MAY 26, 1932 7THrW5YNESVIIXEli0TTNTSINEEir tructi hnn Of Pests abbage And Po- rn TirffAn L V-uwonger,. Extension Hor I ,. ntto buzs and IJStrf potatoes and the 1 Lnf the cabbage re- w ?!u- .nrt hinder the de- kr".,nH cabbage heads. Ut 01 ak every potato fJ cabbage plant produce ' Product if a fair margin 4 Z oroduct if a fair margir be made under the pres. ii -opoivpn ior iarin Ind of P" " 'X "f insects and The cy"" . ... will K OF POTATO PESTS I dust with poisoned Bor lv r.flusA.4. xlation when Mnke nrM- fi"", . v 118 ohnut three inches fret every two weeks until VXdcata for Spraying- .,. Blue stone, Is' .!,.,.' finishing lime). K unds arsenate of lead; lunc of water. , wooaen or ei " 1 "J1 . nnnU im n carta- .thin pase, e.u ... - Le-fourthf full or wa., uU lw ... 0,i stir thoroughly. ffrueHy the dessolved 3 pounds I ""' v,0 lima wntfr t stone V j Yj , barreil full of water and add " f L,n naste. A stock rVblue stone may be made Lw 10 pounds in a uuiiap uug .,fintr it in 10 ..gallons ot luntil dissolved. One gallon of ution will equal on.; P"ui.u rone, .hum. ..v--..-.. Si Bordeaux mixture is uiaue. I graving ror an . Me " . ami about gauons wnen U about grown. ' ,,md Bonkaiu ) or unsung hiercial poisoneu i""cu U poison cupper lime ctust-5 are l-atislavtoi'V it ttiorougmy p- A good dust gun is necessary I'v these compornus. u wi.i I.-oni !" to -0 pounds ot dust, ,.ifr mi li t uic I.r an ad? o' potatoes at each Mak. Jast application cany mornirr, or lite in ine even- bring penoib wne.n nine win i cabbai;;' apiiid;, which are soft I insect: curl up , the young e "lea vp? and prevent the i'orm- lif good :'.a ooa ge heads, une o 1st remedies H per cent nico- Inlnhaf. rvrothrum extracts. Inder various trade names, are tooi: ' ' These impure. can tie bed from any dealer hamllinK matern Is. Follow the direc- k. th iapKa?s a? ro inei" use, lo s'do':('i coiiFistins of rhout Lund of sjap to i gallons of i? also pood when used during Irlv mofnint of :b'te in" the c' ri- should he given the wnon tinsS5.pest lirst appears, it wait until the leav.v have lurled by the aphida. It is nec- to cover the ap.niJi witn the Isolation in order to kill them. Id sprayinij are ofter. necessary ipletely destroy tnis pes:. i caboage worm is the most se pest and very c6mmon in the ly of ." cabbage fields. They eed on the outer leaves and then In the inner leaves, hiuing in ihe heads as thpv form. It is then I to reach them with the spray, mg snould begin when the white Hies are first seen around the life Held. These butterflies ac- Iom early summer untu iaa and untinually laying eggs. There several spraying's are neccessa- Kiu the continuous appearance frms. ayihg or dusting with arsenate Pd is the best control lor the wnrm Pftr snrAvinir 2 Is of arsenate of lead, 3 pounds pa and 50 gallons of water. Mix l;ifP nt' IpaH in a V,ir, nacta Ko. lidding to water in spray tank. tive tne soap and adu to spray Je up with b level tauiespooiuut son, one-fourth inch cube soap ne gallon of water. f dusting mix one pound of arse "f lead and 3 pounds of hydiateii aster's limo Tlnef urViavi tViva ia t . .."v. uov mica in .blowing- or in early morning r'nng. ' cabbage grower who markets ke damageed by worms is rapped in two ways: first( the fini aoes not otter the tOD Price for rahhatra -ivin .hp I kaves of the head are riddled I worm holes. Second, since cab is snM Vm -v,.yi it. yj cigi.u,. liicifj 13 cv ivaa "ght whenever the grower has nP the heads of outer damaged ;s in order to market an attrac- 1 o ALLEN'S GREEK I . . ii pjbody ia very much pleased to -'wt we are going to soon have ;lc lights in our community. and Mrs. Kim rhiimUn On. Nthe marriage of their daugh- aid in securing this mar- IUCllC, .to Mr r.i and Mr IVnHn. ilT.-lT- ;a; w Mr. Henry Mashburn, They Belle E.stes and Mr. Louis Al ; 7er' to -Bryson City Sunday. 'Sunday night. i . tdward Bright returned home erir, no?pital "where he has been KS from ; an automobile ac- F;3 Rubv I; le week-end with Miss Ruth r- Charl s - oi Asnevuie. visit- U T anche Allen and Mr. T.B. I; '? visited frion lm.tvu f" Sunday Candidate Cards For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters of the Democratic Party in ine June iTimary. Your support will be appreciated. Bryan Medf ord Waynesville Route 2. For Tax Collector I herebv announce mvlf J? the office of TAX COL. loivk oi naywood County, subject to the Democratic primary to be held in June. Your support will be ap preciated. Rowe B. Howell For Representative I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination jn the Dem ocratic ticket for the office of Repre sentative of Haywood county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party in the June primary. Any sup port given me will be appreciated. R.M.Leatherwood POR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce,, myself as a can-1 didate for County Commissioner, sub-1 iect to the wishes of the voter in the 1 June Primary of the