itraL'y bv a i llr. and Mrs. James D. Buvbricigc Jacksonville are expected Monoav . Burbndge will be assistant man and hostess at the Dunham .;e this season. Mr. and Mr . tiuppie tit bt, retersnurar are expected as soon as the hotel is .ed. : r.urlYESVILLE nMP ; RE-ELECTED t aua! spring district meeting '.. -., ) Daughters of the Con- Western rvorm laronna ishevi'l Saturday was featur. .W.vton, stare prsiuent, maae t tt.i,lress. 'Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, iii'estor, presided and was- re '5 second vear. Mrs. O. R. . ; ,-vV a second term. ill V: ;rave a detailed account k-"n"iviiip!isnmentg of the division . l.',t ., year. She told of the i; vi' the Fort Fisher monu I whirfi i5 to be unveiW with r.i f.iVenn -iiiies on June 2 with ;,,(. (). .Max uarciner ana otner 'V'Si';a' lending their presence. 'rJv xhij morning session reports .'n'-h 'chapters of the distrie' were x 'This uiclii'iecJ tne report lor Way.esvillo chapter by Miss Nan- Killia"-, - . . i Y in ni'.ciieuii was sci vtii in auditorium, wnicn was gaiiy aec e(i with Hags and a profusion of r: riuvinr the luncheon toasts e eivi-ji as follows: "Our Confed e i,vi7ui" by Mrs. M. Buchanan, ,. 5fiv i : '"Our Future Organi- .. ii : "inl ClnMi. VHAV,K "fliir last rreswienLS, oy n R. fanmhell, of Waynesville; .TVnresion, .miss r lorence Aer, " ' 1T1 ...'1 lf (I; t,i "l Tospemy. -iurs. L. Uo. itur'V. of Asnevuie; "uur Ul " Mr- Hyatt, Mrs. f.. L,., MuTivi Mrs. Long, and Mrs. ,n Thomas. V Miss Ellen Self gave an in tve dance, accompanied by i ti: T? 1.- i: a.1 ami .iiice jjuuii uu me viuiuis Vr W. M. Davis at the piano. mhers of the Haywood Chapter attended the meeting were: Mrs. . Hatt. Mrs. O. K.Martin, Mrs. Campbell, uresidcnt of the Hay- i Chapter, Mrs. L. M. Killian, II M. Killian, Mrs. Jonn Wueen, R. H. Hlackwell. Mrs. (). H. T TT 1 If 11 ton. .u rs james narnen noweil W.F. Swift, and Miss Nancy an. secretary oi in naywooa mer. DVXHAM ARRIVES Mi .sT. AVGLSTIXE Donald Dunham arrived last tsilay from his winter home in Augustine, Florida to put the k:ham House in readiness for the mier season. He was accompa i Mr. Mahr, who will be here r.n r week. Mr. Dunham will have rooms ready for guests by the end ims week,. but the formal opening not be until about tne tenth oi UMMLWITY CLUB HOLDS MtETLW OF YKAK .uoiiaay atten K Ul J uo rounis, witn He-Ajy (.'a'c-tea uon the last met year of thu I'miimnni neia in the -urs. ben Coikm presidti; tne i"v"uis. j-'ui:iiir llie hus- n's"s!-'n the Presi'-;t'i announced -- ,is cuairmeii and mem Ot i r.l in i r r . . . ' V xiw aiic'i lo uie tact that the given in full, would itni.. 1 . i . - ers e a. lt'ii coinmraees- not be lll.-idn bum-n uarut'ii, .Uiss ( uun wefj; Kcv. and Mrs. I.. 11. Haves, Mr. ana .Mrs. Kalph K. Nollner, Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Kav. Mr. and Mrs. 1 In, mas M. Seawoil, "Mr. and Mrs. John X. Shoolbred, Mr. and Mrs. James L. KoDinson, Mr. and W. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. With ers Dr. S. P. Gay, Mr. Y. L. Lamp kin,. Mr. Hdliard B. Atkins, and Dr. Thomas Stringlield. AS J - 1 ! ' . i : r lid! -Ciiti, .urs. Kutus Slier, Mrs. Jales M. Long, .Mrs.. J. I'. Dicus, Mr- W X fehulton, Miss Alice Quinlan Mr--' tui )i mu, .Mrs. Haymond Hyait Mrs. T. Lenoir '.iwvn; Liter; Miss Al.;y y-jinlan and Mrs. X. I. "jn; r.itucatkin, Mrs. 1!. D Mrs. J.L. Stringrield, and Mr ?,"1U"; ". Mrs. Paul Walker -lrs. J. Howell Wav niul u w T . . . ... - ' fjaucom : O. E. S. MEETS TOX1GHT There .will be a meeting of the Or der of Eastern Star tenisrht at S o'clock nz the Masonic Temple. A degree team from Asheville wi'l be present at the meeting and will ex. uie.j empi:iy t no i !'