fi, r.JUl.,1 141932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 ipgjm-m' - -""?- "TmmMmmmmmm wmtmmmm. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 137 Crab- 1 a MfClamrock or " , Saturday visiting in i?iiall of Canton ... re last week-end. t.,rrqrlcen of Fines ""Vn u' " r.jav in Waynesville, Lpn: ' nie McCracken of Crab ' ..jav shoDDinz in Way- . r Medford of Canton was fie visitors here Saturday. Maggie Morrow of Lake Ju shopped in Waynesville Sat- . a,,irs here from Can- we - I6 nTrt.n.( Haira C Downs of ayde spent Sat- r Rickman of Pigeon at- court here Monday. i p Fpremson f Crabtrec in Waynesville Monday. Mrs. Frank Caw-Hutt, or, T- t t- 1 a . HarL-in f r 3- Among tne recent arrivals at the Harkins of Canton were W aynesville I hotel Waynesville is Miss Julia Park u- of Fort Myers, Florida. Mr. Jerry Roger Monday in town. of Clyde spent! Mr. H. A. Osborne of Canton was a visitor here Monday. Mr. James Kirkpatrick was here from. Clyde Monday. Mr. Taft Ferguson waa a visitor here from Crabtree Monday. Mr. Dave Harris, city tax collec tor for the Town of Canton, spent Monday in Waynesville. a Among the visitors here from Can- ilr. and Mrs. L. E. Hamrick, Miss Mildred Davis, and Miss Kate Phillips spent bunday picnicking at Cataloo ehee. Mr. Samuel B. Ranneker of Charles ton, South Carolina has arrived to spend the summer and ;s a guest at the Hotel Waynesville. Mr. Sam Fitzgerald of Waynesville and Miss Katherine Penland of Med. ford Farm motored to Biltmore Sun day. They were accompanied through Biltmore Forest and to the Rrecreation laric oy Misses Dorothy Lytle and k West was among the vis. from Clyde Monday. B. Rogers of Crabtree spent in Waynesville. Mrs. D. R. McCracken were ivilie visitors Monday. to. W. Baucom is leaving today L'k's visit to Raleigh. He will services on next Sunday at gw church near Raleigh, his home. His daughter, Miss Jh Baucom, will accompany him Mti-Salem where she will, visit for a week. r.d Mrs. J. P, Dicus returned from a brief visit, to Prince st Virginia, ktkins Shaekford returned to e in Charlotte Tuesday after visit to Mr. and Mrs, James CAMPIXG PARTY ty of young people were de- r entertained last week-end at fc of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr. balsam. In the party were: f Mrs, William Kimborly of Ic, Miss Virginia Davis, Miss Moody, Miss Margaret Al iss Martha Mock. Mr. Georire fir. Pete Pattern, Mr. Charles Mr. June Smathers, and Mr. j? of Atlanta. . -. ? the visitors here this week hathan were: Messrs. R. V. R.T. Boyd, Nathan Cavver. Caldwell. ton Monday were Messrs, S.M. Rob-'Marion Pressley, both of Biltmore. inson, R. B. Overton, S. H, Justice, 1 and Arch Russell. Mr. Carter Osborne of Clyde attend, ed court in Waynesville Tuesday. Mr. J. B. Best of Crabtree was a visitor here Tuesday. Among the visitors here Tuesday were Messrs. F. A Justice, G. C. Pal mer, A. C. Walker, and M. H.Ferguson of Crabtree. Mrs. Ellen McCracken of Crabtree shopped in Waynesville Tuesday. Mr. J. B. James and Mr. Hugh Best of Crabtree were among, the visitors here Tuesday. Among the visitors here from Clyde Tuesday were Dr. H. B. Osborne, Mr. Hugh Rogers, and Mr. George Rogers. Mr. Edison E. Collins of Canton spent Tuesday in Waynesville on bus iness. Messrs. M.M. Kirkpatrick, W. B. Noland, Homer Rogers, R. M. Mc. Cracken. and J. R. Redmond were among the Fines Creek visitors here Monday. Mr. John Noland of Tuesday in town. -. Mr, Crom Cole of Canton Tuesday in Waynesville. Mr. C, T. Noland and Mr. Homer Noland of Crabtree were visitors here Tuesday, :1 Mr. J. R. Sheffield of Pigeon was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. R. Winfield of Canton Tuesday here on business. I Miss Bessie Boyd returned Monday fioni a three weeks' trip to New York City1, New