1 THE WAY N ESVILLE MOUNTA WEEK THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1932 YP. o o Iteim s Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - - Phone 137 l PaVi. 2 ;-:V-fV;:::f; Local 3 3 A, -A 4 i) I. . 1 -3 i . L i .t:.ruA SEmESf&k-.'isctJs j . ; '- ' A mtnibfr of Jjtrtics .v being , ( rfl ' -I STT;fi . To Wed Waynesville Man ! v I,t'iun jUT the Waynes. ' J.i .ia- - ' j yice Quinlan was Alo;;i!ayyafternoon at tr; U her home r.,i . i --'sts were: Mrs. W. 'J i-:thel Craig, Miss' I. i-. Miss Betsey Lan Louisa Thaekston. M, s, Mi:S Billie Rotha. ' . ie Rotha. r.. t.i ... us. jonn jn. Shoolhre-.l ha.I ner k ot the chain on Tutf lay after Kjii and had eight gue.-,' at htr jornc on Boundary street. 1 t-r gue-ts were: Mr?. J. W. leaver, M , s. R. I. Alien. Mrs. R. II. Deacon.-Mrs. IL H. Camp. Mrs. Harry Rotha, Miss Rohi- na Miller, Mrs- J. P. Dicu-;. Mrs. ,M. H. Reeves, and Mrs. Roy I- ram-is. Mrs. J. H.Howell entertained a , g.oup yesterday afternoon ai tea. Tho-e invited were: Mrs. V.'. T Shel- ton, Mrs. D. M. Xillian. Mrs. Oliver Shelton, Mrs. E. i. Harrold. Mrs. P. L. Turbytill. Mrs. Jarvis Coman, Mrs. T. N. Massie. Mrs. James Massie, Mrs. C. H, Ray, and Miss Jessie He?-ren. Mr. Ben Colkitt had her party on last Friday afternoon and entertained Mrs. Carol Ball, Mrs. Frank Bell. Mrs. C. C. White, and Mrs. Jerry Colkitt, at one table of bridge. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. R. N. Barber entertained a gn.up at her home on Love l ane. Her guests were: Mrs. J. W.Reed, Mrs. Joe Johnson, Mrs. C. It. MclJowell. Mrs. S. P. Gay. Mrs. K. J. Roj.--.pi. Mis-s I' ranges Kivhestm, Mrs. N.M. Mrdfor; ami Mrs. W. L. Hardin-. """V Another tea last week wa-. given by Mrs. Paul Walker on Friday after noon. On this occasion tin- follow ing guests were present: Mrs. Hom- 'lytt. Mrs. John Oueen. Mrs diov.M- Davis, Mrs. Sam f'iott tiurgin. Mr. Ben Walker. Mrs. Mrs. Clay- ion Walker, Mrs. I,. S. White Mis. Will Medford. and ..Irs. 1' rank Bell c ntertaim Mrs. wilham Shotilbred. Mrs. M.II. Mis. R. !. Campbell, and .VI t Hell on Monday afternoon. Bawles. s. Carol MRS. COLKITT IS lUllDCi: IIOS. TESS An outstanding social event of tho autumn season vas the brige party given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. l!tn Colkitt at her home on Central avenue. Ihcortions wert. in the Halloween spirit. The rooms were charminly arranged with chrysanthemums and autumn leaves and HaUowuen colors of orange and l,i.ul; w.'re noted in the party appointments. v At the cond.it-ion of tha game Mrs, Colkitt nresentpd lov.il olders of high, second high, and low fcorcs. r.nd the winner of the conso- ianon. The guest Hit included.:- Mrs. J. M Long. Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. Rufus lur, Mrs- k. j. Hyatt. Mrs. L. M. jvicneson, Mrs. (J. C.Whita. Mrs T Lenoir Gwyn. Mrs. W. I Swift. Mrs. iAarry,.P,(ithP' Mrs- Robert Stretcher. Mrs. William Shoolbred. Mrs Jerry Colgitt Mrs, Hug'h Massie. amd guest. i n nyea Of High Point. Mrs. Roy Francis. Mrs. M. H. Reeves, Mrs. Carol Bell, Mrs. Frank Bell Mrs. J. P. Dicus, Mrs. CM. Dicus, Mrs. Krnest Withers, Mrs. R. L AI Mr, J- W-Seaver. Miss Robina Miller, Mr. C.F. Kirkpatrick, Miss Nancy Killian. Miss Alice Quinlan. n-1 Laiii-iston Hardin, Jr. RECENT BRIDE HONORED Honoring her granddaiihter, Mrs. f arsons Kineaid. Jr., of Dillsboro. Mrs. R. Q. MCracken assembled a group of friend!,. far' an inform al tea and sewing pifrty on last Friday af-i TeTtWSif. The home was lovely in . its- 'leeor atums of yellow ".chrysanthemums, .vith the Hallowe'en' motif carried out m various details. Mrs. McCrackcn was arsisted in receivinir her guests by her daughters. Mrs. Robert" L. Ccin. M -s. Kate-Morris. -Mrs. (J. C. ' 'J.t- and Miss Dorothy Mi:Ol':icken. 