Democratic Party i win appreciate your suooort ana vote. Lee Ferguson For Representative I am a candidate for Representative from Haywood County. Your support will be appreciated by representing your interest to the best of my ability. J. H. Howell FOR CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I hereby announce mi-self as candi date for nomination as chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Hay wood county according to th wishes of the voters in the Democratic Pri mary in June. I am the present chair man of the board and will appreciate your vote and support to re-elect me to this place, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary of the Democratic Party I wi'J appreciate any support given me. Grover Rogers For Tax Collector T hereby announce mvself a candi date for TAX COLLECTOR for Hay wood County subject to the voters in the Democratic primaiv in June. Any support given me will be appreciated. J. C. Welch For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters of the Democratic Party in the June Primary. Your support will be appreciated. Lee V. Rogers Clyde. N. C. Rt. No. 1 For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as candi date for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June primary of the Democratic . party. Any support given me will be appreciated. Hugh Rogers Crabtree, N. C. For State Senate I hereby announce myself a can didate for the State Senate for this disriet, subject to the Democratic primary in June. Any support given ne will be appreciated. J. R. Boyd FOR Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Register of Deeds of this county, subject to the wishes of the Democratic primary in June, Any support given me will be appreciated. Robert E. Owen Route 2. For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as candi date for Tax Collector for Haywood County in the June Primary. I have been working and supporting the Democratic party for oO years and any support given me will be appre ciated. R.&Conmn CANTON For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters of the Democratic Party in the June Primary. . . t . Your support will be appreciated. W. A. Moore Pigeon Township For State Senate I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination to the State Senate from the Thirty-second Senatorial District. W.R. Francis FOR COUNTY Commissioner I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election for County Commissioner in the June primary, of the Democratic party, I will appreciate any support given me. P. V. Massey For Representative I am a candidate to succeed myself i . : . ' T-Tl TTTT7 tJi as Kepresemauve xxuui L t will nnnreciate anv suport given me in the June Primary. 11 elected I will serve the people to the best of my ability. R. E. Hipps FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER t toiw announce myself as a can- J - At. j!ta for rountv the June Primary, subject to the Demo cratic Party. I will appreciate any support given me. E. B. Rickman PIGEON TOWNSHIP R. T. Boyd FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner subject to the wishes of the voters in the Democratic Primary, June 4th. Your support will be appreciated. Frank Davis FOR Register Of Deeds I hereby announce myself as candi date for nomination for Register of Deeds of this county in the June Pri mary of the Democratic Party. I will appreciate anv support given me. Chas. B. McCrarry FINES CREEK FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I am a candidate for nomination for member of the county Board of Com missioners, to succeed myself, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary, of the Democratic Party. I will appreciate any upport given me, and if nominated will endeavor to work at all times for the best interest of the citizens of this county. Jarvis H.Allison WAYNESVILLE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I nm a candidate for nomination for the board of commissioners, subject to the wishes of the Democrats in the June Primary. I have served on the board two terms and will appreciate any support given me I or reelection. W. H. Henderson CANTON FOR Register Of Deeds T liorohtr announce myself as a can didate for Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, subject to the wishes of the Democratic Primary, June 4tn, I will aporeciate any support given me, and if elected will serve the peo ple to the best of my ability. Edwin Haynes FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as candi date for commissioner of Haywood county, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary, I have served on the board for 10 years, although not at present a member of the board. Any support given me will be appreciated. T-r ' Asbury Howell WAYNESVILLE For Tax Collector t Viorohw announce mvself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Haywood County, subject to the wisnes oi tne voters in the Democratic Primary in June. I will appreciate your vote, and in luence. John B. Best CRABTREE TOWNSHIP FOR Board of Education I hereby announce myself a candi date as a member of the Board of .Education oi nay """'ji ject to the wishes of the voters m the Democratic Primary in June. Your vote and support will be appreciated. Homer V. Cagle CANTON FOR CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I am a candidate for the office of Chairman of the Board of Commis sioners, subject to the action of the Primary in June. I have served the voters of Haywood County a Regist er of Deeds and on the Board of Com missioners for a n'i,"ber of years. 