t I! B1 2 ..or PatJ-ln-Ad, an.eSubKnb.TS In Haywood County Tlun All Weekly Seuspopers Combined lot XLIV NO. 30 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932 AKE PROGRAM MANY VISITORS GETTING UNDER ARRIVING DAILY WAY THIS VVLLK Summer Season Finds Thou- SandS Of PPftn? Tnmlnrr First Conferences of the To The Mountains. year Oft to a uoou oiart Tuesday Morning. nnroximately 800 Church . a xj. - i: mi. - Leaders -anemiing ine Tun Conferences This X " Week. POPULAR CAMP AT JUXALUSKA OPENS SEASON WELCH, EHRING HAUS, REYNOLDS WIN IN PRIMARY A'th- ,v i jn n e- lUr. have bee., ai riving in numbers since the first of June, manv of thp i, i - - v "vn,,.; IJavtr Ut'tll Seventeenth Session of Camp Reynolds Receiver 100,000 Junaluska for Girls Opens I Majority Over Cameron Auspiciously. HILL IS HEARD SUMMER SCHOOL BY ROTARIANSJ ATTENDANCE IS Retiring District a nvprnnr ABOVE AVERAGE V ' " v-w,lV I From Nashville Speaks Refore Local Club. Morrison Last Saturday. . i 'Rotary fiirn:h.c ... ... i..-, OLD CAMPERS RETURN ' RACK FOR (iU. CLOSE i.tun.: of bc,,g .f MM,t o nn Seventh Year of Lake Juna luska Summer School Proving One of the Rest. yui v - . OTiPTi smfn thni -.1 i JV . 1 1 Attending The ' 7C l"ot l",,c wiiy after-I,.. .' . I mo nd a means vf deve- r T Vnnfprpnrfs This , V season was fy usher-; -iss Alltel J. McCoy, Camp ! elch Is Nominated for Tax inK n,v Mit ideal Jur.alu.-ka J" " me dinner dance at the Co-. Jon Monday evening July the Fourth , . , For n:an' -vars the first of Julv ISunJay ?a.v me ".- ..lc Ilas marked the opening of thp sm. Janata. Methodist Assembly rrei season and practically all of the u .flmrnw wt under wav with tn.i ,.t!,.i:.i l"c ' . amone the tonrst-,,f iasb. wticn :ne ;nu.i yiugmiu ui Gate jrom that time -flr conferences started off with r...' . -'ajicittri i h r or t i, i .... ; . n ... . enrollment. The actual tJim.r.M -O ' es trom aynesville Friday on -he- two conferences, being 6,ar tk cus,om of a fo:'- twin and by automobile and bus. Bv ,. mal J'nner dance as the pSor's . ,. 11 this week tint not get uncier- way openfnir vit Ti,a "" ce,lin :ne camP assume., Tuesday morning, but the pre- t ' ' , ' d " "-.sn air ot a regular community with -y-rkwa, laid Sunday; when ;he' revTe"! " in vt'r-v building and ; we announced and Monday crowds Th , .I hapP-v voices- 'everberated over the Director Gratified at At tendance. Hundreds of girls from the most i j.romment families of at least a score- tares beu-an to nour into Camn for Girls situated three Collector of County Over 'h? H Jh!1- npttHi chu'1 I m-; o I ,-NrfMi,lle, lennessee. rctir 'Kovernor of the rifiy etcr.i l""vu' music was far above the average orchestra hP.-,rri ; .Turning hundreds of church me, res0rts. The dancers local Veo lai Kth among the younger ele- pie as wel, as visitors enjDyed the QC. taswtii as ii wii w oiuei uigdu- easion throuchoiit th Robert R. Reynolds, younjr Ashe Mlie a, iorney, scored a deceive vic H.ory vcr his tipponent Senator Came-ron Morrison, in the race for nomination for United States Senate in the Democratic primary held here la.t Saturday. Reynolds' spectacular victory in the stato was in koenimr with the swetpinpr majority piled up ,'lub an'' 1,'t' of Rotary International, 1 ueciare:! i ti ll leader of ng district eccn.l distji.t ict ore ne nayntvsville Rotary club at the regu lar f.Viday luncheon hour in one Mf the most inspiring addrsses ever de livered before the el:;b Dr. Hill who is Director Childs Pleased With the rnrollment. New Courses Are Added k editor of the j ; A total enrollment of 20t, larger by far than the aferage enrollment of the past seven years, has reen reuort ported by the Lake Junaluska Sum mer School which hist wecu-cnd reach ed the half way point i.' its summer sessicn, The enroilniem also surpass- my previous yeai witn two excep- . btsan to. rVurth irrlve to take part The attendance at the danp, i acquaintance-- '.ve'.f rer.enve.l an.l sumnn'r experienc es relived in their telling. "-"v-,we6.