f Has More Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Neusp.tpers Combine J VOL. XUV. NO. 27 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 19 12 JlluJmlilEffl Lntv Aeent Estimates 1UU"V ... t?h l Vf-l. :..,;-..vv..-..t .-, ,U. -.-.U Vpv Crop W1U ue nuiui- l"' s'' "b.'.f V:Lf Same As Last!m.v tjanty couu house- The board UU"1 Year's. The Colonel S. A. Jones resilience on Main street was being turn down! ye.-tti'uav to make wav for the pra.iini" CROP SEEN IN YOUNG VOTERS COUNTY TO DATE MONDAY N I G H T LniDnDWIII 'S.A.Jones Kesidonra rhnnTADirrn PIIIR PflRAIFTl RY .Methodist Parsonage 1PH LIiUWl "i, .... Under Construi-lion M, . . . a n a I I il II II I ItfM IV " kn . -a v ' . -rT.rri I fill 111 If 1 iUU, uu .iuh nr-vr rTTT t-vt t i T T XT ' flVI'LI.W NLY ONE-HALF CROP ON TREES I ot con.tv.issivr.ers are advertising this for bids on grading and con walks on the grounds and t rmived by them on Monday, vbinsui, county agent. s;a: ".. -nvn!i. croa in this county would be. Although it is :v, g,-: an accurate estimate I mis early, Mr. Robinson .:y. personal i'tvesigation would be about one-half I , , r-vut -100,000 bushels, i-ast y' 1 -. 1 . . llvn war aoove me .ut'iaRt t'.uuO being grow in the Hi- I a. j .'UP ?- the ir.ty -! :;:e "? J. Th ot ::t gh the yield will be small, roi) will bring inti) the , , l.ars and cents about the af year's crop did,'' he estimate placed on the val- . CI OA n.iA rears, crop was .-pjpv.uuv. iii that tnere was a mwhosc " Tre iarm crop is ug.'uer man tne Lmt-reial crop, because the commer bl orchat ds . litive been tKen care of, hile the average larmer nas paid !e attention to ids tree-s, ne c;n- Irs. J.R.Morgan ToIIeadW.jVLU.Of Asheville District Mr?. J. K. Morgan, was elected su- .. .i . . , tnntetiaent ot tne w omen s -uission- ry Union of Asheville division of Kortri Carolina, lutsaay aiternoon at; be annual meeting at the First Bap- : church at Asheville. Mrs. C, X. Cook, of Webster, was ec'ed associate superintendent! Mrs, K. Flmnre. of Mars Hill. 'secretary. reasurer; Mrs. J. F.Brooks, Hender tnviile, personal service chairman; Mrs, B. D. Bray, of Marion, mission My chairman; and Mrs, tugene oker, of Fairview, young people's adr. Marion was chosen as the 1933 crvention city. The Asheville division is comprised f all counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The convention lasted one ay. Resomtions voicing opposition to ; j.aiei'stood that, about a week t inquired' to grade the grounds . -ut 'another week to pl.;,Te the r.r..i walls. Meetings To Form Grange Organiza tion Next Week May Top-Dress Tobacco Plants If Conditions Warrant, Says Expert For seve-al weeks the parsonage the Fi..-i Mithodist C ouivli on ywoou Mreel lias uee'l uiuler en- t i 1 ruction. i lie 1,1'ame work is com- Better QualityllBeing Pro- F. E. Alley, Jr.. Named Chairman Ul hnlhUSeu Mi.eei an! the .ntenor r.i.ish. oters At 3lceting. ,iun thi0. balh with tik, lW, ana walls, breakfast room, and dining 7- , j On last Monday night more thin room, vio.-et in each bed room. an. I The tobacco crop for Haywoo.! is ; jou t-ntiiused young leiiiocrats met at the living room and library ivnvci: most encouraging, according to Jas. ; ;hc Ma-onic ' Tempie and organized . lently arranged. L. Koj;nson, county agent, and to; thv.inM-hes into an organization Ur 1 Th0 tlo will U oak; roof -c.ivered 'oca! tobacco authorities. The crop! -hi. n..,'n.i. , m' .nlistinir vouiii?- Dom- with nsliostos l.'S slinrmivs. duced By Growers, Stat es Robinson. o far this year is better than last Lorais and too. ana it ui-h- both front and bad in- will lie oak year and in almost every instance the n, t tliem the nriucinals of the party furnace for steam hen. will' be crop indicates a better quality will : anj what the party fands lor. .stalled in the basemen,. be grown. 