n i- Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JULY Haywood Juror In Buncombe Bank Case Says Trial Was Fair (Continued from page 1) believed the whole bunch had framed up to rob the bank and that he believ ed thiy still had the money hidden away or had wasted it for their per sonal use. Said Flynn made the futh- they considered. On one of the oc casions while part of the jury were visiting in Haywood county, and at Flynn's filling station, operated by the juror, Flynn, who was a member of the jury trying petitioners, several members of the Brevard jury which tried T. L. Shipman and others, said members of said Brevard jury also being citizens of Haywood county, passed said filling station on their way home, and on said occasion, and in the presence of several of the jur- r statement that said Davis had built ors trying these petitioners, one of himself a fine house and paid for it the bystanders commented on the Bre- with the bank's money and put the property in his wife's name. Said Flynn further states that the Chinese law for beheading bankers in banks that failed was a good law and ought to be in force in this country. "Affidavit of Sam Plott in support of this averment is attached hereto as Exibit 1 to this petition. Other .supporting affidavits will be filed at the hearing. "Jurors were permitted to return to their homes in Haywood county dur ing the progress of the trial, being accompanied by an officer, but such officer did not remain with them white they were in their homes and was not in position to see or know with whom Most for Your Money In a Good Laxative Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT has been highly regarded for a long, long time, but it is better appre ciated now than ever before. Pe. pie are buying everything more care fully today. In buying Black-Draught, tlit-v set the most for ihcir money, in it good, effective laxative, del etui able for the relief of ordinary consti tution troubles. 25 or more doses of Thedford's Black-Draught in a ZS-cent package For Children, gt t pleasant-taitlng 8YSVP of Tluilortt'a Black-prau'jht. VlW IIw Jy Much Should NT y a Fnneral Cost? TfTE believe that the funeral should reflect accurately the Klandard of living of the de ceased. To fall, below this stand ard is not good taste. To spend more is mistaken sentimentality. Whatever the needs of each particular case, the bigb stand ards of our service are always maintained. SLUDER-GARRETT FUNERAL, SERVICE Waynesville, NmIoI Ci A N ' vard jurors stating in substance that they had the courage to send those dirty bank robbers to prUon, and you fellows had better give it to the Ashe ville gang,' or words to that affect." NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville, . That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to dis play or exhibit, merchandise, fruits, vegetables, produce or articles for advertisment or sale on the street or sidewalk outside the property line of the owner of the building occupied by said persson, firm or corporation. 2. That any person violating the provisions of the ordinance shall be fined Ten Dollars and costs for each offense. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. ' J. H. HOWELL, Hedwig A. Love, Mayor. Clerk. July 14-21 and NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Be it ordained by the Mayor Board of Aldermen, 1. That all persons, firms or corpor ations keeping their places of busi ness open on Sunday shall close said places at eleven o'clock A. M. on said day and remain closed until one P. M. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordi nance shall be fined ten dollars. 