Has More Paid-In-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Newspapers Combined iOL. XLIV. NO. 48 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1932 County Goes Democratic By Over 3800 Majority '- - ' o Welfare Officer Is Employed HOMER HENRY AP- OINTS FRED FER- USON AS OFFICER eports Are Being Made In Effort to (iet $5-wu do nation ITIZENS ARE URGED TO COOPERATE WORK lenry Stresses Need of Re fusing Beggars At Door Of Citizens. Fred Ferguson, began his duties ednesday morning here as assistant l!'ai(. officer for Haywood county U r i ho supervision of Homer Henry, aiity superintendent of education, .1 !,': virtue of his office, welfare ,-er" When a regular worker is not r.Mr-d '.v county officials. Mi. Hini v stated. "I acted upon the vice ! 'Dr. Fred W. Morrison, di- u.r i f welfare for this state, and . . V . T. Must, commissioner' of I'e welfare. ... when 1 "h':l advised in that the county commissioners, in -sion Ievo -Monday, 'did net act' on .'matter of employing a welfare ieer." "According to the state law rela- , . 1. TI 1 ve to wen a re worn, air. nenry saici, f course, I am the welfare officer hen none other is provided, but an y- he knowing th( amount of work that ust be done In my otltee can readily c that I do not have the time to vote, to both tasks, and since; I have tc right, by law. to get an assistant, secured the services of Mr fergu- In to handle the work under my su- rvision. Over long distance Tuesday, Mr. nry talked with Mrs. Bost and she proved the appointment of Mr. rguson, who was also approved by e county welfare board, and the ;ird of county education. " Mr. Henry hesitated about accept- g the work, as he felt that he had he could do with the education obkms on his hands, but since he wis approached by prominent citi ng .-'from the county,, not any from .lynesville, however, and the mat- r was brought to bear that the "sit ition was getting serious and some. fte must take a hand to care for the fdy." and with that, he consented, to k" over the duties with ah assistant ' Fo 'the first week, Mr. Ferguson (Continued on page 4) I i'HKCINCT n i V . wViyn.svill.' IIS'', 173 1 3 5 l.".. llf,2 -27 .1237 K, 1237 1 47 1 232: 1 217 1 17 ir,:i 12 1'.' 1S3 12 1" Vfl2. 1235' ICS t 111 S 2 1 il I2'i7 . 1 tit . 1 I Hi Hi'.",' . V s. Waynesville ........ 1171 206 .1208 l!if. 1 122 2'.a lias 10 4 1 1 91 20 S ''- 1 1 93 ' 1 1 S S : 2(i(i 2HT 120" 2ni) llii.'l I!i7 1 ISO 217 1145 II 1 ,: I 1 SO 1 i 11 r,x 23il White Oak 14 ; 85 14 85 14 5 14 : 85 ; 14 85 S5 H 14 89 13 1 -i 'ST. . IK ; 87 : 1 ;8 ". ;;S7 - . 1 8 ''.'. 87 IS ' ; : Clvclf 4 I S 255 42G 257 424 2G3 435 232 . 4 1 1 2.03 - 41 1 P 4 1 0 ;2 r,2 2S1 403 . 273- 43B 249; 229 201 4"7 273 429 258 'Hi 25S Piceon . . v . .... ..... . - 412 ,265 418 203 .408 279 404 278 409 277 410 .434 254 264 ; 4 1 ' 208 ; 418 202 . . . . .. . , .... . v. .; . .:. ;. . . - : : Jonathan's '.';.';;. .... . . . ..- : 219 127 219 126 204 138 215 ' 129 217 129 219 2 1 1 128 120 - 208 143 217 .'..; . . . ' , , , . . . . .... ... .... . ... Ivy Hill ..... 327 141 339 137 333 142 330 139 338 131 ? 328 329 143 143 342 140 334 142 333 147 325 156 ' 334 1 47 328 145 linn Duff 124 6 126 6 125 7 124 7 123 7 129 126 8 8 124 8 124 6 . 136 13 .- Fines Creek 392 22. 390 22 390 32 392 21 394 22 397 390 24 24 398 28 388 21 .... :'... . . . . . 401- 21 Crabtree 303 61 313 37 315 39 316 36 312 59 306 315 " 64 65 299 69 317 55 1 17 1 72 116 174 122 1 72 . : Kast Fork 1 14 167 118 164 119 176 123 168 1 17 171 123 149 162 154 128 161 1 24 160 ; . ... ... .... ... ... 325 51 Cecil ............ ....... ; 109 193 103 194 101 198 103 194 102 195 103 126 192 172 104 192 109 198 109 198 109 198 10S 199 Cataloochee ............. 49 6 48 6 .... 46 11 46 10 45 11 46 U Big Creek ... ..... ... .'. .. 34 37 34 37 . 22 54 .' 36 36 35 36 42 35 35 36 41 36 36 37 - 35 35 38 . 36 34 37 44 33 V Beaverdam 1 ........... . 301 211 296 213 279 221 297 211 292 216 295 .298 213 211 291 217 301 209 296 217 295 218 295 217 295 218 Beaverdam 2 '. . , 283 119 286 117 277 125 289 114 2 74 130 278 281 121 121 279 119 292 114 268 1 15 275 118 277 114 278 12 5 Beaverdam 3 .......... . 428 243 428 245 416 250 432 241 422 251 424 - 426 246 246 429 247 430 221 424 423 430 220 399 242 I Beaverdam 4 291 258 293 257 291 260 296 255 281 271 . 