' i ' t win us Aor Paid-In-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than III M eekly Xewspapers Combined 1 r NO. 21 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1932 e fh IP (INVENTION OF n A. V.'S WILL BRING 200 HERE i: Will "Ra TMrl At Gordon noiei, inu and Saturday, May 27-28. ,.rlher plans are to be made at the tr TKirthlv meeting Thursday Tof'the Disabled Veterans for tiiinln" the state convention 1 meets here Friday and Satur i Mar 27-28. Officials of the local ;"r j'atod that they have been in ;lfdthat at least 20O delegates will Uent ami a possiunuy wii many L will attend. , i J ! ,J a recent meeting It was uetmeu ; he Cordon Hotel would be the ention headquarters, instead of Masonic Temple.' All the dele--s could no t be accomodated at f.nrion, it was said, and it was Lted that the other hotels here be lined to capacity auring me vention. - local members of the organiza : are asking that the city and citi- t offer. any suggestions lor eiuer ag the delegates, and they also that, thev be given cooperation In the citizens here for entertain- the delegates. fciis is the first and largest con- ion scheduled to be neia during coming season, and it was pointed that during tms nrsi convention i be an opportunity to advertise put Waynesville in line for the dreds of other convention s that held in Western North Carolina y summer season. lie meeting Thursday tu'ght is very wrtant, since many matters pre- iBg to the convention are to be izht up. - All disabled veterans urged to attend. E. Gronce is in charge of enter- bent for the convention. Special Ascension Day Services Will Be Held Tonight Service Begins Promptly At 8 P. M. Masons Will As semble At Masonic Temple. MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 8 As- T.Messer Seeks oard Of Education Nomination In June T. Messer announced yesterday he was a candidate for nomina tor the Board of Education of county. Mr. Messer is the third idate to announce for his office inline past lew weeks, He is a Tcday, Thursday, Mav ,"nh, i censnm l.)ay," exactly ioity hiys al ter Faster. The 'Knights' Templar, being the Christian branch of Mason ry, observe in their raa..l too .lor. great oui.-taiulir.g features in the Life of-Christ, His liirth, His Death and Resurrection, and the Ascension. Kev. R. 1'. Walker, of the Presbv teriau church, announces that the ser vice tonight- will begin promptly at S p. in. Alter an .organ prelude bv .nr i ieueiiLia ;uilllitn, fie IVlllgllls leniplar will uirry out the, regular ritual of the Commanilcry as follows: 1. Processional llvmn "Onward Christian Soldiers." 2. Aflirmutioii of our Faith.- the Creed. ;i. Tiie Lord's Prayer. 4. Prayers for all Knights Tempiar and for all others. 5. Hymn "Crown Him With Many Crowns." 6. Scripture Lesson "The' Ascen sion." 7. OfTerotry Solo "The Holy City," Miss Ida Jean Brown. 8. The Doxology. 9. Sermon. 10. Solo "I Heard the Voice of Jesus," Miss .Mildred Crawford.' 11. Closing prayer and benediction. 12. Recessional Hymn "All Hail the Power." '13. Postlude Miss Quinlan. All Masons, Sir Knights or riot, will assemble at the Masonic Temple at 7:30, and march in procession to the Presbyterian church. Facts About Summer School Work Given By Supt. B. a Bunn (by P. D. Bunn, Supt. Waynes viile Township Schools) Th"re were a number of students in High School and in the seventh grades .Ihat were conditioned on one or raor3 subjects. In making up the work during the summer we recom mend that only one subject ,be taken unless the work can be done consist- ve of this county, bavin jr lived onL.ii' a. urt Jit km until about 25 years ago when i if lhe ctndent. wishes to eet credit first, there must Lake Junaluska To Be Filled In Next Few Weeks llalph E. Xollner. general super intendent of the Southern Metho dist Assembly at Lake Junaluska, said that the lake would be filled beginning the last of this week, or the first of next week. It will take about 21 days, with average rain fall, for the Like to be filled. Thji lake was drained last No vember and has remained dry, ex cept for the channel through which Richland creek flows. The lake bottom has been throughly cleaned and tho dam repaired of several small leaks. Mr. Nollner expects a large seas on this year. Tho first of the open ing events will begin about Juno 13, when Haywood Students will register for summer school. . il Grey though her tresses be, she's the same kindly Mather. Always cheerful always smilintr alwavs readv to iriv u her last. tion. Though the world fails us, Mother is always by our side to encourage and comfort. Sunday is her day the day 6et aside for us to show our appreciation! f - .. 