' ; the years past. He is connected with the Junaluska Supply Company, one of Haywood County's largest general i tt i,-- wiotitt friona in the stores, jiu jio uit. t county and those knowing him inti mately always speak of him as a young1 man 'of gopd habtis and as hav ing much business ability, and well qualified for the office he seeks. Mr. Liaer is married and is a mem ber of the Junior Order and the Ma sonic Order. "Farm lands are etill one of the best investments a man can make de spite present deflated values,". Mr. J. JVI. Long, of Hazelwood, one of Hay wood County's largest land owners and one of it's most successful busi ness men, said today in commenting on the recent statement of Clarence I'oe. "I am still a believer in land," eaid Mr. Long. "I have always thought it good business to buy land when prices are low and I have tried follow this policy. I advise everyope able to do so, to buy properly paced farm lands. Whenever land scllj as low as it is seLung now, it s a migiaj): rood thing to buy. "We also have good roads which enables us to market our products morfi easily. We have good rural schools to keep our young people right at home with us. "Ail these things give me every reason to believe land values are com ing back. They always do. There is no reason why the up-ara swing won't start right here in Haywood County, because we have some mighty good land here." Not only is Mr. Long interested in real estate, but he owns a general store at Hazelwood and has interest in lumber business and is one of the largest buyers of acid and pulp wood in the state. He also said he believed everything was coming back to its own. Jarvis T. Coman Is Candidate For Chair man Of Commissioners Jarvis T. Coman, of Lake Junalus ka, is announcing this week that he is a candidate for the office of chair man of the county Board of Commis sioners. Mr. Coman is the first to announce for chairman of the board outside of the present members of the board. - Hp has operated the Sunset Cottage at Lake Junaluska for the past twelve years and is considered one of the county's best business men by his many friends. He was born and reared in this county. He has always taken an ac tive part in the affairs of the Demo crat party. He believes in saving the people of the county money as long as this economizing doe3 not interfere with the efficiency of the county gov ernment. Mr. Coman was formerly a successful farmer of this county. Chicken Thieves Heed Warning Of Farmers It pays to advertise, even if you are going to shoot a theif, accord ing to the residents of Ratcliff Cove who have been having trouble with chicken thieves during the past few weeks. Last week they soli ctied the aid of the editwr of this paper to warn the thieves that a guard was on duty at practically every farm house. Since the article appeared the chickens have not been bothered. The farmers will continue to guard their coops and are ready to begin target practice at any chicken theif that tries to swipe im,re of the fowls, one of the farmers and guard said yesterday. Supt. T. Wltvgato Andrews, of High J'oint, will deliver the com mencement address at the higli school uuditorium Wednesday even ing ut h o'clock. Many Cases Disposed Of At Special Term Of Civil Court Here The special term -f civil court which is being held here this and next week had up to Wednesday noon dsiposed of a number of cases, with Hon. Judge C. V. Cowper, presdinig. Four juries have, been selected so far this week. The court is not up to the schelulel calendar, but it is thought that all case will be heard or passed upon during this term of court. Eight cases have been con tinued and two were voluntary non suits. Four cases have been -onont Judgements. Homer V. Cagle Is Candidate Member Board Of Education - The first candidate to announce for a member of the board of education is Homer V. Cagle, of Cantom Mr. Cagle is a candidate for this office be cause he feels that he can fill a place on that board that will be of real bene fit to the citizens of the county. He is the son of I). M, Cagle, one of the county's oldest merchants who has served the county as member of the school board for Over 30 years. Mr. Cagle has been in the merchan tile business in Canton for 2Q years. He has made a success at that busi ness and madp many friends. Mr. Cagle was educated at Ruther ford College and Weaver College. After finishing these two schools he took a commercial course at the Uni versity of Kentucky. He is a member of the Methodist church, member of the Knights of Phythias and the Doakies. Commissioners Met Monday The Board of County Commission ers met here Monday for their third Monday meeting. The regulir routine of business was attended to. lhe jury for the May term of civil court was drawn Monday and will be pub lished at a later date. Luther R. McAbee Is Candidate, Coroner The first candidate to seek the of fice of coroner of the county is Luther R. McAbee, of Canton. Mr. McAbee is well known throughout the county. He has been employed by the Cham pion Fibre company,. of Canton, for the past 18 years. Those under whom he has worked state he is an earnest, diligent , worker, nevfcr shirking his duties. -. He is a member of the First Baptist church of Canton, a member of the Junior Order United American Me chanics and the Knights of Pythias, lie also belongs to the Bagdad Temple No. 213, D. O. K. K. Mr. McAbee stated if he were elect ed coroner that he would serve effi ciently and faithfully. He has al ways been a loyal Democrat, but stated if elected would serve every one, show ing partiality to none. ROY MARTIN IN FLORIDA Roy Martin, owner of the Haywood Garage, left last Sunday for Jack sonville, Florida, He is expected to return today. John B. Best Enters Race For Nomination For Tax Collector John 15. Best, ol f;r;ihlree township, is a .candidate"' .for tax ctillecto-- for Haywood county, according to a for mal announcement m this issue of The Mountaineer. Mr. Best is a fanner and cattle raiser of this county. He is well known here, having been born and reared in the county. Friends