PPPl Has More Paid-in-Advance Subscripts In Hay woo J County Than All H'eeHij .Xeuspaptrs Combined WARY CLUB TO Two Scholaishps fOABCAST OVER 1VXG SUiNUAi, 1 L Of Broadcasts Spon ,red By Asnevine iud nds Sunday, fRIPTIONOF THIS IXY WILL lit: uivuiN r Howell And Ralph nllner Will Present Ad j? ir. n Intakes oi ayne&viue. NO. 25 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1932 liM of a series of radio broad vill be jriven Sunday afternoon ,'WayneWille Rotary Club over cation WWNC at 1 o'clock, "i sponsored by the Asheville i"ub The broadcasts were be- v , u.. v, A .:n v vtel'KS UK0 uy liic --vaucvint; ,rinR -which time Tryon, Hen vi!U Spruce Pine, Andrews .rd Franklin "nave had half hour mi nn the air. or J. Harden Howell will rep tile city of Waynesvuie and ur. ollner. president of the Way- ,. Rotary Club will speak. A ive article ot w aynesviue, pre hv the local club, will be read fce'r Miller, of Asheville, who is ge of the inter-city programs, takers from Waynesville will ,iuced by Mr. Miller, rt Phillips, president of the ;;e Rotary Club will have a few to make at the close of the In, .Mrs. Frank LaBar will ren- eral organ nunilbers ironi the of the Imperial Theatre organ. 'hillms said yesterday that the e of the series of broadcasts brine a closer relationship of kumunities of Western North b and increase the spirit of ion and friendliness." "When irit is created more firmly in lerent cities of our mountain then the future for all of us brighter." expenses of the pirogram. are tat by the Asheville Club and mlv one of the many services e Rotary clubs are doing in B other sections of the ountry. Offered Local Boys ujK-rii,tendcnt B. I). Bunn has just tw M-noiarsnips which e scing awarded to two boys of t las.- Ot ', fer:or whicn .mor.ts. sre the One of the schol. im.i; s is worth S.-.O at Wake Forest otner is worth several iJL.'.ed at the Textile Industrial In state, at Spartanburg. ,.Th !awhip for the South Car-o-i-'..'. slihm.-I reads .as follows: "Each s. i 'I.U'ship will provide sutfu-i.-ir l- l-' V1'"5 t:'i' beneficiary to vurn a . " " !, ..ii. .on -Ue.V . 1). ill loo.T lili- ... i-0 V. .1K wil Lie so I,, . 1 ;Miit tie' student to i-arrv a full w- .j.'v ''ad and wi l nnt py, i and a hah' hour- v ".". . . ' - .... ".-nil. ,t n cc.-e,!ited Junior Colk-a-e. ownp.l ,i operated by the Methodist Kpi.copal Lnurch, South, for the 1k i o- , , iuung men and women oMi.i.iied means. Mr, Bunn requests that any bov desiring to investigate either of the two scholarships get in tou,'h with him immediately. D. A. V. Convention Termed As Most Successful Here The Mountaineer To Give Returns Saturday Night Because of the interest hein shown by the citizens of this county over the primary Saturday, The Mountaineer has arranged wherein- anyone within reach of a telephone cui 'get the results of the election before they retire Saturday night, and for those more interested in the results they may get the accounts more quickly by attending the "returns party" at this ottice. Through special arrangement with the Judges of the precincts of the county 'his paper will get the results quickly and post them in a few minutes after receiv ed. Returns from the governor's and senator's race will he received by' radio installed by Martin Elerljic company and by special communication with Associate' Press. The Mountaineer is. doing this bit of service just as a means of informing the citizens of the county of the le-.Its of the primary as mioii as possible. Special charts will be made in front of The Mountaineer otl'u-e and large lights in stalled so that the boards may be seen for some distance away. In case of rain the charts will be elected inside the office, and the "party" will be held as planned. Nothing will please the stall" of this paper better thai have you take advantage of this servk-e. '.' ,:me ami attend in person, if possible, and if not convenient :o do that, just call U7 and the ciomplete returns up to that time w'ili be given you. The party will begin about 9 oYVek Local Candidates Enter Final Lap Of Campaign