24r n rd5C5 Has More Paid-In-Adeance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Seuspaptrs Combined N0.29 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE 30; 1932 SPECIAL COURT HOUSE EDITION OF m m a m a m m mum l.-n4 a - Him mm p maai.ii IMllilllilPMMi : Inrlav RECK IS FATAL m DRIVER, TWO ! BADLYJNJURED! ,e In Hospital Here Badly Injured, Hospital Autho- j rities State. , AgHEVILLE PEOPLE 1 ceding Car Near Saunooki kids On Wet Pavement., I Farmer, 23, chaufleur of ; ;tortrW lfillfrt nhnnt. i ..,..1; . uoiiay N,. HAYWOOD COUNTY'S NEW $240,000 COURT HOUSE near tne state r isn j -it-rV .it Daisu;il, uic V Ve wa? driving skidded on the taVfiiu-'H and turned over sev . aawding to eyewitnesses, I V' ;ht driver under th? car. Yr.e .coroner's inquesi it was i j -r.a: .-ath was causea by a! skull.' althaugn there was) lU:wanl -ippeaiance of much of j .h4v was. eau-a'ii'.cii by1 t;.- I'n.lertaking establishment Tht Wt!!f UndsriTtk'ng Com- '.a:'.:.!;, took charge of the and had charge of the r:, .H-rviit-s which were held in ,- Wi'vi' o,-dav afternoon. a if! ,' ,:n Mr t arai r at t.ie leek wi'.s Mr-s. W. W. aiiklin, and Miss Bonnie .tville. Mis. Do.wns sul .tui'ts ci i'ne -o.ne In her a fracture of the left .iv.- tit- .u' :u the Haywood County hospital 1 ate i. Downs' con a'.i in i .i ;." up, aitiwicrh shock." The tcted thpt she COUNTY EXPECT ED TO ACCEPT BUILDING SOON ! Grounds Yet Unfinished, i Court To He Held At Ma sonic Temple. MANY FACTS GIVEN AHOUT NEW HUILWNG Special Edition Of Moun taineer Tells In Detail Features Of Hunlding. MWtt W'rKni- E Li i i h w a s a TT " "... -Hfr I ... . ..... j'l A I ... v , w''', C ' At a sc ia! :)' v ( ( '.nr.iif : new iMin M tisi without anv thange Him of the Hoard lutit'l's Moiiuav trie c was accepted or controversies arising t rum several ol the contrac tors. Ineolhcial acccntatum will take place about Mondav, it was said. I lie matter ut grading was brought I'cl'ore the board, but mi definite ac tion will ne taken on this until tlie last week 1; was said. 1 he board receiv ed bills, but il:ij, not award a contract penning action oi the board later. lli' completion oi the new court house has been a long looked for event in Mavwood county, and tho ef tcct ii nas hail mi the people here is most unusual. I he asmosphero of the i little at any niktimmmtmimimvmmmmmm u mnwiinniii rrtim-ni iirrni iiiimiA- n" riiiKmrtumiiin-rt Miiriwl'iiiMMii EXPECT 4500 TO VOTE IN SECOND PRIJIARY HERE und Senator's and Gover nor's Race. ithfiv ' at the- 5f.aay .-eld that Mr s i: ' t xtitmt:.' was i.ii'-y broker, ha- ovt '. ;-ome the f.'.'.a. ht- also s a iMnce to 'Te.'ovei. ,js .JVn-y received lacerations on arms -and Iv'is ii'i i ' oni'sv.? en 'he and: head, her injuries were! . . ' . to be painful, but not as serious 31am Interest, Centers Aro- Krs. Dowis , She was taker: on to, leville Tucsuav night, aftf-v-being h first aid treatment at the , rital hti t . A .-o-;.ii. six . inches im tee ti p -af head required seven On next Saturday, the voters of rhes. - Nlrth Carolina will 'tro to the noils for he three occupant were en route the second time within thirty davs, sysva to Hsneviue wnen me to cast their vote for United States int occurred. The car was taid Senator, Governor. Commissioners of .:cr.g to Jchn Harkley, cf Ashe- Labor, for State offices and tax col lector for the county. The main bout in this fight seems ronrrn Vfaatinirc ' ' centered on the Senatorial idnv iTlCClinO race between Cameron Morrison, pres- Are Held Kecentiy Robert r. 1 young ntic- .