'I'hi' ruests included: Mrs, Theo dore Met r;u i. -ii. Mrs. Francis Mas--. -if, Mi, ( 'Ij vton W'allv.'i' Mrs .I P Dicus. M Sam Ploit. Mrs. Ire Tate, Mrs. ! I.tipton. M ... I or, i, M is, i st phine Ca Miss Tilli H. Mi-- M .'iiliinc I'lot '1 lie marriagi'.- v, i'io't. vi.'ine h. White. Mrs. Clifford V'iiyne Battle of Dills ' alNih H.'iiry, Miss Jo, '.''-. '-MiAs"-Pie' 1'islu r. Miss Jolrmife'RiV"- I''ott. ard Miss J- nui'.-,,. who, before her Uiss Mary Pauline d.uiKli'er ,,f Mr. and Mrs. V,. V. IMott. niuih social iii:u riage.- n .',', c her recent ''' -1 V; ;V''-X- FARMER HOSTS . . ivi i s,- v.. ii farmer were "-Ms ai a iieiigi.tiul H v,XV(,Vn ty -M.i.iday evening at their home on undary street. . .iHcoratioris apprp; ;a; .- f the ia-on- were used and da.uing was enipycl until a late hour Mm M.II.rd Many. Miss Louise V !s M,I,llT-'I(;r',mbs' o Uurnhy! J s Iddr'd McClure. Miss Jo Cabe. ' )'im;, Swy, Mr, Harry Rotha- P-m l m "p M,lrP' Mr- Permit 1 ' cell. Mr. f rank Ferguson. Jr., Mr. I' Y..U,. u,l Mr. W.lls, of New- NUNCI NG The THE OMAN'S EXCHANGE from the tore next to Sluder-Garretf Furniture Company, to Building next to Ray s Variety Store on Main street. V 1 "it us al- our new locath)n A large m?'?ctoin of Cakes, Candies, Pastries a- I numerous gifi. items always kept in stock. . I were: iMrj. J. W. Seaver. hs. K. U I I I &. ' 5 1 I, Roup yesterday afternoon ai tea. I .J , Jt T tWk Z ' ." II l. ,, ..... .... i . II I X . - : - miuwiu wni ween wa - given oy II I , : I 2 Mrs. Paul Walker on Friday after- II Br-;,:; .' I c ,'liii:'.- (1' V. I : i .-tree Li ' I1 w ..rf?.. Ik Quinism, '2rX''y" L ' PI I ami Miss I," 4 ' " 22 : II si r :; . , J I ... , ,. , Photo by Misses Meade, Atlanta Miss KJizaheth Norman, oaugnter of Mr, and Mrs. Willmn Walker Norman, of Griffin-, (Ja., who is to become the bride of Mr Richard N. Barber, dr., of this city, on Decemb-r 1. The engagement was announced Saturday.. Cut through .Courtesy Asheville Citizen MR. RICHARD BARBER, JR., IS TO WED GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, YOUNG LADY, DEC. 31 Of wide social interest is the au :uncement appearing in Georgia and Asheville papers last Sunday of the engagement of Miss Elizabeth Norman, of Griffin, to Mr. Richard N ely Barber. Jr. The bride-elect was a popular vis itor in Wavnesville lasl ing speiit several weeks at the Hotel Waynesville. Mr. Barber, whn hn livorl i w i.A Ville since childhood, is a young mr.in of snlwnrlut hn is held in high regard by a .host.'fif. The following account is from the Asheville Citizen-Times: Centering the interest Of relatire? and friends in several states is the announcement made Sunday of the engagement and approaching mar riage of Miss Elizabeth Norman, of (Jriflin, Ga.. to Mr l;;..i,..,i m i.. Barber. Jr.. of Wnvnouvill,. tu ntarriaire will unif.. twr. ..r (v,'a ' V- - v .lie IHUCb )iominent families in the south, and is scheduled to take place on De cember .51 in the Fnt , v.wiii.t,...;.... h.urch of Griffin. The -brii'l,. elect, the onk- .h.i.crhfn. f Mr. and Mrs. VVillinm Wiiitii. xt iran, or iiruiin. is ot blonde type and .. . .... . .ii.im.1 ..VI- 1,1 many natural charms and vomanly graces which have endeared r;-r to all her friends. She is an ac complished musician, a violinist of note While a high school girl in Crifhn she brought many honors to her j"h..ol . .at different n-.usic contests. She is a graduate 'of - Atlanta- -Gon-rvatory .,f Music, attended the '.ni 'iican Consevatory of Music in Chicago anil the Cincinnati ( onserva toiy of Music, where she was .