THURSDAY, MAY i. Paee 5 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Good Income Derived From 80-Acre Farm Reports received at State College through the North Carolina Bankers' Association indicate that there eve pood fa miens in North Carolina who made money last year despita low prices and unfavorable economic con ditions. In the last few days Charles A. Sheffield, assistant extersion director, has received (;i reports irom farmers who are candidates for the grade "A" certificate as sponsored by the Agri cultural Committee of the bankers organization. Mr. Sheffield has been studying these reports so that certif icate? reitrht he issued to all those making a j.rade f 80 per cent and above, A typical crumple of a farmer who i.s living at home and making some money is .M. L, Adderholdt of Lexing ton, route 4. Mr, Adderholdt owns 10G acres of land of which 80 acres are cleared for cultivation. Last year he sold $1,707.04 worth of produce from his place as follows: certified small grain seed, $510; veal and pork, $1!!).44; garden vegetables, $35; sweet potatoes, $20; Irish potatoes, $10; eggs iitnl poultry, $00.00; fruit, ?$; cctto:., $C(V and truck crops $400, In addition to these sales, Mr. Ad derholdt ;rows enough vegetables and fruit for the use of his family and some to save for winter. He grows ali the grain and forage for his live rtock ; has enough pork, milk, butter, eggs i r.d poultry for home use and keeps his land in a high state of fer tility by growing legume crops, He limes about DO acres of land ah year using about 1500 pounds of limestone an acre' to keep the wol in a sweet ened condition. The income of $1700 is clear net cash and shows the possibilities of farming, even during a depression period, when good methods arc fol lowed, says Mr. Sheffield. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES- to a chestnut stump (corner of TATE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Says Control Methods Saved TobaccoPlants It is a positive fact that Careful protection of the tobacco -plants with the 'Bordeaux mixture and stimulat ing them with some trick-acting ni trogen fertilizer will help to over come the effects of the blue mold dis ease and other plant bed troubles, says E. Y. Floyd, tobacco specialist at State College, who this week, re ceived a report from M. P. Caldwell of Lurnberton. Mr. Caldwell had nongh strong healthy plants to set out 250 acres of tobacco and then sold the remaining plants in bis bed for about $300. He did this because he followed the recommendations as to making up his Bordeaux mixture and in keeping the new growth covered with the mix ture each two days. Nothing was al lowed to prevent the spraying and this, says Mr. Caldwell, is the main reason that he was able to save his plants. He made up the stock solu tion at a entral point and sent it around to each bed where the spray ing was done carefully and thoroughly. Then, he used from 5 to 10 pounds of nitrate of soda for each 100 square yards of plant k-d to keep the young plants growing steadily. The nitrate was applied after the dew had dried off the plants.. A pine bough was used to brush off any granules of he soda staying on the. leaves and then the whole bed was wet down thoroughly. This kept the plants growing and the spray protection kept them free of the attack of disease. Mr. Caldwell also gave his plants an application of nitrate of soda after he set them in the field. About 50 pounds an acre was applied as soon as it was seen that the plants would live. This overcame the .shock , of resetting, he reported. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by C.A. Black and wife, Leila Black to 'The Raleigh Savings Bank an J Trus t Company, trustee (the undersigned trustee having succeeded to the right. and title of the named Trustee, under Chapter 207, Public Laws of 19,'H), which said deed of trust is date- March 1, 1927, and recorded in Book 20, page 31, of the Haywood County Registryfi default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by scured ano in the conditions there- n secured, the undersigned trustee wnl on 1 uesday, June 7, VJ.Vl, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door at Waynesville. N. ('., ofToV for sale and sell to the high- st bidder for cash the following e'e cribed property: AIT that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing O.'i.'J acres, more or less, situate, lying ard being in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, about three miles from the Town of Waynesville, and on the Waynesville-Woodrcw Highway, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made bv J.Vv . Seaver, Survey or, nil the 20th day of December, 1920, and attached to the abstract now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the sarnn be ing bounded on the North by the State Highway; on the Kast by the land of Miss Marian A. Boggs and C. A. Black; on the South' by thi lands of Mrs. J.K.Boone and on the West by the lands of A. T. McCrncken and Dewey Francis, and being the identi cal tract of land conveyed by deed from G. D. Kilgore and wife, Nannie A. Kilgore to C. A. Black, of date September first. 1924, said deed be ing duly recorded in Deed Book No. C7, page .30(5 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, State of North Carolina, to which reference is made for a more complete descrip tion anl location of same. Terms of sale cash and trustae will require deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of bid as his evidence of good faith. This the 7th day of May, 1032. NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, Successor to The P.ale'gh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Tvuvtee. J. L. Cockerham an J Robert Wein stein, Attorneys, Raleigh, N C. May 5 to June 2, 1932 uraves-Francis-McCracken corner; thence North 55 feet East 529 feet to the beginning, containing 93.3 acres, more or less. Being the same land as deeded to C. A. BlacK and wife, Leila M. Black from G. D. Kilgore, et al, as recorded in Book 67, page 306, Records of Deeds of Haywood County. SJ.COND TRAIT: Lying and be ing i'1 Waynesville Township on the w.i.i-i of Raccoon Creek and describ ed as fo'lows: Beginning on a large oak stump the northwesterly corner of original lifty acre tract formerly owned by the (-stale of Kocert V. Johnston, ami William K. B 'Kg" ami runs: S. K7 1". 361 feet t.: a ccfrer fence post; N'oi'.n 7-l iVi-: to a large chestnut: jul a M V. J7-! t'ett to a hickory; S. 3-1 0 V f t corner fence pa .-t:.S. W, ill feet to a stake (funtieriy 1 uck near a white oak, beginning i-orner of orig inal 50 acre tract l ; S. 3-2!) W. 3900 feet to a stake (fence post): N. 51 W. 2150 feet to a stake; S. 87 E. 560 feet to a large chestnut (corner of original 50 acre tract); N. 3-5 K. 1900 feet to a f.take in former County Road; thene with said road N'. 86-10 E. 118 feet to a stake in said road; N. 13-10 II. 205 feet to a stake in branch; then with branch X. 77 W. 298 feet to a stake in said branch: then X. 6-35 K. 410 feet to the be ginning, i ontainmg X: acres, more or less. Being the same land as sold to C, A.B'ack and wife, Leila M. Black by Kugone Garland and wife, Lucy J. Garland as Recorded in Book l 68, page 591, Records of deeds for Haywood county to said book and page reference is hereby made fot description of right of way, and ex- same land described in a man of J. C. Haynes, Surveyor, which said map is now on file in the office of John H. Manning, Commissioner of the World War Veterans Loan Fun 1 attached to the abstracted of Jacob L. DonaHson, to which reference is hereby made. This, the 13th day of Ap-il, 1032. NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE. BY: H. M. Corbett, Vice President. TERMS OF SALE CASH PLACE OF SALE COURTHGLst DOOR. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. TIME OF SALE NOON, WEDNES DAY, MAY 18th, 1932. Apr 21-28 May 5-12.C and conditions of the same. Sale made because of default in indebtedness secured bv said deed of trust. Sale is made subject to all taxes and street assessments. This this 13th day of April, 1932. Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation of North Carolina, Local Tru.-tee, and l'n:on Trust Com-r-a-v' f Marvlar. !. Trutee. Apr"21-2-Maf 5-12 L1GS bank river; thence witi, 28 E. 4 poles; S Is?' 28 W. 6 pole ; L a poie; E.6 BEG' en ociocK A. M. 