3. That this ordinance shall be effect from and after its passage. J.H. HOWELL, Hedwig A. Love, Mayor Clerk. July 14-21 Family Reunions, Weddings, Children's Birthday Parties One or more large 8x10 or 7x11 Photographs at 75c each Ten at 50c each. If out of town, transportation must be furnished SMOKY MOUNTAINS PHOTO CO. 19 Depot Street We have kept pace with Haywood County's pro gress, because we always tried to do the job just a little better than we were being paid. THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. Duckett, Prop. MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN UNION Mrs. T. H. Quinn, who motored with Mr. Quinn to their home in Birming ham, Alabama Saturday returned Tuesday. Dr. T. V. Goode and children of FORMER RES1DEST HONORED.. Mr. and Mrs. John R. McClure en tertained at their home on Smathers street Monday afternoon in honor of Mr. Thomas P. Steel, of Columbia, South Carolina, a former student at Statesville are guests of Dr. Goode's t),e Vocational School here. Ice cream brother, Rev. W.O. Goode. an( cate were served by the hostess. I The guests included Mr. Steele, Miss Dr. W. O. Goode has as his guest his, niece, Mrs. W. M. McDowell, of Morganton. THE OLD SWIMMING HOLE" At Chestrijt Lodge Spring-board, Canoes, etc. Water is fir.e, Lets go swimming. Adults 15c, under 15 years 10c Mrs. Wilson Barron has as her guest at the Adger Heme Miss Mil dred Hardness of Columbia, South Carolina. Gladys McElroy, Mrs. Margaret Grier, and little Miss Doris Grier. A large assortment of photograph view post cards of Waynesville and vicinity at 5e each SMOKY MOUNTAINS PHOTO CO. 19 Depot Street Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hatcher of Miami, Florida, who have spent sev eral weeks at the Adger Home, are leaving the latter part of this wek. Little Miss Betty Latham and James Latham returned Sunday from a week's visit to their grandparents in Greenville, South Caroilna. Miss Adgie Price, who has a posi tion in Atlanta, Georgia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Price. Miss Price is convalescing from a recent operation for appendi- Mrs. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a deed of trust from C. C Medford and wife, Madel Medfotrd, to Wachovia Bank and Trust Company Trustee, dated May 5th, 1928, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood Coun ty, in Book 22, at page 79, to which reference is hereby made; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, whereby the power of sale therein contained has become opera tive, and by virtue of the substitution of the undersigned as Trustee effected b7 a paper writing beating date June 1st, 1932, and recorded in said office oi the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, N. C, such substitution hav ing been effected in the manner pro vided in said deed of trust, the under sieved Successor Trustee will, on Friday, August 5th, .1932, at Twelve Elizabeth Veredith of Mis-ty! sissippi and her aur.t, Mrs. Bart- thfJ city of Waynesville, County of lett, of New York City, have ar- Haywood, and State of North Carolina, rived to spend the summer at the the following lands and premises, home of Mrs. R.H. Mitchell. Isiftu"te! lyin a"(i be,inJ thf " ' - of Canton, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina, to-wit: Mrs Sue Ciawford and children,! BEGINNING at a stake in the Harriet and Charles, of Dayton, Ohio, South margin or Boxwood Avenue, .., , unci the Northwest corner of Lot No. have taken a cottage in i.rimnan xarh g and runs the with the 1;ne of for the summer. The Crawfords have 1 Let No. 8, South T 35' West, 125 feet been summer visitors in Waynesville ! to a stake, the common coi ner of lots for several years and have a host of!,os- 4 " thence North 87 25' . !'". (0 leet to a stake in the Last friends here. ' . 'uiargin tf Boxwood Avenue; thence with the East margin of Boxwood QUILT SHOW Avenue. North 2 35' East to the n .....1:..- one. 1 Woman's Club w ill be held Thursday in July. Prizes 59 poles to a stake; thence 6 AVz poles to a small white oak in a swag at the edge of woods; thence S. 77 E. 82 poles to a black oak on top of a ridge in F. B.Evans' line; thence with said line to Pigeon River; thence up said river as it meanders to the BEGINNING, Containing 72 .-cres more or less. Excepting from above described tract 16 11-100 acres, sold to Herman Singleton and wife and released by a release dated Sept. 17, 1931. Said Deed of Trust being Register ed in Book 22, Page 482, Records of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, North Carolina. This the 5th day of July, 1932. JOHN M. QUEEN.. Trustee. July 7-14-21-28-Aog 4 XOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday July 18, 1932, a eleven o'clock a. in. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, N. C, I will sell at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and prem ises lying and being in Waynesville Township: being lots Nos. 35. 36 and 37 in i.ocl: 2 of the L.C. Harbeck property as shown by Map No. 250 surveyed ard platted by John L. Stacy, Reg istered Surveyor, July 7th and 8th, 1925. said map beinyon record in office of Register of Deeds for Haywood County in plat Book No. "B" at page no. "H" to which reference is hereby lion of said lots by metes and bounds. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by John Hoxit datd July 29, 1925, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 16, at page 70, oTice of Register of Deeds of Haywood Coun ty, to which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This June 16, 1932. J. R.MORGAN, Trustee. June 23-30-Juiy 7-14. XOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE th the last l will be given for the 'prettiest old quilt, the prettiest new quilt, the prettiest quilt tops, hooked rugs, shawls, -and coun terpanes. The time and place will be announced later. Watch for the announcement. MR. AND MRS. KELLER Ol'EX XEW BU SIX ESS Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Keller have just completed a very attractive building just at the edge of town in East Waynesville on the Asheville high way in which they are operating a sandwich shop and small grocery. Underneath this Mr. Keller operates a novelty shop, a line which he has followed for years. Mr. Keller is a gifted novelty man nd has nearly everything that is made of the dfferent woods grown in the mountains. Mrs. Keller has for years operated a rooming and boarding house and it is noted by home people as well as tourists for the good home cooking. Miss Marnie Leatherwood is asso ciated with Mrs. Keller in the sand wich shop. tinuing along and with the maxgin of Boxwood Avenue to the Beginning, the Northwest ooiner of Lot No. 8. Being Lots Nos. 6 and 7 of W. S. Mjrtin Subdivision of the M. J. Meat's Estate, as per survey made by J. C. Haynes in 1920 and designated as "Boxwood Terrace" and recorded in Map Book "B" Index "B", Recofrd of Maps of Haywood County, North Carolina, to which map and record reference is made for a full and com plete description of same. Being the same property conveyed to the said C. C. Medford by W. S. Mai-tin and wife, Mary Martin, by deed dated May :ttn, rjzb and recorded in Book 72 page 356, Records of Deeds of Hay wood County, Xs'orth Carolina. This the 7th day of July, 1932. GEORGE H. WRIGHT Successor Trustee July 7-14-21-28 pd D & R. f" nn Arrmnm at m tin i T miT mumi iuuk iiMLin 1 ? .t 1 vr THIS SUMMER Stooping over the wash tub is no place for you this summer. If you think anything at all of your health you won't take chances by doing it. Let us take that extra work off your hands for the summer months. We can do your clothes so much better because we are equipped to get the dirt out. NO ONE CAN CLEAN CLOTHES AS GOOD AS THE LAUNDRY Waynesville Laundry "Call 205 We'll Do The Rest" I- 4- .V MEMORY OF MRS. WILLIE carxes McAllister In, the Rogers Cove, on a hill, softly sleeping, Where the flowers gently wave, Lies one loved very dearly. In a lone and silent grave. From this world of sin and sorrow, To the land of peace and rest, God has taken our dear sister,; Where she'll find eternal rest, A. sister dear, a sister kind, Has gone and left us all behind, For everyone she did her best, : So God granted her enternal rest. Though you're gone, you're not for gotten, Your place can never be filled, We'll keep your memory sacred, Till our hearts in death are still. God gave to each and everyone A blessing from above, Oh, what could He give us more " sweeter, Than our dear sister's love? Dear sister, how we miss you, None but God will ever know, If tears and sighs would bring you .' back, ;'' You would have, been here long ago. Rest on dear sister, and take thy rest, Thy willing hand will toil no more, A faithful sister, true and kind, A truer sister can never be found. Composed by her sister, Miss An nie Carnes, Lake