OiiPSiliniK nnrl CANDIDATES ARE a: n.. FORKING HARD The Election (Rulings of Attorney C era! hrs Of American gton To deceive A Revised Law Book Soon bncement was made yesterday ry veteran who has loined er a member of th-3 American for 1932, and whose card and on record with the national Ition liy July 10th, will re float charge, a thirty-two page if -size booklet, . written in Riiape. describing all federal e laws .pertaining to World 'ans. hnouncement was made by J. ick, post .commander of the here, falkiwin advice from headquarters in Indianpolis, v wil! there lie a f ull descrip- ii sucn l-v.vs. in words that n will be a'de to understf fld. ponfusiptr technicalities, and he lepal references, such as win tie eliminated. , psary Excursion Mystery Trains" pounced By Southern ninct innovations in train Trains are announced by the "Oliwav SVStPmv rnmr l tr-i rates at nn mm w.;i , - - y. wil tf JJCi IIIJIC "etween all nnint nn. its on certain connecting lines, '-9 June IS 'i.mn,A,.... fie deth anniversnrv nt tVio I0" .of Southern Railway and-the introduction of the "din, a Tiew tvno n -roil. 11 tri.P for this country. Mr the anniversarv exenr- honored in "s on all trains except the 7""lti win be good for tr'P until Jun 2fi t,h mm checking and stopover ney .will annlw fVa Via routes between Lynch B,"stol, Atlanta and Mont. rnta and Augusta, Birm- emphis, as well as.be- ""s on thp Sai,1,o. u;! strv Troix thrilt . "uers Passen- il SL& embarkine -'for an ?mation; with nnu, v, Prtnre and ret,, h a full nrntrT-am -a the po na. o j i at (i. r 6 Q"u return Rtifiii 2- lvn' lncl"a fT u, 'nner. .The first '" Was so. t; k: v, .nn: Za.sh'"eton on June 6. the n! ld"k. sealed orders oS . learn the "er the ie- b Lain from the orig- IWsJrOC!ation "f 'e "ir L -Ml10nary Union harch "Uar meetin with O o-r ,June. 8th. begin- The state convention of the Dis abled American Veterans came to a close here Saturday night after a most iuccessful meeting which lasted for two days here. Evei-vthinn- n-ont off smoothly and as planned. The yoiuuv- r uuay aiternoon was some what interferred with bv the steady downpour of rain. The rain also pre vented the intended motor trip into the park. The visitors were carried to the edge of the park along the paved highway, but did not get to visit the interior. Lewis L. Rishel, prominent young attorney of Asheville, was unanimous ly named State commander of the Dis duina American Veterans of the World ar in the final business session of .iij convention here Saturday after .ii,on. Air.. Kishel has been one of the must active members of the organiza tion in the State since its inception and Two Haywood Boys TAM BOWIE GIVES Win Prizes In Nat- VIEWS TO VOTERS lonal Essay Contest; HERE LAST WEEK Two members of the Vocational jOver 200 Hear Candidate Class of the Waynesville Township high school received prizes in the essay contest sponsored by Swift and com pany in the recent national contest. The boys won out over several thous and contestants that entered from every state in the Union. Carl Underwood was in sixth place with a cash prize of .33, while Walter Francis was in the rank of 42nd with no cash prize but a package of spe cial bacon prepared by jvviit uiu. company. The boys wrote on several different suujects submitted by the company For U. S. Senate Des pite Rain. "If this era of creating debts in this State dots not cease it will dest'o this or any other commonwealth. tl) What inquiry i.oiild the reg istrar make of a per. U'.i .vit'ti ' respect to party affiliation w. t uch ,ht-oii seeks legist ration? The single qui-." lion relating to par ty alliliatum which the 11't.isu'e.r should ask the appiirant !'ir tjiistra ticn is as contained in C. S. t'.liT: "With which political party are you uU'dialed?" The 'party allilialimi' v the applicant shoul.l lie enter d in the sippropriate place cn the registration oook m accordance wil li the answer given, if such answer is (iciinite enough for such purp'w. Otlier in quiries may lc niade whc'i (he i ;ghi nl me elector to particpmo in a party primary is challenged under t tui.il, and this will !o covered at i.n- other place in this letter. (2) Can a voter, registered Inde pendent, vote in a lemociatic or a Hepulilican primary '' No. -, " (3) Does the law pcov.iie for put ting Independent candidates on the ballot in the general fiction? Yes. ..:''.."" (4) Can" a voter, .'vgi. ''..! r .1 Repub lican,' Vote part or all of the Democrat ic primary ticket in tl. ; primary' dic tum? No-. ''..''