iyj!fa v I FX i rv r- st mm mm SSIE! us Aore Paid-In-Advance Subscribes In Haywood County Than All IVceAy Xeuspapers Combined VOL.XLIV NO. 28 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1932 KXSKvSni? Francis Calls Thinking Peoplem INT0 PARK CTiJkn& To Arms On FSnlJ A iLNI HERE TO BE --w . V M. UlUIlUlltt JTX I I LI I f O jjy CONVENTION p E. Alley Is Selected As Delegate io uemucrauci .National Convention. j URGE CROWD AT THE CUiNVUINTILLN td. Nolo Mr. Fraiuis from lime unie j.as wen ending hi articles to '-- paper mat have proven to be of i UHtlist Ui air .eiu.cVs. i, - Mr. Francis has gathered some i;.ra.t.s -v.raiu.iijr -.he n- pCl I .art.u VeU Wl.til IMlUVidi' ;i ioh ; n fi ill m, i .ui. ii a lew nays nc e some itiu,;. interesting T prohibition Question Draws Fire; Delegates lo bo Un-instructed. I riaywoo , coun , invites Cl.i'illi iocs to I'iUts ; -UvUMV at on o: live lout ::ecr ;.-U'.e :' the largest State Derao .;nveiitions ever held in the ii i. r .. 1 -: . ' i ... i was neiu ai jaieigu 'at i, wei'K :-c'a time North Carolina s 26 . . . . tli.i Vtltifttlfll ( nn voti t i mi i-a meets m Chicago on June . 1 T' l.l: Iwrf jnstrucieu iu vuit iw ritiimiin :i. Evi.-.vclt lor nomination or presi- (jt!'t, 1 IlC COIlVIlLllIl IvlJiU LV lilt true: the delegates for the plan on Tvh.inoii. ihe convention, now- k-vvr. set ionn i" me pony iJiaiiuim the fc.iiwmg article on ine suoject: "The Democratic party has always I born responsive to ine win oi tne vi'iu-, and in obedience thereto, has ' t i i -.iii.li i ! Umr.svriil ami enuc.eu an tne pronioi- ' ' . . 1 . u -n ,n laws oi .ortn caronna. xtecog- liizinf, however, this right of the peo- n a legal way to amend tne Institution oi tne united states at their pleasure and vote en all ques- MLEGATES FROM 11TH LIS- , TR1CT The delegates selected, at . the i state Democratic convention to represent the hlevemh District i at tne .National convention were a? follows:'' F. E. Alley, of Way- rtJviiie, .m. :vi. iteaaen, ot uen- , o(rM.nvii.e, j. i . Jordan, Jr., oi Asrevilie. and S. P. Dunagan, of I Rutnerfordton. ' I (By J. A. Fvahcis.) Ti.c e.eetl.m Is uVer a..e cleaieu s.jllle ur:i '.. ;. " 't t it i ;a-.uni ui i-raud and c.j. rt.: orought out .to prer.M. e ol tne peopie wtuc.l -.v .; t nothing in the end. As the c.ectorates is tne auty ot ail iiens to get bv-mnu been chosen ar..: peisio.e wav .. ;..-.-v poses tor wn.cn tnev lucre are nianv soivea ov our raw Alio l.ae col.trol i cc.. One .s, are the wea.my e.emcnt to treasuries as tegs in to roll the peop.c oy nave --jK.ittn. .t u ...nd ,ovai cit' w.ose who have t ;nom :n tvnv .:.g out .he wire t.vii.o. pruolems to be nniKers and thi se t our ;jo;.e l.nan w. gon.; ;,. ai. iw Use oui puohc .heir machine 'be cwtmnu;.; Says Government's Pay Roll Too Iiij hions it issue, we declare our party stands hrmiy for the enforcement of these laws and every provision of the nuerai constitution, as Jong as it re- cams tne law of the land. " With an abiding faith in the cour age of the people of our common wealtn, the Democratic party pledges sed to a continuance of a program f Vunsiructive and helpful service aid tu this end we pledge: 1. An immediate revaluation of pruperty throughout the state at its rae va.ue in money, to the end that i.e.ij.i.;ty and injustice may ibe lavoidcd. ' i Tne removal of the lbrcent prcp- hrty tax now levied for the support kf .He six months tiublic school term. 6. rt'e recognize the prime lmpoi ar.ee i preserving the credit of the Kate, ana to that end the budget pros', ue balanced. 4. Tiie maintenance of the public ckeo, system and our higher institu- "Or.s vi learniiiir in a state of ef- iKiA'y, tnus guaianteei..g .j :v;t... ? ":kl jfu'l hi North Carolina the ppu!iuj.;-.y to -buigeoa vut tnat ere is 'within them." . , '' ice. piumotion of public hgaith ir.a.we,lare. . : . . . ' - 1 Ine.eale of the unioi tanate and "M'ic.-s ;n our humanitarian insiitu- ... - '. 