JRSDAY, MAY 12, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 t t PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 137 I aiprs HOSORS iir. Robert F. MaLeod, r:,li: 1 'Iii-s Jewel Hipps en- a charing bridge party .il.cvUS her .vss BErrr burgix .CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY -Mrs. c hark-s Burgin honored her young daughter. Betrv. with a di-.Mr - .31 l:wi!.. hower on Tuesday home on Academy ,. . vojiiis where the tables li'""r.. attractively tiec- .i..ru-iHid and a color i ViT-1'.. ..a white was-used in ": tments. On counting .Uargaret Jiyatt was ,s. .'." it .'to ana Miss Jdai-y ;.IuU wu VxuT.pss also pre set to the guest winner ol the con- p;lC 1 V t"- " ' I he - on"'. I-'- ; . .uVc-:. rL" l- i.. .:.. ..f the frames little ferte'ra Ann Boyd, weiring a ,c'n in, rode into a,.' nni-atai-e automobile lauen with DM i-ic. , ,, . .. I. s- bridge were: fur tne I'"' ........ 11.,. lr H Kiehwood, VV. Virginia, ' t ' sxf P-.imrm Miss rlmi ! '"1 "c vi .j-.-.w.., Jay, ,V" "v -AT - .Miss uiauys Miss ilary raunne .HI'S. l.vn , Botha r. n,.,.vr ttn '.'' Hwf.f. Mis 4S Jiaifo'ei "J' "l ...... Mis Harriet Boyd, MU MaV r llTumii ........ II Morrison, oi asiicvuic. lrf .U0H1-" . ri TTovtnl. u-pre: ju s. ' - ec:ebra".K :i oi party last Sunday nor n.ntfi Oirthday. A red. white and blue color schema va attractively : cirrled out in the r a 1. ! t appoir.tmt ins. 1 In the center of the tabic was a large birthday take w th nine whit randies and red- and white plate iaru and mint baskets marked cae'.i placed fevers v.i-re r tin- i. ; v, l-. , small guests: Helen McCraek. ;:. !.'; ' Massie, rlrnelvi H;.v:u i ' Hahn. LUt.e ..t:s tfurgtn vva ior.t ci many lowly frit':. unci -lrs. u spent some s the last i ..rk wh VV.lleeii of Ashevillc t;mt- in W aynesville few woeks overseeing iienig dviie on their il'eights. tiarre e Ju:.. II. .ward, wiiu is iluward't ot v e.-, a; lu l h. k;: rteu- ila-.i-i. : etun.ed A.-: :.ii. j. h:v. Grahl, and Mrs. if the United ftlrs. Linwoou lm Hannah. r. HAS LAST rise, or 1 ear lost, meetinir o u " . , i thters uf the ( onl'-.l.:racy tor m, s held last ' rmay B -wmwui I, home of M rs. 1.. M. . KUijan witn W, F. swilt, aiw .uis, u.i" M as asuLiLr , ... Roy Campoen, prfsiuvjii., uto- ld the district meeui.'K u u.c u - btion to ne ne.a in - - ;nevu Saturday and asKeti tnai iu liters aUerd. ... h. (J.-veland KirKpainc ie- td a lauiel wream sen- jpi:nu.e of Janas MediK.I, a wn i".; : veteran. . , , . nape" en vurf " "' -i'-v Id by Mrs. James Harden noweii. Howell displayed he v irginia and interestingly outlined v ir is part in the Confederacy, giving Ihes of the important oavues lht in that state. . e' meeting closed with the sing le -"Carry .Me Back to Uid vir- after which the hostesses Id punch and sandwiches. tffS. HOWARD HONORED l i tf 1. J TTM4-I Ibefore her marriage a few weeks I was Miss Opal Reeves, was the lent oi a preuy courtesy on t n in the miscellaneous shower tend by Mrs. Dave Turner at the home ,e honoree's mother, Mrs. Garrett tes. utilities of spring flowers were for decoration carrying out a scheme of pink and white. These were further noted in the ice )' which .was served as the con- feature of the party. lessing games and contests fum- 1 entertainment for the affair and guest wrote her "good wishes bride s book. Ie guests included about twenty rs, Howard's friends. SOLAXD-HOWELL interest is the announcement of marriage of Miss Atan Noland Ir. tiarrctt Howell which was sol- Ized Easter Sunday, March twen- renth,' m - Greenville.' South Car- ? announcement was made the of April after which the young e left for a motor trip to Wash' n.D. C. Mrs. Howell is the at- ve daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noland of Crabtree and is a r of the senior class of the Way le High School. Mr. Howell is n of Mr. Ashury Howell, a prom- iarmer of this county, and Mrs ". He is associatpd with his f t m business. . r- and Mrs. Howell returned Sun M Washington and are at pres- ..aniiiL' ineir hnm with tho f-t's parents. lIl'yiTY CLUB TO V--tr week -lowing the usual Drotrram the imty Club will hold a second f tor this month on next Mcn alternflon. Mnv tit nt nvinoir e cluh L . -J' - WJJJG I irom the delegates to the con- " oi the State Federation of n s Clubs, Mrs. Ben Colkitt and 'nomas M. Seawell, will be giv Program for the afternoon . Panted by the Girl Scouts . the direction of Mrs. W. D. 1'1: lhe Girl Scout organization i ,w by the Community Club. ; 15 -the last meeting cf the year a-c asked to be : M..!.,ia ell.ar.tr. w r . Sam North v.'arcl:n, i r. M J:: in, T. .1. COUXCIL MEETS The reiru'ar meeting f trie I'a'vnt Teachers' Council was held lat Mj day aiterno.in at the Central Kle-ment-ry cii ml buihiini:. The. new officers were installed at ti-.is tim... and rdar.s for th-.' work .the I'arcnt Teaehers' Association.- -fu' no t year were discu-sed. Special c..:'r.mittees were a'so apn. inte.l to phi'i tiv.- rc-gr-.ir.s be carried out in r.cvt year's work. Mrs. The(.li.r. M .(.'. r tiring president, presided at this, meet ing. ..--'' ATTEXD trrHFRX BAPTIST COXVEXTIOX Rev. H. W; riaucom. Mr. H. IV : Hunn, Mr. J. Pan: Ream. Ilev. A. V. Joyner of Canton, and Dr. H. T. Hu: ter. president of V. C. T. C. at Cu!-i lowhee, left yesterday morning to at-1 tend the South, rn B'tntiVt rrv nti-n i in St. retersburc-. Florida. They ex-; peet to be gone about ten days. , m 9 m " I CAMPIXG TRIP PLAXXEP , A camping trip is hei-v.' j.'.annt-l ! for the youiic people of Waynesvillej by Mrs. H. W. Baucom, who intends -to take them to Wrightsville Beach i for a few days. The trip is :K.-irig-planned to stay from June to 14. ; Those interested in making the trip should get . in touch with Mrs. Bau com for further details. MISS ELSIE SM AT HERS RETVRXS FROM XE',7 YORK Miss Elsie Smathor?, who has I te n in New York City since las. Ottor-ir, directing dancing at the Jariyie He tel. returned Tuesday. Mhe motored hi me with her aunt, Mrs. Joe Hose, M;ss Carolyn Rose, and Mi ami Mrs. Francis Massie, .vin went to New ork. last week for a visit. CAMPIXG PARTY The following party spent last week end camming at Cataloocht; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles, Miss Mary String-! daughter. Miss L ' g tc !1 Sttftciicr . i sc verai tin lipati'Ki. .;nt; in 1'Vc 1 tew weeks 1 otiur. :.'i. a ana Duvu.l. wh. i c ; hi la .. g ii Si hiK-i,,-- h., nic ;: ( ar. .Mr. had a Sh oi"; ni Mh; Mor.. Fb.rl 1 an: is'n;.v'j!, dr., who is a I'a-vt rMty id North tut t-K-c nil with his .ii Mr-.. S. H. 1'ushiK'l. K-i.:i N. Shool' r (i ir guest Lot woek-uid -Mrs, :.-ter, Mr. Hoi ace Krost . '. nton, Teimess't-. d Mr Ci.iuMe.i A' iii Tallali;us( ', u the Litter's C. II McDowell. Mr. Kdith. F. 'A'. Mrsser arid daugiliter, :.r.d Mrs. Guv Messor of Crab- tree were among the visitors hvre last week. Mr. Pritchard Ferguson of Atlanta, j Georgia spent a fw days' m Waynes- '.11. c- this -At ex. Mr. Ralph rrevost . returned from fa business, trip to c'hnago and varu us northern points Tusday. . ..