1 i !,e members of the i. i Heard F.I It was Untight, at llr.-t that tne One indication .of this is, that the K. Alley, Jr, explain--eas, :' opened earlier for planting the meeting ami lati . and when the nlants are planted ! e.'i..ir;nan of the. org f total expendituie would be about 1 him as ; 000.00 but Mr. S. C. Liner, who has lion, with ''the construction m charge savs that the low quality that was placed on the market, .end this year the farm ers are trying to profit by their mis takts of last year and plant quality and not quantity, and the early re ports show that they have hit into the fight track. A group of farm men and women from almost all sections of Haywood County on Tuesday afternoon asked the State Grange to send an organiz er to Haywood County to present the work of the Grange to six or more communities. These men and women tret in the court room at Waynesville and heard Kerr Scott, '.Master of the State Grange discuss the history and work, of the Grange. Others present had been members or had seen the work of granges, and were strong for the forming of the organization in Haywood. It was decided to hold community meetings Et a number of places in the county and give the people of the several sections the opportunity to de termine whether or not they desired to form a local organization. Three or more locals Can unite to form a county or Pomona Grange. Mr. Hugh Lyeffly of Kowan County where there are 23 local granges will spend the required time in the county to render the necessary assistance in starting the organization in any community that wishes; to form a local. The Grance is on of the oldest fdrm organizations in the United nt) charge. . States, and has by far the largest ' ' The of C amon and uynts- membership east of the Appalachian j ville will have an informal tea at the mountains It is a conservative or- club house from ; to i p.- m. on the ganization that has a great deal ot ' opening nti"'". "mi. early that means that the growers ' w g.ma We.ch vice-ciu. . i : i.,:i. 1 ran,, i toe eniiie piant win cost arounu i can cure the crop earlv, and the to- : l-. .-erguson. Jr., seeretaiy, a:ul C'hes-' fOO.UO. Facto cured early has more favora-U-r A. t'ogbuni as treasuier. jW weather than do the late crops. i The organ. pa'.i, .ut the m.st'er The other indication that better i-'5' working out pij;;s for a member quality was being produced this year! --"'I' '!nV1, "',!l!''' :s tne farmers are using - a higher i Uu' "'eers .l the oiganixjiti.m. Mr. grade of 'fertilizer and fertilizers es-i A:ll'' ttd yesterday tlu.t plans oeciallv adoi.ted to tobaee.i in thisveJe being made to appoint .1 coin- section' of the state. 1 niif.ee of active workers in each pie- The acreage this year seems to be tne- county ami .nen in tne t q i f , , Uinns a :ieur lULuie nae 'ig i.t.i .iieeung i lu 10. Mr SECOND PRIMARY CALLED BY LINER FOR TAX OFFICE State To Have Second Pri mary In United States Senate Race, Morrison-Reynolds. Cordel Russell Named Chairman Of Democrats Alley also stated that the pros- practically the same as last year, as far as Mr. Robinson has been able to li avil thi is. 700 ncrps Last vear the price of the crop ' Pots for tnis c.ub were nu, t i .loour--o.. l.