.: oi uii onii-r. tithor I noir orders m this siv;,io; iiav,- .,e,-n Bunn, vited to attend and all local members W.D. are asKed to be nresent. i Mr Akers ;.nil son HnmiHmi laro. 1 IS Ifiiri-,, P. ul,., 1 At-.,,... I -vt: t' i.. , ,. iii-i.n-it; , m V. ., .-. , ' 1'"'1' : '" una --.uisses r.ima ami ee , "V n.H.t ampDeii, Miss Uright spent Sun. tiiee umlan, and Mrs. X. Lenoir as guests of Miss I V".'i, .-'1US1C, .U1S-. ami Mrs. garden- A.R. HOLDS MAY MLET1XG rs. C. H. McDowell entertained iiurcas Dell Love Chapter, Daugh oi the American devolution, at .May meeting Wednesday after at her home on Derjot street. 1 . .. 1 r t . is. james L,ong read a paper WW-Washington's Social Life the Builder of the Nation." Mrs. .r Shclton reviewed the National azdie. Ulrs. i Lenoir Gwvn srave N resume of the State conference. -icers were elected as follows: T. Lenoir Gwyn, regent; Mrs. J. en Howell, vice regent; Mrs. Slier, treasurer; Mrs. J. W. 'f. recording secretary; Mrs. s M, Long, corresponding secre- Mrs. Kate Morris, registrar; arah Haynes, historian; Mrs. trexon, librarian; and Mrs. R. "txr, chaplain. EXTERTAIX BOY SCOUTS m rnday evening the Girl entertained the Bov Scouts 'artv at tho hn of t tw ''h. About. Rtvtw nnrti.1, " " 1 ' f, iivupic I'THTlt and rookP1 tVioif enn, u' tne lawn over tW 1 nrtS, Various rnmoa nnIor V,o :v'Mon of .Mr. Smith featured the "Rs entertainment. The occa- in celebration of the first ejsary of the organization of the uynesviue. WALOCCHEE TNlma Howell, instructor of :eMat . C. T. C. Mis Marv i'J- ManDl Clark- Mr- Mark Z'vT hite ,,oas,?. f ' n ird Miss Annie Roe ?rA-0hsn' sPen the past rishinir at Cataloochee. -.:'--' CLUB TODAY ';nar,b,usiness meeting of the Z: Vi for this year will be atternP0n at 3.30 0-clock at Ti- f i,T trover Davis with ' Jlc(-racken as associate t.iery member of the club tfVt'V K i i h!m i om-ervation, Mrs. R.L.Coin, Mrs. J. 1 . Dr-us, and Mrs. Frank liel - F--n-ue Mrs. Jame A.kms; Legislation. Mrs. James L. Stnnglield; Interracial, Mrs. J. R.Latham ami Mrs Sam Pkitt; Entertainment, Mrs. R. L. Pre-v-ost. Mrs. Jami s M 1 ,, u ,;;)' m.... C. C. White; Atlendance,"Mrs. 6. R. Jianin, -.urs. Lmwood Grab' Mrs. Jerry Colkitt; and House Limvood Grahl. Mrs. Ben Colkitt and Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell, who had represented the clrb at the State Federation Conven tion held in Winston-Salem last week gave inspirational talks regarding the activities of club work as outlined at the meeing, with interesting ac counts of the social affair tlmt hon ored the delo'-rtes.' The member's r. paiiicuarly inteie;"..! in the ren ., given by Mrs. Seawell of tho sti-f uenarimeni oi eaucation anr ing. In the absence of Miss Altstaetter, Chairman, Miss Alice Quinlan gave the report of the Garden Department, stating the the Spring Flower Show would bo held on June the 2nd. She urged all the members to make en tries. The question of a suitable entrance to Waynesville since the opening of the Smoky Mountain Park, was discussed, and a motion was made that the mat ter be turned over to the Garden De partment