-'... Dr. arid Mrs. 0. T. Alexander spent last Sunday and Monday visiting rel atives hi Charlotte-. Mrs. R. L. Fulbright and Mrs. John Morrow of Liike .lunaluska spent Fri day shopping in Waynesville. Rev. and Mrs R. F. field, Miss Eleanor Bushnell, Mr. Paul Frye, and Mr. CarletonvWeatherby. Mi-Crackeen and McCracken of Clyde spont Saturday in Waynesville. y :n VaTesvUJe. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson, Miss Fannie Johnson and Mns. John son's mother, Mrs. J. F. ..Woodward,, left Wedneslay morning for Tinimcns villc, South Carolina, where tihey will visit Mrs. Woodward's brother. From Timmonsville Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Johnson will go to Raleigh, where the latter has a position, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will visit rela tives in various cities in North Caro lina before returning to Waynesville. .,.. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles left Tuesday afternoon for I.incolnton where "they will' visit Misses Janie and Julia tucker for a few days be fore going Jo 'their home in Georgia. Thev will return to Durham in June where Mr, Bowles will attend Duke White Oak Friday summer school. Mr. W. T. Blaylock-'cf Hickory and her brother, Mr. Will Ferguson, of Newport News, Virginia arrived Friday and are guests of Mrs. R. L. Allen." They expect to be bere f. r several months and will probably open the Ferguson home on Hayv.'o. j street in the near future. Messrs. Albert Ferguson and Thom as McCracken of Grabtreo (qtent Sat- urd Messrs. Boring Snufth, Jerry Rogers anil W. T. Tate were amorijr the busi- tcrs here from C3vde Saturday. Mr. Bryan Medford 'f Jonathan spent' Friday ir. Waynes-vill on busi ness.' ''-' Messrs. Aaron and Whittner l're vost made a business trip, to Morgan-- ! ton last Friday. . Mr. Teller Green of White Oak was a- visitor here Thursday.- Mr. Jaime-s McElroy was here from Mr. Grover Clark of Whjte Oak was a visitor here Thursday. a Mr, .Gharlef. B. MrCrary of Fines Creek was here on busihass Friday. .,.. Mr. W. L. Bradshaw of Crabtree spnt Saturday in Wayne-sville. SETYEEK . J : an? n l1" meeting of the ns tluh fn V,; ' ...:n l. next Tu ear win uv sVn ,h,ursday afternoOT, May 1 o clock n nr.- ,i ?.s associate Wt.. '-Mw chariett hairmani cf art. n !r .r,. the proeram at this tV "ports will be given , ederat.inn r w'o fir ofl'i, t)jl,vis asks that every 71 the club be present. eld ; 7eetmg of the club will ted Tv ;e t" Misses Bessie ois Harrold as hostesses. Mr.' and Mrs. Robert F. McLeod returned Sunday from a week's trip to various points m l-lorida. Mrs. :uc Leod will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, for a few days before joining Mr. McLeod in Asheville where they will make their home. .:-. ; Miss Fannie Johnson, who has a position -'with'. State Revenue Depart ment in Raleigh, arrived last Thurs day to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E, Johnson, for a few days. Miss Johnson had as her guests on Monday Mrs. Charlie Arthur and Mrs. Frederieka Rivers of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Withers and Mrs. W. F. Swift are expected to re turn todav from Atlanta, Georgia, where thev have spent the past week as guests' of Mrs.i Withers' parents, Mr, and Mrs. So C. Satterthwait. o . : Miss Mary Kirkpatrick and Mr. Harry McCracken motored to Chi.r lotte Friday and returned .Saturday Attca Tvirknntrick's father. Dr. W. L.: Kirkpatrick. Dr. Kiroatrxk ha been in a Charlotte hosp'ta for several months and is now compiete iv