-,,,,.,. i,., ,..' vot..l on.i tv, aging' and that he expecl.d from buyers stated that it was because ot Lake Junaluska Golf Course Opens Friday Local Golfers And Visitors Are Invited To Play Free On Opening Day. Announcement was maJe yesterday that the Lake Junalusk.t Golf Course would be formally opened Fiiuny afternoon to the public, af which time all golfers in Waynesville ami Can ton, and visitors are invited to play on the course for which there will be influence with legislative bodies, both William Russell Owen, pastor of First Baptist church, declared that the es- ociation condemned "all efforts to repeal' the eighteenth amandment . . r weaken any laws enacted . . mak- r.c ilkpal the manufacture and traf fic in intoxicating liquors. It argued that "the suffering of our try and all candidates who favored' tat j Q,;nnQi trending or repealing the 18th, . ' .,. i, LendnLt were'passel by the con. ' e Grange is bu.h a ound he lemon. .y "'vr'ri'ur.u".. The Resolution, offered by the Rcv.; '. 01 ' V Vw u fa 7 a,,- t.'..-ii A t organization rest. This is a trater. nal organization wiith secret ritual This feature has been formed to ap peal especially to the young people between eighteen and thirty, who us ually put on the degrees. The schedule of community meet ings to be held at 8 o'clock in the alburn ,liu. inetuiir,! ' ' nA,... T?io rwk people resulting from the economic eveinug is, aB 'A'" -f"" depression now sweeping over the Monday. June 20; Ratcliff Cove v Tues country is being used ii an effort to day. Utl is:ead and deceive 'he people by the - r"-.' Wion that prosperity can be re- 9aZU7&: stored ty permitting the return ot i 5a ' ' o- ' ' - Whiskf-V unA tha imei inn r.T a tav day, June -1. upon the manufacture and sale of in- This meeting of farm people was loxicants." called by H. A. Osborne, chairman of More than 250 women from West-1 5-10 year program, Mrs. J. Harden tm North Carolina attended. Howell, chairman of the women s aux iliary for the same, w. u. amun, u- cational leacher and Jas. xj. :"' son, County Agent. New Check Tax Ruling Goes Into Affect 21st general superintendent, stated that no tl.e enthusism shown .Monday night that it Will become one of the largest and most active clubs of its kinds in the state. I'ractically every person present Monday night joined the club and around this ollicials expect to work in increasing the membership. The members got right into the spirit ot the meeting and over 30 left for Raleigh yesterday and Tues day to attend the state convention. Immediately after their return from Raleigh the officials expect to begin perfecting their organization. Among those attendng the meeting Monday night and joining the club were: . Clyde Fisher, Roy Phillips, Robert Gibson, J. C. Patrick, Guy Massie, Hick Moody, Jack West, Sherrill Leatherwood, L, H. Cagle. Karle Messer, Joe Welch, Marietta Welch, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Lee, Jr., Mrs. W. Ti Lee, Sr., (honorary), B. F. Cagle, Leo Saiusone, J. M.Rogers, Miss Sen telle, K, B. Rckman, C. H. Leather wood, Tom Brady. J. R. Sheffield, S. II. Bell. Frank Mease, S. C. Wood, R. E. Moseman, Joe Liner. Miss Louse Lincoln, F: H. Saunders. H. J. Liner, Tom Reeves, C, G. Cole, A. P. Ledbetter, Way Mease, i-dwin Haynes, iLawrence leather forma! invitations would be issued, Wood, P D. Ferguson, Jr.. Homer but that ivervohe is invited to attend Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Stuart, cf Sahford, .Florida, have arrived--and are preparing for the opening of the course. Mr. Stewart is a golf professional and '1 !i vi charge of the course in that capacity this se.T-on. Mrs. rtewart will le in charge of the club house. The Lake Junaluska course has been rated as one of the best courses in this section. It is expected that local golfers will take advantage of the generosity of tke operators of Vocational Class To Broadcast On Friday Over WNC The Vocational Agriculture class of the Waynesville Township schools Jill hmadcast Friday evening from '15 to ;:45 over WWNC. This is the 'j-rrd ' time in the past few months t the local boys