Ill T j I s ( Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JUyp , l3 I 5m i 1:11:1 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL v PHONE 137 I Miss Edna Garrett arrived Friday from Greensboro College to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Noble Garrett. Miss Eliza beth Garrett, who is also a student alter attending the Senior Ball at Staunton Military Academy in Staun ton, Virginia, and visiting friends in Winston-Salem. Mrs. Clyde Ray. Sr. and Mr. Clyde Ray Jr, left Monday for a few days' virit to Southern Pirn's. Ihey will also, visit Mrs. Ra's daughter, Mrs. Robert Breece, and Mr. Breece, in Raleigh. They were accompanied by Mrs. Dave Baker, who will visit rela tives in the eastern part of the state for a week. .Misses Mildred and Wildi Crawford had as their quests last woek-end Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kerf, A nath am, -New Jersey. Mrs. Kerr was an associate teacher with Miss Mildred Crawford during her ;Uv in Porto Rico a few years ago. Among the students who are ex pected this week from the University of North Carolina to spend the sum mer vacation are Messrs. James and John Queen, Albert New, Sam Bush nell, Thomas Stringfield, and David Felmet. Mrs. W. L. McCracken attended the commencement exercises at Weaver College Tuesday. Her daughters, Miss Mildred McCracken, a member of the senior class of that school, will arrive this week to spend the summer. I Among the Duke University stu dents who are expected th:- latter part of the week are Misses Martha and Mary Mock. Miss Martha .Stringfield, Mr. Bob Alley, and Mr. Fred Crawford. Messrs. Jack and Templeton Sny der, who have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. ' Mltuvlr ' on,! thnir siimt Mrs William Shoolhred, returned to their home -in! in Waynesville Salisbury Friday. Miss Mary Emma Massie; who has been attending Greeneboro College, ar livi d Thursday to spend the summer witt. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1'. N. Massie. Mr.-. Frank Hodges and infant son, John Frank, Jr., of Providence, Rhode Island, will arrive tomorrow to spend the summer with Mrs. Hodges' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Richeson and children are leaving tomorrow for a two weeks' visit to their former home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Lillie Harbeck was taken to the Haywood County Hospital Monday from an Asheville hospital where she has been for the past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs Roy Plott, of S'tate3 ville, spent last veek-en.i nz "Briar Cottage," their attractive cabin near Maguie. V. -es Nell- CarapbelV-' "Babe' Welch, and Louie Medord attended the commencement exercises at W. C. T. C. at Cullowhee this we.'k. Mt i s Joe Brown, Claude Medfo-d, and T. B. Medford were among the visitors here from Lake Junaluska Saturday.. Mrs Ca'rev SherriU and daughter, Miss Virginia SherriU, spent Sunday us guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. Mrs. William Shoolbred has as her guest this week Miss Elizabeth Wright of Salisbury. Messrs. T. A. Clark and S.M. Rob inson of Canton spent Friday in Way- r.esville on business. Mr, George Hampton and Mr. Edi son Collins were among the visitors from Canton Saturday. 1 l Mr. Horace Sentelle of Canton spent Saturday in Waynesville. Mr. S.B.McCracken of CantJn was. among the visitors here Satuiday. Mr. J. R. Terrell of Clyde spent Saturday in Way ru.-mile. Rev. R. G. McClamrock of Crabtrec was a visitor in Waynesville Saturday. Messrs. John Carver and Bryan Medford of Jonathan spent Monday Mr. James Rose arrived Monday from Davidson College to spend the summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C.Rose. Mr. Owen Gudger of Asheville was a visitor here last week. Mr, George Smathers of Asheville spent Monday in Waynesville. Grandmother's SLICED ROLLS BREAD doz. 5c K 7c 2 doz 9c Mr. Davis Rogers of Crabtr?e Saturday here on business. spent UNUSUAL 25c VALUES SUGAR Finest Granulated 6 !bs. 25c SWIFT'S JEWEL SHORTENING -4 ... lbs. 25c CampbeU's BEANS 5 cans 2Sc AI-Ti VAUIETIES " Campbell's SOUPS 3 cans 25c lOXA SALT 3 pkgs. 25 c 8 SPARKLE SFIjATIN dessert 5pkgs.25c &V Fancy couu 2 cans ri.B. G, CRaCKEKS 6 5c pkgs 25c '-PICKLES H'T"3 6,r 25c Mr. Robert Cathey was anions the visitors here from Pigeon Saturday. Mr. Ed Green of Clyde spent Sat urday in Waynesville on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert I'rar.l.!:r. frci Cataloochee were here Monday. MISS BETTY LATHAM CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Little Miss Betty Lathnm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Latham, enter tained a numrer of her young f rien is at a party Saturday afternoon in ct-lebration of her sirth Vi'.thdr.y. Numerous games wer played on the lawn after which delightful re freshments were served. The