1 DAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932 US TUP W VTPOimn iAnm. ,,rr Of -.iucia, . w.,,K. 1 lot il . i i . nci r. -ivrr- t C ,-,1.1" -rr - " tr FOR TAiusr-yKjnju Zr'TY OF HAI WVUU LI"-- Franklin, Hardin 3 awes" t,'"""ui . ib acres iFranklin T L i it ,jlotoy. November 7, 1932. at jFree. Mrs. M. . , iot o'clock A. M., at the court j Free, S. E. X lot """ '. the town of Waynesville,!Fi-.TwT, c , ,r. Kned will offer for; sale ;cadd rlen l lot auftion to the hign, nHde, 'fiaddis CharHe lot"""""" lJ" .u. lo.nt iir t.li followmf r.t. - . vfc f. l- j uouuu, :)ionil 1 lot owners for taxes due . Hay-Gaddis, J. R. i lotl Crty fr the year 131:.. . ddis, M. H. 15 acreT""" AYNKfVlU-E TOWNSHIP;7 " , F 2 lots ,. 87.7J Gaddv R v on Mrs J- F-1 lot 25 acres 139.14 Qy' g. 30 acSes .... gilhara, . Galloway, Geor 1 W IZr.l.r It " V KVll mB ' 146.04 'Barrett' ' fcir'i " "VR L. 1 lot Bal 181 84 prW? 1 Io - MS. W. 10 acres .. - f g'CU'iiJff w. H. 100 acres 5b.82 Glass M i tacres r K. Sr. 1 acre 7u.S5 nMa ,01 -- L Charles R. 60 acres 45.57 Cordon Aw" V r " ,:CB, Dr. Albert l lot 4.-- Gordon. R. H. 1 lot ui A. i fir.ih T i,,j i i. KUlie S: 1 acre . .1.97 Crasiv. J.' R t : -i sty, Loyd i loT' i't 1U" !rasty. w. t. i i0t ion, ram - w tieoree. r A c i U I i?t ----- " 39. Green, C. E 1 lot "- H. B 4 lots ... 386.74 Green, Frank. 1 acre ... James Jr. 1 Jot J9.32 .Green R i ou. James. Jr. Adm. 1 lot 165.52 Greer, S E rtt " Xrimble B"S. 1 lot Gunter, R. L. 1 lot 25.60 Kail, H. A 1 L K Sar-J- w-s-1 lot 61.34 Ifarkms, J E. 7 acre h Miss Sue 1 lof.... fi.4fi lr,.i,;' - 1.47 JfeAnme 1 lot 7.75 Harold. Mr ' nils- o o ,Vr ,M . A. 3 lots 410 acres 896.70 Harrison N A Tr m o irAi u 117 io co SJ:::!0"' J?- .A- Jr- 57 acres 31.06 acres. 25.87 lot . 36.7; ainv win M I j-inni. i i.i nA G. F. 3 lots 40.46 Hendri ,r if. V ilV " 3.86 Hendrix, George 1 lot""""" ,o? Senc;'r!x Harriett 1 lot im-E"1nX R-L- 6 acres Bl 101.43 Henderson, Ehima 1 lot 4.94 Wcnderson, J R. 1 lot uu.u ;.vuij, v. jj. iuu acres ev. E. L. 1 lot ... fc. G. 1 lot W, A. 1 lot D. R. 1 lot I. S. F. 1 lot .. Dr. J. 11. 1 Jot J. H. 125 acres ..Bal. Dr. L. F. 1 lot 64.11 15.75 45.57 6.49 3.25 3.86 11.70 11.43 7.56 12.94 29.53 24.51 18.41 40.38 9.40 26.70 23.08 57.64 44.10 71.49 49.17 14.70 14.63 3.86 5.82 5.18 9.40 7.18 24.82 6.46 5.86 4.32 193 no 3.86 4.53 3.47 8.00 18.14 58.21 9.06 12.32 16. 14.23 1.97 6.46 u a. o Jois iv acres eao.vu iiurrison N A Tr K7 LM. inures ....... 149.68 Harnsonj N.'A.&Ede u- "r L;"" ? of iawk- Rev- Carlock i 1 Tl0t M5. H. V. 3 acres k. Thos. L. 2 lots A. H. 3 lots Henry S. 1 lot . S. 1 lot I. L. 1 lot :t, Vr. R. 1 lot k, W. J. 2 lots D. V. 2 acres J. J. 1 lot . . W. B. 1 lot 0. L. 11 acres lire. E, S. 35 acres . U. 1 Jot ....... fg, R. S. 1 lot .n, Dewey 1 lot n, Jl. C. 1 lot C. 28 acres ... 4. 1 lot her, Rachel 25 acres fcer, Mrs. M. A. 1 acre Rachel, Est. 1 lot Bal. , Johnson, D. 1 lot A. I, 14 acres B. H. 72 acres Ra Mrs. Crawford 2 acres 7!35 raay, i acre S. 1 lot M. l'i acres . " E. R. 1 lot . a. B. i lot ::: Martha 4 nrW p. x b. j lot ..:: raui i lot VC A. 3 acres D. C. & J. B. 1 Jot J. 1 lot 1... R G. A fi flproo . R. R. 1 lot V. A. 1 lot K J. 1 lol. """" iv h. p. 6 lots"":; J. K. 2 lots 2 acres Te.T.pc Hill 1 iof vestment Corp, 4 10.32 15.56 4.87 12.94 27.65 6.46 19.42 38.80 12.29 8,34 4.91 5.25 16.00 6.59 3.86 55.35 6.72 34.91 3.25 3.86 29.76 25.64 8.12 25.5'2 71 96 117.46 77.62 W. T. 1 lot Josephine 1 lot """" c- l-lui ... ymore 1 ,t a- i iot -.:.::: a. & e. -M i f 'Aj!;-; iot .... t,w P-'i lot . ts'j-H-.not .::: ev. R. r f iii,iu "V1- i -- lot Bal r.L' M. 19 acres A. 1 lot-. s- Julia 1 Inf r"' r vv,-T-1 iot":::: f;abe:h. K"T"LT- lster 1' lot : d 1 lot .... pM .......... r. 1 Oi . res'Bai l'wtotS---, Tx; X "cres . V. 1 lot .,.12- 2 lots 1 W ; E7-, i; iot:::;::: f.,1 lt . 