1 A imgram of strirt pfuiicnu in1 rv'j'. department, and nwn nt t'hp jtevernmeiit, incluuing the uis- uiitnia;,nce of any governmental 4ferity which is not rendering a nee f' and dispensable puul.c service -rssiv:ng- money for the taxpayers, oi. "e c.att. it . '.as always been the. Policy cf Kece-ssary expenses of eiiicient fwcr::ment, and in this tuuo o. uri- e-a. uistress, we pledge every rea 3fao effort for the reduction of ; 1 C' nt-nued on page 2) , floating bona issues w.nch wrir i paid will cost the tax payer two ami probably three dollars for one u ceived when pail; and at .':;' same time furnish a way wnere ihey can pla' their funds where they are out ji leach of taxation oi nny descrip tion. . At the same time . -hee bonds wiil be held as gi.t-e.!ged Cniatcra!. giving the holder a f ji trior pptn tu nity to in est in. fuither trdhsacticns in dull times, giving tn.:,i another opportunity to squeeze Hie t.. paver again not saying anything about our national bond indeb.e.incss. In the year 1116 'he oor,d:.-J indebt edness, for North Carolina was $8, 673,500.00' according to statistics re reived direct from the- state auoitor's office at Raleigh. .'The present bonded Indebtedness amounus to $175,509, tlOO.00. $7,230,000.00 current debt, add to this $375,000,000.00 local unit bounties and towns, making a total indebtedness of . .$55'7,7:jil,000.00 and A , IT'S Ci i 4 " vO 4 MADE PASSABLE Stute Highway Engineer Assures Citizens Here Work To Begin Immediately. oiigh : i 'ha mi .'.V 111 : .1. . ll or ts of t lie V 1 I iniiiiu iw, .1 . I M r. district engineer if tin state Highway di pa l '. nn r.t, and aicempanied by Federal aid engineer ami assistant- made a visit to aynesville Tue-day .and a trip .o t!ie Soco Gap i.sioil for the purpose .,f se.'l: - what ub done try ria.a neyo id ..1 i,.;.;..' ; . ,::e iiark pa-;i li. After viewing the . s.t a u ion, Mr. Y..!Kii- assure. 1 tb. rep-eseii' -itive cf the local or.r itiiza'ion th.it he would send a cuiiS'.i ttet! ' vfe.v and bu.vy l oad machine! y in immediately and iig.n making tin load so cars could so into the seetion vf the S.oco (!a) in safety. Although the road will not U a tirst class road, it will 'ie passu- Lake Junaluska Activities Will Not Be Affected By Litigation COURT HOUSE IS h Uncr, Temporary Re- rI7 rAAII WVI? ceiver bays 1'lans And xv mi vwm.LLiiii Program Will Re THIS WEEK-END Carried Out. Rids For Grading And Improving- Grounds And Building: Walks To Re Let Monday. huildingTost j?2-1O,W0O Complete Facts About New Building: Told By Autho rities hx Special Edition, June 30. J. A. FRANCIS '.he end ..- not yet, according to the 'ame infonnatkin. t riciv-. vviM oe a iehcit in the .operation of governneiit ejien.-is tins year : .:.!m.o.khi."II un average increased it: h bte.)i'.c.-s ! ifKs:;.02UrHi0.U0 per annum. While :he wealth of Nortn i.'ar.i.ida h.'s in creased 450 per cent, government ex penses have increased 1000 per cent. New offices have been created to pro vide a job for some relative or pay some political debt, increasing gov ernment's pay roll fifty per cent, thus iidung an uncalled-for. burden on the -boulders of the tax payer. Tinis is a distress'! rig ituatin and can't it1 laid at the door of the Repub lican party, nut calls lor some ser; cus study .;n the part of our daw makers and cooperation of ai! de partments of our government .and all honest thinking people. As this article is oii.t lengthy, wt leave the county affairs fore the present. The New llaywoiHl. County C ourt House is complete. This is news that lli'.ywood county has been waiting to beer fur immths, although the build ing is cijjnpletisl tiO days ahead of schedule, according to Mr. Whitton, president of the Southeastern Con struct hm Conipany, of Charlotte. The finishing touches on the build- f the most scenic points wlU l,u completed by the last of From there a view -of 'tn's wtt'l' although the building will : The road committee of the Chamber j of Commerce is going to arrangv' for i a number if ohises and guide to be at tlie point where the cars will stop land from there visitors can ride over 'the trail, which is only a mile and a 1 half to two miles to Hlack Stone Clap. 1 which is one j in the park. the entire park can be had, at mis point the elevation is much higher than the surrounding country. It was