- -- " ian of Western North Carolina. Iur- ganizations Are Complet- have engaged in the most strenuous M In Manv Communities campaiffn. with both forces confident ru in M&ny tomraunmes o victory The raain ()Uestion that li LOUnty has entered into the fight seems to oe proniDition, with Keynoids tamng fix meetings in different communi- tne we. sioe. neynoias iea in tne of Haywood county were held last Pr:ma,V Dy ,10,UV" " " A.in.Wn kAliMtA 4-Un4- mill mMlQ CO to expiam the workings of the 3 "c".c,r. ",a"Z se. These meetings were ad-It!118 iea,d thls time. Although the Mor ti by Mr. Hugh Lyerly of Row- "on forces generally concede that Nnty, who is master of one of the'ln!f fecnon oeing neymoio s nome n "ges in that county. Y1 1 "f,iy p- a .ge ieei uiaL' iuurron wm neu many with Wp m(,mwV,in nvfr re m. nayTfood tnis ume man iasc I'hoto lv Homer M county has been tilled with mere optimum and pep than f.r. , ,,.. .. - u , ;J? ; ,v ,1....US. i i ".n.'hi'g x acelaimed bv all who . 't a- a most beautiful one, espe- .a 1 1 - the court room. It has been la.id as eiie ot the most beautiful ; U';:e nuialings in the state and one is a national farm organiza- large membership over " c pet arA ocrvciolltr Tlo JUne 4th. Watch For 17-Year Locust And Report All Observations To The Entomologist Department Of Agriculture, Raleigh Entomologists of the State Depart ment of Agriculture at Raleigh are unusually anxious to know when and where the seventeen-year cicadas are seen and heart! in the next few weeks in the State, savs Dr. R. W. Leiby, t hief of the Division of Kntomohgy. This brood of cicadas, falsely known i s the 17-year locust, was known to he present in the single county of Henderson the last time it was due to make its appearance which was in 1 1 1 5. In 189K however, it was rentrd' ed in twelve counties in the mountains, nine counties in the piedmont and four counties in the coastal plain section of the State. 1 ..11 ....... 4k.. lTn,,...l IlIlV" I PIm f II i ODTI States are anxiously, waiting for rec- juij xciiu jx vvui , orJv thti cI(laJak, api)(UIramt th,s i I vear. ays Dr. Leiby, because they re- The jurors as selected by the Doard North Carolina as a key state of Commissioners to serve fdr the jn jistinguishinr; the 17-year and the term of court beginning the 11th ot i:j.Vear broiKls of these unusual six- luly, with Hon. Walter L. Moore footed creatures The t-icadas are not expected to do my damage except perhaps to young K (JET EXTRA COPIES AT BOOK . -'. . STORE 1 Anyone wishing to get extra i copies of this edition may obtain same from the Waynesville Book Store, opposite the First National Bank. There will not be any ad ditional price for the publication. It is suggested that persons want ing copies get them as sewn as possible, as the demand has been heavy during the . past few daj s Jury Selected For presiding judge are as follows: First Week Keaverdam: 1'. B. YfJrk, P. G. Smathers, Fred Hall Oscar Brown. Cecil: James Warren. Clyde: F. E. Haynes, R. D. Seay, Crabtree: Grady Rogers, W. L. Dradshaw. East Fork: Arthur Cogburn. Fines Creek: F ur- aorile orchards. Ihev are due to ap pear anv day. They are recognized first by the unusual "singing" noise ir. a wtxnled area which may be mis taken for the breeding chorus of an assemblage of toads. We do not want to wait another period of 17 years to determine wheth er this brood, known to entomologists as brood number six, has died out for rt me reason, says Dr. Leiby, hence any one obsdrving the cicadas this vear would be doing science a favor if he would write when and where the cicadas are seen. Information should Second Week b- sent to the State Department of Beaverdam: Frank A. Hall, Sew ell Agriculture at Raleigh middle west and especially in the . iE fT uin-" it is built around the comnra The second best fight seems to have . ' " , . w. M, orpanization as a unit, and has centered about that of governor. J. J ))te- JaLha," . .K:' ? I J't' tion.1. horticultural, social, bus- C. B. Ehrinirhous. high man in the ffr Aiorrow. x ,u,, Nand legi.lative programs. first primary, has to run again against K. T. Fountain, second man in a tnree-i ' "" :. ' ;,.; , cornered race in June. Mk". Ehring-!?