-.warded i .Y'h'dar-hip in violin. Since leaving ifi .lego she has done 'concert wcrk and J:; at present a teivcher of violin. M iss Norman has inh-ri'.-.l 'a ni'-' iuiant. beauty and gentleness -of nian f uni lnr line of cult u; od an ernors. ..Her mother befoiv'h r mar liage was Marv Mi t'lot-.n- .i-,..u ;,Vlat:- J, -L-. McCleske'y a"d Mrs. .Mi'ClestC5of Athens. Ga. Sl,tf js a iies.-endant V -L. Cj. C. Linnar of Tex s also the lkeV, Washburn' . Ven :ib!'s, ITawe's aliu' 4id'.s. .Miss Norman's father , the eldest r. of th late J- M. Normm of War ren county. Ga.. and Mrs. Ella llawes Not man. He is prominently jmcnti i1 'i with the textile industry of Grif .'.n. being an oflicial of the Georgia-: Kineaid mills and its aililiation s. Mr. Bri ber is the only son "of Mr. and M -s. Richard Neely Barber cf V.aynesvllk'. lie attended school at Wake Forest college and the L'niver : ty of North Carolina where he "was - popular member of the Pi ICappa Alpha fraternity. Mr. Barber's mother was, lufore '-' r marriace. Miss Kvi R.lt r.f Tv. arkana, Tex. His father was crjginal- y irom Kowan ccun'y. North Uarol- iina. Miss Mary Barbi-r is his only sifter..' Mr. Barber is associated with his L. "her in business being a member the firm of R. N. Barber and ccm r .y. hardware manufacturers' agents dir- tt to. mill, mine and railway sup " y trade, and large apple growers in V t-.i iv North Carolina. Mr. A. K. Kirkpatrick of Gnham: Mrs. Roy Moseman, who underwent was a woek-end guest cf Miss Mary! a.l operation for apendicitis at the T'at th hon1e of ncr Parents, Mr. ! hospital in Franklin Tuesday, is re al I Mrs. J, M. Mock. covering rapidly. I O0TBALL SQUAD HOXORED I he football squad of the Waynes- Miss McKay's guests were' Mr and ville High School was delightfully Mrs. Hubert Liner, Mr. and Mrs. nonored on last Sa;iiidny evening George Bischoff, Miss Mary Ruby hen the Intermediate-Senior De-j Davis, Miss Elise Davis. Prof 'if - E partment of the Methodist Sunday Wright, Mr. J. B. Siler. Mr Joe school entertained with a Hallowe'en!, avis, and Mr. W- Thos Reeves party in the (lining room of the church. The dillinLI- loom wnu olnhnroiulu .decorated in keeping with the occa. jjityx with jack-o-lanterns, witches, M'iek cats, and autumn leaves. -The games and contests were di V ct " I by Mr. James Atkins and Mr. M. H. Bowles. As special features of the entertainment Mrs. M.H. Bowles Kave several piano selections and Miss Charlotte Hatcher and Miss Iris Chaftin gave several vocal selections. v Punch nnii pnlrr, ware tmtmA - - ..... . V .3 L . . throughout the evening. The party was in charge of Mis.-i Frances Robeson and Miss Bessie Boyd, teachers in the Interme- Senior J)epartment and Miss .Martha Way was chairman of the tnti rt.-inment committee. .".'