... (5) Can a. voter, registered'' us 'an Indeiiendent, vote part of the Demo- AT LAST MINUTE Campaign Termed As "Clean and Clear-Cut' By Close Observers. iB eeem y jcuye,jn ine anairs I .ouwiue ia. iney were Mate i now faced by a deficit of from cne Asheville chapter. ; ' g.ve n suggestions m classes, but in.j,ix to eight miln dollars and I nfove jese Ji. vviison, of uunn, was nam- lKiv ""s .'."' 'c'u.eicii. c.i senior vice commander. W. M. In speaking of the recent contest -Saunders,' of Salisbury, was elected Mi- Smith, vocational teacher of tr,e junior vrce commander John O. Cad-' township schools, pointed out that the Judge Tarn C. Bowie, of West Jeffer- ei atic piimary ticket and part of the VI". n'"JiuBi jur ine Democratic uepuoiican primary ticket? Mmmalinn tM 11 C . . v.. . . w . . . v, . v . 1 1 I ij 1 , L U i U U II audience of Haywood county voters ill the Masonic Temple her Frulav right. About 200 persons were pres ent in pne oi ine rain which fell pi actually all evening. t-ontinuing, Judge Bowie said: "This wailader, of Uteen, sergeant-a:-arms, -ona li. Vincent, of Asheville, his torian and S. H. Kelley, Waynesville, chaplain. must now be made to pay and not contract further indebtedness." He denied that he meant to imply that a "single dollar" of this money has been misappropriated or spent eoys have made it a rx-int to always win and show that they are really in unwisely because "to show for it we teiesteo in the studies Hl'eukd by theltlave one ol the most splendid systems I vocational classes. lUvemtv tiie bovs .ot nighways in any State in the Union "the new commander has served fori Jille piece of ivoi'k.'iir.'iWpiiig to ;fnd have as fine an array of college everal- years as a member of the ev-l V1 conimun.ties. to worn j"" uuhuiiiks as any com eeutive committee representing theiout lne 'w 'ear larm l'WVs-.' in this l'lans have been made by fathers of the boys to erect a Luilding en the high school grounds for the vocational class. The lathers are to furnish the Asheville chapter The other officers named at the af ternoon session Saturday are also keenly alive to the problems that face the organization at this time and have oeen exceptionally active in advanc ing the cause oi Viie disaultu vctexans ol the State, Banquet is Held lock and do the grading and the coun- T yluK WniC" Can ty is to have the construction done,LJh! BttJftiat " monwealth can boast of in these Unit ed States, but these debts were cwn tracted when eyery-body was making mcney and now that conditions have changed we must change our policy oi contracting debts to a policy of liaying debts, which can only be done in our state No. (6) May one change his party aU'd .atnm, Mid if so, when? Yes. He may do so at any tim prior to participation in the primary ' elec tion. -..-Although, registered as a Dem ocrat, a Republican, or an Indepen dent, the voter may during the ''reg istration period or w hen he goes t ) vote in the jirimary, declare a change W. T. CKAWFOKI) WITHDRAWN Mountaineer To Give Com plete Returns Of County And State To Public. Everything seems to be in readi ness for the primary next Saturday at which time approximately. 7.000 voters ii iv expected to go to the polls and vote.