found that it would lie im possible for the state highway coinmis-1 ,r , ' sion to get the roads dnto "the park J S" ready for the summer tourists that "Lo will be anxious to visit in the park, so this method of getting the road into shape and making it possible for cars to go farther into the park was un dertaken. The officials of the organiza tion are pleased v.ver the success of getting the road 'pened. Die load, as pKiposed. will be an all weather lead, as it will be covered with crush ed stone, thus eliminating slippery places,. More information can be hid from the -Chamber of Commerce cilices iy lulling 100. American Legion Name Officers For Coming Year W. A. Bradley Named Post Commander. Delegates Named For Convention. At a recent meeting of the local post of the American Legion new offi-1 The long talked of prosperity -forcers for the coming year were elected ner would be reaehed immediately if and delegates to the annual cohven- a gure cure plan for relief as suggest vention. of the .organization," .which j by a prominent Shelby man were meets in Asheville July 18-1'J were adopted. This Shelby man prefers to named. , withhold his name for the present, ihe toiiowing officers were named: Commander. William A. Bradley, 1st Vice Commander, Chas. Mc Crary. :'nd. Vice Commander, Jarvis Cald well. ; government give you and every mem 3rd. V ice commander, Koy t'h r inance $50 Cash Free To Everybody In U.S. Is New Plan To Start Good Times-Five Year Plan Proposed New Currency Would Have 3c Stamp Placed On It Every Time It Changes Hands And This Would Redeem The Six Billions. Eli Ferguson Passes ! Away Last Sunday h Xews was received here Sunday of o death of Mr. Kli M. Ferguson at s home in Stewartsvilie, New Jer- v. Mr. l erguson was a native of i C-ommander, Roy Phillips', itier of your house fifty one dollar bills Officer and Adjutant, D. give it outright and tell you to spend Miss Ruth Davis Is Buried Last Monday funeral servWs fnr T;a.- RmV. Jvi vi-nn iKo.J ot u Un. a r-... H ..vv. v me jiaj wuuu v vi un Ufllital SnnHo., w,,,, 1-1 Usi'lS Chanel in Irnn DuflF AtnnHAV ?wnir.' at iihiio nVwt ,uv. xt w J-Uamrock, pastor of the church, la;ing.- assisted a:-iesv;i;e and Tlr university Xty by Dr. B. G. Goode of Childs of s Uavis was ti Hano-Viter of S. I'avis. deceased, and Ella t'avist Slo h a A liict naenp1 t.-, . -r". juo. 'cntv-hrt- Kii-tv.o,. m,. roa 2s sv;,-l.. . r , ... .; ."" -i rew aays ago witn a id less and va' tnthpH tn th ?1iruhere jt was found that she ;Jf'r'lne from an abscess on the irura which she succumbed D. Alley. Pergeant-at-arms. J. D. Ezell. Chaplain, B, I). Bunn. Historian, F. L. Safford. Athletic Officer, C. A. George. : ': Child Welfare Officer, Frank Corcp ton. . Americanism Officer. W. D. Smith -Membership Chairman, Fred Ferguson. Publicity Officer, J. C. Patrice it for what you please I -. I his man ' would have the government issue six i billion dollars in currency -fifty bil i lion one dollar bills,., if your please and give fifty to each 11:1111, woman and j child, white and black, Jew and G en i tile, rich and poor throughout the i breadth of the United States. Ac- cording to the last census there were j 120 million people and their names and (addresses were registered le Those named as delegates to the months ago by the 1930 census takers convention next month were, J. H. ; He would have the government print Howell, T. G. Massie ,and W, T. Lee, ' dollar bills, stamps thereon the gov- Jr. Alternates were, 1). V. AUey, Fred Ferguson and C. A. George. J. C. Patrick, post commander said that a large number of the members are planning to attend the convention, but the above named will be the offi cial representatives of the Waynesville post.. ' ' '. " Party Of Hunters Capture Large Wild Hog In Park Last. Mondav morning eleven hunt ers and fishermen went into tne ureal Smoky Mountain National Park from Haywood county and captured one of the largest wild hogs ever seen in this section. The hog was captured on Big Arm, after the party had walk ed eight miles into the heart 01 tne but he has told it to a few men and. air agree that it Would work