THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APR Page 2 Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Lessees Main Street Phone 137 Published Every Thursday Waynesville, N. C. W. C. RUSS - Managing Editor P. D. DEATOX General Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $2.00 6 Months 1.25 3 Months .65 Subscriptions payable in advance Entered at the post office at Waynesville, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided un der the Act of March 3,1879, November 20, 1911. THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 lilHLE THOUGHT Righteousness exalteth n nation ;but sin is a reproach to any people, Proverbs 14:34. THE DEPRESSION KIN TO MEASLES Of the thousands of stories, illustrations, causes, results, and length of the present de pression, we believe the one illustrated by J. M. Iock, local merchant, gets nearer to the bottom of things than any we have heard. llr. Mock compares tlie depression, to a case of measles. "We have it and it takes u certair; amount of time to get over it, and all the worry and talk in the world won't hasten the cure." There is danger of trying to get over meas les loo soon, and the same applies to a depres sion. If we get out of bed before we should with measles we usually pay for our smartness by suilenng a relapse. The same will be true of the economic situation. Everyone must be completely cured of spending foolishly and lavishly, until we are sure of being cured of that terrible 'disease' ve had better stay in bed with the economic conditions and suffer a while longer. If we had measles we would be seeking ; doctor and his advice. But it is quite different with a depression. Every man, woman anc child has a different remedy and the result i: too many not cured and those that are cured come in contact with the diseased and catch it again.' .' Last week a certain, "merely existing business man was talking of every other busi ness man in town. lo hear him talk one would think that Sheriff Lowe would have the key to every business house before morning. He-was down and put because he was not trying to make a success. Ihe reason we say that, is because we could see how he treated his customers and how he kept his place of business. lie wants to go broke. That same man talked to another business man the very day he talked to us anc the second man. was feeling like everything was getting better and was feeling much better after ms case or "depression". The first man, not entirely cured, just talked too much and said too much and after a little while the second man Had again caught the worse disease any man ever naa, "depression blues." Perhaps we should not print this for the simple reason that we are trying to get people's minds oft the present condition of the economic world, but we want to once more get across the idea that if you are down in the dumps, don't pull anyone else in after you. Its better that one dry up and blow away than; two. We -would like to sav here that, si nrp w began talking about the comparison made by Mr. Mock, some might think he was one of the last two business men mentioned, but he was neither. We wish all Waynesville was as opti mistic as Mr. Mock. VALUABLE ASSETS -.tV"? of the most Progressive-organizations iir Western North Carolina is the Brevard Chamber of Commerce. When that group goes after anything it is certain of getting it. be cause it is composed of a most determined set of men, and nothing is satisfactory to them except the goal they seek. J ust as a comparison, and not as any re flection, they remind us of good hunting hounds. They have little to sav until th thing, and then they are quiet about it until they have it treed, but what a fuss they make after they find what they want. If Mr. Public Hunter doesn't come quick and shoot the treed game, they don't give up, but just stand there and bark and howl until Mr. Project just tires out and falls into the hands of the Commerce hunt--' 'ers' : , Another characteristic about these Brevard Commerce hounds, is that they are not always yelping just to hear themselves make a fuss. They find something, then start barking. They are now working to get Highway No. 284 paved from Brevard to Waynesville, and on into the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. This highway will mean more to this city than to Brevard, but that unselfish nature of theirs is still predominant, and everything possible is beinsr done bv them to ep iho Next to the Waynesville Chamber of Com merce, we Know or lew other similar organiza tions in towns as small as Brevard and Way nesville that are puting forth more time and effort to build up their town than the two just mentioned. Both organizations are to be com mended for their untiring efforts, especially when struggling under the financial difficulties that these organizations are now working. FALLING FOR SLICK TALK IS EXPENSIVE Have you ever stopped to think how queer and funny we are? Have you ever known) any one that was quick to make a great to-do over the mistakes of others, but when they make an