- K. Miller, Vance Muse. White Oak barer. Bethel anrl Jonathan hous received a margin of SO.IH'O .-amc's Mcl'-,ro-v- p committees working selecting a votes before and feels that this lead Rr ir.tmbershin Othpr onmmuni-will be increased to 100,000 next i are working out plans for fur-Saturday. Mr. fountain, now ever ,jjDDS Caroll J. .McLracken, W. b, : .Since the above was written cicaiias f 5'udy of the organization and has got into the fight and political Calvin. Cataloochee: James Li C'ald-;have appeared m some of the moun- t-e discussions. leaders have stated mat fountain i wejj cdvde: T . N. Crawford, A. i . i tain counties Pr. Lver'v will rotnr. .uunl "will crive Ellrinehaus a run of thejuaenisc rrahirpp- ( T. N'oland .'..East i'oston. r ines : i II Ltinpric Irish Potato Crop In County Promises To Bring Good Yield th. t i I1L .1 in tew m .:. ;.;;;s :n the le in .. tin : re the south. More ex- of the building will he manv articles found this edition, which is Tl work the third week in .lulv. to day perhaps win out after all. It m Forte:'. L. Pless. G. W. ' forward the of generally accepted that Ehnnghaus ,... j j Fulbric-ht. i-on Duff Granges jn all communities de- will be winner. . :.Tehi: M. McClure. Ivy Hill: J. R. Plott. N '-he organization. In the county the office of tax col-. E. Smith. Jonathan: L. B. Leath 1 lector, which nine candidates ran the j , r.,.r,ttli ;f,roon Reeves. J.H. Hannah F crpanizaticn that most of the first time, has dwindled to a fight: , viiVnt: vine: g . W. Liner, J. L. Wak P North Carolina have an between J. C. Welch, present holder -Geore. H. Palmer, E.. M. Morris "unity to join. It is the oldest ot tftat omce ana creojtea wivn 1 White; Oak : Robert McElroy. i-wied States and has built up votes, ana wicius wer , ;- ,- . - Tt also man m tne race. .niwt tuuiuoiiKiu, 1 he Irish potato crops m Haywood which were planted with certified seeds are outstanding among the po tato fields of the county. Mr. II. R. Noswonger, Extension Horticulturist, was in the county last week for two days making inspection ol crops ap plying for certification. Three of these, N. t . Janus and Ooo. h. Sta nley w'lth Green Mountain, and Verlin Campbell with Spaulding Rose faced the tint held inspection. A number of other crops were approved with Uic lib a ol certifying next year. These are small crops of Green Mountains grown isolated from diseased seed, from certified seed, and showing a very low per cent of infection with diseases. It is hoped that by another vear a considerable volume of high class seed will be available to potato rowers in Haywood. The c:o)is Iroin ..'i niti.ied sen! ..ought this season arc showing up jiiK(. little if any difference being nown in thriftiness, and promise of yield for this vear s crop. 1 he low est per cent of disease is lounn In the special order v f Green Mountain potatoes originating m Canada. No isolated held of this has shown over i.ne per cent of infection. Sixty-six bags of this seed were placed . !., alout . thirtv-five growers las spring by Jas. L, Roolnson, couuvy . agent . i nd W. D. Smith, vocaiional uac'ie:. Those growers who i hi e; JuV i " (dig out all. (lisea.-eo planter '.bii re iculs can niainiiiili Wie ( m e !.. ef it tf.eir 'seed. If this i - iiot clone . i!- in 1 .