1 1 , U .1 x -1 I I . . . . ' am a uuue jur un me cay 10 mahe ner nappy. Altendanco uponl church on Mother's Day will be one of the best ways tot show our devotion to her. 35-GalIon Still Is Captured In Cruso Community Sunday T. Rowley Pless Gets Copper Still and 50 Gallons of Beer on Raid in East Fork. Merchants Offering Season able Merchandise At New Low Prices. l wan I iv wo:k, Fame to Waynesville and entered retail grocery business, which he fated for about 15 years. About ears ago he entered the wholesale fry business which he now ope- ('. Messer is a nresent member of City Aldermen, serving hLs second This office is the first he ever At. He felt that he counld ' fill d as member of the Board of on. He stated that if nomi- and elected, he would strive to .we present school Bystem a Wand better one. also stated that he was foT anv- k progressive in the school work. me same time believed in strict ny where it did not interfere the scWlo i,r r Messer is vice resident and manager of the Haywood Sup Jmpany, here, an active -worker 4 Baptist church and a member " luuior urdex, ; " A. Hyatt Enters Race For Chairman Of ard Of Commissioners JIyatt prominent business iS , mor of this county, an e i!i-erday that he was a can" -,, i11 the nomination for the Board of County iiss oners in the June Primary. Hyatt has !,.... i : ... J . vKf . i way ittn active in tical affairs of th- connt.v .' but a Publ'C office. He is W ?,lntmber of the board of in tlif Haywood County Hos vi J fh ' institution he has - f?rit interest. :nratt is -well known in the 'MVHt W , , and always made this e tounty j?.e. ' fsland Released Under $3,000 Bond Canton, who '-ifse tft ii . uwvTiut; jail ao Ccok fatal footing of Mrs. i 13 000 k j ltle solicitor, un- "fiff J. At 1 ... hrtWi T" 'wetold The Moun a the 1S had,nt disclosed what for the work done be thirty hours of work completed on each subject, on which the student is conditioned. Second, this work must be dtne under a teacher who is certi-1 ficated to do work in that field. The student, in any case, high or elemen tary, should get a written statement from his teacher or principal that summer school work will be accepted next fall. Several pupils have made inquiry about the work and we have instruct ed them as follows: Mrs. Kellet is qualified to do the work for any of the punils who are deficient in Math or Latin. Mrs. Jones, in English or Math I. Miss Boyd in French or Eng. I. Where as many as three subjects are to be made up the individual, by no means, should attempt to do the work in the summer but will be re quired to take the work over in class. As was stated to a parent this week it would be obsurd to think a pupil could get off that much work in thirty, one-hour recitations, when said stu dent had failed to make a passing grade v a period of eight months. The father thought likewise. Pupils in the elementary school whose promotion depends on the re moval of one condition, may remove same by taking the work under an elementary teacher who is qualified to teach in that field of work. If the parents will please consult the princi pal of the school in which said child is enrolled he will advise relative to the child's particular needs and what teachers will be accepted to do coach ing work. For example: We would not recommend that a first grade teacher coach the work of the seventh grade student. Neither would a gram mar grade teacher's coaching be ac ceptable for the high school pupil, un less that teacher holds" a -high school certificate and has had training in high school subjects. Special Services To Be Held At Presby terian Church Sunday W. L. Hardin To Dis cuss Bonus Question Here Monday Night J. O. Patrick, t-ommander of the hxial post of the American Legion, an nounced today that Mr. W. L. Haidin, secretary to Congressman Weaver, of Washington, will address the Ame'i can Legion at its regular monthly meeting, Monday night, at 8 o'clock at the Masonic Temple. Mr. Hardin is well posted on the niuchdebated question now in dispute in Washington, the tionus question and will discuss it in full detail at this meeting. The Ladies' Auxiliary 'of the Legion will be present and the Aimerican Le gion officials have extended an invi tation to the public to attend this meeting and hear direct from Wash ington some outstanding facts about bers lives in Iron Duff township, where Baseball Season To Open Saturday With Enka AtHazelwood The Western North Carolina Indus- Walter T. Crawford Enters Race For Representative Waynesville Attorney Says Taxpayer Must Have Relief From Heavy Taxation. W. T. Crawford, Waynesville at torney, announced himself today as a candidate for the House of Represen tatives. Mr. Crawford was born in Waynesville. He was educated at Mara Hill and Wake Forest Colleges and has been actively engaged in the practice of law since being admitted to the Bar. He is a former Chancellor Command" er of Balsam Lodge No. 62, Kinghts of Pythias and has served