'he Town of Wt NOTICE of sal:: On Monday, May 23rd. 1V-S2, at elev. the court riMi-i enij)Ie uuii'linir i ih svn.-svl'.le, Havwr c: County. N. C, I will sell a; rul'Iic outcry to the highe-t bidder for :.-!. the following deserib'-'.l li-:. !s premise: FIRST TRACT: Being Lot Xo. 23 in Block XII Grimball 1'ai i: a ; ei survey made by J. X.Shoolbre'!. ' . -. during Julv and December, 1!;2L". il' - corded in Map Book "B." office of Register, of Deeds':: wood County. SECOND TRACT: Being Lo: Xo. -in Book "B" of Brookwood surv. at Hazelwood as per survey and v. J. W.Seaver, C. E. The above lots being in all respect the same lots conveyed by J. V.'iit James to D. C. '-'Smart by deed dated September 24, 1928, in record Bocl; 76, page 592 in office of Register el Deeds of Haywood County. ; Of TRUSTEE'S SALE :.ur-dav. Mav 1ft h. 1&32, al cik A. M. at the r (Max ,iTl On : tlfcve:: ' i.iii'arv ci'u: ( an t i t i : c i '.' wi 1 ., .'.,!th C escrit-td a- FIRST TRACT: (.; Coin wwwJ.t , , i . . i. v-, j 5!f,0"f,t, a 4:iH,TeTa.C$ h"et"- sale conferred upon me bv a deed of trust dated October 1, 1930, exe'-ut- NOTICE OF SALE OF NOTE $8,000.00 Waynesville Township Special School Taxing District, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Revenue Anticipation Note. Seal bids will be received by the Local Government Commission of North Carolina, at its office in Ral eigh, until 10 o'clock, A. M., May 17, 1932, for the purchase of the above note, dated May 17th. 1932. and ma- jring juiy.aoth. 1U.'S2 without option I FINES CREEK I . o o Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Greene spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Greene's parents,. Mr. and. Mrs. Andy Ferguson, of Hazelwood. Mr. and Mr?. F. C. Greene and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. James spent Sunday with Mr$. Margavet Greene of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. James visited Mrs. James' parents Saturday night. Misses Margaret Greene and Fran ces James are visiting their grand mother, Mrs. Margaret Greene, f Canton, this week. Mr. Bob Green, of Wesiev Creek. was in Waynesville Monday, the Bth, on business. Mrs. Martha Greene w:w visittd by relatives last Sunday. Miss Ruby Noland. of Upper Fines Creek, visited Miss Alma Ferguson last Saturday. Miss Mae Eolden returned to her home at Hazelwood Saturday after an eight months stay at Fines Creek. MrsC.S. Green and daughter, Miss Ruth Greene, ar.d Mrs. F. C.Green and daughters. Misses Katherine and Margaret Greene, shopped in Waynes ville Saturday. Mrs. Andy Ferguson, of Hazelwood, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marvin C. Greene. Master Leniel Miller, of Hazelwood, is visiting his little cousin, Master M. C.Greene. t of prior payment and described as fol lows:. One note of Waynesville Town ship Special School Taxing District for $8,000.00 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, principal ano interest payable at maturity at the First National Bank of. Waynesville at Waynesville, North v. aroiina Notes can not be sold for less than par. Bidders must present v.ith thei bids a certified check upon an inror porat'ed. bank or trust company, un iT-uiuuionaiiy payaoie to tha or der oi tne btate Treasurer lor - P'T cent of the face value oi note bid for to secure the Lounty against anv loss result ing from the failure of the bidders to comply with terms of his bid. The right to reject all bids is reserved. i here will be no auction. Purchaser wiij pay delivery charges. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION By: Charles M. Johnson, Secretarv XOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE OF Catawba County poultrymen report a profit from early broilers this sea son with the price ranging from 20 to 25 cents a pound. About 3,000 broilers will be sold this week. Checks for $89,128 have been re reived by farmers of Pitt County irom tne government se"d loan f jn3. The tobacca crop of Columbus iCounty will not exceed 50 per cent ef the 1931 acreage as a result of dis ease and insect attains in the p'ant bed. 1 he Bordeaux mixture seems to control the blue mold disease, but stunts the plants, say Columbus farmers. . ... ,, '. . L,..!- , NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Independence Trust Company, . s. C. A. Black and wife, Leila M. Black By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior oourt ot Mecklenburg County in the above intitled action, I will, on Mon day, the fath day of June. 1932. at 11 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door of said county (Now the Masonic Temple) sell to the highest bidder lor casn to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said C. A. Black and his wife, Leila M. Black, the defendants, had in the louowing described tracts of land, to wit: - . ' FIRST TRACT: Beginning on three beach trees (an old corner be tween Graves and Francis) and runs an old line N. 15 V. (present bearimrl 1765 feet to a Stake in the center of the present road ; thence with the cen ter of the present old road 10 calls as follows: S 76 E. 153 feet, S. 84-45 E. 427 feet. S. 8G E. 190 feet, S. 75 30 E. 285 feet, S. 75-30 E. 112 feet, S. 68-30 E. 230 feet, S. 63 E. 20 feet, S. 50-15 E. 160 feet. S. 47-30 E. 110 feet, S. 58 E. 342 feet to a stake in center of the road in line between Graves and Boggs; thence with the Boggs line S. 345 feet to a stake (Boggs cornor; thence South 74-15 E. 182 feet to a stake in an old line (Bofgs corner) ; thence with said old line S. 3 W. 1725 feet to a chestnut; (Boggs corner) : thence with said old west line) fore sold from said tract of land ref erence i;-, hereby made to said Book and page. THIRD TRACT: Lying and be ing in Waynesville Township on Richland or Brendle Creek and com monly known as the W, H. Cole Or chard Tract and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the Shook side of the State Road and running S. 10 E. 3Vfe poles to a stake on a bank; thence S. 21 E. 52 Vs poles to a stone pile at branch; thence S. 2 AV. 99 poles to a sourwood; thence up the mountain S. 59 W. 8 poles, S. 50 W. 18 poles, S. 30 W. 10 poles, S. 24 W. 38 poles, S. 6 E. 12 poles, S. 24 W. 20 poies, K. 00 W. 10 poles,' S. 35 W. 32 poles to top of Pinacle; thence down the mountain N. 30 W. 35 poles, N. 64 W. 19 poles, N. 55 W. 20 poles, N. 45 W. 19 poles, N. 22 W. 26 poles to Brendle's sourwood corner; thence North 27 poles to Brendle's old corner, W. 3 poles to N. Fergu son's corner, N. 1V4 E. 81 poles to a stone corner, N. 88 E. 48 poles to a stone, W. IVi. 61 poles to the Pub lic Road; thence East along the Public Road 58 poles to the beginning. Con taining 153'2 acres, more or less. Being the same property that E. P. Purcell and others conveyed to C. A. Black and wife, Leila M. Black as recorded in Book 68, page 26, Record of deeds for Haywood County. Excepting from the above describ ed land the homestead of the said C. A. Black and wife, Leila M. Black that was allotted to them by a jury summoned in said action, said home stead described as follows: Lying and being in Waynesville Township, Hay wood County: Beginning at a bridge across a branch below C. A. Black's Garage and runs up said branch to a point above his chicken house; thence runs Eastwardly with the gar den fence to a branch and fish pond; thence a northward direction to a point in C. A. Black's road leading to the Highway; thence Westwardly to the beginning. Containing about 1 acre more or less, and being the land on which is located the home of the said C. A. Black and wife, Leila M. Black. We also lotted to the said C. A. Black and wife, Leila M. Black a right of way over the road that they now travel to the public Highway with the right of ingress and egress. This the 2nd day of May, 1932. J. A. LOWE, i Sheriff of Haywood County. May 5-12-19-26 ed by D. C. Smart and wife, Eugenia Smart, and recorded in Book 25, page 151 Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wood County. This April 22, 1932. J. R. MORGAN, Trustee. Apr. 28-May 5-12-19 court house lie Temple um(1 as a tem : house), in the town of Haywood County, North will 'seli a: public outcry i t L'Utocr for cash, the ..-.u? iyirg being in "i.v.nhir, Haywood Coun aroiin.a, iiarticulai iy fclioWi : BEGIXXIXG on -t i . . i. . c n; Kiver orirtr if (JAW ilark and H. . . . ' , .. . ; ..XT ri:if. a it . ileatlier.y tract.-, a. n. i u.. I W. p...ies .