-m mated to have been ln.ry0, !,, ne outlook tor the wess on and sta't.u . Ti J . . llil-H , i--ai;y I or conieie-nee xuesuuy the uast several -''at attendance will nrnl.nhK- ,-..), I 4.. v x , , The summer season in Waynesville ret0W n-a!'k ""' the present .!c- :li;;hau reached a record . point has be n ellgthened consideral)v - pression economical conditions. Manv it wat estimatea tnat more man t,. . . , . ; -. v. j ithe Past five years. July and August ; people were on the grounds, '.,.,,, , ' fc suneia.V School - publication of the j uinirig these.' Baptist church was tlu- ue.t of the! '"I believe the 'class of students and pecial speaker fiir thcvvo! '.icing a.cconip'isbed is of far in this county. Revnolds re.-i.ivo,) 0'"(,asin. Menibe'i's of the olub ti.,.t.- 1 nmw quah'.y than ever before," tie U0.S, to Morrison's 102. The vote vantage f the occasion to invite "'1 J'!'.' 'u'. , 'lireetorof. tiie varum- :t(f; nges are ! ;.ce rase at :ie nast several b kt the -conterences during the V;c;A, u ' . , -, ii. ? ,. -. a .,i me inuuiiuuns years aao. k'andmjanv others for the entire t ,- , i VPn- lpv r-amo urtfil Till,. indicate that. more ,,:. , fi .. . . , . . . .. . maute-J atte-r - Septemoer the first, occupied tnan. has t), r, . . u t. this. date during', any V,r i- "'"u,'l,lwa JU lue , h ' tall later began to attract thp atten tion of lOVd'S Of SrPllii. .Iipaiitv nr,l be two conferences this week are during the past five years more and imtialpr, grams for the summer nlore of the SJmer vjsitors. havl in. '-"" "" gerei later than 'heretofore. oxner- conierences tu .,.n . u,. v .. o .. i. nee in the various anfi ,,nHi ; nv.,.- i i .of work, within the church and ;as arge as .w t,,,,, l'ui,l her one oi the outstanding camns School Heads of the various an( g0mp nf thff i j.r, 'WJ, f ;,. Eastern America. Not. only is it rch toards declare that the pro- cosed on, MgM 31stf -nave for thc one of the ''t situated ami equipin -i lor gins out tne the camp and of to. WCi'K V less imoori girls who have inaJe re-ervatio':.-- h-t mt yet arrived bat a:e expe.-tej dur ing the comiiig week. : Camp' J-tinaluska 'draw's gills 1Vo:m practically every -tate in the Unio:i a:.,t during' the ; a. twelve years s .'i.'.etr.mg .ike' a dozen foreign coun tries have had girl- at. the Camp. This year some of the most interesting persons here are girls from foreic: Last c.TiintnVa Miss McCoy has during this time In. for the .-hort term was Keyindd Morrison 1,72-1. The victory for the Khringhau. forces in the c .:nty was as decisive as t,.at of Reynolds Ehringhau.- piled up a total of 4.127 '.. Fletcher for ,. , v uiiiiiiL-sioner oi i.:.: or led hi ponent, Mitchell by two to cue. vote in his r;uv v.';! , i-'h tcher Mitchell 1XC. In the only race for county oilier. J. C. Welch defeated Lucius Linei' for tax collector by a vote of ;!,S7i(- to 2,2d2. All other oilk-ers were ik. in itiated in, the first primary.'' The Reynolds victory in the county was nut as unexpected its was tin treniendeius majority which be piled up throughout the state. Here a landslide ha. 1 been expected and pre dicted, but it was thought bv manv numher ot im.. i'v,,,v v.. , ... i mio lerm session outness anu proiessional walks of life, "I am also lookin thus making up a group of represe: tative citizens in addition to the ciu members. 