to take up with the other civic organizations of ths town at an early date. The latter part of the program was turned over to the Girl Scouts, who were special guests of the occasion, their organization having been spon fored by the Community Club. Troup I, which is known as "Pine Tree Iroup, has as its captain Mrs. V.I). Smith, with Miss Lincoln as Lieu tenant. The girls under the direction of their leaders gave a most enjoya ble program, which set forth the ideals they are taught in their work. The following features were given. Scout Chant, by the entire troup, "Sir Ba den Powell," a talk by Marv Med ford, "Who Are Girl Scouts," by Xorine Lowe, "The Promise and Laws of the Girl Scouts," by Edith Baueoni, "A Sketch of the Life of Sacapaiuia," bv Elizabeth Wilburn, "The Story of Louisa May Alcott," by Hattie Srler Freeman, "The Lite Work ul Anna Shaw," by Doretta Thulkeld, "The Kike Song," by the -troup..-. "A talk re garding Scout activities by Mis Lincoln. An exhibition of signalling by Hattie oiler h roe man and Lcretta Thulkeld, and closing number, Taps, by the troup. During the social hour that fo lowed adjournment, tea was i-erve.l by the hostess, Mrs. O. R. Martin, Mrs. Ernest Hyatt, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, and Miss Alice Quinlan. LITTLE MISS ALLEY CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. W. II. Liner complimented her young granddaughter, Theresa Alley, with a party last Thursday after noon in celebration of her third birth day. A profusion of spring flowers in pink and white were used as dec oration in the living rooms of the Liner home. After playing numerous games the small guests were invited into the dining room. Here the pink and white color scheme was further car ried out in the favors, ice course, and in the lovely birthday cake which was placed in the center of the table. Little Miss Alley was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. The small guests present were: Bebe Medford, Barbara Ann Boyd, Gladys-Walker, Anne Farmer, Kath' ryn Hill, Lois Massie, Mary Lee Alley, Betty Jean Alley. Mary Ann Massie, Corline Alley, Billy Davis, i Noble Garrettt, Parker Gay, and Zeb Alley. i- in Spocksville th Geiitrv. Miss (u ntry -entertained her guests at. an ; elaborate dinner in celebration -of her i birthday anniversary. Mr. News. wn Ro Mr. and Mrs. Robe Frame- Robeson home Monday for Edward Robeson Virginia spent la :li his parents, Mr. am: besom, at their heme on i Newport : week-end Mr-. E. J. Love Lane, and Miss u-eompanied him two weeks' visit. Mr. Hallett Ward of Riehwood. West Virginia arr'ved Saturday to-jom Mis. Ward at the home of her p u'ents. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hipp-. Mr. and Mrs. Ward will return to their home tne hitler part of this week. now your -Miss Alice Strigi'i? . ' S s:e.-rai of her ,-' i. fates from Converse ' - ".egi :.pent Sunday with her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas String field. Miss Rosalyn Ray accompanied Miss Strmghold back to Spartanburg If FARMERS If you are going to sow SOY BEANS, is the time to buy. We can supply needs with, "The Yellow Mamoth" "The Virginia Browns" "Laredos" We also have a limited supply of Field Peas, Gane Seed and Stock Beets. for a visit of a few days. Mrs. W ayne Battle of Sylva came yesterday to spend several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Plott. .Mrs. Battle is the former Mis Ann Jean Plott. While in town she will ix! extended several social courtesies. Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell and daugh ter, Anne Seawell, motored to Colum bia. South Carolina last week-end, taking Mrs. Seawell's mother, Mrs. L.P.Williamson, who has been visit ing them for the past few weeks. 1pun, Rev. and Mi--, T. M:i Greensboro, Mrs. Charles De Wolfs, the former Miss Edith M ingum, of Chapel Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Cham bliss Keith, of Selma, Alabama, spent luesday and Wednesday at the Man gum home in Waynesville. -- Miss Elizabeth' Henry has as her guest Miss Edith Byrd of Hender sonville. -.'----'' AXXOUXCEMEXT Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Medford an nounce the birth of a daugther, La vonia, Wednesday, May ll. SPRAYING MATERIALS We Are Headquarters For All Kind Of Spraying Materials We Carry a Full Line of Farming and Garden Tools OUR MOTTO "Quality, Service" PEOPLE'S SUPPLY STORE FORMERLY HYATT & COMPANY rnone4J - - . Opposite Depot M M : h i, i v . I . ! ' ' : - H ii ill r - - : .. ... "V - ' - - ' - . ,i ' present. VSOX.NICHOLS Wvti ,Ini,on of Marion and Snada, lvere Iuietly married oov,rrn?on,,at too home . at P..i: ei ; r rcV;. i-iiu ove. uniy J,a and close friends 4 Xhe ceremony. t-'COM IIOXORED meii, lau50m- was recently r rjr? the Baptist Stu" "alje Forest College. c!a!s' 3 7nemr of the soph- f in '.r,25' attended a medical ; Asheville Tuesday night. ATTEXD ROTARY MEETIXG Several members of the Waynesville Rotarv Club with their wives attend ed the annual meeting of tha 58th district of Rotary International, held it Asheville last Thursday and Friday. Aside from the business sessions, this convention was featured by ex tensive entertainment. On Thursday the Rotarians and their wives were shown over the Vanderbilt Estate and on Thursday evening a formal ban quet was held at Grove Park Inn. At this banquet Mr. Ralph E. Xoolner, president of the Waynesville club, presented a silver service to Mr. Bret Shaeffer of Hickory, retiring governor of the district. A luncheon was given Thursday at the George Vanderbilt I M ' r fjumm?nq B?rd FULL FASHIONLD HOSILRY Whether You Want Sheer Chiffons, Medium Weig, Service Weight, Lace Tops, or Meshes, There is allummingBirri Style to fit your evrry need at the lournt price consistent with the manufacture of quality merchandise. We feature and strongly re commend Humming Birds be cause of their style appeal, uniform quality and fine work manship, and because we can stand squarely behind every pair we sell. IF YOU PAY TOO LITTLE, YOUR HOSE MAY COST TOO MUCH QUALJTY- --H0SIERY WITH AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION Is Your Assurance of Style Quality, And Value. And The New Low Prices Are The Lowest in The History of Silk Hosiery. $1.00 SERVICE Or CHIFFON WEIGHT NOW 79c NO. 30 Extra Service $1.25 NO. 80 Super Sheer $1.50 REMEMBER A New Pair With A Smile if You Are Not Fully Satisfie d is our Regular Guar antee on Humming Bird Silk Hosiery Mesh Numbers Excepted Hotel, featured by talks by tne t nasts!' governors wnicti m- rlnrled Krnest L. Withers. On Fri day luncheon was served at the Bat tery Park Hotel. Un twtn days tne Rntnrv-Anns were entertained with bridsre and teas. Among those attending the conven- ll V c, E l&AY'S SON DEPARTMENT STORE 1 if I 1 1