I THURSDAY, JUNE 2,1932 Ihe XJDrury jliuw" THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER brow Says Seeds of Juvenile Section of Li- been stated before in these . i - f J : i . .n: the J - ......... - Tilt LS M u rof replenishing. It has been a FT im since we have bought any books. In past years it cn" .n.tnm -cUtM-ota It h45 i"" , TiT-.l. l i : books as nossible an r ,heives of the children s depart- mill hvA vttmra wa hVA i i lne ....... PfD: kia in finance this method , keen i ' kLrvine this important week. jj UUP- The library directors, feel that the k-Mren's books and the children's Time is really of more importance T .j, ilfe hut since wp Mint igia tne -r-" ""7 the patronage ui for a big share of our revenue, Hn-pH since we cannot af- ,,d to do for both, to spend the lit- money we are abe raise an( 1. which is given to us for new Page 3 (falotaLs l TRADE MARK REG. For lazy liver, stomach and kidneys, biliousness, indi gestion, constipation, head ache, colds and fever. 10 and 35 at dealers. books by the various organizations of the city, on the late fiction and non nct:on most m demand by the reading ihe following exerpts from an arti cie published hv th. p...i fub.uhmg Company of Philadelphia, b.-co a svry ciear iuea of the im portance and value of that portion of our hbrarv which been sadly neglected for the past two W'nat sort of stories are th rhil dren reading? in wuman snows that story books are powerful influences in the moulding of character. Do you study vour puicnu?s 01 cnnaren s books from this angle Every story cheap in quality, whether high or low in price, helps to make a cheap boy or girl, to lowe the moral tone, to coarsen the char acter fibre, and turn the child away from what is fine. true, honest and worth while. Before he knows it he has been cheated out of his noblest heritage. Make it a point to read ever-- honk you give to a child. Don't be deceived by a low Price, an attraotivo -nwr nr the fact that the boy or girl is eager for the book. Ask vourself as von reaa: Does this book lav RtresR on vil-i lamy, deception, or treachery Are all of its incidents wholesome, probable, and true to life Does it show young people con temptuous toward their ciders and vrce? 'fully opposing them? Do the young characters in the bock show respect for teacher? or others hi authority Are these characters the kind of young people veil V'lt your own chil dren to associate with?" Does the hk 'rtk :if and describe pranks, praet'esO joke. ..-and' pieces of fhouffhtless and ,T;iel miehief as ;..;.(,. ve,. finny aiU worthy of imitation? " T- the lh"Vu r-"-!'', ami the story written in good style? These .'ire Mime et the charater- FLOWER SHOW IS SET FOR JUNE 2 AT ROCK GARAGE Show Is Sponsored By Com munity Club, Many Exhibit PROGRAM FOR WAYNEWOOD THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. i THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 2-3 ROBERT MONTGOMERY in "BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK" SATURDAY, JUNE 4 HOOT GIBSON AND SALLY BLANE in "THE LOCAL BAD MAN" MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JUNE 6-7 WILL ROGERS AND JETTA GOUDAL in "BUSINESS AND PLEASURE" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 ELISSA LANDI, VICTOR MACLAGLEN, BERYL MERCER AND BARBARA WEEKS in "DEVIL'S LOTTERY" ALSO COMEDIES AND NOVELTIES EVERY DAY SHIRT HEADQUARTERS vvvvvvvvlvvvvvvvvvuvlvv'vvvvvvvvvl, DON'T GASP A ,f JUNIOR SIZE" T HE shin that once fitted him has dropped to a junior size." Needless discomfort. We've eliminated e guesswork from shirt buying. Our new Arrow "Sanforized-Shrunk" Shirts have banished collars that fit May and strangle later, shirt tails that climb, or cuffs that CfeeP toward your elbows. We're so sure of it, in fact, hat we guarantee every Sanforized shirt to $71 .05 il 7 permanently like Trump at . . C E. RAY'S SONS The garden commitu. nf rn munity club has announced Thursday ifn S the dat 8et 0' e Spring sujuw. i win De neld in the grage opposite the Hotel Waynesville and the hours will be from 2 o'clock until 9 o'clock in the evening. All ex hibitors are asked to hav their flowers arranged Km 11 V1.L. der that the judges may have time for their inspection before the show opens to the public at 2 o'clock. Mr. Thomas Prine nf M.n v.t v. aeked the privilege of presenting ihe Sweepstakes" prise, which is given to the exhibitor winning the most m divwiual prizes. A winner of this prize cannot comoetn for if nnH years after its attainment. Mrs. J. M. Long was winner of the sweep stakes Drize of 1931 The committee is urging that at tention be called to the prize offered for the most attractively appointed luncheon table. This will be an in ovation this year and is becoming one of the centers of interest in garden and flower shows throughout the -ountry. The following is the prize list with prizes given, with the exception of the "Sweepstakes" or grand prize, 1. Sweepstakes grand prize to be announced later. 