'je. Hr. liiil chose as h,.s 1'iace in Kotary" or "What Means to Mo" ami discussed it fr nv. .the staiul)oint of his own personal relations to the movement. He -sod the fact that th e time had conic when men cou! not afford to givv tboir time and attention to any iirovo menf or o tianization that was: irot woith. while, atid then nrocoi o,',' show conclusively by its past 'c om that IJotary of all niovenients in the present day world is worth wh:!,. i the.' greatest sense. Mo iifriefly ir lined the work and meaning of l lary and told how the organization Jfored every nieinber the very bos'. :iv is one' oi the aed for the Assembly trongsst (tver , ' . . ' ' ' of the many camps ufcvee .att two years been remaining open , , 1 , Jly. t o,.r.,..,,i.,. general character of v HnuHivuttiv Lilt l.JW'Ua UJill I if; the thoughtful leaders that the ('!''',o:'-l,nit' t develop all of th.es. outcome in the state would be much !1! a'ti,,a! i'b'ais that go towi.f.l th. closer. making of a man in the real sen-i The Ehringhaus vote was much "f ."' wtm- uiiday school hour Sunday, morn-; mained. Along with this change has aI thvl?e miected with it- has mark- larger man even', tus sunnortt rs had wr. . u-iu- siresseu tnc lact tnat or hoped for, however, Mr. Ehringhaus f the best definitions of the . .110111- t bis ciunf I'crship of Rotary or of Rotary its self is that it is an organization of found J. B.: Ivey of Charlotte, also come the earlier arrival of manv fed the organization as an exceptional .; ha hevn a faV(irife Iran superintendent of the Juna- of the visitors. This year found a p!ace for thc outl)(' and summer from the very first. a .siinuay school on hand to take few arriving before the first of June training ol girls in- the highest ideals The defeat of Senator Cameron men who ale different, and that it the work of another year. Mr. and during the month some of the of life- - ,. Morrison marks the Bassihe- of im,. furnishes the. only onnortunitv for 5 one of a large group of Metn- hotels were comfortable? fillpd :i For eight weeks camp activities will of the state's sitfctaViiW m,lWi,.ul such men to know and understand each tt leaders who devotes a great deal Indications now are that the sW.on-'run- smoothly as the girls strive-' for leaders. Probably few men who Haw'' other. He emphasized the fact - that s time to the advancement of the this vear will h'nn.nf thv.- Wt w.iU.-the attainment of the Various carnr, : been governor of the state Wp l.i.. n to understand ones fellowmerr make. e cf the church through the. work the standpoint of numbers of visitors, honors'.' that are 'offered' - for "perfect... '. popular as was Mr. Morrison at. it possible to appreciate the best lie .ake (lurinif the tnmpmr cue. ti. . . , ... ... .. 1 . . .. , . , . , , , - - . . . -ttm ;-, . 1. .. . . . . no... . c ..11 0 -r. me noiei uoreion, 1 ne Waynesvulle "or ami ine rigni kuiq oi atiiiuue; - ."""- ,,tr .. vjc vuhhi to tnat mmw' n" "'O!. . Hotel. Thp Piedmont; Idntrarivre tho At the close lit the session thsp shith . oce; He left the governor's chair "Keiru- ablp to sen the other fel- unday School was followed by the Dunham House. Tho". Plmr Hbh rirk rin havp imtKprp.i within iVip ?till one of the most ponular of the vii'vv iHiint. or ii know simiti- W thurth service, the sneaker for th aay h tji Awtuuoc -t,.- i : state's leader?. . tun i.n,jnc .,,1 whhu.m.- morning 'hoar being Dr. J. H. Wayne and numerous other local ious sections of the miintrv will hob! In the 'at of Fountain another gives the Rotarian human sympathy pn, pastor of the Park . street tourist homes and farms in the im- their final banauet of the season and r,f ,he most astut politicians is re- and compassion and changes him from ci.-s. ehur-.h f Atlanta, Georgia, mediate communitv arp alreadv re-lvi Uh k a.- moved from the stage of action for the a critic of the other fellow's actions one ot the outstanding yt-Unfi. nort-inf numbers- -of- nrnivnls n tW1 u .. i .-.'. siers of ih- awv-j,-- -L..- . . : . . e aoje;xo awam. . -- .v ."vvuisi, tuuifij. uae oi tourist travel continues to m -1 m the evening Dr R. P. -nttlU il f.T WaVTIPeVllla ran 4 ,i, .1. .