of Mr. Best stated that he had always been a loyal ..supporter of the Demo cratic party and they also said he was wel qualified for the position he secks. Mr. Best is a District Steward of the Methodist -Church South, arid a member of the knights of Phythias and the Junior Order. He has been a member of the Junior Order fo- over 40 years. : Commencement exercises for tht Waynesville Township schools will get under way here Friday afterin-o-i when the elementary schools meet v i the local high diool lield for tk. annual 'field day oxcrcUi's. An eiai . -rate program ha Ixvn arranged a.. I a large crowd is expected to attend. On Sunday evening at S o'clock at the high school auditorium. Dr. J. W. Jackson, pastor of the First Presby terian church of Columbia, S. C, will deliver tho baccalaureate sermon. All tho churches of the city haw called off their regular Sunday evening ser vices for this occasion. Class day exercises will In' held Wed nesday morning at the high schot I auditorium: Wednesday night Supt. Wingate Andrews, i f High Point, will deliver the commencement address. Mr. Andrews is a B. A. and M. A. graduate of the I'niversity ol North Carolina. In liCS he was elected president ol the . r'.li I .. r.ilma Kd- ucation Association, which is tho highest honor conferred from tho hands of the association. Supt. B. D.Bunn states! that Mr. An drews was one of the hest orators in North Carolina, and that the school was indeed fortunate in getting him to come to Waynesville to deliver tho commencement i-ermon. Saunook and Allen's Creek F.lemen tary schools will hold their final ex ercises Wednesday morning, April 27, lla.elwood, Central Klemcntary and Lake Junaluska will hold their final, exercises on Tuesday evening, April 26. Fast Waynesville will have their 'final exercise; there on Friday evening, April 2!). The ele mentary schools will plan tiieir own programs and the exercises will bo held ut the respective schools on tho dates mentioned. The program for the .track meet, promptly at 2 o'clock is as follows: 2:00 100 yards dnt, hoys. 2:10 50 yard's1 dash, girls. 2:20 220 yards dash, hoys . . 2:.'!0 Running broad jump, girls. 2:40 Shot put (12 pounds), bovs. 2:50. Potato race, girls. :i: 00 Football relay race, hoys. .'i:00 Basketball free throw con I est, (20 throw at basket ), girls. a : 10. Tug of War.'boy.s, ;:20 Running broad jump, bov. .!:.!() .Baseball throw, bovs. :!:.'i0 50 vards three legged race (instructions-strap the inside feef togeth er), girls. .1:40 Over the rope basketball relay. 1 he following schools will be repre sented: Waynesville klemcntary, Kat Waynesville,. Hazelwood, Luke Junaluska, and Sanuook. A oamier will he awarded to the. 'school scoring, the most points. Geo. C. Haynes Enters Race For Chairman Of Board Of Commissioners George C.Haynes, present member of the board of commissioners is a candidate for chairman of the board of commissioners, he announces tins week. Mr. Haynes has been a mem ber of the board for 4 years and was register of deeds for the county lor six years. Before being elected reg ister of deeds for the county he served about 10 years as deputy sheriff arid tax collector. Mr. Haynes comes from a family that has been very inilu ential in the upbuilding of the county. Holding county offices dates "back to his grandfather who was a member of the legislature and a commissioner. His grandfather was a couimi isioner when the old court house was built. His father was sheriff and tax col lector for many years. In stating his platform, Mr. Haynes has only three words that sum up how he feels and will work if elected as chairman of the board, they are, progressive and conservative, lie said those words cover everything that the people of , Haywood county want and I'm for the people; "Without a doubt, Haywood county is the banner county in North Caro lina, and Will continue to bo the best. I believe the day is not far oil when this present money panic vjll be over." Mr. Haynes said. His friends stated that he had been one of the outstanding Democrat leaders of the county and had always supported every progressive move ment that has come up in the county. Mp. Haynes i a farmer and cattle raiser in the Clyde township. ( OMMI ( I MI M Al II Zi:i -WOOD BF.OINS TUESDAY ( mi M-ifitri'mioiF r -.'f'tvtupu ffii t.hn Ha.clwood clomcnetary school began last I uesdav morning with a play given bv the second grade. .Wed nesday morning two plays were given by the two first grades and this alter noon a health play given by the sec ond and third grades will be given. One ol the most looked torward to events of the school year is the field day meet ol all the .elementary schools in the Waynesville township. This meet will take place I' riday afternoon at the high school athletic field. The Hazelwood school, under tho supervision of J. P. Benin principal, is one of the most .successful schools in the township. It has an enrollment of 4K.r). This large .-enrollment has taxed the capacity until ..10 sixth grado 'students are being .sent to other schools. In speaking of the work ol tho school this past vcar, Mr. I.eani said it was very satisfactory. J he school has been fortunate in that it has not had an epidemic, of any kind. The student this year have done excep tional work along the t-cholastic line and in several instances have shown marked improvement over past re cords. Mr. Beam said that the. present; (Continual -onhaci: ;:age) Dr. J. W. Jackson, of Colum- Sunday Night. CL.VSS DAY WEDNESDAY 1 BAPTIST TO BEGIN REVIVAL APRIL 28 Rev. W. H. Baucom, pastor of tho First Baptist church, will conduct a revival beginning Thursday night, April 28. Plans, as announced by Rev, Mr,. Baucom, were that ho will do the preaching and Supt. B. D. Bunn will lead the singing, aided by the choir of the church. This is an annual series of services conducted by the Baptists here. It is expected that large crowasi will at tend, as they have in tie past years Special music will be fsamred at each emce. m: ! V " i ) I .5 - ... ' i i '' ' i ) m -I'.-".''.: ft: :t"'l! Hit ! I i'-'ll'. f f,, i K !