-pruce pine; thence N. -S V. s jk le-; S. 7X' W. S ; p,,lf to a white oak r top of ridge; 'thence S. 72'" !- pi -Its to black loak; thence E. lt poles,. 12 ! links to itake in old Gwynn line; j - hence X. 1'J" E. 16 jioles, 5 links to ' .SpanUh oak in low gap; thence N. j :;k i ., 0 , 6 -Doles, 10 links to dogwood , . l . ... .... x- r;i o V I r. -C'P oi r;(lge; ineme i. 'J i. J" poie, 7 links to stake :n gap of ridge; thence X. 31c E. 7 poles to a .-take .n top o: knob; thence X. Hi" E. 11 poles. 9 links to a stake on said ridge; thence X. 3V W. 21 poles, 5 links to stake -n top of said ridge; thence X. 75 E. 14 poies, 18 links to spruce pine on west bank of said River; thence with old river run S. 8 E. 8 poles. 10 links to stake: thence S. 41' 2 E. 20 poles to stake en bank of , -,Jf ; SEr, s to, i-r. 43 '; th 'r s; t S. 15 E. branch; thence S j m 43' E. 14 poles to , containing 23 acre SECOND TRAr on a double chest r-r r T7 m i ' " - ii. r-. lruu and (lw runs Nortneast cj- r rock, H.E. -Trull nis line 11 poles, 4 -l. line; thence N0rth,v poles, 6 feet to bl.:: ,: of Gwynn tract; feet tc stake in said 1 -ward course with (, BEGINNING, co ; ) ; t : more or less. Being the same conveyed in a dec : erly and wife, W. Rhode? and w-- .' to M. J. Trull, d.-.t: and recorded in 1; Record of Deeds . f EXCEPTING a !,' taining ll3i acres. ,,, Trull and wife, l-'.U Heatherly, dated ;mu.. recorded in Book 7, (a'' cord of Deeds of II a j"r Being the same t v.-o ;ui conveyed in a deed I'lenVj' Patrick, Trustee, to iyY dated May 13, 1929, an,j Book 79, page 43st l:t.,:,,ri of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant ;.) sale conferred upon n1(. ;JV ; trust dated July (i, 'l Blaine Henson, and rec-urdpj o, page ny, itecrnl 0f rt j rust oi naywooii ( jiunty. This the 19th day of Aar M. G. STA Apr. 21-28-May 5-12. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE On Monday, May the 16th, 1932, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court House door (Masonic Temple) in Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina, the undersigned trustees will sell at public outcry to the highest bidcier for cash, the following de scribed lands and premises, to wit; Lying and being in or near the Town of Waynesville, Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, and fully described as fol lows. BEGINNING at a stake at the in tersection of Thomas Avenue and Bak er Alley and runs thence with said Be- ker Alley N. 56" 30' E. 324 feet to a stake; thence S. 24 30' E. 150 feet to a stake; thence S. 56" 55' W. 267 feet to a stake in East side line of Thomas Avenue ; thence with said East side line of Thomas Avenue N. 46 W. 154 feet to the BEGINNING. The above described lot of land be ing a part of the same property Con veyed to Mrs. Ruth Baker by deed dated March 29th, 1912, from R. L. Allen, Trustee, and recorded in Book No. 35, page 196 Record of Deeds of Haywood County North Carolina, Sale made pursuant to under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Ruth Baker and husband D. A. Baker, to the undersigned Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Carolina, Local Trustee. and Union Trust Company of Mary land, Trustee, on the 1st day of July, 1 9'7 QTA ropnrlid iv TZrw.h- 01 page 128 .Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, North Car olina, to which said deed of trust and record reference is hereby made for all the terms COOPERATIVE POULTRY SALE At Waynesville, Friday MornM May 13th Payments made by check on local bank First Of All, Consider Comf ort No new shoe feels as good as an old shoe, providi it is in good repair, if it needs repairing, thai where we come in send them to us, we'll sei them back with the same comfort and the looks well, there won't be any comparison. DON'T DELAY, SEND THEM TODAY THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. Duckett, Prop. MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN UMl FOUNTAIN PENS REPAIRED at '.' THE WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY I. H. Thackston NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ,'.'