error they shut up like a clam? The person that we have in mind now is a woman of this city. A woman breezed into town several weeks ago with a good line of talk, nice looking and very friendly. She represented some concern that was making a specialty of manufacturing silk dresses and for an advertising campaign, this company was offering to the "leading wo men" of each city these dresses at reduced prices. If the saleslady was told that her pro ducts was not needed she immediately told of her sick son, and how she was making a sacri fice to get out to sell these dresses in order to pay the doctor bills, hospital bills, nurses bills, and the many others that she mentioned. After playing on the sympathy of the pros pective buyers she whispered an "offer," if they would only keep it confidential. "I'll make you a special ofrer; if you will buy two for $5 I'll give you one free. That way, you get three all silk dresses for $5, and made to fit, d.c, etc." The deal was closed. The peddler went her way. The Waynesville lady was out $5 and was to wait a few weeks for the dresses. The Waynesville lady waited and waited and at the eend of three weeks "one" of the three dresses arrived. Letters to the dress company have brought no answers. The Waynesville 'dress wearer' has one dress arid 'the company, or the strange peddler, has the $5. The next time a stranger comes to town selling dresses we hope this instance of graft will come to the mind of every woman of this city. If you have money to give away we sug gest that you call the city hall and get in tot'cTi with Mayor Howell and give him a few dollars to pass on to the poor and needy .tht pas:; through Waynesville and stop there for help. Anyway, why not give it to some local charity case instead of sending it away from home? Then too, another thing, that same "stung'' woman will go to merchants here asking them to donate to this and that, when she buys her clothes from peddlers and grafters from the other side of the country, (live the local mer chants a break. Try them first and if you are sure they don't have what you want, and can't get it for you, then you will be justified in get ting it out of town. A $1,000 PROTECTION FOR A THREE CENT INVESTMENT Printed elsewhere in this issue is an article by T. Troy Wyche, public accountant, pertr-m-ing to the Haywood County Hospital and the way it is financed, Mr. Wyche has been audit ing the books for that institution for a number of years and this article is based upon years of work with the hospital staff. Haywood county is indeed fortunate, as we see it, in having in her midst a hospital that is ready to meet all emergencies, and give us the ease of mind, that if the time ever came, that we were in easy reach of an institution that stands ready to relieve our suffering. Any in stitution of this kind, is expensive and must have a large cash business to even make expen ses. This is true of the Haywood Hospital. The local hospital is owned by the county, but the county does not support the hospiia; it is self supporting. It is true that the county is paying approximately $7,800 a year on bonds that we sold for the erection1 of the building but that is a payment that is well worth the dost. The building and equipment could be sold easily for what the county has invested. Mr. Wyche points out that many citizens think that a large. part of their taxes goes for the support of the hospital and that they are entitled to free hospitalization. That is absurd Last year the county actually paid to the hos pital, outside of paying on the bond issue, a little over $150. What business catering to the public that has an annual expense of over $22, 800 could possibly stay in business with an in come of $150? , . When you pay your taxes, Mr. Taxpayer, don't hand over that little three cents that goes to the hospital with the idea that you are en titled to free service from that institution when the time comes for such. Consider that as a small and very small payment on the protection that the hospital gives you and your family. We know of no where else where similar pro teseion can be had for such a small cost. Cer tainly not if the hospital were privately owned. After all, Haywood is indeed fortunate in having a hospital within a few miles of every ' citizen in the county, and an institution that, even under the present economic situation, is self supporting of all current expenses. The Mountaineer congratulates the trus tees, Miss Hampton, the superintendent, and all others that are now operating the Haywood County Hospital, for the splendid way in which they are running that institution without hav ing to call upon the burdened taxpayer for more money. Every citizen in the county should appreciate these hospital officials. ' THE FREE PUBLICITY HOUNDS SHOULD PAY MORE POSTAGE A report from Washington says that the postal department is several hundred thousand dollars in debt this year. It seems that it would be almost impossible for the postal department to go in dept, when we receive at this office between 15 and 50 letters