.. MISS A LDEX HOW ELL HOSTESS Spooks, black cats and witches were much in evidence last Saturday ..ling when Miss Alden Howell delightfully entertained a number of her young friends at her home on Ivoolsey Heights. Vn - guests arrived at six thirty and v,v:e invited into the living room win re elaborate Hallowe'en decora tions gave the desired spooky .'effect. Orange and black crepe paper with witches and cats covered the windows and lights and gay jack-o-lanterns hung en the walls and from the c.'ihng (lames and contests appro priate, of -the. season featured the eri-. ;e tainment. t " OWi.1..sefi,.',Vfr,lw rmon. November 4, at ci ltr, gingerore: d. doughnuts, and nr.ividual pumpkin pi?s was served by- the hostess assisted by her moth 2V, Mrs. Alden Howell. Jr. The invited guests were: Misses Hilda Way. Marguerite Murphy, Mary B:ss Hayes, W.ilma McCrackeii. Doi is Jack-on. Kath.'riiio AloWir, Alary Kupy Aichols. and Messrs James James Latham, and Ernest Martin. --... -'.m. nil, uuu . . MASQUERADE GIVEN Thy.-. - East Wayne -ville Parent V( ychers' association held its annual Hailowe'cuv iiiasiiiior;ulo V.-iH,i ..if with an attendance of 300. The pro Rrani was mad,, up ; num'aers from each room and with several nunilers by the P. T. A. program committee. The old "Family Album" presented oy the seventh gvr.de won a hearty applause as did the stunt given by the sixth grade showing the latest nr. thnd of making wetners. r.ach of the other grades' gave splehdid per fcrriianccs, showing very careful and effective trt-ining by the teaoliM-s A door admission was charged and cider, 'tin.cei bread, cookies, ic,. cre.im, and randy were sold on the inside after ih". conclusionl of th? program. The Massey string band furnished music. TK" nroceeds of t1 io fvpninif i.-,1l into the P.T. A- funds for use of the el' -' : f . HARVEST HOME SERVICE P .'II ...l.l TT A . Y . . Tl ' with a special service next Sunday at il o'clock. Preparations are being made to bring all the members to this :,:'rvice. Those too far away or too feeble to walk will be sent for ia cars and hrouL'ht to the church Thp en tire Sunday school will bo expected to lemain for th:- 11 o'clock meeting and the church will be decorated appropri u c y for the occasion., The sermon will be delievered by Rev. l. B. Hayes, the presiding- elder of the Waynesville district. Other picchers will have part in the pro- g im assisting Kev. v.. u. liooae, pator. The entire hour will be dedi- .ated to prais? and thanksgiving, ihis i; the last morning worship of cnurcn year Deiore tne annual con ference meets in Winston-Salem. November 9. Special music will be inciuaea on tne program and n. spe ..al collection will be taken. MRS. CAMP HOSTESS TO MUSIC CLUB The rcular mont.Slv matintr nf me waynesville Music (Jlu.i was held at the home of Mrs. K. B. Camp on last Saturday .ifteraoon. ivirs. J. K. Johnson nvaih.H nf tho business session which was opened by inging, -tne uid Worta State," fol- j'.vtd bv the club collect Minutes were read and approved. The new .ar books were distributed by the mairman of the nroirram mmmittin ..lis. Hugh Love. T'li hich licrhta f.f ihe district meeting at Marion were ( H2n by the delegates to the meet ing. It was- Voted to havn a wooHu chorus practice under the direction of .Miss Margaret Strinime 1. chorus ! airman. In the absence of Miss Mildred raw ford, leader of the afternoon's program on "Folk Soiigs." Miss Frances Robeson took charge and pre. -nied several delighttul vocal and .nstrumental solos. A social hour followed when the hostess served delightful refresh-'-.lents. V ISS McKAY HOSTESS A (.elightful occatiion of last week v the bridge pa -ty given by Miss li.a McK .y at her home in Hazel- ... id on Thursday evening. An artistic arrangement of autumn ! vi -y (lowers formed the ilecor- at.on of th,. home. The party ap- ntmciits were suggestive of Hal n.wa'i.i. Bridge was played at three tnlilnj nn1 tkn t,IU .. : ! iiwa ilr-i t Mr H.iw T.iL' B. Y. P. U. HAS HALLOWE'EN PARTY