SPECIAL COURT HOUSE EDITION OF SECOND SECTION 1 I IMlk ID 1 I It! 1 ' k Jor Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Xeuspapers Combined WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA H Lrt! 1 1 1 I WW 'f L I I UtV XH f Ji I i s El K H 1 n 5 I W I If 5 II 1 1 I U IHKv .1 Ja E I kl II 1 II I Gives it tourt H TORY REGARD- COURT HOUSE EN BY ALLEN . r;tor Fiffht Waered Is iJi c ver Selection of County Lat in 1S09. SENT SITE OF s of Leaders in Coun- At Time County Or ganized Given hes ouse and Jail Chronology GiyehBSuNSra'- NEEDS 100 YEARS County Commissioners (Cy W. C. Allen) ithout a bitter factional fight location ot the county seat tiiciK'ii oi' tne court house L accomplished -whan the coun- onranized in livv. ine com- j i iU t : o - tilers apponueu vy me iegieja- John Stephenson, John Alonu : William Deaver, John Dob- Bugh Davidson, HollyJnan Battle, .hn Hrvson, to choose the site, elix Walker, John McFarlaiid, 1 'homas Lenoir, to erect the builds and provide the money to pay me, had been warned not to the site at Mount Prospect, sf the land of which was owned Hiiiei Roixrt Love who had of- donaic the sites. The com- tars, hoveer, disregarded the ana chose the site, which is the town built upon and re- to tne present day. objectors, however, welre not ed and would not acknowledge Mr. A. L. Bramlett, a native county now teaching in Indi- iays that he has seen the origi- ttition either in the Historical at Raleigh or in the Libraiy State University, which tho od- s of the location at Mount i'ros ;nt to the Legislature to have pion of the comimissioners set It is not known whether or btate Legislature ever gave Ltion serious consideration. The i is as follows: i Honorable General Assembly: petition of the citizens of m County showeth that this i vtas divided from Buncombe to the great satisfaction of people-oi this section; releas- rcm many incumbrances and its' we were to periorni wnue to Buncombe Countv: ; we vMiie Jaws of our country ad- f:i m our own vicinity, pmissioners were also siiDoint- ne and aihx on a place fdr a nouse and other public which. uui iiLcuminouaiion ana t t0 OUT hollas anil avna.ta f.Td We conteivp tn'-an nnemii. ' striOutioi) L,f common justice, "uTOUiuy;seat.Jn the lands n Love near Kichiand eireek. site selected is -n.iw.nnuiw 's ail to be in tiie South-West ? the population or' tne county, ie cenier ot a majority of county is mountai'tiniia w only be made passable valleys and along water ana otir road. n, Nch travelled cannot be made Site Oil T 1 i 1 hv 1, A """cl' -i-AJve s iana I, .: 1 .e,mmissioners unless i ,? and much out of K, a grcat detriment S. a ireat inconven. he citizens, at larga.. eoneH?;'nr;.iflee fc:der.i"flice.orcall Nine th0have made; against fcinei t Hi court house in an wlation of Ihr " i .PfcomJ i..ri!.re'. Pray that the selec- ItotWr oners be seaside I ummissiot:er? hP n I a . , - - - r- Icoontv ir, equal v;sion iS0 settIe. a affix the . w erect t.hft .m,,.- AU, 4 t JC ill i ORIGIN, HISTORY OF COUNTY TOLD N A BRIEF FORM n . o i Architects j O) , (, County Organised More Than 123 Years Aio. Has Made Steady Progress FIRST COUNTY OFFICIALS .NAMED- Farm and Manufactured Products Exceed 17 .Millions in .1928 George C. Haynes Jarvis H. Allison J" Chairman R. T. Boyd P. V. Massey V. H. Henderson (By W. C. Allen) jTaywood County is one of the ave rage counties of North Carolina in size, population, resources, wealth, enterprise, education, and industrial development. It is now one hundred and twenty-three yeairs old. It has an. area of 349,440 acres, of which something less than fifty are in cul t.vation in the production of corn, wheat.- oats, rye, hay, tobacco, and oilier native products. There are ay the statistics of 1928 apple trees to the number of 155,348. it is classed j as an industrial county because the J manufactured products in value far .'eveeeel the value of all others. In '1928, the manufactured products of uiaywKKi lountv sold for $12,197,180. 