daily from concerns asking for free publicity about their products instead of paying a small advertising rate for same. It seems, that at this time, when Post master General Brown, is facing a deficit, it would be wise to add a little extra postage' to this "fake news" that is being sent out by the tion from the manufacturing companies all ove the country. If they won't spend their money for advertising, make them help get the post office department out of debt. 24 Years Ago in HAYWOOD pr 21 YEARS AGO IN HAYWOOD H . A. Osborne, a busi- ue-?. man of Canton, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. J. N. Shoolbred left Thursday for Greenville, S. C, where Mr. Snool bred is engaged in railroad survty-iiijr- She will remain there- some weers before returning. It has been officially announced 'mat Governor K.B. Glenn will U' in Way nesville on May 0, and will make a nhibition speech a: the court house. The tramp "of ball las: f'riilay after? noon between the Clyde boys and the Waynesville boys vas an intoiesting one as shown by the fact t ha:. Wayne-ville only, made fou runs, wnile ''lyde came out with only one '.ess. 'fhe line up for the l-Vti" was as lo tows: Clyde; Krncst Morgan, Homer i'neje, Arthur Knsley, Vin.-o:i Jfayne.s, John Similiters, Homer West, John Wilson, Waldo Me"rack.(-i, KeWitt West; Waynesville: .Harry P.'henek, Have Russell, iiobef Sroai'lics, Roy McCracken, Will Kdwirnn, Will .Sinathers, Thurman Williams, Kugene Fletcher, and Joe Turbylill. Umpire, vV. A.Hyatt. LETTERS TO EDITOR '12 YF.ARS AGO IX HAYWOOD The eleventh year of the Waynes ville irraifed school closes this week 1 he exercises markim: the close 1) uan Wednesday night with :i declama tory contest between live boys. All 1 ho boys did well but only one did be-t; at least so thought the ,iiiil",1 . and that one was George II. Ward whose subject was, "We were ConqUer i v.! are ( 'o.)i(Uori:iiV.'! Miss. Willie Kdna McCracken dc ifhfu'lv entertained "-number of her 1 Int'iuis with 'I -ill 'JlVll ' '.- .i.-.iiii! wa- a parly at' her home -on ja.-i Friday evening. Th h''f trrrh'b'V ar.niversa- TH BEDLIGHT OF PROVIDENCE For quite a spell now we have been fed up with that noun "Depression. It is really not news any more, we all should have gotten used to it by now But it still holds the front page and makes an ..xcellent topic for political spell-binders. It is much in use as a synonym to explain why so muoh red ink is being used, since the stock bub ble was pricked, to book the business transactions in the ledger of our daily endeavors. Science, big business, most every body has an explanation, why it has gotten such a strangle-hold. Many I solutions are orrerea as itfmeuico w cut the tentacles tnat seem 10 sap uie very life blood out of business and the people, it is thought of as a calamity. But to the writer it seems rather the red stop signal the good Lord is setting up on the highways of a materialistic time. We have been exceeding the speed limits of common sense, crowd ed His laws on human behavior off into the side roads and ditches in our get-rich-quick frenzy and jazz dance around the golden bull. But there seems to be a green light off in the distance. Along with the rest of us folks, the farmer, the foundation of any land, and always considered slow and con-1 servative, felt his feet itch too by the blah-blah of modern business propa ganda and high-power salesmanship, City life had to be transplanted on thu "Id place, with all the new-fangled conveniences, cars, trucks, tractors and other expensive machinery bought (, J to speed things up and get the money ueiore me oilier reiiow. mat modern salesbait, installment plan, made it all so easy, don't you know? We were ail riding high on the wings of a post war prosperity. Why bother with a iai achue. And then the tank sprang a leak. A few had raked in more of the loose 'h:injre of the country from those on toe outside, who have now a lot less. We came down with ii'thn.l j.n.i a HEARING SEELG TIlLNKlj ABOUT ft c headache. We are leady once 1 and she proved '.herself 11 charming i liogei 4 :,-J .'d r, Lee here .Monday and renewed giance to the old reliable. The II; .V wood AYliittY Springs will open to receive June 10. Clark's Mllinery is still diphiying the -most beautiful, stylish and up-t-d;te. Faster hats ever shown in Way nesville. '.-'',-. :,ate wa nts', alle- .Sulphur guests-01. fi;i-:i:-masoss will )iisi:rvk ASCh'.XSlOX DAY Thursday of next, week, May 5th, i:'.' Ascension 1 'ay the annual commem oratioii ol the Savior's Ascension into iieaveu, exactly forty days after Jlis Ue tirrection f rom the dead. Rev. R. 1 Walker, pastor of the t'resbytei'ian church, announces that in his church at 8 p. 111, on Thursday 'here will be held a special Ascension I 'ay service. .The Knight Templars, in full dress clnxmi more to seek solace in the tralic laws .01 leiigion am wi im t ti,., oat C.-lnon rules of thrift and econo my. . Ihis change is much in evidence in the wide open spaces of the West, wheie, to keep on working- the old Imme place alone, was considered out ot laslnon, and the adding of vast stretches by purchase, lease or rent ueen made the style and road to uie oig money. ' . i ' . .M.