recovered from his illnesses. , Peof Trowbridffe. Mr. ,-T'au: Duck, director of Music, of Weaver College, Misses Edna and Mildred McCracken, students of Weaver (odeg-aria mt. Dan Bell spent Sunday in ayr.os ville.. o. . ..', , Mr and Mrs. Armand Sandiin and children, who have been with Mrs. Sandlin's mother, Mr--. ! rank Frye, for several months, kit. .lad week for Marion where they will ma their Misses Kathryn Marie and Carmen ni,.f cnont last week-end as guests, of Misses Mary Ferguson of Jonathan Mrs. Ellen N. Meacken of Crab tree spent Saturday shopping in Way r.esviile. , . -..- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crawford were visitors here from Crabtree Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Noland of Crab, tret- spent Saturday in Waynesville. Mr. H. II. Haynes of Clyde was a visitor here Saturday. : ..' Mr. Bob Burnett of Digoon was a visitor here Saturday. Mr. W. L. Bradshaw was a visitor here from Crabtree Monday. .'...- . Mr. and Mrs IV D.Derty of Sylva spent .-.Sunday with relatives here... , Dr. C, week-eal Shell, of Enka sient the the LeFaine Hokl. ?.lr. Hugh Shflten: id 5i Murphy. , s .ie nt last week- RECTOR OF FRAXKL1X WILL PLEACH IX GRACE CHURCH '-. OX SUXFAY . Sundav. May 15th, is "Pentecost" or Whit" Sunday, exactly fifty days after Easter. Thin is (ne of the four groat festivals, of tl.e church. the Rev. N. C. Dunean, Rer.cr of St. Agnt? Church, Franklin, will be the special preacher in Grace Episco pal Church, a; H o'clock on Sunday morning. The sacramer.t of the Lord s Supper will xe administered at this service. Eye:-yoody is invited to come rnd hear Mr. Duncan, who is a very in teresting speaker and preacher. A special offering will be taken to wards the deficit of $400,000 in the National church throughout every one of the 48 states in the Union. Tom Mix and Tony To Be Seen in HJs First Talking Picture Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and 17 Tum Mix, idol of Youn America, and king ol the cowboys, was born in t.outhwt':iUrn Texas, near 111 Paso, son ot ai; ii s.. uuner a:d h m..'.:ic. who wa of Scotch and Cherokee In han eirai tnH-. As a young tny he -'.lined to ride, threw a lariat, to use ritles. and pistols and to rope- and :in.v a steer. Wncn .the Mexican War broke out young .Mix enlisted in : l.o artillery ser.v.ce and saw plenty oi :;ctiu'i jn Cuba. ile lated cam- aigned .ii . t hiuo oani.j ::: S nth .- :d was v C.il'l - ; -..irs. 'i-viui. the Philipines, in tiie Boxer rebellion and o.i during the Boer ar. indttl st-veva! ti.Uo.- and :wi. t-:u iny hub. .. .uid li.uk ri th- United MO iln; t ure. oired liie famous Texas, d -orvo.v as town .Marshal ; of 'di- i oughe&t ccuuiiuni i .' utinvL's;. .n !' iio.a apturmg, single handed, the r.o- :uulus Known as the bhouts l:i ll.Oi he won the title of i cowboy, a national steer c.'titest and made his first ili' climlH'd steadily in the re.ti lied the top only to sud or t the screen and become attraction of the Sills-Floto . roo Car. Laomirde, president of 1 :n v. i : .ii Pi. tares Jijially cimvinced h ii. t ia. t,i- plaet wa-i i aek on the - i -.-ii. Jus: as preparations were U-i'ig- made for his first, talking pie tu:e. De-try Rub Again," he was ie'ivd tn u-idergv mi operation for a; :.-iidicito w'-,.i held up jiroduc '.; : 'it sever),. wrt'. This nicture ; now. ("'en ... 'dc'.ed with "Tony," li'.'