THURSDAY, MAY2R. Page 4 1; i If II liimaiiini m I PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 137 Sk!!iBll INTERESTING MEETING The Waynesville Woman's Ciub f held its regular -iay -meeting Thurs day afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. Grover Davis with Mrs. Davis and Mr.-. V. L. .UcCrucfcen as t associate hostess. j During the business se.siiuii the i qutstioi of landscajjir. the court I house grounds was Jiscu.-scd with the ! result that a committee consisting oi v Mrs- W.T. Hannah and Mrs. Frank i Y ti cuson was named to comer with ! :' 1 the county commission .Ts i-na oiler the assistance of the club in any way in which it could co-operate with th authorities in the m-ittc-r of landscap- :' nig and beautifying the grounds ur- rounding the new building. Mrs- John N. Shoolbred was named chairman of a committee to confer with the commissioners and the archi tect wiln reference to placing the clock which formerly graced the toj. of the old court house, either on the top of the new building or at some : appropriate place on the grounds. Mrs. James Harden howeii, Mrs. 0. F. Kirkpatrick, and Mrs. Lucile Foy were named on a committee to confer with the school authorities rel : ative to the matter of arranging for 'public school music to be added to ' the courses in the Waynesville Town ship schools. This committee was also instructed to urge that the pres ent domestic science department in the , huh school be continued. ( i Mrs. Frank Ferguson made a ar-( itial report on the work that is being done relative to the Dahlia Show in Augus't. The club members ex ' pressed their deep appreciation Uj Mr. J. U. Ivey, of Charlotte, Mr. J. Z. Cleveland, of Zirconia, and Mr. W. i TV Shelt'jn. of Waynesville, for their -: tine co-operation in assisting the corn s' roittee in its plan- for the show A detailed report of the state feder ation of woman's ciub which met in ! ; Winston-Salem the week before was ; made by Mrs. Thomas jl. Sea well, who i represented the club at that meeting. : Special stress was given to the work that is being accomplished through out the state in the department of education and gardening. ! Mrs. .1. M. Kellett, chairman of the 'department of art was in charge of the program for the afternoon. She pre jsented the speaker, Miss Louise Ed-1 'j 'wards, who spoke on "Art in the I Home." I Special music was furnished by James Harden Howell, Jr., and Miss Charlotte Hatcher. A special feature of this U-ing a violin solo by Mr. Howell accompanied on the piano by Miss Hatcher. They also played va rious selected numbers during the time refreshments were being served. The hostesses served refreshments of . ice cream, cake and coffee. JOINT HOSTESSES HONOR RECENT BRIDE f Mrs. Robert McLeod was honored with a charming bridge party and shower last Friday afternoon given by Miss Elizabeth Henry and Miss Mary . Pauline l'lott at the home of Miss ,. Henry. Mrs. McLeod was before her 'marriage several weeks aj;o, Miss Opal Ferguson. Many vases of snowballs -and ever? ' greens were used as decoration in the living rooms, carrying out .'. a color ; scheme of green and white. These colors were also noted in the salad course which was -?rved as the ton f eluding teature of vh' at'ii'i'noi.ifs tti- tFrtainment, The high score prii:e wa,-. ptesonced ' t . I r- McLeod ami uie -ccon I prize ."went to Mr.-s Edith Lyrd. The guest of honor was the recipient of many 'lovely gilts. j Those playing bridge .were Mrs. MR. AND MRS. SL'TTON HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. R. L.Sutton enter tained with an elahurare dinner party last Tuesday evening in honor of .Mrs. Sutton's mother, Airs. !C. M. Rhine hart. The event was in celebration of Mis. Khinehait's birthday anniver sary. A color note of pinK and white was used in the deco; at ions and othe r ap pointments. A iarge r.umb"r of friends arid rel- tivos were among the guests. Mrs. John H. Tuibylill, of Waynesville, at tended. ( Mr. and Mrs. G. C.Flott and fam ily have moved to their camp at Plott, N. C., where they will spend the sum mer. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick and daugh'-'r, Miss Mary Kirkpat rick, spen. Friday in Canton as guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Russell. Mrs. Andrew Moore and Mrs. Lm Stringtield spent last Sunday and Monday at Highlands. MISS MOCK SPONSOR FOR FINALS Of interest to friends in Waynes ville are the picturj- wnich appeared in the Durham Morning Herald this week of Miss Mary Mock, daughter ft Mi. and Mrs. J. M., and three other young ladies, whj with their escort of the retiring Pan-Helenio ,'ounoi! ,viU assist in the dance set at Duke University this week-end. Miss Mock is a number of the fresh-, icvn class at Duke. Her escort will jc Mr. A. K. Kirkpatrick, of Mebane. Mr. and Mrs. John Troy and Mr. Thomas Harris, of Durham, were guests of Mrs. Troys parents, Mr. ami Mis. Frank Ferguson, last week end. Mr. Troy and Mr. Harris re turned to Durham Sunday and Mrs. Troy remained with her parents for ; n extended visit. Mrs. Troy is the former Miss il-ra-l Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Edmunds and family have returned to their former homo" in Iowa. They were accompa nied by Mrs. Amelia Brass, also of Iowa, who has spent the winter here. Airs. Edmunds is a daughter of Mr. an! Airs. F. J. Reiger and Mrs. Brass is a sister of Mrs. Reiger. Mrs. Sidney Pruden and young daughter, Shirley, of Burlington, ar rived last week and will spend the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Blackwell. Mrs. Pruden has been a summer visitor in Waynes ville for several years, Mrs. Leo Reiger has returned to her home at the Fish Hatchery from the Haywood County Hospital where she underwent an operation for ap pendicitis several weeks ago. Mrs. Reiger is improving steadily. 'Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Walker, of W'lyiK'-ville. and .Mrs. "and .Mrs. ,. M. Rieheson, of Hazel wood, will attend the General Assembly of the Presby terian church which opens this morn ing at 11 a. in. at Montreat. . Mrs. Charles Badgett, Jr. and two small sons arrived Sunday from Knoxville, Tennessee for a visit to Mrs. Padgett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Denton. .' Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Long returned :o their home in Old Hickory, Tennes see Friday after a visit to Mrs. i ong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Hardin. ik Mr. and Mis. Fred Saunders and son, Fred, Jr., are leaving Friday morning for Cornettsville, Kentucky, where they will visit Mr, Fred Harris and childeu for two weeks. 1 McLeod. .Mrs. Wayne Battle, Mrs. Harry Rotha, , Mis. Felix Stovall 'Mrs, Kenneth Ferguson, Mrs ' Sammy Duvall, Mrs. Clifford Lupton Mrs. Henry Davis, Miss Edith Byrd, vtMiss Tillie Rotha, Miss Louise Fry, sMiss Jewel Hipps, Miss Elizabeth u Ray, and Miss Susie Fisher, The tea 'guests were Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Mrs. I'uil Ilenry, and Miss Daisy Hojd -.MISS HENRY HONORS BRIDE Miss Elizabeth Henry was hostess at a lovely bridge party and miscel laneous shower last Thursday after noon entertaining at her home on the v.' Dellwood Road in honor of Mrs i ' Wayne Battle, who before her recent o; marriage was Miss Anna Jean Plott . The home was arranged with a pro- , fussion of spring iiowers, Mrs. Ken . neth Fengusoii won tlie prize for the highest score and Miss Elizabeth Ray cut the consolation prize. The guest of honor received a shower of attrac- , tive gifts. A color note of green and ; "white was used in the ice cburso which was served after the games. ' The guests included Mrs. Battle, .Mrs. Robert McLeod, Mrs Felix i; Stovall, Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, Mrs. j; Bob Coin, Mrs. Sammv Duvall, Mrs. , Harry Rotha, Miss Edith Byrd, of liendersonville, Miss ea Patterson, Miss Elsie Smatheis, Miss Susie Fish ier, and Miss Elizabeth