2. Finest display Iris . ......$1.00 U) 2nd Prize .50 :i. Finest disnlav Peonies .... i.ocl est vase l eonies 5. Finest display foxgloves . 6. Finest display lupins i. rinest display single del phinium 75 8. Finest display double del phinium 7", 9. Finest display oriental pop pies .00 10. Finest display annua) poppies .Ml 11. Finest display Columbine 1.01 (b) 2nd prize .5u 12. Finest display sweet Wil liam 50 1.00 .75 0 IS. Finest display lillies 10.00 14. Finest display pinks 50 15. Finest display hybred rosea 1.00 16. Finest display climbing roses .75 17. Finest display red roses .... .50 18. Finest display pink roses .50 19. Finest display galliaidia .50 20. Finest display pansdes ..... .50 21. Finest display minature rock garden 2.00 Homer V. Cagle For Board Of Education In another column of this paper will be tound tho announcement of Hnmer V. Cagle who is seeking the nomina tion a a member of the county board of education. iir. Cagle who oust worked his way to success is one of tne leading lowinets men ol Canton and iiaywood county. He was born and practically raised on Cove Creek, iiaywoou county, ana early in lite ne attended the public schools, going to kutnertorutuit cuutge wueic i.c re mained for two years, and from Ruth trfordton to Weavervillo college for iwo years, after which he attended a business college in Lexington, Ky., graduating from that school in 1909. After completing his education and business training Mr. Cagle entered the merchandise 'business in Canton wherA h hj Kn sinra 1QOQ fnvjn " " " - VJ V. W . 1 1 ' IS which time he has won the reputation ! 01 reai leader in business, and as a result of his eotfrts he is todav one of the largest taxpayers in this com munity. Mr. Cattle is a son of D.M. Cagle of Clyde who has served on the board of education for some fifteen years or more, he having resigned after being elected for another term. If elected to this mosst important office Momer Cagle pledges himself to look after the affairs of the county as he does his own private business, seeking every opportunity to curtail expenses and save the taxpayers every dollar possible in conducting the pub lic schools, yet he promises to keep the schools on a high standard' as they are today, trying at all times to be consistent with business conditions. Adv. this week with her mother here. She has been going to Cullowhee school, but it has closed now. She is very glad to get buck with her friends and jelatives. - Miss Bertha Kirkpatrick from, Cat aloochee Pam took dinner with Miss Pearle Hembree here. The White Oaak Baptist church has started to organize a B. Y. P. U. We hope it will be a great success. The following officers were elected: Miss Annie Mae Corad, president; Miss Retha Sutton is in charge of the .singing. Misses Bessie Messer, Bonnie and Shirley Bramlett as srroup cap tains and Mr. Brody Greene as quizz. They all seem to be very much inter ested in it, Mr. Lester Jenkins from Waynes-! ville made a short visit to White Oak Sunday. Mrs. J.D. Duckett spent Sunday with Mrs. Clark Messer here. NOTICE OF SUMMONS i; STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA, ; COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. I . . ; , f IN THE SUPERIOR COURT.! Ethel Hendrix f . VVniTE OAK o- istics by which the false and danger ous story may be detected. No parent or child-lover will lonr: remain contented with the position "It may be poison, but the boy likes i and it's cheap." TAKE A TRAIN RIDE! ANNIVERSARY DAY IS TRAIN TRAVEL DAY ON THE Southern Railway System June 18, 1932, Is the Date ONE CENT FOB EACH MILE TRAVELED Father! Mother! Sister! Brother! You cannot af ford to miss this treat bar gain reduction. Make it a family matter. Get ac quainted with a train ride. Visit relatives, friends, go to the city, ro to the coun try, f o for the simple pleas ure of a train ride! Follow the crowd! Safer than staying at home! RETURN AT YOUR LEISURE ANY TIME PRIOR TO MID NIGHT, JUNE 26, 1932 These tickets will be honored on all trains (except Crescent Limited) and will be accepted for passage in sleeping