have been called npon to broadcast. The musical numbers will be rendered by the boys "id Mr. Smith will give a ten minute talk or. the subject, "What Vocational Apricuiture "Is- Doing." Durinr- tl.A n-iuiVo tVi. ys have been practicing new num- date of the enactment ol ..this Act na rs on their instruments and an in- beldie Juiy i w- '"" terestinw ' nr,m - n for the navment Ot money W:" be rendered. ;drawn upon any bank, banker or trust ri is nrinted the new law re wrAina- the two tents tax on each check that is passed on and at er June 21. as received by tne first, va- t,'l Kan.- hmo. vesteraav. rne law .t.t.. that- flip tax- will be taken from v.-- , the person's account that writes the Section 751. Tax on Checks, Etc. (a) There is hereby imposed a tax o nts unon each of the following iinstruments. presented for payment : .1.- 1-.U Jn.. Qtlir t IP on or alter tne i-jui. ua. The hoys taking -cart on the pro- "ri are as follows: Glenn Massie. 'M Swanger, Henry Burnett, Lowe A-(n- and Boone Bolden. Haywood County Bull Is Winner In Contest uittwii uuu .- v . 4.1, . company; such tax to be paid by the i wQirar (b) Every nerson paying ,av (n,.nt. mentioned in subsection v Constance, Beii Wright, W. E. Green Kill Harris, J. Harley Johnson, John Ferguson, Jr, Miss Isabel Fer guson. Miss Wilda Crawford, Miss Helen Ray, Miss Virginia Welch, Mrs. Carolyn Hyatt, Mrs. 'ilson Barron, Aaron Prevost, I). 1). Alley, -David Hyatt, Lee Davis, John Lance. .. B. Hamilton, Mrs. C. F.. Kirkpatrick, C. J. McCracken, Bryan Medford, J. Michal, Willie Palmer, T. W. Woody. F. H. Caldwell, Miss Mary Hooks, Miss Edna Mckay, Miss Elene Ft'-her, Mrs. Hubert Liner, Mrs Chairman Of Executive Committee Of Haywood. John R. Hipps, chairman of the executive committee of the Demo cratic party of Haywood county, re signed this week from that position and in his place Cordell Russell, prom inent business man of Canton was named. Mr. iHpps slated to The Mountain eer yesterday that his work called turn away so 'much of the time that he did not feel that he could devote as much time to the position us he would like. He regretted very much having to give up the work, but m no way would it interfere with his co-operating ami even more so, in carrying on the work of the Deino dranc party. He said further, 'T COSTS OF ELECTION TO EXCEED StfOlMM) 1 lie oters ot ilavwood eonntv and! Noith Carolina will have another opportunity- to vot.' again Ix-iore nexb .Noveinlwr, according to the board of elections. Lta-ioUs Liner candidate tax collector has liled notice ol .i second pnniai'v in the count v. .'uraie J. C. Wtdi-h, i resent tax collector a. I who receivisl ;i:i,i while Lnmr wa iietiueo wun ,-,), votes in the pri- I ." mury. 1 Ins race lor tax collector is tho ? only county .ace that wi,l be held, ? ; r although th,, tiate board ol elivtions ' will have to hold one- tor the Key- i' - nolds-Mofns m race. M. Reynolds t ; 1 Ii the present senator by ' about 13,- r'. , 000 and Mr. Mi.rnson called lor a y , second race. It. 1. h ountain. second i ,t man in the race Mr governor had not deeidtsl to call a ismmd prumary j ,: against, J. t . H. Ehnnghaus who led , i r tlu tukit b r0,000 Woikusfo" Mr. Fountain in this county stated Wed- ' 1 ii.iu.lu,. iw, . , . I. ni .1: l ni. ,: ... ii, .'i mil,; Lllliu 'llie UlU I1UU 1 think that lie would call foir a socond ! race, although be had -night Wednesday mght to Ide it he wanted to call a secoiul primary. '; ince .Morrison called a second pri- ; ruary it has roinpteit many second ( ' and third string candidates to filo foir : similar conies', m practically every county in Ui- Mate. I lu expense ot the second priinarv win mn he any j more since (the slate candidates have, i