Ray, Tea - guests were Mrs. G. C. Plott, Mrs. Clifford Lupton, Mrs. A. F, Ledbetter, S Mrs, Fred Henry, Miss Babe Welch, ' ; Miss Louise Moody, and Miss Mary Pauline Plott. ". -,'.''' :i . . '.' "'.. iw.4S0.VS ATTEND MEET V ' JNG AT ROCKY MOUST . Dr. J, R. McCracken, Grand High ; l'riest of the Grand Chapter of. Royal ; v 'Arch Masons, left Tuesday for Rocky .Mimmt to preside at the annual con ; location of that order on Wednesday i land Thursday, Rev. Albert New, ;! prand Chaplain, Mr. Bill Coble, Mr. .i . Troy Wyche, Mr. Lawrence Green, , :, nd Mr. Devere Medford, of Clyde ( j ire also attending this meeting. Miss Charlotte Hatcher left last week for a visit to her homo in Dunn. North Carolina. Miss Hatcher will letiirn to Lake Junaluska for the slimmer, Mr. and Mrs. S. . E. fonnatser left i t '.veeh for their home in Scvicr ville, Tennessee, where th ?y will s-pond tha' summer. Mr.. Connatser is prin cipal of the East Waynesville school- Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Siler and .children, Fniily and Betty, and Mrs. J. K. Boone' have returned from Durham Mrs. Cliff Dixon, i Mr, Cliff Dixon. .'. : Mrsi Helen Pec'; and family, of Ha'.elweod, have mo-.M to the .Stent;: residence at Lake .Innfh;sk.i where tlvev-will- make their heme this summer.'- i ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meade return ed to their, home on Meade street, last Friday after spending the winter in ITngood, South Carolina and Miami, Florida. v. Mrs. Scott Schulhofer and children of Aiken, South Carolina, have avriv pd in Waynesville and will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Schuihof.'r this summer. M r, Ward Kirkpa'ctvc't snent last week-end as the puest of his grand mother, Mrs. Lorena Rogers, at Crab tree. '.:..'.'' ,. '.:'. '' ....;; Mrs, F. Homes, of Rpartsn'iu-?, is visiting Mrs. X. L. Kirknatrick and other relatives in Wavnesville and Clyde. '" '..' ;. Mrs. John Phelps and children, Betty and Bobbv. of Atlanta, Georgia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.G. A. Campbell, of Maggie. . '. .''." Miss Dorothy McCracken went to SylVa Tuesday to spend the rest of the week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle. '". ' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bridges and Mrs, Genie Jones spent Friday in Asheville visiting friends and rela tives. .. ...' ' Mr. Joe Welch returned last week from an extended trip through Flor ida. :. Mrs. J. R. Thomas, Campbell, and Mrs. K. Monday in Asheville. Mrs. R. R. . Com spent Mr. Rufus Siler, Mr. Wallace Black well, and Mr. W. O. Goode spent Tuesday in Asheville. Mrs. Cleveland Kirkpatrick and Miss Robena Miller were Asheville visitors Tuesday. v Miss Elizabeth Henry .-.pent last week-end in Hendersonville as the guest of Miss Edith Byrd. Dr. J. F. Abel and Dr. O. T. Alex ander spent Tuesday at Lake Raburn, Georgia, fishing. Mr. J. C. Haynes, of Clyde, spent Wednesday in V aynosville on busi ness. Dr. and Mrs. O. T. Alexander have a:: their guest Mrs. Alexander's niece, little Miss Betty Stein, of Charlatte. Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Medford and two children, Bebe and Phil, spent last week-eml fishing at Cataloochee. . Miss Sara Jane Walker is spending several weeks in Charlotte visiting bar aunt, Mrs. Lawrence Coin. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Davis haw as their guest Mrs. Davis' r.isce, Miss Jessie McCracken, of Clyde. Among tjie visitors here Friday were Messrs. C. B. McCracken and Herman Greene, of Fines Creek. Mr. G. N. Henson, of Asheville, flpent Friday in Waynesville on bus iness.. '.'