The young people of the Baptist church were delightfully entertained on Saturday evening when the Sen ior B. Y. P. U. gave a Hallowe'en party at the Junior department of the church. The guests were met at the door by ghosts and directed inside. The reception rooms presented a "spooky" appearance, bedecked in Hallowe'en witches, cats, and jack-o-lanterns. A cat's den and fortune telling booth furnished much amusement and Hal lowe'en g?imes were played during the evening. I he party was in chare-tv of tho entertainment committee composed of mis. r.. ii. rtamnck, Miss Anna Phillips, and Miss Lillian Phillips. . v V I). A. R. MEETING IN CANTON NEXT WEEK The November meeting of the Dor cas Bell Love Chapter of the D. A. R. will be held in Canton next Wednes day afternoon, November 9, at 3:30 o'clock at the "Y" building. Hostess es for this meeting will he Mrs. II. D. Secrest. M rs, Sarah Haynes, and 1K..... CM .Li .( t T. .. . ...isr, ouiugiuer. itirs, j. noweii way will have a paper on "The 1 eriod hollowing the American Rev olution." .:-:. '. I). ('. MEETlxr, Tnini?T?nu Mrs. ('. C. Whitt. will be hostess at rne regular month v mooting f tho United Daughters of the Confederacy o clock, Mrs. Fra'nk FVrriicr.v. ,. ;n t-? in cha-gp of the program This is the first meeting of the l: -c il year and all members are asked to attend, Mrs. L. M. Killian, the new president, will preside for the uist time- . ' D. A A '.MEET TOXi fiilT The regular D. A. V, and Auxilary Muecing win oe neia at 7:30 o clock tnis evening at the court house. All I'isabieil eterans arp rmiiPitoH to attend this meeting as the state ennmanuer and other otiicers from Asheville will be nresent. Th- wilder will have a message that will oi interest to all Disabled Ve erans, ,''. .fitS. MORRts rnvri-ci.- Mrs. Kate Morris was hostess at a leaimislung tea on Saturday after neon entertaining nt- hv- fcm , Main street to carry on the series of parties sponsored by the D. A.R. as a mutual benefit for the Waynesville i.ioi a ry. Eight guests were nvesent. on thU tmasion. ine rooms were arran-ed wun chrysanthemums unH n,,f.., leaves and the tea table was charm ing with Hallowe'en suggestions. 1 np invited cmosta wnvj, at... C. Plott. Mrs. W. H. Luther. Airs. Dave Simon. Mrs. T. ' E.i,f ;Vvn Airs, lheodore McCracken. Mr M. Martin. Mrs. Jam:-? Tutiler I uiss Hampton.- and Miss Hat "'aype. DISTRICT P. T. A. TO MEET IS, II a .. .. . " of the PaTent-Teachers' Association. which is composed of eighteen west - ern counties, will be held in Marion on iovember 11 and Is:. Special speakers on the program will include Mrs. J. L. Henderson. stp.te president of P. T. A.; Mrs. C. S. Freel, of Canton, district presi - dent; Mrs. W. W. Martin, field secre - tary; Mrs. E. L. McK.'e, state sena ii om Sylva, xnd Mr. II. Meyer. MISS WITHERS HONORED AT AGNES SCOTT Miss Hester Ann Withers was dis tinctly honored at Agnes Scctt Col lege recently when she was selected for membership jn the Black Friars, prominent dramatic club of the col i -ge- Only six students were selected for membership this fall-four from the spnomore class, of which Miss Withers is a' member, and two from the junior class." " Misj Withers' first appearence was on 1- 3t Tuesday night wh3n she took a part in, "From five To Six," first production of the Black Friars this season. MRS. SEA VER HOSTESS AT PI MINISHING PARTY The diminishing parties, sponsored y the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev i:t.on which were inaugurated last v: nesdav at the. home of Mrs T Lenoir Gwyn, were continued last w ck when Mrs. J. W.Seaver enter- Li'r.cd on Friday afternoon Mixed autumn flowers graced the - i 't where the e-nest-s :iuu.mhl.l Light refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Seaver's guests were: Mrs. H. McDowell. Mrs. Linvv-on.l C m h 1 Mrs. Rufus Siler. Mrs. John N. Shoo), ::ui Air-, k. rj. Woo I, of Elizabeth-":- Tonnes.