-, . -i , " v' iiian were nere ai inis time last year. 0lr:i Tll-lTtlSterR of Viic . m 1 : i-- .e -. . -iri- . fv"v-"'- a nose Having cnarge 01 summer nomes tuminued . on page 5) and cottages for rent report that more HAD T TCI iTTTT -w- naVe Deen taken for the sunumir than 'AvAlJO ?Y lljl .15 Vj . had been rented at this date last year According to most renorts a of the First Presby- larger number have already arrived Friday afternoon, for some increase j in . tlie' ( iii-oilmcn when the students I, . return Tuesday following tin,. Fourth 1 of July holiday." I In speaking of the students enroll- j td this year and the work that is be'-' I ing accomplished I)r. Childs stated ., j that the summer sessions have never nrougni our as n;gn type ot '-tuitcnt both from ail intellectual ami moral tanupoi,-.; ;t. li'.o.-o woo an- u-gjster-ed for courses this year. Far more advanced courses in work are being given as a- result of this fact. . New courses have been added in political se'.uico, biology- and higher English.; 1 n siuakiiig of the ooiii'se in biology wliioh gives credits on post graduate work for .legives, Hi. Child called at te r.tion to the 'fact that this course is being given by outstanding authori ties in the th-ld of botany and has at tracted students of more Mian' th-j us ual prominence. Approximately 20 students, most of whom are princi pals or science teachers in accredited high schools are' her fursuin;.; the course in biology as u part of the work they must do in-order to acquire tlieir , Master's degree. I r, 11. L. Bloom (pnst, head if this course, is most en thusiastic over the opportunity that is afforded by the wonderful flora of the mountains hereabouts in the teach- . ing of botany to the field classes. .Many of his students are working to ward their Phd. degrees. While .mere has not been made a complete analysis of the student body the records show the largest attend ance of teachers from Haywood: coun ty in the history of 'the: movement. The tact that tnc Haywood county teachers have in the past and slid do take an active' interest in the work of the schoed and. attend its sessions al most one hundred per cent 'is most gratifying to all. concerned,. The coun ty school authorities -arid the board of commissioners make the school sessions-possible through financial sup port; and the improvon.ciit in the tanding of the teaching profession in ; time being. His defeat, however, was to a friend and supporter," said the r , , r. , ' . ". ' , ? SU(,h that there is every reason to be- lationships. "I have made up my mlna i thunty as a result has more than Junaluska for Girls is -directed by rieye tv,nt hil t);,t i , ' ' . , , ,, ,, , . ' justified the entire exientliture ten Jie." inai ne Will StllJ rw. morn fir tn n-wl,ir fttti, mu fOI,it- " h, fnn-. . 1 counselors seee-fed bv thp -,li,wt-nr :. .. - '. "' - . . I tunes over - , via n mr if, v ft n -ir,. i selected (Continued on page 5) it ics in years to come. ina pol- tinued, "instead of harshly .criticising Thee summer school directed un Lake Junaluska is also facing a full season. During t.he past week the VVT'7I7,TVlTTTT ani that the number of inquiries is liJlUU HEjJEj considerably larger. . v : j Llalsam Hotel at Balsam also re- ..ave been completed for the 'ports that a- splendid season is ek on cf a chorus from among Pected thete. Many of the summer s . ot the anous church homes have been opened while camp Wayne-vdle during the'and i10teu aie row canng for a con--cr AluJrew HemPhiH, S1ierable number of tourists who have hem r'TC at Birmingham arrived during the past week. v..,.,ege, U"mingham, i d hae charge of the or- ' HemftVlf "' ?Ct aS director- :-d there was swelled to the -neigh- ear, h! i0T a number borh'oeHi of lX-HO by those who ar- '"s had charee nf th :. . . . . , -.. - fJunaln t v, "'--'v nved to taKe part in tiie loung reo- f,t;' . Ka haE returned to,.that ;pe?s conference and the Christian "j f( "'er 3nd 18 m charge of Adventure Conference. The Lake W -v EUmmer sasn. His jUI)aus;ka Summer School has added : .ide oeen seciirprl Krr . Woit , , . , , , . . . y . , j largely to . mis numoer. ine lane ;,, ' ne Is 0W aoln!? crowd promises to be much larger thi "'-Zd- "g 'ear than last' ' n cf the Waynesville It JS eYpected thit the lu-e of the Great Smoky Mountains: ' National letting of those interested Park will draw a lalr-ge number of v H U!! W1d. be held at the visitors here for the summer. AI- V. .a'C, of Graee Episcopal ready travel 'bureaus of the larger dH,nne, , ntail1E. Friday even- c,t,es in the north and the east are 5, i;- .'"'