00, while the agricultural, including o -craras and live stock, were Jess than fhc millions. In that year the i. umber of factories in the county of I every kind was twenty-eight; the uiumoer of employees in industrial worths was t,zz; total wages paiu , ?-.,4,4t)4.00; and total value added j 1 1 the raw materials by manufactur hng was $4,814,485.00. The class of ,'n.anuXactunng establishments is var ied .tapistry, tanning, paper making, xuriucure ana lumoer. In the one hundred and twenty three years of its existence, the coun ty has wonderfully advanced in all of the important developments of ci vilization, . When by the act of the Genea-al Assembly of North Carolina ratified on December 23, 1808, the county was given separate existence from Buncombe, it contained the total nurrber of 1,096,920 acres of land with very little of it in cultivation. I By the formation of other counties out of its original teritcwy, Haywood County has been much reduced m act-rage, but its population and wealth have steadily increased. 'Uu' story of .thi achievement forms a most inter-1 eating-cross-section of th historv of Nvrth Carolina. By the act erecting the countv in 1N08, two sets of .'commissioners were e mpowered to select Jhe site a??d to , construct the public buildings. One set composed of John ' Stephenson, ;.?chn Montgomery, William 'Deaver, iJuhn JJobson, Hugh l)ad.':on, Holly i man isattle, and John Bn-eon nnn.ed in the legislative act to select the site for the county seat and the court house and jail. The other set mad,, up of Felix Walker, John Me Farland, and Thomas Lenoir were appointed to have the public buildings erected and to manage the levying and collection of taxes and other funds that might be needed for the purpose. I (Continued on back page of this Sec.) Every Little Detail Carefully Studied Out Before Bcinff Passed Upon. COMMISSIONERS AKE PKAISEI) Jail Built To I'revent Escap es and Mobs. Says Mr. Koirers Wlllard G. Rogers ft"" J r 1 I - ' iltoi-iiflnfr' " A:' n. MAI mimmmumtiimmmm 116 George N. Rhodes Electrical Work Is Termed As Superior Job By Authorities One of the outstanding jobs on the new court house is the electrical in Ptalntion which was done by the City Electric Company, of Charlotte, and under the supervision of B. B. Mills, foreman. Tha building is wired by larger wire than the average build ing and instead of each room being were on Just ono sin&'u circuit, and in some tui(lings as many as lour rooms are on one circuit, the now court house has three circuits to each room. The fixtures and materials used in 1 hi. wn-ini' are Westimrhouse. which are considered by builders to be the j best that can be bought. Large trans-1 formers carrrvinir 2300 volts are in- i stalled in, the basement of the build-1 a double v lnir. The circuits leading from tho 1 0,0 .recoi (By Willard CJ. Rogers, architect) t .Something hko nine niontliM have eapscd, .sinco tho Commissioners of l.aywo,l County signed the contracts wliuh launchwi the building of ir 1 v- iu,i.'uu.UU . ourt House, which stands today a ..monument and a rmlit to i'Ur:- ei(.i.en of Haywood county, and the l.oaid of coniiuiNsionci , netting lo.t.h an example ol tlinit, an I civic i.rido, winch will stand as an example to (very county m the suite whose Kiini ment iloes not mea-suie up to such e. standard Ine tiuiluiug, as it M.unis, will pro vide lor tho county's needs-for years to come, and in its constiuction only the best of every kind of material was um1. and all has been supervised by the -architects, each day since it was started, added to the faithful coopera tion of ull who were connected with the several contracts, and those furn ishing material a result has been at tained winch gives to the county a builduiii' which has the amount invested. The buildinif has been ronstfiu-twil of North Carolina granite, with orni- meniui cast stone for trimmings, cor liHt. yomint.ls. aim lri(7.i', and nli m. terial used has beei where possible the products of North Carolina, and wnero it could not be obtained in the state, it was bought through agents who reside in the slate and many f mm Haywood county. i mo enuiance lacade is -designed in I the Doric order of architecture, and tne game ami Ineze are supported by four large Dolnc columns. In ' the tympanum of the gable a symbol of the law, and the bounties of the coun ty are shown. AY lion entering the building, -one is coni routed with the beauty of the tiavinelle marine wainscot, and tne venitian art tile, all blended together to .show a. pleasent vista us one looks down the comdojr, on the left and light the grand stair case of marble .starts uji to the second story, tins stair is equipped with brass hand rail, wrought balusters, Jimshed in Verde anti(ue. Jhis entrance lias solid hollow bronze doors, and the terrace on the liont l.