-: e. Mrs. (. I). Grahl. Mrs. !, P. Walker, Miss Bernice McElhan and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn. '-' RS. SPEED TO SPEAK AT COM MUNITY CLUB MONDAY The November meeting of the . mmunity Club will be held next 1 mday ;;.'ternoon, at '3:30 o'clock at :h Community Club room. 1'he program for the afternoon will o in charev. of tho Consprvn linn rio artment of which Mrs. R. L. Coin is1 chairman and Mrs. U. G. Speed of 1 Biltmore Forest will be the speaker. PERSONALS 0- Mr. C. J.Reece spent several days this week in Brevard on business. Mrs. B. Wise of Canton was a Wayncsvillp visitor last week. - Mr. R. Winfield was here from Canton last Thursday. . Mr- Charles Roberts of Mt. Sterl ing was aimong the visitors in town last week. -Mr. Lee Irantham of Clyde spent some tim,. here last week. "A'iffjy'Mm-F'-ii'ri LARGE LOAF Sliced or Crushed ' Iona ."'-;' Tender Crushed SWII'fS JKWltL SHORTENING QUAKEU M.ll mm RPn Pit Ts:n r is cod i co n. 2 .v i 1 1 ibis uiibiinico SUGAR Finest Granulated Quaker Maid FLOUR Iona Plain or Self rising SVLTAXA PEANUT BUTTER PEA BEANS r. m -.- . . Mr. J. G. Robinson of CI;. ; visitor in Waynesville Friil, Pi of . A. J. Hutchins of Cai. I : her on business Saturday. Mv. Frank E. Haynes of Ci visitor in iown Friday. ! Mr. C. B. McCrackcn :,i ! ( reek spent Friday in Wav j 'It. - r T Wl,u of r!,n. visitor in Waynesville this we w 9 m Mr. N. C. Jarres of Fines , i-t spent Saturday here on busine- Among the visitors here .Saturday was Mr. Bob Howell of Whitti-r. Mr. C. M. Moody of Sunbur-; Wa. her. Tuesday. Mr M M Kirknairick of I Creek was in town Monday. Rev. F. O- Dryman of Clydi- wa in town Monday. Mr. H. P,. Lodbetter of Pigeon was a visitor in-Waynesville Tuesday. , Mr, and Mrs. Tom Davis ami two children were Brevard visitors Sun day. '' Mr. W. T. Lee of Raleigh spent the week-end with his famMy at their home on the Fairview Road. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie have as their guest this week Mrs. Melviv. Hayes of High Point. , m 4-. Mr. R. N. Barber left Friday on a i- weeks' business trip through the southern staltes. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Latham visited f rionds in Marion and Bakersville last Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis cf Cr.ih- tree were visitors in Wayncsvillt Saturday. Mrs. F. A. Justice and Miss 1'earl Justice spent Saturday in Waynes ville. Miss Helen Greene and Miss I!oie Noland of Fines Creek were visitors in the city Saturday. . I Messrs. Ennis Sente'.le, ,Tr., and R. uverion oi vaito.i spent iucA.av i in Waynesville. '-'.. Mr. Edwin Fineher and small daughter. Alice, of Clyde spent Tues. dny in Waynesville Among the visitors here from Jron f T..ee f ,j it. - .. r Hoglan, and Guy Chambers. ... Messrs. W. A. Moore and Bob Cathey of Pigeon spent Tuesday in town. Among the Clyde visitors here Mon day were Messrs. Jerry Robinson and A. C. Downs. Noland were visitors herefrom Fines r -eek Tuesday. GRANDMOTHERS SLICED 8 Can 1 0 I 24 lb. Bag 50c 2 t 19c 6 O No. 2 Cp Cans No. 2 Cans 15c i 45c Cans Ids. 25c I I I A.

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