.Cick- Members of the planning to send sight, seers here by a,e'.' :ls m the eity an(j others bus and tram this summer. Local at- M ,mi in the matter of rangements will be made for their p'ac'C are invited to be pres- entertainment and for trips, into the ' 31,(1 date cf other meet- pPrk. It is understood that tne road ; B-r! C,ded Frilay evening, to Soco Can will be put in good shape fffr v'w8 who was acc01"- within the next few weeks making it ;ii4'in ini lphl11 at Lake Ju- possible to take hundreds of parties f 1924 Wl11 be the int0 the Park at hat ro,nt- Arranpe- :,? - tor the chorus in Way- ment.s will doubtless be made for a a. . stable of horses there to furnish trans- se i '"'umiauuii inose porTaiiem 10 visiiah.s i SUPEKIOR COURT TO COXVEISE HERE MONDAY; JUDGE 3I00RE TO PRESIDE them for the very thing that I would lder the supervision of .Iitjke -Uhi'ver-possibly do under the same circum- My whose faculty member., are deep-.. . .. : . , , j . !y interested i- the possibilities oi poor judgement in their actions from July term of Haywood county Supe- ultd for t-ial except t aUornev nor court will convene in the court1,,,.,,., ,e room ,n the Masonic Temple Monda,, ' T'Un ,he P.c ' July 11th, wuh Judge Walter K ' t,Kat,on The "'niar 'hat n u-u Moore presiding. The state will be i a',v Pr;nted and distributed ten jays world and its influence on the idea of ably represented by John M. Queen, j or nlore -before the court convenes lias world" -peace. He eleclarel, however. my point of view may be the bt-st possible effort for men in their, posi tions in life and it is not up to, me to be a judge." T)r. Hill referred, to the tremendous growth of Rotary throughout, . the uch a schoo! -in this' part of the state. Each year f or the past . seven ha se?n; the work expand untib now it is prnb afily he o'ltsindin'x expcriijient of its ktid in the county... -"County ettieial-:, univeisity faculty, mefii-ers -' r:nd -the.', director and ofliciab of the i..:--:, na'uska M(fin dist -Asseriibly are plan ning for even g: eate - accomplishments in the ;;-!i: of s.tipime1-- school and col-lec'f- work -1:-, j.e h'uii i:i -the' founda-. 0'.treste1 are asked to call trate the unopened sections, This f a camo fcr competent PRl o T .1 t , , ... . . . , , ! c -r, : L"Ke junaluska or will ncJude tne iDuiinioK ci , "TKpatrick at the Le : tote and arrangements i guides. solicitor for this district, It had been expected that this term Of the court would .be held in the hew. building just bing complete d. . Due to the fact, however, - that final touches have not been completed on the build ing itself and the further fact that the. landscape work is interfering witn the grounds to the extent . that it would be more or less inconvenient to use approaches to the front entrance, it was decided, not to attempt to open the building at this term. So far none of the county offices have been moved back from the Masonic Temple to the new building. This will probably be done during the latter part of this month. The July term is uot.i criminal and civil in nature, however, most of the time of the court will probably be taken up with the criminal -Joek't. Verv few cases of more than minor importance are scheduVd for tiral. The docket is more or less cluttered up with cases for violation of the pro hibition laws and various degrees of assault. One court official remark-o in connection with the calendar that it looked as if everybody wanted to go to law against his neighbor for some tnval matter tion" alreadv laid ie r-- not yet maeie its appearance from the that the greatest accomplishments of Following the. '.' "oav which printers and until this is r,nhiili.! Rotarv am to bp found in thp hearts Monoay rjght stu iont of tb''"'U uj ine nar association ot the. county and lives ot individual iiptarians-- in the public will have no way of tx-.