smaal guests included Martha Mae and Jane Wyeh.?, Barbara Ann Boyd, Patsy Gwyn, Louis; Martin, Merrie Green, Dot Miljer, .Mary White, Patsy Davis, Thclm.i Ann Jones, Henry Ray, Russell McLean, Joe and Charles Way, Billy Davis, William and "Toots" Hannah. MRS. OSBORNE. HOSTESS . Mrs. Elmer J. Osborne 'delightfully entertained Friday af t ?rnoo:i at her home cn Pi nnsylvania' Avenue in Canton with six tables of bridge ht -oring Miss Mar W'.'IJ, ' whosu mar riage to Mr. George Freeman will a prominent event of the early sum mer. The lower floor was ensinte with quantities of yellow anil while spring flowers carrying out a color scheme ot yellow and .vhit.?. At the end of the progressions Mrs.' William Williamson who held high score re reived leather '-book ends. Mrs. K, 'M. Lide . was given low score prize, a deck of cams. The honore was pre sented an imported cake plate. Mrs Osborne served salad and ice courses which further carried out the effec tive color note. The guests were: Mesdames Charles Branson. V. K. Brandon, M. W. Dors-lv.-E. M. Gier. K. M. Lide. Frank Mease Richard Overton, H A. Os borne. Fred T. Teden, Ralph D. Ran dal, Earl Smith, J. E. Tate, Robert Tucker. William Williamson, J. Li. Reeves, .Misses MSrgaret Joyner, Frances Cox, Fra-ices Mease, Mar garet "Wei la, and Mary Wells. Mo toring from Waynesville for the r.f fair were: Mrs. Francis Massie, Mrs. C. S. Hadgctt, Jr. Mrs. Hush Jolly,' Miss Helen Rav, Miss France Kay, Miss Rosaljn P.iy and Miss Wilda Crawford. --.' PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY MEETS NEXT WEEK The June meeting of the Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will be held next Tuesday afternoon, June 7, at 3:IiO o'clock at the church. RO TA RIA NS SHOWER RA INE'RS A special feature of the weekly Rotary luncheon on last Friday was the linen and kitchen shower which was given Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rainer, whose home was recently destroyed by fire. The wives of the Rotarians were present for the occasion as well as a few other guests. Following the luncheon the board of directors of the club consisting of Messrs,: Bonner Ray. Ralph Nollner, Joseph. Johnson, S.ILBushnell, W. L. Lampkin, V. D. Smith, Ernest With ers, and J.M. Long met and selected the following ollicers for the ensuing year: Mr. W. D. Smith, president; Mr. Ralph E. Nollner, vice president : i'nd .Mr. W.L. Lampkin, ptcretary and trcarurer. . MRS. HA RDIN OPEXS TEA ROOM Mr:1. W. I., llai'din ha remoiieled and enlarged her :ittr ictiye Tea Bivim at her horn on Main street and is now open for business. . PEANUT BUTTER 2 lb. jar 2$c ':n:.ectar-V' YE ,G i?;A;PEv 3 '- 25e i S C E pkgs' O Pint 2fZ 2 v lb- BottIes ssc pkgs. Quart Bottle, 25c Lucky Strike. Old Gold, Chesterfield, Camel CIGARETTES 2 Pkgs 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 cakes 25e WALDORF TISSUE 6 roils 25c LITTLE MISS WAY CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. H. Way, Jr. honored her young daughter, Marguerite, with a party Monday afternoon in celebra tion of her fourth biria-Jav. After numerous ?ames and contfes.s a lovely white birthday cake with four pink candles was brought out ..:i the lawn and the small guests were serv ed ice cream and cake. Those present were: Barbara Ann Boyd, Patsy Gwyn, Bebe Medford, Martha Mae and Jane Wyche, Louise Martin, Shirlev Colvi-t. Jiy Massie, Betsy Siler, Don Hyatt, Jack ie Coin, Thomas Ray, i.illie ?nd "Toots" Hannah, Bobbie Hardin, Bil lie Davis and Jimmie TutwiLbr. PICNIC ENJOYED AT PRICE CAMP A delightful affair took place last Sunday when Mr and Mrs. Thomas Price and their guests and u number of friends from Waynesville partici pated in a picnic dinner at the Price's attractive lodge on Lickstone. Among tho:e,in the party were Mr. and Mrs. KilbuVn of New Jersey and Miss Tay lor of Washington, guests of Mr. -d Mrs. Price, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hvatt, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Prevcst, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Swift, an.! Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long. V VFS'C CLUB TO MEET SATURDAY i he regular monthly meeting of the Waynesville Music Club will be held ne-:t Saturday afternoon, June -1, at :!:'!0 o'clock at the C'ommun.t..- tw Mi.-s Louise Stringfield, has been attending Fassifern School in ieiidersinviUe, is here to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mr.--. J. L. Stringfield. Mr. J. Shirley Craft of Cer.-.r.i :.r- vi'-eJ last week to assit his brother, .Mr. Ayiitus C. Craft, at the Gordon Hotel this summer. ! Mrs. T. H. Quinn and mother and daughter of Birmingham, Alabama rrrived in Waynesville this week and wiii spend the summer at the Cleve--,vi!l Avaitment- Mi'. Jasper. Moywii who"- sjruj-' l. ! .'.'cm WjIcd. Fnie. ' olU-ge last ' yvar. har Wceiv"'! ids -l:if.