like a charm. $50 To Everybody. How would you like to have the - this county, having lived at Crabtree unti. leaving here sixteen years ago ior hi: new honie in New Jersey. It is not know the cause of his death, ut he had not been well since losing r' house and barn by fire a short : in.e ago. Mr. Ferguson is survived ny his Wife, Mrs. Cumie Massie Ferguson, and two sons, Guy V. of New York City. J. Mursst. if New Jersey, and one sister, Mrs, Cicero Howell, of Hay wood county. Guy V. Ferguson was at one time manager of the Gordon .Hotel here find J. Hurst Ferguson was assoeiated at one time with the mam r.t. 0:" h." ) d Suyeta Park 1 Hott '.. Both of these young men 1 v. . very popular in Wayriesville and frequently visit their manv friends'! here.". .- Mr. Eli Ferguson was a member of one of the oldest families in Haywood county. At one time he was a school teacher and later was a very roc-, cessful farmer, having sold his farm ;n 1510 to bur townsman, Mr. John R. Uipps. Mr. Ferguson was an uncle of the late Claude:., liaynes, iw.r..nc. t no lurnisned oy that time. 1 ne largest outstanding job yet to be completed is the grading and im proving of the grounds. The county commissioners, in session Monday, to receive bids onday, and that they expected it wuld take about a week to grade the lot and about ten days to lay and build the concrete walks fVom Main street to the steps of the court house. The court house complete including svme of the furniture cost '$1240,000, This does not include the $20,000 that commissioners puid for the Col, S. A. Jones lot adjoining the court house property. The Jones' property was pui-cha-sed when it was found that the old court house lot was hot large enough for th? ibiiilding. Experienced contractors and building experts stat ed yesterday that if the court house had been built any other time that it w ould have cost the county over $l!00,- 0!MJ; thus the county saved '$00,000 by building atthis time. Some startling facts about the new building will appear iii The Mountain eer next week, when a special edition will be issued giving all of the de tails and facts about the court housi from an authority's view point that jwill not appear in any other publica tion. These articles have been spec ially written for this paper and should be read with keen interest by every citizen of the county, i Several hundred extra copies of the paper will be printed which will con tain besides much data about the new ouri house, some of the history of the county and a running story of the I early development of the county writ ten by W. ('. Allen, who is writing book titled, "The Annals of Haywood Last Saturday morning ,hid,;c Wal- : tor K. Moore granted a reiercrship jj 1 on the petition of a group o;' credi-:fj to. s who applied to tlie court for that i pur pose against the Lake. Junaluska ;V Methodist Assembly and Southern J Assembly, at ' Lake Junaluska. Jerry';;. Liner, owner and manager id' t,,-.i'f Junaluska Supjdy Company, at Lake r' Junaluska. was named temporal y :J receiver. A final hearing on the mat-'i ; ter will Ik- held in Waynesville Tues-:i day, July 2, at 2 o'clock, before Judge'. ; Moure, Mr. Liner statid yesterday: morning. Tile receiver assumed full I . charge of the assembly Saturday, i morning. !' Mr. Liner told The Mountaineer f ' Wednesday morning that this pfoied lire would in no wily "tvoet the sched- A ; 11 led activities and "j-Wrs at the Sake t 1 for the coming season. "Everything (t 1; will b,- held as tirst planned as far as 'il possible", Mr. Liner st'ited. The fj i iiist service was held Sundav lnorninc L.K.Mavev. pie-i,l -' I :i the 'F County." All those desiring extra 'copies 'of The Mountaineer containing all this information are requested to call l.'J7 and reserve copies -of (he paper. All o)rlera reaching this office before Monday noun, June 27, will be filled, .Papers will be mailed, postage paid to any part in tb at no extra cost. 