,tr JUNE 16, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page & bERSOrslAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 137 f Robert McLeod, the birs-..'nn. who has ft ' . "rtained since k'l0Mt LdMrs. M. Urems. - fternoon. ajW. f M.i. was U .1 liuincr rOSfcS. ers USeu v-...0 , 'S? put away Miss rM. 'I i the luckv ...,c I0UI1U i." - ... - hieh and Miss the 1-.V. Both, as Ur t, "'ere Pre- ,in included Mrs S. P. -rin Ward, Mrs. K E. ' uirrv Rotha, Jr., Mrs. iilar7 M Hubert ffm Lee" Jr. Mrs. Joe V .,A Mr. Fe- ('ham naiiii"i i Kenneth Ferguson, lrs- .. ii.kViia 'av ''".Miss Mary Pauline j Elizabeth rieii.y, Mary Stringfield, Urrett, Miss Harnett j 'c,.,!i(.!(l Miss Mice i'". -. - -havi MissMarie Plott, i-h Uarreti, I '' . , li.il Hjf iaa jliss Time not"". Miss Josephine Davis, Francis, and Miss waiy of Ashevnie. .-:.!,. irrniin for tea unugi- i r - . liter Fer?u?on, Mrs. Lm- Mrs Otto i.euoeiiei, 'oClure, Mr.-. Jere Davis, Mrs. Bryant Smith, of 'wa RAY S1DGE largest aiiairs of the the' itridge L kct Thursday evening L0".r W. Rav at the tatter's parents, Mr. and Hey. The living rooms ely arranged in dowis oi in a pleasing eombina ' and colors. Mr. and re assisted in receiving ft the latter s sis icr, una. lr. il progressions Mrs. W u- was fotm'i to noia tne the ladies and Mr. -pin biirh lmonir the pen- Mr, jerry 'Colkitt cut the After tiie games' a salad was served. e enjoying the occasion Mrs. Jamei M. Long. R. L.Prevost. Mr. and litP. Mr. n .Mrs.- Jerry Lnd Mrs Roy Campbell, Joseph Graves, Mr; and ;0S IS BRIDE ibeck of interest to a large mesville friends and ac- 1 well as to relatives j the bride and groom in a, was that ot Miss r aye Ir. Mr. William E. Har- citv. who were married J Presbyterian church, S, C, Tuesday evening, marriage ceremony was i the uastor. Rev. Dr. Iderson, who is a friend ies and a classmate of k was formerly of In- khere her parents suil graduate nurse, having i at the Baptist hospital . I. ror some time she nected with the Hay Hospital as laboratory arbeck, of this city, and rtant position with the mpany here. Mr. and irill ,!,,, u: v. uiaftc tlicij. UIMIIC bents on 1'igeon street. . " T Tlilifi.' nnr vc ark Lodge has recently I'luer.uie management oi i. iv. mmingswortn ot i!e; Florida. The boys is heated there for sev- 11 not 01)-n tlii,- vi.nr Mrs. Hollingsworth are iniprpvenents . m the !sie, Mr. and Mrs. rn, Mr, and Mrs. Roy indMrs;X. M. Medford, nugn jiassie, Mrs. Wil- s. s. T. Raymond, Mrs. J. W. leaver. Mrs. m. Mrs. Alvin Ward, P. Jiiss Uetsev Lane tlsie Davis, Mrs. . F. E. Clyde Ray. Jr. ft. Betty, of Clearwater, oeen summer res TOsville for the past arrived and -wiU spend at th s;i-ti -. - "'CHuurne oi- " . .' - RenicTc and her two fcwoVe, Virginia axe niMrs.,7. M. Newton. lJ.iBiJi.ll.i:B.JB.,m.ul.lJ,;;..BJ..B: LAMPIXG PARTY IX JMUKY jlOLXTAIX Pil?,: Miss Edna Hoovey, Miss Clara Lee Hyatt, Miss Louise Wolfe of Ashe ville; iMiss Florine Simpson, of Lau rens, South Carolina; Miss Lois Lostis, or Greenville. South Carolina; Aliss Lucile Ervin, of Burnsville ; Mrs Arthur Hyatt, Miss Nancy JlVuu. JU W. A. Hyatt, and Mr. Lockland Hyatt composed a party which spent last wek-end camping ,n t.