England, and Canada. Miss Boyd made the trip with a friend from Bakersville, North Caro lina. Miss Elizabeth Henry, Miss Mary Mary Pauline Plott, and Miss Edith Byrd of Hendersonville spent last week-end in Sylva as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle. Mrs. Charles Badgett, Sr. and Miss Katherine Badgett, who spent sev eral days last week at the LeFaine Hotel, left Saturday for their home in Richwood, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dickey and children of Sweetwater, Tennesse will arrive Saturday for a visit to Mrs. Dickey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee. at their home on the Fairview Road. Mr. T. M. Troy of St. Petersburg. Florida is spending the summer at the Hotel Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson re turned to their home in Savannah Georgia Saturday after a three weeks' stay in Waynesville. They were ac companied home by Mr. William Sloan, who will be their guest in Savannah for several days. Miss Maggie Smith of Delray Beach, Florida, is a guest at the Hotel Crabtree spent I Waynesville. Miss Smith is assisting Miss Ruth Ray at her beauty shop. spent Mrs. Eustis Sem mes and son and Mrs. William Colbert of Memphis, Tennessee are spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. R.H.Mitiiiell on Love Lane. Dr. Semmes and Dr. Colbert are expected Saturday. Miss Louise Muller, who was the guest of Miss Hester Ann Withers last week, left Monday for her home in Atlanta, Georgia. iirs. waae Hampton jiache 01 Winnsboro, North Carolina and her son, Mr. Wade Hampton Macfie of New York City, and Miss Rebecca Macfie, who were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. J.W'.Seaver last wreek, returned to their homes Monday. Miss Maiy Jean Macfie, who is also a guest of the Seavers, will be here the remain der of this week. MRS. SEAVER HOXORS SIECE Honoring their niece, Miss Mary Jean Macfie, of Winnsboro, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Seaver entertained a group of friends at bridge on Friday evening. The living room where the games w-ere enjoyed was arranged in colorful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. S?aver were assisted in receiving by the hon oree and Mrs. Wade Hampton Macfie, Sr., Miss Rebecca Macfie. of Winns boro, S. C, and Mr. Wade Hampton Macfie, of New York. After several interesting progres sions. Miss Eleanor Bushnell was found to be the lucky holder of top score among the girls and Miss As kins Ivey the low score winner. Among the men Dr. S. P.Gay was high and Mr. Allen Smathers was low. All four were presented with lovely prizes. The guest list included: Miss Mary Stringfield and guest, Miss Askins Ivey, of Concord, Miss Isabel Fergu son, Miss Mary Barber, Miss Virginia Welch, Miss Helen Ray, Mis Eleinor Bushnell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mas sie. Dr. and Mrs. S. P.Gay, and Messrs. James Ferguson, Ben Sloan, Richard Barter, J;mmy N?al, X.p Smathers, Waitar Malionee, ,md Jimmy Carr, of St. Petcrburg, Fla. miss Mcdowell is daxce hostess An attractive visitor cmiplimcrted on rriday evening was .ns-s .lean Smith Cantrell, of Winston-Salem who was given a dance by her hostess. Miss Marion McDowell. The entire fi n of the McDowell home was thrown en suite for the occasion and effestively decorated in quantities of summer flowers. The young hostess was assisted in receiving her guests by her mother, Mrs. (. H. McDowell, and her sisters, Mrs. J. Franklin Williams, of Point Pleasant. N. J., and Mrs. K. E. El more, of Durham. From a beautiiully appointed table in the dining room, (punch sandwiches ind cakes were served. About 50 -of the youn col lege set were present for the arTair. MRS. MASSIE HONORS MRS. STOVALL Mrs. Hugh Massie was hostess on Friday afternoon at an unusually at tractive shower entertaining at her home on Haywood street in honor of Mrs. Dewey Stovall, who before her recent marriage was Miss Julia Tucker. A wealth of lovely garden flowers in pastel shades was used in decor ating the home. In the dining room the large table was covered with a handsome Irish lace cloth and cen tered with a" beautiful bowl of flow ers in pink and blue shades. At this table Mrs. Stovall and seven inti mate friends were seated for refresh ments served in two courses. The other guests were at smaller tables in the living room. Mrs. Stovall was showered with kitchen utensils. These were hidden in various places over the house and the honoree found them by following a string. The last hiding place con tained a. book for recipes in which each guest later wrote a choice recipe for the bride. Mrs. Massie's guests were: Mrs. Dewey Stovall, Mrs. Felix Stovall, Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Graden Ferguson, Mrs. J. C. Patrick, Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. R. H. Blackwell, Mrs. James Micheala of Durham, Mrs. William Hannah, Mrs. Lauriston Hardin, Mrs. Bonner Ray, Mrs. Guy Massie, Mrs. CE. Ray, Mrs. Ernest Withers, Mrs, S. P. Gay, Mrs. J. R.McCracken, Mrs. J. K. Boone, Mrs. Ernest Hyatt, Mrs. C. F. Kirk patrick, Mrs. C. C.Shell, Miss Mary Kirkpatrick, Miss Eula Patterson, Miss Daisy Boyd, Miss Bess Boyd, and Miss Frances Robeson. One dozen photograph Post Cards of your residence made for 75c. SMOKY MOUNTAINS PHOTO CO. 19 Depot Street I spent ewelry Auction Every Evening; at 7:30 P. M. ales Saturday, 2:30 p. m. & 7:30 p. m. t I Diamonds, Watches and J ewelry at your own price. BRING THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO OUR STORE AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT Kamond Ring Given Away FREE IH-ininmmi Miss Ruth Wright is leaving Thurs day morning by bus for. Staten Is land, New York, Where she will spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, of Pompano, Fla., and her cousin, Mrs. Hal M. Candle, of Staton Island, N, Y. Miss Wright plans to visit her brother, Jack W. -Wright, of Norfolk, Virginia, also Mrs. E. M Argenbright of Washington, D. C, on her. way Up to New York. Many friends wish her a pleasant trip, . MISS ELIZABETH RAY HOSTESS .'.Two . attractive visitors, Miss As kins Ivey of . Concord, who is the guest, of Miss Mary Stringfield,: and Miss Marion Gibbs of New York, who is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Ray, were complimented last Friday after noon with a delightful bridge party given by Miss Ray at her home on Main street. The home was profusely' decorated with bright summer flowers. Miss Ray presented lovely gifts to the hon orees and Miss Gibbs received the prize for the highest score. Miss Katherine Badgett received the con solation gift. After the game Miss Ray was as sisted by her mother, Mrs. Sydie Ray, in serving a salad course. The guests included Miss Marion Gibbs, Miss Askins Ivey, Miss Martha Stringfield, Miss Mary Stringfield, Miss Alice Stringfield, Mis3 Marietta Way, Miss Elizabeth, Henry Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, Miss Jewel Hipps, Miss Rosalyn Ray, Miss Katherine Badgett, Miss Margaret Hyatt, Miss Virginia Welch, Miss Martha Neal, and Miss Martha Mock. Mr. C. Mizell of Thomasvills spent 4.4..gMH'4"H.4' ,ast week-end with his family here. MRS. GARRISOX HOXORS DAUGHTER Mrs. W". C. Garrison entertained at three tables of bridge at her home in Canton Monday afternoon, honoring her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Anderson, of Waldron, Arkansas. i The tables were placed in the liv ing room, where a variety of summer flowers made an attractive setting for the games. The high score prize went to Mrs. Francis Massie and