TgTflffiER 27, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 .l7tf- 7 P,nw LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS ft$NE 137 l rWB "MEETS' WITH monthly--meevng oi was new last B3n.r,n,-,n at, .the home of r,pcweli,wjth Miss Molly '...sociite hostess. .-.,- ...' " ntinflss ..- session . the tl " r F KirkDatrick. e . U n.nrrrlim fl nil T ffview oi l" --- '.the vear. , ".- ' , , 'u 'Howell made an excel- 'fed Cluhs held at Cullbwhee. ht out the faetthat Mr. Barbf!,.,-i District -President r11 .i J M T I.oTim'r ,..ed secretary, ii was re- tv Club nd the Civic League .mi.. tiorotVir with the ieViiie u. - Ui,l District Meeting of Fed- flubs in . . don was paw ,-her clul's of - the town in i. a ro ui (v ' , . f ... ti. new court house m oration of thej BT-Centennial. Lduise r.awarus, oi tne ,wgu ...,it,. a very interesting ! 'adult classes t0' be inaugurated high school. . A. motion was bt the cl'JD assist me ocuuui r' - ,... ..c nf kia Wind: ' ion " was passed. lna-' lne Kluo 'to the local library. ... C F. K.rkpatri-ekr.; presented V, .Moore, a popular, club f 'Miami. wh'made;.n; fa ir and delightful. talVi.' , J:, e conchisnm MifM Miss Mildred Crawford r,san.g, t'accompanied by Mrs. R. H. :erarv proj,'ni:)f was ?a,chage r it Howell whose subject iigin, Characteristics, arid. Ke nt ol me Dnori cnuiy. iuia. read an instructive-, paper on jlr . . . udjourn.Ticiii, a paian course m hv tne hostesses'.'' e of the sf?rnoon"werc-. Mrs. iloore, f .Vliaiiii. Mr.- Ti m . Mrs, K. II. Orr.p. Mrs. J. . i ..... , .i ler. .Mis: .uiiuren -iav.iora, . R. n. jstretclicrf-,' Publicity Chairman. age or miss Mcelroy FERGUSOX AmiOUNCED (If as a .surprise to tnetj lends is the atn'riouncement is week of the marnaire of igusta McElroy to Mr. Albert teremony was quietly sol. on : August eleventh at the parsonage in Sylva. witb tor, Kev. J i urey Murray. (!.-. - . . - v Ferguson is the attractive of Mr. J. R. McElroy of She received her educa- IClyde Hiph School and Duke School. She has been fa member. pf the faculty of the Id county schools for the past Irs.. -J f. erguson is the ,qn of : Mr. R. R. Ferguson -of tCrabtree. :ved his education at Clvde rhool and is now.,jbonnec"ted Champion Fibre lOompany of EAST WAYKESV1LLE HALLOW i E'EX PAPrv .1 A Hallowe'en festival will be given the East Waynesville school Fri day night. October 28. A program "iri:unKui seve-ai c pvat orri . ... - .v 1 IUH" uiuus stunts win be the principal feature of the evening represen tatives from the seven grades, as well as outsiders will give special numbers There will also be side shows, candy, cider, and ice cream sales . C?m?! And bring vour family, as it will be of interest to all members. An admission of five cents for chil dren and ten cents for adults will be charged. Help the school and the cnuaren Dy giving your support. Publicity Chairman. HALLOW E'EX FROLIC AT CFW TRAL ELEMEX TARY SCHOOL There will be a Hallowe'en Frolic at the Central Elementary school Fri day evening, October '2 .it o'clock. A program will b- given by the r :!es of the elementary school; oth- am-acuons win De booths for for tune telling, fish pond, and refresh ments at 5 cent each. Admission will be 10 cents for all othar than Central Elementary chil dren. The public is cordially invited l.i snena. MUSIC CLUB TO MEET WITH MRS CAMP Mrs. E. B. Camp will be hostess to the Waynesvillp Music Club on next Saturday afternoon, October 29. at 3:30 o'clock, at her home on Pigeon street. Miss Mildred Crawford will be leader of the program. This is the regular monthly meet ing which was postponed from last Saturday. AXXOUXCEMEXT Mr. and Mrs. Hallett Ward, of 'Richwxd, West Virginia announce the birth of a son on Saturday, Oc tober 22. Mrs. Ward was before her marriage Miss t?race Hipps. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hipps, of Waynesville. CENTRAL P. T, A MEETING NEXT WEEK The Parent-Teadiers' Association of the Central Elementary school will ! have its regular monthly meetintr on next Tuesday evening at the school building, All parents and. teachers are asked to be present. Miss Babbie Way. who is a stu dent at Salem College in Winston Salem, spent last week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Way. Miss Way had as her guests during her visit at home two of her classmates, Miss Virginia Nail and Miss Mary Penn of Kingsport, Tennessee, and Mr. Harry. Hunter and .Mr. "Shorty Leonard, of Kingsport. ' I' RosEWiuperintendent ? , Smk7 Mountains Na4 final Park,;fith;Mfc. Eakin of Gat-' Jingburg, Tenne-weo, spent several days last week as .guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick at the Hotel LeFaine. Mr;. C. S. He Weergaard arrived Monday from Bristol. Virgiinia and is spending this wek a. The Georgian. Mrs de Neergaard spent the summer 111 New York City and Detroit and for the past few menths has been m.-king her home in Bristol. Mis. Regincld Arnold of Bristol,! xennessee is spendinsr this week herp as the guest of Mr. and Mrs M. H. f 'evi.s and her cousin, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, and Mr. Kirkp.ntrick at :hc LeFaine Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. E. .1. Roboso:i had as as their guests hist week-end the former's brother. Mr. I.inton Robe son, mil Mrs. Robeson, of Atlnntn. Georgia. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Barbe:- lm.l a their guests last week end thp for-n. ers nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. k. v. .barber, and young daughter, of Mt. Ulla. North Carolina. lid' Mrs. FergiMonv&ill rhake tne in Crabtree. m - Jt . , fiV CUT, ENJOYS T CAMP DELLWOOD ally interesting VM enjoya- r the meeting of. the Twen- ry Hub of AJJheville on ( amp DeH"ood near Mrs. L. E.. . Perry was fs and had invited tlip mem. luncheon at 1 o'clock. - Sev- fsponded to the Invitation and siter. mother of Mrs'i JI;R. fas a vi-i-nr. - Mrs. Howard Iton. the TiresiHMit. ia!n . "i.v'.'w...r' tne roiu ar session -whiMi the luncheon. . "... . frsm w?.s' held in th-c'oun-("K ami(l the natural setting f nai spledor.. The .suWect of s "Grand Canyon" "and 'two fre given. Mrs. J B. Kine nape- r.n "National"' Park and Mrs., W. V.Vilson gave ;n "Yosomite Valley,", both highly intere'stW and iU 0 MRS!. " V :nvr t ipv ;v CdSTHACT CLUIi , Wltfac! R'rirTa- rlK' or, J o '?na R'aests -er3 charming. ;;'eu (.n las Monday even-r- and (' V Roll nt rf ':n (' ,1 -,..-,- r'themums nnrl inhimn inv.-c f colors were effectively- ar- f aecorat!ons. Mrs.3 William f W(n, h'eh score prize for F5 And r i t ...i. r rann ,i?en . re- .pnt'emenJVli tcrtk rollowiro- tV, . T fed a de'.ghtfur supper.' ft mernb-vrs anl guests were: !'n.j n LanpDen. Mr. and f .: : -'ifi .ind Trc Cr.t n.n Mrs. J. K. Boon?. Mis. Hugh Mas- e and small daughter. Mary Ann Massie. left Friday for a two "weeks visit to Mrs. Boone-- sister in Louden. .1- iciuiessee, Mr. Whitcmr Prevost. Mr. Earl Messer, Mr. Jim Boyd, and Mr. Dave l'eimet motored to Chapel Hill last week-end to attend the Carolina- Georgia Tech game. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Korr were week-end guests of Miss Mil dred Crawford. They were en route to their home in New York City from Kentucky. Mr. S. R. Leatherrtoo.l o;" Detroit. Michigan is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Jerry R. l.eatherwood, in East Wiyncsville. Miss Martha Neal, who is a soph--more at Salem College in Winston Salem, spent last week end with her mother, Mrs. S. T. Neal. Mrs. L. E. Perry, who spent the summer and fall at Camp Dellwood, has returned b her home in Ashe- viil for tho wiiiler. Mr. Clifford ' Welch of Ellajay. Georgia spent several days here last week as thP guest of his cousin, Mrs. J. Howell Way. Mrs. Tom Williamson and son, Mr, Carl Willi; i.Tison. of Ivno.wille. Ten nessee were week-end guests of Mr. :uid Mrs. W. A. Grah!. MRS. GWYN HOSTESS , AT DU MIXISHIXG PARTY Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, regent of the Dorcas Bell Love Chantr of h Daughters of the American RevoliL f i n - 1 vs. 1 1 - J .i.v..., ciiLri Diiifu. on w eanesaay al iemoon witn tne nrst or a series o; aimini:,hing parties which will be spor.sjred by the D. A. R. as a mu tuai benent for the Waynesville Li brary. Sixteen guests were entertained on .his occasion rind they will in turn each, entertain eight, and so, on until i '.' series is finished about the first of eeemror. as s of lovely bronzo chrysanthe mum were attractively arranged in n.' 10,1ms where Mrs. Gwyn received hr guests. Tea wafc served during me aiiernoon. lea guests were: Miss Marion uoggs. chairman of the board of di rectors of the library, Mrs. James Atkins. Mrs. J. Harden Howell. Mrs xaui aiKer. Airs. J. Howell Way Mrs. R. N. Barber, and Mrs. P.. j Sloan. Other guests who rnioved a fam.. of bridge earlier in the afternoon in cluded: Mrs. R. L. Lee. Mrs. .1. M. long, Miss Alice Quinlan, Mrs. Jack Way, Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. J. W. aoavor. Mrs. J. F. Abel, Mrs. Shoolbred. Mrs. Kate Morris. Ken Colkitt. Mrs. W. F. Swif Mrs. L. M. Rieheson. J. N. Mrs. , and MR Mrs. C. C. Shell, Mr. Charlie Shell. Miss Alice Stringfield, Miss Rosalyn Ray, and Miss Elizabeth Ray spent Ir:st week-end in Durham and Chapel Hill. They attended the Duke-Wake Forest game on Friday and the Caro- linaHGeorgia Tech fame on Saturday Miss Rosalyn Ray was the guest of her brother, Mr. Charles Ray. and Mrs. Ray in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Edwin Davis of Decatur, Georgia and Mrs. W. W. Norman, of Griffin Georgia, left Sunday after a several days' visit to Mrs. DaWa sister, Mrs. Grady Boyd, and Mr. I Boyd. They were accompanied home I by little Miss Barbara Ann Boyd, who will visit Mrs. Davis for a week. w m Mrs. W. T. Blaylock returned last day from a month's visit to her sis ter, Mrs. A, A. Shuford. in Hickory. Mrs. Blaylock is remodeling her cot tage on Main street adjoining the Hotel LeFaine and will make her hcme there this winter with her brother. Mr. W. B. Ferguson. . . Mrs. C; A. Haynes, Mr. Edwin Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Alley, and Mr. Purcell motored to Atlanta, Georgia Mounday to hear the address by Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic nonvnee for President. Mrs. Robert Stretcher and Miss Mary Ray left Thursday for a ten days' visit in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Stretcher will visit rela tives in Raleigh and Wilson's Mill and Miss Ray will be the guest of her,j ister, Mrs. Kooert ure3ce, anq iur. Brfice in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs, C. N. Christian, who spent the summer at the Schoolbred cottage in Hazelwood. left last Sun day for New Castle. Indiana where they will visit relatives before re turning to their home in Mo:ksville, North Carolina. ' ' Mr. Fred W. Landferskv of Grand Rapids, Michigan and Mr. Irving Warshaw. of Boston. Massachusetts. furniture designers, are spending several days at the LeFaine Hotel this week. ..''' : :. Mrs. William Shoolbred had as her S'Uasts last week-end Mr; and .4rs. , B. 0. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. John Sea Hr: Miss Elizabeth Wright, Mr. Wallace 'Scales, and Mr. Jack Snyder, all of Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. S irn,...: ' . . . r"MCA.S'. RXTFPTA T7 it- . c .-iMf . ' . Mrs r T? T.-:l . '." I debvi.i' ,,' IvlrKPatrici'- en. taer " 'l'1""5 yisit to her sis- L . . " - ,UU L CMilllll fill. J pnn? "eir guests, Mr,, AtJanU. Georgia were Fnes a;n,. 01 uatnn; guests of Mr. ana Airs, r. u.M Mrs.--ft: T. Witw. and t UxZiTL'yS.S: 1 l .) -M . Wt tkM 1 mm 1 C. of week-end L. Withers. jiiThry. were accompanied by thtir granddaughter. Miss Hester inn Withers, who is a student at Agnes ScJott College. tMr. William Barber, who has been visiting his brother, Mr. R. N. Barber. "id Mrs. Barber at their home on Ldve Lane for the past few weeks, lefJ Sunday for his home- In Mft Ulla.-,' ...,'.'. Miss Virginia Smuttier returned Monday from a three weeks' visit to relatives and friends in Atlantic City and Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Byers o! Clyde have moved to Waynesville for the winter and are guests at the Hotel LeFaine. Mr. Charles W, Perry of High Point, receiver for Robbins Furniture Company, was a visitor in Waynes ville Thursday. Mr. G. L. Pruden of Raleigh vis ited his mother, who is a patient at the Haywood County Hospital, last week-end. Dr. S. P. Gay made a business trip to Charlotte Monday and returned Tuesday. '' Mrs. Alice Thompson and little son of Cullasaja. N. 0. spent Satur f.'iv in Waynesville. Mrs. Charles R. Thomas has as her guest this week Mi. Luther I-errell of Winston-Salv-niiT. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robeson and Miss Frances Robeson were Asheville visitors Saturday. M-s. Waitor Martin and Mrs. J. L. Rtevos of Canton were visitors. in .the city Tuesday. . Mr." and Mrs. S. A. Bushnell spent last week-end visiting in Chapel Hill and Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kinsland of ("rabtree visited in Waynesville last week. .' Mr. Herman Greene was among the visitors here from Fiaes Creek last week.." Mr. Medford Leatherwood of Jona- thfin was among the visitors here last week-end. ' Mr. Ea Wells and Mr. G. W. Bur nett were "amOtig the visitors here from Pigeon Saturday. '-. '.' Mr. Kade "Hayes" of Hendersonvii! spent Tuesday in Way.iesvill.y ."'. .'' Mr. R. Winfield of Canton was a visitor in town last week-end. . Mr. George C. Haynes of Clyde spent Saturday in Waynesville. .' " Messrs. R. T. Boyd and A. G. Boyd were here from Jonathan Saturday. Mr. Benton Grem spent Friday in Waynesville. .'. .' Among the visitors here last week was Mr. C. L. Hill of Crabtree. ... . .. Mr. W. A. Moore of Pigeon was a Waynesville visitor last ?;eek. Mr. Bryari Medford was here from Jonathan last week. Miss PearV j'l'-t'c'p; and Miss Ethel Best of Crabtf nt Saturday shop ping in Wayrfesville. .' Mr. F. A. Justice was jn town on p business Saturday. . " MISS C RE ASM AN WEDS RATCLIFF Of interest to friends in Waynes, ville and Haywood county is the an nouncement made last week nf th marriage of Miss Ruth Creasman to Mr. Fred Ratclilf on Wednesday, "wuer nineieenin, in t:iayton, (.ia. For the ceremony the bride was atti-ed in a blue ensemble with ac cessories to match. Mrs. RatclifT is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Creasman. She received her education at the Waynesville High School and at Western Carolina Teachers College at Culiowhee. For the past year she has been ' a popular member of the Bea vrrdam school faculty in Canton. Mr. Ratclitr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ratclilf. He was educated at Waynesville High School and the N.