Page 4 THE WAYKESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, QCTO)wi r PERSONAL. AND SOCIAL- imtmammmmmm Mr. Hugh'.Bes't'of Crabtree was a Wayncsville visitor last week:. t- Mr. C. J. McCracken of Canton spent last Tuesday in Waynesville. Mr. D. H. Harris of Canton was here on business Hast week. Mr. H. A. Osborne was among the visitors here from Canton Tuesday. Mr. Ben Greene of Fines Creek was a Waynesville visitor last week. Mr. Charles Medford of Iron Duff tpent lsist Thursday in town. Mr. Jack Sentelle. postmaster of Clyde, was among: Friday's visitors. Mr. Boone Sentelle of Pigeon was cere on business last week. Mr. E. H. Walker of Fines Creek was a visitor in Waynesville J; riday. Mr, W. A. Moore was here from Pigeon Friday. Mr. Grover C. Clark of White Oak spent Saturday in Waynesville. Rev. R. A. Sentelle of Pigeon spent Monday in town. ... Mr. Milas Parker of Jackson coun ty was a Waynesville visitor Tuesday. Mr. C. L. Hill of Crabtree spent Tuesday in Waynesville. - Mr. Earl Fenruson was among the visitors here from Jonathan Tuesday, Mrs. Herman Greene of Fines Creek spent Wednesday shopping in Waynesville. . Amone the visitors here last Thurs day was Mr. Frank Mann of Beaver- dam. Messrs. Thomas Rogers and Wayne Ropers of Clyde spent Friday in Waynesville. PHONE 137 Amoncr the visitors in town Sat urday wore Messrs. W. H. Price and B. A. Price of Finas U'e'eK; Rev. and Mrs. R. P. McCracken of Clyde were visitors in Waynesville Monday. ' Mrs. J. R. Boyd. Jr. of Jonathan spent Tuesday shopping in Waynes ville.' ; . Messrs. G. N. Henson. Harry San ders and Owen Gudger of Asheyille were Waynesville visitors Wednesday. Mr. W. R, Medford, Mr. W. G. Byers, and Mr. W. H. McCracken were Asheville visitors Tuesday. . .;, : ; '' Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Alley and. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ByeTs attended the: Indian Fair at Cherokee rnday. - Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wyehe return ed Friday from a week's visit in New York City. Miss Elizabeth Henry had as her gue.-t last week-end Miss Edith Byrd of Hendersonville. Mrs. Sara Smithtion and children of Asheville spent last week-end here as guests of Mrs. Zeb Alley. Mrs. A. M. Maxwell left Friday for Durham 'where she will spend the winter. . Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Killian, Jr. of Asheville spent last week-end here ts guests of thasformer'a parents. Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Killian. . .,. Mrs. William T . Case of New York City and Washington. will arrive Sat urday for a visit to her cousin, Mrs. E. S. Harrold. ' . Jlessrs. Whitener Prevost, Dave met, Jim Coman, and Jim Boyd attended the Carolina-Tennessee game in Knoxville last Saturday. Mr. W. C. Russ, editor of The Mountaineer, attended the meeting of the North Carolina Press Asso ciation held in Raleigh lastl week-end Miss Royale McMurrain. who has been the guest of Mrs. R. L. Allen lor several weeks, left last week for a visit to relatives in Lynchburg, Virginia. Mr. J. Burton DaKis of Knoxville. Tennessee' arrived -Tuesday for a few days' visit to his daughter, Miss irindrjd IJavis, and his brother, Mr. Juhn LeRoy Davis. Mrs. Laura Reardan, chief operator for the Southern Bell Telephone company here, left Monday to spend a two weeks' vacation in Charlotte und Spartenburg. South Carolina. Mr. J. R. Alloy, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, treasurer of the Sun Crist Lumber Company, is spending several days this week at the Le Faine Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Masiie and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles motored through the Great Smoky Mountains to Gatlingburg, Tennessee last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Isenhour and Mr. and Mrs. John Irvine of Char lotte spent Sunday a? guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. McCracken en route to their home from Knoxville, Ten nessee where they attended the Tennessee-Carolina football game. Miss Louise String-field, who is a student at Fassifern School in Hen dersonvflle, spent last week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stringfield. She had as her guests Mrs. Gooch, art teacher at Fassifern ".rid her dausrhter. Mrs..