-.v- the small clubs.. .. The effect of Rotary ing just what cases are .-scheduled for teaching was 'referred to a-- being the trial. It. is understood that . her . are influence that changed human ideals no cases of great lmportanc to le to a higher plane and gave men a new tried at this term. conception of their highest duties to Probably the most important mat- each other. He closed . his . address ter to come up for conidera"ci -v'll with .a stirring challenge to his hear be the hearing before Judge lMo?v on ers m their own communities, refilr Tuesday morning in conhectio'i with r'ng to the fact, that at best life, is temporary receivership of Lak'a Inn-1, short and uncertain and that all may luska Methodist Acemb'y Some e "near Home, nearer now than we weeks ago Judge; Moore pran'ed a pe- think." niiuii aur a temporary -ec"i vertinp .' : ,! rr.e -: theV-'-t-c'ek- UTi- th half of the' se-ss Jhi- ses--if.ns -wi 18 vher ,t heces. -will -be featured I,)s:ke f lav ard :, '"o... e'v,r::!..:- V: .-). e i-. '. the" .' bake - whve-' e;v;ork of. !1 c . .;. :-':.-r:'l: io". I'u'-: iia;'' niov . il i -ritinue antil July j-jo fif s:1 t.s; - "h 'oo-.- V'y' the M 'o - :v-br':of he annual banquet in .'s event draws Duke s ret nr f the tateijespecially from :,--.-th raVolfnsi: ard '-'J-ra-: ide.l by a record crowtl. in th.s case and named Jerrv Ipm- of fourt jj Grounds xanc uunaiusKa as Temporary re ceiver. Since that time th actual i business affairs of the. Lake Ju'wlu-! ka Methodist Assembly have ben p Dr, Lancaster Moves Practice To Waynesville Dr. Fans Lancaster of Henderson ville, a brother: of Mrs. . Lauriston Hardm of this citv, has ar.riveel) here Ami Kmnrr fiOffnrl i where he plans to enter 'he praet .. ' -.' ' - .'- : " of his profession. Dr. Lancaster will Work is progressing rapidly on the;,, o -. 4Kp y,:lKC,r Tpmnle So far as his hands. Other activities relating job of grading the grounds surround-.0n Church tree to church conferences and tne oneri- )ng the ne courthou-e. The central! Vr Lan.att- who-e o-ieial h( hp t-on of the Assembly have gen on ,n was ,et by the Cf)Unty cmni 1Ik.i0mr, tfl .as Her,der-e mnle, k v. A H g.a the u-ual manner withrut interrun- ' ate of King Colle.p a- iJ-to' Tenn- t',n Shou'd the leeener hip be con- ' MeSS J' ' C'e anl J' J Feif?J" esee and a irnc f the n.ed ,a tinued. that status of the Assembly will j son, who in turn sublet it -to an out- s(.nooI 0f the Viig.'nia Medical College, in no wise be changed, but all ac-1 side firm now engaged m the task oi , For the past year since Iks gradua tivities will continue as usual. It will grading and making ready the grounds tion he has been connectec1 with the only mean a change in the manner of for landscape work which will be done Mission hospital 'in AsheviMc. business management, this being car-: later. It is expected that the .entire Dr Lan.-a.ste-r is a member of the ried out under orders of the court for task of grading will be completed by Alpha Kappa Kappa, rational med:- the civil ca'ndar g-es ' the protection of all parties concerned I the end of the time called for in the cal fraternity and the Sigma Ze'a, little is known as to the cases ?ched- m affairs of the Assembly. ! contract or before. national scholastic fratr -ty. fi- i w -1:4- til 1 1, oil' ! t : 4 w . tf l ?- H I i-i' t"--. i'i mm- "II - tk. i mm !' V 'fi'- '01 ! : ok .ol :;-? I"v':c-f-;5 :S:. tie' -- :-! Via v. ft I': V. ii'i. r IN. if . o!-i. iVi ) u'i' -.! . 4