-'val Electrical School in San Diego. California. After November 9, the young couple will reside in Long Beach, California. - WHICHAM-JEWELL Mr. and Mrs. William Ray have announced the marriage of their daughter, Mrs. Ruth Ray Jewell, to Mr. Henry L. Whigham. of Asheville, on Saturday.' October ' 15, 'in Green ville. South Carolina. .' Mr. Coniell Russell of Canton, chairman of the Democratic Execu tive Committee of this district, with Mr. W, H. McCracken, Mr. Bryan Medford. nnd Mr. Robert Russell mo tored to Atlanta to hear Gov. Frank lin D. Roosevelt speak ia .that city .nonuav evening. ".-. Mrs. Frank Smathers and daughter, Miss Virginia Smathers, are leaving today for their home in Miami, Flori da. They will stop en route to Miami l or a visit to Mr. George Smathers in Gainsville. Mr. and Mrs. James McLean had as their guests for several days this week Mrs. Mclean's brothers. Messrs. Bob and Ed . Profit t. of Ashevill . Mr. and Mrs. T R. Pless of Cruso were visitors in Waynesville Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Killian are cruests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). M, Killian, this week. V ' Mr. T. J. Davis of Iron Duff spent Tuesday In Waynesville. ; Mr. H - P. Ledbettr of -Pigeon spent Monday in Wajmesville. u Mr. J. F. Rogers oft Crabtree spent Saturday m Waynesville. " i 'J Mr.sBoone Setelleof Jfigeon was a Waynesville visitor Monday. People OnVhiTg Oak Are Biisy . (Set ting Out Pulp Wood WHITE OAK (Sperial to The Mountaineer.) The people hew are interested in gettiner out uu'.o wood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clorence and and that we pleoVo vou." h emnhi family, from Asheville. are SDendini? . sized as he brought his nilrBRs in a lew, weeks here with Mr, Clorenee's close. Large Crowd Hears Ehringhaus Present Issues Of Campaign (Continued from page 1) is decreasing the national debt is in creasing daily." ( :"This state is paying less for gov ernment than any state in thp union with the exception of one. and w r also payig 2-25 of the entrie federal tax income, and this has been in creased during the administration of Mr. Hoover," he said. "An ideal government must hv the welfare of the people at heart, father. Mr. Ebb Fish. Fred Parker, from South Carolina. i; here on a visit with his uncle, Mr. P. T. Messer. Mrs. Anni Mae Messer and Mrs. Mary Francis, from here, have suent a few days of the past week with Mrs. sser .- mother, at Allen's Creek. Mrs. Sallie Sutton is very ill. -Viiss Beulah Ma,. Ledford and Miss rannie Caldwell, from here, spent the t (M.k MiTiv-triiu tn . v ttittioorntv, wnn Miss I aldwelrs parents. There was a larg crowd that at tended the Democratic speaking at the hite Oak school house. There was good music and all seemed to en joy themselves very much. Miss Ruth Ledford, from Hepco, I'ent Monday night with Miss Neta Mae Duckott. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Hunter and family, from here, hive moved to Riverside. The people from here were very sorry to see then leave. Mr. M. K Teague, from here, was taken ill Monday and had to lv carried from his store to his home. There seems to be a lot of sickne ss here just now. Mr. O. H. Parton is also on thp sick list. Mr. R. V. i isher spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. j. D. Duckett. News Events From Jonathan's Creek l'2hringhau said that he was "feeling very good" although he was somewhat hoarse from speaking two and three times a day. He is now speaking against the orders of his doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Ehringhius arrived here late Wednesday afternoon during one of the hardest ruins here this year. He left her this morning- for Bryson City where he is scheduled to muke an address at noon. 22 Billions of Hoarded Dollars Now Returning Int Regular Trading Channels JONATHAN ( to The Mountaineer.) Rev. Pete Hicks. Baptist minister of Canton, preached' t-ij 11111-1 i-Liii)f sermon to it large udience at the Shady Grove Meth odist; church Sunday evening. Mrs. J. S. Davis arid .