LpiY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 1. At Examined By. K Nurse Recently (Special to The r tp state nurse corn ier.". .;., of all school frt-'J their defects .w rfp...-i nuients.. It IS K;:; s and teachers ktae..p of this infer- lva" : i possible efforts j B-condition of the , ,i,n of Fines Creek, J . mv W A. Hill. irs:ini;; of wniets, avl0,Mu,cant Balsam It tn5 ...: " th rponilar !J' , Sunday morning. t.oo ' c Willpts. ac id uean. r" navid kpr husband, Kev. Jjavia " i npnt. the dav is adding to the at if the Mountain Spring 5 Ui .... i.illini a beau- it on ''J , S f lThe water supply from a nearby spring on ... ..... Q.iUoYQ yMrgarei, ; c,nifir( biaJTK, men Aotirp. and son Barron, i0wod, made a recent visit of Mr. ana xur. . 7 lie Mrs J. 31. Arrmifwii cu jtpiv ... Hnnner. a son. Curby and friends 01 si j. thA oot o. . spent Lit, Mr. and Mrs. KUlus n.. dentist is now working in He will repair the chtl in the first three grades ...mi arw. ana win uuvibc I tii have done to theirs. to work here tne enure )F THE STATE NURSE ksaunuuk avauuju Note: This report is i . i . . i i c in order mai me peopie the physical condition 01 . school child in Haywood Ee Saunook school is in no 1m Service That yer Sleeps fa the services of a M-d anil a courteous I, long eHtaljtitibcd in the me of thU community. tageously located. mi night semce every It year. ER-GARR ETT ERAL SERVICE kynesville, N. C. Wt Furnish NltitMl CtfMs Recent News Events From Cove Creek CUVE CREEK ( Special to The Mountaineer. j Kd. .Note The peo ple of this community are requested t sand all news items for publication cp Mrs, james iiarrell, as she has ocen named correspondent for Cove Creek in the absence of Miss Morrow, who efficiently did this work up unt:l this week.) The Sundry school and IS. Y. P. U. 3 progressing very nicely at this place M:ss Maye Morrow and Miss Maye J vis have returned to Teachors Col cge at Cullowhee to take up their school work. Mr. and Mrs. Daisy Smathers, of Canton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Howell. Roy Messer, of Whits Pine, Tenn., is visiting his father and sisters at this place. Miss Maggie Chambers and Mrs.1 "thel Crawford, of Iron Duff, were guests of Mrs. Hobert Davi3 Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Harroll has returned home from Candler, where she has 'een working for quiet a while. Verdict .Favoring Boone Returned In Unusual Trial Here Suit Involved Tenth Of Acre Consumes About Four Days Of Civil Court V A wcrse condition than the others. It i-; impossible for children to do their best when they are handicapped by some defect just as a horse will not do his best pulling when he has a sore .houlder. Of course the majority of parents will pay more attention to a sore shoulder on a horse than they will the same size sore on a child. Furthermore, it is impossible for all parents to have the physical defects of their child corrected. The expense is often too much. I believe it is the duty of the county through the county commissioners to aid such parents and unfortunate children, A few hun dred dollars plus what the state would furnish would enable us to nave a dentist for a year. I do hope that something like this will be done. It will aid in the building up of a strong people who will not need the Haywood County Hospital as much as their parents have needed it. Any time iry school is in session 1 will be pleased to show any county official the conditions of the children in my school. Other progressive counties are doing what I have suggested. We will not e in tha lead, but will only be follow ing in the path of a good movement. Here is the report of a state nurse who did her best under the conditions. Certainly she missed some things. The body was not examined by a doctor. Nevertheless, you can get enough rvom the following to show that some thing should be done. Out cf 116 . pupils examined 1U9 were defective. The vision of 13 was faulty and the child probably needed classes. There werP more than 40 who heeded their tonsils removed. Eighteen had something wrong with their nose. MORE THAN 82 HAD DECAYED TEETH. There were other defects too numerous to men tion. In this group 3 had had their tonsils removed. Twenty-six