LypgnAY. AUGUST 18, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 11 jATHAN'S CREEK iTfiEdens, a former pastor rdV Grove Methodist church interesting sermon here rSTmoriiing at II o'ciocK. An- kiw? .. io. rhurch service was i - .nfprf;ii'h I toed Sunday evening: at 7: JO !5when the Epworth League. en dued the public with a special pro- baL j .f Frid Allison and kjf- gnu Used Ranges I have a big bargain in snlendid used Range first class condition and best quality. DENTON'S HARDWARE family spent last Sunday with the latter s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Grover r erguson, of Fines Creek. Mrs. C. L, Leatherwood spent last week-end with her sister, Mrs. Manson Caldwell, of Clyde. Mr. Ralph Spainhour, of Morgan ton, a former Rock Hill school teacher, visited friends here last week. Isaac Green, of Boone, accompanied Mr. Spainhour on his visit. Mrs. R. E. Owen and children are spending sometime visiting relatives in Jackson county. Mrs. Ham Enloe and small son, Jack, of Canton, spent several days last week with her aunt, Mrs. D. J. Boyd. Mrs. R. G. Robinson returned to her home in Canton last Saturday after an extended visit to friends and rel atives of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd visited the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs, French Davis, last week-end. Mrs. Lee Howell and son, William Lee, are spending sometime with Mrs, Howell's sister, Mrs. Gaston Duckett, of Canton. Quite a large number cf people cf this place attended "Heaven Bound' at Lake Junaluska Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tweed, of Ashe iiazeiwood News i Hazelwood will go to Enka Satur day of this week to play at that place. SPECIAL MUSIC IN EPISCOPAL munion at 8 a. m., morning prayer and Live at Home and Prepare for College A good PREPARATORY SCHOOL starts here September 19, 1932, with a limited number of Students who want to learn Mathematics. Eng lish, History, French, Physics, etc. Thorough instructions given to prepare boys and girls for College, and College work in some subjects can be arranged. A way to save money these hard times and also keep up on Education. References: Any of my summer students. Further information given upon request. WILLIAM BURDER FERGUSON, JR. Ill HAYWOOD STREET, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Univ. of N. C U. S. Naval Academy, and Mass. Inst, of Technology WILL SAVE YOU MONEY IF YOU PHONE 43 Wise and thrifty minded is the home owner ordering his Coal now OFF SEAS ON PRICES will leave a heajthy difference hv his pocketbook when the cool weather rolls around. AND CALL FOR- V1RGLOW "THE BETTER COAL" Mrs. Jack Seay Slaughter, who has been visitine hear sister. Mn. Rov Robinson, has returned to Newark, ew jersey. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Richeson have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. M. fc-vans of West Pittson, Penn., who are Mrs. Kicheson s parents. Dimension C. Stevenson, 2b Beam, ss Pace, lb Cauble, cf ... H. Fox, If .. Babb, rf AB. R. H. E. .5 .4 .3 .4 .2 ...4 C. Fox. 3b . . ; 3 Hall, p ..4 Glass, c 3 Mr R icneson 8 parents. Patton (Z) x 0 Mr. B. A. Edwards is confined to Stevenson, (ZZ) 2 0 his home due to a slight stroke of par- Dover (ZZZ) 1 0 alyii- . . j. fox, (zzzzi : . : : : : : o Mjns. A. M. Maxwell has as her guests Mrs. Will Miller6ham and daughters, Wilma of Durham, and Miss Ruth Millersham, of Baltimore. Messrs. Clifton Smith and Jack Snodgrass of Elizabeth ton, Tenn. spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mr. John Scates. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Benfield and daughter, Barbara Joan, of Lenoir spent the week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McElroy. Mr. Neil Allen of Detroit, Mich, is visiting relatives and friends here and at Canton. Messrs. Oscar Burrell and Chas. Lance, Miss Evelyn Freggeus and Mr. Freggeus of Newark, New Jersey are visiting the formers mother, Mrs. Burrell, on Brown avenue. FAMILY REUNION The fifth annual reunion of the Smith family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Green j at Crab tree Sunday, August 14. The entire day was spent in chats with old friends and singing by the Panther Cnek and Smith quart-1 of Hazel wood. A bountiful dinner efi ved under v! shade of an o'ti oak. There was nearly a hundred in attendance. All the children and grandctilcreu wtre present. Tnose attending from UtzelwooU were: Mr. and .s Fred Vaughn, an'l son, Frederii's, Jr., Mr. m l Mrs. !