290 289 256 261 288 263 297 251 290 260 278 265 286 259 282 259 Beaverdam 5 264 227 274 219 222 225 270 222 250 247 269 207 221 220 272 221 277 216 256 225 257 235 261 227 257 236 Beaverdam 6 ... . ; . .. 334 230 337 224 331 238 335 228 308 263 320 331 232 238 318 244 342 226 :' . . -. . . ... . ... ... . ... . ,. . '. . . .... 1 O'-'' "-' TOTAL, . ; . . ...... ..... 6945 2961 6776 28S6 6678 3207 6917 2791 6800 3019 6S59 6930 3254 3066 6447 3031 6391 2311 4911 2255 4970 2585 5132 2260 5755 2417 Win By Landslide In Tuesday's I'liollicial i'i-liii'iis i-occivvrt here showed thai Haywood County fac Garner, 5. 755 votes unci 2,417 to I'rexUleilt Hoover. Armistice Day To Be Celebrated Here Friday Four Main Features Include Parade, Speaking, Foot ball Game and Barbecue The local post of the Americon Le gion is planning to have the most elaborate Armistice Day celebration that has been staged here during the past few years, tomorrow. With four principal features of the day planned, c large crowd is expected to be in Waynesville for the day, In the morning a parade is sched uled to be followed by a public ad dress by Judge Thomas Johnson. In the afternoon sport fans wit! have UNOFFICIAL RETURNS IN HAYWOOD COUNTY Stale' Senate House Hop. Rcpister of Deeds' Sheriff r. A . c; PW' S Wn$P an opportunity to see Waynevi.:le and Brevard mix on the local gridiron. At 8 o'clock in the evening a barbecue will be held for all ex-service men and their families at the Masonic Temple. The complete program for the day as planned by the American Legion Armistice Day celebration committee, is as follows: 10:00 Assembly at the Gordon Hotel for parade. All ex-service men and women, Spanish-American War Veterans," and other patriotic organi zations will take part. 10:30-"-Parade from Gordon to high school. Line of march will be up Main street to the Baptist church, from there to the high seh;o building. (Continued on hack page) Cliairnia'v Of COITI. County ( 'd in niiss toilers 7. ' 5 ' 'A - j ': r3 -. '!" '..-'." In CountyWote Of About 10,000 Election io. Isooseceit, ami his limning mate. Mi. Large Turnips And Potatoes Are Grown By V. A. Campbell Two of the largest turnips ever seen here at this office were brought in this week by V. A. Campbell, of the Soco Gap section. Th turnips measured about 10 inches long and we're heavy for their size, showing that they were s-ood through and through. Mr. Campbell has 2,000 bushels of these, he said. Mr. Campbell, is also a great po tato raiser, having grown 5,000 bushels this year on his farm. Most or' the potatoes are about twice the J ;.e of ordinary potatoes.! ( It velum! county has 25 sweet po tato storage houses with a capacity of over 75,0011 bushels. The houses will be filled to capacity !his season, T:ix .''ollector I". S. ..oroner (ll-lV,,,.r Ken.-ile i'i.n-!ss IVw!l . ... . " t. ' x '.' 5 . .... 7, s- c '2 z v s c z :- r. . '.s . 2 ' x " y !r f - y . .: : t r -' " : z, a : . . ".. . -." r. s z J- . : - ".. " ' y , - .' ' . . a x ' w ' C - ' t C '. k ' ;: .'' ".'. 2" 'r - - h' ' a v; ? S. - w ' " . t " ' 5 ' ' K " Recorded In Haywood; Is Largest Ever Cast Haywood Ranks Seventh In Value Of Farms, In This State, Survey Says Haywood Couiily ranks seventh In thsliile In farm value, iieeoril-Inn- to the I nUi'i-slly News Letter published ill the I ulversit.Y of North 1'n roll mi. 1 1 ii y wood's iimtiiui- is plai'i'il ill S4.n:2 while the lowest in the siie. Hi iinswU U. Is jil.r-l, mill the liifch , is New llniiovor. 8H.il7. The linui-e Includes the xuliie for fiiriii liinil ami Imllilinys per liuin Hie un'i-iim- for Hie entire stale i MS. OIK. 300 4-H Club Boys Meet At 'Courthouse On This Saturday Preliminary, preparations have been completed 'fur carrying out the full program of achievement day among the 4-11 boys of Haywood county, which has been set for Saturday at the court house in Waynesville1. whrti it is expected that 300 hoys will be here with the exhibits from their projects this year in tobacco, corn, potatoes, and other smaller crops. About 75 hoys from the department of vocation al agriculture in the Waynesville high school will take part in the exhibits. The county clubs that will be on hand according to J. L. Robinson, Haywood county farm agent, with their exhibits are Fines Crce and White Oak, Jonathan, Crabtree, Iron Duff, Clyde, Beaverdam, Waynesville, and Bethel which last includes East Fork, Pigeon, and Cecil townships. Mr. Robinson said tha't each member of the 4-H dub of