-n Gieat Smoky Mountains National Park. LEGIOX AUXILIARY MEETS The Haywood Post No. 47 Auxiliary of the American Legion held its reg ular monthly meeting Monday at the Masonic Temple. The" meeting was opened with the usual opening exer cises and all old business and com munications were then discussed. Under the head of new business, delegates for the coming state con vention to be held in Asheville July 17-19 were discussed. It was de cided to have a call meeting to elect deltgates. The following otticers for the coming year were elected: Mrs. f-. B. Camp, president; Miss Ida Jean Brown, vice president; Mrs. F. H. Saunders, secretary; and Mrs. W. F. Swift, treasurer. In the absence of Miss Nancv Kil- lian, Poppy Sale Chairman, Miss Ida Jean Brown made her report. Pro ceeds from the Poppy Sale amounted to $52.70. j The Auxiliary had as guests Mrs. j Hendricks, president of the Kiffin-j Rockwell Post Auxiliary, ana rive otn-l er members from Asheville. Also a delegation of ten ladies from the Canton Auxiliary were present-to meet the Asheville ladies. The pur pose of the meeting was to discuss the coming state convention with the vv'aynesville and Canton units. Mrs. Hendricks is also chairman of the fifth area. The hostesses, Mrs. T. G.Massie, Mrs. I. J. Brown, Mrs. W.T. Lee, Jr., and Miss Ida Jean Brown served de licious punch and cakes during tne social hour following the business meeting. Publicity Committee. AXXOUXCE DATE OF NUPTIAL Taken from a California paper. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bowman of 109 East Spruce avenue entertained on Saturday evening in honor u. their daughter, Miss Jean Bowman, and her fiance, Gordon Miller, at a charmingly planned party. The oc casion served to annpunce the date of the marriage of the affianced couple which is a nuptial event scheduled for June 18. The marriage date was announced in a Move, ...u., -. when each guest was presented with a miniature match box in the form of a silver booklet which, when opened, contained a candy heart and the news of the happy event told in verse in scribed on a double paper heart. The bridal motif was carried out in the effective decorations with a doll bride and groom extending from white ribbons attached to the chan dalier above one of the tables at which the bride-elect and Mr. Miller; sat. ' Games were played an a dainty supper served. Bidden were the Misses Alta Ross, Reva Ross, Eileen Powers, Helen. Powers, Florence Ulm, Pat Penter, June Carrigan. Gwenivere Crawtoiu and Messrs. Reuben Adam-,. Lynn Poos, Joe Ramsey, Phillip Francis, Gerald McLaughlin, Charles Cromer, Walter Nichols, and Gordon Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowman. The wedding rites are to i.e sol emnized in a pretty ceremony . ct the home of Miss Bowman's uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. W.H. Bo'.vman, ot 728 Nutwood street. Rev. 1 nomas L. Burdden will officiate. The bride-to-be has chosen Miss Alta Ross for her maid of honor V alter Nutlemier will serve Mr. Miller as best man, . , ' - V Miss Bowman is a. graduate f t ,Jn- clWvVood Union high school a.id topu- inr in vnunirer circles here. A series of lovely pre-nuptial xourteucs are being arranged in her honor. Mr. Miller is the son of Mr, ano Mrs. Edgar Miller, of V. anesvno. North Carolina. DISTRICT U. D. C. OFFICERS HONORED' IX FRANKLIN Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, district director of the United Daughters of the Con federacy, and Mrs. Roy Martin, dis trict secretary, were guests -of honor at a delightful party given by the Macon county, chapter of tha, organ ization at Franklin on last Monday afternoon. ' announcement :: Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Boyd announce the birth of a son, Thomas. Grady, on Monday, June 13, at