1- o. f l"; P; H 6 acres . D'.J. P. T 14 ' f 1 : - t ..::;;: in ii H- E. 1 W P. F. i lot; .. H. I." fxdu;ioT"::::- u tst- 200 acres fttie. Est 7 " I 'A1 lot : K S U. 1 lt . Pa"l. Est: 45o" .a'VV al. lot ... - 139.96 16.75 8.82 29.40 4.04 16.83 17 03 12.91 25.87 14.70 5.18 28.29 3.86 3.44 4.53 13.84 25.57 3.25 1.59 5.74 7.12 5.88 4.05 " 18.14 10.32 15.16 15.86 67.74 3.83 18.39 19.42 -12.28 11.06 4.87 1.24 41.19 1.47 108.19 9.47 6.46 26.32 16.47 14.23 26.10 23.98 4.22 103.48 177.74 27.80 13.39 13.39 5.33 10.87 19.42 13.54 45.28 29.7o 127.30 19.61 5.18 4.22 26.90 1 1 . f m- lOt .... 1 TT 1 ,7 N nil'. ol 1 -C 7? aes " 72 acres 22.51 Henslev. D. R 1 w 12.32 Htrren. VV. A.' Est. not""l28 6.181 acres ' 26.33 Bill. Mrs. Ghas. A"l"lot""" 76.44 Hoslan, H. J 1 acre "" 2.57 Mcombe, Rev. Walt 1 lot"" 12.94 Holder, J. G. 1 lot ..... .;" o.y4 nojaer, vv. M. 4 acres 10.35 Holley, M. E. 1 lot 36.20 Hosaflook. R. G. 1 lot" 19.42 Howell Aisburv. 1 lot 4.87 Howell. Miss Alden 1 lot""""" 17.64 Howell, Alden, Sr. 280 aw 6.52 Howell, Alden. Jr. 1 lot 3.86 Howell & Bovd 1 lot. 13.16 Howell, Mrs. E. E. 1 lot '""' 16.28 Howell, Millard 8 acres Howell, Mrs. T. AVoolsey 4 o 15,5.85 TT : i. 1 . noxu, uien 1 lot ...... 40.8O num, twos. 117 ai-rw co 00 Hyatt, B. B. 1 lot " 3579 Hyatt, E. P. C. & others o" " acres . ... , ifiofi Hyatt, Mrs. J. E. M. 1 lot 132 acres 59.87 Hyatt, J. R. 1 lot 59.90 Hyatt, Lucy White 1 lot ... 67.25 Hyatt. P. E 1 lof iaoo - v AVU inman. J. A. 7 acres 10 32 Jackson, Fred 232 news Aina' Jenkins, George 11 acres 20 701 uones, Heioise 1 lot 22.05! V-..V.C, iv.- i. i4 acres .... 11. 159 Jones, s. 11 r ot ar, si ounes & others 1 lot ...... 1.9 jorcun, Jtl. U. 1 acre 13.67 Justice, iMaggie C. 120 acres 28.89 Kelley, D. D. 1 lot 7.8s iveney, ts. h. 1 lot 6 28 Killian, J.- W. 1 lot .. 66.15 Kinsland, J. A. 7 acres 5.18 Kinsland, M. D. & others 1 !t . 2.57 Kirkpatrick, C. F. 2 lots ... 88.20 Kirkpatrick, C. F. & W. L 5 lots ..... 514.50 Khkpatrick, Dr. W. L. 1 lot 24 59 Knight, Arthur 1 lot 18.83 Knight, Oscar 1 lot 19 27 Knight, Sam 1 lot 2o!c0 Kuykendall, F. E. 1 lot 22.0 ivuyKendall, J. H. 1 lot 34 91 Kuykendall. T. II 1. lot. 21 41? Kuykendall, W. II. 1 lot 1.97 Lancaster, Rev. J. B. 1 lot a.Sfi ljanier, J. W. 1 lot 4.60 ieatherwood, Frank W. 14 acres 34.23 ijeatherwood, G. G. 103 acres 88.62 LeatherWood, Glen 1 lot 20.82 Le&therwood. Mrs. Jerrv 1 lot. , 69.67 Leatherwood, J. II. 1 lot ... . 1.97 Lieatherwood. R. V. 1 lot ' S3.!): Leatherwood, W. P. 173 acres 58.33 Lee, R. D 1 lot 2fi.9fi Lef.er. W. A. 1 lot ........ 20.07 Leopard, F. L. 48 acres 37.55 Leopard, W. L. 1 lot 52.83 Lcminjr, R. C. 1 lot 12.79 Lilly, J. H. Est 1 lot 6.46 Lindsey. II. C. 1 lot 45.57 Liner, Harry Lee 1 lot .... 77.49 Liner. Mrs, Hubert 1 lot. 18.11 Liner, S. C. 1 lot .....w 56.93 Liner, Sally L. 1 lot 24.59 Liner, S. N. 10 acres . 20.66 Long, T. A. 1 lot . ... 23,29 Lord, H. C. 5 lots 71.14 Hyde, Mrs. Roberta 1 lot 4.41 Lyle, Floyd 2 acres 8.28 Lylc & Queen 18 acres 42 02 McClure, C. M. 1 lot - 4.41 McClure. E. W. 1 acre -10.83 69.38 1 iMcClure, J. F. 2 lots ...... 17.09 32.34 McClure, John R. 1 lot Bal 42.89 94.96 McClure. Lonnie 1 lot .. . 