' : 'rtu"l""4' in tivywooj Count, Than All Weekly Newspapers Combined 0L.XL1V "J- NO. 15 HN COBLE-HELD DR KILLING HIS IDE OF 7 WEEKS 1 ' ' . Tail Without Bond. Is barged With Killing: Moll iMcnois HLT OF QUARREL, WITNESS REPORT WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 5 'i Shooting Took Place jn Neighbor's House On Smathers Street ih Coble, 40, 'is in the county king held without bond, charged tijlincr his bride of seven weeks. Mo Nichols COD16, 44. wmie las at a neighbor's house Monday here 'she had fl'!d alter she able had retired for the night ngaged in a quarrel, which it loeed, was an outgrowth of her on to nis iiiLJxiL'aiBu conuiuan. Cobles were living at the home Is, Nan Nichols, and about 11:30 kv night Mrs. Coble left the s house and fled across the to the home ..of. -Mrs, Julia who stated in h.r interview he officers tint Moll said she afraid John would come after Upon that statement the front i the Lands home was locked in rt to keep Coble out.. ' few minutes, it was stated, came across tne street bare. and without shirt or coat with It gun in nis nanus, ile de- d that the occupants of the house let him in: this, how- kvas refused, and he thercuoon 'he glass in the door out with tt ol the pun, and then threw tf against the door and broke !.;.' backed Mrs. Coble into the asking ner if she was goiner am mm. At each i these ns she told him no,--accordiner Lands. HP then stated that llrs, Louie would either eo aim mm or go somewhere else. Jhat statement, Mrs; Latnds said rv him raise the gun and fire. not see the load hit Mrs. although she heard Mrs, Coble he fell to the floor. f then left the house without a word when MrsLands No Damage Done Here By Recent Heavy Rainfall Only 2.60 Inches Of Rain fell Here As Compared .... To 7 Inches Nearby. While nearby communities wer suffering from a heavy rainfall rang, ng from 5 to 7 inches between Sat urday and Monday mr.mir, ir.. wood county did not siitr. oJ..V"-r ..J k l.... - -" W Ujf 1USS. fh ,erer,,was J1"" lighter v..i waciyiicie. inenTnpiai ni:. v 0 ii. oievenson, weath 7,u. o.Vn . ""ynosvuie, was ' " ,ncnes during the period from Saturdav to MnnrW a ....! ns l inches fell in nearby communities, i lgeon river was Ahniif tv, above normal, but did not get out of the banks, it was reported here. Hendersonville, Brevard, Marion, and Marshall were the center of the rain, it seems from reoorts The French Broad river was 6 feet above normal, and Mills river was over flowing the banks in many places ocvering thousands of acres of bot- ium ifajius ana ruining the corn that suuiumg n tne fields. The Brevard-Hendersonville rail ruau was under 7 fppt f im T.r, uay. The following temperatures and of flfl O 1 Tn Jin.,,. .' Ttr 1 1 ..WW itauiiis xov vva-vnesviiie: THURSDAV, OCTORER 20, 1932 Canton Youth Kills Self When Policemen Try To Serve Robbery Warrant Alden Everhart. 21. rnntnn vnnth i i . , killed himfiif w C. J "eiu near 'JDervme.. fcverhart's Date 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 59 73 75 65 G2 06 70 Mar Min 36 o OO 37 45 58 59 Rain 1.40 0.80 0.03 mm if he knew had hit Moll. t leaving the house he went Fmather.s street, the street on ithe fatal shootrnsr foi on the bridge that crosses a ireek near the tracks of the n Railway. " le Meantime, Rev O, S. Rhymer, pi oi tne tanu v whero tho occurred, called the police, was answered nromTit.lv ami f 1'olae Fred Caldwell n-.tne hmige. Coble said at he heard the car cominp- frw it was Fred's jinH iu- for him to arrest him. Coble died intsantly, and an Has not deem fid nwoaenriT W fi String-field, coroner. al iervnees were IwlH a homo TllOQflair flffnvwn.- n J- K Interment, n-no maia . . Hill cemetery, wit.h Rev n ier officiating. Jocrats Complete mg Dates For Few Weeks democrats nf tr..,. j completed their sneakW Sf.h- Tha ...!. o in is beinf sWn ori ;fca at tho n0Tv.rtr, .1 Predict that "everything uemoerat,c after Novemhpr Russei:, of Canton is chair 1 reVJtu:e en"nittee and sr,v . JJ "s time, to the Local Hospital Is Listed Among Best Institutions In U. S. Demo- in thn ? nvn 7 tit t - . R.".r, ' t;ate. ed l r stet' that he ominp SB- Shrinaus, Dem ? nee for Governor, Hon. R. r-'te. linn rl.j. i- tt... lressmnri IT . tiT.ii d o" , Lfs!at'-. of Salis- u senator l nr t..m fmocrati,. t I' "al"-y to uty durin; iu " .. fcpii. ' vnairman (Jor- ; The Haywood County Hospital is listed by the American College of Surgeons as hleling "conditioned" among the group of hospitals that are approved by, this institution. It was explained that the reason the local hospital was not listed as "fully approved" was because of a few minor' requirements that only time i;uuiu uuiain. A