-ction increases and a lew yars .!,' r e:.; G(K ' !ri.':: nd .id" 1- arh U l riiinaiKJ'i. mipi (ivi-nie i.t ii n sf noij'ge v to the court house. uildmg was completed about t.l' davs ahead of schedule, accordu:'' to the c'ntract. The nuld winter and the ethciencv (it the contractors was responsible, of course, for this feat. Much disappointment was heard when it Svas found that it will be al most impossible to hold the July term of court in the new building, as it will not give sufficient time to grade and build walks before July 11. It has been hinted that a temporary lniard walk be placed and roped off so that those attending court will not walk in the red clav .and then on into the building, but this fact has not been .definitely .decided. The moving date for the county offices, now located at the Masoni': Temple here has not been definitely decided. It is thought that arrange ments will be made to move all the officers at the same time. The building and ground improve ments will cost about $240,000. it was stated. According to those in close contact with the building business today the county has saved at least JtiO.OOO on the entire build ing. T he building is modern in every detail, and absolutely fireproof. It has leen said that it would le almost impossible for a fire to be started at anv point in the building. This week The Mountaineer is printing many extra pages telling in detail about the building and the many outstanding features about the building. a m. v the Go To Camp Saturday j I Memlxlrs of Company II, of the 120th Infantry, composed of Haywood county, '-i men and three officers, i Captain George F. Plott, f irst Lieu tenant Edwin V. Martin, and Second Lieutenant Thos, G. Boyd, will leave a local Grange and 1 lWKabSSt DnPll FridaV'Mominir a I'.d, encampment at (.mo Gknr. rogram of activities, t:.Zr: er r' r " " ' Morehead City. hv. Kl ron nnH UUWIUUIUU. VI l-i.c 'v.v - - - . .is a "i un (i jt " la !)-. stand of iKjtali .is 's ocf)( yi.-oper housing of the crop. . .ill . 1 I i i ii r.:em r to .1 -eh s.n .'. . : w.ll y,- ,h,i ;". i.e:t step in puial . .iay .i'oo.l pi'o' ( - i . j-:' ti :h: . c Poultry Sales To Be Discontinued During: Summer complete program. t- , nit lain, laiil.tj r- iorm a local p en a full program ""jdry to have both men ana has been created here for that office. TfVopk PTl'c Sillp Til ic.T,ir Millpr chairman of the board U'lttl XtIVCll 3 tJdlC-lU f.tr.cf- 1 i j l - . . r - -b- f ilia h a l mvt a Tl ff thP hOflTn l. l xiirv .unlet primary to be east this time, inej vot-s in June turned out to the ex-1 shr.v. r ,;KJ "'"""t on nf coon it seems that the otti-; Nee Z wyear i'nn iTogra dal5 are lookinr for about 4500 toj I t for Haywood county, and fua o i g primary.! F'a iremrers to form a Grange. immunity meetings were "If? TO H e ' .. . the PUOIIC aDOUt. me w ten u v-.Uv-. Smith, vocational Lajme the finals were not heard from in the county until early Sunday morning. . ' . , j Vary little comment is being made , regarding the race for commissioner of labor, between A. L. Fletcher and : Clarence Mitchell. c: ':ore MCracKen. owner .-:?i"aay that he had turret! over nisi ;.,re stock to the Sullivan Sales Ccrporatii h, of Charlotte, for a com z.vX sell-out of the. present stock of "ht i: re . at prices the people never ef ; : e h ard (f. .--c f,r:n is ne ci nay.wr.o'i com. PASTOR? OF HAYWOOD d Countv Pi7tors' Asso- ' T.eet fcr its rrionthlv res- ...rf meeting. This change ,i.r . . o - J " I ... ' '.-iy pastor consauer i ..crnnt as a nerrcnal --ne gathering. Be ure to, week. "a: .i-i thi: .ATS ARE PLACED IS COURT HOUSE THE The seats in the court room of the tw court house were put in place ja-t .. n. on the mam rluor J.v- incetinc ffr iliin?! of the court room are .m?u '"i:". tn ..n -j j j j ne tViP hpnch tvpe. i - -i. win itc ccn-iaeieu. wuuq buu ic vi -- - '' children will hp in "ED O. DRYMAN, Sect. people. ?d. wood aid are oi tne ...... - ,c on main floor will seat about t00 people ' '"'I'M 111 IT 111 Vil JllOi.. .w " , ,..4fU th.. - - ' -J "!1 teat 'lbC.'Jt Tha ninTi k an annual event for ::,rc McCracken. owner ( T Horne Gurd division of the war .-:tr. Clothing Coniran:.-, a.ed tment an( creates much interest - tk' h haH fnfrcr over his I ' tta mong; me many iujiii;tm:.