the Haywood County Hospital. Miss Ruth Ferguson has returned to her home in Whittier after a visit of several days to her cousin, Miss Louise Campbell. i 1 SSHOOL GRADUATES AND STUDENTS , ' ,Intter school TUTORING especially for boy3 anri t0 & to college; also for coUege studente. PUAL and class instruction ten weeks' course Jj Monday, June 20th in classroom at Centil school, next door to my residence for the . on Haywood Street. Select class limited m f: Aaditional to Class work, SPECIAL tutoring maUcs, physics 'Latin, history and English. OPTIONAL opportunity at "depression" rates. rr imam Duruci j. U N. CvU. S. Naval Acad., Ma3. st. Teck. (M. S.) .IK A. R. HOLD LAST .UEETIXO OF YEAR tll' ? Lenor Gw-Vu was hostess to the Dorcas Bell Love Caapter of t ie Amencan Revolution at ner home on Main street, Wednesday al'.ernm June eighth. The paptr for the afternoon was written and read by Mrs. R. L. Pre vost, me suoject Using "l..eorge Wiuh ngion, The fresident, and iue Home uauug oi Murtna ana i.eorfe un. iiikl ' inis Was a iuie iper and concluded the proraiu c: t.uay on beorge Washington that was carrieu through the winter season. The magazine review was given by -Mrs. .Morris and ineiuueu tne reading oi the President Gennai's monthlv letter. xne usual observance of Flag Day which k, juiu- 4 and which given an uuauy bv tne chapter was ieu by Mis. ' a-up. ' i:ig:ng oi The Star Spang ied Janner, saiute to the Hag. msiory ol tne r'ia were conciuai;;fc numoerV on the program. Mrs. Swift, chairman of Patriotic Education, then presented Misa Mar garet Ashton to the chapter. Miss Ashton is a recipient of tne Slate D. A. R. Educational Fund and is a stu oent at v. C, T. C. at Cullowhee where she has made an outstanding record. She expressed her apprecia tion us one of several who are le ceiviiig the benefit of this fund. MRS. E. B. CAMP, Publicity Committee. MR. HOW ELL HONORS (11 ESl'S Mr. James Harden lioweil, jr. was host at a delightful bridge party and dance last Tuesday evening, at his home, "Windover," honoring his cous ins, Miss .Alma M.Uarshun ami Wr. Herbert Dickie of Roseland, Virginia, who are guests of Mr. lioweli. The entire lower riour Oi the home was - decorated with a prolusion of American Beauty and Pink KiHarney roses and fernry, carrying out a color scheme of green and pink. These colors were also noted in the ice course which was served as the concluding feature of the evening's entertain ment. High score prizes followinjr the bridge games were presented to Miss Jewel Hipps and Mr. Ben Atkins and Kenneth Dunham received the conso lation gift. Mr. Howell's guests were: Miss Marshall, Miss Ellen Louise KilHan, Miss Hester Ann Withers, Miss Ai rion McDowell, Miss Jewel Hipps, Miss Louisa Thackston, Miss Katheryn Queen, Miss Gladys Dicus, Miss Edna Garrett, Miss Marietta Way, Miss Martha Neal, Mr. Dickie, Mr. Ben Atkins, Mr. Sam Strinkfifld, Mr. Marcus McCracken, Mr. Billie Pre cost. 'Mr. Joe Sloan, Mr. Sam Bush hell, Mr. James Rose, Mr. John Queen, Mr. Alison Clough of Ashe ville, and Mr. Kenneth Dunham. -... MISS PHILLIPS V. IXS SCHOLARSHIP The following account is from the Washington, (D. C.) Times: Her story of the part athletics had played in her high school career won for Miss Anfla Phillips, the scholar ship at American University awarded in the essay contest conducted by The Washington Times in connection with the college film, "Huddle," recently shown at the Palace Theater. The essays, ''Are Athletics Essen tial to