member of the medical staiF of tho local institution stated that it was indeed creditable to be recognized by uiu imeiican Louoere or Kurirenria n their requirements for a "fully ap proved" hospital was an attainment worth working for, although "con ditioned'' was practically the same as "fully approved." "Announcement of the approved list of the college is mad0 annually for the information of the public so the. t when one becomes ill and requires hospitalization, he can, choose a hos pital which is capable of providing safe .and efficient care. "Only reputable physicians are! memoers ot the medical staff of an approved institution, men who are giaduates of recognized schools of medicine, and who refrain from un ethical practices such as the splitting ol tees, these physicians meet reg ularly as a start unit to audit all work in the hospital net meeting the required standard. "The approved institution keeps a complete record of ail that transpires to the patient during his slay in the hospital- It maintains adequate facil ities for X-ray. work and laboratory examinations. So that udequate care may be rendered and in the best ;n- are named in the following . list, subjected to thorough and competent supervision." The approved hospitals in this state are named in the following lissl. "Condition' i" Indicates that the hos pitals so designated have accepted the minimum requirements for hospitals laid down by the American College of Surgeons, but for lack of lime or I other acceptable reasons have not yet been able to carry them out in every detail. his heart Wednesday afternoon after engaging in a pistol battle with three Canton policemen, a coroner's iurv vcmu.-L siaieu, aiter tney had heard tna evidence and viewed the powder burned bodv and elothinp- nf th ni. leged robber of the Canton depot . thn crime for which the police were try ing to serve a warrant for when" he took his life. Chief of Police Arch Russell. Ha rvu Shepherd and Stamey, all three Can ton policemen, were trying to serve the warrant when Everhart, it was brought out, opened Iftre on Chief Russell, although he wa3 soma 300 yards away at the time. Two shots were fired at Chief Russell, and one at the other officers. The fatal shooting took place in am shots at the police went wild. They returned the fire but did not hit Ever. Park Developments Are Given Out By SuptJ.RossEakin Huge Camp Will Be Con structed Near Waynes ville In Near Future The first real picture of what the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will offer to the tourist and recreation-seeking world, is revealed in the announcement of the bask- outline bullet killing Everhart compared with the ones used in his gon, there being 4 used shells and one good one left in his J8 Smith and Wesson in a 32 frame. The bullet entered near the heart and come out about the middle of the right back. Powder burns were on his body and clothing. Sheriff J. A. Lowe, brought the clothing and pistol to Waynesville Wednesday night. Dr. Sam Stringfield, coroner, sum moned a jury and an inquest was held immediately. The testimony of the police was to the effect that they weie never closer than 35 yards to (Continued on page 5) Haywood Teachers Receive Honor At Teacher's Meeting Five County Educators Are Elected To Office At Meet In Asheville. Teachers from Haywood county were given much recognition at the Dis LiiL-i leacaers meeting which was held in Asheville last Friday and Saturday; there being approximately -uuv leacnors present, and the at tendance from Wavnesvill townshin . . ., " r ocmg almost lU'J per cent. Among those elected to offic from this county included: ti. L). Bunn. president of tho county and city superintendent division. Honor Henry, vice president of the western District. W. D. Smith, president of the vc ' I 'cation a I department of this district. Miss Bessie Boyd., elected secretary if the French division. Supt. HutchiMs elected member of the executive committee of North Carolina Education Association for a I', rm of three years. Deed For Park Land Placed On Record: Will Take 90 Pages Real Estate Transactions Are Increasing Accord ing To Records. hart, the coroner's jury found. The' for the park's development which ha just Deen completed by the National Park Service. A detailed account of the official plans for the park's de velopment was given out by J. Ross Eakin, the park superintendent. The development plans eloquently reiterate and emphasize what the Na. itonal Park authorities have declared umcrous times before that the Great hmoky Mountains National Park is destined to be one of the most popular anu attractive national parks in America. 