Junaluska. Mrs. McAllister died five years ago,' July EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Claude A. Haynes, deceas ed, this is to notify all peirsons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C., on or before the 7th day of July 1933 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of July, 1932. Miss Annie McCracken Haynes, Executrix estate of Claude A. Haynes. April 7 Aug. 5 pd. XOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. By virtue of the power vested in the undersigned by Deed cf Trust, executed by SALLIE T. HYATT and PAUL HYATT, dated the 21th day of June, '1929 to secure certain indebt edness therein mention to MRS. J. M EVANS, and default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness therein secured, and having been requested by the holder of the said indebtedness, I will, on ths 6th day of August, 1932, at twelve o'elcck mid day, at the front door of the Court house in the Town of Waynesville. Haywood County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash; to rat-' isy said debt and interest and ecsvs, ire ioiiowing property, to-wit: ALL those certain tracts or Parcel of land, lying and being in Haywood county, i'lgcon Tcwnsh!'), and more particularly described as follows: Be ing fully described in a Deed from J K. Cathey and other-?, to SALLIE T HYATT, dated October 16, 1888, as Recorded in Book "Y," page 200 et seq, Record of Deeds of Hav- County, North Carolina, adioininr, tv, lands of F. B. Evans, J. K. Cathey and others, BEGINNING on a buck eye on the East bank of Pigeon River and runs S. 38' E. 121 poles, crow ing the grave-yard hill to a stake on the South bank of a drain on the Wet side 'of the State Road a On Monday, July 18, 1932, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, N. C, I will sell at public :uisry to the highest bidder for cash '.he following described lands and premises lying and being in Waynes ville Township: filing lots Nos. 12 and 13 in Block 1 of the L. C.Harbeck property as shown by Map No. 250 surveyed and plated by John L. Stacy, Registered Surveyor, July 7th and 8th, 1925, said map being on record in office of Regis ter of l)peds for Haywood Coun ty in plat Book No. "B" at page No. "H" to which reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of said lots by metes and bounds. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by J. C. Hoxit and W. L. Hardin, Jr., dated July 29, 1925, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 16, at page 70, office of Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which refrpnee is made of all terms and con ditions of the same. This June 16, 1932. J. R. MORGAN, Trustee. June 23-30-July 7-14 NOTICE OF SALE OP TRUSTEE On Saturday, ju'v eleven o'clock A. jj "J; hous c'oor in the to'w, ville, Haywood CounVv lina, I will sell at p-K-r the highest bidder f lowing described land ar lying ard being in Jo! frownscip, Haywood Coii'' Carolina, more part;cularu as follows: BEGINNING at a LUt ,- jjoici li tne pom' of a rock; thence up the rd? watershed of the nd. 78,4 W. 8 po;-..Tn poles; N. 87" W. 28 pole, nut stump; N. 7S'o' v N.69 W.254 poles ;.s7; to a cnestnut stump- V -poles; S. 75" W. 9'-,'pViel locust; thence S. 54 V u- a Spanish oak on top 0f'r C. Davis line; thence with line between D. C. Davis , Davis, S 35 E. 15 pole, le pine; thence S. 34 - r a chestnut stump xjD the ' oi tne nage; thence S. 13' to the top of the ridge- th the ride witlj the D. r 'na, 18 E. 12 poles to a Spa P, Davis cornetr; thence tl line Davis and Morrow v 19 poles; N. 68 E. 30' ' white pine stump; thence poles to a stake, A. C. Morr thence with Morrow line X poles to a stake at a sp-in corner; thence with Mono 31 W. 38 poles to a s spring, Morrow corner; the: E. 7 poles; N. 30U j 6 links; N- 14 E. 4 poles, 4lin N. 44' E. 2 poles; X 7fl. North 55 U East 2 p0:, 36 East 6 poles. I7jn E. 4 poles' 4 links; X 44' i N. 70 E. 4 poles; X. ii poles; N. 35 E. 4 poles i Branch; thence up the bran and 20 links to the BE( containing Thirty-nir.e i; more or less. Being the same lands cc a deed from J. F. Harrpli Lillie Harrell to Fred H, dated November 4, 1U25, ji ed in Book 74, page 10, Deeds of Haywood Cocnty, Sale made pursuant to conferre1 upon me by a dee executed by U. G. .Moody Hattie L. Moody, dated Am and recordel in Book 2o Record of Deeds of. Ifi-ust wood Coun.ty, to which re made for all the terms a tions of the asme. This June 22, 1932. M. G. STA June 30-July7-14-21 1 ADMINTSTRATRIXN( XOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday. Julv 18. 