a College Career," received in the contest all paid high tribute to the part athletics had .'played in the lives of the writers. Miss Phillips said: "First the athlete must have that greatest of assets to a happy life, a healthy body. A healthy body means a cheerful, well-balanced mental at titude. And the two produce a healthy m r-l outlook." The American University scholar ship is being awarded by the manage ment of the Palace Th ?ater, Tr filn. "Huddle," in connection with which the contest was arranged, is regarded as the outstanding, college picture of the year. Mr. ( arle'.or. E. Weatherby le.ft Monday for Durhanv where he will r.ttend summer schooi at Duke Uni versitv. He was accompanied by Mr. M. H. BowleS, who will also go to Duke summer schixd. Mr. Bowles came to Waynesville Saturday from his home in Irwinton, Georgia where he spent his vacation. .'.. Mrs. Dave Simons ard Mrs. John Queen left Sunday morning to attend the twenty-seventh annual session of the grand chapter of North Caro lina, Order Easter Star at Rocky Mount. These ladies will represent the Waynesville Chapter No. 165; O. E. S. of which Mrs. Simons is worthy matron. : ', . Miss Una Plott of Old Fort spent last week-end as the guest of her brother, Mr. Sam Plott. From Way nesville Miss Plott went to Chapel Hill where she will attend summer school at the University of North Carolina. MV.. Pilmin Davis and her daugh ters, Misses Virginia, Josephine, and Edwina, of Atlanta, Georgia, arnved last Friday to spend the summer at the Hotel Waynesville. J ney nave -a their guest, Mr. John Rainoy, also of Atlanta. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M.Tucker, Miss Mabel Tucker, and Mr Lee Tucker of Miami Beach, Florida will arnve to day for a week's visit to Miss Annie Albright. Miss Tucker is en route to Worcester, Mass. where she will be a director in the Y. W. C. A. Camp. Mrs. Clyde Ray returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit to .her .faugh- -tjei," Mrs. Robert! ereecq, am m. Breece in Raleigh. :: '!.:-! Mr. M. H. Davis and his sister. , M:ss Pauline Davis of Canton joined tne tureka Club of Asheville for a motor trip through the North. They will visit Washington, Baltimore, h.ladelphi;(. New York City and Niagara Falls and .return July first. Mr. Don Hyatt has returned from Iu:ham where he went to attend the commencement exercises at Duke Uni versity. He was accompanied, by Mr. John Lyons of Durham, who is Mr. Hyatt's guest at his hom-j n the : :;nview R.iad this w?ek. Miss Annie Albright arrived last week from High Point wh-Te she has had a position on ti;e t icuuy o tin ...h i o:nt schools, to sueint the va- k'ation w.tu iur parent, il:. and 'lrs. 1. F. Albriglif. "'iiss Mary Morrow He'iity a:id Mr. Charles McKeel, 3rd of Charlotte re pending this week visiting their grandfather, Mr. M. r. a. .in- t. 1 hey have as their guest Miss Jean i'aUjdiman of Tampa, Florida. Mr. J. M. Newton, Mr. Thomas L. Given, and Mr. Thomas M, Seaweil veil return today from Greensboro where they went to attend the state .'invention of the Knight? of Pythias. Mf. ami Mrs. J. L.Young and two o:is of St. Petersburg, Florida are guests at the Herren home on Main street. Mr. Young will be engaged in the jewelry business here this summer. . Miss Helen Wright, of Talladega, Alaoama, will arrive Sauird.iy to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. r'ia:i"is Mussie at their home oi Branr.er avenue. Mrs. Adora Rayne a'l.i Miss Jose phine Holtzclnv