11.06 116.71 1 McClure. T. J. 60 acres - 22,63 368.68 McClure. W. H. 31 acres 36.87 10.2llMcCracken. Maud 75 acres . 28.01 9.46 acres .. 309.98 77.991 VOrrnrkpn W C 234 flres 175.77 1W.72I MoTViTial4' V P 1 In 18 RH 1.55 McDonald! Miss' Mnnice"l lot 10.32 27.95 MoElrath. A. L. 1 lot 6.65 19.42 McElrov. A E. 4 acres C.80 6.46 1 McElrov. Joe F. 4 acres 28.98 McElroy-Mrs.-Paul 3 lots -. 41.38 90,60 McElroy, George 3 acres . 62.84 70.89 McElroy, W. H. 11 acres 40.73 14.07 McFadyen, heirs 1 lot . 33.62 12.23 McGee. E. K.,Est. 1 .lot . 19.42 75.02 McLaughlin. A. W. 2 lots- . 34.17 McRorie. G P i Magruder, Ruth B. 3 lots . Mangum, Rev. J. T. 1 lot Manning, A. C. 1 lot ' Martin, O. R. 1 lot .. Mason, E. H. l lot Massie, Phil l lot """ M&thew, Helen 5 acres"; Medford, C. G. 4 acres ... " Medford F R is- Medford, R.'b. i acre Mehaffev. Jerp vt i i: Mehaffey, Robt. Est. 1 acre -Mehaffey, W. T. 1 lot . Melton, Sam 1 lot "" Meltoh & Rogers 137 acres"" Messer, Jahies 1 lot Bal Mi er. C. A. 7 acres ... Miller, Elsio Mao o w Miller. H. E. 1 lot .. "" Muler, L. H. 1 acres ;.":; Mi er, R. E. 10 acres . Mi er, S. J. 1 lot Est Mi er, S. K. 5 lots ... " Miller. W. T. 9 acres "" Mi er & Morgan 1 lot ..." Mills, iM. W.- 1 lot Mills, W. J. 2 acres '. ". Mills, W. K. 1 acre " "" i'tchell, George 10 acres "I Mitchell. Mrs. M L. 1 lot ' acres Montgomery, Mr'sV Ma'eTfots Monthead, George 1 lot Moody, C F. 31 acres .S.i' Moody, H. R. l acre ... Moody, U. G. 5 acres - "" Mooney, James 1 lot Moore, Jas. Henry 2 acres Moore, J. H. 2 acres ... Moore. M. W. l lot Morgan. J. R. 2 Int Morgan, Ward & Palmer 2 lots .. J3ai Morgan, J. R. & 0thers"l"lot 62 acres Morgan & Ward" 3"lots"""" Morrow. C I.. 4 it Morrow, Mrs. L. L. 1'acVe's Morrow. T. M 7tt MuJI. Georirin 1ft Muse. Vance 10 acres .BaV use i, i-, acres .... Bal Needham, Dr. Sam 1 lot Nelson. F. A if.. Nelson. Davp 1 n.r" Nelson, Mrs. E. D. 1 lot Nichols, Mat 1 lot "" Nichols. Robt. T. i 1., m:u.i 4"f: Noland, B. A. k acres . Norm, J C. 1 lot 9 acres Z Norns. J M oxt. Norris. T. C." 3 crPo Page, J. H 10 acres . Palmer. .Mrs. Lena, Est. "l lot Parks, N. W. 1 W Parker, G. D. 1 lot""""" Parker. Dr n n r Patrick, J. C. 1 lot Patton, Dewey 1 lot Patton, L, E. 1 lot Peacock, J. N Est i Peacock, Mrs. J. N. 1 lot 1 Phillips, A. V. 4V, Phillips, Carrie L. 1 lot Phillips, E. S. 1 lot . Phillips. H. N. s ao Plemmons, W. L. 1 lot'."""" i toll, ruins zti acres Plott, Geo. F. 283 acres""" Plott, H. II. l bt .. Plott, .S. C. 292 acres Plott. H. Vaughn 251 acres Pressley, Chas. O. 2 acres " Price, Frank 80 acres Price, Z. V. 2 acres ..."""" Prigg, Paul H. 1 lot .. ."" Quattlebaum, Mary 1 lot Queen, Claud 1 acre -Queen, George 1 lot ;" Queen, W T t In Quinlan, Prevost & slfer"l9 " lots - ... Quisenberry, Mrs. J, T2 l"oT" Bal Rabb, H. L. 30 acres Ratcliff, R. E. L. 210 acres . Rathbone, Allen 14'4 acres Ray. R. C. 1 lot .... Ray, W. F. 1 lot ... Ray, W. M. 1 lot J"; Realty, Associates, Inc. 2 lots Realty Sales Corn. 4 lnt Reed. Mrs. J. W. 2 lots ..Bal 126-54 Reed, J. W. Jr. 1 lot ...... 21.98 rveeay, uranny, 1 lot ...... 3.86 neeves, liUDert 1 Jot ...... 29.70 Reeves. Mrs. Lizz'ia' IRk-am-na too'ia iveeves, m. ti. 4 Jots 329.96 Reynolds. Annie 1 lot ok7 Rhinehart, V. R. 1 acres - 13i25 Rhymer. O. S. 1 lot . iS9 nnuay, Mrs, A. C. 1 lot 21.28 Ridley, J. A. & Wood 7 acres 20.58 Robinson, Dicie 1 lot 12.94 Robinson, Ernest 1 lot ... 12 32 jwuiiisoii, r. u i iot . .. 38,80 Robinson, James 1 lot 5.86 Robinson, J. L. 3 acres 10 41 Robinson, R. F. 1 lot ...... 2535 Robinson. W. P. 1 lot ... 