-Miss Laura Moody, of Iron D11IT, spent Snturday with Mrs. W. R, Kovl. Mr. and Mrs, Rog.'r Medford and 011s. of Waynesville. speiu Sunday with Mrs. Medford's parents, Mr. und Mrs. K., T. Boyd. Mr.' arid Mrs. Hub Caldwell nidi Mr. Marion Howard visited friends and relative in New'iorf. Tenn., last week-end. ' '.'Several people from thl nlac. en- joycnl u camping trip to Sprucemoijt the past week-end. , ,. Miss Mattie Moody spi-rit Saturday night with Mr. nnd Mrs. Roger Med ford. 10C Waynesville, ' Miss, Mary Lou LcntherWdod spent last .week-end in Sylv,i;ivisiting her siRter. iMrs. Jack Messer, and Mr. Messer. Mrs.v H. H. Enloe and son, Jack, of Canton, are spending some time with Mrs. Enloe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Boyd. U. H. Fe-guson iH in Columbia, S. ('. this wek on business. Miss Mabel Jons. of Crabtrte. nent. last week-end with Miss Mary Allison. Mr. r.tid Mrs. Roy Leatherwood and small son. Herchel, of Seneca, S, C. spent a few (lays last wek with Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Leatherwood. Washington, A potential credit re servoir of approximately $2,500,000. 000 has been made available to fi nance American indus ry through a return flow of currency which has been hoarded. The federal reserve board announ ced last night it had estimated the uctual return .if money to active cir culation at $25O,O0tU'0o since July 20. Based on the usual estiiiiito that one dollar of actual currency repre sents about $10 in the credit power, the lKiurd . estimate w.h interpreted as indicating 'ho ready availability of new billions for American industry. "This estimate." Uv board said, "is based on the' fuet that the amount of ironcy in circulation declined by over JIHO.OOO.OOO at a Mine when it usu ally increases by m.nv that $110,000,- I il.ti. The Ixiard alsj report !.l ;i de-liiie in bank failures, onlv !) institutions closing their doors during Septem ber, the smallest number snr. the 47 in March. 1U;I2, which in turn was the smallest lor h,. tw.i-year period Deposits 01 c'os-vl bank amounted to' but $10,008,000 as against dep.xs. its of $1. .t!2:5,(00 in reoiieniiig Lanks. . This atcadhig of 'the banking yirncture is rir:i- bv treasury rnd re-erve board ofiie'nK as one o.' the most optimistic sign on lh- 'lrnri ciril horizon. It has been repeatedly used as an index, to indicate a gon. nrplly more hopeful too in b,ii.ineHs ,uai(l. '.financial circles. It. 1 an un doubted factor in the decrease 111 hoarding. Aged Lady, 81, Is Baptized Here Sunday Mr. T. . dark of Canton was a North Carolina Hiivtj" visitor in -the city Tuesday. lOrin Carolina ISUyS day Among the visitors here from Crab trey this week was Mr, J. M. McElroy. Rev. R. P. McCracken of Clyde spent Tuesday in Waynesville. Mr. G. K. .lolly of F r i ( I a y i 1 1 W a y n es v i 1 i " . .Clyde sfMnt Mr. R. L. Messer ' of Crabtree spent Saturday here on business. Mrs. S. J (Hark of Clyde spent Saturday shopping in Waynesvijle. Rev. W. M. Hall of CaUlooch-!e was :i recent visitor in Wayncsvillo. Coal For 5 Cents A Ton Mr. James Teague spent Friday in town. of Jonathan Mr. Leslie Mowdy of Colgate, Okla homa is here on a visit to his young daughter, little Miss Dotty Mowdy, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James McLean. Mr. Mowdy's