of Riciiinon 1, !' guiia arrived last week M spend the summer at the home of i:ie farmer on Smathers street. Rev. J. W. CumplHll and son, Willis Campbell, of Stonevillt, are spending a few weeks here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campbell, am1, other rela tives and friends, Mr;. M. F. Albright left Saturday for a week's visit to her daughters, Mrs. 1). M. Heatty and Mrs. 0. B. McKeel, Jr., and her eon, Mr, W. K. Albright, in Charlotte. Mrs. J. G. Holtzclaw and her daugh ter, Miss Adora Holtzelaw, of Rich mond, Virginia, arrived yesterday to spend the summer at their home on Smathers street. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry and two children, Miss Bebe (lilmir and Mr. Branner .Gilmer, of Miami, Florida arrived last week to spend the sum mer at Chestnut Incize. -.. Mrs. Minthorne Woolsoy arrived from Asheville Tuesday and Will spend the summer at the Hotel Way nesville. Prof. C. W. Newton of Fairmont, West Virginia has 'arrived to spend his vacation with his parentis, Mr. and Mis. J. M.Newton. ....- Mrs. Cleveland Kirkpatrick is leav ing today for Bristol, Virginia where she will visit Mr. and Mrs, Reginald V. Arnold for a week. Miss Mabel White, who is directing the Vacation Bible School a th' i'res- byterian church, is the guest of Miss Annie Albright. .' Miss Marv Pauline Plott spent last week-end in Sylva as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wayne liattie, ana Mr. Battle. V M Mrs. S. C. Satterthwait returned to her home in Atlanta, Georgia Sat urday after a week's visit to Mr. and M rs. Ernest Withers. Mrs. Bob Noland and son, Mr. Neil Noland, '.of Waynesboro, Virgin iaia, are guests of the former's daugh ter, Mrs. Otis Burgin. . Mr. Manson Shook and grand daughter, Miss Alda Lee Shook, of Asheville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Queen. Mr. H, N. Sentelle, Mr. R. E. Sentelle, Jr.. and Mr. Berry Plott of Canton were among the visitors here last week. ' .'' Mr. S. M. Robinson, Mr. ('. A. Cog burn and Mr. Edison E. Collins of Canton were here on business last Saturday. .. .'.:'. Misses Carolyn and Louise Wills of Memphis, Tennessee are spending two weeks at Chestnut hoage. W V Mr Sidnev Martin of Ashcv'ile spent Sunday at his home in Way nesville. '.' Mr. T. H. Haynes and Mr. Homer West of Clyde spent Saturday in Wavnesville. ' Tr rKarles Humnhries of Walhalla, South Carolina was a visitor in the city last week. AT. H'qi.J VirVr!rirk fptlimed weeks' visit to his home in Rents Store, Virginia. Mr Rnipp Gordoh of the Gordon Lumber Company of Asheville spent Friday in Waynesville on business. Mr F. H. Briees of Raleigh was Ka cnipat. of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ray several days thisweek. ir ariA M. F. W Varnedre of Jacksonville, Florida are among the recent arrivals at the uet aine notei. Miss Fannie Noland of Crabtree left last week for a visit to New York City and points in New Jersey. Miss Edith Byrd of Hendersonville was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Henry last week. Messrs. J. B.Mann and T. A. Clark of Canton were visitors here last week. Mr. Welch Galloway of Asheville spent Thursday in Waynesville. Mrs. R. E. Owen of Jonathan spent Thursday in Waynesville shopping. Mrs. Forest Moody Canton spent Friday shopping in Waynesville. Mr. William R. Palmar of Canton was a visitor here last Friday. Among the visitors here from Clyde last week was Mr. C. W. Caldwell. Mrs. R. D. Gilmer of Vsheviile spent