had been vaccinated against small pox. Twenty- eight Had been vaccinated against liphthena, and 1 had received tne typhoid vaccine. ONLY A FEW STUDENTS HAVE HAD WORK DONE ON THEIR TEETH. I of ten wonder, but not for long, whether more stock . or more children have been vaccinated against disease in this county A community is no stronger than its weakest child. Your community is no better than ours. What are we going to do about the .o 'th of the child? W. THOS. REEVES, Principal Saunook School. Hazelwood News Cn last Friday cftornoon the jury letuuied a verdict in favor of (Jus - ...re aKa'n.u Mrs. Belle Collins in suit thr.t envolved about one-tenth t .n acre ot land in the Francis i.v community. The trial consumed tha greater part of four davs. and was termed as ne of the most un usual ever tried. Iho valur. f tv, and involved was placed at various ji.ves, ranging trom $10 to $23. use vvus uegun aoout a year igo ;.nd was won in the first hpnvino- "J l"L piainmr, out on appeal to th supreme court by Mrs. Collins, a new ..cuiijr was granted, and the case came up for trial Tuesday of this week. Sir lawyers, four engineers and ..u-'ui otner witnesses took part in vhe trial from Tuesday morning until l iday. For the plaintiff. G. C. Davis and Alley and Alley, and for the de endant Morgan, Ward and Stamey, Joseph E. Johnson and J. Bat Smath ?rs, of Asheville contested every de ail of the evidence. Deeds dating back to 1807 and 1837 were brought into evidence and neigh bors and friends of both sides were called upon to take part in the giving f the story of the case. The lawyers, in their pleading be fore the jury, took about four hours in argument before the jury. Judge Writer E. Moore gave the case to the ;ury, which after deliberation of about orty minutes, rendered their verdict, giving the plaintiff the right to the one one-tenth of an acre in dispute. E. J. Robeson Is Named President Of Schoolmasters ET READY OK AUTUMN kt nCp-W in. cMJ f'ClOthinp; to hp fWliPn. ,n readiness for first SP days. WOMEN'S DRESSES " leaned and pressed 1 kOc v MEN'S; SUITS cleaned and pressed 50c pesviDe Laundry "Call 20.1 J 4 4 4 J- Mr. and Mrs. George Bischoff spent ounuay at wmttier visiting Mrs, Scott Ashe. Mr. r.verett spent the week-end witn ins tanuly at Wailand, Tenn. Jir. and fllrs. Grover Turner of benoir are here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Turner is visiting her ......l. m t- i . . ... iiiuuifr, mi's, jim uavis, in Waynes v;lie, who is very sick in the Hay- wjod tounty Hospital. Messrs. Vinson McElroy, Carroll Whitener", and Earl Rodgers spent Monday in Asheville. Mr. Joe Beach of Eastern Carolina spent the week-end at the home of ..Irs. L.M.Coxe visiting his family. Mrs. Fred Kizziah returned home Sunday after spending six weeks at -urlington and Concord. Rev. Orie C. Landrum spent three Jays of last week visiting at Hepco. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ross and chil . re n of Crabtree have been visiting Ahs. Ross' father, Mr. J. N. Knight, during the week. Their small son, J. D., 5 years, is reported as resting fairly well in the Haywood County Hospital after a serious accident Sat urday when he shot himself. Among those attending the Home Coimng Day at Iron Duff were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vaughn and small son, Frederick, Jr. KEQENT BRIDE AXD GROOM HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Vomer Truett were the recipients of a lovely shower at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. rnd Mrs. G. W.Truett. The home was attractively decorated with late summer flowers, in al color schem0 of nink and white. Mrs. Truett was before her mar riage of September 10, Miss Marjory Cochrane of Hazelwood. The honoree received many nice and useful gifts. Punch and sandwiches were served througout the evening. There Were thirty-six guests present. Principals Of Schools Meet Here Friday And Or ganize Club. . v ; j . ounty scviooi .uf.stcr ' :u xct at the LcFaine Hotel Fri . --'ninr for the initial meeting i ce eligibilities tor the club are su i inrendents, principals and build mg principals. Mr. E. J. Robeson one of the most beloved and ourstand ing teachers in the county was elect ed president of the club for the year. Lj. u. Bunn, superintendent Waynes vlie Township Schools, was elected secretary. The program Friday evening cen tered around the problem of transpor ..it. on. The club is going to sponsor : i to be presented to the legisla tu:e requiring a certain number of square feet per student in each truck Ont of the greatest problems of the i; pjrtation system is the crowded .'Kmition on the truck. A committee was appointed consisting of Messrs n.i A unnon, uyde, . F. L. Safford Fines Creek, anJ C. C. Henson. Bethel :o draw up resolutions for our repre- th? law for the 19311 assembly. i bases of the law relating U transportation were discussed. The principal of each school is in direct charge of each bus driver operating under his plunt. Each child on the school bus is in charge of the driver and is subject to rules of the prin cipal and driver from the moment he leaves home. Conduct on the truck s governed same as in tho class s oo.li. Also the law specifically states that no one should ride the buses save the school children, to and from school and on other school and edu catioual trips. Permission for these trips has to be secured from su perintendent and school board. The time of meeting will be third luesday evening of each school month. lhcre will be at least six more meet ings and is was suggested that four ol these be held in Waynesville and two in Canton. This will be decided 1 out next regular meeting. It was unanimously decided to serve luncheon or dinner plates at each meeting. The social repast around the dinner table was considered a most valuable fea ture. , ' .-! Members will be notified about one week in advance of the next meeting and a date for the six meetings will bp set. Please plac.r these dates in ymir diary so that you will have no conflicts for the future meetings. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Gertrude Connor Vs. J. W. Connor. The defendant above nam?d will taUe notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County to secure n divorce absolute on the ground of five yeajs separation; and that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Court House in Waynesville and answer or demur to the complaint m sr.'id action as required by law, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief as demanded in said com plaint. This the '11 day of Sept., 192. W. G, BYERS Clerk of Superior Court, Haywood county. Sent 29 Oct G-13-20. G. C. 1). Marriage Liceses Recently Issued We find in the office of R?gister of feds tho fallowing marriage license voids which have been issued from o;l;ee within the pest thirty davs: Mr. Edward Clark to M:sVeWia '.If"tho-.!y, Loth of Haywood county. Mr. Washington Haney to Aliss Leslie Price, both of Haywcod county 31 iv K. L. Hambree to Mus Sallie '.Tair'son, of Haywood county, 1 rastus Caldwell to Miss Jv.,i!e Scatts, of Haywood county. Mv. i-'iank Chair 'jers to Mi';s Mar i. io Litiigford, both of Clyde. Mr. Cyril Shepherd to Miss Ella . Hips, both of Canton. .Mr. Willie Carver to Miss Mattie v : .".n, both of Haywood county. M". J. R. Davis to Miss Dorothy .1 :;( nuiii, bath of Haywood county. rIr. Vomer Truitt to Miss Marjorie v.t vlir. ni', both of Hazelwood. Mr. W. M. Worley to Miss Lassie i'arham, both of Canton. .ir. Clnude Smith-to Miss Inez In ikmi, of Haywood county. Mr. Taft Crawford to Miss Obera Ktirrefl, of Haywood county. ilT. "Phillip Smathers to Miss Nellie O.'rrd, loth of Maggie. Mr, J. II. Smith to Miss Verbie Siii it h, both of Maggie. Finmers in Alamance County have oulcred 5U0 pxmnus of Austrian Winter J'ws to be used for soil im j rovement this fall. ODD PIECES OF OFFICE FUKNI- ture. sre stored away around all homes. Dig them out and advertise theni in tins cMumn. Some where, some one is willing to pay you cash for that which yoi want to junk. If its worth sell i:g ilv worth ad- vrtising. NOTICE OF SUMMONS! HY PJJBLI- CATION NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT -Ve'HDoTheRest" i't t it BALL GAME AT MCORMiCK FIELD RAINED OUT The Hazelwood Ball Club journeyed '. Asheville Saturday of last week to r.gage in combat with Black Moun t ijn. winners of the pennant in the Smo'.iy Mountain Baseball League Hazelwood won the pennant in the W, X. C. Industrial League, and the two : rvr.es scheduled to be played last Saturday at McCbrmick Fiela were to decide the champion club in Western orth Carolina amateur baseball . ter two and one-half innings the tame was called n account of rain After winning the pennant in the Smoky Mountain League, it seems that the Black Mountain management eith er lost confidence in their winning club, or else desired to strengthen their term so that it could not possibly be beaten. Five of their players were new men and had nothing whatever to do with winning the pennant, Three of these men played with Bea con Mills the entire season. Their iig gun was in the person of "Lefty' Melton, who was occupying the mound Lefty was originally with the Ashe ville Tourists, but for the nast sea son has been playing with Baltimore International Club. Melton allowed one hit to the seven men who faced him. This hit was gotten by Burrell, star pitcher for Hazelwood. . Burrell was in rare form and only allowed one hit to the nine men who faced him. Nothwitrntanding the op- position that faced the local boys, it 's believed that they had a chance of winning at least one of the games. If the weather pernlitz, a double header will be played at McConr.ick Field between these two clubs Sat urday of this week. .No admission will bo charged al the gate, but in rd?r to defray a part of the inci dental expenses a collection will t taken during the game. Walter Burch of Clay County has increrised hi; corn yield during the past ten years from 10 to 40 bushels an acre. Red clover and peas get he credit and County Agent Bow- ditch says that other crops on the farm have been increased in the same STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR' 'COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ON RELATION OF FANNIE LOCK MAN VS. JESSIE B. LOCKMAN, GUARDIAN, JARVIS L. PALMER, H. R. PAL MER, AND W. G. B. MESSER. The Defendant, Jossio B. Lockman, above named, will take notice that summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant 911 the 2SHh day of August, . 1932, by the Clerk of the Superior ('ourt of Hay wood County, is . C, tor the pena, sum of $2,000.00 to be discharged upeh the payment of $1,402.47, with inter est from November 16, 192G, and in terest on $700.00 from Oct. 23rd. 1923, to Nov. 16th, 1926, and interest on $16.67 from Feb. 16th, 1925, to Nov. 16th, 1926, due by reason of defendant, Jessie B. Lockmati, Guardian of Fan nie Lockman, having defaulted in his duties as said Guardian and failed to account for the sums aforesaid, f.s his bond required him to do, which said oond and faithful performance of the same was guaranteed by Jarvis L. Palmer, H. R. Palmer, and W, G. B. Messer by reason of their having signed and sealed the bond of the said Jessie B. Lockman as surities and guarantors of the faithful execu tion of the trust reposed in the said Jessie B. Lockman, which summeng is retu maple before the Clerk of Supe rior Court of Haywood County, at his office in Waynesvsille, N. C, on the 28th day of September, 1532. The defendant, Jessie E. Lockman, will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk on the 29th day of August, 1932, against the property of the aid de fendant, which is returnable before the said Clerk of the Superior Court at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when aind where, the defendant. Jessie B. Lockman, together with his said bonds men are required to appear and an sver or demur to the complaint of the! plaintiff, or the relief demanded will be granted. W. G. BYERS, Clerk Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE JUSICE'S COURT BEFORE G. C. Ball, J. P. R. M. GADDY Vs. H. C. GROOMS -and BRAXTON MULL. The defendant, H. C. Grooms, will ake notice that a summons was issued n the aibove entitled action against the said defaridants on the 22nd day t July, 19112, by G. C. Ball, a Justice of the Peace of Haywood County, for the sum of $14.96 due said plaintiff by ertain. services performed. The said H, C, G rooms will further take no tice that a laborers lien has been filed against the property of the said efendahts and the defendant, H. C. ! rooms, is required to appear before the undersigned, G. G, Ball, on the 2nd day of October 1932, at 10:00 A. M. and answer or demur to plain- iff's complaint or the relief sought will be granted. 1 his 22nd day of September. 1932. G. C. BALL, Justice of the Pease. Sept. 29-Oct. 6-13-20 pd NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, October the 24th, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court House door in the Town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina, the undersigaed trustee will sell at public out-cry to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain lot or parcel of land lynig and being in Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, and fully described as fol lows : BEGINNING at a stake in tho Pastern margin of Daisy Avenue. formerly Haywood Street, said stake standing S. 30 !es. 30 min. W. 230 feet from the intersection of the Southwestern side of Gudger Street with the Eastern side of Daisy Av enue, and runs thence S. T9 degs. 30 min. E. 156 feet tj a stake 111 Dr. ' Green line; thence S. 16 degs. 45 min. W. 50 feet to a stake; thence S. 43 W. 19 feet to a stake; thence N. 59 degs. 30 min. W. 163 feet to a stake in the margin of Daisy Avenue ( form erly Haywood Street thence with said Eastern margin of Daisy Ave nue N. 30 degs. 30 min. E. 67 feet to the point of BEGINNING. BKING the greater part of tha same lot of land conveyed to the said Mrs. E. S. Harrold by C. W. Miller, Jr., and wife, Josephine Miller, by deed dated October 7th, 1922, and recorded in Book 69, page 171, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. Sale made pursuant to the power of sale conferred upon the under signed, Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, Local Trustee, by deed of trust executed by Lily S. Harrold to said trustee, bear ing date of May 15th, 192S, and re corded in Book of Deeds of trust No 21, page 458, Haywood County, N. C to which said deed of trust and re cord reference is heroby made for all the terms and stipulations of the. same. This the 19th day of September, 1932. Commercial National Bank of High Point, North Carolina, Lo cal Trustee. Sept. 29-Oct. 6-79-20 MGS FOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION PARDON NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. STATE VS. .... ED SMITH. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the defendant in tho above entitled case was convicted of Manslaughter at the February Term, 1932, of the Superior Court of Hay wood County and Was sentenced by the Judge Presiding at said Court to a Term of not less than 18 months nor more than 3 years in the State's Pris on. TAKE NOTICE, that tho under signed will apply to the Governor of North Carolina and the executive counsel for a pardon or parolo from said sentence. All persons opposing said pardon or pnrole will file their protest with the Governor or his Ex ecutive Counsel at Raleigh, North Carolina. This the 28th day of September, 1932. ED SMITH. Sept. 29-Oct. 6. HOW ABOUT THE CHILDREN'S SHOES? Get out last year's school shoes and send them to us and we'll return them to you good as new, and the cost will be very small. Don't wait until cold weather sets in sent them today. Next To Western Union Telegraph Office THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. Duckett, Prop. MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN UNION t ATT AROARD AfJATN! r TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARES Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Following fares apply from all agency stations Asheville territory: I- t' P 1 mm . $ 5.00 WASHINGTON $ 5.00 6.00 BALTIMORE 6.00 8.50 PHILADELPHIA 8.50 8.50 ATLANTIC CITY 8.50 9.50 NEW YORK 9.50 10.50 PITTSBURG 10.50 4- I- 4 Washington and Baltimore tickets limited to leave those stations as late as October 3rd. Other points leaving destinations as late as October 4th. BAGGAGE CHECKED 1 STOP-OVERS REDUCED ROUND TRIP PULLMAN FARES TO WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADEL PHA AND NEW YORK. USUAL HALF FARES Too Cheap To Miss ! Pep Up Yourself For The Fall And Winter. Take A Train Ride. Se your agent or, J. H. WOOD. Division Pass. Agt. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ratio.' '. Sept. 1-8-15-22 M. G. S.

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