16.83 Robbins, Frank B. 1 lot 4.53 Rogers, O. M. 100 acres .... 25 87 Rogers, Jessie. Est. 1 lot. 2KS7 Rogers, Nathaniel 1 lot 7.35 Rose, J. C. 1 lot 19.77 nose, airs. J. r.. l acres : in 17 Ross. S. D. 1 lot 8.90 Russell, D. M. 2 lots 29 40 Russell, W. C. 1 lot 1049 Russell & Crawford 6 lots 7.7S Russell & Holland 1 lot 5.88 batterthwaite, S. G. 2 Jots 190 acres 201.29 Satterthwaite, S. C. Jr. 134 acres 133.64 bawyer, E. T. 1 lot 17.98 bcott, Louise 1 lot- 3.25 Scales, Dr. John L. 1 lot 2.57 Schulhofer. I). L. 2 lots .... 47.16 Sentelle, J. E. 100"acres .... 19.42 Sharp, Oscar 4 acres 9.75 Shell, Rev. J. W. 1 lot 32.34 Shepherd, Dicie H. 1 lot 15.56 Shuford, W. E. & others 1 lot 58.21 Shuford, W. E., J. A. Camp bell & others 1 lot .... 219.91 Siler, J. B. Est. 60 acres 69.86 SisK, urady 10 acres 5.82 1S.83 3.86 14.70 9.04 44.26 3.25 ' 12.32 40.05 37.97 5.S1 3.25 116.74 11.67 7.75 15.56 7.18 138.50 2.33 13.59 28.43 103.97 30.90 10.51 29.S6 5.76 49.17 5.18 88.78 12.94 11.53 2.24 2.94 Smith, Rachel 1 lot ... 38.80 omiui. w. u. 1 lot 6 46 Snider, Wiley 25 acres .. 8. 74 Stanley, Miss Julia 1 lot ... . 2.94 Stentz, J. Dale 1 lot 77 62 Styles, J. G. 88 acres 39:99 Stone, Thos. B. l'lot ini9 otringneia, J. L. 108 acres Stubbs, Rev. i M. 1 lot Stubbs, Virginia 5 acres Summerrow, G. C. 1 lot Suncrest Lumber Co. 1 lot 17 acres . Swift, J. P. Jr. 1 lot" richer, Miss Isadore 1 lot 1 nomas, Mrs. J. R. 1 lot Page 3 Teague, J. L.j 23 acres '...." league, Lloyd, 196 acres Yarborough, Ora 25 acres . . JONATHAN CREEK TOWNSHIP 7.85 51.13 3.55 Boyd, D. J.. 95 arrps rti tk 49.76 Burgess, L.H.,I10 acres.... 1207 4.53 iagle, J. S.( 28 acres 16 89 10.32 Cagle, N. D.. 37 acres 1fi7 27.46 Ciildwell, Artie, 37 acres ... 6.58 taMweil, C leve. 9 acres ... -am b97.96 "'oweii, j. u., 5 lucres 9.09 33.061 1 a.nwell, James, Guar., 32 acre 4.13 10.32 Caldwell, James, 39 acres .. 13.80 Rial Camnhell. C A ,11 n ,., ., n Thomas, J. R. 1 lot 2(5 ncrs 1 7fi 97 1 Durkett Orvilln lu, " Yo Troutman, Geo. 3'i acres . lLlS rguson, U. II ' 131 acres . ! 171.44 107.58 Franklin, Lawson, 65 acres, Bal. 12.22 30,89 '.rcen, (.bonier. 70 acres. Bal 2 78 z.07 1 -"mi, iicnoias. 4J arros V.87 uaiinan, Allen, 82 acres .. . 33.66 Bal Turbyfill. P. L 2 lot Turner, J. W. 6 acres Ulmer. M. W. 1 lot Underwood, D. F. 1 lot Underwood, G. R. 3 acres Underwood. John C. fi Underwood, J. P. 1 acre Unagusta, Mfg. Co. 2 lots . Union Realty Co. 2 lots lifc acres Vickers, Rev. T. G. 1 lot" Vinces, D. V. 1 lot .. .. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. I lot Bal . Walls, G. F. 1 lot 129.82 Ward, Geo. II 8 lots """'" 162.06 Ward. Geo. H. & others 1 lot 3.25 Ward & Bass 2 lots 55,2J Washington- c- S. 5 acres . 7.43 N aters, R. V. 20 acres -Bal 23.01 Waynesville Real Estate Co. 14,94 2 lots ... . 3.28 Wells, Reagan l" lot 15.56 Wst. A. A. 7'i acres"" "" 3.55 West. Mrs. Ben 1 lot 104.05 White, E. W. & A. M. 1 "lot" VVhitner, W. A. 1 lot . . 43.12 Wiggs, II. L. 100 acres wncox. A. I). 1 W Wilson, R. L. 1 lot -Willis, W. T. 150 acres . Willis, Mrs. Emma 2 lots Williams. A. J. 2 acres .. V llhams, C. M. 8 acres Williams, Mrs. C. M. 1 lot . Williams, Jim 2 acres ... Wnllianis & Fulgrum li'acres Withers. E. L. 1 lot Winchester, I). A. 2 acres": Winchester, H. R. 1 u,t Winchester, I. B. U!) acres Winston, J. E. 1 lot Wright, C. W. 1 lot ."" Wriirht. H. L. 1 lot Wyatt, Andy 1 lot " ivyau, v. a. 1 lot - Wyatt, II. L. 2 acres ...""" Wyatt, Hward 159 acres Wyatt, J. P. l lot Wyatt, L. A. 1 lot York, Robt. 1 lot ... . Craves, S. T. Est. 50 acres " Griffin, Rev. F W. 1 lot Huff, y. s. 1 iot ;:;: .Ucj-Jroy, Dock, Est. 1 lot -Miller, L. A. 2 lots i acres Nichols, W. II. 6 acres Rogers, F. M. 1 lot . Ross, C, R. 1 lot ...... Satterthwaite, Withers & Ba-,s 1 lot Perry, C, W. Roiceiver 16 lots Perry, C. W. Receiver 8 lots , 10 acres 88.32 167.20 23.29 4.53 20.35 11.06 25.58 9.91 3.25 7.35 7.88 5.18 25.29 6.46 290.25 14.34! 