Mrs. Anderson, of Pennsylvan a, sister of of pottery as honor gift. Miss Mary Anderson, of Pensylvania, sister of the honoree, also received an honor gift. ivirs. Lrarnson was assisted in re ceiving her guests by her daughters, ivirs. H. Gordon Starkey and Mis. Eleanor Garrison. A delightful ico course was served. The guests included Mrs. Anderson, Miss Mary Anderson, Mrs. Francis Massie, Miss Mary Barber, Miss Hel en Kay, Alias Mary Stringfield. and guest. Miss Askins Ivey of Concord, Miss Virginia Welch, Mrs. Charies Badgett, Jr., Miss W'ilda Crawford, Miss Eleanor Bushnell, Mrs. Alviri Wardand Mrs. Carolina Hyatt. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Therrul and infant son. Frank, Jr., of Nashville, Tennessee arrived last Friday fr a visit to Mrs. Therrel's parents. Jf r. and Mrs. H. F. Ashton. They wer. ac companied by Mr, Therrel's undo, Mr. Robert Therrel of Miami, Florida, who spent a few days as guests of the Ashtons before going to Richmond. Va. '... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aioright anj on, Jimmie, returned to thtir home in Cha'rlotte bunday after a tew weeks visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Bridges and M r. and Mrs. M. F. Albright. .''':' : ' -.''-.'-. Miss Mildred Crawford hid as h-r guests last Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kerr of Ch wham, New Jersey. Miss Crawford and Mrs. Kerr were classmates in colleg. and taught together in Porto Iiico. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Massie had as their guest last week Mr. . Massie's cousini Miss Margaret Short, of Charlotte. Miss Short returned to her home Sunday accompanied by Miss Elsie Smathers, who will be her guest for several days. - .' Mrs. Walter Dungan and daughter, Mary Alice, of Elizabethton, Tenr.cs. see arrived Friday for a few weeks' visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.Q. McCracken. i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shuford of Hick ory spent h. few days here last week as guests of Mrs. Shuford's sisk-r, Mrs. W. T.Blaylock. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, Constipa. pation. Dropsy and other chronic diseases are often reach by natural methods: WE TREAT THE CAUSE. Drs. Marshal, Clyde Road, R. 3. Canton. N. C. 4 t pd. 23-30-7-14. ICED COFFEE WEEK Summer Time is Coffee Time lewd wbn you want it cold; hot whan you want it hot Coffee is al ways satisfying and refreshing. 8 O'CLOCK RED CIRCLE BOKAR , . 3 lbs. 50c lb. 23c lb. 27c Rich and Fnll Bodied Vigorous ami Wlney EAGLE MILK can 18c SNOWDRIFT 6 55c WESSON OIL pint can 19c N. B. C. Ion. VANILLA Y.ik.w cimf BR1GHTONS PEACHES A D!lic:lou Vanilla Wafer , ' ' k. 15c 1 ' 15c Bread ' Butter' PICKLES 2 jars 35c Quaker Maid CATSUP 3 25c FLOUR lona 24 lb. bag 52c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 3 cans 19c FAIRY SOAP 7 cakes 25c cwJt Atlantic & IBanc COL WM . r:. - x Thougn vacaHons scatter in c family the Telephone keeps them together Vacation time is kaxe'anc! soon thousands. of families will be scattering to various places to .spend their vacations. Some will go to the', seashore, others to the Amount j'ms or on week-end niotoi tripj; j.:t larre tiu'iilers of these vacationists will keep -in c' touch with .'. relaaves and friends back home by telephone. People are fast learning that it adds much to the plea sure of their vacations and the happiness of those left at hbme when they call back at regular intervals. The cost is small. To most places 2.5 miles away, the dfif station-to-station rate is about 25 cents; 75 miles, 60 cents; 100 miles, 65 cents; ISO miles, $L00. During the evening and night periods, rates are much lower. Southern fefephone and Telegraph R-ELL ) 1 h I . V f i'. ; .

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