.'" wonder ii. ih- nnd :ns perable pal playing an important part. Claudia Dell, Zasee Pitts, Andy Devieer, Earl Foxe, and Francis Ford appear in this picture with Mix. It is a wonderful picture and will be enjoyed by young and old alike. Every person who enjoys the out doors should see this romance of the open spaces with America's favorite action star, Tom Mix. This picture will be shown at the Waynewood Theatre, Waynesville, N. C, Monday and Tuesday, May 16 and 17th. A 1. 1. EX RECXIOX Contributed.) On May -I, 'the family o1' deny AIL n, one of the old pioneer soltiers of Haywood county, nut ai. t.ie Lome of II. Allen on Canm oiiimoo a i.i ory delightfully celebrated the birth day anniversary of their t'a iior and : i .. ndi'at her, Jerry Alien. Eveytl.ing was remarkably well planned lo make this oay one -if ,v an, iliank-sgiving--a da;.- to-be long i i ci : i t-nioinbfred in the tio-i : ; of ail present. The day was ideal, not springtime apparent in clio dogwood tb.at bloomed s i"i the nearby and surraun Ian in the bright sun.iy l.uc who made up the i-iewd. etise that winter w:o .' real spring! ime in a1 1 i1 had eonie. ( mo eoaid . o; ! bin' n.i niinu: IT' was u;iii:l .'hoely i; ! ii-ose .. could Mid lilt' ie! 'uipe "Now is the bight Lie' -of the .year. And wahtever of lu'e hmh ebbed away Come.-.-, flooding back with a riply cheer, Into every bare inlet and creek and bay. ' Now the heart is so full a drop over tills it, We -ire happy now because God wills it, No matter how barren the past may huve been 'Tis enough for us now that the leaves are green." The morning was taken up with ar rivals and greetings. Everybody seemed anxious to be the first present ami to see who could bring the most cheer. The good old fashioned hand shaking renewed within us a feeling of love and friendship. At l2:,'!l all gathered around a long outdoor table bountifully laden with delicious food of all kinds. Rev. R. A. Sentelie returned thank then all en joyed the feast-Mi-. Riii as Allen of Canton made a vor. intere.-ting and inspirational talk. The singing by Mis-: Blanch. Miss Ruth Lowell, and K. Allen was en joved by all. Members of the family present were D. H. Alien, John Allen and family of Caoton, Cephas Medford and family, It ugh Medt'crd of Canton., Mrs. George Allen and duighter of Bethel, Misi Nettie Mehaffcy, M. Medford ami fam ily. Mr. Jim Kelly and family. Bud A : U'li and family, J. C. Allen ant! wife. Among those enjoying the hospitali ty of this splendid family were- Rev. R. A. Sentelie, Rev. W.M.'lVuit t. Mr Tom l ee and daughter, Bess, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Davis. Mr. Wilt Byers, .Major Har den Howell, Mr. and Mrs. ). M. Kiilian. Mr. Charles MoCraiw, Mr. a - 1 Mis. Lucius Bramlett, Mrs. Hem Gaddy, Mr. Robert Boyd, Mr. Wi Hyatt, Mr. Grady Parmer, Mr. R. M. Leatherwood, Mr. Homer Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Howe Beach. Mr. John H. Allen very graciously extended an invitation for the next reunion to be held at his homo in Highland Park, Canton in May' ltb'LL i ii i B OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF fairy raaraware Co. At The Depot S ' fi L E IS E S INS Sat.tirday ..Mpriiing MAY. 14.: EIGHT O'CLOCK COST is forgotten--The stock must be sold Regardless of cost Never before such prices on ware, maybe never again. high grade Hard- BUY NOW And Save Money IPSA BANKRUPT STOCK AND EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS. STOCK CONSISTS OF Farm Implements, 4 New Osborne Mowers, Osborne Rake, also Cultivators, Harrows, Plows, Paints, bolts, Chinaware, In fact a general line of good Hardware. BE THERE EARLY 7" 'I: 'f' f i ! ? 1 1 i f t;