- R. N. Barber, Miss Mary barber and Mrs. Caroline Hyatt will go to Nashville, Tennessee tomorrow f spend the week-end with relatives, They will be accompanied home by Mis. Hyatt's mother, Mrs. H. F. Ashton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. r rank Therrel, and Mr, Iherrel for the past few weeks. AT Mr. Hugh Shelton, who is a student at W. C. T. C. at Cullowhee, spent last week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. . H. Shelton. Among the visitors in Waynesville Friday were Messrs. Ulenn A. Boya; Riley Boyd, and U. H. Ferguson Of Jonathan. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick have as their guests Mrs. B. F. Holmes and Miss Mozelle Huff, of Pacolet, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. George SherrilL Jr. and young daughter of Ashevillle were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Leitoy Dans. Mr. and Mrs. . Thomas M. Seawell and daughter, Anne, left Monday morning for Clinton vhere they will make their home in the future. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Barber have. as their guest Mr. Barber s brother, Mr, "Villia.m Barber of h'.t. Ulla. North Carolina. . ' Mrs. W. A. Hyit t. . Waynesville, i.nd Mrs. G. U ff bylva. went to Rutherfordton Inst Friday -here they addressed, the Democratic 'vomen of Rutherford county. Mr. and Mrs. Wayna Battle of viva and Mr. and Mrs. June Kin- id of t fiiijabpr f yr,efre week-rd uests of their parents. Mr. and Jan. -. C. Plott. MISS MOFFITT DANCES PLAZA Miss Eleanor Hodd Moflvtt, of New York City, Who is spending thn win ter in Waynesville performed the tap d:-nce numbers as special entertain ment bttween the acts of the presen tation at tne riaza Theatre in Ashe ville Monday evening for the bene lit, of the Salvation. Army. For 'five years Miss " Moffitt con ducted an exclusive dancing school in Now York with a studio in the Carlyb hotel. This winter she has a dancing class at the Community Club rooms which meets ifrice a week. She will also open a class in Asheville October 17 in the Arcade building, . . ATTEND ZONE MEETING The following members of the Tissionary Society of the Wavnes- ville Methodist church attended the all-day Zone meeting of the Metho d-it- Missionary Society at Shady Grove church last Saturday: Mrs. G. E. Ray, Mrs. Harden Howell,' Mrs, Gladys Burgin, Mrs. James Atkins, .Mrs. Kate Morris, Mrs. P. L. Turby fill. Mrs. Thad Chafin, and Miss Bessie Boyd. ' , Mrs. E. L. McKee of Sylva was the principal speaker at this irectine. ATTEND DISTRICT MEETING AT CULLOWHEE The following delegates from the three federated clubs of Wtaynes- vuip. tne community uuo, the wo man's Club, and the Civic League, intended the district meeting of Fed rated Clubs held at Cullowhee last Monday: Mrs. Ben Colkitt, president of the Community Club, Mrs. C. F, Kirkpatrick, president of the Wa rn. s Club, Mrs. W. H. Luther, pres ident of the Civic League, Mrs, Har ;y Rotha, Mrs. J. Howell Way, Mrs. Linwood Grahl, Mrs. James Atkins, Mrs. Sam Plott, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn. Mrs. Lucy White Hyatt. Mrs, John Queen, Mrs. R. N. Barber, Mrs. J. C. Rose, Mrs. Homer Henry, Mrs, S. P. Gay, and Mrs. J. Harden Howell. INTERESTING MEETING OF MU SIC CLUB IN MARION The delegates from the Waynes- villle Music Club to the meeting of the Western district of North Caro lina Federation of Music Clubs held at Marion last Saturday reported an unusually interesting .and successful meeting. The highlight on the program for the day was the address on "Hymns ' ' y Mrs. Crosby Adams. The visitors were charmingly en tertained at luncheon at the Metho dist Hut by the members of the Ma rion Club. Those attending the meeting from ihv Waynesville Club were Mrs. Jc seph Johnson, Mrs. L. M. Richeson, Mrs. L. E. Green. Miss Nancy Kii- t:an., Miss Frances Robeson, Mr. Fred Martin, Miss Mildred Crawford, Mrs. J. W. Reed, and Mrs. Gully, teacher of voice at W. C. T.C at Cullowhee. ;:"'.. COMMUNITY CLU3 HAS ANNU AL HUSBAND'S PARTY : On Thursday afternoon and even ing a delightful affair took place 'at the Waynesville Country Club when members of the Community Club entertained their husbands and a few additional guests at the an- mial "Husband'a Pnrtv" ' J UN ALU SKA P.T. A. MEETS The