-for candidates .to lill 12 olli. ccs in the county. and a like number of state olliccs. This year has been one of many upsets and unexpected hap penings. Several that were expected to enter the race decided t-i stay out of the race, while others joined in among the throng. The candidates during the past 'cw weeks have been putting forth every effort to cinch the last minute voter's Attention is called to the fact that the voters will be required to vote for the same man twice in the United States Senate race. There being a short and long term for that ollice. Voters are urged to read the ballot carefully and check the same man for the two terms. I that had not funy made up their minds as to how tney exnecteo 10 vote Saturday, 1 he candidates for state offices have spoken here and in some cases they gained ground by it and others lost ground by attempting to swing the other candidate's vines to his side. The county candidates have stayed within their bounds and there has been about as little "mud-sling-ing" during this campaign as could have been expected, as a wiioie it has in his party affiliation and ask "t'hnt I .hHVC 1)l'l'n 'x the change lie. entered Jn tne reg.istra'-" ?c?n 'JW"ed-'- a t'lt'u"' ?lenr-out viueh interest is being shown over the results of the woi'K accomplished The McCIure Williams chapter j of the Disabled Veterans of I America wish to thank .Mayor j Howell, the Town of Waynesville the Chamber of Oommerce and a number of citizens for their co- j operation during the recent state convention which met here last weak. ; I tchool. The convention, which came to a for-1 th.e bos '"? this 'department at mat close with the annual banquet and dance Saturday night, was one ot tne mo? t successful in the history of the organization. Reports submitted show ed steady growth in number Of chap ters and in members during the past Methodist Meeting: In Andrews In Conference productive iaiS''wh'c govermnent by cutting out everv de partment and bureau that is possible without crippling the efficiency of our administration and by a change in our present tax system so as to draw the taxes from property which is produc ing mm uruiging in returns ana taK- is non- 12 months. In North Carolina alone the number of chapters has increased from five to 24 and the membership in approximately the same proportions. During the convention, delegates and visitors were tendered a number of social affairs, beginning with an outing in the mountains on the edge of the Great bnioKy Mountains Na tional nark Friday afternoon and end ing with the banquet held at the hotel Gordon Saturdav evening. Business sessions were held Friday j morning and evening and Saturday morning and afternoon, at which many nroblems now lacing the disaciea The conference of the Waynesville district of the .Methodist Episcopal church, South, was being held with the Andrews Methodist church Wed nesday and today, ine itev. I.. H. Hayes, of Waynesvil.e, presiding el der of the district, will be present and preside. Approximately 150 visitors and del egates attended and the local congre gation, of which the Rev. Walter J. Per Capita Jndebetness "In 1918-10 the amount of revenue ;n Xorth Carolina for all purposes was $22,500,000 and in 1930 it had n-ounted to $102,000,000," he declared, making tne per capita indebtedness tion book. Hu will tliceupon have the right to participate :n t:ie nnmary of the party with which he then de clares and has ' recorded his puny iifliliation, unless upon challenge b,'s right so to participa e is ileciiied against him. (7) How is the right of a voter to particpa(e in a ;iarty primary to be determined when that right i-s chal lenged on the ground 0f party aflili ation C. S. G0;:i directs that the elector shall be furnished with primary bal lots of the pblitlea; jiat'.y Willi which he affiliates, and he sh.all not ii such piimary be allowed to v.ite a ticket marked with the name of any ptliii ca party of which h'? has not declared h.mself to be a member." The light of such elector to vote in such pi imary may be challenged "upon the' ground that he does not affiliate with such party or does not in good faith intend to support the candidates noniii;uted in the primary of such party." In such case, it is the duty of tne election officials to determine Llie challenge as a pure matte- of fact. lor eacn man, woman and child in lhe elector. may be asked such ques- iNortii Carolina equal to $18.3, and for lRms 88 W1" enal,,' the officials to