-i s ,ie groe from Duke University i,nd wi'l arrive this week for a few days visit with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Mwg'in, before returning to summer hool. .. Miss Patsy Hill arrived yesterday 3rom Raleigh where she has r. en attending St. Mary's, to spend 'tie summer., with her grandmother, Mrs. Charles R. Thomas. Mr. Thomas Hill is expected today from Blue Ridge school to spend the summer vacation vsith his grand-I'o.-.her, Mrs. Charles R.Thomas. V D C. MEETS TOMORRO W, The June meeting of the Umted Daughters of the Confederacy will be ,-eid tomorrow afternoon, June d. at f-M o'clock at the homed Mrs. John Uueen with Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatnck as associate host?ss. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Withers, Miss H r Ann Withers, and Mr. Ernest "'thtr Jr. returned Tuesday night torn Atlanta. Miss Hester Ann Withers has just nPJ freshman year at Agnes Scott Col lege. . Miss Carolyn Haynes is at home fr.'.r Mars Hill College to spend .he summer with her mother, Mrs. C. A. Haynes. MisS E"en Louise Killian is ex pected today from Peace Institute in Rileigh to spend the summer with her ,7arents.' Mr. and Mrs. L. M. hilhan. Among the students from Western farina Teachers College at Cullo whee who came home this week are Miss Perl Justice of Crabtree M'ss Wil'a Bovd of Jonathan and Mr. James Osborne of Waynesville, who graduated this year in the fouir year class- Miss Fannie Pearl Felmet, Miss .Margaret Asnton, ---ein. Miss Mae Davis of Jonothan, Miss ' T , I....'.- -,f Fines Creek. Miss Gussie Martin, Mr Mark Ferguson ot Ci-eefc. and Mr. Ernest McCrack en of Lake Junalu-ka. "Mr. and Mrs. J. k i r their guests on Sunday "Vtra b" A. F. Wagner and uaurhu an'i! Miss Mabel Bishnn , fV T t T Newton attended the eon.m J' exercises of Mars Hill rn ta Thursday. Mr. Morgan w3-e m a for a meprimr r k i , of which he is a Member Uus Mr, and Mrs. James Jetir;n son and Mr. Jennings' ,, "'" Oncie Jennings, of - - to tut: ir. Ffiix j. Allev. -nil M iney aie aiso visitni- ylt : Alley and Mrs. Margi;ic- m '"' ( the Keller House. liv Misses Frances Burari;: an ; r beth Wilburn visited in "u , a few days attending the coir.j! ment exercises of West..,.,, r'fe Teachers College this v r'3 Mrs. Bryant Smith . f Canto, spending this week in Wuvnev:i the guest of her parer.ti, Mrs. Jere Davis. ' ' '' '.- Mr. and Mrs. Rowe Henjvf county are spending two Ve Waynesville visiting Mr.' brother,. Mr. Homer Heirr. .., i , ',' -elatives in this counrv. AS WANT AD RATES (Terms Cash) lc a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subse quent insertions. 2c a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. 3c a word for this size type for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertions. Minimum charge of 25c, FOR SALE Porto Rico, Nancy Hall, Queen of the South, Norton Yam, and Improved Texas white, potato plants now read at 15 cents per 100 or $1,25 per 1000 in lots of 2000 or more Give me your orders. I can fill them whether large or small. Gooc; plants. Full count. Prompt service given. G. T. Cooper, Sunny Brook Dairy, Sylva, N. C. ?OR SALE: A 100 im-andesw candle power electric motor ' over a mile of No. 8 rubber insi ed weather proof copper wim motor has never been unpac built to order to drive 100, 12: die light electric incandescent ii Good for farm or milk d m or a saw mill. Or a To to luO t hotel. The power can be mi practically any pi'i'-e when lights are not burning. Will cheap; was. ordered for a mill was never built, on easy terms notes pronounced good at eithe the Waynesville banks. Allan A. Jones, Waynesville, N'.C. WANTED to buy 900 feet of set hand galvanized pipe three-fot or one inch. H. C. Wilburn, p 132-J, Waynesville, N. (', INSURANCE For all kinds oi surance, with reliable sorapi see J. M. Newton, your instil man, at the Waynesville Insui Agency, Office. Over The Mounta mm HWHCM Vote For LEE WARREN Constable '''.''::of '.'y'::::lv;:'-.;; Waynesville Township Your Vote and Support will be appreciated. I am an e-scrvice man, hav ing served my country 7 years in the army. If nomi nated and elected I will serve my county to the best of my ability. El Vote for For State it , n th,at hs "ved among the citizens of Haywood countv all his life and who understands the needs of this county. A man who has a record of serving the public in an unques tionable manner, both in private business and public affairs. ' ' , Three times Representative from this county snd in each in stance served the people faithfully and in a most efficient manner. WHEN YOU VOTE SATURDAY, VOTE FOR A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS YOUR NEEDS AND WHO WILL DO HIS BEST TO SEE THAT THEIR NEEDS ARE MET. FRIENDS OF J. R. BOYD Atlantic & PAcinc S ,1

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