..... ESTATE Under and by virtue of power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust, dated March 20th, 1930, and recorded in Book 27, Page 103. Haywood County Registry, and exe cuted by Jacob L. Donaldson and wife. to the North Carolina Bank and Trust Company. Trustee, default having beenf made m the payment of the in debtedness secured thereby, whereby the entire amount of said indebted ness became due and payable and de mand having been made by the holder oi said note upon the trustee named therein to advertise and sell the prop. erty described in said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the Court house door in Waynesville Haywood May 18th. 1932, the following described" real estate: Bounded on the West by the lands of R. L. Wells, now W. S. Pipes, on the North by Henson Cove Road; and on the tast by the lands of B. F. Murray, on the South by the lands of B. i. Murray; and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the cent er of the Henson Cove Road, North east of said B. F. Murray's new dwel ling house, and runs with said road two calls: South 70' 30' West, 5.88 poles; South 64" West 6 poles to a stake; sanu. being the northwest corn er of the small tract conveyed by R, L. Wells and wife to the said B. F Murray; then with the line of said tract South 19 Easti 6.50 poles to a stake; then North 67 15' East 8 noles to a stake; then North 10" 15' East 7.76 poles to the beginning. Contain ing 67 square rods, more or less, and being a part of lots Nos. 5 and 6 of the survey made by W. H. Hargrove for E. P. G. Murray, deceased, in 1906. AND BEING the same ltnd describ ed in a Deed from V. F. Murray, and 1 has been E1000 t0 tir; that is, the people have been like: XUO us in 1931. And so. bv reason of the fact, thev apprec: cient service and a low charge "at this Critical time. And. because liberal patronage in 1931. we can and will lower our charges for: pie in 1932. In February we will supply FUL-VTJE frames and visiDie iiuocai lenses of $15 value for $7.50 or $3.75 for one. utnei means CONNER refracting, CONNER designing, CONNER adjust--And, until conditions improve in Asheville. we will continue to s(j and frames at ONE-HALF STANDARD PRICES. This means: Kryd visible Bifocal lenses of $15 vale for S7.R0 or $3.7!? -for one. OM and frames for prices correspondingly low. And this means: We 4 xinue to nn your oculists prescriptions on the QNE-H ALJb -rwiM unginator oi tne uitex Dr. Charles W. Conner, upt luyptok and lone Lenses. - No. 12 Wall Street, Ashew XT 1NEXT time you are out of fix as the result of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford's Black-Draught for the re freshing relief it gives thousands of people who take it Mr.E.W.CeciLaconstruction super intendent in Pulaski, Va., says: "wh'en-I get con- 2376 feet to n hicltnrv (formerly a beach, now fironel Graves iwife. to Jamb I. DotinTlan'i AaiaA corner; thence N. 17-15 E. 442 feet March 25, 1929, and also being the etipated, my head aches, and I have that dull, tired feeling just not equal to my work. I don't feel hungry and I know that I need something to cleanse my system, so I take, We have found it a great help." SoU in :25'Ccnt packages. r Thed Fords BBS fer kOjiL. who are rvn-ilowu. or suff 7, V-t'r; r1""- E'"0"'; l-e Car- I T. f.-,r ovc,r s ,r! 1 4. 4 uKCTv 1 ou Should Know ADOii i mj 10 Your Washing. Cost per Week of Doing Family Washing at Honf liased on 16 pounds of washing. If you buy a washing machine, the average cost price is & per nuiomy oi -Electrical -Merchandising." If it lasts 5 years, weekly cost ... . ... . . . Repairs and maintenance, weekly cost . . . Interest on SS5.00 at 6, weekly cost . . . . Soap, weekly cost . . . . . . ......... . . .... Washing Powder, weekly cost . . . ... Blueing, weekly cost . .. , . ... .... , . . . . . Hater, weekly cost ...... . . ... . . . ... Electric current for washer at 6J4c K. W. H. weekly cost Electric current for lights, weekly cost . ... Electric current for ironing the flat work oniy, at b'c K. W. H., weekly cost . Total COSt Of Washing nine ilnnino- nf flflt $1 work. ": OUR COST FOR A 16 LE. WASHING IS And all ilatwork is beautifully ironed. Waynesville Laundry t "Call 205-WeH Do The Best" I,

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