'it '4 f ..1 -t - -'3' i f ( I' Mrs. Mariah Allen, 71, Is Buried Monday A ftcrnoon ike bv Mr snling tlder of the Wa v.'icsv ille dis-' rict, ami was attended by an unusually large crowd, which was 'vidence that li. ", tlie pi;. -lie was lot . goii, to let the ; . litigation have any effect n the ser- ' vices. . -. ' j. ., E. A. I'ole, of 'Chnrlo! ?t chairman f - of the hoard- of -directors' of the as- ' ! sombly, said in a prep ired state- , nient, "the receivership will in nn wise;i,i(; ciiange the operation or the program ? t for the summer session, in his slate me nt Mr. Cole stressed the fact that he was speaking for the receiver,' ', Jerry Liner, as well as for the board of directors. He also state i that they , 1? receiver wished the fact stressed that there would be no change whatever inf.- i the operation of the as:-enii)ly front' l ; the standpoint of r.e progium and ; its direct ion by those chosen by the J ,;s' geiK'ral board of the Church f'.it hat j r. jiurpose. Assembly officials ami head.5 oi the ' ditlerent boards of rh." Methodist'1! church are ipjotcd m saying that the i oi oivcrsJiip is niereiy a matter of form tn get the business of the as- si'iiioly on a solid barij- and at ''the I fe.: same time protecting any creditors. Hugh Sloan, of Wayiiesyilie, liilsj ?' -Jl i een named tn -is.-i-t-'M r. Liner iii'-car-fc?, vying out the -oh. oulc, 1 plans f.r thel'jl i - iiiing seas it: '.' ' l)r. Ralph E. Noobier has been . general superintendent of the Assem- i 'l f '! Ely for -the past few yeors. The re-L r.t i.C cei ver stated that ho one had been ap- :-:J: I -V liointed to succeed M r. Noltnei', e.llier :?;.! I elieet gos.-ip, has taki-n the pivced- . -f The general theme of .the services s I: held at the lake Sunday was that those:V j: f j : at tin- lake were not ginng to let the ' -i "-' J procedure interfere with the religious J; ' 'Sy activuics and that a more determ-l; 't f: :. : ' iiied effort would lie put forth to make f ( - 1 lbe season 1i.,2 an even more success--' ?- v '; i lul one than ever before, even with-' . J .- v, t r.e. litigation starring them in the v . I ; face. '-., :. .':- -r The general public, according- to 1 1 1 i stieet gossip, have taken the proced-' 1 ui e as a matter of fact and feel that J i ' ! it wi s just a matter ol clearing upi ' ! the fiusiness of the assembly and that?, ;,-T United States ir.jv reteivership would not eilec,. b.us-r-J-1 i ; -.t I ;!n- s in Waynesville. i . . 1 i - I (.eorge H. Ward.-of Asheville, and -i i ' Joe- K. Johnson, (if Waynesville, rep- ? resent the receivers, and Messrs. Al-i , . ' ;ey and Alley, of Waynesville, repr- , ' : j sent the two corporations. . t i who rMW from the Waynesville f. '.'.t...,'"P'.ttIgh School with the class n, v,i,r,tcr ctaviJ tlirp dava in a:i;.' as "e of the honor the pa'rk and reported many fish and Tu-.-',.'. .' ,her class and the I pround hogs were caught. One mem '..,."". Student of tho class. Shelv, j.t nou-v rpnnrtp4 from the S ve , . j UCl Ui nn. ( Vi"' ' . . triat time attended Berea Urir. tiroH nt but iubilant over the !jerf ln Kentucky for two years ba- ;0Jhe ranked high as a student, i: - !s UI1ai,le to finish her educa- -tn account of her health, having ear?. p00r health for the last two r, ir ls survviEd by her moth-Whp'J;''- 7. a Loody Davis, by six hv -Grover C. Moody, Harry, r rank, and L Davis, and trip tired out but jubilant over success or the trip. , Those making the trip incluued; Tommie Caldwell, Horace Burrcsts, Jim Caldwell, John Caldwell, Tjnc Caldwell, Lloyd Caldwell, Frank Cald well, Thad Caldwell, Charlie Ray Cald well and Hugh Rogers. -.vis Clerk of the Superior Court of this county for a number, of years. The funeral, it is understood, took place at the home of the deceased in Stewartsvilie, New Jersey, June 20. , Mrs. Mariah Huebanan .Mien, 74, of Alien's ('reek died last Sunday after an 'illness of siv.'ial weeks. I unCfal services were -held Monday 'afternoon at the Huehanan eenn'teiy, with Rev. Kav Allei' and Kev. Inter, Pi nitt in charg'e. Mrs. Allen, before her lust mar- i riage, was Miss Mariah Given, of JatKson county. She came to ll.iv-w-ood county in early r.v noio1 1 - the last memlKrr of a family of several children. She is survived by three . children, George, Walter. Fred, and one dauyh- i