one term as secretary to the Haywood County Bar Association. In announcing his candidacy Mr. Crawford stated: "I believe that the question of taxation will be a para niount issue confronting the next Legislature and that there must be a system of taxation worked out which will provide relief for the over burd ened land owner without being unfair trial League, of which Hazelwood is , meaSures of aImost equal importance will, if necessary, have to be dealt T, Rowley l'less, deputy slierill' of uso, I'antured a 35 -gallon copper stijl late Sunday afternoon in the Kast l'dik seetion, just a short while fore the distillers began to .make n run. Over ,r)() gallons of beer Was found aiu destroyed at the still as well " many tubs, buckets and other puraphei'iialia required to operate such a business. The still had been taken oil" the f ur- nace'and hid a short distance from the furnace when the otlieors arrived. The still was alMiut three-fourths of a mile from the t'rus) highway and lo cated in a cove, Mr. Pless stated. No arrests were made, but the offi cers stated that they had an idea who the Still belonged to. and that arrests would probably be 'made in a few days. The still was brought to the-county court house Sunday night, and was destroyed by the sheriff's department -Monday before a large crowd. The inside of the still was tarnished and looked as if some strong acd had been placed in it. Some one in the crowd watching the "wrecking" said that tho "stuff" that was made in the still would eat Out anything, from copper to blue steel. Accompanying Mr. Pless on the raid, was his wife, who brought the still to Waynesville, .while Mr. l'less was j holding a drunk man on the back seat. ' Tom Kllis and Mr. Phifer were thef ... .. : i ,1 .... :.. .1.. n omer lwu umm.ium mr. l less HI toe t raid. will be i minute Win $5 i $ in gU for Special Mother's Day services will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday, according to Dr. R. P. Walk er, pastor. A special sermon has been arranged for the service and the choir has prepared special music for the occasion. , ,. On Sunday afternoon Dr. Walker will preach !r. me Francis Cove a member, will swing into action Sat urday afternoon when the Enka nine invades the Hazelwood scluggers on the latter's diamond, at 3:30 p. m. The Hazelwood lads have been train ing hard for the season and reports from their camp indicate that they are in splendid condition and ready fof any team in the league. The Enka team lest year was rated as one of the best in the league, and reports reaching here, are that this year's team is much better than last year's outfit. The Hazelwood boys are ready for them and stated yesterday that they : were confident that they could come out of the affray with the big end of the score. The batteries for Saturday's "game for Hazelwood are: Putman pitcher, and Price, catcher. The other players slated to begin the game are: Cox, left field; Fox, shortstop; Fisher, sec ond base; F. Robinson, firstbase; Bur rell, third base; Preyost, center field; Kuykendall, right field, , A large crowd is expected to attend "the game. - QUILT DISPLAY POSTPONED The quilt display sponsored by the Woman's Club has been postponed, it was announced yesterday. The dis play was to have been given Thurs day, May 12. The date for the dis play will be announced later through the columns of this paper. with and I believe that Haywood coun ty's next Representative should go to Raleigh with an open and Unpredju- diced mind, looking to the best invest of all the citizens of the county; with a purpose in his heart to support all such measures as will be of benefit to all citizens. To the best interest of every citizen of Haywood County, I pledge myself and my services most' heartily.'' R. C. Chambers Candidate For Board Of Education Mr. R. C. Chambers, well known as a former teacher and, twenty-five or more years ago, a member of the Board of Education, announces him self in this issue as a candidate for membership on that body. Mr. Cham bers lives in Iron Duff township, wher he has a farm and cattle pastures. His friends claim that, inasmuch as he was for years a successful teacher, has had experience on the Board of Education, and is now a thrifty farm er and stock raiser, he is especially well qualified to serve acceptably in the position he seeks. ; . Mr. Chambers served three terms on the BoaTd while A. J. Garner and R, A. Sentelle were in office of County Suuerintendent. in favor of the best schools possible Health Conference To Be Held At Cul lowhee Saturday II. T. Hunter, 'president of Wester;, Carolina Teachers'.; College at. Cullo whee, announced yesterday that a Health conference will be held at that school on Saturday, May 7. The con ference is being held under the aus pices of the State Department