sister, Miss Josephine Mowdy, is also visiting the McLeans. . R a U- i gh'), N . C. North C a rol i n a purchiiscd coal as low as 5 cents a ton for sum of its - in:-1 it utions dining the summer, it is announced here by the Department of Purchase anil Con tract. All the coal purchased at these prices is slack, but will be useful for li'Oting purposes. Nine hundred tons w"re puehnsed at $ cents a ton for an institution lo- .Ms-tisrl in ' Rajcigh. For the State Col legi, fr Women, at Greensboro, 1050 ;)Mn. were purchased at 15 cents while 7100 tons wer.j secured for the ?t.itr College iif Agrieulturj and Fn noorirtg, at Raleigh, at 23 cents a ' ' : Six thousand tone at 45 cents -re e)ntracted for institutions in W,. w"storn swtion of the State. ',',;. :."'' .';" .. - "-'', Trying out a new plan of selling, ("raven farmers sold 174 fat hogs at hy car door for cash at the low price f $3.65 a hundred which was G5 cents N-low the top at Richmond. Net cash returns will determine future sales of this kind. The baptism Sunday afternoon at thive o'clock m the First Knptisjt' church of Miss Anna DoGolly, 84, marked an event of most unusual oc currence' according to statistics con cerning the age at which people join the church. . After the death of her twin broth er. James R. DeGolly, on October 8, 1SKI2, in the Mauney Cove, near Way nesville, Miss DeGolly has been quite feeble and somt. days ago, sent for Rev. H. W. Baucom, pastor of the First Baptist church, to come to see her. At the interview, she expressed a desire to join the church. Mr. Baucom brought th(. matter to the at tention of the church m conference Sunday morning, and, without the presence of the aged woman, the ehurfh accepted her us a candidate for baptism. Wilhin two hours after being received for membership, she was on her way to the cnurch for baptism. She was baptised in the presence of about twenty-live people who had gathered. Thirty-two years ago, she and her twin brother, James R. DeGolly, both of Dutch ancestry, came here arid purchased a farm from Kimsoy How ell in the Mauney Cove upon -which they lived,: Both had been school teachers in Pennsylvania. Before his death about two weeks ago. Mr. LU Golly deeded his farm to C: ii Liner on condition that he would take care of himself and his sister as long as they both should live. M Liner has been most kind and considerate of them. Miss DeGolly now resides with Mr. Liner. A sale of pure bred Hereford beef cattle has been schedule:) by Madison County farmers for Friday. Novem Vr 11, at Marchall. 1 Announcing I THE OPENING OF HEADQUARTERS IN :-:,.j;'.': WAYNESVILLE MINIC0 "CLEANERS of Asheville ; AT ' THE LeFAINE HOTEL Phone 450 . "Truck Here Daily From South's Leading Dry Cleaning Establishment" Call 450 and clothes will be called for that day and delivered promptly. i Ask about our special prices on Fall Cleaning The North Carolina: State Grange will meet in Davidson County next year where there are 16 'subordinate (? rahges with a r.i.'iubership of 850 persons. -Caldwell County farmers have re ceived the cooperation o: the towns oeonlp in establishing a curb market t Lenoir. Three years ago a brood sow could hardly be- found in tne Parks Spr-ng Community of Caswell County, says John R. Bowles. Now theTe are 15 on nore. Mrs. Frills: "Now that I have en gaged you; Bridget. I am going to begin right away to give you a little trair.'ng in the art of wnit-nf on guests. You see. my daughter i coming out next month Bridget: "Indnde. mum! How long was she sint up for?'' .Lady of House: "No. we don't snt no books, nor we don't want no cal endars. We don't want nothing." Hawker:- ."What about a cheap grammar; ' '. .