called for one and the candidates ara 1 1 taking advantage ol this tact. It has F::' been, estimated by conservative off- f ' cials that the second, 'primary - will am still working harder than ever I cost the st.Ue of North Carolina over lor the party, but Just not in oMtcial l$.,00,000 next Ju'y 2 capacity, i lmenu to give every nun ute and bit ol energy possible wie party, and 1 feel that this is surely a Democratic year and believe that we will see a Democratic president elected in November. The country Vacation Bible School is Has Enrollment of 80 ; I he vacation church kcIiooI now in needs a Democrat to head things once jirogress at the Presbyterian church : more, and believe me, the country is has an enrollment of HO young people, f going to vote for what they need This number includes Methodist and this year, and that is a Democratic Baptist. p president." Mr. Russell stated last night that he did not have any definite plans to make public as yet, as to the organ- the course and play several rounds 1 - -ink Battle, Mrs. Bess Lee Page, Friday afternoon. l:hn .Smathers, Hurst Justice. Harmony Prevails At County Democratic Convention Here Last Saturday Afternoon With the primary out of the way,, and encouraged by a vote cast of about 6500, the Democrats of the county met in their regular conven tion 'here Saturday afternoon, with 500 present, inspite ot tne steauy downpour ot rain tnat. ten a. most an day. . hverv rrec-.net in tne county wa's represented at the convention. One of the . outstanding - matters brought up was the unanimous en dorsement of Felix E. Alley, : promi nent Waynesville attorney and an ac tive ir,e:n:n r of the Democratic party, for delegate to the Democratic con vention which meets in Chicago, The rt-oiution was presented to the con vention i y Joseph E, Johnson, of the Haywood Bar Association, who in ".ructtd the delegates ' front this countv to support Mr. Alley for del egate and do all in their power to see tnat he is named irom tnis u.ini-i. the Republican party is now at hand a.id that thousands of Republicans in every section of the country are -deserting the ranks of a party that has proved a failure and are joining with their -neighbors under the banner of Democracy determined to redeem l he nation .from. 'the slough of despondency into which it has been led by unwise policic; oi': the past three ; ailministra-tio:.:s:-; '-' 11 (leciared ;:, a; with tne light of ti iun.p.i in u.' u- eyes; and a sopg. of 'Victory, in :tni ii. neaits, tie Demo Ci ai.. of the l a.ioii have a.i.opt.'d the slogan "'united'-. We . stand, divide! we fall," and under that . banner were marching., toward the greatest tri umph in the history of Ameiiean pol liticai parties.. : The convention also heard a num ber of Democratic- candidates in the j recent primary, some of whom had cm the opening day the pupils ad-. vertrsed their school by ma-timr Va- cation Church School caps and inarch- inir in a parade through the business- 'ization in the county, but seemed section ot Waynesville. very optimistic over the outlook f r lhe four main elements in the pro-' the November election. Ho did state, gram of the school are: Bible study, ,' however, "that now 's the lihie wnen music, handwork ami recreation all Democrats. 'should stick together I h Primary Department, under tho . and with: -this' undivided .co-operation direction of Mrs. M. (.. Stanu v, is ' among our own iiiiiks. mil with ti,e having lessons on "Ix'arning lo Know ; (lis: .itisfed Kepublicaus, we will- be God Better. ' lhe children are Piak- . sure of iilacing in the White House nig notelnjoks, pictur 'puzzles lor a 'next spring a Democratic president.' mission box, and several other inter-, ., When asked about the county ot- esting pieces ol handwork are being fleers in November vlc Fii'-se. I e- planned. ' plied, "the (5500 vote cast.. Saturday.