(:i -nita, .ind s:u:r ch.l riien, Mr. and Wei. Johnnie Wilson and ehildrr. Misses I5.r. and Mary IO'j Smith, ') Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith, of Dellwood. Mr. C. N. Allen left Sunduy for Baltimore and other northern points on his annual buying trip for the firm of Allen-Siler Co. 1 0 0 X 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 37 3 7 2 (Z) Went in for Pace in 7th. (ZZ) Went in for H. Fox in 6th. (ZZZ) Went in for C. Fox in 8th. (ZZZZ) Hit for Glass in 9th. Hazelwood Cox, ss .. . Fox, p, 3b .. ... r isner, t,o , . . Robeson, lb . .. Price, c Burrell, 3b, p ... Wyatt, cf Kuykendall, rf .. Summerow, If .. AB. R. H. E DE- HAZELWOOD BALL CLUB FEATS DIMENSION On Saturday of last week the Ha zelwood Ball Club defeated the Di mension Club on the home grounds 6 to 3. Charlie Hall, pitching for Di mension, hurled an exceptionally good game. He had ten strike-outa to his credit. Fox and Burrell also did some good pitching. They held the visiting team so that not a single player had more than one hit to his credit. Fox, Fisher, and Robinson each got two hits out of four trips to the plate, while Summerow got two hits for three tries. The t core stood 3 to 2 at the end of the seventh in ning in favor of Dimension, but the local boys rallied in the eighth and put across four runs. ville, were guests of Mrs. Tweed's Darents. Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. Boyd, Jr.. last week-end. Aiinf T.Biiro fWon ToTf 1alt. WOPlc to spend sometime with her daughter, Mrs. Silas Kirkpatrick, of Candler. Mrs. Hub Caldwell visited her sister, Mrs. Clem Fitzgerald, of Waynesviile, bunday. Miss Edna Fercuson left Sunday for Spring Creek, where she will be a member of the Sprinc Creek school faculty this year. Mr. and Mrs. Asbury lioweii. .airs. Bryan Medford, of Waynesviile, and Mrs. Fannie Lovel, of Tennessee, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Will Corzine last eek-end. Mr nrwl M rs: Trnv Leatherwood and children were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uracly uavis, oi iron Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Boyd and family spent Sunday afternoon on Crabtree visiting Mrs. Boyd's aunt, Mrs. Sallie Ferguson, who is ill at her home. Mrs. J.H. Leatherwood and sons, Orvillii art A .1' H.. Jr.. sDent Sunday with. her daughter, Mrs. M, H.Stevn- on, of Canton. , Mr ar,A Mrs. Jack Messer. Mrs. Mark Duckett and Mr. Ralph Spain- hour spent last Saturday in syiva. Miss Flora Mae buiorigm, oi Juane Junaluska, spent a few days last week visiting mends oi mis piace. NOW IS THE TIME BUY JEWELRY DIAMOND RINGS WATCHES CHINA ETC. At Your Own Price v: ;;: vat : AUCTION Sale daily at 7:30 FREE Gifts Daily YOUNG'S Inc. Main Street Waynesviile, N. C. .7.3 . ....3 31 6 9 6 CHURCH SUNDAY NIGHT Mrs. Chas. E. J. Johson, of Raleigh, N. C, will sing as the offertory solo in Grace Episcopal church on Sunday at 8 p. m.: "Come unto Me." Uther services will be: Holy Lom- sermon at 11 a. m. On Wednesday, August 24th, being St. Bartholomew's Day, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at ten o'clock. Republican Club To Hold Meeting Aug. 19 A meeting of the Haywood County Republican Club has been called to be held at the high school building on Ft! lay, August 19th, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Mr. E. M. Geier, president of the club, announces that the Hon. C. F. James, candidate for congress on the Republican ticket, will be a guest of the club. Other prominent speakers will be invited and the occasion prom ises to be a most interesting one. It has also been announced that the Republican Executive committee of Haywood county will be in attend ance at this meeting and that some vacancies on the county ticket will be filled. ..i..1IiH"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"i"''i'i''i"i"i"i"i"i":'i mn H-i tough net bags guard 11 r . . . . your domes jrom wear YOUR clothtt, mm intkio mm of tbwa tough Mt bg cannot pomhly come in contact with waring wirfr in their jouf ny through the U unary. TbeM bgt ro . juit om nor reuoa why Uumiry-wasKed doth kit longic poMtinlity of woar f b compkuly oliminaMd, and thoy rctnra i to you cUan, frh and unitary. W watli ' only in filtered, rtimoft water boated t MerUizing tcmpcratutet. $znt$!X&A . dotboi do Utt longer nd trt cleanor. Waynesviile Laundry "Call 205-We'll Do The Rest" OUTSTANDING VALUES FROM OUR tock Clearance Sale Boys' Suits Manufacturer's Cost 2 Pr. Pants One Long One Knicker Through special arrangement we received 40 boys' -iuitg from a manufacturer to be Hold at a special price. These suits arc real bargains and will give lots of rdal service. Bring in the: boys and let us lit them up for school and save you money, too. A95 C95 795 A L L Men's Suits 9 88 ni $14 88 These are down about Half Price All Sizes MEN'S A. Oxfords in Black and Tan UP S1.87 , MEN'S Work Shoes Composition Sole $127 UP Children's Shoes Now going at lower prices than ever before .97 Ladies' Shoes KB 99c- $3 IcCracken's; CLOTHING COMPANY Outfitters for Men and Boys Shoes for the entire Family. Here's A Real Buy Shirts All colors, sizes, best of material and made to fit. 47c To S1.37 I 1 i1 Mi HI 53 I ' V !!'! f ! HI if, i 1 ! n it? i . ' v I -, .-S-- : 'in .j HYATT & GO. AT THE DEPOT j I, 1 1 ' I nil ;: " ' , I i i n -