Parent-Teachers' Association of the JunMluska school met on ' last Tuesday evening at the school audi' torium. A large. crowd of enthusi astic members attended. The program for thei evening was opened with the president's message by Miss Rathbone. This was followed by an interesting talk on "The Val ue of P. T. A. in Carrying Out the school i'rogram." by Mrs. nurst ur. gin. Mrs. Dewey Noland spoke on "A real Association of Fathers, Motihetrs. and Teachers," and Mrs. S. E. Connatser spoke briefly on the benefits of a membership drive. Oth er features of the program were the round, table discussions on effective leadership for the P. T, A. and talks by the parents on the Child. A delightful number on the pro gram was the vocal solo by Mr. Fran cis, which was followed by a sociaj hour. IRS. BARBER HOSTESS TO U. D. C. The Haywood Chapter of the Unit ed Daughters of the Confederacy held its October meeting with Mrs. R. N. Barber at her hom on Love Lane Friday afternoon. ' The retiring president, Mrs. R. R. Caonpbell. nre- : idod and a large number of the mem- cr3 were in attendance. interesting yearly reports were ?riacn by all the officers and chair man. Following tha annual elec tion of officers was held, with the 3n. fling results: Mrs. L. M. Kil- ?.n, president; Mrs; John M, Queen, nrst vice president; Mrs. George ; "loA -, hecond nc president: Mrat Noble Garrett, secretary; Miss Rc bena Miller, treasurer; Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, recorder of crosses ; Mrs. O. R. Martin, historian; and Mr?. R. N. a-ber, registrar. : : 'EEDLEWORK GUILD INGATH- G AT HE RING TODAY The annual ingathering of cloth "n for the needy families in this rommunity this winter, will be held hy th3 Waynesville chapter of the Needlework Guild of America at the awift Building, opposite the Hotel Waynesville today. A3 this is one of the outstanding innual charitable events in this sec tion the ingatherinfir is exoected to t-sult in many gifts of clothing be ing gathered for the needy. Much interest is being manifested in the event and for several days officers and members of the guild have been busily engaged in arrangments for the ingathering. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the garments will be displayed on tables recording to classification at the ?wift buildinsr. Tea will ba served by . the directors - and the public is cordially invited to inspect the clothing. . Anyone who haa not been called up cn and who wishes to contribute some thing to this worthy cause, is slsked -to send two nw clean gar ments to the Swift building -today. . m MRS. DAVIS OBSERVES SON'S BIRTHDAY Master Billy Davis was most ue- ightf ully honored on Saturday af ternoon when his mother, Mrs. W. W. Davis, mtertained a number of his little friends in celebration of his sixth birthday anniversary. I he children gathered m the living room and games furnished amuse. ment throughout the afternoon. At the close of the games, they were in vited into the dining room. Here beautiful fall flowers were effectively used in decoration. The lovely wine birthday cake with its six glowing yellow candles held central puare on the table. A color note of yellow and white was carried out in detail in the dainty ice course served. The small guests included the hon ore and Doris and Bobby Colkitt, Betty Francis, Carol Louise Bell, Martha May and Jane Wyche, Billy and Tootsie Ha'inah, Gladys ai'd Paul Walker, JefF and Joai Crouser, Betty Latham, Ann Farmer, Theresa Alley, Lois Massey, Rex Hosaflook, Jtmes Fry Charles and Marguerite Way, Bonner Ray, Henry Foy, Billy Hughes, and Ernest Withers, Jr. Mrs. Lenoir Gwyn, was elected sec retary. Both will hold office for two yBMrs. D. H. Tillett, of Andrews, ii tha retiring district pijeaident ant Mrs. Joel TompKins, aiso- oi u retiring secretary-.: . I w. RVfr' the niafw district pre dent, has been pfgminent.for Jmajiy years in the welfare, educational; club and church life of Western ' North Carolina. She is prominent in the work of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution; is a member ol, the toard of trustees of Mars Hill col lege; and is active in the work of the Baptist church. . Upon the invitation of the Civic league. Community club, and Woman s club of Waynesville, this place was selected