1932. at eleven o'clock a. m. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, N.C., I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidden for cash the following described lands and premises lying and being in Waynes ville Township. B fc.GINMNG on the East side of Thomas Street 350 leet from the cor ner of Flint Alley and Thomas Street and running N. 53 30' E. 190 feet: thence S. 46 E. 50 feet; thence S. 46 10' W. 186 feet; thence N. 46 W; with Thomas Street to the BEGIN NING, and being the same prOnertv conveyed by Charles Conley and wife, Josephine Conley, to William Gray and Clara Gray by deed dated August 19, 1918, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C, in Book of Deeds No. 50, page 428 to which said deed and record reference is hereby made. .sale made pursuant to the nower conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by William Grav . and wife Clara Graj' dated March 12. 1925, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 15. pace 119. office nf Rpwistcr of Deeds of Haywood Countv, to which reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. inis. June ie, 1932. GEO. H. WARD. Tiiv. oy on T..i. i ' wmiic taU-OU-lJUiV (-1-4 Having qualified, as the a trix of the estate of Mr; Thackston, deceased, this is all persons having claims ag estate to file their claims unddrsigned administratrix fore the 16th. day of June this notice will be plead their recovery. Those m 6aid estate will make imme tlement. This 16th. day of June 193 , Miss Estclle t Admit 123-30 77-14-21-28,. NOTICE OF SERVICE ( MOXS BY PUBUCX, NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN. THE SUPERIOR IRENE HAYNES .iVA.VS, vs.- ' JAMES EVANS. James Evans, the Let'dici named, will tke noti.-e '.ts: mens in the above entitltd'n been issued against Deff the C.'erk of the Sawri.ir Haywood County,. e.ri!i& Haynes Evsns against J? for... the purpose of h.iviij Decree, granting ::( ?'! absolute divorce fioni the P Said Summons having 1 on the 3rd day of Feb. V)-l Alias Summons .-lavimr lee: on the 22nd day nf. -April,.? returned 1st day of May, W The Defendant wi!l far:! notice that Complaint -K? 1 with said Summons i' f the Clerk of .the Co said County and the Peif'in quired to answer or -.desiif Complaint within thirty from return date tten'it.o' lief demanded .v '1 . This the 14th day of Juw. . -; Clerk -Sajw: June 23-30-July 7-i 1 I'cw XOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT XJ T i X T7 n 11. O Ji - 'V.. --.;.;.. HILDA STANLEY JONES. The defendant, Hilda Stanlev Jones, win take notice that an action eni Ued as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Havwood County, North Carolina, to obtain an amsolute divorce on five years sep aration; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of tb Uerk of the Superior Court of said County, at Waynesville, North Car olina on the 30th riav of and answer or demur to the Comrdaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for tho relief Aam-J i . . '- -'.vA in an vi ed in said comnlaint. This the 6th day of June. 1932 W. G. BYERS Clerk Superior Court. Adv. side of said drain; e , r, R- B- Overton. Attv. NOTICE OF TRl'STEFS On Monday, July 2-5.1932. J in the Town of Waynesville, Csm-nU? M C I will sej the following ijesHbed Rpino- T,r. - Nos. 9 and J 4 of the 7 J. Harbeck F; snown Dy aiap -.-"" rj piatea oy oonu.:. o t..i. rV. ord Nil' purveyor, uuiy i w mat) beine- on record in 4 Plat Book No. "B" at w w i j i- u j. civ i - - i-,r' j Mtrin ere said lots by metes ana . O-l- mire am -v , - - nr tit-- conierreaupon m s &f ztn. 190, ana unite Ul ivrsio.y. ..!, wood County, to whicn r i made for all the tern-.5 of the same. ..,., This June 23, ' " June 23-30-Julv 7-U .Tune 30-July 7-14-21

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