- w.vi v.. nh This vear it is expected taht "r.eut 20 companies wmch is com- -"ed -'f avK.ut 1200 men will be at hf camp. The local unit has made a reputa- ir,n for itself at the camp in . . " . , , ... I.Anc-hSm PnrlllP .v !et ciothing stores and during macninc gun mm v vi -r-p.-.- T.o vears has made many , past three years the local boys niue : ':.UAe --.fr-id an' cu-t..r.ie-. A .won the silver loving cup offered tor a;h-ertisem-nt in today's the best in that department of the '---a-ter tells of the many bar-: Camp life. The Haywood outfit won 'V::.'-va. w;-i be" 0ffered to the public the cup in '29 and -.-SO, getting to Cpen Friday morning, keep that cup, an9 last year they won - ''"(Vti'c reductions on mer- the new cup again, and are straining have, -many free items, including to win again m order to keer ho ;-;;:et w-ill he given awav. An- second cup. The company winning -:'ea-uW of the sale will be the the up fo- two consecutive years is a man's suit for 25 cents. .presented with it as a gift. --.' i Another outstanding record of the Wi'h the- co-operation of Roland Haywcod Compaq a hat djunp the Baldwin of Tabor! approximatelj 300 p.t five jears tWc has rever been high grtade cows have been placed by a man cn the sick lis. from this the county farm agent in Columbas cenparv Th s i- a '-at .'mo,t un- S county during the past two years. jheara i, it wa .u.. UTSCAE Sl'XPA V A T METHO DIST ( HUU H The Kpworth League -of the Metn oo'St church will next Sunday evening, at the church next Sunoay evening; July !, it fe. o'clock. Mr. Eversham. violinist, wul be. rresMited and he will be assisted en iie program bv Mr. Charles Burnham. iai ;ofi(. Botn aitists arc lrosn the i-.neyii.e Conservatory of Music, The 'pub!- t.;''; l.. i ; v.' T ( c ( a" 1 r, -,in s ii jgh U !( . . : h ; s . ; ; : ,ir ' . ; ' ! "' ' -,- ' t". .!;( s oi no.iitry is better H;-! ' th'r ' ' ' " r.oulti-v clii rit d t'v--f --:,! i :. -r ' . L..' u:ob(? o' i ;.( . -.g : ar' or all of the '-.-. . .! Hi.vwo'd and adioi'iinjr rrfiK.e a .crger niatii'.i iit i 'i l r i "' j e at s; i r tive iciinc v cordially invited. A sil- 11 be taken. : Dedication Service Is Not Announced Yet i I Tl.l.r.ns'-iv.iig. ! ;,.': .' ':iVrs Mutual j;V nr'J'x.. p.; :'e'vi.i;"v ''f county cr c; -....: .ii- r,-.- ( - . .which Nine ilav- ' ..:.;t ia; xEcnante. Mr. C has. I lc ti .-ic'tla'v r a-urer ' .Ac cxcnaive. and has re- :-., u.l ' 'see T.avmenr cn the j noriitrv nut into me sa c. ; I'ait '.f ine lime tne rou:.rv run I Ma"'-v 4 ( i-crt has been i s.. ;" t . r : i ' ca h I r.avmeiit -na-ie: w.'ien -poultry is re- 1 A fr. ,.V... - t.m.,c tVti .Veibirprs The dedication service date of the new court house has not been officially announced by the com- i missioners. The program for the service is m charge of Felix Alley, prominent lawyer of W aynesville, and who is a delegate to the Dem- ! ocratic Convention in Chicago. It : ' understood that the dedication ' will not be held until after the grounds and improvements them have been completed. The i rr'sr.nal plans called for the deri vation on July 11, but it is doubt- ; f'jj if the grounds will be com - to bv that time. I i ilu'-.irr -.vc.iange has run its own r.r.:j.;; v.- f riTck ut of Durham and i rji-j? , pi r..-fr',t-in .'".c with the 1 a i . i (' O-e " h' r.K ngc n a ii a t( l d rc ( f i. 'j two cents per pound, wmle nner loadings were not so .-uccc-sf ul. Hand ing bv uuck has been nec-.- ny .' ru-e "i tne hich minimum -. --.- t s, lead n rouitrv car. The. inflev r i i-v f railroad rates and lrui-i-num tsnare" has re-;i''c '! iv. the; i.r." Tfi' tA '-,. r-M Tv ;i V e--erri - . r., . ) '-j V . ... .., .. .7,... krt'.h large and . .jr.. ,e.. ,ina as near "i i f, 'i i IS t i ' ( . : . a r ' I ' i

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