for the next annual conven tion of the district clubs. One hundred-thirty-five were in at tendance at the meeting at Cullowhee. Every Junior club and every Senior club but one in the entire district was represented at the sessions. District No. 1 of the North Caro lina Federation is made up of the i lowing mountain countiesr Hay-, JarVson. Swain. Macon, Gra- kaiv, n-ior.iUoo and Clav. The keynote or tne meeting was -Progress." "Building the foundation : " the future period of progress" was he subject of an interesting and ln-spi-ational address by Mrs. J. M. a nf VnrmvUt. nresident Of the North ' Carolina. . Federation of Vomens Clubs. Keporra inaicaiusu that tv,n iViief wrrk of most of the clubs during the past year was along welfare lines. Most oi tne ciuos re ported that the same kind of work Dredominated in their activities dur- :.ig the coming year. . CENTRAL ZONE MEETING AT SHADY GROVE The semi-gfrinual meeting tof the ("entarl Zone, which consists of the Missionary Societies of Waynebville, Cullowhee, Sylva, LcMa's Chapel, Speedwell, and Jonathan, was held in the Shady Grove church on Jona than's Creek. Saturday, October eighth A large delegation was present from all the societies. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. D. M. Hall of Sylva with Mrs. Ammons Cullowhee, secrtary. Rev. V, R. Masters, of Jonathan conducted the devotional. The wel come was extended by Mrs. J. R. Boyd and the rcioonse was made by Mrs. iioper of Speedwell. Very interc stine talks wore given !-y Mrs. Harden Howell, Mrs. Carrie Bryson. and Mrs. E. L. McKee, the last named speaking on Citizenship. Spec'al numbers of music were giv n by M-s. Charles Burgin and Mrs. ;icnn Tweed. Mrs. Hooper asked for the next .Meeting to be had at Speedwell and ;i.e invitation was accepted. At the close of the sesion the Jon athan Society . served llinch to all oresent. Booster's Club Has ; Splendid Meeting in.. ITaiolurnntt Rnnstem. "flub. met I "Alio . . ' in a most interesting session on l nurs. . ... rt . . tt, -J day nigntj-wl. o. in mvKuagwma in the- interest of athletics:1 The Hazelwood Ball Club, winners of the W N. Ci pennant were present as the guests of Ifr. Bjll. Chambers. George Bischoff, manager, of the team, ' in troduced the players and presented each with a trophy in the form of a miniature gold baseball.: Jim Jones, nflRoial iimnirp W99 also nresent. .Mr. Carlton ,E. Weatherby, coach of the Waynesvuie iownsnip &cnooi spoke briefly on the value of athletics to the adult. At the conclusion of the program on athletics, Major J. Hardin Howell of, Waynesville, spoke on the bonus question. This was at the request Deraonnl . . UUt L T h . Club. Main. ti:.'",T major Uowella 7" I very enlijrhBi.! elis .l Several of th. l., . I made remarks at T.M line the- mHn 1 :nM titJ Irnade that'the Cr moon oe invited to a r-L1l the civic clubs of H.tBl sponsored by -the Rm. r nesville. 6 Kotary dub Jj Be Held At Rock J Urd3V nio-Vif o'clock, with at the Rock Hill schoTS uraay nieht. fWr " RECENT BRIDE IS HONORED BY MISS HENRY A lovely affair last week was the bride party and miscellaneous show er given by Miss Elizabeth Henry at her home on the Dellwood Road Sat urday afternoon in honor of Mrs. June Kincaid. of Dillsboro, who be fore her recent -marriage was Miss Mary Pauline Plott. Decorations of autumn leaves and flowers presented a pleasing back ground for the tables. At the con clusion of the games Miss Sue Mc- Culley of Sylva was found to hold the high score a ad was presented a lovely -e ii V r v! ; picvc vi pukMsry. airs. A.iacaiu re ceived an attractive picture as win ner of the. consolation and a dainty honor gift. A color note of green fnd white -was used in the delightful salad course served by the hostess. 