Lay. MAY 12, 1932 THE WAYNES VILLI! MOUNTAINEER Page 1 WTeam, 9 to 11 I "schedule For In- Vtrial League For r m Season. furious nine from Enka :iLd Saturday of last feC CaHna Baseball I nested- wii teams showed up well displayuvg their &tinbaU. Hazel- i bi: . . lfino' end 01 be 01" , local "south 11 W ";' o; t;me. and Plar practice should be hPrr..r ith the best. oId,,HnVteam also hurled Ie.0bo'i!'-ill e-ive the fans & Waynesville an op- r sflein" a swung umt M t" ve ".toted occupy tne 'o fta. AB R H o " . 5 . 5 . 5 ... 3 1 4 4 ... 4 1 1 0 0 6.3. - 2b 0 0 b. - 1 2 2 2 1 0 0 3 2 1 gin cl. agin c If, rf. 36 9 8 5 AB R H E .3100 WOOD .. 5 ...3 4 5 4 5 ... 5 3 2 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 2 2 1 1 :b. - bon, io -r- 3b. p. - d. l,rf. 1 0 0 0 (z) 2 0 0 0 ton, n- 37 11 10 5 lent m tor js.uyKenuui m uw. i 1.1.1 5 32 schedule 01 ine vvemeni Baseball League is as fol- r.sion at n.von. . m at Balfour. at Hazehvood. Whenever you have some nagging ache or pain, take some tablets of Bayer Aspirin. Relief is immediate! ... There's scarcely ever an ache or pain that Bayer Aspirin won't relieve and never a time when you can't take it. The tablets with the Bayer cross are always safe. They IS HERE and on DISPLAY at our few Room PHONE 380 Balfour at Hazelwood. Tryon at Enka. Dimension at Beacon. May 21. Beacon at Enka. Hazel wood at Tryon. Balfour at Dimension. May 28. Hazelwood ac Beacon. Enka at Dimension. Tryon at Balfour. June 4. Enka ta Balfour. Dimension at Hazehvood. Beacon at Tryon. June li. Tryon at Dimension. Balfour at Beacon. Hazelwood a: Enka. June IS - Hazelwocd at Balfour. Enka at Tryon. Beacon at Dimension. June 25. Enka at Beacon. Tryon at Hazelwood. Dimeiidot; at Balfour. July 2. Beacon at Hazelwood. Dimension at Enka. Balfour a: Tryon. July 9. Balfour at Enka. Hazelwood at Dimension. Tryon at Beacon, July 16. Dimension at Tryon. Beacon at Balfour. Enka at Hazelwood. July 23. Balfour at Hazelwood. Tryon at Enka. Dimension at Beacon. July 30. Beacon at Enka. Hazehvood at Tryon. Balfour at Dimension. Au(j. 6. Hazelwood at Beacon. Enka at Dimension. Tryon at Balfour. Auir. 13. Enka at Balfour. Dimension at Haze'.wx.i. Beason at Tryon. Aug. 20. Tryon at Dimension. Balfour at Beason. Hazelwood at Fnka. Aug. 27. Hazelwood at Balfour. nka at i'rvon. Beacon at Dimension. Sept. 3. Enka at Beacon. Tryon at Hazelwood. Dimension at Balfour. KN HEADACHES, NEURITIS NEUR A L G I A , COLDS... don't depress the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use them just as often as they can spare you any pain or discomfort. Just be sure to buy the genuine. Examine the package. Beware of imitations. Aspirin is the trade-mark, of Bayer manufacture of mono aceticacidester of salicylicacid. h New FORD V-8 Qff I B HERE II '"'fjiii'P f "J t us eive vo a demonstration-Call h New Ford V-8 will convince you MIZELL SALES AND SERVICE Inc. Farmers Adopt Pay-As-You-Go Plan In Craven County Craven County farmers have start ed a pay-as-you-go system of iarn. ing this season in which they' endeav or to pay cash for ail farm opeu tions and have enoujen l-e'.wei'!i sea son crops and livestock or poultry to keep the farm on a cash basis. The plan calls t'orsfric; ece'H'in and wise planning but Craven tann ers have bad experience :n economy since the epidemic of biiiK failures and other reverses have throwi them largely on their nvn resources. '1 he record of the Craven County Farmers' I Mutual Exchange bas already been if ' inspiration to other group- of land-i owners in North Cji-oliiu and the formation of the new sav.r.i;- and l.'vi! association is another movt nu-.nt whi -h I :s attracting attention. C. P. Faris, county farm agent of Craven, says' it is rather hard to envisage the farmers of his county in'ing on a pay-as-you-go basis when it is realized that 354 of them applied for . $.".",2;!5.44 in government seed loans yet it is a fact, he says, that I new money to the extent of $18,203.92 ha.