ter, Mary. All live in the county, i She also leave: Pi grandchildren and; 20 great grandchildren. , Orphanage Class Will Give Concert Monday ";,"rr"w:1 ernment's guarantee of redemption any time within five years. Refund With Stamps Would six billion dollars worth of so-called -'fiat" money bankrupt the the government ? Not on your life. The government would collect the six bil lions while, the dollar currency is be ing spent. And here's how the plan works.: On the back Of each dollar currency would be 35 squares, with direction to "place stamp here." He would have the government printing office design and print a special docu mentary stamp to sell for 3c each. When a citizen spends his dollar, he would buy a three cent Stamp : and place it on one of the ', squares on .. : -. ' '.':' - the dollar bill.: , This plan would be " -.. .'..... followed as the dollar makes its j f . 1 t.. rounds until it is spent 35 times, each : Hay WOOQ UO S bO 1 0 spender placing a three cent stamp, bought and paid for in the regula- coin of the realm. The. 35 three cent stamps would enable the government ' Taylor Ferguson and Arthur Fran- tn Vnllpct enoue-h monev from the cis represented sale of stamps to create a fund where-1 partment of vocational agriculture in 11 J by the "galloping" dollar currency i the mountain district livestocK juog- e b .... -could be redeemed with no loss to the j ing contest in Asheville Tuesday. rnrVT nv Qmor,t n-haiavdr Tn . fart. .-the i Roth hovs scored hlEfh m the Contest. iKUUJsli tLl 1 !5 U. government would have five cents on A boy from Candler won first place in each dollar to apply on the cost of the contest. printing the stamps and currency. i Both Haywood b?yr will represent Redeem In Five Years the county next week at the Ycung The law providing for this currency ' Tar Heel Farmer's . meeting, at tn revive business and enable every-' which time 300 young, f aimers- are i-H Club Boys Met Last Week In County A series of 4-H ' lub meeting: were held ia-t week. This was a re-, '. riation meeting. The 'buys gatherec late in the. after n-om aril kr:"i'ed . li re over which w eineis were roastei : i- a picnic suppt r. Group garni.'; -'j!: f t 'lodge re.av.- ball wen.. nlaved. D.t ovs br' ught their proj'ect re, cord book' . v. hrc.'i were looked over t' : -ee if accurate records were lieinj ' e o . . Discussions were held on severa '.irob'.ens for corn, potatoes and. to. v rfl ."iiTi-nas las. L. IJoomso! were suptrvised bji i, county agent, anH Announcement was made this week ; the- ad'i't !i :i ei - of ,. 4 i. !. that the concert class from the Odd i The Mtet'rg -wa he'd -it the schoo Fellows Orphan's Home, in Goldsboro, i house:- at Bethel, Cruso, Heaverdam ; will appear at the Waynesville Ele-1 ciyd. Iron IuT. ("rat f ee, Jonathan - T1:1, W nr ) . uiiu. .. v" "''"'. an'i r ines iretK. xvaicjii a ui .'inoiij ,June 27. at 8 p.m. The members of the class will ren- der recitations, songs and drills. A Waynesville de- jsma-1 admission win ne cnargea, wnicn i win oe usea lor me woik at ine r- J Hi Attendance Cru.-o with per cent. -nd C specially a i'.tree 90f; VOTES fsh 'r.r.",cr y-. -ooay, narry, . iha.m,l i- . . , . , h . -xprtpd to , -oreseftt Ly ;iee ee Davis, and t Beginning .0 ! guarantee of the governmer.t that i. rePrerent the mountain MariGa!lowav R-Royd. Mrs. Library wnll be open from four to six, b (Continued cn page , t-.? tte pubic shaking ANNOUNCEMENT The public is cordially invited to attend an Ice Cream Supper at th 90 N. Y. . Jonathans Creek Methodist Church I Saturday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Th j proceed? to be used for the Church ; Convention captains of Gov. Roose-1 veit of New York are counting on I PARK SEPT. MOVES ninety of the Empire State's DO votes ' J Ross Eakm, superintendent of tht , to carry him to the edge of the two-. Great Smoky Mountains Nationa ; thirds necessary for the Democrat c I Par k, recently moved the temporary Arthur will , district in nomination for the presidency on the-. offices of th park from Maryvtlle tc i; i contest. i first ballot. Gatlmturg, Tenn. ,1 :ff' 0 ill .'"' L' v -- I