1 lie elaborate planje for highways within the park reveal that the National Park Service anticipates growing millions of visitors every year. Outstanding Plans Listed The park development plans include, among many other important ami in teresting things: (1) A system of scenic highways within the park totaling 230 miles. Tile construction work will be extend ed over a ten-year period. Those highways will be roughly paralleled by a system of first class trails with easy grades for saddle horses. A tre mendous web of smaller and steeper; irans win extend to the more lnacces. -1 J 1 c points in the area. (2) The early establishment .of four major tourist camps, two each in North Carolina and Tennessee. The only lngli altitude camp (5,000 feet), in the park will be on Flat Creek, near Soco Cap, within 20 miles of Waynesville. The other camp on the North Carolina side will be at Smoke- 4-H Club Boys Win First Prize Judg ing Beef Cattle Attend State Fair And En ter State Judging Con test There. The 4-II Livestock Judging Team representing Haywood County return ed from the State Fair with county agent, Jas L. Robinson, on Saturday. This team was composed of (ilen James of the Fines CreoU- C'lnlv. Pna. sius lioirers of iho fYnhfr.. fluh I mont John Reno of the Beaverdam Club!' The creation of a large lak and lluoert l'less COMMISSIONERS TO DECIDE SAT URDAY ON WEL FARE WORKER Resolution Is Presented To Them At Meeting On Last Monday. indicationjTare very favorable $5,0OO"Gift7rl7A"vaiIable For County If Welfare Work er Is Employed' After engaging in a general dis cussion of employing a-welfare officer for this countv with mpmhira f , coinnuttee appointed ' at, n rwent public meeting of the leading busi ness and social workers of the county, the county board of commissioners' took the matter under ewnsideration and will meet here again-Saturday to discuss the matter n(. probably take some definite action at that time. At the meeting Monday the fact was brought out that 'there was a "giit'l of $5,000 available for the poor ol this county between now and the first vf the year beside lnnn amount of Ued Cross flour ami doth gunning vnat proper, means were made whereby this money1, flnnr m,l cloth could bo distributed properly. The fund;.; .-- :-i; ,-.r d, .:)-, - - , v - - v w . lu iund that is iK'iinr aniirnnrintorl in state. . 1 he. Board of ( ed to know definitely if the' people in Un rural districts were, interested in iAt the office' of the Register of Deeds this week, Mrs. W. L. AlcCrack en was completing the task of putting on record the deed from the Suncrest Lumber Company to the State f North Carolina involving about 33, 000 acres of land which was recently acquired for park lands by the state. The deed will cover about 00 pages in the record book when fully entered. The original copy being 224 pages in a book about 20 inches long and about 10 inches wide. It was reported at this office that in fact more than at any time during quite a number of real estate tran sactions were being made at this time, the past number of months. frawfo rd, Jos. E. Johnson, T. - .. "1 T . . . Creek, 21st. . , ravis. I) n ah- -r... . . 24th. rty.' white uak. . - viaiii, nocK Old Bank Building On Main Street Is Being Remodeled The building formerly occupied by the Service Meat Market on Main Street, and owned by G. N. Massie, is being completely remodeled. Work men have been'-enga geM-fcrf "therpa"st several days in tearing out the floor and the inside woodwork. The building was formerly used for a bank, and the large vault had been left intact since the bank moved to new. quarters. The vault is being re moved from the building. 'Two Days To Marry Will Be Given Her At High School Sat. if tne Bethel Club as alternate. The team won first place in judg ing beet cattle, and had the unusual record of all three members of the team placing the ring of beef cattle correctly. Uhe expenses of the team were met by the winnings of the team that represented the county last year. 1 he team left Haywood on Wednes. day noon and spent the first night near Winston-Salem. On the trip down the boys saw Lenoir-Rhyne -Col lege at Hickory. Salem ('ol'ege at Winston-Salem, North Carolina Col- ege for Women at Greensboro, Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Duke University at Durham. At Raleigh trips were made by the Capitol, the Governor's Mansion, tht State Peniteriliary, through N. C. State College Campus, and by Mere dith College. A day was spent at the State Fair, where fine exhibits of vaiious kinds of livestock were seen, On the return trip a visit was made to King's Mountain Battle ground. The boys got to see all the cities of the state with a population over 50,000 and one fourth the counties. All reported a good time and hope another group will get the trip next year and represented Haywood in the judging contest.