. Among the visitors in town Satur day were Messrs. J. T. Rogers, J. B. Best, and Hugh Best, of Crabtree. Mr. Jerry Rogers and Mr. Jack West, of Clyde, were visitors in Way nesville Monday. : Mrs. Charles Brown, of Clyde, spent Monday shopping in Waynesville. Mr. J. H. Gossett, of Medford Farm, was a visitor here Thursday. Mr. M. L. Shipman, of Raleigh, visited Waynesville last week. Mr. Homer V, Cagle was a visitor here from Clyde Thursday. Mr. J. B. Best, of Crabtree, was a visitor here Friday. Mr. Hugh Peiiland, of Pigeon, spent Friday in Waynesville. Mr. Charles B. McCrary, of Fines Creek, was a Waynesville visitor Fri day. ' Mr. W. A, Moore was here I'igeon Friday. from Mr. J. R. Terrell, of Clyde, speni Friday here on business. 0. E. S. HAS INTERESTING MEET ING A very interesting meeting of the Waynesville Chapter No. 165 Order Eastern Star was held Thursday, May nineteenth, at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Minnie K. eLwis, of Esther Chapter No. 12, Asheville, together with a degree team composed of mem bers of Biltmore No. 38, Esther No. 12, and Asheville No. 191, were in charge of this meeting. The chapter room was very artis tically decorated with spring flowers. The exemplification of the degree work was put on in a very beautiful and impressive manner. Music was furnished by Mrs. Mamie Howie, or ganist, and Mrs. Leola Byerly and Miss Lillian Kearney, soloists. L'nder the good of the order, Mrs. Hilda Simons', Worthy Matron, of Waynesville No. 165, made an ad dress of welcome to visiting members and commended Mrs. Lewis and the degree team on their splendid work. Mrs. Lewis also made an interesting talk. There were 39 visiting members and 30 local members present, After the meeting refreshments were served consisting of punch and cake. Publicity Committee. FORMER HIGH SCHOOL ROYS WIN HONOR AT DUKE Mr. Joe Shackford has the distinc tion of being elected president of the Junior Class of Duke University. Mr. Shackford also won a letter on the Duke Track Team which took second place in the Southern Conference championship. Air. Fred Crawford, sophomore at Duke, is an outstanding athlete, hav ing won a letter in football, he also holds a record for the javelin throw on the track team. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Withers, Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell, and Miss Anne Seawell are leaving this week-end tt spend a few days in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Withers will return the first of next week accompanied by their daughter, Miss Hester Anne ithers, who has been attending Agnes Scott College, and their son, Mr. Ernest Withers, Jr., who has been in Atlanta for the past several weeks visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Satterthwait. Miss Maude Terrell has returned to her home on Walnut street after a three weeks absence. For two weeks Miss Terrell was assistant County Supervisor in Avery County. ' Last, week she motored to Raleigh with Mis Mary Logan, of West Asheville. Miss Logan and. .-Miss Terrell were shown many '.ocial courtesies while guests of the hitter's cousin. Miss Mary Anne Vaughn, on West Park Drive. '. Mi s. J.H. Way, Miss Virginia Welch and: Miss' Mary Stringfield are leaving today to attend the commencement exercise.-', at Salem College in Winston Salem. They will be joined in Win ston by Miss Babbie Way, who is student at Salem, and Visit in other Eastern cities before returning. '.'...' : The following friends from Crab attended the funeral of Mr. Claude Haynes in Waynesville Monday: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Justice, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W L. Bradsh-w. Mr, F. W. Messer, and Mr. G. P. Mcs ser. .Mr. and Mrs. Francis Massio nre spending sometime as guests of the former's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. T. N. Massie, at their homo on Pigeon street. Mr. Francis Massie is con valescing from a recent operation at the Haywood Countv Hospital. ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tate, of Lake land, Florida, have arrived in Way nesville to spend the summer with rel atives. ,..... Miss Thomasine Stringfield spent last week-end in Asheville as the guest of Miss Carolina Ward. Mr. R S Lafferty, of High roint, and Mr. R. D. Hildebrand, of Ahse viile, ere spending this week in Way nesville in the interest of Senator Cameron Morrison. They are guests at the LeFaine Hotel. Mr. R. H. Harris and Mr Watkins have completed tVe of the Champion ribre r, dam at Sunburst and !ef- i for their home in Birmin?; :am. :1 rJ 5t J omp: WM AS WANT AD RATES (Terms Cash) lc a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subse quent insertions. i 2c a word fur this size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. 3c a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. xrrir tit a XTVn-ri t-v . conduct Rawleigh City 'bus;. t! Cities of Waynesville, Svlva pa hab e hustier can start earni weekly and increase rajid'v v immediately. Eawleigh ciT ri NC-5V, Richmond. Vl ' De FOR SALE Hatching blood tested. State n.i..r, lro& White Rocks and Barred Rocks. B. J. Slnnr, ir...0 , .,J4,vmeiiy 4 1 15-3;; NEW LOW I'Rict ALL WHITE and B;.i Minimum charge of 25c. FOR SALE Porto Rico, Xancy Hall, Queen of the South, Norton Yam, and Improved Texas white, potato plar.ts now ready at 20 cents per 100 or $1,25 per 1000 in lots of 2000 or more Give me your orders. I can fill them whether large or small. Good plants. Full count. Prompt service given. G. T. Cooper, Sunny Brook Dairy, Sylva, N. C. HARDY STOCK Marglobe, Earli ana and Stone Tomato plants, 20c per hundred. Postpaid dollar lots. J. F. Weathers, Forest City, N.C. Rhode Island Reds, Wvandottes 9c el Rb and W..I oeiivi-iv, r. T rrUn,.., OA .1.,!:- , ' 'I r 1 1 . - 1-1 oi iiuuvc iiuia lurge ergs a:i,J , blood-tested stock. .Or,i,-r t.ari, Supply limited. Ihey'H be prof makers for you. I Fine ten-weeks-old White Leghop pullets 50c. " BUNCH POULTRY FARM INSURANCE For all kinds of it. surance, with reliable uompanid see J. M. Newton, your insurance! man, at the Waynesville Imuran Agency, Over The Mountain; Office. WANTED TO RENT A small regiter. Call 143 or writ - box 3:;,' 2 T 51W beware of imitations Look for the name Bayer and the word genuine 011 the package as pictured below when you buy Aspirin. Then you will' know that you are getting the genuine Bayer product thousands of physicians prescribe. Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as mil lions of. users have proved. It does not depress the heart, and no harm ful after-effects follow its use. SHIRT HEADQUARTERS Bayer Aspirin is the universal anti dote for pains of all kinds. Headaches Rheumatism Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache Genuine Bayer Aspirin is sold Et all druggists in boxes of 12 and in bottles of 21 ai.d 100 tablets. Aspirin . is the . trade - mark of Bayer manufacture of rnonoaceticacidestcr of salicylicacid. PROGRAM FOR "WHAT IS THIS THING CASL.LKD SAIVFQMIIZIjXG ? " vv T 1 E'VE rewritten the popular tune. "Sanforizing" is Arrow's marvelous new mechanical process. It not only adds new lustre to fine Arrow fabrics, but makes it pos sible for you to wear shirts that ft the day you buy them and fit as well after the 5th or 50th laundering. Cuffs and shirt tails don't creep and climb. Collars never strangle. The shirts fit and fit, and we guarantee them to keep on fitting, or your money back. You'll set yourself new stand ards of shirt value, looks and comfort, especially is Trump, in white and colors at $1.05. G.E. RAY'S SONS . x' vyxv ' WAYNEW00D THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. i 11 . !.. i'i W THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 26-27 JOHNNY WISEMULLER AND MAURE?:X O'SULLIVANin "T A T)1? A XT Trim a tt ' i w .. a ii.Utm 1 111, AVii, iiAl .. . - SATURDAY, MAY 28 1 BUZZ BARTON AND CAST OF COWBOYS in; I 'HUMAN TRGE ;I0NDAy AND TUESDAY, MAY 30-31 "."vxn.xv oHAtr.K AINU 31AK10N NlAU-N m "Amateur n a nnv" Another "DADDY LONG LEGS" I VTnrrnr,.r.WEDNESDAY' JUNE 1 VICTOR MATT.Anr r'XT A-vm tttttvt TTrTTin f "WHILE PARIS SLEEPS" I ALSO COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES EVERV 1JAY 'i'l'i- . .1

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