last week-end at Chest-iut ixidge. MASTER ELMORE CELEI1RA TES IURTHDAY Kelly Lee Elmore, Junior, cele brated his sixth birthday on Friday, June the tenth, at the home of his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Mc Dowell. A number of lhtle friends enjoyed games and contests on the lawn. Phil Medford won the prize in the contest of "Mary's Little Lamb." To the music of "The Wooden Sol dier" the children marched into the dining room to cut the large beauti fully decorated birthday cake. With this ice cream and mints were served. Those invited were: Billy Davis, Bonner Ray, Bebe and Phil Medford, Eloise and Ted Martin, Jane Dudley Francis-, Zeb Alley, Henry Foy, Rob ert Gibson, Grace Wilburn, Shirley Colkitt, Doris and Bobbie Colkitt, Patsy Gwyn, 'Charles Way, Jimmy Tutweiler, Betty Francis, Parker Gay, and Isabella Joscelyn Elmore. MISS STRIXC FIELD ' REPRE SENTS ROTARY CLUB AT RIlODOnEXDROX FESTIVAL Miss Alice Stingfleld, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Stringfield. was selected by the Wnynesville Ro tary Club to represent Waynesville at the Rhododendron Festival in Ashe ville this week. Miss Stringfield with several other young ladies chosen from Rotary Clubs of neighboring towns rode on the Asheville Rotary Club's float in the floral parade of the fetival yesterday morning. Mr. Lee Davis arrived Sunday from Duke University to spend his vacation. Mr. Davis received his degree from the Law School of that university this spring. Mr. E. M. Hale of Sylva spent Tues day in Waynesville on business, a Mr. Lee Davis and his nephew, Joe Davis, are spending this week visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J. S. Davis, at Iron Duff. Miss Thomas Stringfield is spend ing this week as the guest of Miss Caroline Ward in Asheville. Mrs. H, W. McKay and daughter. Miss Patty McKay, of Ashevi'la are at Sunset Cottage at Lake Junaluska to spend the summer. m - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Savannah, Georgia arrived Monday to spend a few weeks a. guests of Mr. Hugh Sloan. Mr. Clarence Ray of Winsor, North Carolina, who for the past few sum mers, has assisted, Mr. Paut Hyatt at the Piedmont Hotal, arrived Monday and will have the same position this summer. Mr. Ray has as his guests tHs week Mr. Rigley and Mr. White also of Winsor. Mr. "Shack" Cannon of Washington, D. C. spent last week-end visiting in Waynesville and Lake Junaluska. Mr. and Mrs. J.W.Reed of Ashev-i le expect to move to Waynesville in the next few days and spend the summer at their home on Woolsey Heights. Mr. Jimmie Reed, who arrived this week from Duke University, is also here for the summer. (falotaos V TRADE MARK RIO. For lazy liver, stomach and kidneys, biliousness, indi gestion, constipation, head ache, colds and fever. 10? and 35? at dealers. Grandmother's BREAD 21 oz. Pullman Loaf 2 Loaves 15c NUCOA'S.rF.2iiis. 27c pi ' 1 1 WHIM ifmnuvsisn' SII.TAXA COMPOUND JAM 3 25c A&V WllK GRAPE JUICE 2 bottles 25c IT'S ICgD COFFEE TIME B5 27c cfREcDLE ib. 23c 8 O'CLOCK 3 lbs 50c riie l.arsrest 'ftolllnjr Hlxh Grade C'nileo In tiie World. CAMI'IUXIS TOMATO SOUP 3 cans 20c CATSUP 2 U 25c i PICKLES Sweet Mixed Jar 19c Sunsweet PRUHES 2 25c I I.I I'TON'S Tcniler CriisliiHl Milk can '18c LUX FLAKES 2 pkgs. 19c LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 cakes 19c GOLD DUST 8 sm. pkgs. 25c - -asw. Lst i r ArsT xi pm . Special St SITE BUT FOR aUAUTY - SAVE FOR PREMfUMJ 2 for 5C VINEGAR Gallon BRING YOUR JUG 29c TMS