his township is expected to bring an exhibit from the project that he has worked for the year, and also, a work hook showing just what he has done in carrying out 'hr plans for the year. CLUB WORK HAS GROWN .' In giving some statistics as to the inowth of the 4-H club' in Haywood county since he began his work as (Continued 'on page 5) Entire County, State And National Democratic Ticket Are Elected In Landslide Approximately 10,000 Haywood County voters went to the polls Tues day to a.st the heaviest vote ever poll ed in the county and to send the Demo cratic majority to new high marks with a margin of 3.850 on the Re publicans, and brought to a close one of the "best natured elections ever held in this county," remarked Grover C Davis, chairman of the board of elections of this county, Wednesday morning. The ltVpubliians centered their at tack on Sheriff 1 A 1 the le;-;ion, iiiit. the Heiiiocraiu: ilicor r.-i:iic .through with Ci.lwS to Ids oppo , . lit ::,'H7. SherilV I iiiwi s- vote was Hi- riiiiillest of tin' Deiuucatic ticls el. while Thomas. .Ferguson, nrining fcr eoninii.sioner. polled 3, 5 1. AH previous Democratic majority records for this ccunty were shattered by Tuesday's heavy balloting, the former majority being about : !KH. In the two VVaynesville precincts'- the Democrats gain-'d a majority of about 1X00. , J. H. Howell, candidate for Rcpre 'e nt -Alive led the Democratic ticket hy a few votes, being closely follow ed by Kihvin Haynes. for register of deeds. Ifi the tabulation shown on this page, the total in Haynes' vote ' H-.s not include riataloochee, while Hi well's does, thus making the total vcte for the two high men just about a dozen votes apart. The complete county ticket for Cataloochee had not been turned in lat" Wednesday night. V R. Francis, for state senate, got an overwhelming vote in Transylvania and Jackson counties. Late Wednesday night a long dis-t-nee call to news gathering agencies in Charlotte showed that North Car olina had given Roosevelt over ''00, 000 and afiout ' 150.000; to Hoover, with al.'out 400 more precincts to hear from. I'liv.fticial reports indicated that Koosevelt would ;.oH ahout 450 elec t r.-il vntis v;h( n ,!Ik-i-.i-l counting was tii.i In i! . ,' a'e ofTicnr- were still getting '.-vig- votes late AVednesday, and showed very: little ' -signs' of- hissing any during the last tabulation of the remaining few precini ts in the state I atcst state figure- show I'Mvrlng haus leading Frazier by-a: count of ;! 1 i K : i t i ! I. ii.cn I. -,v'-:' K' vi: 'Ids bvd .'po'lled 2-4,000 in the same dis tricts that Newell, had T 10,000. ' . With , ideal weather throughout the dav, the county voters filed to the y-.lK. In twin irnTPrtSC the DenlOi-ratie I l.., In . u'ViwOi ui-f'til. I he entile ,iun- try, fronr president on down. Presi-. (lent llo'over conceeded the election to (Jov, U(!o: evelt shoitly after midnight, Tii'.'stlay night, .after a .det-.iding -number of : e.' in n- ha 1 been received, Shortly after nocei Tuesday lain-, di I'd.i of people from outlying dist rict s. c:anie to , Wayn.--vil!e Co feiriaiti until afti'i- nridnighl. getting i ho - final ' siilfs. The lar.'.c.-t crowd -was :i' t lie eouithou.se. The valks, halls, an 1 all avai.lahk' : tan.iii: : ior,i -.va at a preni uui. Se.ver.il string h-u-.i v.e-. present to entciiaiii th- c.ow.h '" get .her with srvr, al clo-j: (iain ci; . Out -. side of .-'.r. o:-'C-:i: -ianal hollo! ..-;n'i viti.C. cry.- by ..':nm ...eii! huVia:-tl'- vi:.:. , , .the Crowd u a:; coii,.-i:!ei :'d .oriiei iy. Sevei at )irot t-sts v. e;' rv'de to; the (.( oi.tinued' on Tiatk page) Red Gross Drive To G ei Under Way Here . : Noy.li:.to.Nov.:24:; J. E. Massie Named Roll Call Chairman For This County. . J. E. Massie, Red Cross chairman, announced this week that the national Red Cross drive would ge under way on Armistice Day and continue until Thanksgiving, as has jbeen the custom for the past number of years. . Mr: -Massie said that a meeting would be held during the next few days to appoint and iiistrjct local workers of the plans of the drive. Heretofore Haywood County has re sponded; to. the appeal of the .nat;onn! organization! and it 'is the belief of those in charge that a ready response will be made a.Tain this year. W. C. Allen, is chapter charnuan cf the. Red Cross for Haywood County.:. I

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