1 feel that the people know m and my fitness for the office. Your support will be appreciated. Geo. C. Haynes CLYDE TOWNSHIP For Tax Collector I hereby announce myself as candi date for Tax Collector of Haywood County subject to the wishes of the voters in thP June Primary of the Democratic Party. I will appreciate any support given me. Lucious Liner LAKE JUNALUSKA FOR CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I am a candidate for chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Hay wood County, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary of the Demoiratc piarty. I will appreciate your support and influence, and if ele cted will serve the citizens to the besf of my ability. Jarvis T. Coman LAKE JUNALUSKA FOR CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as can didate for nomination for Chairman of the board of county commissioners of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters in the Demo cratic primary in June. Your vote and support wi'i be appreciated. Will A. Hyatt FOR Register of Deeds T .henehv Announce ivelf a. van. didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Haywood County, subject to the wishes of the voters in the Demo cratic Primary on June 4, 1932. lour vote and influence will be ap preciated. Horace C. Ferguson FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Sheriff of Haywood Coun ty subject to the wishes of the Demo cratic party in the June Primary. Any surnort given me will be appreciated. T. Harrison Rogers For Coroner I hereby announce myself candi date for nomination of Coroner of Haywood county, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary of thn Democratic party. I have an un blemished record as a loyal Democrat and your votes and influence will be greatly appreciated by me. Luther R.McAbee FOR Register Of Deeds I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, subject to the wishes of the voters! in the Democratic primary in June. Your vote and influence will be ap predated. Claude D. Medf ord FOR Register Of Deeds 1 hereby announce that I am a can didate for nomination for Register of Deeds, subject to the wishes of the voters in the June Primary. Your vote and support will be appreciated. David Turner FOR Board of Education I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for the Board of Education, subject to the wishes of the Democratic Primary in June. I believe in anything progressive for cur schools. Your vote and any sup port given me will be appreciated. R.T.Messer FOR Board of Education I hereby announce myself as a can didate for membership on the Board of Education of Haywood County sub ject to the will of the people as ex pressed in tho Democratic Primary, June 4, 1932. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, R. C. Chambers For Representative I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the House of Representa tives, subject to the June Primary of the Democratic party. Any support will be warmly appreciated. W. T. Crawford FOR : ...'.';'.:' Board of Education We hereby announce ourselves can didates for the Board of Educaion of Haywood County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary on June 4th. . CCPIott H. A. Osborne J. H. Haynes J. R. THOMAS Is a Candidate for STATE SENATE He is a son of Col. Wra. H. Thomas of the 69th Regi ment of troops of North Carolina in the Civil War. Mr. Thomas is a former Representative from Jack son County. FOR SHERIFF I am a candidate to succeed myself for nomination as 01 eiilt of Haywood County, in the June Pri mary, subject to the wishes of tha Democratic party. Your support and vote will be appreciated. J. A Lowe FOR Township Constable I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Constable for Waynesville Township, subjet to tho wishes of the Democratic voters at the June primary. George Buchanan Xi , A xV x t 8x Jf ix- w,n it :.x :-i)(XiXi---t " ., ,MvVx Jr. - i I X xd vf - s x. , . ' . X 7. , Judge Tarn C. Bowie DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING Judge Tam C. Bowie Candidate for UNITED SIMS SENATE Will Speak in Waynesville NIGHT May 27, at 8 O'clock MASONIC TEMPLE THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY IN VITED TO HEAR THE ISSUES OF THE DAY DISCUSSED BY JUDGE BOWIE. Narrow Outside Margi D 1,1.1: