lnAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER iniBlMllWIimmillMIIBIIIM -TOiMM'llllllilBiBiiBliiB- PERSONAL AND SOCIAL I : f PHONE 137 1 rTTnaynesof Canton was i p. A. R MEETING NEXT WEEK I MRS inrmpn p. uneTrC(, Page 3 ' ffaynesville Monday. V The October meeting of the Daugh- w hBong l" Mr a. D. Downs. r . the ,-isitors from Clyde and Mr. C. A. I. u"'T..ji B. rfClyd" spentMonday in town. Fines B McCracken CreeK juuuuoj. was here B r Gos ett of Medford Farm N on business Monday. here here Monday Canton. the visitors he Kinslandof . r.A-oatrick of Canton ls.;t Wednesdayin Waynesville. j mis W, C. Kirkpatrick and ev;il visitors lmJ. were .-. : and Frank t last Wednes- 0f tann oH.-- Waynesvmc. Cmathprs of Canton spent i A-illil J'" v . T nesday shopping in wsynes- : i r, Osborne of Clyd? was a r here Thursday. the visitors here from Crab TMirsdav were Messrs. J. B. M B. n"gien R"u " j A Collins of Clyde made a iMs trip w iir"m"v p f Rogers and Mr. F. A. Jus- Kvere nere num - Gene Sutton of Cove Creek Monday in waynesvmc. . nnH -Taints ssrs. Loim'u r..:iT of Canton were ""y""""5 5 Monday. A. G. Baldwin was here from Oak Monday. Aaron Prevost, Mr. Dave Fel- Mr Rav Coble, ana mr. .nm motored to Uhapei -nm "i to attend the Carolina-Vanaer- kotball game. J, P. Beam returned Sunday week's visit to her former in .Gaffn:y, South Carolina. Carl Underwood, son of Mrs. R. Uerwood, left last week to etner College in Raleigh. Us Mary and Alice Strmgheld last week-end visiting inenas nverse Lonege, opmKui"6 Carolina. V R. N. Barber returned Friday a month's business trip through tuthern states. Clara Kelier left Tuesday for r,. r. , 1 1 ome m M. retersourg, riuriua a two weeks' stay at the home of d Mrs. Zack Massey. . .'' V' Thomas M. Seawell ' arrived (lav from Clinton for a few visit, Mrs. Seawell and their ter, Anne, will accompany him return to Clinton where they bake their home in the future. Jack Way motored to Winston, last week-end to visit her bter. Miss Babbie Way, who is flent at Salem College. Felix Stovall made a business i Sarasota, Florida last week- and Mrs. Massev of Atlantic ?ew Jersey arrived last Sunday hi a week with their nephew, acK .viassey, and other relatives county. W. W. Davis has returned from M weeks' trio through the fvestern states.:; ? and Mrs. Rnfns Rilor and Mrs. B"one returned Saturday from 'is. visit to Durham. :. E. L. liinton soent last week- siting friends in Raleigh. . and Mrs. R.L. Prevost had as guests Monrlav Mr Prevnat's Pt'Rey. Robert Prevost, and Mrs. ft of Andrews. , and Mrs. FA ter, of Laurens, S. C, and Mrs. I Durham and snn nf firavcrs. Pent last week-end with rela near here. : S-WER REUNION IS HELD farmer reunimi wn. Tilrl at. e of Sam Gibson on Sunday - .oige crowd of relatives and ! we present. and Mrr. 0. H. Viall of Bar- le Kentuplcv fw, :4f t.a ... Jt 1111 ICQlUCUtO Fam h spentlast week-end at ?fjhf- John Smathers had as tue?t.s in t ... Fnv ,'a weeK-ena Mr. ana !"1 orwnnH -ari.: ne Annimnj. ; l. ll J "friend and aTe remembered by "T. Elavil lickory. is spending orH i ' o?,her sister. Mrs, A. s "i hick fc ?nl M,rs- wl Smathers and thpi, l matheifs have return Cy'lfc1 in Atlantic City, e, 77 .tter a week's visit to ' 1,1 'lynesville. j ters of the American Revolution will De neia next Wednesday afternoon, October 12, at 3:30 o'clock, with Mrs. V. L. Hardin at her home on Main street. The leader of the program for this meeting will be Mrs G. L.Hampton, of Canton, and her subject will be "Keep America American." HUSBANDS' PARTY TONIGHT The members of the Community Club will be hostesses tonight at their 'Husbands' Party" at the Waynesville Country Club. This is an annual so cial event of the club and is always anticipated with great pleasure. Mr. S. B. Rennicker left last wppW 'or his home in Charleston, South Carolina after spending the summer n Waynesville. Mrs. W. T. Hannah and Mrs. J. W. Ray were Asheville visitors Wednesday. DISTRICT MEETING OF FEDER ATED CLUBS The district meeting or Federated Clubs will be held next Monday. Oc- tober 10, at Cullowhee. A number of members trom the three federated clubs of Waynesville the Community Club, Woman's Club, and Civic League are planning to attend this meeting Dr. and Mrs. 0. T. Alexander and Mrs. Alexander's mother, Mrs. Free and, left Sunday for a week's visit to relatives in Richmond, Virginia. Mrs. Ed B ranson, Mvs. II. A. Ileldpr. Mrs. Kirk of Cant.cn attended the meeting of the Waynesville Commu nity Club on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J.J. Stone of Andrews visited friends in Waynesville Monday. Mrs; J.R.Hipps left last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hallett Ward, and Mr. Ward, at their home in Rich wood, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Maxwell, of Atlanta, Ga., who spent the week-end with Mr. Maxwell's mother, Mrs. A. M. Maxwell, in Hazelwood, left Mon day for their home. . w Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bowles, who have spent several weeks here as the guests of their sisters, Misses Grace and Julia Bowles, left last week for their home in Miami, Florida. , Mrs. Frank Bell and Mrs. Carol Bell returned Friday, from a two weeks' visit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. .,' DR. WALKER TO PREACH AT FRANCIS COVE Dr. R. P. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city, will preach at Francis Cove chapel on Sun day afternoon, October 9th, at 2:30 The public is invited to attend. '.? Mrs. Bill Clark and Mrs. George Semmes, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ray, for the past several weeks, left Sunday for their respective homes in Tarpon Springs and Jacksonville, Florida. They were r.ccompanied by Mr. Clyde Ray, Jr., who will return to Way nesville the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs, D.M. Bradham and son, Mr. Donaldson Bradham, of Roan oke, Virginia, were recent guests of Mrs. Bradham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moody return ed Sunday from a motor trip through the Great Smokies and to Richmond, Virginia. They returned by way of Charlotte where they visited friends for ai few days. Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr., Mrs. J. L. Wil liams, and little Jean Rotha motored to Weaverville over the week-end for a short, visit with Mrs, Ruth Rotha, who is studying at Weaver. College. . Mrs. S. T. Neal and Mrs. Jimmie Nerd spent last week-end visiting in Reidsville and Winston-Salem, ' '.' A TTEND DISTRICT O. E. S. MEET ING The following members of the Way nesville Chapter No. 165 Order East orn Star attended the district meeting in Hendersonville last Friday: Mrs. t.rel Bradley Mrs. Mabel Robinson, Mrs. Minnie Coble, Mrs. Ruth Burgin, Mrs. Adah Palmer, Mrs, Ellen Mc R one, Mrs. Precious Campbell, Mrs. Marian Hyatt, Mrs. Grace Queen, Mrs; Mary Oakes, Mrs, Edna McGee, Mrs. Louise Leatherwood, Mrs. Hilda Simons, Mrs. Jessie Davis, Mr. Jairvis Campbell, Mr. J. M. Newton. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Minnie K. Lewis, district deputy of the 12th district. Mrs, Marjorie Ho gan, worthy grand , matron, Mrs, George R. Bennettee, worthy grand patron and Mrs. MaryC. Weatherly, grand secretary, were also present. The address of welcome was made by Mrs. Chella Yoeman, worthy ma tron of Hendersonville and the re spense was given by Mrs Hilda S mons, worthy matron of, Waynes ville. v , ' ' ,. , . ,. , Each chaper in tin. district had a part in the program the Waynesville chapter exemplified the ballot. At 6 p. m. supper was served m the dining room of the Methodist church. m . LEGION AUXILIARY 1 MEETS NEXT WEEK The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held next Monday evening, Octo ber 10. at 7:30 o'clock, nt the Ma sonic Temple. , Hostesses will be Mrs. .1. Harden Howell, Mrs. R. J. Hyatt. Mrs. J. r. Abel, and Mrs. E. B.Camp. MKd. WII.FORD RAY HOSTESS Mrs. J. Wilford Ray was charming hostess to the members of the Monday afternoon bridee club and their hus bands and a few additional guests last -uonaay evening when she entertained with four tables of bridge. The home was artistically arranged with vases of mixed flowers in bril liant fall shades. At the conclusion of the game Mrs. Diana Schoolored received a lovely piece of pottery as holder of high score among the ladies and Mr. Frank Bll received the gen tlemen s high sco-e prize. The hos tesses served a delightful salad course. Those playing were: Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Mrs. Diana Shoolbred, Mr. and Mrs. William Kimberly of Aheville, Mrs. Wilson Perron, Miss Wilda Crvfords and Mr. Wilford Ray. DISTRICT MEETISG OF MUSIC CLUB WILL BE HELD SATURDAY The sixth annual meeting of the Western District of North Carlina Federation of Music Clubs will be held next Saturday, October b, at Marion. Among those from the Waynesville club who are olanning to go to this meeting are: Mrs. L. M. Richeson. Mrs. Lawrence Green, Miss Nancy Killian, Miss Frances Robeson, Mrs. Fred Martin, Miss Mildred Crawford, Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Mrs. Canl Be!!, Miss Ida Jean Brown, Mrs. E.B. Camp, Mrs. J. W.Reed, Mrs. Lucile Foy, and Miss SuP Willard Lindsley. A splendid program is being pre pared by the program committee and it is hoped that the entire membership of the Waynesville Music Club will be able to attend. MRS. HYATT TO ATTEND U. D. C. DINNER Mrs. Will Hyatt, district director of the United Daughters of the Con federacy, will share honors with Mrs. William E. R. Byrne, of Charleston, West Virginia, president general of the National oganization, Mrs, Glenn Long, of Newton, president of the North Carolina division, and Mrs. J. Dolph Long, of Graham, member of the Maury committee, at a dinner which will be given in Asheville at the George Vanderbilt Hotl on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. All U. D. C. in the district or any others interested to hear the short ad dress by Mr.'. Byrne and the program of the evening are invited to attend the dinner provided they make reser vations with the hotel management. ' Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, vice chairman of the Democratic organization of this district, motored to Raleigh last Fri lay where she spoke at a.' luncheon confeienee of the stat 3 executive committee. Sh was a ceo in pan iod by Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan, who visited her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crittvnd-in, in Chapel Hill, and Mr. Dave Hyatt and Mr. Lee Davis, who visit;;:! in Durham end Raleigh. COMMUNITY CLUB HAS INTER ESTING MEETING THIS WEEK The Community Club held its ini tial meeting of the ensuing year on Monday afternoon in the club rooms cn Main street, with the president, Mrs. Ben Colkitt, presiding and ap proximately forty members and guests present. The business session was taken up with interesting reports from the va rious officers and department and com mittee chairmen. Among these was the report of Miss Carolina Altstaet 'er, chairman of the Garden Depart ment, who in her report gave a short account of the two flower shows spon sored by the club. Other chairmen outlined their work for the coming year. , Mrs. J. Howell Way wa? elected a delegate to-the district meeting to be held in Cullowhee on October 10, with Miss Alice Quinlan as the alternate. AH members were urged to attend. , Mrs. Colkitt introduced and welcom ed the new members of the club who were present. She also introduced the following visitors, who made short talks: Mrs, Helder, president of the Woman's Club of Canton, Mrs. Bran son, and Mrs. Kirk, also members of the same club, Mrs. C. F, Kirkpat rick, president of the Woman's Club, of Waynesville and Mrs. W. H. Luther, president of the Civic League. The members of the Canton club extended an invitation to those present to their meeting the following day in Canton, at which time Miss Margaret Sorell Gibson, a former president of the State Federation of" Women's Clubs, would address them on "Parliamentary Law.". Mrs. J. M. Long paid a tribute to Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell, secretary of the club who is shortly leaving Way nesville and the members gave her a rising vote of thanks in appreciation of her services to the club. The meeting was then turned over to Miss Alice Quinlan, chairman of the program, who introduced the speaker of the afternoon, Mrs. David Tillett, of Andrews, the district pres ident, who made a splendid address on the activities of the work of the gen eral federation of state organizations and the work possible for the local club to undertake. She also told very interestingly of the Seattle Conven tion. At the conclusion of her rd dress, Miss Charlotte Hatcher, direc tor of music in the Township School, played a piano solo, a waltz by Dvorak. A social hour followed with tea and sandwiches served by the '"allow ing hostesses:: Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, Mrs. Robert L. Coin, Miss Alice Quin 'an, Mrs, Sam - Plott, and Mrs. T. J Lenoir Gwyn. U. Z. C. MEETING TOMORROW - The October meeting of the United J Daughters of the Confederacy will be held tomorrow afternoon, October 7, with Mrs. R. N. Barber at her home on Love Lane, at 3 o'clock. As this is one of the most important meetings of the year, all members are .equested to be present. Report wiM given of last years work and plan's for this year will be discussed. MRS. CAMP ENTERTAINS OLD FRIENDS Mrs. E. B. Camp entertained at luncheon on Tuesday some old friends she had not seen for years. They were Mrs. Clifford Hewitt of Shanghi, China, Mrs. Lizzie Sharp of St. Davids, Pennsylvania, Mr. Sam J. Bueck of Jonestown, Pennsylvania, and Mr. Robert Rudd of Lykes, Pennsylvania, lhey were en route to Murphy to visit their nephew, Mr. Hurony mus Bueck, superintendent of the Murphy Public Schools, and were then planning a trip through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, then through Virginia, visiting friends en route. The expressed themselves as being charmed and amazed at the beauty of this wonderful section of the country. - I LANS FOR YEAR'S WORK DIS CUSSED AT CENTRAL P. T. A. MEETING The Parent Teachers' Association of the Central Elementsfry School neld its regular monthly meeting on last Tuesday evening. The attend ante, in spite of unfavorable weather, was good. Plans were discussed for raising money for the year's project, one of which was a Hallowe'en Carnival to be given on October 28. DATE CHANGED FOR NEEDLE DLEWOItK GUILD INGATH ERING The day for the ingathering of gar ments lor the needy of the community by the Waynesville Needlework Guild has been changed from October 12 to Thursday, October 13. All members are asked to have their contributions ready by Wednes day afternoon, October 12 or Thursday morning, October 13, so that they may be collected by the directors and taken to the Swift building op posite the Hotel Waynesville where they will be sorted and arranged and put on display for the inspection of interested persons Thursday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Work week for the guild organiza tion throughout the nation will be October 10 to 15, inclusive, and dur ing that time Americans who have means will contribute millions of warm, practical garments to allevinte s uttering by cold anvmg those who have little or nothing. Every sort of article of wearing apparel or household linen is accep table in the guild work. But it is obvious that warm, durable, practical articles are in greatest demand during the cold winter and a national request has been made that rto silk underwear or hose be Contributed, The need for garments for school children is especially great. The guild will make every effort to fill the need. Wai m underwear for both children and adults; overaHs and work shirts for men and boys; warm sleeping garments; sweaters, shoes; anything that will keep undernourished bo;ies from suffering with the biting , Cold, will be welcome. For the bedridden, warm blankets and fresh sheets that they may at least know the comfort of Cleanli ness instead of the unsanitary coarse ness of a ba.re, straw mattress, are in great demand. For infants, flannelette gowna and slip; woolen shirts, sacques and boot cs, so that no mother need clothe her bnby in flour sacks as w.:s the case last year until garments from guild were available. Let every man, woman and child in' Wayn?villev Hazelwood1, and Lake Junaluska who is able to do to, make some contribution to the guild ingath ering so that its supply of garments will be sufficient to last until spring. Two new, clean garments joined to grther is all that is necessary for membership in this worthwhile organ ization. Any director will be glad to receive your articles if you are not al ready a member of some directorate. Tho Waynesville Guild is composed of Wfc.ynesville, Lake Juniluska and Hazelwood -with the following direc tors: Mrs. T. . Lenoir:. Gwyn, " Mil's Alice Quinlan, Miss Carolina Altsteat ter, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. Paul Walk er, Mrs. J. P. Dicus, Mrs. L N. Davis, Mrs. T, L. Blalock, Mrs, Frank Fer guson, Miss Janie Tucker, Miss Daisy Bovd, Mrs. : Dewey Nr)la:id, and Miss Lois ' Harrold, The public is cordially invited to view the display of garments at the Swift building Thursday afternoon at which time tea will b-; sreved by the directors. ". "' ', ; MASSEY REUNION The Massey reunion will be held next