the average family of five, 916, when I Pss upon the challenge, They may figured from the total bonded indeb-j cons'der such evidence;, as may be tedness of the municipal, county and 1 produced,, either for or against the state governments, Of every dollar ot tax money collected m North Caro- Miller is pastor, is making all needed lira today 40 per cent goesi to pay preparations tot tne encenainment interest and deot service charges, of their guests. j "I am heartily in favor of wiping All phases of the church's work was (t this deficit of the State but I am considered and a number of visiting ;uraiteraDiy opposed to wiping out the peakers will have places on the pro gram The Wednesday morning session be- deficit by the proceeds of the sale of homes of our citizens of North Caro lina. It is a conservative estimate when I say that at lease one half of fight. About th only new development this week was the withdrawing of W. T. .Crawford' from the House -it Iiepre scntntive race. hen announcing his withdrawal, Mr. trawlor.l made the .)iiowing statements 'In .view ot the fact that a second primary i.p pears inevitable 1 wish to say the.; I do not believe that a second primary will tend to do anything but to dis rupt a harmonious Democrat v ami in view ol this situation, 1 do not pro pose to lay mysell liable t participate in such action ; therefore, in the in terests of the party, I withdraw from the race. I shall actively and gladiy support the choice of the party fi r the House post, taking no part in the race for the House in the coming pri mary. I desire to thank my.; many f rie-nds. for their-'iftere.-;: taken in my desire for the nomination." rrank Miller, chairman of the board of elections said yesterday that cvciy thing was working smoothly and that he expected this election to come o'1 without a hitch. The precinct ofhcials have received the ballots and have arranged them in order so that little time will be lost in- waitnu; on each voter. The polls will open ut 5;!, a. m. and remain open until 7:4.; p, in., according to Mr. .'dille.-. The only question of importance to arise within the last few days is "tail a Republican vote in tne Democr. tic primary?" This ipied ion is i'.nsweiel in another column on this page ly the attorney general oi the .v.e.-' s (luesttc.ii are several Ka U-L: T'n'J u.. i !fhe homes in North Carolina are to- - r iV x'"w" wTr cay either advertised for sale for taxes spirit ua life conference x,f testimo- j due u be, we continue this Belf. ., ,.,, i..M "'""" destructive policy, in less than 10 serVanee of Holy Communion. At ,TUO i , a' u zenship will own their own homes. "Any system of taxation which does not recognize the (rights of every man o' woman, does not recognize the God given right of every citizen to first have food and raiment and second, a home in which to shelter themselves, is attempting1 to destroy the first law of nature, the law of self -preserva tion. No human government can stand on such a policy as this, and the gov. 11:30 o'clock the Rev. C. S. Kirkpat rick, of Mt. Airy, preached the open ing sermon of the conference. At 1:30 L. fn '.nm, Mr Hisr-is-l t-'clock the conference permanent or- ed. The session Friday afternoon was I ''animation and consideration of bus devoted mainly to hearing various -ness. reports of officers and special com- The Rev. G. A. Stamper, of the First mittees of the convention. j Methodist church, Canton, was heard Records show that practically every j in a sermon AVednesday evening at 8 post in the state was represented at i o t lock. two -niivKntinn Visitor ind dele- ' o-ntpe tno-othpi- wore estin ated to have i MISS QL SLAS RECEI S bS PLA 1 - ernment which attempts to do so 13 mt, in evrpw nf 250 MAKERS AWAHU sewing the seeds of its own destruc- Winston-Salem was selected as the convention city for next year. Invi tations were received from a number of cities, includine the city chosen, and Salisbury and Dunn. 1 Frank D. Grist, candidate for the Democratic nomination to the United States senate, told delgates to the! convention