- conic to the county by reason of between season crops, fat steers, fat hogs, poultry and eggs. The Gaskins community of near Yanceboro is the best example of the pay-as-you-go type of farming. This is due largely to the inspiration of young Rudolph Gaskins who has found that he can grow early truck and other crops to tit in with his scheme of cash crops without sacrificing any thing to the new idea. The income from these sideline crops has already meant $4,200 to the community and will mean more when the 300 acres now planted to beans, early sweet corn, squash and early sweet potatoes come into bearing. Other fanners are selling eggs, poultry, hogs and steers to pay their way on a cash basis. Mrs. Mae Mc Ilwean of the Bellair community has just put their farm on a cash basis by an income of $50 a week from sales at the New Bern curb market. THE LIBRARY LOWBROW SAYS Than "The Good Earth" should have a marvelous career in the book world has not been a surprise to those at all familiar with the average nov el yet some facts in connection with it are a bit difficult to grasp. Pub lished over a year ago this book is still on the list of ten best sellers and also stands at the very top. of ten best renters (based on the reiwirt of llaker-Taylor Company's Fiction Guide for May) . Recent '-warding of the Pulitzer Prize to the author as having produced "the outstanding human interest -story of 1931" has put the spotlight on her and her achieve ment, so that all will wish to b among those who have read the book who care to keep up with fiction of the dav. Perhaps' a few words about Mrs. Pearl S. Buck wit' not' ".r -'--. Born. rind reared in China, also marry ing there, she has spent practically her whole life in that country with the exception of four years at Randolph-Macon Co'lege, Her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Sydenstr'cker. went out as missionaries of the Sm'iiein Pres byterian church over fifty years ago. Her father died at her home since the nublication of "The Good Karth," af ter its success had become assu-k"' Recently Drv and Co. issued "The Young Revolutionist" previously run as a serial in a religious paper and written for iuniors. In July Mr. and Mrs. Ru-'k p'an to come to th'v United States to stay a v"ar and will mike their headquarters at Ithaca, New York in order that Mr.'-Buck may take a post graduate course at Cornell University. It happens but recently that for e'cnier is able to portray th?: life of the great-" comrron people In Filch ft manner as t- merit the approval of those written about. The verv 1' "' that Chinese critic" have been fa vorable in their nuiwoii toi Mr?.' Ruck's pnic of t h oi rniVo. "TV" r?orv Fart h" a notable achievement and speaks r itf-'f,; If you have not had tfm?. tr read it, I Ka ?nvi to a-k for it at our library 380 for a representative. A ride in that you should own I JONATHAN'S CREEK I o o ( Received too late for last; week's issue.) The farmers of this section are busy planting corn. Mr. Franiv Howell and daughter, Francis, of Astievilie, spent baiuuiy with relatives here. Misses Marie and Carmen I'lott. of Waynesville, spent the wee.-tint with Misj Mary t.ilee Ferguson. Mr. Roue rt Howell, Jr. has been on the nek list for a few days. Mr and Mrs. U'.is Davis took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers Sunday. -diss Fdna Boyd visited Miss Ma rion Holcome last week. Miss Ihelma Wright, of Ravens Ford, and Miss Mary Alice Palmer, of Cataloochee, spent last week-end with Misses Burr and Bula Caldwell. Mr. and Mr. J. P. Dotson, of Lake Junaluska, ami Mr. and Mrs. Carey Smathers and fajnily, of Canton, took d.oiu r with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Leath ers ood Sunday. Friends are glad to know that Mrs. I. C. Franklin is greatly improved at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe B. Howell and family spent lasst Sunday with Mrs. Howell's sister, Mrs. C. V. Chapman, of Asheville. Harry, the youg son of of Mr. and Mrs. Howell, remained for a week's visit with his aunt, Mrs. N. R. Dindinder. Charles .Moody is visiting his cousin, John Davis Medford, at Lake Juna luska. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messer chap eroned a party of young friend on a can. ping trip to Cataloochee the past week-end. Among those enjoying the trip were: Misses Hazel Leather wood, Maude Sutton, Margaret Owen, M es? is. Fulton Putman, Cowan Moody, and Alvin Sutton, of Sylva. Mr. Ernest Messer, of Crabtree and Mattie and Dick Moody, of this place, TIUSKISG OF YOU When the grass is wet with dew, I it m always thing of you. On my memories 1 can see In the future just you and me. Then again I close my eyes And back to you my memory flies; I think of you from morn' till night, And cherish you with great delij-ht Oh, if you were only my own, We could build us a little home Where the robin would come to sinjf And the church bells would louly ring. IRENE WARD, Canton, N. C, NEW ATTEMPT TO GET MONEY FROM COL. LINDBERGH FAILS MOVTPRI.1KR. Vr A new at tempt to extort money from Colonel Charles A. Ldndbgergh, on a promise to return his kidnaped son, has failed, it became known today when authori ties announced they were seeking the would be extortionist. A letter to Colonel Lindbergh more than two weeks ago demanded $10,000 ai fhn fitvf installment if $50,000 and a postal box in the White River junc tioh post office was named at the ad dress to which the money shojld be sent. "We consider :t sign '.titan'., :nl find entire satisfaction i:i the l'aet, that of the former prosnec:ie (audi dates have found the Khringhans platform and policies such that they can endorse and adont then, caiu Major L. P. McLcndon, Fhringhaus manager, Spent Over $500 On Hospital Bills Topeka, Kan?. Mrs. Cori Morey who resides at 21st and Minnesota Sts., Topeka, Kansas, aid; "Sargon has done me so much good that I am o-tiinllw nfrniH tr ston taking it: I feel I should take at least a few more bottles to be sure of being entirely well. I know my husband spent ?ouu !n ha vaar Vipforo T Ktnrtftd takiniz Sargrn and Sargon Soft Pills on hos pital bills alone and that does not include doctor bills. WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY THE NEW FORD EIGHT De Luxe Tudor Sedan a new Ford. MAIN STREET la. .rvomtvr barrassment. The entire family will find many uwrs for the teU phone, with the added comfort of knowing that in emergencies the telephone is always ready to sum mon aid. You, too, can have a telephone of your own for only fevr cent a day. In fact, the service is no low tu cost that it really doesn't pay to try to do without it. Southern Brll Telephone and Telegraph if J&3 Co. PROGRAM FOR WAYNEW00D THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. i THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 12-13 li MAURICE CHEAVLIER AND JEANETTE Mo DONALD in j- "ONE HOUR WITH YOU" J SATURDAY, MAY 11 GEORGE O'BRIEN in "THE GAY CABALLER0" MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 16-17 TOM MIX AND CLAUDIA DELL in "DESTRY RIDES AGAIN" WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 MIRIAM HOPKINS AND JACK OAKIE in "DANCERS IN THE DARK" ALSO COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES EVERY DAY wm A2 WANT AD RATES (Terms Cash) lc a word fw this siza type lor first insertion; half price for subse quent insei dons. 2c a word for this size type for first insertion ; half price for subsequent insertions. 3c a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. Minimum charge of 25c. - FOR SALE Porto Rico, Xaricy IlalT, Queert of the South, Norton Yam, and Improved Texas white, potato plar.ts now ready at 20 cents per 100 or $1,25 per 1000 in lots of 2000 or mre Give me your orders. I can fill them whether large or small. Good plants. Full count. Prompt service given. G. T. Cooper, Sunny Brook Dairy, Sylva, N. C. HARDY' STOCK Marglobc,. Earli ana and Stone Tomato plants, 20c per hundred. Postpaid dollar lots. J. F. Weathers, Forest City, N.C. STEADY WORK GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in Haywood County. No Experience or capital needed. Write today. McNESS CO., Dept. P. Freeport, Illinois. Telephone J?...Mrs. Green ".Mother pays to hurry as it ho iiul like an important call." 'THI hernial I'll licover us htxiii iih I run take the dinner out f the dtove." Do yon ti- your neigb bor'ti telephone? i hink how much Letter it would w to ha e one of our own. Then you need not bother aiiYoue, and your friend can rail you without em FOR PELLAGRA Try Mason Y. C. A. Pellagra Medicine, is proving jrood for Pellagra, Stomach trouble and many other ailn.ents. A ood tonic. Come or write me. Price $1,25 per pint. W. J. Mason, Hazelwood, N. C. . - A 21-28 M 5-12pd. MEN WANTED To establish and cond ict Itawleigh City business in Cities of Waynesville, Sylva, Bre vard, Ashcville and Marshall. Re liable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase rapidly. Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-5V, Richmond, Va. FOIl SALE Hatching eggs from blood tested, State accredited flocks. White Rocks and Iiarred Plymouth Rocks. B. J. Sloan, Waynesville, N. C. 4 15-31p x:w low I'tacKs ALL Willi li a -d 1 at ud P ' s, Ishmil lie Is, and White' Wyandoi-'-es fj delivi i-. -Fine While Ifghorns Sc delivered. All .' of above from large ?iK: a.nd- line : blood-tested stock. Ordr- early, ,Supply limited. They'll bu profit makers for you. Fine ten-weeks-old White Leghorn pullets 50c. . BUNCH POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY, Statesville, N. C. INSURANCE For all kinds of in surance, with reliable companies 'see J. M. Newton, your insurance nian, at the Waynesville Insurance Agency, Over The Mountaineer Office. p ; i, M l'. f r :!: - .:; .' ' is i mm -i i i' 1 1 SmU i fit ;.!:h(-"l ! mm n ::t:- 4 , ; i mi 1 1 ! ' M - . 1 ' " t ''. V