- he Junior Department, under the : June 4th, indicated that the voters direction of- Mrs, Battle, is studying, ', of the county are already active ami 'Knights of Service. ' Ihey are niak on the job, and with that number of ing Bible notebooks, H umpty-Dumptys voters casting votes in the primary, and several useful articles., it is foolish to worry a.:"r,l : be , -u , lhe lnternu-diate Deijiartanent, under; i rot going at least ' .".0.00 Democratic in the directum ol Mrs. .Smith and Miss . ! the fall. We should : e- to H t hat W lute, is studying, -lhe Life of our national .'officers are F :m. :nt . r ( hrst in Art.' 1 he -major incidents would . be elmost imjio.s. '"' to " eat !of (hrist s life are studied irom the ( the county De'u ii-ratic idfio 'i : Bibie with the aid ol master artists , Mr. Russell recs a . real Jgh-i ,'ih'-; i conception- ot those- incidents. '1 ht -l( tweeh , Morrison an J Reynolds, but ! intermediates aire keeping a record oi: .Links that as all Democrats do, the their studies in notebooks which theV, f riction now existing will be forgot- made lor the puniose. During then I ten when the fall election rolls around, handwork p-nod they arc. workiiij. j on their notebooks and maKiiig alpna : In-t caids for ' games during, .the rec-'t natniiil ihi lod Iht li t arc mak ing an electric lira') ot Palestine whud . Union Service Will Be Held At Junaluska On Sunday Evening they w.:l use in tracing bi it s jour ; nevs and. in '1 oca ting impoitaht plaie. V in Palestine. I lhe flosmir urogram nf tne scooo i will be held on the Ja.-t unday nigh t'sit -tin. Ir -.hvTi'iHn --linveh. . A slice , al announcement 'concerning tne pio e made later bv D, 4 ftp- thp roll call of the precincts -.,,.-." ,) met ueieai... i roiiiiiieni- oj,i6 ums; of tne county, Mr. Alley was named I R :MXealWrwoodf temporary chairman, and -ur. jonn-j un?m.cessfu! carlciidaU? for the lower on temporary cnairn.- hn -f the Gnerai Assembly. James instments mentioned.in secuon.ve ateJ fa) ns drawee Ol sucn insiruiiiciiy . phnirman- tne isiaie eouie. m. ..i-.jr.lk, collet the amount of the tex imposed sounded by. the tempoiary c for chairman of the -u". v. , ...u-; wJ '-.'harTinirl He cited principles oi tne ueniunaui. t , rf under such subsection u -r , f v , -r. atforni on which true ,.i t . .i . . , A pure bred Guernsey bull bred by f'JY'hur Osborne, of Canton, has n 'he, Advanced Register of the ;r:ean Guernsey Cattle Club( Pet- .rt!"W, X. H., two of his daughters "avl-E completed official records of Ruction. The bull, Star's Knight 01 garden Creek 118792 owned by .nford & Cartner, of Mocksville, is sire of Myra's Topsv of Eliada 252700 with a record of 10779.7 Pnds cf mUk and 50Q 9 poU!llls 0f ""'. m class G and Constance Missy a arm ooio wan icluu such amount against any depositors to the cn-eait or me m' "- of such instrument, and shall on o before the last day of eacfrmor. h government, permanent in character and impartial in its relationship .with i. i.otn'ti. under oatn, ..or preceding month, and pay such taxes lo the collector of the district m wh-ch his principal place of business is o cated. Wr if he has no. principal plat- the Coiectoi at BalVimore, Maryland.! events of the past four admi ct h riturns shall contain such inlor-1 tions. the speaker compared th "lV, n ade in such manner Republican administrations wit mauuu . . l-i-o atl as the Commissioner, with t..e ap nrovafof the Secretary, may by regu lations escribe, Eve person - quired to colietl. any 4U . j flp-l nga 1151 h -iar.d of commissioners, ueorge Havnes, who was second high man in the" same race and R. T. Boyd, also a , i. it.. . J r-...