-cessuy nas again become the leadieins to guide the farmers in some ot these dry-farming communities thru the mire of present day condition?. -I here he- has figured 'it out tha: be tween the machines and the horses as means to work his farm, the horses are cheaper. He can feed them the giain ne cant get anything for. He hnds that those cars, trucks, tractors aim conveniences eat up a lot of e-aso. line, oil and often, when needed most, require costly repairs, and in turn money, that commodity he has seen miform, will march 111 procession xo little of in recent 'years I'. .41, a Mo...,; t,,,,i.. i,, iw.'i . ... . . ' 1 will 1 m; iiiii.n'aii. ...tiii.itr lih i i', i. : , . i.,..,.i,f.. i,i, . . V ". "LV1S icmemuenng a Ftdlowing the Templars all other Masons will join in the line of march. M mbers of all other fraternal bo iie.. and the general public, are most rdiaily invited to attend: this ser vice. A special musical program is being rranged for this occasion. lot I alotaos TRADE MARK RES. For lazy liver, stomach and kidneys, biliousness, indi gestion, constipation, head ache, colds and fever. 10 and 35y at dealers. of the old fashioned handcrafts again and puts them to use. He isgrinding his own flour, meal and grits with nana made contraptions, his kids are getting a lot of healthy exercise by walking to these costly schools that nave replaced the little red school house of yesteryears. Horses, looked upon as an emergency adjunct in recent-day farming, are coming into their own agai-, . pulling with gentle willingness and patience plow, disk, harrow, and drill in the old fashioned way. Yes, there is a green light ahead. O. K. FUNKE Waynesville, X. C. Newcomers Teacher Now, Mary, can you tell me to which family the gorilla be longs? Mary No, miss, we have only lived in our flat a month and do not know the neighbars. ( Lustige Blatter, Berlin). . r Ihese warn, balmy,; got me into the nut',, 1. Denton and gettin2 and then go tisi1In,, 6, a number of theie u'rin ing them out to n.hl license is a clever m fishermen to tell any ee tit when they u.tu; trips. And if yuu ye scribe, you w,ll such permits. ' Wlien J'"u are arum house sometime, ((. ' land's oflice, county him to show you )linv county's books. :lllJl the must simjdiiicHi n)t' Every department f government lias he can tell at a m,,., c,' much has been spulu meiit to date. The va, now kept it is almost him. to go over the Lu, me department 'accuu" 1 erred from the day C instance every dollar "i. on several books. Wish it were p.H ,l, for a newspaper as am wood" county's books ul. bum a 2-cent stamp , auditor, down on tue charged to the slientf clerk of the court, er : partment, anyway, ..()r has two cents cut ulf it Probably few ei VVa that the W'aynev ille ; plant are run bv war.r ago Mr. I). M." Kinian from just this side along the side of liwV.. water flows about ,j t before passing tin.uu':i Kroin the ice plant ,-. Hoyd avenue and in;, there it flows into ;i tu, the laundry mai-hint1: water leaves the hiund: Kichland creek whii-h yards from the laundry of getting power is ju ample of the many natu oll'ercd here in Wayne.' The same wati:- reft story turns other whi gets out of town. Mc gets power from Riihh same manner as 'the la plant. This water pp' owners of these eoiu'en dollars every year, 'School is out! IliRh s are standing arouini in streets just waiting ft the crowd to make ami as though they have be all winter and are now her up. For that brai there is nothing as gooi broom, lawmower, or p Now, who said anythii dents needing exercise? Pity the poor fellow v ing where politicians at mud to throw during weeks if it doesn't rain. Here is a good way to about the countr" bu'yii what they are worth m for what they think the; Little Dorothv came the house crying bitteih Mama, she soihuhL my dolly!" : "How did he do it?" mother. "I hit him on the I'.ca. Tyrrell county farmers a.-e curing hams this winter for the purpose of developing a trade in this product for the future. If a man's aclrievcn: bigger than, the soiiiui: it doesn't much matter ' may be. Two mutual exchange organize! by Gaston Col in recent weeks. One poultry and be ..affiliated? exchange. (1 T tie PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY MIZELL SALES AND SERVICE, lX( Xo. 11 WAYNESVILLE, X. C. April For the next week we have arranged to have shown at the Waynewood Theatre each night a special film entitled "HENRY FORD'S PROSPERITY REEL It shows in a few minutes, how Fords are made, driven on the rough prooving ground, and lots of interesting facts from the main plant in Detroit. When you attend the show this week, be sure to stay a few minutes longer and see a picture that will stay in your mind for time to come. Its more than an advertisement. Its educational-be sure to see it during the next week, be ginning tonight, Thursday. ' MIZE1 SALE SERVIi ; AUTHORS Phoned

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