Sunday, October 9, at Hot Springs, N.C. All relatives are asked to come and bring lunch. JUNALUSKA P. T. A. MEETING NEXT WEEK The Parent-Teachers' Association of Lake Junaluska Elementary School will hold its regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening, October 11, at the school building. All parent ?.d teachers are asked to bi present; ' Mr. F. E. Alley, Mr. F. E. Al.vTy, Jr., and Mr. Hayes Allry attended the Carolina-Vanderbilt game in Chapel Hill last week-end. . , Mr. Boiling Hall, who has a position with the New York Produce Shipping Board in New York City, arrived last Saturday. He is spending this week nt the LeFaine Hotel. M. E. Conference Meets This Week Schoolmaster: "Now I want you to tell me which of those words are sin gular and which are plural. Tompkins, you may take the first, 'trousers'." Tompkins : (after deliberation) : "Singular at the top, and plural low er down, sir,' The Log. . The Blue Ridge Atlantic cenfer nce of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet in Walkertown Thursday morning, October 6th. The Rev. C. C. Benton pastor of the local church here will be in attendance as will other ministers and members of that church. Mr. Benton reports that he will be able to go ,to the conference with all claims and pledges paid in full. His church has added to its membership mor than 100 new mem bers during the past year or since Mr. Benton accepted the pastorate of the church. According to reports the Sunday School attendance has averaged more than two hundred each Sunday. This ie aid to be by far the best report of church and Sunday School work the church has ever made. Canton and Beaverdam township with one accord, hope Mr. Benton will be returned to this place.. His work has been highly pleasing not only to his congregation, but to the entire community where he has worked and is known. Dr. Benton is a forceful and able minister as his work has shown, he is popular with all classes Democrats In ; Haywood Active An active campaign in Haywood county is expected to get under way this week. On last Thursday night in Waynesville tlie active leaders met and opened headquarters in the Chrest George building on Mahi Street. Cordell Russell chairman of the county executive committee stated yesterday that headquarters will be opened from now until after th elec tion in November. A stenographer has been employed, and other young and active party leaders are lending their time to the cause. From time to time, according to chairman Russell rallies' will be held, and every effort will be made to poll the largest party vote ever cast in the county. Robert R. Reynolds -candidate for the United States Senate and other prominent speakers, some from other tates, will be invited to make speeche in Haywood county. . and denominations, ' he is needed in Canton' and this paper hopes he will be returned to this field. New Fall Merchandise at New Low Prices at MOCK'S Department Store "Where Quality Reigns" I want to get this message across to you. Prices are as low as your farm products. We arc selling our stuff too cheap. All we can do is sell as cheap as you have to and we arc all even. MEN'S WEAR One lot of new, all wool hand tailored JjQ jJQ One lot winter weight new Homespun t A 7C suits, two pants J;JL7f tl All men's $5.00 Stanley Trousers only Men's New Stetson Hats ... Men's $5.00 Worth Hats Men's Goodyear Welt Calf Oxfords only . . . . . . . . . Men's Work Shoes I1 QQ Priced at Dl.D7 Hoys' Sheepskin lined Coats only ..... . ........ . . ... . . Twelve pound winter union suits only . . . . ...... ..... . . , . DRY GOODS Fast colored prints . . . . . 36-Inch broadcloth . 35c Gingham .......... Eight ounce bed ticking $3.45 $5.00 $2.95 $2.95 And up $2.95 50c 6c 10c 10c 19c LADIES' WEAR Ladies and misses coats at $2,95 To $29.50 2.49 Misses dresses in good silk crepe . . Ladies' dresses in all new styles d0 Q start at ..... ....... J And up SHOES Red Goose shoes for children are of solid leather and stand the weather from . . , . ....... . . ..... . a ki a vr V 98c To $295 on Ladies bed room slippers . . . dJQ j Women's new pumps, (t QQ lQ QC straps and oxfords dLjJ To tDjtj Things are looking up and our people will always get along so buy your needs and don't worry. MOCK'S Department Store 'Where Quality Reigns"

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