-. ... i.j rWiaroH 1 Candidate lor ipe. same unite anu ou men, could be founded. .He declared chairman of the county board, that the Democratic party 1 ive Haynes and Charles McCrary, long after all of its ?PPsinf .f c an dif lates for the nomination for had been forgo ten because or the fact of Deeds, Frank Davis, and Next Sunday morning services Lake Junaluska will begin witji Dr L. B, Ilayes, presiding elder of the jjrani wil Waynesville district ot the .uetr.o- Walker (list Church. South, preaching ai the ; capable and efficient f aculty l 11:00 o'clock: hour. . . 'assisting Miss White in the work. .Mis All the Methodist churC'es :n Hay-; ancy Kiliian i pianist and the lo wood county will . loin : i '-'v- ' hwng young lame- are .-ervinir a it 8 p. m. at which time Rev. A inert. ; helner In the vnri'.us-- deoarini'. nts pounds of milk and C-28.8 lotion her.ov ds-tf . y. per of fat in class G. The bull th VL 'mt of any payments ! son for the am: 'made in accords o hai A ,loTl,tor son xoi w '-" r .tVt ,rnv;a ndtw-n roi.; I6,vcl,:" , made in accordance r that it is rounded upon piinci.- - a' eternal and just. Rripflv narrating the important iour auini:iii.ii- the three publican administrations witn tnose of the Democrats under v pourow Wion declaring that reue-ai ex penses 'had mounted year after year u-vMl for the first time in the history the nation -the Country is facing a financial ensis. from .which there M?. 'a -tt ree", no source of relief found. ,'Wie declared that, the Waterko .cf "'' ' : '. '':' number of others. : The general trend of the theme of each speaker was that the time had come for pri mary ' differences to be be forgotten and every one work together for the success of the candidate nominated :vjr each office, . LUt of DfVgatc The following were named delegates , the State convention in Raleigh? W. T. Lee, W'.-A. Hyatt, Len'oir. Gwyn, Ja-y.es . Atkir::', ..Weaver McCracken, (C'jr.'.ir.ued en pr.g 2) New, rector of the local '..LpiMTnal church will deliver the message of the hour. It is being planned to hace a union ervice at this hour to w hich ai. otner churches nearby are invited to at tend.. The Haywood County Minis ters' Association adopted -a motion at a recent meeting to hold this union service , at this time and a ' ( i la': efTort is being made to enlist the co-( operation of all denoini.ia'.ioiH to take part at this service. Special music for the mee.mg is being planned and a large attenoar.ee is expected to attend. SLXOIXG CONVENTION TO MEET SUNDAY. VJT1I Misses Florence Ru-seil, Mary lienty Fiances Rose, Virginia Ujs?c11 an Patsy Hill. Joe Harrison, 86, Buried Last Frida;'1 Jot Harn i, i v t A m Cutf was ouried lasit Friday aiteinoon .i. Buchanan ctm terv w;tn Rev. ..K , Allen in charge t tr.e service- S. W. Galloway, president' cf the West Haywood Singing Convention, announced this week thai; the con vention will meet at the Pleasant Balsam church next Sunday, June l!i. at 1:30 o. m. The iii-blio :s cor dially invited to at;;nd this conven-1 tion and hear som-' of th:.' rid time i gospel songs sung by the .? eyt"-.vl !)'!'-1 -j ferent choirs thai are rdie If led to ; t;.ke part on the prngrain. - !V Mr. Hs-rriKoiv diva a; Countv Hn.-pital ,u:i ; morning, follcwing a' il three : yv -," which t-vi?t his death. . The deceased move fio n Cit- coji , It 7(1 years ago and. ha (if :d ii limuc ,i corn T.u. curing tna: ;::i i 1 i I- i'c a a num'-tr 'of -.lie ttaywo J liui Jj c - i f al o , - - , . (-((, i ; at fin i opcratiiUVf 'T e. He is si i vhildr.'n a it r 1 T' . 1. i '.1 :Joh: t.u I: C; (. auto'r i fv6iSltlcu sons lions of this section. nntside Margin Narrow