- Civitan, Rotary And Booster's Clubs Will lade s I ove, where one of the Tenn essee major camps will be located. This lake will be used to supplement the existing scenic and recreational facilities, The other Tennessee major touiist camp will be in the Sugarlands, neair: Catlinburg. (4) Ingenious engineering devices to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the Smokies. On the Sky line Drive from New-found Gap to Deal's Gap there will be at least twelve tunnels, averaging ,'500 feet in length. The federal highway buiWers will tunnel under the large ridges and spur rather than tear them out and mar the scenery. (5) The Great Smokies have for many centuries, been a museum of Nature now, the Federal Park Ser vice will make lliein iilso a great Uni versity of Nature for the geneial. public. The plans call for the em-1 ployment of a nermancnt park natu ralist, whose work it will be to provide scientific information and lectures for the visitors in the park on the natural wonders ir- the Smokies. Experts on the botany ami geology of the Smok ies will be available at the large tuurists camps to give public lectures Mountaineers Play In Hendersonville Friday Afternoon Meet Here Friday! Tor?.k S;d. Mim.ot. kJV ,,VWI L uali At 7:30 Friday night in the dining room oi tne Methodist church, the three civic organizations of the men of the county will meet for their usual third joint supper -.meeting' of the year. Members of th - Civitan -Club, Irtf. -Vinlnn .Vin T?l.r (T'lnl. ,.t t ., Wlll KP IvlVPtl H ai0 1 nesville, and the Booster's Club of IT 111 MJVs VI1VV11 11V1C na,.i..,. ! ,;v. U l,0:'0 men will attend. iClaranee Poe, editor of the - Pro gressive Farmer, .of Raleigh, will be the principal speaker of the evening. Mr. Poe is recognized as one of the leading authorities on -..agricultural matters and those who have heard addresses of his prior to this know that an inspiring and helpful address will be delivered by the noted editor. 1 j r '.oei.,. w Oct. 25 dav t, ;im,an aau- --.il., 4, ( ,11. " T. Hannah, Iron :iy. Jr 28. ftel8.1: by hops 'avis. 29. Jo), C A. nigKt;: Cogburn East waib80" A-CoBburn, J0e arranged later. Transformer Burns Out, Town In Darkness Short Time Last Monday Night - . ' Monday night Waynesville was thrown in total darkness ;fo.r about 20 minutes as the result of a burned out transformer near the depot. . Electricians were on the spot in a few minutes and replaced -the trans former in a short time. The cu rent being- hayjp'ort just 1n -tftna for the radio fans to get get Amos 'n Andy. After successfully presenting "Two Days To Marry" the Hazelwood Dra matic Club will repeat this three-act comedy at the high school here on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. From beginning to end the play is lull of humor and wit with never dull moment. Between a timid lawyer, a faithful, but rather inefficient negro butler, a young man finds it indeed hard to find,, make love to and marry an elderly woman ,n H days. The reat is accomplished-(almost). The end ing is a surprise to everyone, out a pleasant one. '. The play was directed by Mrs. Sam Knight " and Mrs. - KeJlett assisted several times. Those taking part were: Miss Nell Mehaffey, heroine, -Mrs. Heffie Gaddy, colored maid. j.mes Kuykcndall. nejrro butleu. Raymond Scates, timed lawyer. Jesse Roulette, .leading .man, younf and wealthy. '. - '. a t . '' L. Clinton MghafTey millionaire uncle or leading man. ; ,... . , Mrs. Clinton Mehaffey, widow by- choice. , v '.-' ' - - ' About $25 was" made on ibe .pky. The -proceeds were-gwen,-to-, the -school.-The -dirMtoPr Atatpcj' jtiaWtbe-j roeflnJ ber.-'Of- hecast -wished to thank Sluder-Garrett Furniture . for the use of the furniture. ! Friday, 13-6. The Mountaineers have finished their week's training for the game scheduled Friday in Hendersonville against the Hendersonville Hear Cats. The Mountaineers rested Monday afternoon because of their field be ing covereu with water, hut put in good time getting limbered un Tues day and Wednesday and have plans maue Tor a light workout this after noon. With the exception of J. Davis and Garland the team came through the Christ School affray in fine shape last Friday when the locals carried the ball across the goal line twice and added an extra point while the visi tors were only able to score 6 points. .Reeves, flashy quarterback, was the consistent batk of the locals, while' Patton. end. was in his nrirw and proved to be too