-i lanl in red file, staged with solid granite .steps lor.. the approach, and each buttress has placed on same a large lloor. light fixture Uii the ln-.a Hour is .located all the ollices 'oany I ( o.Ji 1, I 1 ilc.i! Ueilio:-. i iid i l , doors nai.c -a if oi i'.ir.l J1 The v.ul . loiinected wjtu tne County's i u.i 1 1 ii'.s.s, such a.--- v ii'i'i. Oi mi' ... KiKuw-v.- ci i 'eed.:-.-.- tounty . . ,.jihm .., Ti.onr;, Board of , I oLinty fiuj eiimefioent, lionie .lal.vii, wonieus" itst room, r and 1 rea.su re r, Sherifl. The throughout,- Cicepi. in some wi.cc- yvu...ics -i..c (...iK-ernt, -t..j .a.- .eil as Him liir same, c. in. a pleasing, uppearance, . iiA.i.is ol t iic i '.-j i. hi i .iUi i, as fiitc oi Keifittr ii Jyied.i iia-! Uit, in the wt ei.ieiic ;s id.- a:ivi on the tirit floor for k toMralSut four ft long, ,,."flOUbIe column. All ti,a . Ones arp foUnn Z. il twit- Ti. V, uuui me r nlv.Thos. Brookshire. .. Francis Rose, itT.. , cn amin Wac wnu fUGP T 1 "MV, Ill VHolft Stuart' Nathan B.GlIand. William Burns. r, y lnaflrif.t- tr,..i.i t!T ' Jlrr.;' ,Estn, Callv JaljtMTi. ! K 'dCk-Ov . - fJ", n dmes Stevnson, NonK"?d Scroggs, John iZTJge of this Sec.) (n !.:. ' W :page made ty ij lien I lie:-.-vy one: all are Willard G. Rogers Wilder Building Associated Architects Charlotte, North Carolina Geo. N. Rhodes Builder's Building The New Court House, as completed, was designed by the above named Architects, and during it's entire construction had the daily supervision of one or the other of said architects. This feature being unusual in this particular, assuring a complete understanding of the plans and specifications by all trades, at all times. The architects wish to express their deep appreciation of the fine spirit of cooperation by the County Board of Commissioners, ' and citizens, as well as all contractors and sub contractors, all of which has resulted in as near a 100 per cent building as is pos sible by human endeavor. provived with vault doors ol most arwoved l make. -Other ollices are also provid l ed with vaults of less size equipped j with comoination locks. , , The second story contains-the' lai'fre coim iuum, on wnicn mum tiiouytit "is been expended, for the purpose' ot securing the l.'Ost . l esui: hi the beauty ol decoration, -. im : i, a o.i - pioperties, and lully. believe tne best has bien reached m every ct .. l i.e ua;.:ony, to -ame, is reached fiom .hire', floor on either end, and is ven tilated i 1 or.i a ove witn pii-"i' niis. -.. me jury boxes, . and the ludire's -'.and are made to narmonize m tneir detail with the lest of the room. Di rectly behind the judge's stand, there has been designed a dec;i- ;.guo. winch has the Ten oiiiniand menhv ,n aim: eviated form on wnite murbie tablets, five on one sid-' and five oi: the other side of a statue of Goddess of Justice ulmd; oidt an i holding in her left: .'l.i.n.i. the ' per lectly bnlance i --.scales ot iiisMCe, and m her rnrht the sword; wuch guar ( Continued on back page of this Sec.) transformers only carry 110 and 220 volts.- .- -. -i- . 'One of the most modeun features is the two spot lights on the front of the building which will illuminate the front of the building at night. All the materials used are absolute modem in every respect, according to Mr. JIills, and will last as loner as the buildin? stands, which is estimated will be many years after th present generation ceases to use the court house. . t f i !

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