and par lor cars upon payment of Pull man charges. This exceptional reduction in fares is offered in commemora tion of th thirty-eighth anniver tary of the formation of the Southern Railway Company, al so to afford the young folks an opportunity to enjoy the thrill of their first train ride. Buy your Train travel tickets well in' advance; it will enable ns to provide extra cars and axtra trains for your accommo dation. Remember these tickets will be sold from all Agency Sta tions to all stations on the Southern Railway System. Also to many points on other lines. Make your sleeping car reser vations NOW. Consult Passen ger Traffic representatives and Ticket Agents for full informa tion. FRANK L. JENKINS. Passenger Traffic Manager Southern Railway System ; , o The people here have ken very busy transplanting tobacco and heeing corn. Mr, and Mis Hardii t'onr;uj' nnd family speni. Saturday night with Mrs Tom Conrad. Misses Neta Mue Duckett, Porn and Alice Hunter, and Mr. Hubert Duck ett from here spent tlie past week-end at Riverside with their relatives. Mr. IV T. Messer from here was at the Cove Creek baptizing Sunday. Miss Eflie Lee Greene is spending More than 250 head of beef cattle which were vaccinated against black leg by the farm agent of Clay County showed no symptoms of the disease while twelve animals which the own ers would not give such treatment died. Heyward Hendrix. i The defendant, HeywaH Hendrix, defendant above named, will take no- V tice that an action entitled as above I has been commenced in the Superior f Court of Haywood County, North Carolina for the purpose of securimr it judgment for an absolute divorce for the plaintiff against the defendant on ; statutory grounds; and the said df fendant will further take notice that I he is required to appear at the Office I of the Clerk of the Superior Court of I said County in the courthouse in Way- f nesville, N. C, on the 2nd day of I' July, 1932, and answer or demur to j the complaint qf the plaintiff in said : action, or the plaintiff will apply to I the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 31st day of May, 1J32. W. C, BYERS. Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina. June 2-9-16-23. MGS 2nd prize i.OO 22. Miscellaneous Bouquet ... . . 1.00 (b) 2nd prize ................. .50 3H. Finest study in two colors one predominating ;75 24. Finest display pyrethe.ns 0 25. Finest display ragged robin .50 2C. Finest display yellow flowers 1.00 27. Finest display flowers not exhibited before ........... 1.00 28. Best wild flower collection 2.00 2nd prize ... .......... 1.00 29. Best shadow box ............ . ,00 2nd prize . . . ..... .... . . . ,50 30. Bost collection outside Way nesville Township . ... , . . . 2.00 b) 2nd prize .. . . . . . i.OO 31. Best dish garden .. .. . 1.0 32. 'Most attractively appointed luncheon table ..... .. ....... 2.00 For further information concerning either the Spring or Summer show ap ply to Miss Caroline Altstaetter, Chairman, Mrs. James M. Long, Mrs Rufus Siler, Mrs. J. P. Dieus, Mis Alice Quinlan, Mrs. Carol Bell. Mrs. . T. Shelton. Mrs. I)amnj ijt.. or Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwvn ' First Of All, Consider Comfort No new shoe feels as good as an old shoe, provided it is in good repair, if it needs repairing, that's where we come in send them to us, we'll send them back with the same comfort and the looks well, there won't be an v comparison. DON'T DELAY, SEND THEM TODAY THE .CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. Duckett, Prop. MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN UNION TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Beginning Saturday, June 4th. and continuing each Tuesday and Saturday thereafter until Sept 27th. round trip tickets will be sold from all sta tions to principal cities north of and including Washington and Cincinnati. ONE FARE AND A HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP THIRTY DAY LIMIT. STOP-OVERS AT ALL STATIONS ENROUTE. See your nearest agent for details or write J. H. WOOD, DPA. Ashevillc. N. C. NOMINATE Q-flomnxeir V Ca. For Member Board of Education Subject To The Democratic Primary, June 4 MORE Efficient SCHOOLS .;ft V BETTER Business Administration If nominated, I pledge myself to a business administration with a sympathetic understanding of school problems and conditions as now exiting. HAY 1 HAVE YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT? Homer V. Casle P i-.y

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