much for the Green. les trying to get around his the line. , Coach Weatherby stated yesterday that he intended to use sevprnl nw Lawrence Green, hi tin priest of the men in the line ud against HpmW- Tioyal Arch ' Masons, announced that sonville. but that he was taking the Royal Arch Masons Will Meet At Bryson City, October 27th getting a welfare officer, and thev were assured that they. were. . It is understood that plans are underway to have reiHresontatives from each community here Saturday to repre sent then- community' on this matter. Another fact brought) up by the commissioners was wlnth-er or not U.e civic organizations, churches and in dividuals would support such a work er if one lie employed. 'Representa tives of the group meeting last Wud-ne-iiliiy assured UU'ln that : hese or-g-tniKations would coojKiiatu in every way. W. C. Allen, chairman of the Ken 1'io.s.s chapter of this county pledged the support of the Jted Cross and assured the commissioners' that more flour and cloth could be receiv ed liom the Red Crosfm thi.- county. Homer Henry read , a- tegram he had received iroin tliii, state which sa.d that the state vd.s ready to pro vide $4U57. toward tile' salary and tiaveling expenses of a welfare work. er Irom now unti thi firsi nf .lnlv Rev. H. W. Baucom brouirtit; -out. th lact that if the county would, apjiro- pnate soniethinir ' like "' hi70() it' ti welfare officer couhl be' ciiiployed and be put to woirk immadiatelv.' und lie- fore the real cold weatbt; jet in. It was pointed out that by employ ing a welfare officer that:.the. funds for the salary' for such an officer would lie taiu'i! from the -poor Iund for which $13,0(10 was; appropriatc-d for the coming year, and ' that the addi tion of the welfare officer would in no way tend to 'increase taxes, but would have a tendancy to decrease them, and it was believed a welfare officer would save scr.vul thousand dollars each year outside of 'his salary, Another paramount . fict brought out was that those neednig help would receive the necessities of life and not cash. .. . '.' '' '. ... Rev. 11, W. Baucom made a stir ring appeal to the commissioners in presenting the resolution adopted last Wednesday. He present-- some inter esting facts in a letter tb the editor which will be found etc i the editorial page of this issue. . Among those officially representing some organization at the- meeting in cluded, Rev. II. W. 'Baucom, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. Grover'Davis, Ernest L. Withers, W. C. Allen, Ho'mer Henry and W. C. Russ. . Tobacco Not Seriously Hurt By Recent Rains According to Jas. ' L. ' Robinson, county agent the receiir. rains and continued dampness would, have little affect upon the tobacco.of.this county. "The ereatest trouble." he k:UV. "will likely be that the color 'will be some what darker than before- the rains, but I don't think seriously hurt.'' The tobacco ma rlcota in 4h!r end of are scheduled to open about Decem ber the first. there would be a 1'strict meeting at Bryson City on October 27. This district comprises all lodges and members west o Aihcville to Murphy. the leaders of the organization will be present and a large number of members from here' are expected rt0 attefidt 'T-hete' will :alSo- be a .latge class ofi xrandidates to. receive. .-their. le?rees at the" meeting. - it. was said. mi "i'1 .' . ' . ,' . . . .' inis is tne regular annual lneenng rid one 'or tne'' nigh spdts'in-;the aM. ivities of. the-lodge-work airi a Jajge number of.. .visiting.. members outside the distriparexpiscUd-to bo there for the trteetinffr ' --;- . Dr. D. K. Medford, of Clyde, is iistrict High Priest entire squad in casP the Bear Cats proved to be somewhat better than last year when the Mountaineers piled up a score. of 66 points to their 6. ..it was doubtful whether Davis and Garland would be able to get into action Friday. Garland is suffering a strained shoulder muscle and Davis had bruises on -his leg. . Khune will probably substitute for Davis at halfback.- Khune's ability as a consis tent "ground gainer will probably do mucn.to duplicate last year's score.--. .The game-last Friday was. one. of tne best games played ori the local field fn years. Both teams using smooth systems, and few mistakes were made. W. II. Henderson Reported As "No Better" Yesterday The condition of- W-. IL- Hender son, county commi.ssion.er. who is conhned at his home suffering from a heart attack and pneutponia, was reported as "no better"- Iafe yes terday by a member of his family ovc r the phone .from .Canton.- ' -Mr. Henderssn has':hith' ill for about a week. -.Hisn .condition on Monday was considered serious.