of Ed ucation, State Department ( f Health, and the. Teachers' Cnl'eg of Culio- whee. Several important persons will tak part on the program, including Dr. L, B. McBrayer, of Sanitarium, N. C, Dr. Ernest Branch, of the State Health Department, Miss Juanita McDougald, of Raleigh, Miss Tearl Weaver, of Wenvervills. and several others anl lnuiiM'i's of the collcga faculty., ' The conference wii! be. attended by f hysicians,, nurs? school offu iala and other pcTRoris hivc-ned "ii the health of school children from throughout the eii;ht counties of Western North Carolina. A clinic for prs-schnol children Will he held Friday afternoon at the col lege, beginning promptly at 1 :45. It is expected that a large number of citizens from Haywood will attend the conference and clinic. , Herbert M; Smith Is Buried Here Monday Herbert M. Smith, 28, of Hazelwood, was buried at Green Hill cemetery, Monday afternoon, after ati illness of only a few days at the home of his father in Hazelwood. Mr. Smith was a speed-cop m Wash ington, D. C. and had conic home for a visit when he died, lie was an ex- soldier and had ".suffered an injury 1 during Uie war, from which he never fully recovered. Rev. Kay Allen, of Allen'- Cieek conducted the funeral. consistent with sound economy. 1 Special Services For Junior Will Be Held Sunday After- noon At First Baptist Here There will be a special service at the Baptist church on Sunday after-: noon at 3 o'clock May 16, to the Junior Order United Americans. The service will be conducted by Dr. R. P. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian church. All Juniors and the public is cordially invited to attend this service. The nature of the service He declares himself will be a home coming day for Juniors. There will be a more definite an nouncement next week. Mrs-W. T. Fortner, 70, Buried Here Wed. Funeral services were, held yester day for Mrs. Nancy Fortner, of Pu laski, Va., who died tlhcre Sunday fol lowing an illness : of several weeks. Interment was made at Green Hill Cemetery. ..:'."' Little could be learned of the fune ral arrangements, and of relatives here. It was said that she is survived by sdveral grandsons of Hazelwood. Mrs. Fortner was in her 70th year and the wife of W. T. Fortner. The body reached here Wednesday from Pulaski, ' Merchants Are Ready With Lots Of Good Bargains $5.00 in Gold Given For Vis iting: Stores in Waynesville Bargain Days. LARGE CROWD OF SHOPPERS EXPECTED The merchant are staging another series of bargain days, Kndav and Saturday of this week. This is tho second of tho bargain day groups that have been put on here during the past thwfo months. The merchants here felt that now at the end of the sprhig season and beginning of the sununer season with new merchandise being placed in stock would bo an oppor tune time for the buying public to stock up. Some citizen of the county this week u few whether li(. is a shopper or not, all that is necessary is that he must visit the stores that are taking part m the bargain days. Hora is the way to get $5 without having ta ipend a cent. Take Thc Mountaineer and go to each merchant who has un advertise ment in it this week and ask them for a "word ticket." Each mui-chant will give you a ticket wrlh a word on it, and after you get a ticket from eight business houses in Waynosviille, take tho tickets and .'arrange a sentence from tho worxls. Bring or mail your sentence to The Mountaineer before Monday at f p, in. and if your ans. wer is like the original sentence writ ten by the editor of this paper, a $5 gold piece will be waiting for you at this office next Thursday. Easy ism't it? It is not nearly as hard as a cross word puzzle and look at the irolit you get. Everyone is entitlcsl to try ex cept - members of Hie stair of this pap-, er. No tickets wil be given to child Tn under IS years of age. It will pay you and your family to come up 'street ..both days and visit all tho stores and see the many dif ferent bargains on display each day. J "rices during, the past lew months have continued to drop, until the pres ent low prices have reached a level that most business men believe is the limit. In fact, one or two items have already shown an increase in prico and in several cases merchants have been notified that the present prices, nifivha.ndi.se would go up in till days. Those taking part in the bargain days are: ( ' E. Ray's "Sons. Denton's Hardware. McCracken Clothing' Co. Eagle 5c arid 10c Store. Masisie Depaitmens Stoic. Mock's Department Store. i Sluder-fJarrett Furniture Co. Clyde Itay, Florist. PREACHES BACCALAUREATE SERMON AT CULLOWHEE Rev. Albert New, rector of the local Episcopal church, preached the bacca laureate sermon at the Cullowhee High School last Sunday afternoon. i t s Vf 1 If I t 1 i' '1 ! it ! chapel at 3 o'clock.