that it is the policy of vet erans' organizations to take no part m partisan politics, but individuals be longing to the organizations should pv-preisp their risrht to vote and exert fanned, and it i, W " political influence for better govern-k-LCrr.ch in the AcrcCt, ment and thus serve in peace time as . ccixed .."wv.i- ition, r.ght of the person challenged to par ticipate in the primary. In the lang uage of the statute, "It shall be the duty of the registrar and judges of election upon such chaliange to de termine whether or not the elector his 1 V1, m -;v,f : .,u : Along with thi n tKi. ...Ktt ' Rr... , .;;.. Wthers- that are answend for the btn- 176 N.C, 63; Rowland v. Foard, 134 e?" of ..th'e-Voten in ;'oubt ol teitan N. C, 78; Bell V. Board, 188 N. C, Phf es of the voting law 3jl ' I A survey yestt r lav howe,. th.-t large crowa expected to attend t"e "returns party" being sponsored bv The Mountaineer il ihs otf.ee nisi opposite the new sourt-house. Plans have been completed for receiving returns- from over the county and 'state' and posting them in large fig-' ures in froi.t (if the office. Large lights in front of the building will make it easy for everyone to see tne remits easily A I'hilco Radio install ed by the Martin Klcctric company (8) Should the elector be sworn when his right to vote is challenged Yes. ' '.:.;. (9) Must an elector vote for a can didate or candidates for all offices in the primary of the party in which he participates ' NO. . ..; 10. Are markers to be appoir;. 1 for the primary election. No. Section 26 of the Austrian Ballot Act specifically provides: '-That no markers hM hoA for nr' nor. w.m .iurp'sn entertainment and pne mitted in primary elections." How- ! M i" re.turns from the .tate. n W - uutru mvau m ivsuiis. irom. ,uie VtL?Z::i"Z"?? r.. state' by the As.oc.ated Pre :y elections in the following ways: Miss Petsey Lane Quir'ai, who i i -. . . i I : . ni i worKea witn ine taroiiii3 riaymaiiers. a) He may ask and secure such aid from any election official at his vot- Views On Tariff ing precinct; ; I see from today's paper that , (b) He may select any member of at the University ..f.. North Carolina jfnator Bailey has voted for the tar- his family, who shall have the right during the past winter in acting andj3" on liwaber. and coppe While 1 1 to go into the voting booth with him cour."genuty as in war. directing, recently roce.-ved an awaid for outstanding acting- m a major production with that group. Awards of this- kind are made annually at the end of the spring term to those Play- am opposed to the principles of a pro- nd assist in the preparation of the leiuve tarin uixause n violates me., pallot: fundamental principles of the Demo cratic party of equal rights to all and pecial privileges to none; yet I . , i f firtrmitrnlw oorpfl with StAnatjr Kmlpir mckers who nave done unusual worKi"-; , j -- in acting, directing and sia-e craft, that so long as northern manufactur Btfore going to Chapel Hill Miss feteln and obtain protection on Quinlan worked two years under John rtlcls .they seir to -the American Craig, prominent actor and director fadT? he Sonth. -then I maintain of stage productions in Boston. , fContinued on page 8) (C) Or, he may be assisted bv anv other person requested by the voter and approved by the majority of the election officials. (11) Should separate ballot boxes be provided for Democratic and Re rublican ballots in the primary elec tion?. -, Yes. ;' ' - ' - The judges of the precincts of Hav- wood county are asked to get the re sults; to The Mountaineer as soon a' possible by phone and there wil! given results from other precincts. It is the desire of the publishers of Th Mountaineer to give a complete result of the day's voting by midnight. The public is invited to attend, either in person or phone in for results. JOXES'S MOVE Col. and Mrs. S. A. ..ifiios and M.s NannPtte Jones have vr.cated their home on Main street which was pur chased by the 'county for part nf the cou"1' boiie .lot. and have ir.o v,i ir.t' the f it-i T,.u- v''-.iden(c ri iV. .t '