'ihose playing included the guest of honor, and Mrs. Wayne Battle of Sylva, Mrs. R. . L. Coin, Miss Susie "Msher, Mrs. Robt, McLeod of Asheville Miss Tillie Rotha. Miss Gladys D'cus, Mrs. Francis Massie. Miss Josephine Plott, .Miss Ruth Wilson, and Mrs Sue McCulley of Syivn, and Miss Edith Byrd of Hendersonville. ."Tea guests were: Mrs. P. W. Kin- J'said of Dillsboro. Mrs. Ernest Wil SAUNOOK Friends regret to hear of the death .i" "Mr. Andy West. He died sud rknly at his home last Sunday even ing. Jesse Arrington and John Jenkins from Blacksburg, S. C. are visiting Mr. fhd Mrs. R. E. Arrington. Mrs. Wiley Carver, Mr. and Mrs. Mnnso:i Davis, and Avery and Reeves Allen, of Fines Creek, made a recent visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z, Clark. Mrs. J. L. Sparks and daughter, Georgia', of Draper, N.C.. were the su?sts of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sparks during the past weeek. A. H. Mehaffey, of Hendersonville, was a recent visitor to this section; Nine students of the ' school had their tonsils removed in a clinic held by the school at the Haywood County Hospital last Friday. Those taking advantage of the clinic were: Koy i Swayngim, Medford Clark, - Clarence Hawkins, ..Jack Rabb. Margaret! Sparks, Susie Arrington, and Bonnie ! IRhinehart. Wilsie Rabb, a high school student, also had ' her tonsils removed. Mr. W. Thos. Reeves, prin cipal of the - school expects to have eight or ten more students ready for a . clinic this week. ... ii iatn Canton, and Feliv r' ..!i!H Waynesville mad' addresses of the ev; . 1 ihe famous S-oo GaB J will b, on hand t0 PiJ crowd that is expected M iiic laaies ot th. ...7 Osborne's Cow New National Re, r L r nera f Mi if ...... v, ta IIVT . avanced Kegistir of the iJ .'""""J vluc uub. Tii, i production of WOU 2 and 488.3 pounds of faM Where Does She Get Her "Pep - &s5raS' W'! CHE; doesn't look seventy. Nor way you feel that vour Ian J feel that old. The woman who is again active, and your bottle .-Mtiuuiiiics ,tm uiKuus kuu nave poison-iree energy nai women nan ner age will envy'- At middle-age your vital organs begin to slow down. You may not be sick, simply sluggish But why endure a .condition of half-health when' there's a stimulant that will stir a stagnant system to new life nnd energy in a week's time? This remarkable stimulant is perfectly hurmless. It is, in fact, a fumily doctor's prescription, So, if you're tired of trying every patent medicine, that comes along, tell the druggist ' vou want a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's svruD peosin. Take manv oeonle ever take to a bit of this delicious syrup every- ' strong and vigorous, and absol nay or so. jwiu you Know Dy tr.e free from constipauon. - Men, women, and childta are run-down, who tire easily, bilious spells or have fremientl aches, are soon straigMeixd when they get this prescript preparation of pure pepsts, i senna, and fresh laxative i (SvruD nensin is all the hell - . . . . oowels need, and you do not the very bad habit of alwiys cathartics.) v Keep a bottle of Dr. Om syrup pepsin in tne noun, take a stimulating snoo'nful now and then. It is all that Several couples motored out to the orf,of Sylya.Mrs. G. C. Plott. Mrs club in the afternoon and ehjoyod a game or golf before the others ar- Hvedv A -delightful buffet" supper was served in the ball -room of. the dub house after which, dancior and g-p.mes -featured the evtn:if"s en tertainment. "! . ' " i The-guests ere "a clve.l" by Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Colkitt. the latter be ing tne newty vleoted jiresidejit of ;! i b. ' Arthur Ledbetter, Mrs. J. R. Justice, Miss Louise Moody, Miss Jo C!e, and Miss Daisy Boyd. MRS. BARBER ELECTED TO HEAD DISTRICT CLUBS , Mrs. R. N. Barber, was elected pres. ident of District No. 1 of the North Carolina Federation of.. Women's clubs at the annual district conven tion held at 'CullAwhee Monday. BBSHBSSBOBSti Continuing Our 73rd Anniversary Fooo Sale PRUNES FANCY SANTA CLARA 6 its. 25c CHEESE WHOLE MILK AGED FOR FLAVOR ib. 15c GRANDMOTHER'S BREAD 2 FAMILY O SIZE LOAVES vv MILK Whltehouse C Eraporated Q Cans Tan COFFEE RED CIRCLE lb 23 BOICAR lb. - 2Vc 8 O'CLOCK - n - 213 25c PEACHES Argo Sliced " FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE 3 ui 10c PINK ALASKA SALMON 3TAll CANS SUNNYFIELD BACON jSi. 19c RED TOMATO 4 ,2 23; r i. Ids it Lth C ft. Mat fth Gra fogers. fth Gn h Jac; urth Gi - s Crav w, -Lill- N Gra i Allev. Plalock, Edith Thurmr fwi Grj Earlv. auirhn.. Gaddy. N -Marti McCIh rs, BiUv F-Brj-so ..A.NX Porter; -suinlar f-anrf a Fces shoul PPles this supply i P of tp. p- E, Gai Collee KttS 40 br clinic o.i '0"l breed carnof . F -0On it the fen! ISO :en th Pi , J C lafte tr-'-JJ y, 5 Strii

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