51.09 6.46 5.94 13.88 87.04 2.57 35.59 5.18 3.21 19.42 1.97 3.86 49.70 39.52 12.94 3.25 26.33 3.25 118.21 182.73 39.63 125.08 110.32 20.10 19.64 25.91 29.40 4.41 15".73 12.75 17.70 WAYNESVILLK TOWNSHIP COLORED 107.34 17.22, 16.70 107.39 6.41 17.98 6.46 19.30 54.32 113.85 vn.n, 10m, 1 lot fi 46 iiaou, 1 om, 1 lot ..... . . .... jo 39 Babb, Will, 1 lot ....... .... .75 Banks, Inez 1 lot 8.82 Ct.sey, Dora, 1 lot . ... . . . . . 7 75 Casey, Janet, 1 lot . . 4.23 Casey, bol, 1 lot .. ........ 10.41 wnurcnwill, J ; V., x lot ...... .36 C'onley heirs, I lot ......... 7.35 -opney, is. A., I ';t , 13.88 Uavis, Charlie, J ,n ........ 25.87 Forney, Thos, 1 "ot 2.9 1 Foster, Charlie, 1 lot ...... 25.52 G.b'js, Cleniment, 1 lot 11;7 Gray. Pink, 1 lot ......... 24.64 Giay, Will, t lot 14 .:? Griffin, Nelson, 1 lot, ... . . li.'.26. Jiackett, IJclsie, i lot ....... 7.75 Hall, Annie, 1 lot ........ . 17.33 Hall, Jas. W., 23 acre 7.35 Hampton, Wade, I lot ....... 5.81 Harrison, Albert, if.st., 1 lot. . 12 94 Hodge, Robt., 1 lot 12.9-H Howell, Ada, 1 lot .......... 11 76 I iiuston, Alice. 1 lot 7.75 K, of P. Lodge, 1 lot ...... . Hl.;2 enoir, W. A... 1 lot ....... . 37.52 Lenoir, Chas & Minn.c, 1 lot l'J.42 r enoir, Jakr?, 1 lot ..... i6.70 2c:;tir; Osc:tr, .1 lot . . . . 21.42 oir, R. ;., 1 lot ......... 27.87 ' ..ove, Andy, 1 lot ...... . . . . 0.32 ove, I. K. 1 lot . . . . . . . . . 20.R?) Love, D. L., 1 lot . ..... , . . . 1 5.56 Love, George, 1 lot ......... 1.97 uove, George, Love Est, IT acres 14.89 ia.31 narrcii, muey, eo acres. .... 27.86 39.22 rl'T wood Electric Power, 20 acres 2.96 lY.ys tenson, jess, 94 acres 15.36 1,502.85 Howell, Alden, 200 acres ... 20.59 ".lowen, v. 50 acres 17.01 iw.uo iio.weii, . k., vz acres .... 17.26 12.94 Howell, Mrs. Ellen, 35 acres 46.57 noweii, Lee, 68 acres 49.71 'lowell, R. B., 71 acres 67 83 26,78 Howell, Roy A., 15 acres . . . iroi 33.26 Howell. R. G., 12 acres ..... . 17 01 200.50 Kennedy, Mrs. F. R., 15 acres 17 01 236.67 Kinsland, R. W., 115 acres.- 2." 20 64.07 Kuykendall, W. L., 142 ycre? 15.84 14.70 Kuykendall, Edgar and oth- 29.58 ers, 16 acres ..... it 58 tticr.iroy, r. 1C, ;i acres:. ... 5.4 o.oe .MCi.ni, Mrs. U. n., 42 acre. 17 01 .1.11 iMoouy, v, 11., 3 acres 32.3 i.j.03 moony, Mary t:., 160 acres .. 25.74 2.94 Manly, U. 11., 39 acivs ... 25 4!) 3.25 Owen, D. A., 92 acres 30'.S2 iuo.iy ( iwcn, h. fll.. 74 .iicres ..... 5:!. 02 38.80 Parton. Paul. 10 acre . r, "o 38.15 Phillips, Clyde, 21 fvrcs ... 25.29 Untlilion", Reuben, 32 ncre 59.94 Rathbone. Sum, f0 acres.... 146.87 N.-ithNtne. Mrs. Tom. 18 a civs 4.04 Rhodnlnier, Davis, 44 acres 23.29 Rhedarmcr, John, 40 cero.?.. 2.07 uhodurmer, Selbv, 58 acres. 6.46 Roie, Mrs. J. IL, 21 acro 15.56 osS, Dcwev, 89 acres 6672 R,,thgal,. Mrs." R. M 19 acre. 2;87 ?Vlln, 11. J 14 acr.-s If If --tmi. Levi. .28 aciM . . . . lUi VViml- Co0' H" 80 ,,'"VOi 38.80 Wilson, Jane, 1 acre ... 14.94 Wood, A. H., 312 ncr.- .... "32 Wood, Mrs. D. A., 'JO acre ; .. Vl$?2 CATALOOCHEE TOWNSHH' 50.64 Hannah, M. W. 182 acres ... 20 67 3-86 Dopkins, J. C. 40 acres . .. 20 2.'! 7.o7 Jenkins, Garfield 120 acres ".. 14.50 Jenkins, James 28 acres 5.76 JU.l.0 Leatherwood, J. O. 18 acres .. 1.17 McGaha, W. T. 112 acres 19.26 Phillips, Spence 31 acres t. 7.16 huncrest Lumber Co. 27,916 acres 4,335.26 Sutton, Jake 77 acres 10.22 AUttrnr. J. N. 50 acres .... . 10.72 Woody, J. S. 156 acres 22.66 Woody, Mrs. Tin,. 50 acres 8.24 Woody, F. W. 150 acres 1T..46 Woody, II. J. & O. L. 150 acres 24.48 Hetehel, John A. 18,316 acres 1,650.11 I.iu'key, J. R. 39 acres .... 3 76 Phillips, J. B. 70 acres .... 4.i9 Kavensford Lumber Co. 5,785 Acres 338.41 Russell, R. L. 92 acres Suttor, Maggie 50 acres Wright, Dan 29 acres Bal. CLYDE TOVA'Snni Barrett, J. W.,1 acre . Bell Motor, 1 lot Burnett, W. R., 4 acres . . . . Blount, George, 2 lets Brooks, George W., S-. acri.4' Burnett, Mrs. Austin, 14 acrs Byers, J. (' 2 lots. ! i;-rbt '' Byrd, M., C, 1 lot :. Caldwell, Mrs. A. R., 1 lot. . Chambers, C. C, 46 acres . . . Chambers, G. V, 6 acres... Chambers, N. G., 6 acres. . . . . Chambers, Nannie, 6 acres . . Chambers, T. J., 6 acres . , : . 10 acres.. acre Clark, Mrs. Jerry, 5'??, Coffey, C. B., 1 a 24.51 3 32 8.02 .79 14.52 1.42 2.92 71.38 j, y-20 2.19 6.54 45.01 5.02 5.02 5.02 ' 5.02 9.44 1.44 7.51 8.21 13.58 8.9S 8.13 5.85 1 1 21 t o -t ....) 45.57 17.57 8.19 2.34 .".4 tl2 (i.DO 1.47 20.70 32.70 5.18 2.65 4.41 21.35 710.78 505.59 CRABTRKE TOWNSHIP Sloan, B. J. Est 363 acres ..1.022.61 Sloan, H. J. 5 acres Sloan & Hubbard 33 acres . Smart, W. T. 6 acres ..Bal Smathers, G. W. Est. 14 acres Smathers, Mary S.Est. 2 lots Smathers; Will. 4 lots bal. .-. . 9.04 Smathers, W. A. 6 acres .. Smithy Ji.manuei 3 acres - Smith, E. L. 35 acres Smith, Frank 3 acres Smith, George 1 acre j... Smiths J. R.-& others,! lot 1 ' acre -- -- .. 29.33 111.25 9.14 7.26 72.03 46.03 25,39 7.79 20.98 14.56 ' 5.25 9.51 Love, Henry C. 1 lot . Love, Henry L., 1 l it Love, Howard, 1 lot . . . .ove, Leon, 1 lot . Love, Lila, 1 Jot , Love, Luther, 12 acres Love, Louisf., 1 lot ... Love, R. C. 1 lot ...... Lovick, Jim, 30 acres . . Moore, George., 1 lot . Moore, J. H , 1 lot Moore, Jim, 1 lot ..... McDowell, Cora, 1 lot Oby, Gudger, 1 lot Osborne, R. G. 1 lot . Patton, C. P. 5 acres . Patton, Jim, T acres . Sisk, Robt., 4 acres .v. Sisk, W. C, 1 lot .... Smathers, Ella, 1 lot . Smyers, Aggie, 1 lot . . Stewart, J. H., 1 lot . ... Stoncypher, Est. 1 lot . lhompson, Tena, 1 lot . . . Trotter, Maggie, 1 Iot Walker, W. C, 1 lot Welch, Louise 1 lot - White, David S., 1. lot Young, Hez, heirs, 1 lot . . . . Dawson James, 5 acres . . . Bal 15.56 7.35 17.56 22.58 9.04 27.87 5.65 7.76 9.40 6.46 5.88 2.57 12.94 10.95 15.56 7.75 9.75 13.76 5.18 12.94 11.76 1.15 12.94 11.67 12.94 12.04 10.87 7.75 22.91 WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP Boyd, D. J. 18 acres ...... 2.34 Brown, Geo. A. 8 acres .... 6.47 Clark, Dee 192 acres .... 58.71 Clark. S. A. 220 acres 26.20 Haywood Electric Power, 50 acres 7.30 Hunter, J. S.. 50 acres - . . . 7.04 Leatherwood, T. N., 105 acres 53.39 Medtord, Cash and Joe, 62 acres 14.58 Messer, Mrs. Ella, 40 acres v. Parton, C. H., 50 acres Clark, II. E. 15 acres ... Clark, S. E. 140 acres Dotson, A. H. 38 acres ..... Dotson, Mrs. I V. 47 acres Kvans, Mrs, I. 15. 22 acres ." Evans, J. T. 63 acres . Ferguson, Thos. W. 180 acres Bai ....... lord, A. S. 119 acres . .. lord, It. II. 59 acres ....... For.d, Joo F. 40 acres . Ford, J. T. 71 acres Haywood Electric .'Power 10 acres Iloglan, M. F. 30 acres .... Hoke, Mrs. R. L. 52 acres James, R. L, 146 acres Justice, R. S. -43 V4 acres King, Hranton G. 23 acres King, C. D. 26 acres . ling, Dan 67 acres . King, Hattie Nova 28 acres King. H. J. 120 acres Kinsland, Gordan 30 acres Finslnnd, R. W, 248 acres Jfirkpatrick. Dr. W. L. 24 acres Mccracken, Mrs. R. P. 46 acres . ,.. ,.. . ... McCracken, Mrs, T V. 49 acres Bal. Medford, W. R. 201 acre3 Bal. Messer, W. R. 59 acres .... Noland, G. W. 7 acres . Ray, Edgar 25 acres Ray. L.'zzie 75 acres Ray. Mrs. M. M. 105 acres -Riden, John, heirs i. .acres . Robinsf.11, II. A. 52 acres Ross II. W. 104 acrc.' Smith, S. P. 15 acres Sloan Harris 10 acres Bal. Ros, Mrs H. W. 123 acres . Walker. N. P. 40 acres Walker, Dr. R, L. 4 acres . Wells, II. E. 23 acres 12.86 27.77 7.35 8.33 5.28 9.13 25,3,0 .30.82 15.27 10.35 20.06 1.33 13.68 12.84 34.67 17.97 0.62 2.77 25.96 10.35 44.52 17.14 101.73 12.84 12 8 9.15 48 47 24 03 8.05 0.15 16 91 22.61 1.93 16 SI 33 29 3.37 2.0 J 57.86 4:!. 44 1.62 13.63 Cogburn, Mrs. G eorce. 50 ncrs 9'i no Cogburn, Ira, 2 acres 52 Cook, M. IL. 18 lots ...... 47r, Cra,wford, F. A., 2 lots 70 Davis, Mrs. Fred, 1 acre ' 395 Downs, L, A., 23. acres, Bal 16.17 Evans, Mrs. C. R 13 acres . . 4.86 Ferguson, Fred IL, 1 acre .. 3.96 ferguson, R. L., 10 acres ... 12.65 Fish, C.F.. 30 acres 1 w w Ford W. G., 4 lots 364 Ford. Mrs. W. G. 1 lot oa'a Gossett. Mrs. Ethel. 3 Green, Weaver, 12 acres , 13.20 Hall, J. K., 2 acres 8 00 Hannah, W. J.. 1 lot . . . : on Hawkins, J. P., l lot 33.25 naney, blierman, 68 acres . . 13.92 Haynes, A, T., 41 acres . .. 17.77 Howell, Davis, 1 lot ..... . ... .70 Hull, Mrs. Bonnie, 1 lot.... 2!92 Johnson, Gertrude, 13 lots . . . 18 22 Jolley, Mrs. Lizzie, 1 lot .... 9.44 Jolley, W. C, 1 lot ........ 7.30 Jones, J. C.., 1 lot 7 30 Justice, Thos., 1 lot 2.79 Keener, Mrs. S. M. and A, G. 3 acres , 14 52 Killian, W. R.. 1 lot, " " . 170 King, C. Cv 13 acres 14.45 King, Horace, 24 acres 18 90 Kirkpatrick, Mattie, 1 lot . . 2!02 Leatherwood, Mrs. Frank, 13 , . at""cs . . 13.20 Liner, H. !,. 50 acres . . uii ;ii McElroy, R. (.)., 1 lot 4.68 MacKey, Frank, 2 lots 1.32 MacKey, Haywood, 1 lot ..... .32 Mann, C. B., 1 lot H.56 Massie, A. I), and D. W., 2 acres 11.62 Medford, Fred S., acres l.;.2' Medford, M. I. 28 acres, P.,.!. 6.47 Medford, W. A., 13 acres .... 5 2K Medford, W. L., 102 acres .. . 50.44 Messer, J. L., 1 lot . . 9.04 Morgan, J. II. , 1 lot ... 7.96 Morrow, R.C., 34. "acres .... 31.49 Noland, Jesse & A. ('. W.ilker 1 lot, Bal. . ..... 4.62 Palmer, W. R., 3 acres 4 38 Peiilniul, ('. 1)., 1 acre . . . , 21'.47 IVnland, Mrs. I. B.. iu, acre,; n.60 IVnland, N. P., 16 acres .... 19.61 Pless, Mrs. J. 1)., (HI itcies . . :i:j.83, Pqtman, R. C 15 acres 1.1.45 Rhinehart, Hugh, 13 acres. . . 12.24 Robmtm, E.- XI., 60 acres ... 28.44 Robinson, E. G. & L. R. 100 acres 13.62 Robinson, Jerry G 2 Vi acres 13.67 Robinson. J. C, 1 lot . . . . . , 2.92 Rogers, G rover, 5 ncres ... 15.18 Rogers, II. J., 1 aire 7.21 Rogers, J. W 4 lots ...... 3.96 Roper, M. A., 22 acre? .... 24.64 San ford, Roy, Vi aero ...... . 3.63 Sellers, Henry, 27 acres .... 7.07 Shook, W. R., 37 acres ; ".!i,57 Smith, Johnson, I lot ...... 2.19 Smith, Mrs. Lottie, 1(1 ncr'es "A'.i Snyder, Mrs. J. L., 16 acres : 3.12 rfpfars, A. R., 1 lot 3ft!2l Thompson, W. U., 43 nercs .. 25.71) lurner, Welch, H'. ceres'... 16.16 Walker," N. 11., 1 lot . . 2'.02 Trantliiun, R. 1 acre 3.63 Ward, Geo. H., 2 lots 21,12 Welch, Mrs. Lizzie, 6 acres,. 5.02 While, Mrs. Kirtma, 29 acre! 48.36 Wil.-on, Esther, (' iuies ..... 5.02 Snyder, M. R., 1 acre ..... 3.57 FINES CREEK TOWNSHIl' Aiken, C. F. 2 acres Allen. W. F. 8 acres .. Beasley, L. S. 20 acres .... Beaslev. M. M. 6 acres Clark, Dee 40 acres Clark. Claude 11 acres Clark, J. C. 91 acres I'erBuson, U. A. 427 acres Green. D. S. 81 acres Haynes, Harley 32 acres ... Haynes, J. L. 34 acres Haynes, Robt. 29 acres Justice, R. A. 79 acres .... Ledford. E. B. 27 acres . Ijedford, W. R. 35 acres ... McCracken, T. B. 42 acres .. Messer, D. L. 37 acres Meiser, Roy 70 acres ...... Messer. L. Z. 79 acres . Noland. F. R. 15 acre Noland, W. B. 94 acres .... Penland, Rogers & Ray 490 acre? .Ifel. Rathbone, Mrs. Oma 50 acres Eathbone. Reeves 20 acres Ralhbone. Mrs. R T.. 97 fyoD 10.30 lathbone, T. J. 7 acres .... 18.92 Ray, Mrs. Joe 30 acres .: 46,50McNabb, M. C. 57 acres -ii. " 20.70 Smith, P.- J. 1 lot .1.....".. bloan, B. J., Estate.. .66. . . . . 25 49i Rncrer tw, k Sloan, H. J.. 145 acres ...... B4 Kft RaSI' n n r. T.. - 5.52 Teague, Floyd ana J. -l:, 145 Bal 12.43 Russeii', C. W. 85 acres "I":; 5.71 4.59 11.51 3.42 10.78 8. 74 21.20 92.98 25.19 --18.83 6.58 6.58 19.33 5.88 12.07 8.34 10 13 23.02 26.55 7.14 60.52 43 06 11.22 7.47 8.09 i.59 3.09 15.21 18.72 37.05 "!"' ' '.:. IVEY HILL TOWNSHIP Anderson, W. II. & Low 50 acres ...... ....... Boyd, I). .1. 155 jicres Uiadley, Jack, 30 acres . ... Itradley W. Arthur, 37 acres Biookihire, Jasper, 5 acres... Cagle, Glen, V cere .... -.. Capls, Zeb 79 acres - .. Jaidwell, John 86 acres Campbell, C. A. 255 acres . Campbell, John B. 1025 acres Campbell, R. G. A. 502 acres Campbell, V. A. 1407 acres . Carpenter, I). M. 115 acres . Carpenter, J. N. 50 acres . Carpenter, J. W. 200 acres .. Carpenter, L. A. Est. 32 acres Carver, John 130 acres ... Carver, L. D. Est. 88 acres Davis. Mrs. Annie 98 acres . Davis, J. F. 26 acres . . Bal. Elliot, Fred 1 acrP . Evans, Alice & Roland 614 acres . :. . Ians, John 3 acres Evans, V, R. 76 acres : Ferguson, J. W. Est. 404 acres Francis, Claud 186 acres .. Garrett, Florence 183 acres Bal. .. . .... ... Garrett, N. W. 150 acres .. Gfarrett, Thos. 25 acres .... Grant, Will 3 acres Grasty. O. P. 50 acres ------ Green, Norman, 350 acres Henry, J. A. 44 acres - Jaynes, D. P. 14 acres . Jaynes, W. J. 112 acres Jones, G. F. 10 ',2 acres Jones, Robt. 2 acres ... Bal Kttner. C. D. 112 acres Leatherwood. W. P. 50. acres Ledford, J. S. 10' acres ...... Lewis, Arthur 80 acres Mathews, Hellen C. 11 acres Matney, Ray 21 acres Miller, J. N. 76 acres Moody. R, C. Est. 22 acres : Mjody, Mrs. R. M. S.20 acres' Moody, Mrs. Sarah J. 5 acres JKathbone, J. S. 2 acres Rathbone, Seldon 3 acres . Reed, James 25 acres ..... Rich, S. D., Jr." 100 acres .... Russell. J. W. 7 acres ...... Satterthwaite, S. C. 100 acres Setzer, M. N. 23 acres ...... Shehan, R. E. 3 acres . Shelton. J. F. 472 acres Shelton, Lillie 24 acres . Smith, Paul 1 acre ..... Swift, J. P. Est. 391 acres . Vinchester, L. J. 18 acres Bal. Howell, Asbury 633 acres .. (Continued on page 8; 4.G8 MI.55 9.92 -.).5() 4.24 23.(.2 53.27 172.26 135.66 92.71 195.11 46.('3 8.79 f7.00 7.81 19.11 15.8S 30.79 9.13 2.15 1.79 25.,j; 23.71 17.11 4!)..'i:t 24.86 8.G2 5.41 J.'M 43.31 22.31 17.64 67.91 3.40 5.34 60.13 9.04 .62 11.64 26.91 9.59 10.21 10.29 10.00 21.46 1.93 3.45 29.25 20.67 2.24 20.58 . 3.13 5.13 108.78 1C.64 12.64 32.36 31.29 278.23 lf f: j; i t i ;.! HI ; fit' 1 St I' i r r i f 1 if liiJi "; t I'-i'Hs- if mm: :"!:'"' if' iff I !1! : 4 Mm- Mm S.l jja .''' If 111 ' ( I n i '

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